If the girl likes the guy what to do. How to find out: Like a girl, a girl, a woman - signs like a girl. What question you can ask a girl, girl, woman to find out: Do I like her? The girl is interested in your girlfriend

Women in their nature are very mysterious and unpredictable. You have achieved a fascinating conversation with her, caused interest and are hardly waiting for a negative reaction. But starting to meet the next step, encounter on an unexpected result - the refusal.

How to find out what you don't like you? Consider several options for behavior, actions or inaction girls who will help to understand that it is not interested in you.

Exchange of views

At the first meeting, the visual contact is often very important. If you liked the girl, then you will certainly pay your attention to her. The fleeting glances can tell a lot on the condition that you cannot stay unnoticed (general company, etc.). If the views do not intersect, unfortunately, there is no interest.


Do not despair, you need to tie a conversation, thereby show yourself. In the process of communication, it is not necessary to closely approach and disturb the personal space of the girl. Politeness, literacy, smile, humor - a guarantee of a good start for dating. Listen and look, maybe she is embarrassed, takes a look, begins to correct clothes, pulls hair, in one word, feels awkwardness when communicating. Perhaps you are on the right track, but as we said, women are unpredictable. She is not interested, if it looks at you cold, does not support the conversation, constantly turns his attention to hours, mobile, manicure, surrounding people, etc.


Even if everything is in order with communication, it does not say anything. In total, the girl does not welcome excessive attention and pressure on themselves. If you often show the initiative in something in relation to her, and she does not support you and ignores, be sure that you are not priority.


Invite your girlfriend to meet, offer to watch a movie together, eat ice cream, go to the dolphinarium, etc., but do not impose and do not insist. After the first failure in a date, the second offer is not in a hurry to do. After refusal and on the second date it is better to switch your attention to another girl, because now it is clear that you don't like her.

Past life

During a common pastime, it can often mention male friends, former guys and all that is connected with them. The girl you like will not be at first meetings about your former adventures. If the girl behaves similar conversations, it means that she trusts you as the best friend either takes you for whom you can cry in a vest.

A friend will come to the rescue

Often, visible from the side. Try on some meeting to ask your friend adequately from the side to estimate her attitude towards you. Much can become understandable.

Tactile contact

Each person is pleasant to touch close and those who we like, so we are arranged. How to find out what you don't like you? Try to take her hand at an unexpected moment, behind the waist, put your hand on the shoulder and estimate its reaction to what is happening. If she began to raise sharply, remove it, it means that her touch is not pleasant to her.


It has long been studied the language of gestures for which you can read the necessary information and make a conclusion on time. Crossed hands on the chest indicate that the girl is closed in front of you and does not want to go on rapprochement, looked at his inner experiences and does not want to share his feelings. But there is one nuance: it may have frozen and tries to warm up.

By these features, you can determine if you like a girl or not. Do not get upset in case of failure, keep looking for. Be sure to find the one that you will like and which you like you.

On how to understand what you like the girl - 30 major signs of female sympathy.

Despite emancipation modern society And a feminism raging everywhere, it turned out to be the opinion that the first step towards meeting (invitation to date, a request for a telephone number) should make a guy, and not a girl.

But, because it is stupid to try to rush to the one that remained indifferent to your charm.

At best, you will get a categorical refusal, in the worst - you will be osquean, alas, there are very hard pains among us.

But there are faithful signs of female sympathy, which formed for a long time and which work in almost 100% of cases.

If you know about them, you will never come to see.

How to understand what you like a girl until I spark?

How do couples form?

"People meet, fall in love, marry" - this line from the Soviet song is a very simplified version of events, though, it is possible that we live in a more difficult time, so sometimes it is so not easy to find your soul mate.

But often the guys themselves are to blame for the fact that they do not see women's signals do not bother to understand: "You like you, come on, act!".

I do not believe in love before the coffin, which appears from nowhere when you first look at the guy / girl.

To love a person, it needs to know well.

It all starts with a spark of sympathy, which flashes between two young people.

If this spark is inflated, it can flare up in a hot bonfire of love, if you do nothing, then the spark just goes out after a while.

And suddenly it was the love of the whole of your life you missed because they did not know how to understand what you like the girl.

It is impossible to allow no way!

4 main features, thanks to which you can understand what you like you

Signs of women's sympathy should be sought at the first meeting with the girl you like.

They are very important to detect, otherwise it is not known whether you still have a chance.

In fact, signs, thanks to which you can understand what I like the girl, there is a great set, but not to overload you with information, I will dwell only on the most clear:

    • watching your movement;
    • timidly lowers eyes or takes a glance when you look at it in response;
    • throws a flirty look from the eyelashes;
    • opened flirting through the eyes.
  1. Having a boys with a haircut, it is difficult to demonstrate its sympathy for the guy, it can only make girls with long hair.

    What do they do:

    • reliable strands;
    • screw strands on your finger;
    • throw hair on one side, barring her neck;
    • shake hair so you appreciate their beauty.
  2. The girl can show that you like you, bites and licking your lips.

    • takes the most attractive posture;
    • as if unconscious concerns their body;
    • demonstrates his beautiful legs - it will put their foot on the leg, will pull out in front of them, it will begin to shove the shoe;
    • grips hands on the back of the head so you see her armpits - so intimate zone who fell not to demonstrate;
    • he gesticulates a lot in a conversation with your interlocutor, trying to attract your attention.

How to understand what you like an unfamiliar girl: 7 other signs

What do not say, and the most difficult thing is to figure it out, you like you or there is no unfamiliar girl, which you saw for the first time at a party, in a nightclub, in a cafe, in public transport, etc.

Rushed immediately into battle - stupid, because several failures to a row can shake your confidence and discourage desire.

If in the eyes, lips, hair and body, you could not understand if you like a girl or this option is hopeless, there are other signs:

  1. The game with a glass that she holds in his hand, with his decorations, with a phone.
  2. Easy smile touching her lips if you look at the look.
  3. Partial exposure, for example, you see that her blouse is as if they were not discharged with his shoulders, but for some reason he does not rush to correct it.
  4. Deliberately sexy gait when she passes by you.
  5. Demonstrative coquetry with another guy with constant peeping on your strand, they say how he reacts to it.
  6. Sexy laughter or loud conversation - also one of the signs of attracting attention to yourself, here, however, it should be understood, you are trying to attract or not.
  7. Rapid.

    If the girl herself approached your table with a request to bribe a cigarette or lend her handle, then you need to be a real salary to miss such a chance.

How to understand what you like a girl in social networks?

Social networks are modern and efficient.

Young people today will leave their home and more and more time will be divided into a computer.

I will not say that I strongly like this trend, but it is necessary to reckon with the realities of the time in which we live.

If you are an active user of social networks, you can easily get acquainted with the girl and move from absentia dating to full-time, if you make sure I like it.

How to make sure?

Looking at specific features.

So, the girl:

  1. Frequently visits your page and follows the posts that you post.
  2. Does not slip on the husky to your photos.
  3. Signed on the same publics as you.
  4. Post the news that hints at the similarity of your views and tastes.

    For example, you posted a new clip of your favorite musical group, and she made his repost or made a selection: "The five best songs of this group."

  5. Speakers on your side in discussions to your or foreign posts.
  6. Contacts you for help in messages.

    And let it just: "What was asked in mathematics?" Or "You do not have a friend who can reinstall Windows?", If such requests are frequent - this is a sure sign of sympathy.

  7. Joking and flirting, commenting on your posts.

What other moments in the behavior of the girl will tell you what you like you,

learn from the video:

How to understand what you like to a girl with whom you have been found for some time?

I do not think that there are many guys who, meeting a long time with a girl, still doubt, like you or not.

But with a young lady with a young lady, it is clear how strong its sympathy is and whether it makes sense to continue the relationship, not easy.

And yet there are several signs that will help you understand what you like a girl and she is ready for a serious relationship:

  1. Always available for communication.
    Never says: "I'm busy now" or extremely rarely does it.
  2. Agree to talk on the phone, skype or correspond social networks forever.
  3. I tell you about your movements, for example: "For the weekend I leave with my parents to the country" or "We will go with a girlfriend in a new cafe."
  4. Always tries.
  5. Tells you a lot about yourself.
  6. I will introduce my friends.
  7. Interested in your opinion on this or that matter.
  8. Want to know about you as much as possible.
  9. It does not oppose when you take her hand, hug and kiss.
  10. It does not harm on dates: "This restaurant is bad", "could not order a better wine?", I do not want to go to the movies! You can't suggest something more interesting? "

    With you, she is ready to spend time anywhere.

I think now you should not have problems with how to understand what you like a girl.

Having such a bunch of signs, you definitely define a female sympathy aimed at you.

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How to find out what you like a girl? Everything is quite simple: you must become observant. Watch how the girl behaves that she says and how she does it. Remember all this, and then draw out. If you can't determine whether the girl gives you increased attention, then simply compare her behavior with the behavior of any other fair sex representative in your company.

Exterior signs

How to find out what you like a girl? It is necessary to carefully examine the person who pays, in your opinion, reinforced the attention of your person. How to do it? See what she does and how you are located. The body language can say a lot for a person. Perhaps your chosen feels uncomfortable under your gaze. She closes, crosses his arms and begins to cheat the hair strand on the finger. Why are girls so concerned about their success at the moment when they look at them? Because women's hair is attractive for men, and the girl instinctively is issued, trying to make his perfect hairstyle is still pretty.

Girls are rarely suitable first, especially unfamiliar men. Therefore, the person who became interested in you will carefully look at you, it can also go by, but will not speak. This is normal. The girl is waiting until a man takes the first step.


You wonder how to find out what you like the girl. Very simple. Not in vain say that the eyes - the soul mirror. Here in them and it is worth looking for an answer. If the girl looks at you not, and when you answer in her opinion, then she takes her eyes - this is a sign of interest. But modest girls do not do. They study their sacrifice carefully, but hidden, that is, lately vision or urabs. If you notice that the girl is very carefully studying the interior next to you, then this may also be a sign.

It is very easy to determine if you like a woman, just spoke with her. Do not listen to words, look into the eyes. If she does not take a look, or quite often gives it to your lips - this is a green light. If the girl does not concentrate a look on your face, but looks like through or over the shoulder, it means that you obviously did not interest her.

Increase body temperature

It is difficult to control your emotions, but this can be learned. But it is simply impossible to control its physical reactions. You can not force pupils to narrow, it is impossible to make yourself calm down in a second. And if the excitement can be overcome, then it will not be possible to lower the body temperature of the body. How to find out what you like a girl? Touch her. If her hand is very hot, then the likelihood that the girl is not indifferent to the object with which communicates, high. But you can understand it without touch. Become observant. If you called a girl on a date and sit in a cool cafe, and your companion that is what and business is folding the hair and fooled by the menu, this is a faithful sign of sympathy that submits the subconsciously sitting in front of you.

Especially strong body temperature rises from a long touch. For example, you hold the girl by the hand, and her palm sweats. This is a sign that your companion is not indifferent to you.

Attention in the hands

How do you like a girl like a girl? Pay attention to her hands. They can tell a lot about their owner. When a person is worried, he involuntarily begins to turn something. It can be a ribbon on a shirt or a lock from the bag. If a girl sits with a glass, then she can turn it into different directions. Such actions help a person relax. So, the girl is worried when conversation with a guy. Such nervous excitement can manifest not only in this. If there is nothing at hand, the girl can start actively gesticulate. This is also a faithful sign that she is not indifferent to the guy with whom talks. But be careful. If the girl crossed his arms, then she feels uncertain. In this case, you should change the topic of conversation. If the position of the body of the girl did not change, then your personality interlocutor is just unpleasant. Perhaps the person sitting in front of you fears you. Moreover, this can be a manifestation of interest, only hidden.


You can not figure out your chosen your chosen? How to understand that the girl does not feel about you? Listen to what she says. Girls love to rag around and without it. They like the process itself. If your chosen tells about your problems and appeals to you for help, this is a success. So you are really not indifferent to her. But if a representative of the beautiful floor never asks you about anything, and in general, it does not apply about problems, perhaps there is no proper confidence between you. Be careful. It is just necessary.

How do you like a girl like a girl? See how your choices behave when you say. Whether she laughs over your jokes, does it look into the eyes. Or maybe it hovers in the clouds and pays attention to you only when it directly appeals. Do not consider it bad sign. Perhaps the sound of your voice fascinates the girl and immerses her in dreams.

personal information

How to check if you like your girlfriend? One of the easiest ways is to listen to what questions she will ask. The girl you like, will be interested, where you studied and who work. She willingly hesitate the speeches of the interlocutor, ask all new questions. With the same zeal, the person responds to your inquirements. Moreover, the girl can, without constraining, telling funny episodes from childhood or their student years. Openness and trust - this is what characterizes sympathy. If a person is unpleasant, you will not share personal information with him. Therefore, appreciate what heard from the beautiful person.

Collection of information

How to understand the sympathy of a girl in her behavior? One of the best methods, ask your friends, anyone asked about you. If they say that the girl you are interested in, finds out - where, with whom and how you live, you can be sure that you like. It can help help, but not open, and collect information in parts from your friends. Questions will be so veiled that their meaning will not immediately reach. And if your loved ones do not have due insight, you will be quite difficult to learn the true motives of a young person. After all, she could ask not for himself, but, for example, for his girlfriend.


How to spend the test "Do you like a girl"? Very simple: touch it. If this action caused a rapid reaction, the answer is considered positive. The girl can quickly take his hand or remove it from the table. If you hit the lady shoulder, it can be awailed. The main thing is that the interlocutor does not remain indifferent. The touch of a pretty person is compared with the discharge electric currentOf course, in the figurative sense. He fights both.

If you have long been familiar with the girl, freely take her hand, enclosure friendly, but you can not understand the reaction - like you or not, then try to touch her cheek. You can carry such a gesture to the fact that you remove strand of hair from her face. This gentle can not remain unnoticed. The reaction will immediately follow. And if it is constraint or coquetry, know the girl to you is located.

How else can touch? You can touch the girl not by chance, but deliberately. Moreover, the special should understand this. Squeeze your hand or hug. If the girl does not resist, and stretches to you, then the answer to the question, do you like it, is quite obvious.


How to understand if you like your girlfriend? Signs can be different and one of them is a flirt. Of course, the girl can flirt without any far-reaching intentions. But the representative of the beautiful sex by the goodwill will never be playing with a man who is unpleasant to her. Flirt is a form of women's entertainment. With its help, the girl collaborates and having fun. Therefore, it is not always worth taking this form of coquetry seriously. But still pay attention to the girl stands. If the lady herself went to you, playfully looks into your eyes and winds strand of hair, talk to her. And at the same time, look at all its non-verbal signs. The girl can professionally manage his gestures, but to control the voice and facial expressions are very difficult. Therefore, the true response to your person finds out after 5 minutes of communication.

Can a girl flirt with a guy who is not interested in? Maybe, but it will last long. If the person who at first became interested in is quickly losing interest, ceases to be Lukava and does not smile, it means that you are not so pretty.


How to ask the girl if you like you? Most the best way - Pre-call jealousy. Find a friend of the person, which you seem to be indifferent, and talk to her. You do not need to spend a lot of time for communication, enough and five minutes. The main thing is to put in the conversation. Be interesting and smile. If your flirting will interrupt the girl you are not indifferent, it will be good. Consider what you found the right time to learn how the girl applies to you. Does it seem to you that the moment is not the most suitable? It only seems. Sincerely from a person can be achieved in the most unexpected situation. The girl will be a shame that you pay more attention to the girlfriend than on her, and she can declare about it openly. Such a statement sometimes sounds veiled, in humorous form. But you should remember that in every joke there is some truth.

Of course, it is impossible to abuse jealousy. Otherwise, the girl will decide that you do not like it, and you are looking for a more appropriate option. But from time to time to warm the relationship in this way it makes sense.

Social networks

How to find out if you like a girl? According to the correspondence, it is more complicated than in reality. Interest in social networks, the girl is shown by arranging "huskies" in the photos. That is how some ladies prefer to get acquainted. They make the first step and wait until the guy write them. In such a situation, you should not find out if the girl really likes your picture. Try to be original, get acquainted and make communication.

A familiar girl in social networks can not only put huskies, but also leave flattering comments. For example, it is good to respond about your figure or appearance, interested in personal messages by your hobbies. For example, you post a photo on which you stand on alpine skiing. The girl may ask where you ride and do you know how to do it well. It seems that such a dialog looks like a friendly communication? Right. Few girls can make the first step. Their business is to tie a conversation, but a decisive invitation to wait for a date only from a man.

If a girl is indifferent to you, she will not show any activity. You will not receive "likes" and messages from it. And on your attempts to establish a dialogue, it will unsubscribe to one-step proposals that will not contribute to a long dialogue.

Despite the fact that in our days it is easy to get to know the opposite sex, for many it is still a difficult task. If you like the girl, do not miss your chance.

And if the first is mostly the result of the work of consciousness, then on non-verbal signs can be judged by subconscious desires, human emotions. In love, it is not so easy to decide on the first step, because I would like to know that the sympathy is mutual. How to find out what you like a girl? Let's figure it out.

The main feature is a look right in the eyes, but at the same time with a periodic embarrassment, the end of the eyes to the side. This is a signal of interest and embarrassment, but there are signs that signal more bold intentions:

  • open flirt with eyes;
  • sly tramored look from the eyelashes;
  • slightly tilted and turned head, a cunning look a little on the side.

If a woman wears glasses, then their elegant correction or breaking of the cutting, wiping the glasses is another option to attract attention.


Classic gesture, he is a sign of sympathy - hair correction or hanging strands. If the girl shifts her hair on one side, talking his neck, then this is the second faithful sign of sympathy.

Manipulations with clothing

Together with the hair, the girl you like will correct the collar of a shirt or sweaters, sort out the decoration with your fingers or just stroke yourself around the neck. The same meaning is done with a phone, glass, keys, other surrounding small objects.

Body position

Pay attention to posture. Direct spin, open gestures with hands, smooth movements - a sign of friendliness and femininity. It is impossible to miss obvious signs: "Random" touch, approach, tilt forward.

In psychology there is a phenomenon of unconscious imitation, which implies an unconscious repetition of gestures, pos. Watch, whether the girl does not cross the hands after you.

Any desire to reduce the distance, for example, a body turn in your direction, elongated hands, socks aimed at you testify about sympathy. Another way to get closer - unobtrusively touch the arms or shoulder in a conversation, rely on, ask for hands. Especially pay attention to this if there were other men nearby, and the woman chose you.

Facial expression

About the interest from a woman will tell the tender full-fledged natural with mimic wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and widely open eyes. If you are attractive for a woman, she will not frown, smile one side. But the periodic flirty lifting eyebrows occurs the flirting signal.


If you like a woman, she doesn't care what you think. And this installation is difficult not to notice. It has a different manifestation, but when a person wants to look positively in the eyes of another, to be noticed, focuses on the opinion and assessment of the interlocutor, then every action will speak about it.

The girl will not be capricious, with pleasure will take any mark of attention. Watch for her communication with you and other men. If you like it, then the difference will be essential: the minimum of prohibitions, contradictions, barriers, failures.

If a girl usually behaves brightly, then in your presence can be quiet, timid. And on the contrary, usually a modest girl is able to change beyond recognition, flourishing from one of your presence.

When people are in the company, then each person subconsciously looks at the one who is sympathetic. Pay attention to it.

Behavior of girlfriends

Beautiful sexes love to discuss the sympathies among themselves. If you come up, and the girlfriends left you and the girl alone or consider with interest, giggle, then be sure they know about sympathy for you.

Verbal signs

Sometimes you do not need to look for hidden non-verbal signals, because the manifestations of sympathy lie on the surface:

  • compliments as if unstable or towards another person, but with the same qualities as yours;
  • support in disputes, discussions, difficult situations, transition to your side;
  • underscore the community of interests, imitation;
  • requests for help, play in the "knight";
  • immediate reaction to jokes, replicas;
  • flirty phrases "for you anything", "You are my hero";
  • demand and accounting of your opinion;
  • detailed stories about yourself and interest in your life;
  • familiarity with relatives, friends;
  • the question of your relationship.

If you have long been familiar, then you should pay attention to the nature of communication. If you like the girl, it is always open, ready to communicate. If you can not talk, meet, it will warn, explain the cause.

An interested girl will carefully listen to everything you say. Orackering, focusing on something attention, additional questions, attentive glad Forward - a sign of an interested hearing.


If the girl is waiting for the first step from you, then she can hint about it. For example, ask what plans for the evening. Or about some kind of film to say "Oh, I just wanted to see it."


You can go for a trick: Find out what I categorically dislike the girl, and then tell me what you like it, and watch the reaction. When sympathy, a girl or will say that it is also interesting to her, or tactfully hints to non-acceptance of this. Or maybe she has already herself to show interest in the fact that it used to be indifferent, but I like it. Are you "accidental" in unexpected places?

In conclusion, I want to note that every girl manifests sympathy in its own way. Each person, like his reaction. These signs are often found, but there are exceptions, variations of these manifestations. For a more accurate definition of sympathy, watch the girl in the circle of other people.

Not only observe, but also apply to the signs of attention. With good and uncertainty in response sympathy, a woman can consciously control himself. At least smile at the girl. If she immediately responds with the same or fascinated, then this is a clear sign of sympathy.

If you are worried about whether the girl's behavior is correct, then ask the best friend from the side to assess the situation. An objective look helps a lot in the interpretation of someone's reactions.

If the guy likes the girl she herself does not live in any way gives himself his behavior. Sometimes it can be seen immediately, but often for a man to understand what he likes the woman needs to know the signs of it.

How does the in love behave, but hiding this woman?

Sign No. 1. The girl in your presence is trying to be more attractive.

Refers to women of all ages, if the man of interest is interested in her man, the girl is worshiped, brings the marathet, straightens the hairstyle, dress. All this in what would like. All this for the one to whom she is in love.

Sign of No. 2. Two girls are harmful looking at the guy.

Often it annoys the guys, because the girls looking at him can also giggle. It is annoying until he understands what is a good sign. If women are moving away by looking at a man, then at least it is clearly not indifferent to one of them.

Sign number 3. Demonstration of that part of the body or the poses, which emphasizes the attractiveness of the woman.

If a man suddenly includes, the same man, the girl immediately tries to present himself from the most profitable side. To emphasize its beauty to demonstrate that part of the body that the girl considers the most attractive. To do this, she can come forward its outstanding part of the body, or shake with its gorgeous hair, or put on review their long legs or reveal even more of their huge beautiful eyes. And all this in this way.

Sign number 4. Physical approximation.

Here as in caricatures, when the guy with a girl is sitting on one bench. She is slightly closer to him, he from a little further moves away from her and so he is already on the very edge. If the guy and the girl behind the same table, behind one desk, or just stand next to, and she clearly picks up to him or simply culphorously leans, saying something in the case, then everything is clear here.

Sign of No. 5. The girl carefully watches the guy.

In women, sideways are very well developed in women. If a man is interested in a woman, she will try to gather more information about him. But it is not open, although it may be so, but as if by chance. Watches from afar, looking lateral eyesight. Men do not doubt, even if the woman does not look at you focus, right, how often you are doing, a woman is watching you, you are in the field of her view.

Sign No. 6. Cooling your movements, adjustment under you.

Thanks to flickering, the girl has a companion to himself, repeating some of his actions and gestures, it seems to be consent to him. And in love with the girl, it all happens not specifically, but by itself.

Sign No. 7. She constantly flirts with you.

This applies to both women and men. Flirt is like a dance of love, and everything is not realized in a natural way. Courts can be attributed to burning eyes, expanded pupils, mutual smiles and other dances of love.

Sign No. 8. The girl is nervous in your presence.

The girl worries, from this she behaves a little inadequate. It is often noticeable for others and therefore strains it even more. From what behavior becomes even more unusual and not calm. For example, she can overturn anything, pick up or just start violently gesticulate.

Sign of No. 9. Suddenly a woman accidentally touches you.

It was we saw many times at school, like girls give boys to the boys playing. And as adult colleagues on the work straightened the gone towards the tie. This is a very faithful sign of sympathy.

Making sure you like the girl who likes you, you get a good motivation to action, it's time to take the first step.

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