Does zone 51 exist in real life? Video - The most secret place in America

Zone 51(Amer. Area 51, pindos. 3rd Division Air Force Test Center, National Secret Test Site) - a branch of the Edwards military base, located in the middle of the former nuclear test site in Nevada and occupying, as you might guess from the name, the 51st zone of the test site, which includes the Groom Lake salt lake. Wore codenames Paradise Ranch(this was the name given to the facility by Lockheed employees), Watertown(as the object was called by the CIA officers who worked on it on the OXCART project). In addition, in different years such names caressing the Russian ear were mentioned as Red Square and Box.

Area 51 is probably the most secret facility of the US Department of Defense, a mecca for American lovers of the secret and unknown.

American secrecy

Before proceeding, inform the cactus about the purpose of your visit.

The difference in approaches to secrecy between Russia and the United States makes secrecy lovers so different. In our area, the Ministry of Defense begins construction and declares that this is a pioneer camp. "No, say the lovers of secrecy, you will not fool us! We know that this is not a camp, but a secret bunker." On the other side of the ocean, the Department of Defense begins a grandiose construction and immediately declares that this is a secret bunker. "Nooo, they say the secret lovers there, you won't fool us! We know this is not a secret bunker, but a base for the study of aliens." Against this background, Area 51 aroused religious awe among citizens, because the US government until 2013 did not recognize its existence at all. Well, that is, absolutely: "Tell me, what is there on the shores of Lake Groom Lake behind the fence? - For what fence?" This stubborn denial, in keeping with the Barbra Streisand Effect, has made Area 51 one of the most popular sites in American culture.

What how much


Area 51 is a typical American military base with an airfield. True, quite large: it consists of five runways, three of which are entirely on the salt of Groom Lake. One of the lanes (now unused) is more than seven kilometers long, making Area 51 perhaps the largest airfield in the world (the runway at Edwards AFB is longer, but there are only three lanes).

The territory, with an area of ​​almost one and a half thousand square kilometers around the base, has been declared a forbidden zone (including for aviation) and is guarded. Moreover, two surrounding mountains, from which, with a long lens, one could see the territory, were squeezed out in favor of the base in 1995, by the decision of the Congress. Noteworthy is the absence of the usual perimeter directly around the buildings of the Zone. Obviously, it is believed that it is almost impossible to get through the desert dotted with sensors. The absence of publicly available photographs directly from the territory of the base confirms this. However, it is possible (and very likely) that no one has shown due persistence so far and Area 51 is still waiting for its Lana Sator.


Next to the buildings of the base, attention is drawn to a sand pit, on the edge of which a concrete plant rises. Some researchers see these as signs of extensive underground structures, but xenobiologists are looking at the amount of excavation and concrete work done to build the huge airstrips.


There are several dozen buildings on the territory of the zone, including quite large ones:

Hangar 18- the most famous structure of the Zone, with the light hand of one of the ufologists declared the place of residence of representatives of an alien civilization. Upon closer examination, it looks like a large (inside the Boeing-747 can fit entirely) aircraft hangar with gates on both sides. Its purpose is unknown, but xenobiologists believe that it unloads secret aircraft brought into the Zone by transport boards. Hangar 18 was the largest until a huge new hangar (whose number is unknown) was built in 2012, presumably related to the "air launch" project.

Hangar 19- interesting only because it is located on the other side of the runways from all other buildings. In Hangar 19, weapons are suspended from test aircraft. In the spring of 2005, sheds were built on the sides of the hangar, completely covering what was happening next to it from photographers from Tikabu Peak.

Hangar Red Hat- has nothing to do with the popular operating system. The Red Hats are called pilots flying on Soviet-made planes, which the Americans, by hook or by crook, procured for testing in Area 51. As you might guess, these planes were housed in the hangar.

Moscow River project- is considered the most secret building on the territory of the Zone. According to some reports, it has nothing to do with Moscow, and MOSCOW is an abbreviation of the name of one of the CIA projects.

In addition to hangars, on the territory of the base there is a fire station, garages, administrative buildings, three dozen dormitories that can accommodate a thousand employees, a sports complex and, as it should be, a bar.

There is an active debate about the existence of "vast underground structures". At the southern end of the base, there is the only confirmed underground: a bunded and moated ammunition storage facility. Xenobiologists pay attention to the fact that it is pointless to bury the aviation test range under the ground. But ufologists, metro-quadrochers and other fans of secrets do not agree with them.


Strange radars on the shores of Groom Lake

There is a huge variety of radars throughout the restricted area. In addition to the usual airfield, there are rather strange structures at the base, most of all similar to radio telescopes. When inoperative, their plates are turned up into the sky and bring ufologists into understandable ecstasy. People not prone to mysticism believe that this is a special equipment for measuring the RCS of aircraft.

In addition to strange dishes, on the territory of the Zone you can see equipment that is even more strange for these distant lands. In the pictures taken by the owners of the Very Long Lenses, two Soviet-made all-round radars, several Soviet radio altimeters and even an ST-68U radar, designed to detect subtle targets, were lit up. In addition, one photographer filmed a transport along the roads of Nevada in the direction of Zone-51 of the Osa anti-aircraft missile system.

Janet Airlines and white buses

Most of the base's employees appear to reside in Las Vegas. To deliver them to work, a fleet of six (!) Boeing-737-600 aircraft is used, which make several daily flights to Area 51 from a special fenced terminal at Las Vegas McCarran airport. The planes do not have any identification marks, they are all painted uniformly - white with a red stripe along the windows. All aircraft in radio communications use the call sign Janet, for which fans of Area 51 called them Janet Airlines. In reality, like camouflage dudes, all planes belong to a commercial contractor - the company EGG Technical Services, now part of the URS corporation

There are several regular buses for the base employees living in the surrounding towns and villages. white... Also, as expected, without identification marks.


All six Janet aircraft near the terminal

The existence of Area 51 is especially frustrating for environmentalists, since, by order of the President of the United States, the Zone is removed from environmental legislation - both federal and the state of Nevada. According to environmentalists, toxic JP-7 fuel used in SR-71 aircraft has been disposed of at the base for many years, as well as chemical weapons have been tested. In the vicinity of the Zone, according to ecologists, congenital diseases are common, which can be caused by poor ecology. The authorities, as usual, hide, and ufologists sin on alien intervention.

In the early nineties, aliens burned in open pits on the territory of the base the remnants of highly toxic paint, which was used to paint F-117 aircraft. Several employees of the base died from inhalation of vapors, and several more were left disabled. The scandal reached the press, the open burning of waste was stopped, the incineration pits were filled up. Or maybe they did not fall asleep, but simply securely classified it. Now in their place is the so-called "darkroom".

The Roswell incident or how aliens settled in Area 51

In July 1947, in the town of Roswell (New Mexico), an unknown fucking garbage in the form of a glowing disk with unknown hieroglyphs crashed from the sky. Four bodies in shiny suits fell out of it in an accident. According to eyewitnesses, two of them died on the spot, one was wounded and another, it seems, was not injured. While local residents were trying on how to use the dumped wealth in the economy, representatives of the local bloody gebni arrived at the scene of the accident, collected all the evidence of the accident and sailed with them in an unknown direction.

It looks like it really was a weather balloon

After a while, witnesses were found who saw how the wreckage of the damaged UFO and the "alien corpses" were transported from the nearby Roswell airbase to Area 51. The specific hangar (hangar 18) in which they were located was even named.

Officially, it was announced to witnesses and excessively curious members of the press that a meteorological probe had fallen from the sky. Over the years, the version of the probe has changed several times. So, in 2011, information was declassified that the probe was not a meteorological, but a reconnaissance one, and the strange patterns were explained by the fact that the balloon was allegedly made by a company producing gift wrapping films. The origin of the creatures one and a half meters tall in silvery suits is not disclosed. Informal comments from officials range from "it seemed to the witnesses" to some vague story of parachuting dummies.

In the late eighties, a certain citizen Robert Lazar (the namesake of the Chief Rabbi of Russia, which seems to symbolize), said that he worked in Area 51 and saw flying saucers there. He even drew blueprints for these plates. In addition, he argued that many of the technologies used in aviation were borrowed from aliens.

In 1995, a rock producer named Ray Santilli, in search of Elvis Presley's archival recordings, met a cameraman who, in 1947, filmed an autopsy on aliens that was taking place either in Roswell or in the very same Hangar 18. Despite extreme measures secrecy, the operator managed not only to copy the film, but also to take it out of the guarded perimeter and save it among his other films, mainly capturing Elvis (well, you remember, "Elvis is not dead, Elvis just flew to the moon").

Santilli bought the film and showed it to ufologists, who were delighted. Despite a number of suspicious circumstances associated with both the discovery of the film and its subsequent display, it is now considered the most convincing evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

In October 2014, after the death of a certain Boyd Bushman, a senior engineer at Lockheed, a video was published in which Bushman talks about working with aliens in Area 51. According to him, there are (voluntarily, by agreement with the American government) 18 living aliens that transmit all sorts of uber technologies to earthlings: anti-gravity, warp and so on. In the video, Bushman shows off photographs of the aliens that look much less hellish than in the video from Ray Santilli.

Former US President Bill Clinton said in one of his interviews that he visited Area 51 to personally make sure that there are no aliens there. The aliens were not shown to him.


F-16 and MiG-29 over Zone 51

Of course, in the first place, Area 51 is a test airfield. Judging by the documents that are declassified on this moment, it was created under the program of the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft. Then the SR-71, F-117, B-2 and the like were tested there.

In addition to testing in Area 51, all these aircraft have two things in common: firstly, all these aircraft are black, and secondly, they are all insanely expensive. For example, the SR-71 used up all the fuel in the tanks in 70 minutes. Therefore, in addition to the apparatus itself, 30 tanker aircraft had to be kept at airfields around the world, with which the SR-71 rendezvous every hour. Can you imagine what an hour of flight cost?

At the same time, all the technologies used in secret aircraft (even in the mythical supersonic "Aurora", which, allegedly, was tested quite recently) are quite earthly. There is no trace of anti-gravity transmitted from aliens, and at that time they were working on radio-absorbing materials (which Robert Lazar attributed to aliens) in many countries of the world.

However, a CIA report declassified in 2013 drew attention to the fact that with the advent of the SR-71, the number of reports of UFO encounters has increased dramatically. So, with or without flying saucers, Area 51 still has a lot to do with UFOs.

Camouflage dudes

Any approach to the boundaries of Area 51 marked by threatening signs causes the appearance of a patrol jeep, in which a couple of brave guys are sitting in the same dark glasses, camouflage and with weapons. They do not have any patches or insignia on their clothes. Jeep - white or dark gray Ford, without any inscriptions or logos, but often with a traditional American "beam" of red and blue flashing beacons.

Among American ufologists they were nicknamed "camouflaged dudes" (cammo dudes). On one of the ufological sites, there is even a delivery poll: "where do you think these guys in camouflage come from?" and answer options: "they are from the Department of Defense", "they are from the FBI", "they are from the G4S Secure Solutions PSC" and finally "these are ordinary people who just like to guard Area 51 in their free time from their main work."

Over time, it turned out that the "camouflaged dudes" are still employees of the private security company, which is part of the structure of the company. EG&G Technical Services, Inc, with all the limitations in rights inherent in private security companies.

In the mid-nineties, a certain Glen Campbell undertook an investigation, as a result of which he found out that the local sheriff (Lincoln County Sheriff) has at least 24 "special deputies". That's more than all the police in the county. An uncomplicated deductive technique allowed him to unambiguously associate these deputies with "camouflage dudes".

One more time and slowly so that you are imbued. Private security guards(judging by the number, these were most likely the senior shifts and their deputies) in parallel with the private security company registered for work in the police, in order to use all the rights that American law gives to police officers in their private security activities: to pursue violators outside the protected area, independently formalize detention, read out rights, and submit to court.

After Campbell's hype, the "special sheriff's deputies" program seems to have been shut down. At least all 24 employees that Campbell could identify were fired from the state police on the same day.

One of the symbols of Area 51 is a Ford patrol on the hillock. In life and in the game GTA 4

Now, if you are detained in Area 51, you will have to spend some time with your face in the hood or in the sand until either the sheriff himself or one of his deputies comes to pick you up. According to witnesses, the wait can take several hours.

In addition to jeeps, Black Hawk helicopters regularly take part in patrolling (spotters recorded three aircraft), and more recently, drones. For private jet owners who do not understand English very well, two F-16 flights are constantly on duty in the Zone.

Cammo dudes in the image of a jeep standing on a hillock with unknown armed men inside is the same indispensable attribute of the Zone in all films and games, where it appears as prohibiting signs, flying saucers and Hangar-18. In American culture, they have a place of such "people in black", but in the real world.

Area 51 and pilgrims


Miscellaneous Occasions at Area 51

Exceptional secrecy, as we have already said, played a cruel joke with Area 51. The facility became very popular with US residents and numerous tourists rushed to its borders to take pictures and shoot a dumb YouTube video (which is usually called " how we got into area 51, met aliens, we were arrested and then shot, subscribe to my channel Local travel companies promptly sorted out the chip and began to carry tourists along the boundaries of the Zone, telling them all sorts of fables. The excursion program necessarily includes a visit to the so-called "rear checkpoint", against which tourists take pictures and troll the guards by crawling under the barrier and are photographed from the other side.The guard of the trolls does not feed and does not leave their booth.


More stubborn visitors go on hikes along the perimeter, camp there and wait for the alien ships to appear. These regularly encounter camouflaged dudes, and also dig up motion sensors buried in large numbers in the desert. Inside the territory, however, they rarely enter, because in that democratic country for penetration into a secret object can be raked so that it will last for a lifetime and will remain.

In 2005, some visitors to one of the Site 51 sites decided to throw a party to celebrate the site's 50th anniversary. Having gathered in a large, cheerful crowd, they set up a camp with a DJ, tents, a kitchen and a toilet, near one of the signs marking the border of the Zone and spent two days there. The guards watched them with interest through binoculars, but did not interfere with what was happening.

The editors would be happy to look at such an event under the fence, for example, in Yamantau. If one of the readers suddenly decides on this, just in case, we remind you of the need to be vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis - the places there are harsh.

From time to time, fans of Area 51 make mountain walks to Chikabu Peak, from which they can see the entire area with a very, very long lens and good clear weather (the distance to the buildings of the Zone is more than 40 kilometers). Photos from Chikabu can be found in various places on the Internet. The owners of the Zone are not worried about this.


Quite reckless citizens from time to time try to enter the Zone "for a dash", relying on the high-speed characteristics of their transport. This does not end with anything good, as it is easy to see from the given illustrations.

In early October 2016, two extreme off-road motorcyclists were driving along a country road, filming their travels with a helmet-mounted camera and simultaneously making snide comments about Cammo Dudes. At the border of the restricted area, one of the bikers got off the motorcycle and, judging by his comments, planned to show the audience an extreme stunt with a passage past a formidable sign.

At that moment, they were accepted, searched and released to all three accessible directions, even forgetting to take the camera away. The story got into the press, which was very indignant that some incomprehensible dudes in camouflage, accompanying the process with three-story swearing words, stopped law-abiding bikers in the very center of a free country, searched them, and even poked them in the face with a service weapon.

Glen Campbell

The aforementioned Glen Campbell has long had his own little gesheft from the existence of the Zone: back in 93, he wrote a book "Guide to Observing Zone-51", which certainly brought a lot of Lulz to the Zone administration. He was regularly involved in the media as an expert.

Recently, Campbell has been traveling more (visited 73 countries), but he still regularly goes out hunting for green men, meaning, of course, not aliens, but quite real Camo Dudes. In a recent video, he sneaks up behind a patrol jeep and walks around it, filming the people inside on camera. Noticing him, camouflage dudes twitch funny, and the driver jumps out of the car and asks if the author plans to give him a camera. Since everything, obviously, happens outside the ban, this is where contact with the other world ends.

The editors convey their warm regards to Mr. Campbell and believe that a person who has not lost in such advanced years the inclination to seek adventure on his outstanding bald head deserves every respect.

Zone 51- one of the most secret bases in the world. This American base is not in any descriptions, and in general it was found out about it only in the nineties of the twentieth century.

This base is located in Nevada, where there is no settlement, no sign, no gas station, no canteen. There is not a single path that leads to this zone, but if someone in some strange way gets there, he will be warned about the restricted area by two iron shields.

If the intruder is not stopped by the shields, then numerous patrols are posted around the base, ready to punish the stranger at the first opportunity. The zone itself is located in the middle of the mountains, where every now and then glowing lights are seen in the night sky.

This American base has several hangars. One of the hangars serves as a laboratory for creating a super powerful, super new nuclear weapons, and another hangar - to create super new aircraft that flew there. In this area, a stealth plane or simply "B-2" was found.

By the way, they say it has the largest runway in the world, reaching 9.5 km.

Some of the people working on the base say that banned chemical weapons were tested there. On the territory of zone 51, a dried-up lake was found, it was this lake that was the victim of this weapon, chemical waste was found at the site of this, and it was also confirmed that this base was a mini-landfill.

One person who worked at Area 51 revealed classified information. He said that the center of the base is located far in the bowels of the earth, UFOs are being studied there, as well as their spaceships, which may have once fell on our planet.

Many scientists and ufologists say that the US government is deliberately hiding the fact of the existence of UFOs. It is possible that this government even came into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

It also happened that a certain Scott Raine said that aliens were being held on one of the underground floors, but again the government began to prove that Scott was insane. Even the President of the United States, Clinton, made a speech on television that Raine made it all up.

But judge for yourself, would the president of America himself make a speech on the news because of some "backward" person? Isn't it very strange?

In addition, ordinary civilians reported seeing strange lights flying in the sky. This was not only in the area of ​​Base 51, but throughout the entire area of ​​Nevada. Some people say that these are just stars falling, and they do not find anything unusual in this, and some are inclined to believe that this is a UFO, and there is no other explanation for these phenomena.

People believe in what they want to believe and see what they want to see. Each person has his own opinion on this matter. The newly received information about this base aroused great interest among people, but despite the statements that there were no secrets from people on this base, it was impossible to get to this zone!

UFO scientists have already proved that over the past decade in the sky, over the state of Nevada, UFO activity has increased, and that the strangest thing is that most often unidentified objects appeared precisely over the place where zone 51 is located.

It also turned out that over a thousand workers were brought and taken away to the secret zone per day, what they did there is still unknown.

There is one more important fact, this base was located near the mountains and the workers saw how they were being watched on these very mountains, and when they asked the president to include these mountains in the territory of zone 51, the president immediately gave his consent! Why did he do this, and what is hidden there - still remains a mystery to mankind.

It is said that Area 51 is the most secret place on Earth. It is an American military airfield, a remote division of Edwards Air Force Base.

Of course, Nevada, but where else in the United States is there a place where you can detonate an atomic bomb and not change the landscape? Area 51 is also called Paradise Ranch, Boxing, Dreamland, Dreamland or Groom Lake.

The secret object is hidden from prying eyes. It is known to be located in the south of Nevada, 133 km northwest of Las Vegas, on the southern shore of the dry salt lake Groom Dry.

It is impossible for uninitiated persons to enter Area 51. Of course, there are no signs on the long road to the classified object, and there are no settlements or any buildings at all along it. Not far from the base, you can already see cordons, which are equipped with motion detectors, heat radiation and video surveillance cameras.

The territory of "Zone 51" in dark time day is illuminated by powerful searchlights. In addition, the landfill is also surrounded by mountains. In 1995, they were privatized to expand the territory of the secret facility, as well as in order to prevent the possibility of infiltration into the private property of the US Air Force.

How does Area 51 attract ufologists? "Area 51" as an amazing object declared itself in January 1951. Then a nuclear bomb was detonated here. Subsequently, according to official data, 928 explosions were made at the test site. The Desert Rock army scientist, who was in command of the operation at the time, made sure that during the explosion, the troops were several miles from the epicenter, and on his order, an infantry detachment was sent directly under the mushroom in order to identify the effects of radiation.

Until 1955, this zone was part of the US Naval Forces test site, they were engaged in underground nuclear tests, as well as testing the latest models of the aviation industry.

Then the rumor began to spread actively that "Area 51" kept the secret of a secret project of the US government called "Red Light". This military project was involved in testing a crashed and rebuilt flying saucer. Eyewitnesses say that UFOs are often seen. Many scientists and ufologists claim that in "Area 51" are the wreckage of aircraft and the bodies of aliens

The secret base consists of 15 levels that are underground. It is assumed that there are Scientific research and testing of ultra-modern aircraft that are supposedly created together with aliens. In "Area 51" for some purpose. Thus, ufologists believe that Americans are using extraterrestrial technology. Numerous witnesses who saw aerobatics and perfect maneuvers say that such opportunities are not available for terrestrial technology.

Area 51 sends out UFO signals. Numerous eyewitnesses, as well as statements by former employees of the secret facility, fully confirm the fact that something is wrong in "Area 51". One of the employees, Oliver Mason, told how in 1994 a sparkling ball hovered in the air, and then disappeared with great speed. It was illuminated by a powerful beam of light from Earth. And in 1997, residents of the town of Austin could observe several unnaturally bright flying objects. The objects crossed the Nevada Desert from north to south.

The heavy burden of the initiates is Area 51. Everything secret, as you know, always becomes apparent. The activities that take place in the hangars of "Area 51" are no exception. Bob Lazar told the whole world about a secret ufological laboratory in the Nevada desert. According to him, circumstances that threatened his life prompted him to do this. Bob's friends and his wife were very interested in what the former Area 51 employee was doing at work. Therefore, Bob Lazar spent three nights in a row with his friends and his wife in "Area 51". Then those who came "on the excursion" were noticed. Lazar experienced threats of physical and mental harm, shelling of a car, and, as a result, a reduction. Therefore, Bob Lazar chose a way out of this situation - to tell about the secrets of "Area 51".

Bob told how in 1988 he worked on a secret project that was studying the issue of the device of UFO engines, as well as changing space gravitational field around the UFO. This project was allegedly started in 1979 with aliens. Then there was a conflict and 44 people were killed. The aliens also killed a specially trained scientist, so the Americans were forced to continue studying on their own.

The US authorities declared Bob Lazar insane, and all documents that confirmed the existence of such a program were destroyed. And the reality of the facts was confirmed only by Lazar's old office phone, which was found in the old directory.

Despite the fact that now "Area 51" is considered to be inoperative and it was officially announced that all activity here was stopped, it still remains an unsolved mystery of our time. And the question that if there was no UFO zone, then why every day the plane brought 1,500 workers to Zone 51, and took them back in the evening, remains unanswered.

Hopefully, Area 51 will soon reveal all its secrets!

Area 51 as the subject of a variety of conspiracy theories is often featured in works mass culture... Most famous works in the plot of which she plays a significant role: the films "Hangar 18", "Independence Day", "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", "Paul: The Secret Material"; TV series "Stargate", "Doctor Who" "X-Files"; cartoon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; video games Area 51, Fallout of Nevada, Tomb Raider 3, Mercedes-Benz World Racing, Microsoft Flight Simulator X, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Deus Ex, World of Warcraft and UFO: Aftermath. Also in the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops there is a multiplayer map of the same name. In the literary project Ethnogenesis there are books "Armageddon-2" (with the subtitle of the same name) and "Armageddon-3", the action of which takes place here. References to it exist in many other works.

They say that Area 51- the most secret place on Earth. It is an American military airfield, a remote division of Edwards Air Force Base.

Of course, Nevada, but where else in the United States is there a place where you can detonate an atomic bomb and not change the landscape? Area 51 is also called Paradise Ranch, Boxing, Dreamland, Dreamland or Groom Lake.
The secret object is hidden from prying eyes. It is known to be located in the south of Nevada, 133 km northwest of Las Vegas, on the southern shore of the dry salt lake Groom Dry. It is impossible for uninitiated persons to enter Area 51. Of course, there are no signs on the long road to the classified object, and there are no settlements or any buildings at all along it. Not far from the base, you can already see cordons, which are equipped with motion detectors, heat radiation and video surveillance cameras.

The territory of "Zone 51" is illuminated by powerful floodlights at night. In addition, the landfill is also surrounded by mountains. In 1995, they were privatized to expand the territory of the secret facility, as well as in order to prevent the possibility of infiltration into the private property of the US Air Force.

How does Area 51 attract ufologists? "Area 51" as an amazing object declared itself in January 1951. Then a nuclear bomb was detonated here. Subsequently, according to official data, 928 explosions were made at the test site. The Desert Rock army scientist, who was in command of the operation at the time, made sure that during the explosion, the troops were several miles from the epicenter, and on his order, an infantry detachment was sent directly under the mushroom in order to identify the effects of radiation.
Until 1955, this zone was part of the US Naval Forces training ground, they were engaged in underground nuclear tests, as well as testing the latest models of the aviation industry.

Then the rumor began to spread actively that "Area 51" kept the secret of a secret project of the US government called "Red Light". This military project was involved in testing a crashed and rebuilt flying saucer. Eyewitnesses say that UFOs are often seen. Many scientists and ufologists claim that in "Area 51" are the wreckage of aircraft and the bodies of aliens.
The secret base consists of 15 levels that are underground. It is assumed that scientific research and testing of ultra-modern aircraft, which are supposedly created together with aliens, are being carried out there. Thus, ufologists believe that Americans are using extraterrestrial technology. Numerous witnesses who saw aerobatics and perfect maneuvers say that such opportunities are not available for terrestrial technology.

Area 51 sends out UFO signals. Numerous eyewitnesses, as well as statements by former employees of the secret facility, fully confirm the fact that something is wrong in "Area 51". One of the employees, Oliver Mason, told how in 1994 a sparkling ball hovered in the air, and then disappeared with great speed. It was illuminated by a powerful beam of light from the Earth. And in 1997, residents of the town of Austin could observe several unnaturally bright flying objects. The objects crossed the Nevada Desert from north to south.

Heavy Burden of Initiates - Area 51 ... Everything secret, as you know, always becomes apparent. The activities that take place in the hangars of "Area 51" are no exception. Bob Lazar told the whole world about a secret ufological laboratory in the Nevada desert. According to him, circumstances that threatened his life prompted him to do this. Bob's friends and his wife were very interested in what the former Area 51 employee was doing at work. Therefore, Bob Lazar spent three nights in a row with his friends and his wife in "Area 51". Then those who came "on the excursion" were noticed. Lazar experienced threats of physical and mental harm, shelling of a car, and, as a result, a reduction. Therefore, Bob Lazar chose a way out of this situation - to tell about the secrets of "Area 51".
Bob told how in 1988 he worked on a secret project that was studying the issue of the device of UFO engines, as well as changing the space of the gravitational field around the UFO. This project was allegedly started in 1979 with aliens. Then there was a conflict and 44 people were killed. The aliens also killed a specially trained scientist, so the Americans were forced to continue studying on their own.
The US authorities declared Bob Lazar insane, and all documents that confirmed the existence of such a program were destroyed. And the reality of the facts was confirmed only by Lazar's old office phone, which was found in the old directory.

Despite the fact that now "Area 51" is considered to be inoperative and it was officially announced that all activity here was stopped, it still remains an unsolved mystery of our time. And the question that if there was no UFO zone, then why every day the plane brought 1,500 workers to Zone 51, and took them back in the evening, remains unanswered.
Hopefully, Area 51 will soon reveal all its secrets!

Area 51 is frequently featured as the subject of various conspiracy theories in works of mass culture ... The most famous works, in the plot of which she plays a significant role: the films "Hangar 18", "Independence Day", "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", "Sex: The Secret Material"; TV series "Stargate", "Doctor Who" "X-Files"; cartoon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; video games Area 51, Fallout of Nevada, Tomb Raider 3, Mercedes-Benz World Racing, Microsoft Flight Simulator X, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Deus Ex, World of Warcraft, and UFO: Aftermath. Also in the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops there is a multiplayer map of the same name. In the literary project Ethnogenesis there are books "Armageddon-2" (with the subtitle of the same name) and "Armageddon-3", the action of which takes place here. References to it exist in many other works.

Area 51 is a 38,400-acre (155 sq. Km) American Nellis test site located between the Konuha Mountains (Groom Lake area) and the cities of Alamo and Rachel in Nevada (USA) (see the diagram of the Zone 51).
Area 51 coordinates are 37 ° 14 "30" N 115 ° 49 "00" W.

Area 51 is perhaps the most famous secret military base in the world. Until recently, it was not on maps, it was not mentioned in reference books, and civilian planes did not fly over it. The US government categorically denied the very fact of its existence, and when asked why it was necessary to fence off a huge territory located in the Nevada desert 150 km from the cheerful Las Vegas with several rows of barbed wire and to protect it more than the president, they answered that there was a radioactive contamination zone
Quite naturally, Area 51 has become a favorite topic of conspiracy theorists. On the Runet alone, there are 18 million pages of links to it. Ufologists argued that the Pentagon is studying flying saucers there and keeping the corpses of aliens in freezers. Legends had it that the Zone was connected to other secret sites across the country by underground tunnels used by trains. Sociologists have found that about 7% of Americans doubt that the US astronauts landed on the moon, and believe that all this was filmed in the huge hangars of 51st.

Only on July 14, 2003, after the media showed satellite images of the Zone and further denial became meaningless, the US government admitted that, yes, there is something in Nevada, but this is what cannot be said. Anyone who tries to enter the territory (and there are quite a few of them) are intercepted by the guards on the way to the object. Those who did get through the wire are allowed to open fire to kill, which is written on warning boards. But, as far as we know, so far no deaths of "stalkers" have been recorded, and offenders who are still caught by patrolmen armed with M-15 rifles in gray Ford F-150 and Chevy 2500 pickup trucks or simply by helicopters, get off with a fine of $ 600. When the public demanded to show her documents relating to the Zone, which had expired, the same US government reported that the documents were lost.

Once, until May 1955, it was part of the US Navy test site, where underground nuclear tests were carried out, and at the Tonopah airfield - tests of the latest aircraft. Rumor has it that Area 51 was a secret US government military project called Red Light, which involved flight tests of a crashed and rebuilt flying saucer. Some rumors about the actions in Area 51 describe in great detail the alleged events there, but they all remain unconfirmed ... Area 51 is located in the desert of Nevada.

The road leading there is always deserted. For more than a hundred kilometers of the way, here you will not find any settlement or even a road sign. Only near the base itself do huge shields appear, warning intruders against further movement along this road: further is the restricted area. Numerous military patrols guard the approaches to the base. The secret object itself is located in a valley, most of which is surrounded by mountains.

At night, this area resembles a city of the future, into the sky of which luminous objects are constantly rising. There are several hangars on the territory of Zone-51, the largest of which accommodates a Boeing-747 with a launch vehicle. The purpose of almost all hangars is more or less known.

According to many ufologists, an unusually high frequency of unidentified flying objects has been observed in the sky of Nevada in recent decades.

In addition to the statements of former Site 51 staff and scientists, there is various evidence and ordinary Americans who at various times observed in the state of Nevada, and some in the area of ​​the secret base, various unidentified objects. So, in early 1994, a certain Oliver Mason, a resident of the city of Rachel, located relatively close to Area 51, saw a huge luminous ball in the sky above the secret base, which was slowly descending from a rather high altitude.

Hovering a few hundred meters above the ground, it became less bright, but still clearly visible in the night sky. Suddenly a beam of light rushed up from the ground, directed, apparently, from some powerful searchlight. The beam illuminated the object for a while, and then it went out. The ball lit up again and slowly began to rise into the sky. Having reached a certain point, he suddenly developed a tremendous speed and disappeared into the heights.

In 1997, residents of the small town of Austin, located in the state of Nevada, reported another unusual phenomenon in the clear sky.

Several strange objects, unnaturally bright and clearly distinguishable at full sunlight, crossed the desert from south to north at high speed. About a year later, in the same area, several people observed a similar phenomenon, but this time it happened at night. All eyewitnesses noted the unusual brightness of several small objects, which also crossed the sky over the city from south to north at high speed.

At the end of 1999, several local residents, accidentally finding themselves not far from the secret base, watched as a strange luminous object soared into the sky from the ground and disappeared from view at high speed. Eyewitnesses do not undertake to assert what kind of object they saw.

According to them, only bright light and the tremendous speed of a visible object were discernible. Many ufologists and just scientists from various associations argue that the American government and the governments of some other states deliberately hide information about unidentified flying objects, since they not only observe their appearance, but also actively interact with extraterrestrial beings. In the late 1990s, a certain Scott Raine, one of the former employees of Area 51, spoke on American television, said that one of the underground hangars of this base contains extraterrestrial beings.

American officials quickly responded to this statement, and began vying with each other to assert that the information released to the public is untrue and Scott Raine is simply insane. Soon, President of the United States Bill Clinton, who, recognizing the existence of a test site in the Nevada desert, denied all statements about the presence of a secret ufological laboratory in it, and, consequently, everything connected with it, also came out with a refutation of Scott Rein's statement.

Mysterious construction work at the bottom of a dried-up lake south of Tonopah began in 1951. All the personnel of the airfield, right down to the medics, were unexpectedly evacuated from the base, and military builders took their place for six months. Air Force Colonel Wendell Stevens: “Work on the construction of the underground facilities began in the summer.

Part of the existing runway was dismantled and moved underground. After the completion of the work, the acceptance of the object was carried out by people in civilian clothes. The ground runway was then rebuilt to make it look the same. "
It is believed that it was here that samples of extraterrestrial technology were delivered in the early 1950s.

One of the soldiers who served at that time at the training ground recalls: “By the end of the year, the construction battalion had finished its work, and a team, codenamed“ Red Light ”, arrived in its place. It consisted of only 800-1000 people who lived at the base. The base was cordoned off by a triple ring of security ... Then leading scientists appeared, who had access to work with the highest degree of secrecy. Some of them had previously worked on the Manhattan Project (the creation of atomic weapons).
Although nothing was officially announced, I was soon able to find out that they were working on the study of UFO engines and the extraterrestrial aircraft themselves. There were even rumors that there were attempts to fly on the spaceships, and they were also copied ... They said that there were three UFOs on the base, two of which were intact, and the third was disassembled.

One of the UFOs allegedly exploded when there were two test pilots on board. " This witness also mentioned that in one of the underground shelters "two living humanoid aliens were kept under special atmospheric conditions." One wore a silver suit, the other a brown skin-tight jumpsuit.
Both creatures are short in stature, with grayish-white skin. One, according to rumors, died in 1952, the other lived for another eight years.
By the early 1960s, 150 kilometers southeast of Tonopah, on the shores of Groom Dry Lake, a new facility was prepared - Zone 51, equipped with the latest science and technology, and work on a top-secret project “ Red Light "(test flights on restored alien ships) were moved here.
As a matter of fact, Area-51 is a rather large (35 by 40 kilometers) area around Lake Groom Lake.
Initially, in 1955, this place was chosen by the Lockheed aircraft concern to test its top-secret brainchild - the legendary U-2 spy plane. The place was the best suited for such work: a lifeless "lunar" landscape at an altitude of 1500 meters, an absolutely smooth five-kilometer bed of a dried-up lake, cut off from outside world high (up to 2700 meters) mountain ranges.
Civilian flights are banned due to nuclear testing in the area, the complete absence of the local population is an ideal place to keep secrets. Huge amounts of money were paid through shell companies, and in May 1955, work began to boil.

Per a short time dozens of aboveground and underground structures were built. Soon, "Area 51" (informal names: "Ranch", "Dreamland" - "Dreamland", "Box"), located within the responsibility of the Nellis airbase, became the center of all kinds of top-secret experiments. At various times, aircraft were tested here: U-2, A-12, high-altitude reconnaissance SR-71, superbomber B-2 ... “Since 1955, CIA pilots have flown U-2 spy planes over Area 51, practicing intelligence collection techniques about nuclear tests.
“This place was not always Area 51. Our boss, legendary aircraft designer Clarence Johnson, called it" Paradise Farm. " So it was easier for him to lure people into the desert and force them to leave their families in the name of science and the fight against the devilish empire, which we considered the USSR.
This place was found by test pilot Tony Levier. This territory, called Groom Lake, was chosen for testing because it was completely flat and located at a great distance from civilization.
It all started with testing the U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft.
When Francis Gary Powers was shot down over Sverdlovsk in 1960, the U-2 program lost its secrecy. But at that time, I and 200 other scientists, engineers and pilots under the patronage of the CIA were already working in Area 51 on a new super-high and super-high-speed machine - the Lockheed A-12 OHCART - the first aircraft invisible to radar. " (90-year-old Edward Lovik, secret physicist: 30 years involved in the development of top-secret aircraft, including the U-2, A-12 OXCART and F-117.) 4 Research in the "Zone-51" and foreign aircraft.

“The CIA looked out for the best in every field and brought us together to work in Area 51. Our Special Projects team was the most secret since the Manhattan Project.
Regarding the stories about the opening of flying saucers in the hangars of the base, Barnes claims that it is. of course a myth, but not really:
- We disassembled samples to the cogs in various ways that got to the military military equipment, including, for example, Soviet MiGs. They don't look very much like a flying saucer. " (Thornton Barnes, 72, worked as an engineer on special projects in Area 51) 4
At the beginning of 1977, here, ten years before the official publication, the F-117A stealth attack aircraft, developed using the Stealth technology, was first taken into the air.
Some of the developers - participants in the Stealth program - claim that the ideas of this technology, like some others used in the B-2 and F-117A aircraft, were borrowed from crashed UFOs.
For example, computer scientist Jim Tagliani bluntly stated that he and his colleagues knew about the extraterrestrial origin of a number of materials used.
An indirect confirmation is the fact that the work related to the "invisible" planes took place within the top-secret project "Have Blue" (traditionally, the word "Blue" in the US Air Force is used in names one way or another associated with UFOs). One of the first reports of the existence of a center for the study of extraterrestrial technology at Nellis airbase appeared in February 1988. Jim Schultz, editor-in-chief of the American military magazine, wrote in his article "Beyond Stealth":
“This center is rumored to have at its disposal samples of extraterrestrial technology, and perhaps the aliens themselves, who helped in the development of our new aircraft and the Star Wars program.

It sounds incredible, but these rumors are well-founded. Such a center exists. " The evidence collected to date about the mysterious "Zone-51" allows you to get a general idea of ​​the highly secret work carried out there. Various sources claim that since the late 1950s, work on the study of extraterrestrial technology from the Wright-Patterson base (Ohio) gradually began to move here.
Physicist Otto Krause confessed that in "Zone-51" alien vehicles that crashed in the late 1940s in the state of New Mexico are being tested.
The goal of the program, he said, was to create engines similar to those installed on "flying saucers". Through magnifying optics, the "metal plates" over Groom Lake were seen more than once by participants in the nuclear tests in Nevada.
Asked not to name their names, Nellis airbase specialists said that they had repeatedly observed on radar screens how objects flying at unimaginable speeds over "Zone 51" suddenly, as if on command, stopped and hovered in the air. The same was observed by Mark Barnes, a powerful radar operator from Las Vegas. Here are some typical statements from people who worked in Nevada:
“We have things there that are literally not from our world”;
“There are a lot of things going on there that I can only talk about in 2025. We have things out there in the desert that George Lucas (producer of the Star Wars trilogy) would turn green with envy. "

And Ben Rich, the former president of Lockheed Development Development, which was at the origin of Zone 51, was extremely laconic: “UFOs exist. Both man-built and extraterrestrial. "
During the Red Flag exercise in 1977, tactical squadron officer Colonel Stevens, trying to attack an "enemy" airfield from an unexpected direction, flew into the northern part of the forbidden "Zone 51" without permission.
And suddenly I saw a strange disk about 20 meters in diameter to the south. Immediately he received an order to interrupt the flight and land at the Nellis airfield (the call sign of his dispatch service "Dreamland" - "Dreamland" in the everyday life of the military became the generalized name for the entire "Zone-51").
Immediately after landing, the pilot was escorted to a bunker, where for two days he was subjected to senseless and exhausting interrogations. They released it only after receiving a subscription not to disclose what they saw.
The colonel was immediately transferred to another unit, and he risked telling reporters about what had happened only a few years later ... A characteristic detail: seven years after the incident, in 1984, some documents related to the same Red Flag exercises were made public. One of them contains an interesting instruction:
“Bombing is allowed only in numbered areas. The use of ammunition outside the combat zone and against the gnomes of the "Land of Dreams" (emphasis by the author of the site) is not allowed. "
Who are the "gnomes from the Land of Dreams", one can only guess ... Information about "Zone-51", leaked to the press, aroused great interest, and fans of sensations were drawn to this God-forgotten corner of Nevada. And then they faced a paradoxical situation: despite the official statements about the absence of any secrets, it was impossible to get into this area.

Round-the-clock patrols, a carefully guarded area fenced with barbed wire, written warnings, and unequivocal threats from the guards clearly indicated that something extraordinary was happening here. This piqued even more curiosity ...
It became more and more difficult to conceal the tests carried out at the secret base, since from the nearby mountains "Zone-51" could be seen very well. There was only one way out - to "privatize" these mountains.
Air Force Public Affairs Lt. Col. Cannon: “The US Air Force needs this land to support new technological developments in the military industry ...
The influx of the curious behind last years often led to the fact that test flights were postponed, postponed or canceled altogether. Expansion of the territory will prevent further threat to national security. " Congress heeded the invincible logic of the military and agreed to expand the territory of the base. On April 10, 1995, the mountains, so disturbing the secret services, became the territory of "Zone-51" ...
In fact, Cannon's statement and the subsequent BBC press release were the first official admission that a mysterious base exists and meticulous journalists and "fanatics-ufologists" have been telling the truth all these years.
The public hoped that, in accordance with the 25-year secrecy law, it would learn more about the mysterious base. But...
“Blessed are those who believe” - President Clinton made an exception for this zone. On September 29, 1995, he signed a special directive on her special status:
"It is vital to the United States that classified information about this base does not go public."

Nobody was going to reveal anything to anyone. Neither Zone-51, nor even more so about the "holy of holies" - the top-secret object S-4, which is located not far from it. It is believed that the active operation of this object began only in 1972, when work on the development of alien space flight technologies was transferred here (the Snowbird project is a continuation of the Red Light project).
Scientist Robert Lazar told about all this and much more in the spring of 1989 from TV screens, after which dozens of new witnesses began to contact the journalist George Kneipp, who brought his story to light, and TV producer Sean Morton, who not only confirmed the story of the young physicist in detail. , but also significantly supplemented it.
The veil of secrecy began to unfold, and it soon became apparent that strange things were happening at S-4.
In December 1995, test pilot and later designer of a high level of secrecy, Bill Juhaus, admitted that for several years he had participated in the development of simulators for American pilots, which allowed them to learn how to fly on captured UFOs. For the first time Juhaus saw with his own eyes a "flying saucer" in Nevada, at facility S-4. “This base was guarded, perhaps, like no other facility in this country. We were taken to the hangar, and then we saw her. She was lying on the ground. I stood five meters away from her.
It looked exactly as Bob Lazar described it. Have I ever gone inside? Not. But the fact that it was she, for sure. " The testimonies of eyewitnesses and participants in top-secret works suggest another idea.

Namely: despite persistent rumors, there seems to be no "technology exchange" between the US government and aliens. In any case, to the extent that those who clearly fuel this rumor would like it. Why else should you be so active in "restoration engineering"? The already mentioned constructor Bill Juhaus:
“The problem was to transform scientific knowledge foreign civilization into our scientific potential. We disassembled some kind of unit or unit of the ship, assessed its role and place in the entire mechanism.
We tried to grasp the purpose or identify some details and asked ourselves the question: "How can we use this?" So, step by step, we tried to understand how it all works. " But why disassemble the car to a bolt and find out the recipe for fuel and paint, if you were told everything about them during the "exchange" ?!

Other specialists also testified to the absence of serious results in "restoration engineering". One of them, electrical engineer Doug Schroeder, said that he had seen many photographs taken during test flights of "saucers" brought to Nevada from Wright-Patterson AFB (Ohio), and they managed to find out something about the alloys used in them. ...
But copies of the "plates" during the period when he was involved in these works, as far as he knows, could not be created.

Such revelations do not remain without consequences, and soon after his statement, Schroeder died under mysterious circumstances. No, there is apparently no need to talk about an effective exchange of technology between the American military and aliens. And this, judging by some signs, is the most guarded secret ...

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