Scientific articles on the topic of marketing. Services and Applications

article It is good both for site owners and for those who want to explain to these very owners what to do and what they charge for. And yes - everyone loves checklists, because it is always easier to act on a ready-made list.

for my beloved MadCats was written by Igor Rudnik. Here is a quote: “Meanwhile, a link profile is one of the factors that a site, like a Chekhovian, should always be beautiful. Moreover, content marketing is also related to the link profile: due to the juicy, fat and rich content, the highest quality links are obtained. " And one more, small one: “The article was written by the head of one of the network services, you can see which one for yourself. And this is a great example of anti-jeans. Because the text will contain links to all competitors at once. And the article is useful in itself. "

Therefore, this article is for all those who believe in SEO.

Another article for beginners "Searching for keywords for an online store: how to search for SY" "in the Semantica blog. If you are an SEO, you can send this article to the client to understand your tasks.

2. Content Marketing

This is my favorite topic, and I got into the habit of exploring everything inside and out. Therefore, there will be many links to articles.

It is about the approach to business in general and to letters in particular.

5. PPC

For those who want to make their Facebook feed surprisingly useful, we recommend skimming through the "Volkov's List". Perhaps you will find yourself there. And yes - the author of this very list promised to write an article for our blog, so subscribe quickly so as not to miss anything.

“User photos are linked to their respective product pages, making it easy for customers to buy the clothes they see. These crowdsourced lookbooks are a great tool to showcase Urban Outfitter products and help customers make more informed purchases. ”

7. Cases

I really liked the clear and informative story in Netpeak "Case: How to Analyze Competitors Using SimilarWeb" Author Alexei Seleznev oriented his story for those who are moving to global markets.

He divided all competitors into global and local, and made accurate conclusions after analysis. Nowadays it is very rare to receive laudatory reviews (sometimes people are just too lazy), but this article was thrown with a standing ovation.

Yagla's case on Spark showed that without the help of a magic wand, you can almost double the number of leads. “How to cut the budget 33 times and get 1.7 times more applications. Case Beeline "

Yagla says mechanics work in corporations and micro-businesses alike.

“Building a Community Around the Brand: The BlaBlaCar Experience” by Irina Barinskaya for Cossa. This case is about working with people. Just read - and you will understand that patience, observation, ability to analyze and listen, these are the real marketing tools. And they work.

8. Web analytics

“3 Cool Excel Reports for Productive Sales Planning for Small Businesses” on Spark. This is a translation of Astronomer CEO Tim Branck's article on three actionable Excel reports. You will find out the answers to the questions: how will your income look like, taking into account different scenarios? How many engineers (depending on the type of business) or customer care professionals will need to be hired to achieve and maintain the planned growth? How much is it? How much capital will be needed to fund the growth plan?

Evgeny Povkh wrote for Seo News "Review of the updated Report Wizard 2.0 in Ya.Direct", in which he listed all the advantages and nuances of the new version.

“It Won't Do It: Three Stories of How Web Analytics Saves Websites”, by Pavel Serulov, for Lead Mashina. Who's it for: For those who want to explain to customers that web analytics is the backbone. And without it there will be no marketing. In a nutshell, you can simply - it helps not to drain money from the budget.

9. Usability

“Designing Site Screens Using a Gutenberg Diagram” is a great article on the AskUsers blog. If people behave in a certain way because they are... People, then why not use a diagram that takes this “in a certain way” into account. And here she is:

An excellent article in the blog "Design of new site pages: how to establish work with site developers" from the author Anna Sebova. The article discusses the main stages of website development, how to properly organize work with the development team, and also examines the types of sites and the number of pages that each of them consists of using examples.

Netology in June generously distributed the book "6 stereotypes of usability", which was written by Mikhail Bode. I copied the contents of the book for you to whet the urge to download it quickly:

10. Podcasts

I am actively exploring podcasts. Sometimes it helps a lot (when bored on the treadmill, for example). I ran very well to the stories of Iya Ishmenetskaya in the blog of Anrey Zinkevich.

She conducted her first training in 1998. Experience and knowledge are simply invaluable. Iya is probably the most experienced marketer I've heard. "System marketing: how to attract and retain customers in the current environment" - and you listen.


  1. What types of content are there. By the way, you can make a dozen more from this topic - compare types of content, say which is better in different areas, show flaws and just good (bad) examples.
  2. What to post when there are no ideas
  3. How to make a content plan
  4. What a content strategy consists of
  5. How to Implement Content Strategy in a Company - Step by Step Plan
  6. What you need to know before you start blogging
  7. Errors in promoting your blog
  8. What metrics to count on a blog and what conclusions to draw from them
  9. Engagement is the main metric for a blog. If you notice that the topic has hit the marketing blog, write about other metrics in more detail. Articles can be posted on a blog or short posts on social networks.
  10. Evergreen themes for any blog
  11. Blog posting checklist
  12. N best blog articles about X
  13. 10 sites to post an article for free
  14. What to write to the editor
  15. 5 indicators that an article will "come in" for readers
  16. Dead copywriting tricks
  17. How to tell if your copywriter is an idiot
  18. Where and how to find a copywriter
  19. How to get 7000 readings in Zen in a week
  20. How to create quality Zen narratives
  21. Show, don't tell -
  22. 10 mistakes that make your screenshots look terrible
  23. 100 places where you can legally take pictures for the site
  24. 50 free sources pictures that few people know about
  25. Where to look for experts for blog articles
  26. How to write a company mission statement (and do you need it at all)
  27. 10 life hacks how to make an article interesting
  28. 10 signs of a good media article
  29. Catchy press release rules
  30. Why we love video content (and you must love)
  31. Why text is better than video
  32. 5 examples of successful content marketing in serious business (construction plant blog, soda comics, etc.)
  33. How to take a cool product photo
  34. Emojis: you cannot remove or 10 types of advertisements where emoticons are appropriate and needed
  35. Infopros for posts and mailings until the end of 2018
  36. As an internet marketer
  37. How to write a headline that attracts readers
  38. 10 ways to monetize your blog
  39. 10 platforms to create a blog besides a personal website
  40. 10 naming techniques
  41. Sales text template (article, post)
  42. How to write texts about the company, on the main page (how not to do this)
  43. How to distribute content (what tactics to choose and what to do in steps)
  44. Sites with presentation templates
  45. 10 great storytelling examples
  46. Free (paid) content marketing training courses
  47. Checklist: content for an online store. What texts must be written if you sell online. A must-have blog post topic on marketing that is good for business and helps a lot of copywriters do their job better.
  48. Where to look for an expert for an article and what questions to ask him
  49. How to write an interview - not boring, interesting, non-trivial
  50. 5 services for finding blog topics
  51. How to write a script (for an image video, for a film, for advertising)
  52. How to write on behalf of your target audience
  53. How and why to draw up an editorial policy
  54. Funny mistakes that are often made in texts
  55. What is LSI copywriting
  56. Freewriting - how to overcome stupor or fear of a blank slate
  57. How to write about something you don't understand

By the way, we have a newsletter

Once a week we talk about business, marketing, project and people management. Personal stories from managers and employees of the agency, digest of interesting articles.


  1. Useless and outdated social media
  2. Gender (in) equality in advertising: how to write posts for men and women on social networks
  3. How to process photos for business accounts on Instagram
  4. 10 steps to creating a viral Instagram account
  5. How to use the Vkontakte application collection form (what, to whom and how)
  6. "Nemesis" - how it works and how not to get banned (and does it work at all)
  7. API on Vkontakte - what is it and how to use it
  8. Metrics of the effectiveness of an SMM campaign (how to understand that money is not going down the drain). Extensive topic for a series of articles on a marketing blog. You can make a selection of different sizes, illustrate with works from practice. An obligatory topic - it confirms the expertise.
  9. 5 rules (stages) of auditing communities in social networks
  10. 5 ways to make a cool post cover without Photoshop
  11. YouTube video checklist
  12. 5 companies that have cool social networks in complex topics (construction, finance, manufacturing, furniture)
  13. 5 rules for good social media hype (about virality)
  14. How to increase the number of comments under posts. Everything about the new gold - social activity and engagement
  15. How to make (and not make) posts for restaurants and cafes (substitute any other direction that is relevant for you now)
  16. N tips for typography in social media posts (indents, headers)
  17. Being an SMM: 7 Must-Have Skills
  18. Take an example: 5 success stories in SMM
  19. 5 high-profile failures in SMM
  20. The best ways to splurge on an SMM ad campaign
  21. Why you need it, how to create and register a Business Manager account on Facebook
  22. Everything you need to know about IG TV on Instagram
  23. 10 ways to get an Instagram account. An article on approaches to maintaining accounts - types of visual content, strategies
  24. 10 reasons to start using Instagram to promote your small business right now. On the relevance of the social network
  25. Ranking factors for YouTube promotion
  26. The recipe for effective advertising in contact
  27. Brevity is the sister of talent: how to make an effective SMS mailing
  28. 10 non-obvious ways to increase your social media following (challenge, run a viral contest, offer something in exchange for a subscription, offer a discount for actions, pop-up banners, etc.)
  29. Instructions for using hashtags on Instagram
  30. 10 Cool IG TV Templates for Instagram
  31. What is and how to make a dynamic cover
  32. Effective video ads on Instagram
  33. How to promote a group from scratch
  34. 5 most popular questions about promoting the community in contact (and answers to them)
  35. Sizes of pictures and banners for all social networks
  36. How to increase ER in posts
  37. 10 tips to catch Prometheus Vkontakte
  38. What KPIs to set for smm-shik
  39. How to make a cool viral meme
  40. 7 popular types of Instagram content
  41. Roles of page administrators on FB: what is the difference, in which cases to assign whom to which role
  42. Why they can block the Vkontakte group and how to bring it back to life
  43. How to sell using "goods" in VK
  44. How to measure feedback with audience in SMM
  45. How to increase the number of article reposts
  46. 5 important social media updates 2018 (2019, 2020) you might have missed
  47. How to work with the market platform on Vkontakte
  48. How to choose a strategy for Instagram (and any other social network)
  49. When to use memes, how to promote with them
  50. How to use tags
  51. How to cut all bots from subscribers
  52. The best contest mechanics for different social networks (examples of cool contests)
  53. How to develop a Telegram channel
  54. How to register a community on Vkontakte
  55. What can not be posted in in social networks so as not to have problems with the law
  56. How to set up ads in Instagram Stories
  57. What is retargeting and how to customize the Facebook and Vkontakte pixel


  1. Instruction for advertisers: how to order (context, targeting, PR)
  2. How to write a PPC report for a customer
  3. Targeted ad errors
  4. 5 principles of promotion through bloggers
  5. 10 not allowed in children's ads (government restrictions)
  6. 5 laws of explosive PR
  7. 5 examples of great PR campaigns
  8. Worst PR tips we've heard
  9. 5 free PR tooling tools (mention tracking, statistics, trends, etc.)
  10. Social media ads that don't work (examples)
  11. How and how much to collect keywords for contextual advertising to work (basic tips)
  12. 7 common mistakes when working with Adwords
  13. 7 common mistakes when working with Metrica
  14. 10 mistakes of a beginner targeting expert
  15. Advertising on the teaser network: how to set up and measure the effectiveness
  16. What kind of advertising clings to Generation Z
  17. How to choose an advertising agency
  18. How much does blogger advertising cost?
  19. 5 examples of awesome social media ads
  20. 10 native advertising ideas

What to write in email marketing blog posts

  1. 5 rules for writing an apology letter (post) if something went wrong (take the blame, offer customers a benefit, etc.)
  2. Bad advice: how to turn cold email into spam
  3. How to write a cool email in your retail newsletter
  4. What is a showcase letter and why no one uses them
  5. What is and how to create an email marketing strategy
  6. 10 signs your email campaign is falling apart
  7. How to increase OR (CR) mailings
  8. Examples of creative mailings
  9. Examples of bad newsletters
  10. 10 forbidden words in the mailing list
  11. How to know if your letter has been read in the mail
  12. How to create a reactivation email chain
  13. How to write wellcome emails for commercial email marketing
  14. What to write in the subject line to open it
  15. How to collect feedback in emails (like / dislike buttons, ways to increase the number of replies to emails in the mailing list)
  16. Why no one reads your newsletter

Freelance and efficiency

  1. Services that help you focus on work
  2. The rules of life (survival) of a freelancer
  3. How to know which internet profession is right for you
  4. Who should an internet marketer subscribe to (10 cool specialists, groups, mailings, blogs)
  5. 10 good habits for self-development
  6. How to deal with laziness: 5 tips from experienced freelancers
  7. 7 reasons why you can't work remotely
  8. 5 time eaters who will sooner or later make you poor
  9. How to monitor your freelance team
  10. N places where you can find a good performer (designer, marketer, author - you can break it down into several topics)
  11. 5 rules of business correspondence with customers
  12. 7 deadly sins of a freelancer (laziness, missed deadlines, disconnecting the phone, rest ...)
  13. How to organize work for a beginner entrepreneur (accounting, planners, etc.)
  14. Skills that are useful to anyone who leaves office work to telecommute
  15. Mistakes for aspiring entrepreneurs
  16. Websites where you can find remote work
  17. How to organize workplace freelancer
  18. Where to work for a freelancer if they don't give you at home (coworking, cafe, anti-cafe, park, something else to come up with unusual)
  19. 10 best books(films, articles, YouTube channels) about advertising
  20. 7 books every entrepreneur (or every self-employed) must read
  21. 10 tips for building a company's online reputation. The theme is good for both companies and solo performers.
  22. 10 networking rules to get orders for free
  23. 7 mistakes in portfolio design
  24. New Google Chrome extensions for marketers
  25. 10 rules of digital etiquette everyone breaks
  26. How to relax when working in open space
  27. 5 best Telegram channels for finding a job for a marketer
  28. How to stop procrastinating

Services and Applications

  1. A quick tour of the 10 best CRM systems for a freelancer or small business
  2. 5 services for project management
  3. Services for SMS mailing
  4. Convenient applications for working with documents on a smartphone (tablet)
  5. 5 VPN services (free, paid)
  6. 7 free services for productive work (for working with documents, for concentration, instant messengers, etc.)
  7. Top reliable hosting
  8. Cross-posting services
  9. Services for automatic posting
  10. 7 services to pick keys
  11. Services for email newsletters
  12. Services for checking content for uniqueness
  13. Mindmap services that even a beginner can understand
  14. How to record a podcast
  15. Services and platforms for webinars
  16. How to make gifs (services)
  17. 7 services that will "comb" your texts
  18. 7 services for creating push notifications
  19. 5 services for analytics in FB
  20. Services for creating presentations
  21. Services for creating infographics
  22. Where and how to create a meme
  23. Services for creating and editing videos
  24. Event Promotion Apps
  25. Prototyping services
  26. Useful plugins for Google Chrome
  27. How to work with Yandex.Wordstat
  28. Services for collecting the semantic core
  29. Services for administrators of communities in social networks
  30. Call tracking services
  31. How to make a website on Tilda


  1. Market analysis: checklist or step by step guide
  2. What to give a client to attract attention
  3. What to do if a customer is negative: 5 effective ways cool the ardor
  4. 7 (or 5, 10) types of difficult clients and how to work with them
  5. How to understand that the client is problematic at the very start
  6. How to increase sales with promotions and discounts
  7. About fake comments, reviews
  8. How to attract customers if your reputation is spoiled (about working off the negative)
  9. UTM tags for beginners (why and how to use them)
  10. How to follow up on a potential customer (remarketing, cobrausing chats)
  11. 10 steps to making the right target audience portrait
  12. 15 questions to analyze competitors
  13. B2b and b2c leads: what's the difference?
  14. 5 universal formulas for a unique offer on the site
  15. What is and how to set up an auto funnel
  16. What types of lead magnets are there
  17. How to create a lead magnet in 15 minutes
  18. How to collect personal data correctly
  19. How to respond to reviews
  20. What is, how and why to measure the heat of traffic


  1. Popular CMS with pros and cons
  2. How to increase website conversion through design
  3. 10 signs of a lead generating site
  4. 5 things to know about UX design
  5. 5 ideas for increasing orders or signing up for free trials
  6. 5 reasons not to use constructors
  7. The basics of internal website optimization. Even if you are all hands on content marketing, you should understand that it starts with internal site optimization, so blog articles on this topic are a must have.
  8. What is the semantic core and how to compose it
  9. 5 myths about website builders
  10. Which commenting system to choose
  11. Landing page magnets: which help sell and vice versa - kill sales
  12. Pop-ups: how to unobtrusively use and make cool "pop-ups"
  13. Robots for lead generation (Vera, Dasha, cool chatbots)
  14. How to design an online store website to increase conversion
  15. Self-Checking UX Landing Page (Website) Checklist
  16. Free traffic sources
  17. Website on a template or a unique design? Pros and cons
  18. How to reduce the number of bounces on the site
  19. Typical mistakes on the site
  20. How to add a business to Google Maps and why you need it
  21. 5 ab testing mistakes
  22. N sites where you can buy a good theme for your site
  23. How to understand that you are getting quality traffic
  24. Why should a non-designer know the design (to analyze the site, give technical specifications for pictures, etc.)
  25. How to write a website brief
  26. Ideas for free website promotion
  27. 10 signs it's time to change your site
  28. 5 design elements that can harm your website
  29. How to choose and use the right font
  30. 7 mobile marketing trends
  31. How to use bots to promote
  32. Everything about internal site linking
  33. 5 services for quick website audit
  34. 7 mistakes in the design of the product card of the online store
  35. Secrets of a successful first contact with a customer
  36. 5 services for accepting payments on the site
  37. Usability for Dummies: 5 Navigation Principles
  38. How to check a website for loading speed (and increase it)
  39. Website building tutorials and videos
  40. How to check site responsiveness
  41. How to transfer a site to a new engine
  42. How to transfer a site to a new hosting
  43. 100 useful plugins for a WordPress website
  44. 100 Free WordPress Themes (and Other CMS)
  45. What gives and why you need an SSL certificate
  46. How to draw up a terms of reference for website development
  47. How to deal with ad blockers
  48. A / B Test Ideas and A / B Testing Principles


  1. What an Internet Marketer Should Know
  2. 5 Easy Steps to Analyze Your Competitor's Content Marketing
  3. Vrontakte analytics - tools for collecting statistics and analyzing competitors
  4. Analytics in YouTube - tools for collecting statistics and competitor analysis
  5. 7 unforgivable targeting mistakes
  6. Tutorial: how to work with the keyword report in Google AdWords
  7. The most important reports of Metrics and Analytics
  8. How to add different counters to the site
  9. Review of popular parsers
  10. A step-by-step guide to using one of the parsers

Blog Articles on Marketing Theory

  1. Principles of launching a crowd marketing campaign
  2. What is situational marketing and what is it with (examples)
  3. What are KPIs, what metrics exist, who are they?
  4. When it makes sense to abandon the KPI
  5. What is normcore marketing
  6. How to use sex in marketing (sex still sells?)
  7. What is community management
  8. What is newsjacking, where and how to use it
  9. What is cross marketing and how to use it
  10. Augmented reality - how it works and how to use it
  11. Fact-checking - why is it needed, how it works, is it needed, and what will happen if you ignore it
  12. Alternative, unpopular marketing options
  13. Guerrilla marketing - what it is and examples for inspiration

With the right approach to this list of marketing blog topics, you can create an almost endless content plan. Each topic can be used to compose some more interesting headlines for high-engagement content. If you are too lazy to do it yourself, write to us - we will write cool articles in a marketing blog or good content for groups on social networks.

Let's start the new working year with useful reading! At the end of 2016, we did not load you with information, but we ourselves continued to study useful materials on marketing, advertising and sales in Runet. So, valuable tips from the December digest that will come in handy in the new year!

The Guide to the best marketing tactics for each generation, proposed by Rusability.

Eva Katz, Managing Partner of the Internet Sales Agency 5 o'click, shared a list of books for useful reading. Little Manipulator Library: Books you need to read for your ad to work discreetly but effectively.

Dissatisfied clients were, are and will be. And there will be refusals on their part. But sometimes you have to face a situation in which you have to refuse. Megaplan Says Possible Polite Refusal: 6 Ways to Say No to a Client without a sense of guilt and regret on their part and wild resentment and discontent on the part of the client.

Before you start writing a selling text or order it from a copywriter, read the material in Denis Kaplunov's blog - We study the tasks, problems and benefits of clients before writing a selling text.

Advertising on VKontakte is acquiring an increasingly human face and it seems that annoying teasers are already a thing of the past: firstly, they do not have so many opportunities for advertising creativity, secondly, users have already learned not to react to them, and thirdly, more and more people read the feed in mobile devices where these ads are not visible at all. The future of VKontakte advertising lies in promo posts, which can be created directly in the advertising account, and in the community posts. Why will hidden posts change VKontakte ads once and for all? - read the material Cossa.

How to beautifully and correctly show potential customers an information product, read and look in the infographics Denis Kaplunov Studios- 10 ways of visual presentation of information.

Don't use business strategies of big companies for small businesses, says Megaplan, and we agree with him. Make a marketing plan that's right for your project, and Three Phase Marketing will help you with this.

Another helpful article in Megaplane from Maxim Ilyakhova - Content Marketing: A Beginner's Guide. Learn what content marketing is and start reaching customers without ads or recommendations.

Online services make our life easier, especially when there are many tasks in the project, and it is difficult to cover them all at once. When does your team work remotely? And when there are several projects? CMSmagazine in a large review, he spoke about 43 useful services for project management. No epithets.

How do I test my landing page? With the help of split texts, of course I'm sure LPgenerator and offers 8 ideas for effective A / C tests.

The big red "Buy" button has moved off the top of the ranking of ways to increase conversions. Find out what else works differently with MythBusters: The Truth About Text, Buttons, and Images on Product Landings.

We win VKontakte customers with the help of the right emotions. How emotional content works in SMM (on the example of popular VKontakte groups) - another masterpiece from TexTerra.

As usual, we have collected for you a digest of the most useful articles on marketing and design. But in January there were so many interesting publications that we could not identify the top five. Therefore, I had to supplement the selection with a sixth material that is no less useful. What will you learn from this digest?

The Long Distance: How an SEO Studio Owner Learned to Work with Content Marketing, and What Came Out of It

A prime example of how content marketing works. A step-by-step guide for those who don't know where to start how to write guest posts what is “article seeding” and how to carry it out. What services can help you, how to write interesting content and posts that you want to click on. And don't forget to look at the comments on the article (you will find some valuable tips).

How to promote a brand on Facebook without an ad budget

Easy-to-read and understandable instructions on how to promote through Facebook without paid ads: from registering your page to working with subscribers. How to create a content strategy tailored to the interests of subscribers, how to spread posts with influencers, add a Facebook widget and pixel to your site, and much other useful information for those who want to start promoting on this network.

Why does everyone need to write like Torshina

What is trash writing and is it worth using emotions and profanity in articles. How the use of mate affects the effectiveness of the publication and the position of the site. Is it worth keeping the attention of the target audience in this way?

"You helped a client - consider that you did nothing": how to organize the work of a support service in social networks

Typical and sometimes curious mistakes of the support service in social networks will make you smile and think about the work of your SMMs. Why you shouldn't neglect this space for communicating with clients. Do you need to stick to a formal style of conversation or can you go for an informal conversation. How can you solve non-standard problems in social networks and communicate in the client's language.

Email Marketing for Business: How to Create a Working Sales Funnel

What is an autofunnel, what kind of business it is suitable for and what are its advantages. What should be a lead magnet, and what to write in a chain of letters. All this you can not only read, but also see vivid examples of how others do it. Finally, you will learn what to do with your auto funnel afterwards and when it is time to “sell”.

Viral Marketing: How to Promote Your Business on Facebook Brawls

The whole article is a real case of companies about how you can get huge coverage of a post on social networks for little money. How 1 viral post can be a decisive push to promote your business. How to search for a news feed and how to create one yourself. This article will also bring you a lot of smiles.

And now a small bonus to the load:

Home Startup Course

Want to start a startup but always miss something? Then here you will find everything you need: books, articles, templates, contracts. From MVP creation and business model to investor search and marketing. Most of the information is in English, but there is also Russian-language material.

Thank you for your attention!
If you like our digest, subscribe to our newsletter and you will always be aware of the main marketing and design news.

Read also:

Digest of the best articles on marketing for October 2016
Digest of the best articles on marketing for November 2016
5 best marketing articles that are definitely worth your attention: December 2016 Digest

We offer our website readers dozens of excellent cases on advertising and marketing, team management and, of course, sales. We have collected the TOP 15 best articles on promotion, which you can come back to over and over again.

1. Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Best Examples and Development Tips

The goal of developing a unique selling proposition in each case is to gain or retain market share. Let's focus on a simple allegory. You need to eat for life. Such food for business is "cash cows" - brands, products, trade marks that are created and promoted by market participants, and then "milked" to generate income.

Best article of the month

We surveyed businessmen and found out what modern tactics help to increase the average check and frequency of purchases of regular customers. We have published tips and practical cases in the article.

Also in the article you will find three tools to determine the needs of customers and increase the average check. With these methods, employees always follow up on the upsell plan.

To milk a cow, it must be grazed. Since the grass on their favorite pasture ends at some point, even large companies are forced to search for a new meadow for their cattle. And, the main thing is that a competitor does not find your promising meadows earlier.

Unique Selling Proposition (USP) from a business perspective is such a free pasture, on which there are no competitor's cows.

2. Cross-marketing: how to attract customers quickly and cheaply

Cross-marketing is a traditional method of running affiliate promotions and is especially effective in reducing your advertising budget. Partnership in this area reduces advertising costs by 50% for attracting new customers and, with a competent approach, allows you to expand the target audience. How to choose an ideal partner for an action and organize it on mutually beneficial terms? Cross-marketing is a relatively new and effective technology for promoting a product or brand on the market.

One of the principles of this method is the expression "fish where it is found." That is, communication and sales should be in the place where the person is located for it. The essence of cross-marketing boils down to the fact that customers ...

3. How to come up with a company name: a step-by-step algorithm

I am sure that a professional copywriter looking for a sonorous name for a huge corporation, and a businessman who orders the first sign for his hairdresser, follow the same path of creating a brand: they try to put in the name of their companies a certain semantic and emotional load, the influence of which they want to extend to future customers. And despite the fact that naming is a creative process, technology is indispensable here: names taken from the ceiling are rarely successful. As history shows, copywriting talent has not always contributed to the creation of great brands. Their names sometimes became the names of the localities, the first and last names of the founders, and even their food preferences.

4.8 marketing moves to boost low season sales

5. Low-budget marketing campaigns: rules and examples

A solid advertising budget is not yet a guarantee of the desired sales growth. The relevance and correctness of the advertising message in relation to the target audience, the expressiveness of the design and precisely selected text, the use of non-standard platforms - this is what increases the chances of the desired success. But even low-budget promotions have a number of features to consider if you want to get the most out of your ads.

6. Word of mouth: 4 mistakes that will ruin everything

Word of mouth marketing comes to the aid of companies when they need to attract customers. Most companies take the recommendation as an accident, hoping that the buyer will recommend a product or brand just like that. For this to become a regularity, the following mistakes should be avoided in recommendation marketing, including word of mouth advertising.

7. Seo-optimization and website promotion: typical mistakes

Seo optimization and website promotion are widely used by merchants. However, due to inexperience, the client may choose a poor contractor - not competent enough to actually achieve good results and understand which recommendations are out of date and which are basic. What Yandex requirements should the site meet and what mistakes of seo-optimization and site promotion should be avoided?

8. Website personalization: a selection of effective tools

Website personalization tools for a specific visitor are widely used in online marketing. To keep a potential customer on a company page or in an online store, merchants put in a lot of effort. Here's a selection of retention and personalization tools that you will probably need.

9. Sales Marketing Techniques: 6 Great Practical Ideas

10. Free advertising: 40 options to advertise yourself without investment

Can free advertising provide effective results? Where is the best place to place free classified ads? What makes good free online advertising different, and why is it profitable for your business? How to competently create advertising for free and increase the company's profit? What are the advantages of a flash mob for brand awareness for the whole country? Answers in the article. H

11.7 rules for attracting and retaining customers that you will love

A loyalty program is successful if it is simple, profitable and completely transparent to the consumer. How to ensure that customers do not refuse it and use the services of your company with pleasure? It is difficult to invent something fundamentally new in a loyalty program. Success depends on how you put it together: in some companies it becomes a growth driver, in others it is an optional addition. Improving the ways of attracting customers, we relied on several rules for attracting and retaining customers, thanks to which it has become a real selling tool.

12. What you need to know about the client in order to sell him more

There are a number of data that have a significant impact on customer loyalty. For example, if the employees of a cosmetics store know what color of eyes their regular customers have, then there is a better chance of selling them a new line of cosmetics. Are you making an effort to collect customer data that can drive sales for your product?

13. Corporate identity of the company: development, implementation, examples

In this article, we will look at why a corporate identity is important to a business, how to develop a good logo and corporate identity for a company, as well as what difficulties and nuances the creation of a corporate identity involves, and how market leaders choose a corporate identity design. In detail about this, and whether you can find a corporate identity template for your industry, -

14. Competitive advantage: an overview of strategies and ways of development in a crisis

The world does not stand still, information is constantly being updated, and market participants are in search of marketing ideas, ways of doing business, new views on their product. Any business is tested for strength by competitors, therefore, when developing a development strategy, it is reasonable to take into account their influence, market share, position and behavior.

15.7 rules of product promotion that have been effective for half a century

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