The sum of the angles of the triangle is the solution. “Solution of problems on the application of the theorem on the sum of the angles of a triangle and the theorem on the outer angle of a triangle. Building a drawing and a short statement of the theorem

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7th grade. Solving problems. "The sum of the angles of a triangle. The outer angle of a triangle"

8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 13 19 7 ... according to ready-made drawings

The theorem on the sum of the angles of a triangle. A B C The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 0.

The outer corner of the triangle. Property. A B C The outer angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of two angles of a triangle that are not adjacent to it. D

Properties isosceles triangle... А М В К С N Angles at the base. Median, height, bisector. In an isosceles triangle, the angles at the base are equal. In an isosceles track, the bisector drawn to the base is the median and the height.

Medians, bisectors and heights of triangles. A K B M C R O N L S H Median Bisector Height

B A O C Adjacent corners

Equilateral triangle. A B C In an equilateral triangle, all sides are EQUAL and all angles are EQUAL.

1. Answer Hint (3) Properties of an isosceles triangle Find the angles of an isosceles track if the angle at the base is 2 times the angle opposite the base. The sum of the angles of the triangle C A B x 2x 2x

2. Answer Hint (3) Outside corner of a triangle Find the angles of an isosceles track if the angle at the base is 3 times less than the outside angle adjacent to it. The sum of the angles of the triangle C A B x 3x The property of the outer angle of the triangle

3. Answer 50 0 C A B Given: ∆ ABC, AB = BC, AD - bisector, Find: Hint (4) Properties of isosceles triangle Bisector of triangle D? Sum of the angles of a triangle Adjacent angles

4. Answer 7 5 0 К С Given: ∆ CDE, DK is the bisector, Find the angles of the triangle CDE. Hint (3) Consider ∆ CDK Triangle bisector D Sum of triangle angles 28 0 E

five . Answer 50 0 M A Given: ∆ ABC, BM - height, Find the angle CBM. Hint (3) Properties of an isosceles triangle Height of an isosceles triangle B Sum of angles of triangle C

6. Answer 12 0 0 C A B Given: ∆ ABC, AB = BC = 5 cm, Find: AC Hint (4) Properties of an isosceles triangle Outer corner of a triangle Adjacent angles D Equilateral triangle

Solving problems based on ready-made drawings. It is necessary to write down the condition of the problem from the picture and answer the question. There are no prompts in tasks. 8 9 1 0 7 1 1 1 2 14 15 1 6 13 1 7 1 8 20 21 22 23 24 19

7. Answer 3 0 0 A Find: B C?

8. Answer 4 0 0 A Find: B C D? ? ?

nine . Answer 30 0 D A BC = AC Find: B C?

10. Answer 110 0 A Find: B C 40 0? ?

Lesson objectives:

  • to acquaint students with the theorem on the sum of the angles of a triangle, to classify triangles by angles;
  • consider the application of the theorem to solving problems.

Lesson Objectives:


  • formulate and consider the plan of the proof of the theorem on the sum of the angles of a triangle;
  • to classify triangles by angles;
  • consider the problem of applying the proven statement.

Developing: the ability to analyze, generalize the knowledge gained, develop mathematical speech.


  • foster cognitive activity, culture of communication;
  • foster respect for the historical heritage in the field of mathematics.

Lesson type: partially exploratory.

Method: research using theoretical knowledge.


  • multi-projector;
  • presentation;
  • handout, task - a card for working out the theorem when solving problems.

Interdisciplinary connections: history.

The use of health-saving technologies in the lesson:

  • change of activities;
  • development of auditory and visual analyzers in every child.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello, sit down. (Presentation. Slide 1)

Yes, the path of knowledge is not smooth
But we know from school years
There are more riddles than answers
And there is no limit to the search.

2. Updating knowledge.

Let's remember everything that is needed in today's lesson.

DBE - expanded.

Slide 2.

2) Properties of an isosceles triangle. Find 1.

1 = 70 °

Formulate the opposite of the isosceles triangle property.

3) properties of parallel lines.

Slide 4

2 = 43 ° 1 = 60 °

- Like criss-crossing corners.

4) Introductory task. Slide 5

ABF - isosceles

B = 30 °, AF BD,

BD - bisector CBF

sum of angles ABF

Is the sum of the angles ABF coincidentally equal to 180 °, or does any triangle possess this property? ( Any triangle has a sum of angles equal to 180 °.)

This statement is called the triangle sum theorem.

So, the topic of the lesson: The sum of the angles of a triangle. Slide 6, 7, 8.

Often a preschooler also knows
What is a triangle.
And how can you not know ...
But it's a completely different matter -
Very fast and skillful
The magnitudes of all angles
Find out in the triangle.

To find quickly and correctly the angles in any triangle, you need to consider the theorem on the sum of all the angles of a triangle. This is what we will do now in the lesson.


- consider the outline of the proof of the theorem on the sum of the angles of a triangle;
- to classify triangles by angles;
- learn to apply the theorem on the sum of the angles of a triangle when solving problems.

  • Historical background on the "sum of the angles of a triangle" theorem.

The property of the sum of the angles of a triangle was empirically, that is, it was established empirically, probably back in Ancient Egypt, but the information that has come down to us about its various proofs refers to a later time. The proof set forth in modern textbooks is contained in Proclus's commentary on Euclid's Beginnings. Slides 9,10.

The angles of a triangle add up to 180 °


A + B + C = 180 °

Proof plan:

Because in the condition of the theorem there is not enough data for the proof, then the question arises of introducing an auxiliary element (an additional construction is the construction of a straight line). The same situations arise when there is not enough data to solve problems.

a) Construct DE AC through vertex B ABC
b) Mark 1, 2, 3.

2) Prove that A = 1, C = 3

A = 1 as criss-crossing angles at DE AC,

AB - secant.

3) Prove that 1 + 2 + 3 = 180 °;

hence, A + 2 + C = 180 °

DBE - expanded

So 1 + 2 + 3 = 180 °

And since as criss-crossing angles at DE AC

Hence, A + 2 + C = 180 °

The theorem is proved.

4) What triangles are distinguished on the sides? (Isosceles, equilateral, versatile.)

Triangles are classified not only by the sides, but also by the corners. Let's talk about the corners first.

- What is an angle? (An angle is a shape formed by two rays emanating from the same point. The rays are called the sides of the angle, and the point is the apex of the angle.)
- What is the right angle? (An angle of 90º.)
- What angle is called unfolded? (An angle of 180º.)
- What angle is called acute? (Angle less than 90º.)
- What angle is called obtuse? (Angle greater than 90 ° but less than 180 °.)

Thus, the corners are sharp, straight, obtuse, unfolded.

Draw three corners in your notebook: sharp, blunt, and straight. Complete the drawing to the triangle.

- What needs to be done for this? (Take a point on the sides of the corner and connect them.)
- What are the triangles? (Obtuse, rectangular, acute-angled.)

Slide 13–16.

Oral test: Slide 17 the test is taken - "Lesson development on geometry grade 7, Gavrilova NF, M .: VAKO, 2006".

1) In a triangle ABC, A = 90 °, while the other two angles can be:

a) one is sharp and the other can be straight;
b) both are sharp;
c) one is sharp and the other can be blunt.

2) In a triangle ABC, B is obtuse, while the other two angles can be:

a) only sharp;
b) sharp and straight;
c) sharp and dull.

3) An acute-angled triangle may contain:

a) all corners are sharp;
b) one obtuse and 2 acute angles;
c) one straight line and 2 acute angles.

Checking by Slide 18, 19, 20.

5) Cards with the task are issued. The time for self-fulfillment is assigned - 7 minutes. Then it is verified through multimedia.

Practicing skills using ready-made drawings: Slide 21-30.

Find 1, 2.

6)Lesson conclusion:

- By types of angles are considered (acute-angled, obtuse, right-angled triangle).

- What is the sum of the angles in any triangle (The sum of the angles in any triangle is 180 °).

- We will also consider this theorem when solving problem No. 228 (a)

Recorded: House. task: Ch. IV §1 p. 30 No. 223 (a; b), 228 (b).

No. 228 (a). Consider: 2 cases of solving the problem:

If there is time test.

The sum of the angles of a triangle

The umma of the angles of an arbitrary triangle is 180 degrees.

The sum of the sharp corners right triangle

The sum of the acute angles of a right-angled triangle is 90 degrees.

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Outside corner of a triangle

The outer corner of a triangle is equal to the sum of two inner ones that are not adjacent to it.

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Exercise 1

In a triangle ABC angle A is equal to 30 o, angle B is equal to 90 o. Find the corner C .

Answer: 60 p.

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Exercise 2

In a triangle ABC angle A is equal to 40 o, external angle at apex B is equal to 10 0 o. Find the corner C .

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Answer: 60 p.

Exercise # 3

In a triangle ABC angle A is equal to 40 o. Outside apex angle B is equal to 7 0 o. Find the corner C .

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Answer: 3 0 p.

Exercise 4

In a triangle ABC angle A is equal to 40 o, AC = BC... Find the corner C .

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Answer: 100 p.

Exercise # 5

In a triangle ABC angle C equals 12 0 o, AC = BC... Find the corner A .

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Answer: 30 p.

Exercise # 6

In a triangle ABC AC = BC, angle C is equal to 50 o. Find the outer corner CBD .

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Answer: 115 p.

Exercise 7

In a triangle ABC AC = BC... Outside apex angle B is equal to 12 0 o. Find the corner C .

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Answer: 60 p.

Exercise 8

In a triangle ABC AB = BC... Outside apex angle B is equal to 1 4 0 o. Find the corner C .

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Answer: 70 p.

Exercise 9

One of the outer corners of the triangle is equal to 8 0 o. For globes that are not adjacent to a given external angle, the ratio is 2: 3. Find the largest one.

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Answer: 48 p.

Exercise 10

About one of the corners of an isosceles triangle is 100 degrees. Find one of its other corners.

Answer: 40 p.

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Exercise 1 1

The sum of the two angles of the triangle and the outer angle to the third is 30 o. Find this third corner.

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Answer: 165 o.

Exercise 12

The angles of a triangle are 1: 2: 3. Find the smaller one.

Answer: 3 0 p.

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Exercise # 13

One acute corner of a right-angled triangle is 5 times the size of the other. Find a larger sharp corner.

Answer: 75 p.

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Exercise # 14

One acute corner of a right-angled triangle is 20 degrees larger than the other. Find a smaller sharp corner.

Answer: 35 p.

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Exercise 1 5

In a triangle ABC angle C equals 9 0 o, CH- height, angle A is equal to 35 o. Find the corner BCH .

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Answer: 35 p.

Exercise 1 6

In a triangle ABC angle BUT= 65 o, angle IN = 73 o, CH- height. Find the difference in angles ACH and BCH .

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Answer: 8 p.

Exercise 1 7

In a triangle ABC angle BUT is equal to 30 o, CH- height, angle BCH is equal to 20 o. Find the corner C .

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Answer: 40 p.

Exercise 1 8

In a triangle ABC AD- bisector, angle C is equal to 5 0 o, the angle CAD is equal to 30 o. Find the corner B .

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Answer: 70 p.

Exercise 1 9

In a triangle ABC AD- bisector, angle C is equal to 3 0 o, the angle BAD is equal to 20 o. Find the corner ADB .

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Answer: 50 p.

Exercise # 20

In a triangle ABC AC = BC , AD- height, angle BAD is equal to 25 o. Find the corner C .

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Answer: 50 p.

Exercise # 21

In a triangle ABC CD- median, angle C equals 90 o, angle B is equal to 60 o. Find the corner ACD .

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Answer: 30 p.

Exercise # 22

In a triangle ABC angle A is equal to 70 o, BD and CE O... Find the corner DOE .

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Answer: 110 o.

Exercise # 23

The two angles of the triangle are 60 degrees and 70 degrees. What is the angle between the heights emerging from the vertices of these corners?

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Answer: 5 0 o.

Exercise 2 4

In a triangle ABC angle C equals 60 o, AD and BE O... Find the corner AOB .

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Answer: 120 o.

Exercise 2 5

The acute angle of a right-angled triangle is 30 degrees. Find the angle formed by the bisectors of this and the right angles of the triangle.

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Answer: 60 o.

Exercise 2 6

Find the angles between the bisectors of the acute corners of a right triangle.

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Answer: 4 5 o.

Exercise 2 7

In a triangle ABC CH- height, AD- bisector, angle BAD is equal to 25 o. Find the corner AOC .

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Answer: 115 p.

Exercise 2 8

In a triangle ABC bisector AD and AB = AD = CD... Find the smaller angle of the triangle ABC .

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Answer: 36 o.

Exercise # 29

In a triangle ABC angle BUT equals 48 o, angle C is equal to 56 o. On the continuation side BUT B cut off ok BD = Sun... Find the angle D triangle BCD .

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Answer: 38 p.

Exercise # 30

The acute angles of a right-angled triangle are 30 ° and 60 °. Find the angle between the height and the bisector drawn from the top of the right angle.

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Answer: 15 p.

Exercise # 31

In a right-angled triangle, the angle between the height and the bisector drawn from the vertex of the right angle is 2 0 о. Find the smaller acute angle of the given triangle.

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Answer: 25 p.

Exercise # 32

The acute angles of a right-angled triangle are 25 ° and 65 °. Find the angle between the height and the median, drawn from the top of the right angle.

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Answer: 40 p.

Exercise # 33

In a right-angled triangle, the angle between the height and the median drawn from the top of the right angle is 30 degrees. Find the larger of the sharp corners of this triangle.

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Answer: 60 p.

Exercise # 34

The acute angles of a right-angled triangle are 25 ° and 65 °. Find the angle between the bisector and the median, drawn from the top of the right angle.

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Answer: 20 p.

Exercise # 35

The angle between the bisector and the median of a right-angled triangle, drawn from the apex of the right angle, is 15 o. Find the smaller acute angle of this triangle.

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Answer: 30 p.

Exercise # 36

In a triangle ABC angle B equals 4 5 o, angle C is equal to 8 0 o, AD- bisector, AE = AC... Find the corner BDE .

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Answer: 35 o.

Exercise # 37

In a triangle ABC angle A is equal to 30 o, angle B equals 85 o, CD- the bisector of the outer corner, FROM E = BC... Find the corner BDE .

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Answer: 55 o.

Exercise # 38

In a triangle ABC angle A equals 60 o, angle B is equal to 80 o. AD , BE and CF- bisectors intersecting at a point O... Find the corner AOF .

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Answer: 50 o.

Exercise # 39

In a triangle ABC angle A equals 60 o, angle B is equal to 80 o. AD , BE and CF- heights intersecting at a point O... Find the corner AOF .

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Answer: 80 o.

Exercise # 40

In the figure, angle 1 is 45 °, angle 2 is 90 °, angle 3 is 30 °. Find corner 4.

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Answer: 120 p.

Exercise 41

In a triangle ABC angle A is equal to 30 o, external angle at apex B is equal to 100 o. Find the corner C .

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Answer: 70 p.

Exercise # 42

The angles of a triangle are 2: 3: 4. Find the smaller one.

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Answer: 40 p.

Exercise 43

One acute corner of a right-angled triangle is 30 degrees larger than the other. Find a larger sharp corner.

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Answer: 60 p.

Exercise # 44

In a triangle ABC angle C is equal to 90 o, CH- height, angle A is equal to 30 o. Find the corner BCH .

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Answer: 30 p.

Exercise 45

In a triangle ABC AD- bisector, angle C is equal to 40 o, angle CAD is equal to 30 o. Find the corner B .

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Answer: 80 p.

Exercise # 46

In a triangle ABC CD- median, angle C equals 90 o, angle B is equal to 50 o. Find the corner ACD .

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Answer: 40 p.

Exercise # 47

In a triangle ABC angle A equals 60 o, BD and CE- heights intersecting at a point O... Find the corner DOE .

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Answer: 120 p.

Exercise 48

In a triangle ABC angle C is equal to 70 o, AD and BE- bisectors intersecting at a point O... Find the corner AOB .

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Answer: 125 p.

Exercise # 49

In a right-angled triangle, the angle between the height and the median drawn from the vertex of the right angle is 20 °. Find the larger of the sharp corners of this triangle.

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Answer: 55 p.

Exercise # 50

The acute angles of a right-angled triangle are 20 ° and 70 °. Find the angle between the bisector and the median, drawn from the top of the right angle.

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Answer: 25 p.

Exercise # 51

In a triangle ABC angle A equals 50 o, angle B is equal to 70 o. AD , BE and CF- bisectors intersecting at a point O... Find the corner AOF .

In slide mode, answers appear after clicking the mouse

Answer: 55 p.

Exercise # 52

In a triangle ABC angle A equals 50 o, angle B is equal to 70 o. AD and BE- heights intersecting at a point O... Find the corner AOB .

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The sum of the angles of a triangle.

Smirnova I.N., teacher of mathematics.
Open Lesson Information Leaflet.

The purpose of the methodological lesson: to acquaint teachers with modern methods and techniques of using ICT tools in different types educational activities.
Lesson topic: The sum of the angles of a triangle.
Lesson name:"Knowledge is only knowledge when it is acquired by the efforts of one's own thought, and not by memory." L. N Tolstoy.
Methodological innovations that will form the basis of the lesson.
The lesson will show the methods scientific research using ICT (using mathematical experiments as one of the forms of obtaining new knowledge; experimental testing of hypotheses).
Overview description of the lesson model.
  1. Motivation to study the theorem.
  2. Disclosure of the content of the theorem in the course of a mathematical experiment using the educational and methodological set "Living Mathematics".
  3. Motivation for the need to prove the theorem.
  4. Work on the structure of the theorem.
  5. Search for a proof of the theorem.
  6. Proof of the theorem.
  7. Strengthening the statement of the theorem and its proof.
  8. Application of the theorem.

Geometry lesson in grade 7
according to the textbook "Geometry 7-9"
on the topic: "The sum of the angles of a triangle."

Lesson type: a lesson in learning new material.
Lesson objectives:
Educational: prove the theorem on the sum of the angles of a triangle; to get skills of working with the program "Living Mathematics", the development of intersubject connections.
Developing: improving the skills to consciously carry out such methods of thinking as comparison, generalization and systematization.
Educational: fostering independence and the ability to work in accordance with the planned plan.
Equipment: a multimedia room, an interactive board, cards with a plan of practical work, the "Living Mathematics" program.

Lesson structure.

  1. Knowledge update.
    1. A mobilizing start to the lesson.
    2. Problem statement formulation in order to motivate the study of new material.
    3. Statement of the educational problem.
    1. Practical work "The sum of the angles of a triangle".
    2. Proof of the theorem on the sum of the angles of a triangle.
    1. Solving a problematic task.
    2. Solving problems based on ready-made drawings.
    3. Summing up the lesson.
    4. Homework setting.

During the classes.

  1. Knowledge update.

    Lesson plan:

    1. Experimentally establish and put forward a hypothesis about the sum of the angles of any triangle.
    2. Prove this assumption.
    3. To consolidate the established fact.
  2. Formation of new knowledge and methods of action.
    1. Practical work "The sum of the angles of a triangle".

      Students sit down at computers and are given cards with a plan of practical work.

      Practical work on the topic "The sum of the angles of a triangle" (sample card)

      Print card

      Students hand over the results of practical work and sit down at their desks.
      After discussing the results of practical work, a hypothesis is put forward that the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 °.
      Teacher: Why can we not yet say that the sum of the angles of absolutely any triangle is 180 °.
      Pupil: It is impossible to perform absolutely accurate constructions, nor to make absolutely accurate measurements, even on a computer.
      The statement that the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 ° applies only to the triangles we have considered. We cannot say anything about the other triangles, since we did not measure their angles.
      Teacher: It would be more correct to say: the triangles we have considered have a sum of angles approximately equal to 180 °. To make sure that the sum of the angles of a triangle is exactly 180 ° and, moreover, for any triangles, we also need to carry out the appropriate reasoning, that is, to prove the validity of the statement suggested to us by experience.

    2. Proof of the theorem on the sum of the angles of a triangle.

      Students open their notebooks and write down the lesson topic "The sum of the angles of a triangle."

      Work on the structure of the theorem.

      To formulate the theorem, answer the following questions:
      • What triangles were used in the measurement process?
      • What is included in the condition of the theorem (what is given)?
      • What did we find when measuring?
      • What is the conclusion of the theorem (what needs to be proved)?
      • Try to formulate a theorem about the sum of the angles of a triangle.

      Building a drawing and a short statement of the theorem

      At this stage, students are asked to make a drawing and write down what is given and what needs to be proved.

      Construction of a drawing and a short statement of the theorem.

      Given: Triangle ABC.
      ட A + ட B + ட C = 180 °.

      Finding a proof of the theorem

      When looking for a proof, one should try to expand the condition or conclusion of the theorem. In the theorem on the sum of the angles of a triangle, attempts to unfold the condition are hopeless, so it is reasonable to engage with the students to unfold the conclusion.
      Teacher: What statements speak of angles, the sum of the values ​​of which is 180 °.
      Pupil: If two parallel lines are intersected by a secant, then the sum of the inner one-sided angles is 180 °.
      The sum of adjacent angles is 180 °.
      Teacher: Let's try to use the first statement to prove it. In this regard, it is necessary to build two parallel straight lines and a secant, but it is necessary to do this so that the largest number of angles of the triangle become internal or enter into them. How can you achieve this?

      Search for a proof of the theorem.

      Pupil: Draw a straight line through one of the vertices of the triangle parallel to the other side, then the side will be a secant. For example, through the top B.
      Teacher: What are the internal one-sided corners formed at these straight lines and secant.
      Pupil: Angles DBA and BAC.
      Teacher: Which angles add up to 180 °?
      Pupil:ட DBA and ட BAC.
      Teacher: What about the ABD angle?
      Pupil: Its value is equal to the sum of the angles ABC and SVK.
      Teacher: What statement are we missing to prove the theorem?
      Pupil:ட DBC = ட ACB.
      Teacher: What are these angles?
      Pupil: Internal criss-crossing.
      Teacher: On what basis can we say that they are equal?
      Pupil: By the property of cross-lying internal angles with parallel straight lines and a secant.

      As a result of the search for a proof, a plan for the proof of the theorem is drawn up:

      Outline of the proof of the theorem.

      1. Draw a straight line through one of the vertices of the triangle, parallel to the opposite side.
      2. Prove the equality of the interior intersecting angles.
      3. Write down the sum of the inner one-sided angles and express them in terms of the angles of the triangle.

      Proof and its record.

      1. Let's run BD || AC (axiom of parallel lines).
      2. ட 3 = ட 4 (since these are criss-crossing angles for BD || AC and secant BC).
      3. ட A + ட ABD = 180 ° (since these are one-sided angles with BD || AC and secant AB).
      4. ட A + ட ABD = ட 1 + (ட 2 + ட 4) = ட 1 + ட 2 + ட 3 = 180 °, as required.

      Strengthening the statement of the theorem and its proof.

      To master the formulation of the theorem, students are invited to complete the following tasks:

      1. State the theorem we just proved.
      2. Highlight the condition and conclusion of the theorem.
      3. To which figures does the theorem apply?
      4. Formulate a theorem with the words "if ... then ...".
  3. Application of knowledge, formation of skills and abilities.

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