I do guest posts. What is a guest post and are such publications effective in promotion. How to write a quality guest post

Guest post is relevant for target audience blog article that was not written by its creator, but by an ordinary subscriber, visitor or other blogger. At the same time, the conditions of placement are always agreed with the author.

This may be a banal mention of a link to his account, a mark in Stories, etc. What is a guest post in other words? This is an effective tool for promotion and promotion in in social networks, one of the most effective advertising tools.

All about guest posts: how, why, for whom

Guest posts on Instagram, in fact, are not much different from regular posts. They are a standard author's photograph, accompanied by printed text. The only difference is the placement method. So, the news written by the author is not published on his blog, but on the page of another user.

Characteristic features and features of such records:

  • written by some users, hosted by others;
  • when publishing, they must be accompanied by links to the author's account;
  • are commercial and promotional.

What is it for? Two persons benefit from the placement - its creator and the owner of the account.

Why guest posting on Instagram is beneficial for the blog owner:

  • allows you to temporarily take a break from writing text messages to a large audience, from communicating with subscribers;
  • maintains the rhythm of feed updates;
  • injects a fresh flow of information, keeps the interest of blog readers;
  • attracts additional cash injections to the account (if the entry was published on a paid basis).
  • allows you to cover new audience people who have not previously subscribed to the account;
  • an effective way to promote a blog;
  • the ability to advertise your own content, unobtrusively interest new people in it.

Guest post on Instagram, example:

Above are the news posted on the pages of the top Russian instabloggers. All of them are for informational purposes, urging subscribers to visit a specific page.

What should be a guest post on Instagram

The main rule that applies to such entries is that they should be related to the main topic of the blog or its separate section, look harmoniously in the general feed. This is the main, but not the only requirement. Along with it, the following can be distinguished:

  1. The printed text should be unusual and interesting, stand out against the background of other news, attracting the user's attention. It is necessarily accompanied by a beautiful thematic picture.
  2. Information should be presented briefly and concisely - the fewer characters, the better (do not cross the threshold of 1,500 characters).
  3. From beginning to end, the text should be in the same manner, in the same style. It is important that it does not have an obvious advertising character.
  4. A publication previously posted on third-party sites or resources cannot be used as a guest post.
  5. After the entry is published, the author must follow the comments under it, communicate with subscribers, and take an active part in the ongoing discussions.

The introductory part is of particular importance in the text. In it, it is necessary not only to attract the attention of the reader, but to present yourself to him. There must be an acquaintance that a person wants to continue. A well-written introduction delivers the most out of your audience.

How to find partners

In order for guest posting to work, you need to find large-scale profiles with a large number of subscribers that can profitably present authored content. The search can be carried out by keywords and queries, by hashtags, in the Instagram section "Interesting" or "Recommended", as well as in subscriptions from "real", "live" subscribers.

After choosing the right profiles, contact their developers via Direct, offering mutually beneficial cooperation. Do not be afraid to get rejected, be active and you will definitely find those who will support your idea by agreeing. As practice shows, profiles with 20-30 thousand audience turn out to be the most responsive, making good contact. If you are a beginner with barely a thousand followers, it is unlikely that you will be able to start cooperation with a large page (for example, with a million coverage).

It is worth noting that a number of popular instablogers independently invite users and advertisers to cooperate, offer placement in their news feed for a fee. Finding them is not so difficult, just use the search engine and enter the query: "I accept guest posts."

How often to do it

To attract new subscribers, it is enough to post one post every week on the pages of different bloggers for two to three months. By the fourth month, when about 16-17 articles have already been written, the first echelon of the target audience will gather on the promoted page.

A good result is a mark of 100-150 new subscribers after each published entry. If you notice that much fewer users come to you, look for other platforms for promotion and promotion.

What should be the text

The goal of a guest post is to attract a new audience and only after that sell a product or service to them. It should be entertaining, benefit people, present the account in the best possible light. Reading the text, the user must believe that you are the undisputed expert in your field.

5 secrets of success

Secret #1

Blogging is the result of teamwork. If you are used to doing blog promotion alone, the basic principle of dating posts can be a real discovery for you. So, placing a guest post requires the participation of at least two people. Get ready for active communication and interaction in the social network.

Secret #2

Self-study is an integral part of success. Determine the key topic of your own blog, its future posts. Next, find accounts with similar content in the Instagram space, analyze the activity of their subscribers, find out which posts collect the most likes and comments. Use the experience of competitors for your own promotion.

Secret #3

Track the statistics of your own posts: which of them has collected the most likes, which has attracted a record number of new users, etc.

Secret #4

There is no magic formula for successful guest posting. Of course, there is a basic set of rules and guidelines that every author must adhere to. However, no one can give 100% guarantees that by completing a certain list of actions, you will attract a new audience and become a popular personality in the Instagram space.

Secret #5

Before you start posting, think about your own strategy, develop a clear action plan for the next two to three months.

Elena Lukashina

Hi, I'm Lena Lukashina, editor-in-chief of TeachLine Media, the blog of the Texterra training center. The blog is relatively new and external posts are giving us significant traffic so far. Let me talk about my experience and the rules of guest posting.

Let's go through the terms

In short, the difference is in the money.

Why you need guest posting

Funny question. Positive mentions of the brand are never superfluous. Especially free and with a hyperlink.

I even heard many times that content marketing is guest posting. Nobody needs their own blog.

I do not agree. Your own blog is a resource. It costs a lot of money. It requires an investment of effort, but then he begins to work for you. A guest article, on the other hand, brings more benefits to the site owner than to you. Guest posting is good in the beginning. When you are small and unknown to anyone, and there is no money, but you need to move forward.

But in general, guest posting can have three goals:

  1. Traffic- you plainly want people to visit your site. This means that in the text of the guest material there must be an active hyperlink.
  2. PR- You want fame. Then the text should contain a mention of your brand or name (if you download a personal brand).
  3. Leads- you just want money. It's difficult here. In theory, such an article should have a call to action and an active link. But this is advertising, not guest posting. You are wrapped with a very high degree of probability. Content marketing is all about loyalty, not sales.

Personally, I was most interested in traffic. Just expecting direct sales from a guest post is a bit naïve. Especially if you have such an expensive product as training courses. If there is traffic, there will be sales. Some day.

  • You were mentioned in Forbes. Well, or in some other publication of the same scale - with a reputation and tens of millions of visitors.
  • The authors of the publication kindly agreed to write the article themselves. But this is no longer a guest post, but an interview or a commentary.

Underwater rocks

Topic mismatch

You can write the best marketing article in the world. But no one will read it if you post it on a beauty blog. I faced it.

Our blog is about continuing education. The topic is specific. It does not fit well with marketing, there is no other magazine specifically about it in Russia. Finding a publishing site is difficult. Those who talk about education usually mean children, and we mean adults. On sites about business and marketing, topics about education are average (no, well, maybe I write badly, but you're not complaining yet, right?).

In principle, anything can be pulled by the ears to anything, even Christmas trees to marketing (how to sell Christmas trees via the Internet), but this requires a significant amount of luck, talent and understanding of the needs of the target audience of a particular media. For example, a few weeks ago I published an article on Texterra entitled “How to Learn Content Marketing for Free and on Your Own”. She went average, but gave a good click-through rate at the level of 15%.

But a year ago I published here the article “Scientific trolling: converting hatred into sales”. It went a little better than average, but every sixth reader reposted it, and 40% clicked on the link I needed.

In short, do you understand why I am writing an article about guest posting and not about education?

But in general, you can publish on any platform if you understand its audience. On sites about handmade, let's say, topics about marketing go well, oddly enough. Simply, handmakers not only produce their goods, they also sell them. And this is marketing.

Think about how you can interest the audience of this particular site.

Alien Monastery

Even in the same topic, the audience can be different. Some bury SEO, others drown for traffic arbitrage. Some study history, others study conspiracy theories. Some people are used to serious and useful articles (hello, practical reader of Texterra), others love gags and memes.

Venue owners

They may not respond to your emails and will be within their rights.

They can and then refuse to publish.

They can generally set any conditions they like - this is their platform and their rules.

No need to be afraid of this and abandon the idea of ​​guest posting forever, just be ready for it.

Where to look for sites

Let's focus on traditional sites with text content. Surely, you can also offer guest material in vlogs and podcasts, but I haven’t tried it, so I can’t advise anything.

To get started, google. I stupidly searched for "educational sites".

You can also search in Similarweb, a service that provides maximum information about the site, including approximate traffic and similar sites.

But the results of issuing similar sites from "Similarweb" are often strange: among similar sites, "Google" or LiveJournal can be found.

Before adding a site to your list, check its traffic with the same Similarweb. It's up to you to decide, but media with microscopic traffic (less than a million people a month) is hardly worthy of attention and guest articles. I mean, why go to them if you can publish with millionaires? Microsites may have a different useful action- link building, but this has nothing to do with guest posting.

Keep in mind that Similarweb overestimates traffic and sometimes very much - this is a feature of the technology (I obtained this data empirically - I checked the sites there, the traffic that I knew). At the same time, you can never tell how much he overestimated it. Sometimes one and a half times, and sometimes 6 times.

How to communicate with sites

In general, how many sites, so many editorial policies, attitudes towards guest posts, difficulties in communication, etc. But I conditionally divide all sites into two categories:

Before you break into the site, try to determine what type it belongs to.

Often the media themselves write how they feel about the guest material. Usually this section is in the menu or in the footer. It can be called "blogs", "columns" or "authors".

If the editors do not express any position on guest articles, you can still try to write there. Find the editor's contacts and write to him. What if he likes your article?

On some sites, you can simply publish an article yourself, and do nothing else - I know vc and TJ from such sites. They publish everyone if the article more or less fits the rubric and does not contain explicit advertising. Everything is clear here, there is nothing special to discuss: you just type up the article yourself through the sandbox and click "publish".

With more traditional editions more interesting. There aren't any general rules. Each site has its own policy. For instance:

  • "Chalk" offers to publish the article on its own, but the editor will still check it (maximum - a week). They allow you to add a single link to your site, but do not allow you to place direct ads.
  • "Texterra" adheres to the traditional approach - the article must be sent to the editor and wait for his answer (maximum - 2 weeks) and edits.
  • "Lifehacker" also offers to send an article. They do not report how many checks, but they warn about possible multiple edits.

Usually the sequence of actions looks like this: come up with a topic - write an article - send it to the editor - get ready for the fact that you will have to wait a very long time for an answer - accept comments - make changes - profit.

Some publications offer to first agree on a topic with them, and only then start writing. This is done for humanitarian reasons - so that you do not spend a lot of time on meaningless work that the editors will certainly not accept.

But usually editors are ready to discuss only ready-made materials. They are usually not interested in wasting time discussing a topic.

How to come up with a theme

I’ll tell you right away what topics the media will definitely not be interested in: internal news of your company, they are also press releases. Tell stories, be useful to your audience, don't push your products too openly, and read also:

And here's more:

Or let's say:

You don't have to invent anything if you have a cool story: catchy, holistic, useful, non-banal, and well-written. If not, read this section.

I must say right away that I had completely unsuccessful materials. The article “7 reasons why your child cannot find his place in life” brought me exactly 5 clicks on the link. Most likely, the topic did not go, but an unsuccessful link also plays a role.

  • Link in the signature of the author. In the sense of "Elena Lukashina, editor-in-chief of TeachLine Media, talks about guest posting and places this link for illustration purposes, and not at all for you to click on it." This is a typical link in guest articles. Usually site owners don't mind it. It is on these conditions that a conditional deal is usually concluded between you: you provide quality material, and the owners of the site allow you to put a link in the signature.
  • Link with a call to action. In the sense of "Bookmark TeachLine Media - the only magazine in Russia about continuing education." There is another option when you say that only your product can solve the problem of the reader. It seems not a call, but still vtyuhivanie. This is a bad type of link. Too frank advertising, most likely such links will be deleted or refused to be published at all.
  • Link type "read also". In the sense of "By the way, you might be interested to read - memory impairment due to constant use of the Internet." In short, “read also” are links that expand and complement your material. They are not necessary for understanding the topic, so most likely the editor will remove them.
  • Proof links. These are links to the source of information: news, research, interviews, etc. Here are them

Guest posting is a good thing. They can not only increase the amount of traffic and link mass of your site, but also increase the recognition of a company, product or service among potential customers. Therefore, they were written, written and will be written.

Guest Post Success Formula

In fact, it doesn't take much to achieve results when publishing a guest article. The success formula has two components: and a well-chosen recipient site. If you are aware of the secrets of a good article, feel free to proceed to the analysis of potential portals for placement.

Posting articles anywhere is an erroneous strategy. Imagine putting up a banner ad for a new seafood restaurant near a vegetarian club. A simple mistake in choosing the right location will instantly deprive you of a large share of potential customers, stop word of mouth and waste your budget.

To avoid such a small but very annoying mistake, you need to spend most of the time allotted for this advertising campaign searching for a relevant recipient site. What are the signs of a suitable site for guest posting?

How to choose sites for posting articles

So, many sites offer placement of information and advertising articles on their pages. However, not every portal is worth your attention. From the ability to choose good resource the outcome of the entire advertising campaign may depend on the publication of a guest post.

Step 1. Pick a relevant niche

It is best to focus on those portals that share the same field of activity with you. For example, it doesn't make sense for industrial automation companies to guest post on fashion, beauty, and health entertainment sites. The target audience such a portal will not only not appreciate your article about high-quality controllers and their programming, but will not even open a link to the text.

Therefore, first of all, it is important to compile a list of sites that are similar in niche or concentration of the target audience. The theme of the resource implies that its users are more or less interested in specific topics, which means that there will be a potential effect from the advertising campaign.

Using the principle of a relevant niche, you will immediately receive several bonuses:

a) being an expert in a similar or related topic, you will be able to freely conduct a dialogue with representatives of the recipient site;

b) target your guest post to the right target audience, which in the majority will be interested in your product or service.

Step #2. Analyze website statistics

You should be interested in traffic data, engagement, bounce rate and other technical data. Perhaps 30 people visit the site a day, which means that the coverage of your article will be minimal even with cool text and a mind-blowing title. Cross these sites off your list immediately.

Here's a full set of metrics to consider when choosing where to post a guest article:

a) website traffic (the higher it is, the better);

b) the quality of the posted content (the level of published materials will show whether it is worth posting your article here or not);

v) user engagement (pay attention to the number of top page views, the average time a reader spends on the site, entry and exit pages, bounce rate);

G) spamming of external links (too high spamming can lower the rating of the resource, and hence the benefits of the article posted there for your company);

e) search indicators (check where in the search results the recipient site is located for the keywords that interest you).

Step #3 Study the potential partner in detail

Before contacting the owner of the resource, do a little analysis:

a) examine whether the company has previously guest-posted on its blog;

b) what themes, style and design prevail on the site of a potential partner;

v) what are the requirements for publication (are backlinks allowed, their number, etc.).

Based on the information received, make a list of possible topics and propose them in your letter.

Reminder when writing a guest post

When writing a guest article, it really pays to start by finding the right resource to post. But we must not forget about the intricacies of copywriting. So save yourself some tips on how to write a guest post first:

1) Use the logical structure of the presentation of the material. Introduction, main part and conclusions with a link to your site - this is a concise, but the most acceptable formula for future text to be placed on any source. Some portals may have their own requirements for the structure of the posted material. For example, you definitely need a lead before the main text, a resume at the end, and so on.

2) Use a selling style in a balanced way. A guest article is not an advertisement or an informational text, it must combine the features different styles. The main thing is that the publication is useful, arouses interest and motivates to go to your site.

3) Choose a “zest” for your text and correlate it with the placement portal. Some companies host guest posts that have it all: a relevant topic, correct sentences on grammar rules, quality graphics. But in an era of demanding audiences, this is not enough. They need something for which your article will be read. The most successful options are unique or relevant information. In the first case, offer unique theses, positions, discoveries, in the second case, you should be guided by - refer to current events in the text (not older than a month). Only in this case, your guest article will be worth reading.

4) Choose an appropriate title.
It should match the style of the site, the tastes of the target audience and, of course, the image of the company or web resource that this article aims to promote. The title of the guest post is the key to the content. A captivating and compelling headline will, in most cases, make the audience stop at your article, and not skip it in the feed. A banal title that occurs at every step is unlikely to arouse the interest of readers, no matter how cool the article is.

5) Carefully proofread and correct the text. Mistakes, typos and other shortcomings of the text are unacceptable in any case. This content is a taboo that has no place in any articles, especially those on which the company's reputation depends. In order not to miss noticeable oversights, use the services of checking texts for errors and typos. They will help to identify obvious grammatical and stylistic problems in the guest article. But the best solution is to entrust such work to an experienced editor.

6) Work with the target audience after the publication of the content. A good text often causes a positive response from readers: they can leave a comment on the recipient site, make a repost on social networks, and so on. But there will be unhappy users too, and that's okay. Negative or positive feedback - it does not matter, a response is needed for every comment.

Additional advice - try non-trivial types of texts. Maybe , use bulletins, write according to copywriting formulas, format the text in the form of infographics. The Internet is oversaturated with standards: the same texts, hackneyed expressions, copy-paste images. Using something new, innovative, and somewhat risky can have an unexpectedly mind-blowing effect.

Writing a quality article for placement on someone else's resource is one task, but finding a worthy place for publication is another. However, it is important to combine all efforts in copywriting so that your work is justified. Choose a quality site to get good backlinks and get into the heart of your target audience!

Guest posting- far from a novelty for building up the link mass and attracting the target audience to the site. This method is used by both young sites and large resources and famous brands. And not easy! The efficiency of this method is quite high. Next, we will analyze in detail all the nuances associated with guest posting.

You have created your website, and now your main task is to attract the attention of the Internet audience to it, to promote it in the top search engine results. How to do it? To do this, there are many simple and complex ways with varying degrees of effectiveness. It is very important to choose the right ones, and use them in reasonable amounts. For those resource owners who are just starting to promote the site, it is wiser to use the most affordable and inexpensive technologies to increase traffic.

Today we will take a closer look at guest posting as a simple and effective way to promote your site.

What is guest posting?

In the classic version, guest post - material with a link to your site, which is hosted on an already promoted third-party Internet resource. Simply put, you create content with a link to yourself, and it is published by a popular site, moreover, for FREE.

Why is there a guest post?

The more you will be mentioned in the Internet space, the more often visitors will be interested in you, the easier it is to find your site in a search engine. This is exactly what guest posting is for.

If you break it down into pieces guest posting goals, then they look like this:

  • increase in traffic, i.e. creating a convenient path along which Internet visitors come to your resource;
  • Website PR and link building;
  • getting leads (potential customers) who visit the site to use your services.

The first item on the goal set looks more real (compared to the other two). PR and leads can be attracted to the site using a guest post, but talking about them high efficiency not worth it. But it is quite possible to increase traffic. It is not for nothing that they write on the Internet about the influence of the link mass on the promotion of Internet resources in the top search engine results.

Pros and cons of guest posting

If we consider the pros this method of website promotion, then guest posting is beneficial to both parties. The author of the material advertises himself for free, and the owner of the landing resource gets the opportunity to attract free content, of course, subject to its quality. Thus, the author and owner increase traffic on their sites.

But there are disadvantages this mode of promotion. The owner of the site on which the post is placed, practically does not risk anything. But the author of the publication always gives away his content for free, which he could post on his resource, drawing the attention of visitors to it. That is, he needs to be distracted from working on his site, wasting time on someone else's.

How to write a quality guest post?

Look, the question itself has the answer. The post (article) should be useful, interest the owner of the resource on which you wanted to post it.

Guest Posting Tips
  1. No need to pour water. Make your post well-written, interesting, original. More useful information expressed concisely and clearly. Spelling and punctuation errors are not allowed.
  2. Correspond to the theme of the resource on which it will be published. But the topic of the article should intersect with the topic of your site. You need to do it easily and unobtrusively.
  3. It is recommended that the post should correspond to the style and standards for the design of articles on the hosted site, the visitors of which are accustomed to seeing posts in the form they are used to.
  4. Any content posted online must be unique. Otherwise, it will not be visible to the search engine and will only spoil the promotion of the site in the TOP of the issue. Do not duplicate material posted on third-party resources, even on your own website.
  5. Create posts with key queries the site where you plan to host it. SEO-oriented articles are always welcome.
  6. Do not make more than 3 links. If you write text with one link, then place it closer to the introduction. Not everyone reads articles to the end!
  7. Before sending the text to the owner of the site, systematize the material, check the post, pictures. The text itself must be saved in accessible formats.
  8. It will be nice if the owner of the site receiving the post makes changes to it.
  9. If you are lucky and your material is published, keep track of his condition, read comments, answer questions. Nobody will do it for you.
  10. It will be a great success if the owner of the site allows you to invite readers to subscribe to the RSS of your resource in the text of the post. This possibility should be discussed in advance, and not put the partner before the fact.

Studies show that a quality post should contain at least 1.5 thousand words. Such texts allow you to fully reveal the topic and get loyal readers ready for conversion.

How to find a place to host a guest post?

If you already post your reference materials, then on sites that have similar topics with your site. Here the reader is interested in such texts. This will enable:

  • have targeted, not random traffic;
  • get thematic links;
  • get more chances of approval of the post by the owner of the site.

Now let's discuss where to find such sites. The simplest thing is to enter the query “I accept guest posts” into the browser search engine and select the appropriate resources for yourself. After all, it is not uncommon for the owners of sites and blogs themselves to look for content for which they do not need to pay.

Example of sites accepting guest posts

There are more than a million different blogs in the ranking of Yandex alone. TOP resources are unlikely to take your content for free, unless, of course, it is something special. But already popular, but not sufficiently promoted authors will gladly take advantage of the opportunity to get a good article for free.

Before submitting a publication request, select a list of 200-300 different sites and start working with them. This streamlines the process and saves you time.

There is a little trick to make your material more likely to be published. Having chosen a platform, study its content, participate in discussions, try to make sure that you are noticed. This will set the stage for a positive response from the owner of the resource.

How to track the performance of guest posts?

You are already seriously engaged in posting posts on third-party resources, but you don’t know how effective it is. What to do? The simplest thing is to use the services of existing analytics services: Yandex.Metrika , Liveinternet.ru , Google Analytics . With their help, they track the number of clicks to the site from various sources, draw conclusions about which publication, on which resource, gives the result. It is best to use all three resources to have detailed, unbiased information. It is recommended to evaluate the incoming information 2 times a month.

Be sure to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • the number of views, direct transitions, reposts, likes, comments;
  • growth in the number of visitors;
  • increase in brand demand.

Constantly analyzing the usefulness of the links placed in guest posts will allow you to highlight the most relevant resources and save time and money.
The Danger of Guest Posting for a Website

You put on stream the placement of materials on third-party sites with links to your resource and then read on the Internet that this could adversely affect the promotion of your own site in the search engine. How justified is this?

Indeed, Yandex and Google today are actively fighting to suppress any manipulations that change the issuance algorithm. And since links are the most accessible and effective way to promote sites, search engines are forced to create anti-spam link filters.
Guest Posting Tips

So that your posts do not harm the site, place them only on those resources that have a positive traffic growth trend. Keep track of the uniqueness of the content posted on the donor site. If the posting site is engaged in copy-paste, then you should not contact it. Try to place safe links in your materials, which include:

  • anchorless links;
  • image links;
  • direct entry and brand.

If publications follow the above linking principles, then there is nothing dangerous in guest posts.

Summing up

It is possible and necessary to promote the site in the search engine with guest posts. Guest posting is not a universal way to attract visitors and promote a resource in search engines. One-time promotions do not bring success! You should constantly work on placing link posts on third-party resources. After publications, it is imperative to analyze the information received and evaluate their effectiveness.

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