Feast of the Holy Trinity. What is the number of the Trinity for Orthodox and Catholics. Divination for the Trinity

The feast of the Holy Trinity (in another way it is also commonly called Pentecost) is one of the most respected and important days for Christians.

If you don’t yet know how to determine the date of the Trinity in 2016, remember: it comes 50 days after the Easter celebration. Given that, the Holy Trinity falls on June 19th.

How did the holiday come about and what does it mean?

Even in the distant Old Testament times, believers celebrated the Holy Trinity. Followers of the traditions of the Jews attributed this holiday to one of the three most solemn and great, linking it with the acquisition of the Sinai law by the Israelites, which happened 50 days after they left the Egyptian lands.

The very same celebration of Pentecost has always been a massive event, characterized by a cheerful mood, jubilation, and sometimes there were even sacrifices.

At that time, such a phenomenon was familiar, normal, so the sacrifices did not surprise anyone.

As for Orthodoxy, the Trinity was often called the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, which was celebrated the same 50 days immediately after Easter.

Christians attached special importance to this day, because for them it was the personification of the beautiful beginning of a new era.

In addition, it was believed that the church was founded on the same significant day.

Be that as it may, the main meaning of the holiday has always been that once upon a time, on this very day, the Holy Spirit descended directly from heaven in the form of a flame on the 12 apostles, revealing to them an important sacrament. The apostles learned that the Lord is one and at the same time trinity. This information eventually became one of the fundamental knowledge, on which, for many hundreds of years, the entire Orthodox faith has been based.

After a miraculous event took place, the apostles learned to speak many languages ​​and dialects that were previously unfamiliar to them. The Lord rewarded them with this ability for a reason: He did this so that the apostles could give their teaching and light to all people, peoples from different distant lands.

Thus, the preachers chosen by Him spread all over the planet, talking about the Christian faith and easily communicating with the inhabitants of foreign countries. The apostles were able to visit Asia Minor, India, and regions of the Middle East. Everywhere they told people about Christ, and also baptized people of different ages who wanted to join Christianity.

Unfortunately, the life of the messengers chosen by God turned out to be very sad: out of 12, only an apostle named John survived, but the remaining 11 preachers were brutally killed - they were executed by opponents of the Christian faith.

How is Pentecost celebrated?

General cleaning should be arranged before the Trinity, putting things in order in the entire dwelling. It will be right if you bring wild flowers, wreaths into the house, oak, birch small twigs will do, and decorate the whole apartment with them. Such decoration symbolizes the arrival of summer, unity with nature.

Be sure to throw out of the house those things that remind you of some negative events in life.

On Trinity, all believers must go to church, where they bring bouquets of fragrant herbs and flowers with them. Many believe that through these bouquets the soul of a person is renewed by the Holy Spirit.

After the church service, all relatives and friends gather in the person’s house, treat themselves delicious meals at the table. And if the weather is fine outside, you can even have a picnic outside the house, in nature.

This festive day will be suitable for attracting happiness, positivity and good changes into your life. In the church, they pray for this and ask God for happiness, joy for themselves and their families.

Believers say that if you truly open your heart to the Lord on the feast of Pentecost, then you will definitely receive everything that you ask God for. But you need to pray with a pure heart, not wishing harm to anyone.

Treats on the table can be put the most delicious, plentiful: various dishes, fruits and sweets.

On this day, you must definitely treat the homeless, do not refuse the asking person for a treat. It is allowed to have fun, go to visit, but at the same time it is desirable to dress in natural colors and shades, in clothes made from natural materials.

What can not be done on Trinity?

Note that cleaning and doing housework (laundry, washing dishes, windows, etc.) is allowed strictly before the onset of the Trinity - you can’t do all of the above on a holiday.

Do not engage in both the garden and your own garden.

In general, any physical labor is prohibited on the holiday, the only exceptions are obligatory things - for example, feeding cows, chickens and other livestock. But combing or, for example, cutting livestock is no longer recommended.

Since cooking is not forbidden, do not be stingy and cook more delicious treats for the festive table.

The essence of the holiday lies in the understanding: the Most High Trinity is the Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son. In some sources, there is an opinion that on this day they remember a slightly different trinity - the Father, the Son and the Mother of God.

The celebration lasts three days, during which you can not sin, as well as swim in any open water. This ban, however, is associated with popular beliefs, and not church signs. In Russia, they believed that on the Trinity, mermaids were trying to lure all bathers to themselves and drown, and if someone survives, swims out of the reservoir alive, then this person is a sorcerer or witch.

Even folk signs forbid walking into the forest and the field (especially for girls), since the goblin and evil spirits can spin in a round dance, confuse, make a person get lost. And although the church does not support all these signs, many people do not tempt fate and, fearing to bring trouble on themselves, adhere to prohibitions.

You can not get married and hold a wedding. You should not leave the house without a cross on this day either, since the wearable talisman protects against unclean spirits (goblin, mermaids) walking around.

In no case do not offend anyone during the Holy Trinity, do not wish harm to anyone, and do not even think about evil. On bright church holidays, on the contrary, you need to show love, care and give good.

Now you know exactly what date the Trinity is in 2016 and how this Great holiday should be spent.

The Holy Trinity is one of the main holidays of all believers. Therefore, many are interested in what date is the Trinity in 2016? The celebration of this celebration falls on the fiftieth day after the end of Easter. In common people, the Trinity is also called "Pentecost".

After the end of the celebration of Great Easter on the fiftieth day, near Mount Sinai, the prophet Moses told his novices about the law of God, as a result of which the Old Testament priesthood was invented.

V Ancient Russia The Trinity began to be celebrated 300 years later, after the baptism of ordinary people was carried out by Prince Vladimir.

Many believers associated this holiday with seeing off the spring and the onset of the summer period. Among the people, the seven days before the onset of the Trinity are also called “mermaid” or “green”. The Trinity is very often associated with the Green Holidays, during which people decorate their homes with green plants, and the girls wove wreaths of fresh flowers.

Orthodox believers on this day celebrate the appearance of the Holy Spirit before the apostles. The concept of this triumph personifies the image of our God: the Holy Spirit, God the Son and God the Father.

During the celebration of the Trinity, it was customary to get rid of sins, bad thoughts and all the bad things that accumulated in the soul of every person. On this date, the day of the formation of the church also falls, since the disciples chosen by God told the whole world about the existence of Jesus Christ as our Savior. As a result, the clergy, who are the conductors between the Lord and people, have become the successors of the apostles in our time. So what date is Trinity in 2016? This holiday falls on June 19 - exactly fifty days after the end of the celebration of Easter. With the onset of the New Year holidays, you will surely need the best congratulations on the New Year 2017 of the Rooster.

History of the Trinity

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, two thousand years ago on the fiftieth day, the Virgin Mary and the apostles rested in one of the rooms of the house on Mount Zion. Jesus has already appeared to his disciples in this house twice since his resurrection. Here Jesus held the first liturgy with wine and bread. And on this day Christ appeared to the apostles and the Virgin Mary, who already guessed about the resurrection of Christ.

The apostles understood that Jesus, after his death, left the church, which would be visited by believers. Jesus promised to return for the baptism of people with the Holy Spirit, so the apostles looked forward to this moment with great impatience and did not go anywhere from the upper room. On the day of the Trinity, the apostles observed a real miracle: the wind blew in the room, after which flames appeared that engulfed every person present.

The apostles felt that the Holy Spirit (their teacher) was present in the room, they spoke in other languages, as the Holy Spirit told them, so that later they could carry the doctrine of the one God to different peoples and countries. It was in the Zion temple that the apostles performed the rite of baptism with the Holy Spirit, after which God ceased in his last incarnation. It was after this event that believers have been praising the Holy Trinity for several millennia: the Holy Spirit, the Father and the Son.

Christian Essence of the Trinity

Trinity, like other Christian holidays, is also tied to Easter. Trinity Day falls on the fiftieth day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, that is, on the fiftieth day after the end of Easter. Therefore, it is not for nothing that the Trinity is also called Pentecost, and this celebration always falls on Sunday.

The Holy Trinity is also marked as the birth of the Christian Church, which found its first temple on Mount Zion of the first preachers and converts. Tongues of flame, in the form of which the Holy Spirit appeared before the apostles, endowing them with special powers to carry Christian doctrines to different peoples and countries. And over time, they succeeded in this.

Also, fiery tongues signify the ability to cleanse people from their sins, fill souls and fill them with the light of faith. In churches, during the celebration of the Trinity, after the liturgy, vespers were performed in memory of the event when the Holy Spirit descended on our earth.

The ministers of the church during the divine service invoke the grace of the Holy Spirit on each person present, their living relatives and deceased relatives. During the celebration of this celebration, each church was decorated with branches, fresh greens, and even the floors in the temple were completely covered with green branches of plants. Believers brought bouquets of fresh flowers to the service. Willow and birch branches, as well as bouquets of flowers, also decorated each dwelling.

When the Trinity will be in 2016, we learned that it should also be noted that the celebration will be decorated with flowers and birch branches. Greenery on this day symbolizes the event when Moses received the tablet of laws. According to ancient Jewish events, branches decorated the chamber on Mount Zion, where the apostles were and where the Holy Spirit descended.

How people celebrated the Trinity

The celebration of the Trinity in Russia continued for several days. Believers also called the Trinity Klechalnaya, Gryan or Green. By the onset of the Green Week, people tried to finish all the spring work and prepared for the onset of the summer season. The cycle began on the seventh Thursday after the end of Easter, which was called Semik. On this day, those people who died a violent death (drowned and killed people), as well as unbaptized children, were commemorated.

Parental Saturday was considered the day of remembrance of the deceased relatives. Thursday was called Mermaid Day or Nava Trinity, and Monday - Spiritual Day. The week was called green, because at that time the cult of vegetation was considered the main one. Basically, branches of birch, oak, maple, ash and poplar were used to decorate temples and residential buildings.

On the eve of the celebration, people went to the Saturday service with large bouquets of fresh flowers, and after the morning service on Sunday, people went to visit, together with the whole family they went to nature closer to the water. During the Trinity, young girls performed divination for their betrothed. To do this, after conducting round dances, the girls removed wreaths of flowers from their heads and let them float on the water. If the floating wreath sank in the water, then this was a bad omen. If the wreath was twisted on the water, then this meant that there would be no wedding in the coming year. In large cities and villages, fairs and merry festivities were organized on Pentecost.

Trinity traditions

Visiting the temple on this holiday, believers commemorate their dead relatives, especially those who did not die by their own death. On this day, it was customary to visit their relatives and treat the invited guests with various goodies. There were no specific restrictions in cooking. The only thing is that on this day they baked a loaf, which is a symbol of family unity.

What date is Trinity in 2016? After the end of this holiday, the remaining loaf was cut into pieces and dried, after which the finished crackers could be added to the wedding loaf. They started preparing for the Trinity the day before - they burned all the old things, threw garbage out of the house, cleaned the yard and all living quarters.

Believers decorated the house with branches of maple, willow, oak, birch, bouquets of fresh flowers. In addition, bouquets of flowers were laid out on the field and in the gardens for greater fertility, and small bouquets were placed behind the icons and stored there, healing decoctions were prepared from medicinal herbs.

After the end of the service in the church, people did not sit at home, but together with the whole family went out of town to nature. Even in ancient times, people wove wreaths of various sizes from branches and flowers, danced around the water itself, and girls let their wreaths into the water. The wreath, braided for the Trinity, symbolized the betrothal of young people. The celebration of this celebration combines folk customs church birthday traditions.

The celebration of the Holy Trinity falls on the 50th day after Easter. The Trinity is the most important holiday in the Orthodox religion and has another name among the people - Pentecost. On the 50th day after the celebration, the prophet Moses, not far from Mount Sinai, gave his novices God's law and came up with the Old Testament priesthood.

Trinity in Russia began to be celebrated 300 years later, as Prince Vladimir performed the rite of baptism.

Most people associate this religious holiday with the approach of summer and the farewell of spring. 7 days before the Trinity are popularly called "mermaid" or "green". Increasingly, it is associated with the Green Holidays, during which oats begin to bloom, people brought flowers to the house and decorated the walls with them, and the girls wove wreaths every day.

On this day, the Orthodox celebrate the appearance of the Holy Spirit to the apostles. The concept of the Trinity personifies the image of God: God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit.

It is on Pentecost that it is customary to get rid of bad thoughts, sins and everything bad that is in the human soul. Also, the day of the formation of the church falls on this date, because the disciples chosen by God received a gift from him in order to preach the Gospel and tell the whole world about Jesus Christ as the Savior. The successors of the apostles were the clergy, who to this day are the conductors between people and the Lord.

Trinity Celebrations

Before the Holy Trinity, the housewives do a general cleaning of the house, put things in order in all rooms, bring flowers and wreaths to the house and decorate the apartment with them. This decoration symbolizes the onset of summer, the prosperity of human life and unity with nature.

On the feast of the Trinity, believers attend church, carrying bouquets of flowers and fragrant herbs with them to the service. They believe that it is through them that the renewal of the human soul by the Holy Spirit takes place. After the church, all relatives gather at the table, treating themselves to pancakes, loaves of pies and jelly. You can also organize a picnic somewhere in nature, because Trinity 2016 falls on a day off.

Today, the tradition of organizing magnificent festivities on this holy holiday is still preserved. Many cities host cultural events, concerts and fairs.

Traditions and rituals of the Holy Trinity

Since ancient times, after the morning service, people gathered in the squares, where festive festivities, singing songs, games and contests were held. In the evenings, young girls danced round dances, and the guys could take a closer look at them and choose a bride for themselves. After the event, it was possible to float a wreath on the river, previously woven by a girl.

To express their sympathy or love, these wreaths could be secretly presented.

Herbs collected for the Trinity are usually kept in the house - they were considered a strong amulet against misfortunes and a cure for diseases.

Pieces of the loaf were dried and stored, then added to the wedding cake. It was believed that they would bring happiness and prosperity to the newlyweds.

Folk omens

There are many signs that our ancestors believed in:

  1. A bundle of herbs, mourned in advance, was brought to the church. This gesture symbolized the prayer of people to nature and the Lord, so that they would not leave the people without a harvest and give rain.
  2. Birch twigs were inserted into window frames, near door jambs, scattered around the house. Thus, the owners lured a good harvest to their room.
  3. On Trinity it was impossible to do housework: do the cleaning, do the fields. It was only possible to cook various dishes. It was forbidden to swim in the ponds, because the mermaids could drag the bather under the water.
  4. The day before the Holy Trinity, it was necessary to go to the cemetery and visit the dead. If for some reason it was not possible to get to the cemetery, then the people believed that the deceased would come to this person and take away one of the relatives. The clothes of the dead were taken out, hung on the fence, thereby driving away death from themselves.
  5. It was customary to woo on Trinity, because if you woo on this day, and get married on Pokrov, then there will be peace, prosperity and joy in the family.

Since ancient times, people have observed all these customs, hoping to receive the blessing of the Lord, therefore we must also observe the traditions, honor this holiday and believe in the best.

To immediately answer the question of when the Trinity is in 2016 for the Orthodox, you just need to remember another alternative name for this holiday - Pentecost. That is, one can draw a logical conclusion, knowing that the Trinity is also associated with Easter, then this holiday falls on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ.

This year Orthodox Church celebrated the onset of Easter on May 1, it turns out that the date of the Holy Trinity falls on June 19 this year. This is an important church holiday, which, regardless of the date, always falls on Sunday. On this day, believers are trying to understand the trinity of the one Christian God, who simultaneously appears in three hypostases - the Father and the Son, the Holy Spirit.

About the history of the Holy Trinity

This holiday has long historical roots and was celebrated in the Old Testament times. At the very least, the followers of Jewish traditions considered this day to be one of the three most important days during the year, which were closely associated with the acquisition of the Sinai Law by the Israelites. It was received 50 days after the Jews left the Egyptian lands. Even then, the celebration of this day was massive, accompanied by fun and even sacrifices, which was a normal practice in the distant times described.

If we consider specifically the Christian traditions of the holiday, then you can often find information that this day is called the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit and traditionally, it is always celebrated on the fiftieth day from the onset of Easter. For every Christian, this day is the personification of the solemn and wonderful beginning of a new era in the existence of mankind, when it was delivered and cleansed of its sins. It is clear that in Christianity the Trinity is a big holiday and its significance is difficult to overestimate even for those who have not read biblical parables.

The main message and features of the Trinity, according to the biblical scriptures, is that on this day, more than two thousand years ago, fire descended from heaven, which revealed to the 12 apostles, former witnesses of the event, the sacred sacrament and the trinity of God. Since then, the trinity of the one God and his three hypostases have become an important pillar of Christianity, which has survived to our time and which even true believers can be quite difficult to understand.

After such an appearance, the apostles were able to speak all the languages ​​of the world, and this was done so that they would carry the word of God throughout the world. From that day on, the apostles went to all parts of the world and to distant lands to spread Christianity around the planet, to talk about this religion in the indigenous language of the inhabitants living in different territories. The apostles were able to get even to India, to Asia Minor, and everywhere in their journey they talked about Jesus Christ, baptized people who wanted to join a new religious movement and accept Christianity.

Important! The fate of God's apostles, who went to spread Christianity around the world, was quite tragic. Of the 12 people, only John survived, and the rest were executed by governments and people who professed other religions and considered Christianity evil.

How is Trinity celebrated?

When Trinity in 2016 orthodox date This holiday falls on June 19 this year. The custom of the magnificent celebration of the Trinity in Russia was introduced by St. Sergius of Radonezh, who in the 14th century, only three centuries after the baptism of Russia, lived on our lands. You need to understand that preparation for the Trinity begins on Trinity Saturday, on this day you need to go to the temple for a memorial service, then go to the cemetery to visit your deceased relatives.

Important! In Christianity, drowned people, people who have gone missing or committed suicide are not buried, but it is on Trinity Memorial Saturday that this ban is lifted and each person can commemorate in the temple the deceased for whom the soul hurts and for whom he cannot pray, order a memorial service on other days.

As for Sunday and the feast of the Holy Trinity itself, solemn services are held in the churches, festive hymns are heard in accordance with all the festive church canons. During Vespers, they glorify the descent of the Holy Spirit, prepare for the onset of the next feast, the day of the Holy Spirit, which Christians celebrate on Monday immediately after the Holy Trinity. On the day of Sunday, the festive priests put on clothes of emerald or white color, and the temple is decorated with birch twigs, fresh herbs and wildflowers.

How to Prepare for Trinity

Since on the holiday itself you can’t clean the house and work, then the day before you should clean the house, throw away things that evoke unpleasant and painful memories, anger and resentment. It is desirable to decorate the house inside with fresh greenery - you can use birch twigs, maple and oak, bouquets of wild flowers for this. By the way, with such bouquets on Sunday itself, you can go to the service in the temple.

Believers believe that observing the customs of the Trinity will help make changes in life and attract positivity into it. In the morning, you must definitely go to the temple and sincerely pray to God, ask him for happiness, joy and health, grace for your family. Many were convinced that if you sincerely ask for something on the day of the Holy Trinity, then everything will surely come true, the main thing is to come to the temple with a pure soul and not wish evil to other people.

During the day, you can lay a festive table. The most different dishes, sweets and fruits. It is imperative that on this day you need to give to the beggar who asks, try not to upset people and not be angry with them, but noisy festivities, songs and round dances on the day of the Holy Trinity are only welcome.

About ancient signs

When the Trinity was in 2016 among the Orthodox and how to prepare for it, they found out. It remains only to say a few more words about folk omens for this day. For example, in order to attract wealth to the house, you need to pick centaury grass and hide it under your clothes, go to work with it, and then take a steam bath with this plant. folk omen says that after such a ceremony, money will stick to your hands.

It is also on Trinity that various medicinal herbs are harvested for the winter, because the herbs plucked on this day have three times more healing power. You can also consecrate grass in the temple on this day, and then hide it behind the images of the house and ask the Lord for a rich harvest this year and for a dry summer.

This is basic information that will help determine when the Trinity is in 2016 for the Orthodox (June 19), as well as exactly how to prepare for this holiday. We hope that on festive Sunday in your family there will be good mood and only good thoughts, deeds.

Holy Trinity in 2016: what date, signs and customs, what not to do, and much more, read in our article.

What date is Trinity in 2016?

Holy Trinity is one of the most important holidays in Christian tradition. In 2016, it is celebrated on June 19th. Trinity or Pentecost traditionally falls on the 50th day after Easter.

History of the Trinity

The feast of the Trinity glorifies the apostles upon whom the Holy Spirit descended. This event was promised by the Savior before his ascension to Heaven. The Descent showed people that God exists in three forms - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. On the day of the Holy Trinity, the good news was preached all over the world.

The feast of the Trinity means that God did not reveal himself to people immediately, but did it in stages. Modern Christians identify the Trinity in the creation by God the Father of all life on Earth, after which He sent His Son - Jesus Christ, and then the Holy Spirit. Thus, on the Holy Trinity, believers praise God in all his hypostases.

Trinity 2016: the customs and traditions of this day are traditionally associated with birch

Before the celebration of the Trinity, you should do a general cleaning at home and throw away all the rubbish, especially items that are associated with negative memories.

Trinity or Pentecost is traditionally associated with birch. Temples are decorated with branches of this tree. People have been hanging birch branches on Trinity since ancient times. Christians stick them to the walls and throw them on the floor. According to legend, such rituals promised a fruitful summer.

On the eve of the Trinity, the girls performed the rite of "curling birches": they went into the forest and inclined the tops of young birches to the ground, after which they wove wreaths from the branches. It was important to keep such a “perm” until the Trinity - then it was believed that all wishes would come true, and there would be peace and order in the house.

Also, matchmaking was extended to the Trinity, although it is impossible to marry on this day. In addition, on the Trinity, the girls guessed at the betrothed and fate.

On the day of the Trinity, it was customary to arrange mass celebrations with gifts and treats in the form of pies, gingerbread and jelly.

Signs for the Trinity in 2016

It was believed that with the Trinity, spring ends and real summer comes, and the cold recedes until autumn.

Rain on Trinity, he promises a good harvest year and an abundance of mushrooms in the forests. It also meant warm summers and no frosts.

Trinity in 2016: what not to do?

On Trinity, you can’t work at home, in the garden and in the field, cook food and even feed birds and animals. On this day, it is better to postpone needlework, cutting, mowing grass and chopping firewood.

The whole "mermaid" week (three days before the Trinity and three days after) you can not swim in the reservoirs and even just wash at home. It was believed that mermaids and other evil spirits could kill a swimmer.

Spirits day in 2016: what date?

The day after Trinity, Orthodox Christians celebrate Spirit Day. In 2016, it falls on June 20. On this day, it is also impossible to work on the land, which is considered a birthday girl, but on Spirits Day you can look for a treasure.

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