Feast of the Holy Trinity. Folk customs and traditions. Traditions and rituals of the Holy Trinity

Trinity or "Pentecost" is one of the most important holidays of all Christians, which is usually celebrated on the tenth day after the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven and on the fiftieth day after the end of the celebration of Easter.

This celebration is considered to be twelve because it exalts the personalities of the triune God: the Holy Spirit, the Son, and the Father. On the day of Trinity, the Holy Spirit appeared before the apostles and told them about her resurrection.

So, Trinity in 2016, what date? This Great holiday in 2016 will be celebrated on June 19. But this event is connected not only with the personality of the triune God, its history is at once in several foundations of the holiday.

History of the celebration of the Holy Trinity

Since ancient times, every Orthodox believer has considered the Trinity to be the most significant event. This holiday is celebrated fifty days after the end of Holy Easter. And the name of this holiday is associated with several significant events at once. First of all, the day of Trinity is directly related to the appearance of the Holy Spirit before the apostles. In addition, the second name of the holiday Pentecost means that the celebration of this event falls on the fiftieth day after Easter.

What is the date of Trinity in 2016 is the date of celebration according to church calendar falls on Sunday - June 19. From year to year, this event falls exclusively on Sunday. This is one of the main celebrations in all Orthodox world... Take a look at the production calendar for 2017.

Nowadays, probably, everyone already knows what date the Trinity Day begins in 2016, as for the historical values ​​of this celebration, they were laid down several centuries ago. The Slavs, even before the adoption of Christianity, linked the date of the celebration of the Trinity with the onset of spring. A few centuries ago, this celebration was called Rusal or Green Week. The main tradition of this holiday was considered to appease the pagan gods of fertility and "mother" nature for the rest of the year.

On this day, the Slavs decorated their homes with branches of green plants, fresh flowers and other riches of nature. In those days, people worshiped the elements of water, fire and wind. It was for these elements that all the main rituals of this celebration were performed. During the Rusal or Green Week, mass festivities were organized with various entertainment options.

Over time, after the adoption of Orthodoxy, the Trinity took on different characteristics. On this day, they began to revere the triune spirit, which was the savior and protector of many believers. This holiday was called Pentecost, and this name was associated with the calculations of all the celebrations mentioned in the article above. But in our time, Orthodox believers began to count fifty days after the end of Easter, after which it was possible to celebrate Pentecost, as for the celebration of the Trinity itself, they began to celebrate it seven days after Pentecost. The day after Trinity Sunday, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of the Holy Spirit.

It has long become a tradition among Christians that what date the Trinity will be in 2016, then nature for this holiday finally says goodbye to the cold weather. At this time, new plants appear in the fields and forests, and there is even more greenery. This is all connected with the advent of youthful beauty and freshness. In honor of the celebration of the Trinity, the floors and walls of the church are decorated in a special way in all Orthodox churches: wreaths of green twigs and fresh flowers were hung on the walls, and carpets of fresh plant branches were laid on the floor. The Trinity symbolizes the return to grace and comfort. Therefore, from ancient times to our time, the formation of the Orthodox Church was carried out.

The name of this celebration is associated with the appearance on earth of the Holy Spirit, who after the death of Christ appeared before the apostles. Jesus previously spoke of this visit long before his ascension to heaven. Every believer believed that such an event must surely happen when the Holy Spirit saves believers from destruction and proves their faith.

In the soul of every person, the Holy Spirit has found its own form. After Jesus was crucified on the cross, faith in the Holy Spirit became more sincere and unforgiving.

Traditions of the Holy Trinity

Since ancient times, the traditions of celebrating the Orthodox Trinity have survived to this day. This day is sincerely respected and appreciated by many believers. That is why people try to prepare in advance for it.

First of all, every dwelling was thoroughly cleaned. They washed the floors and windows in the house, took out all the rubbish and unnecessary trash. In all outbuildings and living quarters, people carried out general cleaning. Also a prerequisite was the decoration of each house. People wove wreaths of fresh flowers from twigs of green plants and decorate windows and walls in the house with them. And now many believers collect fresh flowers in bouquets and put them in vases. Thanks to such decorations in your home, you can create an atmosphere of comfort, natural wealth, cleanliness and pleasant aromas.

With the onset of Trinity until lunchtime, you can visit the church, stand at the prayer service with a lit candle in your hands. Throughout this holiday, you cannot ask anything of the Lord God, you are only allowed to thank him for saving and protecting human souls from destruction. After coming home from church, believers set festive tables, on which a wide variety of dishes are presented. Since ancient times, it has been customary to invite many guests into the house on Trinity and treat them to a delicious dinner. At the same time, the believers did not forget about the suffering and poor people, they were given alms, which consisted of sweets, loaf, juicy, pies with various fillings and other goodies.

Usually, Trinity is celebrated only before lunchtime, since with the onset of evening, mass festivities began. On this day in the evening, young girls wondered about their betrothed. According to pagan beliefs, the Slavic believers believed that on this day it was possible to see a real mermaid. But this only promised a great disaster for a person, since the mermaid could drag the abyss of a river or lake with her. Therefore, in order to protect themselves from the spell of the mermaid, the believers dressed in green clothes, gathered on the banks of the river and had a lot of fun and shouting to scare away the mermaid. It was forbidden to go close to the water alone, swim or wash by the lake. Since these actions promised the mermaid that the person became subject to her.

At that time, there was another belief that the souls of deceased loved ones who had previously died not by their own death returned to this celebration. Therefore, so that the souls who have come do not get lost in our world and do not harm living people, they remember the dead, and give alms to the suffering.

Catholics also celebrate the Orthodox Trinity. The date of this Catholic holiday is slightly different from Orthodox date, but the foundations of this celebration and the general traditions are almost completely identical. Trinity in 2016, what date? Catholics celebrate this celebration on May 22. All Catholic believers on this day also thank the Triune God for freedom and peace throughout the earth. In honor of the Trinity, people laid rich tables with a wide variety of delicacies, organized a feast and unrestrained fun. The beggars were given alms in the form of various foodstuffs.

One of the main Christian holidays, the Holy Trinity, is usually celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. In 2016, Trinity falls on June 19.

Orthodox Trinity Celebration 2016

The Trinity is celebrated by the Orthodox for three days:

Parents' Saturday. On this day, it is necessary to visit the cemetery and go around the graves of all deceased relatives, remembering each. Flowers are brought to the graves. But the church tradition prohibits drinking alcoholic beverages during a visit to the cemetery. Upon returning home, you can gather loved ones at the dinner table and have a memorial meal.

Trinity Sunday. Believers go to church services in the morning and carry simple bouquets with them - these can be wildflowers, birch twigs, and even small armfuls of wild greenery. You can pick up medicinal herbs - lemon balm, mint, chamomile and so on. During the service, these bouquets are consecrated by the priest. Then they can be stored all year - it is believed that they are "charged" with miraculous power and will take all adversity away from home. And if it is also medicinal plants, then on their basis it is best to brew healing teas and give them to the whole family in the "cold" period.

Whit Monday. The last day of Trinity 2016. Also celebrated with a festive divine service, during which parishioners pray for the departed. It begins in the evening on Trinity Sunday. Even suicides are allowed to be remembered.

Do's and Don'ts on Trinity

It is believed that in the Orthodox Trinity, the earth celebrates its birth, covered with flowering and fresh greenery. Therefore, one of the main prohibitions says that you should not disturb her: dig, mow the grass and plant plants. You should also treat the trees with care and love: the girls twine them with ribbons, decorate them with wreaths, cut and even more chop trees, you should not deal with the preparation of firewood for Trinity.

It is believed that mawkas and mermaids can walk in forests and water bodies. dangerous to man, according to legend, they can tickle and lead to death. Therefore, it is not recommended on the days of the Orthodox Trinity to walk alone in the fields of the forests, as well as to drive livestock there. There is also a taboo on swimming in water bodies - there is a high risk of drowning.

Likewise, as on other Orthodox religious holidays, one should not do housework. According to legend, whoever decides to work on a holiday in violation of the ban will regret it. Those who plow the land on the Trinity may lose livestock, those who are engaged in sowing will lose their crops due to hail, those who spin wool will lose their sheep, and so on.

Symbols of the Orthodox Trinity

The symbol of the holiday is a birch tree, this tree is considered "female", and therefore girls try to dress it up, decorate and even make a wish around it to come true. Birch is one of the first to wake up in spring, delighting people with its luscious greenery.

It has become a tradition to decorate houses with twigs of this tree. The Slavs considered birch to be a beautiful tree that brings happiness, writes

Our average statistical mind cannot understand the mystery of the essence of the Trinity and place it on the shelves. The enlightener of the ancient Slavs, Cyril, tried to explain it by comparing it with the sun. The sun gives light and warmth. This is how God is, he is the Sun, the son of God is the light from him, and the heat is the Holy Spirit. But there are not three luminaries in the sky, but one. Likewise, God is triune and indivisible. The church is trying to bring us to the understanding of these dogmas through the feast of the Trinity. In order to expect something from the meeting, you first need to find out what date the Orthodox Trinity is in 2019, because the date of the celebration is fickle. It clearly falls on the day that Jesus predicted before his physical death. And this is the fiftieth day after his spiritual rebirth - Easter. In 2019, the date is May 28.

A little about the history of the celebration

Celebrating the feast of Pentecost in Israel, the apostles heard a terrible hum, which even filled their ears. And then tongues of flame stretched out from the sky and passed over the heads of each of them. This was a symbol of the fact that fire can cleanse the body and soul, burn all filth and warm every person. He gave the apostles the knowledge of tongues and they went around the world, preaching God's word. Because they understood the dialect of every person of any nationality. It was from that time that the laity began to learn to glorify and worship the three persons of one Deity.

Naturally, I want to know when the Trinity is in 2019 with the Orthodox, because the holiday begins with Green Sunday, which was revered by our ancestors. Rather, they began to celebrate it as a holiday of life, hope for the future. In churches, the decoration is green. The walls are adorned with greenery, a potion smelling of meadows on the floor. It is the green color that is the personification of the Holy Spirit. Hope for forgiveness and love. Each family for this day sent children to rivers and lakes. It is there, on the shores, that cattail grows, calamus, which have a unique smell of spring and freshness.

Parents strictly forbade the children to approach the water, and they themselves avoided open reservoirs. It was a day of the year when all the river evil came out of the water surface and diligently tried to drag off the gaping traveler.

Celebration traditions

Before Green Sunday, people redid all the work in order to go to church and relax with their relatives on the holiday. As with all major religious events, it is forbidden to work on this day. In the evening, before the holiday, the hostesses very carefully cleaned the house. The whole family washed in the bath, changed into clean clothes. They went around all the corners with a lit white or yellow church candle, and then they decorated their dwelling with birch and willow branches, and scattered fresh mowed potion on the floor.

On the Orthodox holiday of the Trinity in 2019, girls, like hundreds of years ago, will be guessing. The most favorite fortune-telling is, of course, with wreaths. The day before the holiday, unmarried people went to the field and picked flowers to weave a wreath. Cornflowers with sage were beautifully intertwined with wormwood. After all, it was she, this nondescript grass, that was supposed to ward off evil spirits. And in the evening they came to the river and lowered wreaths into the water. In which direction the girlish product swam - from there to wait for the groom. The wreath has sunk - you can get sick, or even die. Stands still - wait for marriage in the near or near future, well, but this is not destiny, apparently.

The older generation will go to church. According to tradition and unwritten rules, on this day, it is advisable to bring a bunch of greenery there as confirmation of unity with deep folk traditions. This bouquet, washed with holy water, will be a wonderful talisman throughout the whole year. It must be placed behind the icon. It would also be nice to pinch the grass that grows near the temple - it acquires miraculous properties these days. And for the festive table. Close relatives come, distant ones and the hostess welcomes them with joy. Orthodox Trinity 2019 - the date of the bright holiday is June 4, but the celebration does not end, but continues on an even larger scale.

On Klechany Monday, lay people and residents of the entire village go to the fields after the morning service. By the way, it would be nice to squeeze out a tear at the service. They say how much you cry on this day - how much precipitation you will see in spring. Therefore, the laity stood near the priest and read prayers with him - requests for rain on time and good harvest... On the third day, the people got excited and celebrated with all the might of the Russian character. The old people went to the cemetery, the middle generation continued the feast, and the youth, adhering to traditions, tried to find their mate. If the matchmaking took place on this day, the young will live in good bathing, not toiling from illness. They chose the first beauty in the village. They dressed her up with a tree, took her around in a round dance in the meadow. And then they went out into the street, with songs and jokes they stopped near every house. And the owner happily endured something tasty or gave small ones. The green spring has come - brought the grace of God. How not to thank her for this?

Girls could even make wishes that day. They talked about them in a whisper to a birch tree standing alone on the edge. To make the wish come true, the green spirit of the tree was appeased with multi-colored ribbons, woven into the green of the foliage. In 2019, the date Orthodox holiday Trinity falls on April 4, and at this time trees are already in full bloom in the south of the country, and birches are swaying in greeting with young green leaves throughout the state. Therefore, Green Sunday fully justifies its name. Be sure to take a closer look at nature - it will tell you what kind of weather you should expect on that day. If it rains, it means that it is rich in mushrooms and the harvest of cereals, fruits and vegetables will be this year, and the summer will be hot.

The Catholic Trinity in 2019 will be celebrated on June 16, as Catholics and Orthodox Christians celebrate religious holidays on different calendars.

Many traditions, of course, have been forgotten about the celebration of the Trinity. But the basic rules must be followed. And among them - since God is love, then meet the Green Holidays with your family without screaming and scandals, cordially and cheerfully.

Real folk holiday, filled with warmth and spiritual generosity - Trinity, the day that marks the arrival of summer and the accession of the sun. About the traditions of the holiday, about the beliefs associated with it, about what date the Trinity is in 2018 - in our article.

This question is asked by everyone who gets acquainted with the folk and church traditions of the holiday. After all, this celebration does not have a clearly fixed date in the calendar.

Trinity is celebrated on a new day every year. The date of the holiday is directly related to Easter - Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Bright Sunday (Easter Sunday is taken as the starting point).

The second name of the Trinity is Pentecost, because the holiday is celebrated fifty days after Easter. For many Slavic peoples, this holiday is better known under a different name - the Day of Spirits, so named in honor of the Holy Spirit, one of the incarnations of God in the Trinity.

The New Testament describes the event that marked the beginning of the holiday. When a month and a half later the apostles gathered in Jerusalem and talked in the upper room of Zion, the Holy Spirit appeared to them in the form of a flame. The tongues of fire seemed to embrace everyone and the apostles - this is how the disciples of Christ received the gift of tongues so that they could walk in distant lands and bring the Word of God to people of different nations.

In honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, one of the most beloved Christian holidays among the people was established - Trinity-Pentecost or the Day of Spirits.

Folk customs and traditions

Trinity - seeing off spring and meeting summer, one of the "seasonal" holidays that mean the change of seasons. "Trinity, the land will be covered with grass" - the peasants said, preparing for the holiday. It is not for nothing that in some regions the holiday was called the name day of the Grass - in most rituals, greens, from grass to branches, "took part" in one way or another.

The hut and the gate were decorated with bunches of grass and bouquets of birch branches. The horns of cows and bulls were decorated with the same greenery - according to legend, this was supposed to protect livestock from evil forces, disease and the evil eye. The grass was brought to the service in the church - after mass over the consecrated bundle it was customary to cry, that is, "to shed a tear." Tears symbolized rain, that is, the mourned, wet grass was supposed to guarantee a mild, not dry summer.

Birch played a huge role in rituals. So, birches twisted into arches - two trees growing nearby were intertwined with ribbons, connecting them with branches so that a semicircular arch was formed. Round dances were performed around such an arch on Trinity and “dived” into it in games.

The girls wove wreaths from thin birch branches with delicate green leaves, weaving meadow flowers and wormwood stems into them. Such wreaths served not only as decoration: on the night of the holiday they were allowed to float in the water in the rite of fortune-telling. It was believed that downstream these wreaths I take for myself mermaids and mavkas - after all, they, too, were once girls and also dream of jewelry. However, not floating away, but instantly drowned, the wreath was already considered a bad omen, and the owner of such a decoration should be afraid - this meant that the mermaids dream of taking the girl to them, turning them into the same watercress.

Mermaids and other evil spirits were especially active on Trinity. In the villages located along the banks of rivers and lakes, on the Trinity night, people were afraid to leave their homes - there was a belief that on this night mermaids were able to get out of the water and wander through meadows and roads. To ward off evil spirits, stems of wormwood were woven into the grass and branches that adorned the gate. The girls also used the same wormwood to create wreaths, which were then presented to the guys they liked. Such a wreath was supposed to protect the beloved on the way home. With birch branches and wormwood, the guys "chased the Mavok": it was considered a special courage to spend the night on Trinity in the field, where they had to run, swinging twigs to keep out evil spirits. But in the morning one could safely swim in lake or river water - the reservoirs were cleared, and the mermaids could no longer drag the gaping traveler to their bottom.

The Feast of the Holy Trinity (in another way it is also called Pentecost) is one of the most respected and important days for Christians.

If you do not yet know how to determine what date the Trinity is in 2016, remember: it comes 50 days after the Easter celebration. Considering that, the Holy Trinity falls on June 19.

How did the holiday come about and what does it mean?

Even in the distant Old Testament times, believers celebrated the Holy Trinity. Followers of Jewish traditions attributed this holiday to one of the three most solemn and great, linking it with the acquisition of the Law of Sinai by the Israelites, which happened 50 days after their departure from the Egyptian lands.

The very same celebration of Pentecost has always been a mass event, characterized by a cheerful mood, exultation, and sometimes even sacrifices took place.

At that time, such a phenomenon was common, normal, so sacrifices did not surprise anyone.

As for Orthodoxy, Trinity was often called the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, which was celebrated the same 50 days immediately after Easter.

Christians attached special importance to this day, because for them it was the personification of the beautiful beginning of a new era.

In addition, it was believed that a church was created on the same significant day.

Be that as it may, the main meaning of the holiday has always been that once upon a time, on this very day, the Holy Spirit descended directly from heaven in the form of a flame on the 12 apostles, revealing an important sacrament to them. The apostles learned that the Lord is one and at the same time threefold. As a result, this information became one of the fundamental knowledge, on which, among other things, the entire Orthodox faith has been held for many hundreds of years.

After the miraculous event happened, the apostles learned to speak many languages ​​and dialects they had never known before. The Lord rewarded them with this ability for a reason: He did it for the purpose that the apostles could give their teaching and light to all people, nations from different distant lands.

Thus, the preachers chosen by Him spread all over the planet, telling about the Christian faith and easily communicating with the inhabitants of foreign countries. The apostles were able to visit Asia Minor, India, and the regions of the Middle East. Everywhere they told people about Christ, and also baptized people of different ages who wanted to join Christianity.

Unfortunately, the life of God's chosen messengers was very sad: out of 12, only the apostle named John survived, but the remaining 11 preachers were brutally killed - they were executed by opponents of the Christian faith.

How is Pentecost celebrated?

Arrange a general cleaning in front of Trinity, bringing order to the entire home. It will be right if you bring wildflowers, wreaths to the house, small oak and birch twigs will do, and decorate the whole apartment with them. Such decoration symbolizes the arrival of summer, unity with nature.

Be sure to throw out those things out of the house that remind you of some negative events in your life.

On Trinity, all believers always go to church, where they bring with them bouquets of smelling herbs and flowers. Many believe that through these bouquets there is a renewal of the human soul by the Holy Spirit.

After the church service, all relatives and friends gather in a person's house, treat themselves to delicious meals at the table. And if the weather is fine outside, you can even have a picnic outside the house, in nature.

This holiday will be the right time to bring happiness, positive and positive changes into your life. In the church they pray for this and ask God for happiness, joy for themselves and their families.

Believers say that if you truly open your heart to the Lord on the feast of Pentecost, then you will definitely receive everything that you ask God for. But you need to pray with a pure heart, wanting no harm to anyone.

You can put the most delicious and abundant treats on the table: various dishes, fruits and sweets.

On this day, it is imperative to treat a homeless person, and do not refuse a person asking for a treat. It is allowed to have fun, to visit, but at the same time it is desirable to dress in natural colors and shades, in clothes made of natural materials.

What cannot be done on Trinity?

Note, cleaning up and doing household chores (washing, washing dishes, windows, etc.) is allowed strictly before the onset of Trinity - on the holiday you cannot do all of the above.

It is not worth doing both in the garden and in your own garden.

In general, any physical labor on a holiday is prohibited, the only exceptions are obligatory tasks - for example, feeding cows, chickens and other livestock. But combing or, for example, cutting livestock is no longer recommended.

Since cooking is not prohibited, do not skimp and prepare more delicious treats for the festive table.

The essence of the holiday lies in the understanding: the Most High triune is the Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son. In some sources, there is an opinion that on this day they remember a slightly different trinity - the Father, the Son and the Mother of God.

The celebration lasts three days, during which one cannot sin, and also swim in any open water. This prohibition, however, is associated with folk beliefs, not church signs. In Russia, they believed that mermaids are trying to lure all swimmers to the Trinity and drown them, and if someone survives, swims out of the reservoir alive, then this person is a sorcerer or a witch.

Also, folk signs prohibit walking in the forest and on the field (especially for girls), since the goblin and evil spirits can circle in a round dance, confuse, make a person get lost. And although the church does not support all these signs, many people do not tempt fate and, fearing to bring trouble upon themselves, adhere to prohibitions.

You cannot get married and hold a wedding. You should not leave the house without a cross on this day either, since the body talisman protects from walking evil spirits (goblin, mermaids).

In no case in the Holy Trinity do not offend anyone, do not wish harm to anyone, and do not even think about bad things. Into the light church holidays on the contrary, you need to show love, care and give good.

Now you know exactly what date the Trinity is in 2016 and how this Great Feast should be spent.

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