Congratulations on the day of the investigating authorities. Congratulations on the day of the investigator. Congratulations on the Day of the investigative officer

They serve in investigative bodies
Our wonderful guys.
I congratulate you on your holiday
I wish you success and excitement.
It will be possible to unravel let everything you do
And figure out the terrible villains.
Good to you, health, you are beyond praise,
After all, there is no more courageous, stronger.

"Secrets of the investigation", a little,
They will open us a little in the cinema,
But of course all the secrets are
We will not find out anyway.
On this holiday date
Let me wish you -
Only excellent results
Never lose heart.
And in any difficult job
There should be a holiday too.
Less disturbing news to you,
Happiness, joy, love!

Happy Holidays!
Much, much joy
At work vigor,
And in work - subtleties,
Fair rigor,
Do not pride - pride!
Happiness, inspiration,
Smart solution,
New reading,
Long patience!

I congratulate the Russian investigative officer on the Day and sincerely wish to always follow the right path, never disregard a single piece of evidence and detail of a crime, be constantly guided by high professionalism, brilliant intuition, excellent ingenuity and impeccable logic. Let it work well, let it live for its own pleasure.

You work in the investigation
Today is your holiday.
Let in its aftermath
None of the worries
In fact, it will not remain,
Like other problems
Let him smile at you
Good luck, like everyone else!

Those who worked in the investigation
And it works now,
We congratulate today
We wish them strength,
Let them open more
The most difficult crimes
And for our peaceful life
They do everything they can!

All investigators of Russia
We need to congratulate now,
You are from bandits and from thieves
Protect us all
Let everything be revealed
Let no one deceive you
We wish you health, happiness,
Let no sadness enter your house!

I congratulate the employee of the investigative bodies of Russia on the Day and wish him excellent work, high erudition, brave wit, wonderful intuition, great ideas, undoubted luck, successful work and well-being.

The investigating authorities are very important,
They are very necessary to solve important matters.
We wish you on a professional holiday -
Kindness, good luck, a lot of happiness.
May all things be easy for you,
There will be joy and goodness in work.

May law and justice
Will be the case life of the whole,
So that the villains do not dream,
How to deceive people.
Effective work for you
To everyone who leads the investigation.
Do not forget you in your worries -
A holiday awaits you today!

Your service is not just special,
She is measured by truth and truth.
And in the fight against negativity and anger,
Only you can everyone rely on.
Let it be confusing and unclear
You will be laid out on the shelves,
And even if they are less dangerous
All kinds of situations.
Congratulations from us
And thanks for the valiant work
Let the crimes be revealed
And let the family love and wait.

Your profession is very difficult, but at the same time it is very important for society! We wish you to solve all the cases so that the chuyka is excellent. Let strength and patience help you in your work. And at home, so that there was support in any trouble, love and care, so that relatives would warm. Let happiness hover over the house, and luck and prosperity will be incredibly huge!

Investigative actions
Spend skillfully
Anything you can handle
A confusing case.
Let the criminals tremble
Thieves and bandits
Cameras for them
They have been open for a long time.
Happy holiday to you today
Congratulations, trackers,
All cases are resolved
Let your hands lightly.
Deduction and logic
Together with intuition
Let it add to you
Sprockets in buttonholes.

Investigation officers,
Today is your professional day.
And no one has a doubt
That your nerves are like flint.
We wish you patience, endurance,
After all, the consequence is a thin thread.
And in this web of investigations
We wish to save ourselves.

Iron logic, strength of reason,
You can solve any problem!
Thank you for being with us,
That you won't believe in sweet flattery.
We wish, in addition to great intuition,
So that dinners at home become a tradition,
And so that a minute is for leisure,
And so that at work they see you as a friend!

On the day of the investigative officer, I wish you successful work. Let a bright mind, unique intelligence, high professionalism and ingenuity always help in business. Good luck always and everywhere, happy and joyful life, dedication and prosperity.

We congratulate the investigators,
We wish them great success in their work.
In a family of understanding, let them always appreciate
Your work will never be forgotten.
Find all the criminals so that they can
On our vast expanses of land.
So that all your business goes with a bang,
And for the country to be proud of you.

To all employees of the investigating authorities
Congratulations, our greetings.
Let the flair never fail
Illumination from above comes down
The facts clearly fit into the picture,
Let all criminals be afraid of you
Disclosure will be excellent
Understanding, love - in personal life.
Strength, good luck, good reaction
In various difficult situations at times.

All employees investigative bodies Congratulations on your professional holiday! Thank you for your responsibility, experience and efforts, thanks to which you protect us from illegal actions, violations and crime. We sincerely wish you to be treated kindly by fate, may your loved ones give you kindness, moments of happiness, care and warmth!

July 25 is a professional holiday for employees of the investigative departments of the federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation. Day of the investigative officer Russian Federation established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2013 No. 741 "On the day of the employee of the investigation bodies of the Russian Federation." The date of the celebration was chosen due to the fact that on July 25, 1713, Peter I established the first investigative body in Russia, which became the investigative office.

Annually on July 25, kind words of congratulations from loved ones and colleagues sound to the employees and employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, as well as the investigative departments of the FSB, FSKN, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And those who have shown themselves to be real heroes in the fight against crime receive signs of encouragement from their superiors.

To all employees of the investigating authorities
Congratulations, our greetings.
Let the flair never fail
Illumination from above comes down
The facts clearly fit into the picture,
Let all criminals be afraid of you
Disclosure will be excellent
Understanding, love - in personal life.
Strength, good luck, good reaction
In various difficult situations at times.

Happy Holidays!
Much, much joy
At work vigor,
And in work - subtleties,
Fair rigor,
Do not pride - pride!
Happiness, inspiration,
Smart solution,
New reading,
Long patience!

You will find everyone and prove everything,
Gather a stock of evidence
Your work is so important to the investigation
You are just a class employee!

And I sincerely wish
Grow quickly in ranks,
And let good luck
Will meet you on the way!

Let ingenuity not fail
Cases are revealed
And the salary every year
So that it grows faster!

May law and justice
Will be the work of all life,
So that the villains do not dream,
How to deceive people.

Effective work for you
To everyone who leads the investigation.
Do not forget you in your worries -
A holiday awaits you today!

Today is the most suitable occasion
Congratulate you - servants of the law,
You work to make our world a little better,
To make life happy and calm.

For your loyalty to duty and the Fatherland,
For your hard, scrupulous work -
Happiness and good luck in your life,
Let success await in all matters!

Investigation officers,
Today is your professional day.
And no one has a doubt
That your nerves are like flint.

We wish you patience, endurance,
After all, the consequence is a thin thread.
And in this web of investigations
We wish to save ourselves.

Investigator, your work is important
So nice and necessary, brave!
To help preserve the rule of law is a light concern,
But not always obvious, noticeable to all people!

And may all your acquaintances praise you on your day,
Suddenly they will give gifts and weighty words,
So that you are pleased with such great attention,
To you - kindness, love, luck, understanding!

Investigative actions
Spend skillfully
Anything you can handle
A confusing case.

Let the criminals tremble
Thieves and bandits
Cameras for them
They have been open for a long time.

Today I have a happy holiday for you
Congratulations, trackers,
All cases are resolved
Let your hands lightly.

Deduction and logic
Together with intuition
Let it add to you
Sprockets in buttonholes.

Personal courage, loyalty to the oath -
You do not have these qualities.
Your profession is a duty,
Always protect the citizens of Russia.

I wish you good health, happiness and good luck.
Today I want to congratulate you all ...
In a responsible service - any tasks
Let them always and everywhere on the shoulder.

I wish you courage, courage,
To stop all the villains!
After all, you are huge hard workers,
This means that success will come to you.
And justice will be done in an instant
Thanks to all of you guys!
Let the career strive upward
And the salary always goes up!

Congratulations: 25 in verse, 6 in prose.

The professional holiday of the employees of the investigative divisions of the federal executive bodies or the Day of the employee of the investigative bodies of the Russian Federation was established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2013 No. 741 "On the day of the employee of the investigative bodies of the Russian Federation."

And on this day, congratulations from colleagues, friends and acquaintances sound to the employees and employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, as well as the investigative departments of the FSB, Federal Drug Control Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office and drug control.

This date was not chosen by chance and is rooted in the distant 1713, when on July 25, Peter I established the first investigative body in Russia, which became the Investigative Office.

We offer beautiful congratulations Happy Investigator's Day in verse, SMS and prose, texts of which can be sent by e-mail, to instant messengers and social networks.

How to congratulate the Investigator's Day in verse

The investigating authorities are very important,
They are very necessary to solve important matters.
We wish you on a professional holiday -
Kindness, good luck, a lot of happiness.
May all things be easy for you,
There will be joy and goodness in work.

You believe in the truth, you honor the law
You know the price of freedom
You are agile, cheerful and strong
You save people from troubles.
You look for evil, you find light
You know the secrets of the mafia
You will answer all questions
Attach photos.
Lead no consequences today
Don't complicate things!
A chic holiday ahead
We will celebrate!

Investigative officers
We congratulate from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish your success
Were always good.

We wish you health and endurance,
May you always be with you
There will be loved ones
Well-being and kindness.

The investigator is a glorious job
Through danger, anxiety and thunderstorm,
You manage to show care
Wipe away a flowing tear.
And today I want to congratulate
Happy holiday to your profession,
Glorify all your colleagues soon
To drink for good luck, for friends!
Let there be less crime
Let my wife not cry at night
Let the killers become righteous
And the country does not know any more troubles!

They serve in investigative bodies
Our wonderful guys.
I congratulate you on your holiday
I wish you success and excitement.

It will be possible to unravel let everything you do
And figure out the terrible villains.
Good to you, health, you are beyond praise,
After all, there is no more courageous, stronger.

His tool is scrupulousness and logic
And information is his gun.
Sometimes he walks along the edge of a knife,
Sometimes dawn meets at work.
What tasks does he come across -
You cannot find such in textbooks.
He is trying to make our world more perfect!
Thank you for this, detective!

Investigation officers,
Today is your professional day.
And no one has a doubt
That your nerves are like flint.

We wish you patience, endurance,
After all, the consequence is a thin thread.
And in this web of investigations
We wish to save ourselves.

The work of an investigator is not easy,
After all, he has things to do, not worries.
And conscience for him is the highest court,
Being honest is his whole job.

Hope of the weak, he is protection and law
And justice for the innocently deprived.
He is our only barrier
From those who do not let us sleep well.

So we wish you unprecedented miracles:
So that the bandits surrender to them hourly,
That disclosure skyrocketed
And for the streets to breathe safely.

Happy Investigation Officers Day
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
You mark it without consequence,
And ask the crime pepper.

Justice always prevails
Know all your honor and courage:
After all, without you, even on the pavement
Could we take a step!

For your loyalty and courage,
For the mind, scientists that match,
For you, for the footsteps of the state,
It is important to raise a toast!

In the morning over the department the banners
The orchestra thunders for your holiday,
To you, sincerely in love with business,
A bow from our heart!

To all employees of the investigating authorities
Congratulations, our greetings.
Let the flair never fail
Illumination from above comes down
The facts clearly fit into the picture,
Let all criminals be afraid of you
The disclosure will be excellent,
Understanding, love - in personal life.
Strength, good luck, good reaction
In various difficult situations at times.

Let luck hurry to come
To every investigation department,

Even if there is a lot to do!

You can catch the criminal
And I will instantly find the loss,
You are leading the investigation,
And you are on guard for the country!

All Russia congratulates
Happy professional day,
To you tolerance and happiness,
So that the problems do not care!

So that everything is closed,
Prosperity and kindness,
So that dreams always come true
I wish you good health!

Find the culprit is your task,
Doing business is bad luck
Put all the facts and evidence in a chain
Look for criminals, murderers and spies.
Both on weekends and on weekdays at work,
What can I say - you live by work.
We sincerely congratulate you on this day
All investigators, we wish you many years to come.

May law and justice
Will be the work of all life,
So that the villains do not dream,
How to deceive people.

Effective work for you
To everyone who leads the investigation.
Do not forget you in worries -
A holiday awaits you today!

Congratulations on the day of the investigator,
All Colombo, Holmes and Megre,
We wish you great Victories in the fight against evil,
And always be in the game.
We wish you healthy thoughts,
Reasonable, competent ideas,
Live beautifully and happily
Without "hang-ups" and "wood grouses"!

Those who worked in the investigation
And it works now,
We congratulate today
We wish them strength,
Let them open more
The most difficult crimes
And for our peaceful life
Do everything they can!

You fearlessly fight crime!
And my honorable work
Do not boast and do not swagger!
But you get down to business with a hunt!
Let the criminals tremble and tremble
Thieves with all my soul!
After all, people like you are employees!
Happy Investigative Officer Day!

You protect Russia,
Take away all danger
And you will always open
Crime is easy.

Congratulations to all employees,
We will leave thanks to you,
We wish you luck
And fewer crimes.

Strict during interrogations, polite at home,
You value justice, truth, simplicity.
Today, after all, I wish your holiday
In the service of promotion, success in business.

Happiness and prosperity, health, love,
Find the truth in this difficult life.
So that your whole family is proud of you,
Investigator, my friend, happy holiday to you!

Personal courage, loyalty to the oath -
You will not be interested in these qualities.
Your profession is a duty,
Always protect the citizens of Russia.

I wish you good health, happiness and good luck.
Today I want to congratulate you all ...
In a responsible service - any tasks
Let them always and everywhere on the shoulder.

Little pleasant things about your profession:
Theft, murder is a complete crime
Pain and cruelty, deceit and retribution
Hatred, anger and complaints are overwhelmed.
But, dealing with criminal cases,
You will not deviate from the legal path.
The control of destinies is in your hands,
In search of the truth, you are ready to take risks.
We sincerely congratulate you on this holiday!
Honor and praise you in your service,
We wish you happiness, good luck, health,
Honest people and reliable friends!

All employees of the investigating authorities
Congratulations now from the bottom of my heart!
May you be bypassed by the side of disaster,
And let all things be good.

I wish everyone to catch the criminals
Unravel complex cases.
Let success be a faithful companion
May joy always surround.

To become an investigator, you need to know a lot,
To have intuition and own deduction,
Fight various offenses,
With intruders and crime.
To investigators, praise and honor,
After all, your work brings us peace and goodness!
Good luck, prosperity and happiness of the family,
May your paths be worthy!

I wish you courage, courage,
To stop all the villains!
After all, you are huge hard workers,
This means that success will come to you.
And justice will be done in an instant
Thanks to all of you guys!
Let the career strive upward
And the salary always goes up!

SMS for the holiday of the investigator in verse

Let luck hurry to come
To every investigation department,
On a holiday, after all, it cannot be otherwise,
Even if there is a lot to do!

Compliance with laws, wisdom, patience,
And, of course, on this day - congratulations to all of you!
Impeccable results, high erudition,
Good luck to the investigative police.

The evidence is all confused
All traces are hidden.
And entangled in secret
Criminal moves.
But our detective diligently
Untangle the knots.
Everything will be great
When you are in the service!

Beautiful congratulations to the investigating authorities in prose

On the day of the investigative officer, I wish you successful work. Let a bright mind, unique intelligence, high professionalism and ingenuity always help in business. Good luck always and everywhere, happy and joyful life, dedication and prosperity.

Congratulations on the Day of the employee of the investigation agencies of Russia. I wish in life to follow the call of my heart, and at work always move forward correctly, unraveling even the most complex tangle of stories. May the investigation never reach a dead end, may happiness always knock at your doors.

I congratulate the Russian investigative officer on the Day and sincerely wish to always follow the right path, never disregard a single piece of evidence and detail of a crime, be constantly guided by high professionalism, brilliant intuition, excellent ingenuity and impeccable logic. Let it work well, let it live for its own pleasure.

Dear investigators! Thank you for your service. Thanks to the veterans of the investigation, whose long-term conscientious service is the best example for novice colleagues, and to young personnel for loyalty to duty and the Fatherland, courageous service to the law and the people. All of you, my dear colleagues, Happy Investigative Officers Day!

Dear investigators! We congratulate you on your professional holiday! The specifics of the work require from you not only high professionalism, hard work, endurance, but often also personal courage. Your effective activity helps to reduce the level of crime and corruption in society, to strengthen people's faith in the force of the law. On the day of your professional holiday, we wish you good health, stability, professional growth, success in solving important tasks and new achievements for the good of the Fatherland!

Like a hound, you follow the trail, and you are not the master, but the law and you will not allow yourself to take a breath until the case is closed and justice will prevail! Please accept my congratulations on the Day of the Investigative Officer! May there always be enough strength to work, everything bad that you have to face will not shake faith in good!

Today is a special day, a holiday for employees of investigative units! We would like to congratulate you and wish you good luck in your investigations, forget about fear and fatigue! Your hard and always intense work makes this world a better place!

Every day at work, you try to find the truth and restore justice, help the offended and punish the guilty. So let it be today, on your professional holiday - the day of the investigator, and you always have good luck and luck in business, there will be less hard work and more interesting work. May you always manage to get to the bottom of the truth, and there will be no unsolved cases at all.

I wish all investigators good health and good luck, happiness and prosperity, energy and optimism, successful implementation of the plans and further success in the responsible and very necessary service for our Fatherland. I am sure that in the future the employees of the investigative departments of various departments will also fulfill their official and civic duties with dignity, improve the quality of investigative work for the sake of the well-being and dignified life of our fellow citizens.

I sincerely congratulate you on the Investigator's Day! Let only easy things come across to you, and the work argues like a true virtuoso of his craft! Let everything work for you - intuition, logic and good luck! And let Sir Sherlock Holmes himself envy your skill, buddy!

I congratulate the employee of the investigative bodies of Russia on the Day and wish you excellent work, high erudition, brave wit, wonderful intuition, great ideas, undoubted luck, successful work and well-being in life.

[in prose]

All secrets are revealed. Who, if not you, dear citizen investigator, knows this? And on your professional holiday, please accept my most sincere and explicit congratulations! I wish you good luck in your service, wellbeing and excellent health!

Happy Investigator's Day to the glorious heir of Sherlock Holmes! I wish you successful investigations, a worthy reward for your work, and luck. Always be cheerful, loved and healthy.

Iron logic, nerves of steel and strong character. Against such a weapon, criminals have no chance! So let the growth of crime stop on your professional holiday, and let your career move forward.

Let Themis share wisdom and justice, so that the instinct never fails, that fate keeps you safe, so that you can defeat all evil. Happy professional holiday, happy investigator's day!

Congratulations on your professional holiday! Yes, your service is both dangerous and difficult, and very noticeable: we live confidently and calmly because you and your colleagues are doing great! So, from the bottom of my heart - Happy Investigator's Day!

Your work serves the cause of restoring justice, and, undoubtedly, achieving success in your business is impossible without intelligence, skill, strength, courage, insight, without a very special talent to restore events and understand situations. You are unique people, and, congratulating you on the Investigator's Day, I want to say: let there be fewer false traces and more perspicacious thoughts!

You have reached considerable heights in the struggle for justice. Today you, an investigator, are doing your duty with dignity, giving all of yourself to difficult and dangerous work. Happy professional holiday to you! Strength and good luck!

An investigator is a profession that requires self-control, courage, intelligence and perseverance from a person. Without too much flattery, I can say that you have all these qualities. On your professional holiday, I wish you career growth, one hundred percent recovery and safe work.

You can find anything you want, even a black cat in a dark room will not escape your gaze. You are very attentive, you will expose anyone who is not pure in thought. I wish you more cases solved! Happy holiday, dear detective!

On the day of your professional holiday, I wish you wisdom in solving all investigative cases. Let difficulties be bypassed, bandit bullets pass by, and justice always triumphs!

I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Investigator's Day! Let the work bring only pleasure, and moving up the career ladder will be easy and fast! I wish you material and family well-being!

Please accept my congratulations on the Investigator's Day. I know how much you love your difficult profession, how your bosses appreciate you. I wish you success, prosperity, a good career and may your work bring joy!

In your difficult and sometimes dangerous profession, so often simple and kind words are lacking! We wish you, despite the dangerous work, to keep up with the law and always be on the side of justice!

Remember, your work is necessary, but never forget that only in justice is truth born. May you always be guided by the dictates of your heart and professional flair. Career growth and health to you, dear investigator!

Today I want to confess to you: my favorite introductory word is “therefore”. When I say it, I immediately remember you, and although your work has nothing to do with philology, I will be consistent: Happy Investigator's Day!

The world is imperfect, but you came to your profession to restore justice. You protect society from arbitrariness and meanness, and this is thanks not only to unconditional professionalism, but also to the purity of the soul. You have to see bad side life. But personally, let the world turn its bright side to you. Good luck and joy to you, our dear investigators! Happy professional holiday!

In the work of an investigator, mistakes are unacceptable. You work on it every day. You find the guilty, release the innocent, so do the truth always and follow the career ladder up! Happy investigator's day!

On this day, I want to congratulate the most honest, courageous and worthy investigator on his professional holiday! Your character with amazing ease combines such qualities as intelligence, patience, intelligence, a wonderful sense of humor and reliability! Let your profession give you only pleasure, and let your disclosure break all records!

Happy Holidays, dear Sherlock Holmes! You are a first-class law enforcement officer! Next to you, we are not afraid of anything, because we know that we are under reliable protection... You will always come to the rescue. We wish you success in your investigations!

Let bright big stars sparkle on your shoulder straps! And every professional holiday will be full of starfalls. Make a wish and it will certainly come true! Good luck, our dear investigator!

We wish you a lot today!

Happy Investigative Officer Day
Congratulations to the brave people!
We wish you a lot today,
To make it warmer, more fun!

The job was unsweetened
So, let's drink champagne,
Seize with pie, chocolates,
And circling Themis in her arms!

May things be settled easily
So that the service was calm!
May Fortune always smile
And Fate to give wealth!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Workers of the investigative bodies!

Protect strictly the laws
Protecting good people!
New stars for your shoulder straps!
There are many welcome guests at home!

We wish you love, happiness, laughter,
Let everything in life be easy!
At work - great success,
And the riches of the steep banks!

Purchased and owned by the site.

Every "capercaillie" and "refusenik"

In the investigating authorities, a holiday,
Celebrate their day, they.
Every "capercaillie" and "refusenik"
The topic has become, chatter.

Let the conversations over the glass
You will be reassured now.
Tomorrow, you are with a new idea,
Open up a lot of cases at once.

I sincerely congratulate
Good colleagues and friends.
And I wish all "Themis"
Joy in your service.

Purchased and owned by the site.

The best wishes!

All investigators,
We want to congratulate you on your Day!
You are destined to be smart, sharp-sighted
And cut evil with a lawful sword!

May good luck accompany the brave
On the service path without end
In life, let there be only white days,
Let your dear hearts love you!

Purchased and owned by the site.


Today the investigator used to
Worker will end his day
And in a wonderful mood
He will hurry to his home.
On his holiday, he has the right
Take a break from hard affairs.
They want to breast him rather
Relatives all snuggle him
And wish him heartily
To always be healthy
To find it easily, of course,
And hooligans and thieves
And also, so that there is time
Have the investigator breathe
So that he can enjoy life,
To make his path a little easier!

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