Presentation on the topic “Fractures and dislocations. Dislocations and fractures of teeth Presentation on fractures dislocations and contusions

Astana Medical University

Department of Surgical Diseases No. 2

Injury. Fractures.

Astana 2015

The term "injury" means

prevalence of injuries among

a certain group of people that

is in the same working conditions,

everyday life or life.

Dislocation is a violation of normal

anatomical relationship of articular

surfaces, that is, the displacement

articular end of the distal

(peripheral) limb segment

relatively proximal



Congenital Stuffed

fresh - up to 3 days;

and more times;


First stage Doctor with a hand opposite to a dislocated one,

grabs the victim's hand by the lower third of the shoulder, and

with the other hand - behind the wrist joint, bends it at the elbow

joint at an angle of up to 90 °, carries out traction along the axis of the shoulder

and leads him to the torso. At the same time, the assistant fixes

the shoulder girdle of the patient.

Second phase. Without loosening axial traction

shoulder, the doctor takes the forearm outward until

until it becomes frontal

plane of the torso. This achieves the external

rotation of the shoulder.

Stage three. Moving in progress

elbow joint to the midline of the body. At

external rotation of the shoulder is preserved and

stretching it along the axis.

Stage four. Using your forearm as a lever without changing

position of the elbow joint, the surgeon produces an internal

rotation of the shoulder. To do this, the doctor moves the victim's hand to

the opposite shoulder joint, and the forearm at this time lies down

on the chest. It should be noted that the doctor should not

to weaken the efforts directed along the axis of the shoulder. Sometimes the head

the humerus is adjusted after the second or third stages. If

this did not happen, the reduction occurs after the fourth stage.

A fracture is a complete violation

bone integrity caused by

the action of force and is accompanied

Presentation for the lesson "First aid for bruises, joint dislocations and bone fractures." The presentation will help children consolidate the knowledge gained in the lesson. The presentation contains all the necessary illustrations for first aid. Recommended for special correctional schools of the 8th type.

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"Presentation for the lesson" First aid for bruises, dislocations of joints and bone fractures. "






First aid for bruises,

dislocated joints and bone fractures.

Each person is obliged to be able to provide the victim with first aid:

2. To minimize the possible consequences of the accident

3. Promote recovery

Bone and joint injury is a common type of injury .

Injury Is damage to an organ or tissue as a result of external influences





The fracture can be in the form of a crack or a complete bone fracture.

Simple - crack

Green twig type, in children





The skin in the fracture area is not damaged; swelling in nearby tissues is local in nature

The wound is caused by a traumatic factor or bone debris, accompanied by bleeding

What causes fractures?

When falling on the hand, the force is transferred to the collarbone, which leads to its fracture .

A direct blow to the chest can fracture a rib

Consists in:

  • the imposition of a splint made of available material to fix the fracture sites and the areas of the joints located above and below it.
  • Inside, the victim is given amidopyrine or analgin and transported to the first-aid post.

First aid

  • Tire
  • Cold
  • Rest

Dislocation - the head of one bone can partially or completely come out of the joint.

Dislocation of the phalanx of the finger

Dislocation of the elbow joint

Dislocation of the knee joint

How to provide first aid for dislocation?

  • Rest the injured part
  • Apply ice or cold compress
  • Soft pressure bandage
  • Scarf bandage

Sprain - This is damage to the tendons of the joint area, which leads to muscle rupture.

How to help:

  • Applying a tight bandage
  • Apply cold
  • Provide peace

Bruises - closed damage to tissues and organs from blunt force


  • Pain
  • Edema
  • Hematoma

Provision of PP:


2.Cold water



  • Assess the situation quickly
  • Determine the cause of the injury
  • Create rest
  • Cold
  • Splint, bandage
  • Tell teacher, parent, 03.

Sunbathe (vitamin D keeps bones healthy)

Eat green vegetables (it is a source of calcium and vitamin K, which strengthens bones)

Here are some tips to help make your bones stronger, your posture prettier, and you stronger:

Drink milk daily (1 glass of milk - 300 mg of calcium)

Say no to caffeine (coffee removes calcium from the body and bones become brittle)

Non-standard problem situation

On a ski trip, one of your classmates unsuccessfully went down the mountain and broke hip... Upon examination of the victim, it was found out that open fracture, at the site of the fracture wound from which a pulsating jet flows blood bright scarlet color. They did not take the first-aid kit on the hike, it was far from the city. Discuss the current situation and suggest your option for providing first aid to a friend.

Here are some tips to help make your bones stronger, your posture prettier, and you stronger:

Add Calcium to Your Diet (nutritional supplements can be an alternative)

Reduce stress (learn to relieve stress)

Health is the absence of internal hindrances to life.

We wish you good health!

A Brief History: Hippocrates introduced the concept of fractures,
dislocations, clubfoot and joint repositioning,
used fixed splint bandages.
N.I. Pirogov applied plaster
Bardengeier treated fractures by traction.
Steinman proposed a skeletal
traction with inserted into the bone
metal nail.
C.F.Wegner invented an adhesive plaster
traction without tires in combination with
active movements from the first days.


Fractures - complete or
partial violation of the integrity of the bone with
load exceeding strength
the injured area of ​​the skeleton.

Fracture classification.

I. From origin:
1. Congenital
2. Purchased:
Traumatic are divided into open and closed.

Fracture classification. II. From the direction of the fracture line:

7. Detachable
8. Wedge-shaped
9. Impacted
10 serrated
11 smashed

Fracture classification.

III. From the nature of the damage:
1. Incomplete fractures are:
Subperiosteal fractures
2. Complete fractures:


The reasons are divided into producing and predisposing.
Productive - mechanical influences (bruises,
blows, jolts).
Predisposing - mineral and vitamin
failure, pathological and physiological
changes in bone tissue (vitamin deficiency, osteomyelitis,
old age).

The clinical picture.

Allocate relative and absolute
signs of fractures.
Relative - pain and soreness,
swelling, deformation, violation
Absolute - pathological
mobility and crepitus of fragments.

First aid.

First aid consists of transport
immobilization using tires from improvised
Lower limb immobilization is more convenient
carry out by means of a transport bus
Dieterichs, top - ladder bus


Diagnosis is based on clinical
signs and is specified by radiological
research conducted in two standard
X-ray signs - presence
fracture line, break of the cortical layer,
displacement of fragments, changes in bone


Basic principles of treatment:
reduction of bone fragments.
holding, creating immobility
matched bone fragments and
immobilization of the organ.
the use of tools and methods that accelerate
callus formation and fusion
Methods: - conservative
- operational

Conservative method of treatment.

1. Immobilization with a plaster cast.
Advantages: simplicity; patient mobility,
ambulatory treatment; no damage
skin and the possibility of infectious
2. Method of constant stretching.
Advantages: accuracy and controllability
gradual reduction; the ability to follow
limb condition; danger is sharply reduced
development of contractures; possibility of application
physiotherapy treatments, massage.

Surgical treatment.

Absolute indications are:
Open fractures.
Damage to vital organs by bone fragments
(brain, spinal cord, large vessels, nerves).
Interposition of soft tissues
False joint.
Purulent-inflammatory complications of the fracture.
Incorrectly healed fractures with a gross violation.
Relative indications:
Failed attempt to reposition bone fragments.
Delayed consolidation of the fracture.
Transverse fractures of long bones when
bone fragments cannot be matched or held.
Incorrectly healed fractures with minor
violation of organ function.

Compression devices.

Their advantages are that
the fixing pins are passed outside the fracture
Ilizarov apparatus is used,
Gudushauri, Volkova - Oganesyan.

Locks with shape memory.

Create conditions for early functional
load, which excludes the development
postimmobilization contractures.
Nickel-titanium has a complete biological
and chemical inertness.

Osteosynthesis with a bunch of wires.

The operation is not very traumatic.


Dislocations - violation of congruence
articular surfaces of bones, as with
violation of the integrity of the joint capsule,
and without violation, under the influence
mechanical forces (injury) or
destructive processes in the joint (arthrosis,


I. By origin:
Congenital dislocations.
Traumatic dislocations.
Pathological (spontaneous) dislocations.
Habitual dislocations.
II. Depending on the damage, there are:
III. Depending on the time, there are:
Fresh - the dislocation is less than 3 days old.
Stale - the duration of the injury is up to 14 days.
Old - the prescription of the injury is more than 2-3 weeks.


IV. By the degree of displacement of the articular surfaces:
Complete dislocation.
Incomplete (subluxation).
V. Depending on the complications:
1. Uncomplicated dislocations.
2. Complicated:
Fracture (dislocation fracture).
Rupture of tendons, muscles
Damage to the great vessels, nerve bundles.
Purulent arthritis.


Injuries with rupture of the joint capsule and ligaments:
indirect injury, sharp muscle contraction.
Diseases of the joints with a change or
destruction of articular surfaces
articulating bones (osteomyelitis, tuberculosis)
Congenital anomalies of joints and bones.
Premature termination of immobilization in
after the first dislocation.

The clinical picture.

- Sharp pain in the joint area and impossibility
performing active and passive movements in it.
- Deformity in the joint area, forced for everyone
joint position of the limb. Active movements
impossible, shortening is determined, less often lengthening and
change in the axis of the limb.
- On palpation, pain in the area is determined
joint, sometimes it is possible to feel the articular end not on
its usual place.
Passive movements are severely limited and painful.

First aid.

First aid - cold to the damaged area
joint, the use of painkillers (analgin,
promedol, etc.), immobilization of the limb, including
position that she took after the injury.
The upper limb is suspended on a scarf or
dressing from a bandage, the lower one is immobilized when
using tires or improvised means.


The diagnosis of dislocation is established when the following data are available:
History of trauma (fall, sudden movement);
Strong pain;
Deformation of the joint area, noticeable when compared with the healthy side;
Forced, characteristic of each type of dislocation, the position of the limb;
Changing the direction of the axis of the dislocated limb in relation to
neighboring identification points;
Lack of active and sharp limitation of passive movements in the joint;
"Spring fixing", in which an attempt to make a certain
passive movement to remove a limb from a forced position,
meets elastic, springy resistance and she again accepts that
the same position;
The articular end, which came out of the articular cavity during dislocation,
not felt in its usual place or not defined at all.


There are 3 stages in treatment:
1. Reduction
2. Immobilization of the limb
3. Restoration of function.
For reduction, apply
methods of Kokher, Janelidze.


For reduction, use the methods of Mota,

Surgical treatment.

Indications for surgical treatment:
open dislocations;
irreducible fresh dislocations (interposition
soft tissues);
old dislocations;
habitual dislocations.
The meaning of surgical treatment is
elimination of dislocation and strengthening of ligaments and
joint capsules.

Immobilization and rehabilitation.

immobilization for an average of 2-3 weeks
after 1-2 weeks while keeping soft
immobilization gradually begin
movements in the joint, conduct a course of medical
physical education
complete cure occurs in 30-40 days,
and full load capability is achieved
after 2-3 months.


First aid for bruises.

Bruises are characterized by damage to the soft
tissues with internal hemorrhage.
Put cold for a while
compress, and then apply a bandage.
On the second day after injury, apply
to the victim
to provide
to give
funds and transport to the first-aid post.
In the event that the injury is produced in the area
abdomen, the victim should not be given any
eat or drink.

Help with bruises and
dislocations in the area
a - fixing
b - ice (snow) c
plastic bag
to the place of injury

Musculoskeletal injuries
Dislocated joints

- What is accompanied by a dislocation of the joint? What does a person feel when
- What kind of assistance should be provided to the victim in case of dislocation?
Joint type
with dislocation

Extremity appearance during ligament sprain

- First aid. When stretching, rupture of ligaments
the damaged joint first of all needs
provide rest, apply a tight bandage and for
relieve pain by applying a cold compress
for 12-24 hours, then go to warm and
warming compresses.


Open - when
skin (on
fracture site
there is a wound)
Closed - without
damage to skin

- What is a fracture? What are the symptoms
with a fracture? How can you help?
Immobilization of the upper
limbs using
handy splint in case of fracture

Splinting at
lower bones
a - with a fracture
b - with a fracture
c, d - using
soft tire made of
blankets at
shin fractures
(top view and

Various immobilization options


Types of skeletal damage

Stretching or
rupture of ligaments with
joint injury
Pain, joint swelling,
blue in the face, limitation
movements due to pain
Soft fixing
bandage on the joint. Cold
on the joint area
Due to rupture or
joint sprain
bags head bone
comes out of the joint fossa
bone integrity
Sharp pain, limitation
joint movements and
(immobilization). Cold
on the joint area
Pain, swelling
tissues, deformation
Carefully deliver the victim to the nearest emergency room

Consolidation of the studied material
- What kind of injury is shown in the picture?
Symptoms Sharp pain in the area of ​​the fracture,
aggravated by movement. Shortening and
limb deformation. Mobility in place
fracture. Sharp soreness in the area of ​​the fracture
even with careful feeling. Edema.
- How to provide first aid?
-How does a closed fracture differ from an open one?
- What first aid measures need to be provided to the victim when
open fracture?

Other fractures

So the broken ones are fixed
Such a roller
used for
head injuries
With a fracture of the spine
the victim is carefully laid on
flat board
This is done with a fracture
With broken ribs, bandage tightly

In a treeless area, it can sometimes
happen that there is not a bundle for the bus
brushwood, not a stick. Then the injured hand
it is recommended to bandage to the body, and
leg - to the healthy leg.

Types of injuries
Ligament damage
connecting bones in
Joint damage. Occur when
awkward movements
The first
Dislocated joints
Severe displacement of bones
while the articular
the head comes out
glenoid cavity
Violation of the integrity of the bone.
Fractures are open and
closed, with or without offset
bone displacements, single and
Pain. Swelling around
cyanotic joint
colors due to rupture
blood vessels and
Pain. Shape change
joint. May be
ligament rupture, sprain
ligaments. Movement disorder
in the joint
Sharp pain. Severe swelling.
Impossibility of movement.
Violation of shape, length,
curvature of the damaged part
1. Attach to
damaged place
ice pack or
cold, moistened
water towel for
reduce puffiness.
1. Complete rest of the joint.
Apply cold.
2. Apply tight
fixing bandage.
You can't warm up, pull,
pull out
damaged place.
For pain relief
simple or
analgesic (analgin,
pentalgin, solpadein).
3. Contact
trauma center
Complete immobility
damaged part by
fixing. The tire must
2. Fix this
go higher and lower
way to be
damaged area, if it is
two adjacent
limbs. With broken ribs
joint, for
the victim must exhale
immobilization use
air out of the lungs and breathe
tires, planks, kerchiefs.
not deep. Chest tight
3. Straighten the joint can be bandaged. With a fracture
the victim's spine
only a doctor
put on a hard surface and
so transported to the hospital.
The body cannot be bent or tilted.
For fractures of the bones of the skull
the patient is laid on a stretcher
belly down, under the head (face)
put a soft bedding
with a depression or cotton-gauze

affected by
stretcher with
Carrying the victim
using stretchers
A - the position of the tapes on
B, C - ways of carrying

Transportation by improvised means
The position of the hands when
carrying the victim
with damage
Carrying the victim:
a - on a backpack with a stick;
b - in a backpack;
g - on a rope

Transportation by improvised means
Carrying the victim
a - on cross sticks;
b, c - on poles or skis with

If you twist your leg
Stretched ligaments I advise
prepare such an ointment: in
vial of ammonia
pour in 2 tablespoons of alcohol.
vegetable oil,
whisk the contents for
15 minutes to white. Everything,
the ointment is ready.
Rub into a sore spot
putting on top
a plastic bag, and
secure with a bandage; 3-4
procedures, and everything will pass.
This "talker" was once
sold in a pharmacy, but now
it is not sold (unprofitable,
costs 3 kopecks). That's why
advise to cook it
by ourselves, a good thing.

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