Perfective participles. Perfective gerunds How to spell NOT with gerunds

H) Participle and participle are official parts of speech. E) The participle is an unchangeable form of the verb. A) The verbal participles answer the question of what to do? what having done? F) The participles have the signs of a verb and a participle. L) The gerunds have categories of type, transitivity and recurrence. K) The participle with dependent words form an adverbial turnover. T) The adverbial turnover is always separated by commas. Write down the ciphers of the correct statements

Damaged card Type MeaningQuestionHow is it formed Imperfect Incomplete additional action What to do? Current time, incomplete + - a - / - I- Perfect Completed additional action What having done? Ave. + -v- / -lice- (vowel stem) + -chi- consonant stem) Bud.vr. + -a - / - i- Formation of participles

Let's check the results ... Formation of verbal participles Type Meaning Question How the Imperfect is formed Incomplete additional action What to do? Present time, unsettled. + - a - / - i- Perfect Completed additional action What having done? Ave. + -v- / -lice- (vowel stem) + -shi- (consonant stem) Bud. + -a - / - i-

Captain's Sight, or to Spot Every Communion If a sailor, making his way along the coastal road to Bristol, stopped at the "Admiral Beanbow", the captain first looked at it from behind the door curtain and only then went into the living room.

Finally, the captain burst into the room, slammed the door and, not looking around, went straight to the table, where breakfast was waiting for him. Finally, the captain burst into the room, slammed the door and, not looking around, went straight to the table, where breakfast was waiting for him. Avoid danger without looking

There is something wrong ... Trying not to make noise, I got out on all fours out of the bush and rushed into the forest. As I ran away, I heard the old pirate calling out to his comrades. Their voices gave me wings. The thicket was left behind. I rushed without making out the road. With every step my fear grew stronger, finally turning into insane horror. Trying Running away, taking apart turning

We worked tirelessly. We worked tirelessly. Not wishing to be verbose, I will just say that, having taken several new sailors to my ship, we arrived safely in Bristol. Not wishing to be verbose, I will just say that having taken several new sailors to my ship, we arrived safely in Bristol. Something is wrong here ...

26 “Day went by day. And there was no end in sight for our work. Every evening we sent piles of treasures to the ship, but no smaller piles remained in the cave ... ”Homework § 42, 43, exercise. 432 (orally), write down the text of the printout, solving spelling and punctuation problems

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Slide captions:

A mouse ran over the sleeping lion's body. The lion woke up, grabbed her and prepared to eat. The mouse begged to let her go, assuring that he would repay with good for his salvation. The lion burst out laughing and let her go. But it so happened that the mouse really thanked the lion, saving his life. The hunters caught a lion and they tied it to a tree with a rope. And the mouse, hearing his groans, immediately came running, gnawed at the rope and released him, saying: “Then you laughed at me, did not believe that I could repay you for the service. And now you will know that even a mouse can be noble. "

What is an adverbial turnover? Adverb + dependent word = adverbial which member of the sentence is he? circumstance _. _. _. _. _. _ How do gerunds and adverbs stand out? , /. _. _. _. _. ... _. _. _. _. /,

"Imperfect participles"

The gerunds do not have an independent meaning of time, since they denote an action either simultaneous with the main action, or preceding it, indicate the time in relation to the time of the explained action. Imperfect participles, as a rule, denote actions simultaneous with the explained actions: We go talking. We walked talking.

Adverbial participles What questions are answered How are Examples of Imperfect appearance formed (an unfinished additional action that occurs simultaneously with the main one) What to do? The base of the present tense of the imperfective verb + the suffix -а (-я) looking → looking screaming → screaming smile → smiling

To love anyone loving (non-Soviet participle) hold holding (non-Soviet participle)

From the verb to be, an imperfect adverbial participle is formed with the help of the suffix - teach: will - being: "But know the reader, these lines, lying on my side with joy, I folded, being on the road, from service as if on vacation." (A. Tvardovsky) The form of imperfect participles with the suffix -uchi (-yuchi) has been preserved in the national language: walking, playfully, looking, pitiful, humorous, skillfully: And they looked through the gate of our neighbor, laughing, they pointed at us with a finger. (M. Lermontov)

Write down, designate the suffix with which the gerunds of the imperfect form are formed. Emphasize the participles as members of the sentence. 1) The cat ran along the roof, (not) figuring out where to jump. 2) The boys helped .. ralie with laughter, looking at her despair. 3) The poor girl cried for a long time, imagining everything that awaited her. 4) The prince, without losing his spirit, took out a road pistol from the side to .. rman and fired at the maskirov (n, nn) ​​thief. (A.S. Pushkin)

1) The cat was running along the roof, / wondering / where to jump /. 2) The boys were dying with laughter, / looking at her despair /. 3) The poor girl cried for a long time, / imagining everything that awaited her /. 4) The prince, / without losing his presence of mind /, took a road pistol from his side pocket and fired at the masked robber. (A.S. Pushkin)

It is impossible to form imperfective participles from some verbs: with a stem in g, k (run, flow); with a base on hissing (smear, scratch); with a base consisting of some consonants (sew, pour, beat); from verbs with the suffix -nu- (dry, die, freeze); from verbs with alternating s - w (write - write)

Lesson summary - How are the gerunds of the imperfect form formed? - How are the gerunds of the imperfect form formed? - From which verbs it is impossible to form imperfective participles?

Homework 1. Learn the theoretical material of the textbook on the topic of the lesson. 2. Complete exercise 177 (in writing).

1 slide

Imperfective participles The purpose of the lesson: acquaintance with the methods of forming imperfective gerunds; the formation of the ability to form gerunds from verbs, while preserving the form.

2 slide

Checking homework Read from exercise. 173 adverbial turns. Read from exercise. 173 verbs with no particle. Read from exercise. 174 all participles with no particle. Explain their spelling.

3 slide

Write out from exercise. 174 all participles with no particle. Explain their spelling. Write out from exercise. 174 adjectives and nouns with not. Explain their spelling. The word is unusually spelled together. You will study this rule later.

4 slide

Write out from exercise. 174 other words with spelling. 6. Write down the adverbial turnover without pretending to be successful. Make a sentence with him orally.

5 slide

Acquaintance with new material. 1. Review the table on p. 82 (§ 29). From the stems of what verbs are imperfective participles formed? What is the suffix with which the gerunds of the imperfect form are formed?

6 slide

What happens after the suffix of imperfective participles if they are formed from the stem of a reflexive verb? Read the rule after the table on p. 82. How is the imperfective participle formed from the verb to be? What question does the imperfective participle answer? What does the imperfective participle end in?

7 slide

Training exercises. Perform exercise. 174. - Write down the rzha'vei adverbs, che'rpaya, playing with stress. Perform exercise orally. 175. From what verbs it is impossible to form gerunds?

8 slide

Copy the statement of L. Tolstoy. What are the imperfective participles? What stems of what verbs are they derived from? It is necessary to write in draft, without considering the place and correctness of the expression of thoughts. The second time to rewrite, excluding all unnecessary and giving a real place for every thought. Rewrite the third time, processing the correctness of expressions

9 slide

Why isn't there a comma before the and in the second sentence? What punctuation marks will you add if you format this text as direct speech, including the words of the author?

10 slide

Vocabulary words: pool, distance, shine. Pool (fr. Bassin "pool, basin, bowl"). 1. Artificial reservoir, built for swimming, bathing. 2. The totality of the tributaries of a river, lake, as well as the area of ​​surface and groundwater runoff into the reservoir. 3. The area of ​​occurrence of minerals.

11 slide

Distance (Polish distancja, lat. Distantia "distance, interval"). 1. Distance, the gap between something. 2. A section on the routes of communication, as well as a section where sports competitions take place.

12 slide

Shine (primordial) 1. Emit shine. 2. transfer. Shine, expressing any joyful feelings (about the eyes), or shine with joy, happiness, love (about the face).

Slide 1

Perfective verbal participles The lesson of the Russian language in the 7th grade was prepared by the teacher of the secondary school № 46 of Belgorod Zakharova L.N.

Slide 2

Purpose Acquaintance with the meaning of the perfective participles and the method of their formation Securing information about the imperfective gerunds

Slide 3

Selective dictation Read the text Write out from it: Option 1: imperfective participles, indicate the way of their formation Option 2: a sentence with a participle, highlight it graphically, indicate the word to be defined. A person "swallowing books" is like a traveler getting to know the country from a carriage window. Force yourself to read slowly, remembering, pondering, imagining yourself in the midst of those events and the situation with which the book is filled, making yourself as if they were a direct witness and even a participant. Only then will the great and beautiful world created by the writer open before you to the end. (K.G. Paustovsky)

Slide 4

Syntactic five minutes Write down the sentence; explain punctuation marks and missing spelling in it. If you are fluent in ... those swimming technique, then, from ... bumping into the wall ... bass ... eina, you quickly pro ... od ... le ... those required distance.

Slide 5

Formation of perfect participles Say + -v- = saying Interested + -lice- = interested Bring + -shi- = Bringing Draw a conclusion from the observation

Slide 6

Practice Exercises Explain why in the sentence the union And was separated by commas on both sides? Suddenly there was the sound of a galloping horse; She stopped abruptly near the fire, and, clinging to the mane, Pavlushka quickly jumped off her.

Slide 7

Practice exercises Show, from which verbs the given gerunds are formed (exercise 178) Find a verb from which it is impossible to form a perfect adverbial participle (exercise 180) Do yourself exercise. 182: Option 1 - sentences 1 to 3; Option 2 - from 4 to 6 sentence Self-exercise. 183: 1 option - 1 and 4 offers 2 option - 2 and 3 offers


Novik Nadezhda Grigorievna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

GBOU JSC "Vychegodskaya SKOSHI"


  • to summarize and systematize the material on the topic: "participles of the perfect imperfect form";
  • repeat the spelling of alternating vowels at the root of the word and NOT with different parts of speech;
  • repeat the rules for constructing sentences with participial and participial phrases;

Good day! We came here to study Do not be lazy, but work. We work diligently And we listen carefully!


How to spell NOT with gerunds?

- When is it NOT written together with gerunds?

The game "Be Careful!"

(Not) demanding, (not) going, (not) arriving, (not) folding, (not) reading, (not) thinking,

(not) speaking, (not) seeing, (not) smiling, (not) overcoming, (not) saying goodbye.


Written separately

Written together

Without requiring


Without arriving


Without folding


Without reading

Not talking

Not smiling

Without saying goodbye

Parsing a sentence

Option 1

(Not) recognizing grief, (not) recognizing joy.

Option 2

(Do not) wait for the green signal, (do not) leave the house.

Game "Catch the question"

-What are gerunds?

What does the verbal participle mean?

-Signs of what parts of speech does a verbal participle have?

- What is an adverb in a sentence?

-How are gerunds with a NOT particle spelled?

How are gerunds formed? What does the type of participle indicate?

-How to determine the type of participle?

Physical education

Now guys, stand up

Raise your hands slowly

Squeeze your fingers, then unclench,

Hands down and stand like that.

Leaned to the right, to the left

And we get down to business again.

Practical work Touch, assume, jump out, grow up, get wet, spread, lock, grind, sunbathe, illuminate, offer

Practical work Touch - touching guess - guess jump out - jump out growing up - growing up get wet - wet spread - spread lock - lock grind - grind sunbathe - sunbathe illuminate - illuminate offer - offering

Creative work

1st group.

(To meet) with adults ... or (to enter) the premises, say hello first. (Greet) with the elders ... do not hold out your hand, wait until they do it themselves ... t. (Take off) the wagon ... ku or sha ... ku, don't put it on until you shake ... your hand.

Check yourself!

Replace verbs in brackets with gerunds.

1st group.

When meeting with adults or entering the premises, be the first to greet. Greet your elders, do not stretch out your hands, wait until they do it themselves. While taking off your cap or hat, do not put it on until you shake your hand.

Creative work

Replace verbs in brackets with gerunds.

2nd group.

(Shake) your hand, take off your glove, tilt a little ... go forward .... (Bow), just bend your head, and do not crush ... bend in half and do not wave your hands .... (Sit) on a tram or a bus, etc.… let your companion be the first to enter the door.

Check yourself!

Replace verbs in brackets with gerunds.

2nd group.

Sharing your hand, take off your glove, lean forward a little. When bowing, bend only your head, and do not bend in half and do not wave your arms. When boarding a tram or bus, let your companion be the first to enter the door.

Creative work

(Not) knowing the ford (not) poke your nose into the water. (Not) killing the bear skins are (not) sold. (Don't) look at the cake (don't) say you're full. (Not) bowing to the ground will (not) raise the fungus. (Not) working you will (not) be full.

Check yourself!

Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water. Without killing the bear, the skins are not sold. Without looking at the pie, don't say you're full. Without bowing to the ground, you cannot raise the fungus. Without working, you will not be full.

Complicated cheating

(Not) having agreed on the bank (not) go to the river. (Not) grumbling the cat will not eat a piece. (Not) seeing a bear traces of it (do not) be afraid. (Not) having tested your hearing (not) denounce it and someone else's ear. One can be humble (not) being wise, but one cannot be smart (not) being humble.


1. Complete test tasks (Appendix # 1);

2. Write down excerpts from poems, find the gerunds, determine their type (Appendix No. 2)


learned it well

perfectly learned and can apply in practice

learned it well, but there are questions

much is not clear

Articles on topic:
Presentation on the topic
"Sports games" - Throwing. Gorodki is a Russian folk sports game. Motorsport is a kind that includes motorcycle cross-country, road racing. Sledding sport, dog sled racing. Skis. Athletics. Marathon. Shot put. Sailing, Pa racing
Perfective gerunds How to spell NOT with gerunds
H) Participle and participle are official parts of speech. E) The participle is an unchangeable form of the verb. A) The verbal participles answer the question of what to do? what having done? F) The participles have the signs of a verb and a participle. L) The gerunds have categories of the form,
Lesson presentation
The first craft workshops appeared about 150,000 years ago.They were located in settlements or in an area where there was a lot of stone suitable for processing. But the complete separation of the craft into an independent type of activity occurred, obviously, then, to
Presentation - the emergence of inequality and the nobility Presentation of the emergence of inequality and the nobility
The emergence of inequality and nobility Rassadina Irina Aleksandrovna, teacher of history and social studies, MBOU Odintsovo secondary school No. [email protected] 1. Development of a person's occupation 2. Metal processing 3. Definition of the concepts of "artisan" and "craft" 4. Definition of a concept