Presentation of the problem of foul language. Bad language and health (school for parents). Foul language comes from the word "filth." Filth is an abomination, disgusting, disgusting that freezes the flesh and spiritually: - presentation. Informational properties of water

This is a speech filled with obscene expressions, obscene words, abuse. This phenomenon has many definitions: foul language, unprintable expressions, swearing, obscene language, etc. But since ancient times, swearing in the Russian people is called foul language, from the word "filth."

In the eyes of a teenager, foul language is a manifestation of independence, the ability to disobey prohibitions, that is, a symbol of adulthood. In addition, it is a sign of linguistic belonging to a peer group, speech fashion. Sometimes this is an imitation of youth idols, for example, popular TV presenters, actors, singers.

The history of foul language The roots of this phenomenon go back to distant pagan antiquity. Mat is the language of communication with demons. Our ancestors uttered these words, calling on the demons of evil to help them. Witches and sorceresses used foul language in their slander, sending a curse. Using mat in a conversation with friends, relatives, modern people, without knowing it, perform a secret ritual, invoking evil from day to day, from year to year on their heads and on the heads of their loved ones. The number of swear words turns into quality. At first, people have small troubles, then big ones, then health problems arise and, finally, life itself breaks down.

Public use of obscene language is an administrative offense and is punishable in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Chapter 20 ("insult") presupposes a fine ranging from 500 to 1000 rubles or up to 15 days of administrative arrest. In accordance with Article 130 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("hooliganism"), the penalty can be a fine of up to 200 minimum wages or imprisonment for up to 1 year.

A group of scientists led by Doctor of Biological Sciences I.B. Belyavsky spent seventeen years dealing with the problem of foul language. They proved that avid swindlers live much shorter lives than those who do not use foul language, because age-related changes occur very quickly in their cells and various diseases manifest themselves.

One parable says that a hunter invited a bear friend to visit. The hostess did not like the spirit of the bear, and she said about it aloud, the bear took offense and left. Time passed, he meets the hunter and says: "Hit the head with an ax, so that there is a wound." No matter how the hunter rejected, his friend insisted on his own, and the hunter stabbed the bear, a wound was made. Time passed, the bear meets the hunter in the forest and says: "Look: the wound that you inflicted on me has healed, and the wound from the words of your mistress is still hurting my heart." Guys, let's think about what the author wanted to tell us?

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GOU SOSH "School of Health" № 384, Moscow "VIRUS OF SKVERNOSLOVIYA" The project was carried out by: Alexander Suvorov, student of 9 "A" class Supervisor: Androsova Yulia Vyacheslavovna teacher-psychologist 2008

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What is bad language? Foul language is speech filled with obscene expressions, obscene words, abuse. This phenomenon has many definitions: foul language, unprintable expressions, swearing, obscene language, vocabulary of the “bottom of the body”, etc. But since ancient times, swearing in the Russian people is called foul language, from the word "filth."

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"There is no music sweeter than the angelic voices of children, if you do not really listen to the words they say" Logan Pearsall Smith In adolescence, the problem of obscene language becomes especially acute. Indeed, in the eyes of a teenager, foul language is a manifestation of independence, the ability to disobey prohibitions, that is, a symbol of adulthood. In addition, a sign of linguistic belonging to a peer group, speech fashion. Sometimes imitation of youth idols, for example, popular TV presenters, actors, singers, etc.

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Did you know that ... ... foul language, like rudeness, is a weapon of those who are unsure of themselves. Rudeness allows them to hide their own vulnerability and protects them, because discovering weakness and insecurity at this age is tantamount to complete defeat for a teenager. In addition, high school students try to hurt their parents with swear words, shock them, piss them off in order to measure their power over them and confirm their own emotional independence from them.

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"In order to be successful in life, it is better not to use foul language!" Swearing is not only a set of obscenities. Such vocabulary testifies to a person's spiritual illness. After all, a word is not just a set of sounds that express a thought. It can tell a lot about our state of mind. Socrates said: "As a person is, such is his speech."

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History of origin The mystical roots of this phenomenon go back to distant pagan antiquity. Bad words were included in spells addressed to pagan deities, and in pagan times the cult of fertility was widespread, so all bad words are associated with the sexual sphere. Thus, the so-called mate is the language of communication with demons. Our ancestors uttered these words, calling on the demons of evil to help them. Witches and sorceresses used foul language in their slander, sending a curse. It is with this that the mechanism of the influence of foul language on a person is connected. Mate “awakens” in his subconsciousness the “psychoviruses” that he inherited along with the gene memory. Using mat in a conversation with friends, relatives, modern people, without knowing it, perform a secret ritual, invoking evil day after day, year after year, on their heads and on the heads of their loved ones. The number of swear words turns into quality. First, people have minor troubles, then major ones, then health problems arise and, finally, life itself “breaks down”.

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The generally accepted opinion that mate is a Slavic tradition is also a delusion. Foul language in Russia, until about the middle of the 19th century, was not only not widespread even in the countryside, but for a very long time it was criminally punishable. At the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, it was simply impossible to hear obscenities on the street. And this is explained not only by the modesty and delicacy of our ancestors, but also by the policy pursued by the state. According to the Cathedral Regulations, severe punishment was imposed for the use of obscene words - up to the death penalty.

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Then other times came. The great redrawer of Russia, Peter the First, introduced drunkenness into the custom of the Russian people. Rough abuse sounded first in taverns, and then splashed out onto the streets of cities. In the 19th century, foul language gradually turned from swearing into the basis of the language of factory workers and artisans. Now the mat is used for: 1) increasing the emotionality of speech, 2) emotional relaxation, 3) insults, humiliation of the addressee of speech, 4) demonstration of aggression, 5) demonstration of the absence of fear, 6) demonstration of relaxedness, disdain for the system of prohibitions, 7) demonstration of belonging to "friends", etc. But in fact, foul language reflects the scarcity of the lexical stock of the language, the inability to navigate in a situation of the highest emotional uplift (joy or anger).

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Informational properties of water Under the influence of sounds, including human speech, water molecules (and our body is about 80 percent of it) begin to build up into complex structures. And depending on the rhythm and on the semantic load, these structures can heal or, conversely, poison the body. In the 20th century, the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto scientifically proved that water not only perceives information, but can change under the influence of words and even thoughts. With the help of the latest equipment, he was able to freeze and photograph the water under a microscope. What he saw at the molecular level amazed him. The photo shows mainly crystals of different shapes and clarity - in appearance very similar to snowflakes.

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Experiments with water Water before freezing was spoken different words in many languages ​​or influenced by music. It was found that the shape of the crystals reflects the amazing properties of water. The scientist concluded that praise affects water better than a request or a demand, and foul language is not able to generate harmonious beauty. Very interesting research, if we take into account the fact that the human body is 70 percent water, and the brain is 90 percent. (In the photo above, water after the words "You got me"; in the photo below, water after the word "Love")

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See how words and thoughts affect water. Water after words: Friendship You are a fool! Thank you. I'll kill you!

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Just imagine, if thoughts and words can do this with water, what can they do with a person !!!

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Impact of foul language on DNA Foul language harms not only spiritual, but also physical health of a person. Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences came to the stunning conclusion that with the help of verbal mental images a person creates or destroys his hereditary apparatus. It turns out that DNA is able to perceive human speech and readable text through electromagnetic channels. Some messages heal genes, others hurt like radiation. For example, kind words of prayer awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus, while curses and swearing cause mutations leading to degeneration. Any spoken word is nothing but a wave genetic program that affects our life and the life of our descendants.

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Experimenting with Plant Seeds Scientific research tells us that bad language is not a harmless habit. A group of Russian physicists have designed a special apparatus to transform sound vibrations of words into electromagnetic ones. In the course of studying the influence of the energy potential of words, including abusive words, on plants, scientists found that almost all Arabidopsis seeds cursed with obscenities died, and the survivors became genetically defective, unable to program the development of a healthy life. In the second part of the experiment, the researchers "caressed" with the most tender words the wheat seeds killed by radiation. The result exceeded all expectations: in the "blessed" seeds, the mutation process was stopped, the messed up genes, torn chromosomes and DNA strands fell into place and recovered!

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Foul language is a virus! Not only religion, esotericism, but also scientific research have proven the harmful effects of foul language on the speaker himself and those around him. As a type of information, swear words negatively affect human health, changing his consciousness and even genetics, heredity, shortening life and attracting diseases. Thus, it has been proven that there is tremendous destructive power in the foul word. And if a person could see what a powerful negative charge, like a shock wave of an exploded bomb, spreads in all directions from a bad word, he would never say it.

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Class hour SKVERNOSOVIE Mathematics teacher MBOU "School № 98" Domanova NS

Speech is an indicator of the mind. Seneca

What is bad language? Foul language is speech filled with obscene expressions, obscene words, abuse. This phenomenon has many definitions: obscene language, unprintable language, swearing, obscene language, the vocabulary of the "bodily bottom", etc. But since ancient times, swearing in the Russian people is called foul language, from the word "filth".

In adolescence, the problem of obscene language becomes especially acute, because in the eyes of a teenager, foul language is a manifestation of independence, the ability to disobey prohibitions, that is, a symbol of adulthood. In addition, it is a sign of linguistic belonging to a peer group, speech fashion. Sometimes this is an imitation of youth idols, for example, popular TV presenters, actors, singers.

Foul language, like rudeness, is a weapon of insecure people. Rudeness allows them to hide their own vulnerability and protects them, because discovering weakness and uncertainty at this age is tantamount to complete defeat. In addition, high school students try to hurt their parents with swear words, shock them, piss them off in order to measure their power over them and confirm their own emotional independence from them.

Swearing is not only a set of obscenities. Such vocabulary testifies to a person's spiritual illness. After all, a word is not just a set of sounds that express a thought. It can tell a lot about our state of mind. Socrates said: "What a person is, such is his speech."

The history of the origin of foul language The roots of this phenomenon go back to distant pagan antiquity. Bad words were included in incantations addressed to pagan deities, and in pagan times the cult of fertility was widespread, so all bad words are associated with the sexual sphere. Thus, the so-called mate is the language of communication with demons. Our ancestors uttered these words, calling on the demons of evil to help them. Witches and sorceresses used foul language in their slander, sending a curse.

It is with this that the mechanism of the influence of foul language on a person is connected. Mat awakens in his subconsciousness psychoviruses inherited along with the gene memory. Using mat in a conversation with friends, relatives, modern people, without knowing it, perform a secret ritual, invoking evil day after day, year after year, on their heads and on the heads of their loved ones. The number of swear words turns into quality. At first, people have minor troubles, then major ones, then health problems arise and, finally, life itself breaks down.

It is a common misconception that mate is a Slavic tradition. Foul language in Russia until about the middle of the 19th century was not only not widespread even in the countryside, but was also criminally punishable. At the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, it was simply impossible to hear obscenities on the street. And this is explained not only by the modesty and delicacy of our ancestors, but also by the policy pursued by the state. According to the Cathedral Code, for the use of obscene words, severe punishment was imposed, up to the death penalty. Then other times came. Rough abuse sounded first in the taverns, and then splashed out onto the streets of cities. In the 19th century, foul language gradually turned from swearing into the basis of the language of factory workers and artisans.

In our time, mat is used: 1) to increase the emotionality of speech, 2) emotional release, 3) insults, humiliation of the addressee of speech, 4) demonstration of aggression, 5) demonstration of the absence of fear, 6) demonstration of relaxedness, disdain for the system of prohibitions, 7) demonstration of belonging to `theirs`.

Look at these faces !!! In fact, foul language reflects the paucity of the speaker's vocabulary, the inability to navigate in a situation of the highest emotional uplift (joy or anger).

Bad language and health Under the influence of sounds, including human speech, water molecules (and our body is about 80 percent of it) begin to build up into complex structures. And, depending on the rhythm and semantic load, these structures can heal or, conversely, poison the body. In the 20th century, the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto scientifically proved that water not only perceives information, but can change under the influence of words and even thoughts.

Just imagine, if thoughts and words can do this to water, what can they do to a person!

Foul language harms not only the spiritual, but also the physical health of a person. Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences came to the stunning conclusion that with the help of verbal mental images, a person creates or destroys his hereditary apparatus. It turns out that DNA is able to perceive human speech and readable text through electromagnetic channels. Some messages heal genes, others hurt like radiation. For example, kind words of prayer awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus, while curses and swearing cause mutations leading to degeneration. Any spoken word is nothing but a wave genetic program that affects our life and the life of our descendants. Another group of scientists under the leadership of Doctor of Biological Sciences I.B. Belyavsky spent seventeen years dealing with the problem of foul language. They proved that inveterate swearing people live much less than those who do not use foul language, because age-related changes occur very quickly in their cells and various diseases manifest themselves.

Unfortunately, foul language negatively affects not only the health of those who swear, but also those who are forced to listen to swearing. But our ancestors have long known that evil words kill. It was no accident that the curse struck to death.

And with a word they raised the dead, healed the sick

If a person could see what a powerful negative charge, like a shock wave of an exploded bomb, spreads in all directions from a bad word, he would never say it. Think about the words you say !!!

Now answer the question: Are you ready to recover from the swearing virus ???

Thank you for your attention) Today ...

MKU DO "Bogucharsky RCDT"




Prepared by the psychologist Fuks I.V.

2014-2015 academic year

Foul language comes from the word "filth."

Filth - abomination, filth, filth, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, obscene, that freezes fleshly and spiritually; impurity, dirt and rot, decay, carrion, eruptions, feces; stench, stench; lewdness, debauchery, moral corruption; everything that is disgusting. "

Dictionary of V. Dahl.

What is your attitude to foul language?

Student responses

Very bad -2

Bad - 21

Not at all good - 2

Have to put up -4

Everything should be in moderation -3

I use it when angry -4

Parents' Answers

Negative - 100%

The history of foul language

The mystical roots of this phenomenon go back to distant pagan antiquity. People of the pre-Christian era to protect their lives from the evil attacks of the demon ov , entered with him and in contact.

This contact could only be twofold: the demon was either gratified or frightened with nasty abuse, a demonstration of his lewdness.

But they also called on the demon with the same words, demonstrating their obsession, their readiness to unite with him.

Thus, the so-called mate is the language of communication with demons.

It is no coincidence that in philology this phenomenon is called infernal vocabulary.

Infernal - means hellish, from the underworld.

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It is a common misconception that mate is a Slavic tradition.

Foul language in Russia until about the middle of the 19th century was not only not widespread even in the countryside, but was also a criminal offense. The foul-mouthed person was publicly flogged.

At the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, it was simply impossible to hear obscenities on the street. And this is explained not only by the modesty of our ancestors, but also by the policy pursued by the state. According to the Cathedral Code, severe punishment was imposed for the use of obscene words - up to the death penalty.

Alexey Mikhailovich Romanov,

19 (29).03.1619-

29.01 (08.02) 1676.

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Under Peter I, the book "Youth Honest Zer c scarlet ",

where it was written that the decent behavior of people can be recognized only with complete abstinence from abusive abuse.

14th Tsar of All Russia Peter 1 Alekseevich

What are the reasons

prompting a person to use foul language?

Student responses

Pain, resentment - 5

Severe situations - 2

Disrespect for people - 1

The desire to offend another - 4

Without a reason, of course - 7

Habit - 1

Lack of vocabulary -1

Low culture - 1

Other people get it - 4

I don't know - 2

Anger, anger, hatred - 6

Aggression -2

Drunkenness - 7

Friends influence - 5

For the company –8

Bad parenting - 3

Parents example - 4

Striving to Stand Out - 6

Show how cool I am -7

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Parents' Answers

-Disrespect for people.

-Lack of internal self-control.

- Irritability, anger, envy, anger.

-Reduction of the general culture and culture in the family.

-Inability to express their thoughts. Weak vocabulary

stock or lack thereof. Lack of education.

-Young people have a desire to appear advanced,

"Cool" and adults.

-The influence of the street. Habit.

-Negative example of adults.

-Lack of self-esteem.

-Incorrect interpretation of the concept of "freedom of speech".

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Parents' Answers

Dangerous! -100%.

  • The culture of speech is degrading.
  • In the vocabulary of the younger generation, there are more

and no longer sounds expressive,

meaningless mate, as well as language

abbreviated computer terms.

  • This destroys human dignity.

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Parents' Answers

  • This limits and humiliates the person.
  • Foul language corrupts souls

especially children.

  • Like any bad habit, checkmate

infiltrates life and activities

person and makes him addicted.

  • A person can no longer do without

without linking words.

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Parents' Answers

  • Foul language is dangerous.

For foul language you can

get an article,

physical injury, enmity,

disgust, refusal to communicate,


foul language as a person.

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The influence of the mate

on health


The effect of the mat on health

Seventeen Years Study of Group D oktor a biological sciences Ivan a Borisovich a Belyavsky was crowned with a real discovery. Scientists managed to prove that every word we uttered very clearly affects

our genes.

The effect of the mat on health

It has been proven that every word carries an energy charge and affects our genes, either prolonging youth or bringing old age closer.

It turns out that different words are charged in different ways, and there can be only two charges: positive and negative.

Any swearing goes with a minus sign.

The effect of the mat on health

Studies have shown that swearing people very quickly manifest age-related changes at the cellular level, which lead to all sorts of diseases.

In short, the mat promotes rapid aging.

The effect of the mat on health

At the Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Biological Sciences Petr Petrovich Goryaev (author of the new science "wave genetics") and Candidate of Technical Sciences Georgy Georgievich Tertyshny are studying the influence of words on a person.

The effect of the mat on health

Researchers have invented an apparatus that translates human words into electromagnetic waves.

And they are known to affect DNA molecules.

The effect of the mat on health

Scientists have found that when a person swears, his chromosomes

twist and bend, genes change places.

As a result, DNA begins to develop unnatural programs.

The effect of the mat on health

And so the self-liquidation program is gradually passed on to the offspring. Scientists have recorded that swear words cause a mutagenic effect similar to that of a radiation exposure of thousands of roentgens.

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The effect of the mat on health

NS was held NS experiment with irradiation this yang Arabidopsis plants. Almost all of them died .

T e that survived became genetic freaks , and after a few generations they degenerated.

Interestingly, the mutagenic effect was independent of strength vote , the words could be pronounced either loudly or in a whisper.

The effect of the mat on health

The opposite experiment was also carried out: scientists "blessed" the seeds killed by radioactive irradiation of ten thousand X-rays, prayed over them, and then the messed up genes, torn chromosomes and DNA strands fell into place and fused, the killed seeds came to life.

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The effect of the mat on health

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The effect of the mat on health

AND renowned psychophysiologist, doctor, member of the World Ecological Academy Leonid Kitaev - Smyk argues that the abuse of obscenities slowly but surely leads to hormonal disorders, especially in women.

Cosmetologists noticed that those of their clients who cannot live without a mat suffer more than others from increased hairiness of the limbs, they have a lower voice.

The fact is that the mat promotes the production of male sex hormones.

The effect of the mat on health

Experiments with water

Under the influence of sounds, including human speech, water molecules (and our body consists of about 80 percent of it) begin to line up into complex sculptures. And, depending on the rhythm and semantic load, these structures can heal or, conversely, poison the body.

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The effect of the mat on health

In the 20th century, the Japanese scientist Masaro Emoto, using the latest equipment, was able to freeze and photograph water under a microscope.

The effect of the mat on health

What he saw at the molecular level amazed him. The photo shows mainly crystals of different shapes and definitions - in appearance very similar to snowflakes.

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The effect of the mat on health

Angel (in Japanese

Devil (in Japanese

The effect of the mat on health

I am tired of you!

(in English)

Water that


The effect of the mat on health

in English

in Japanese

You're a fool

The effect of the mat on health


(in French)


(in Korean)

The effect of the mat on health


(in English)


(in German)


(in Japanese)

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The effect of the mat on health

You are handsome

(many times)

Sorry (Japanese)

The effect of the mat on health

Let's do it

(in Japanese)

Do it!

(in Japanese)

The effect of the mat on health

Adolf Gitler

The effect of the mat on health



The effect of the mat on health


All five religions

The effect of the mat on health

As you can see, words with a negative meaning do not even form a shape, and positively charged water has beautiful, clear crystals.

But man is 80-90% water.

It is scary to imagine if thoughts and words can do this to water, what then they can do to a person.

That is why there are so few healthy people left, that is why children whose parents constantly use foul language get sick.

Mat rushes at us from buses and taxis, from radios and TV screens,

Obscene language in the modern world has become an epidemic.

from theatrical and pop stages, from the pages of various printed publications, from high stands.

Coprolalia disease.

from greek

interrogation - feces, dirt and lalia - speech

4 stages of disease development :

I stage - a person experiences shame, disgust, disgust;

II stage - for the first time a person uses such a nasty word - for company, for relaxation or feigned prowess;

III stage - a person uses these words without noticing it.

IV stage - he can no longer express himself without swearing, forgets other words.

Should you fight bad language?

If so, how?

Students' answers.

No –5 people.

It is impossible to eradicate.

Fighting is useless.

Not worth it. It depends on the



Yes - 27 people.

Difficult to answer.


Educate culture.

With a belt since childhood.

Wean you off with a stick.


Promotion of the culture of speech.


Educate from childhood.

Parents' Answers

Yes - 100%.

Raising the general level

literacy and culture.

Deep study of Russian

language and literature.

Fostering love for people.

Tightening laws.


Censorship in the media.

Raising by example

in family.

Healthy promotion


Education in small years.

Make comments to each other.

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How the law fights obscenities

« RF Code of Administrative Offenses »:

« Chapter 20. Administrative offenses infringing on public order and public safety

Article 20.1. Petty hooliganism

1. Petty hooliganism, that is, a violation of public order, expressing clear disrespect for society, accompanied by obscene language in public places, insulting harassment of citizens, as well as the destruction or damage of someone else's property, - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five to ten times the minimum amount wages or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days.

What does the health of the population depend on?

According to the opinion of WHO experts

  • 10% is determined by the level of development of medicine, as a science and the state of medical care,
  • by 20% hereditary factor,
  • 20% environmentally friendly
  • 50% lifestyle.

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Leo Tolstoy wrote:

“The word is a great thing. Great because

word can be combined

people, in a word you can

and separate them.

The word can serve love, but the word can serve enmity and hatred.

Beware of a word that divides people. "

« Woe to every blasphemer -

reviling "(from the Koran)

"Harlots, drunkards and

foul language kingdom of god

do not inherit ”(from the Bible).

The words. Vadim Shefner

You can kill with a word

a word can be saved,

In a word, you can lead the shelves behind you.

You can sell in a word,

and betray and buy,

Word can

pour into killing lead.

"Every word is rotten

let it not come out of your mouth ... "

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Information sources

  • http :// www . pravoslavie . ru / put /080522004557. htm
  • Emoto Masaru. Love and water. - M .: Sofia, 2008.
  • Lecture on foul language.
  • Foul language // Center Magik.


"On the dangers of foul language"


1) Foster a negative attitude towards the vices of humanity

2) Encourage children to moral self-improvement.

The course of the conversation.

teacher: Guys, think about the facts! Over the past 20 years, the number of children with mental and physical developmental delays has increased 10 times, more than 80% of newborns are sick, only every 10 school graduates are healthy, the number of girls with chronic diseases has increased, and these are future mothers. The daily mortality rate of the population of Russia is more than 2500 people a day. In terms of overall life expectancy, Russia ranks 133rd in the world among men and 100th among women; 54% of young people born in the 1980s are not able to finish school. There are many reasons for this misfortune, but our verbal licentiousness also plays an important role. Today schoolchildren, young people, adult men and women speak obscenely. Mat comes from the TV screen. Is this habit really so harmless? We will talk about this with you today.

Man, as a part of the cosmos, lives the same life as the cosmos. For example, it is a source of energy. And the word of a person is also energy. If the word is good, the space is saturated with good energies. If the word is obscene, dirty, it clogs up the space. A person can get sick by touching this energy.

A bit of history. Obscene words were not introduced into our speech by the Mongol-Tatars, as many say. Unfortunately, they have primordial Russian roots. In ancient Russia, mate was nothing more than a spell, a formula against evil spirits. Through swearing, people entered into communication with evil spirits, as if tuning in to their wave, calling them into their lives. But everyone knew that it was impossible to scold children with obscenities, they would be tormented by demons. You cannot swear in the house: demons will live in this dwelling. It was also impossible to swear in the forest, a goblin might be offended, on the banks of a river or lake - a water man might be offended. Where could a person swear, throw out all his anger? There was only one place left - the field. Hence the expression "battlefield" Without knowing the origin of this phrase, many people think that this is a battlefield. However, the meaning of the phrase is different - it is a field of swearing. If you look at the history of the origin and the meaning of the word "mat" in its original version, then it means "scream", a loud voice in the onomatopoeic meaning. And the imitation was the sounds of animals - "ma" and "me" during the mating season. In ancient Russia, it was considered indecent to be like cattle and shout good obscenities about what belonged to the sphere of intimate relationships. The most important and scientifically proven fact is that mate is dangerous to health, it not only contributes to a decrease in intelligence, provokes crimes, creating the illusion of permissiveness, robbing us spiritually, humiliating and insulting, but also, absorbing verbal dirt, cripples human fates, leads to early aging and premature death.

A group of scientists led by the candidate of biological sciences P.P. Gariaev came to the stunning conclusion that with the help of verbal mental images a person creates and destroys his genetic apparatus. Researchers have proven that swear words explode in the human genetic apparatus, as a result of which mutations occur, which with each generation lead to human degeneration.

Researchers have invented an apparatus that translates human words into electromagnetic waves. They are known to affect DNA molecules (heredity).

A person swears obscenities, and his chromosomes twist and bend, genes change places. As a result, DNA begins to develop unnatural programs. This is how the self-liquidation program is gradually passed on to the offspring. Scientists have recorded that abusive syllables cause a mutagenic effect, similar to that given by radioactive irradiation with a power of thousands of roentgens. The experiment with communication was carried out for many years on Arabidopsis seeds, almost all of them died. And those that survived became genetic monsters. Interestingly, the mutagenic effect does not depend on the strength of the word, they could be pronounced either loudly or in a whisper.

On this basis, scientists have concluded that certain words have an informational effect on DNA, i.e. DNA perceives human speech.

The opposite experiment was also carried out. Scientists "blessed", that is, read prayers over seeds killed by radioactive irradiation of 10,000 roentgens. And so the messed up genes, torn chromosomes and DNA strands fell into place and fused. Prayer awakens the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus, and the curse destroys even wave programs that ensure the normal functioning of the body.

Another group of scientists under the leadership of Doctor of Biological Sciences I.B. Belyavsky for 17 years have been dealing with the problem of foul language, and they proved that avid swearing people live much less than those who do not use foul language, because age-related changes occur very quickly in their cells and various diseases manifest themselves.

Moreover, foul language negatively affects not only those who swear, but also who are forced to listen to swearing. But our ancestors have long known that evil words kill. It was no coincidence that the curse struck to death. And with a word they raised the dead, healed the sick. These are the irrefutable facts.

The Bible says: "By your words you will be condemned, by your words you will be justified." The Orthodox Church has always prohibited profanity and slander. This vice is in direct proportion to how much a person is spiritually developed.

Medical scientists have come to the conclusion that all diseases have their origin in the spirit. Before an organ gets sick, a system or function disrupts its work, prerequisites for this must appear on the spiritual plane of a person, in thoughts, feelings, emotions, words and actions of a person. It is possible and necessary to prevent or stop the development of a painful process with high moral and spiritual qualities. Lack of spirituality is the main reason for both mental and physical pathology. Only spiritual perfection of a person can provide protection against various diseases.

What is spirituality? What qualities do you need to develop in yourself? ( Answers of children)

To immense proportions, you need to develop in yourself: love, kindness, understanding of beauty, strive for knowledge, develop a sense of responsibility for your thoughts and actions. According to the conclusion of WHO experts, the state of health of the population is 10% determined by the level of development of medicine as a science and the state of medical care, by 20% by hereditary factor, by 20% by the state of the environment and by 50% by way of life. The only path leading to the health of every person is to change the person's attitude towards himself. Those who use foul language have 2 ways: the first - knowing that it is bad, continue to use foul language, thereby turning on the self-destruction program. And the second path is the path of spiritual growth, self-improvement, the path of beauty. The law of free will gives the right to choose which way to go. But try for at least a month to do without swear words and carefully monitor the changes in your language. You will soon realize that by giving up the ugly obscene language, you will gain health, happiness, luck, clarity of thoughts, actions and love of your loved ones. "Look at the universe without evil, but with the eyes of reason, goodness, life is a sea of ​​good deeds, build a ship and sail along the waves."


  1. Children's encyclopedia "I get to know the world." Maths. - M. ATS, 1996.
  2. The Last Call newspaper, 3/2005, 2/2005, 2 / 2003,1 / 2000
  3. Nagibin F.F., Kanin E.S. Mathematical box. - M. Enlightenment, 1984.
  4. Supplement to the newspaper "September First" Mathematics. - 2000. - No. 45.


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About the dangers of foul language

Think about the facts! Over the past 20 years: 1. The number of children with mental and physical developmental delays has grown 10 times; 2. More than 80% of newborns are sick; 3.Only every 10 school graduates are healthy; 4. The number of girls with chronic diseases has increased.

Think about the facts! The daily mortality rate of the population of Russia is more than 2500 people a day. In terms of overall life expectancy, Russia ranks 133rd in the world among men and 100th among women; 54% of young people born in the 1980s are not able to finish school.

Causes of death; Smoking; Drinking alcoholic beverages; Addiction; Bad ecology; Foul language.

A bit of history A battlefield is a field of swearing. "Mat" means "scream", a voice in the onomatopoeic meaning.

Why is mate dangerous 1. Promotes a decrease in intelligence, 2. Provokes crimes, creating the illusion of permissiveness, 3. Robbs us spiritually, humiliates and insults us, 4. Absorbing verbal dirt, cripples human fates, 5. Leads to early aging and premature death.

Conclusion of scientists With the help of swear words, a person destroys his genetic apparatus. Abusive words seem to explode in the human genetic apparatus, as a result of this mutations occur, which with each generation lead to the degeneration of a person.

Scientists' conclusion Swear words are like radioactive irradiation with a power of thousands of roentgens.

Conclusion Certain words have an informational effect on DNA, i.e. DNA perceives human speech.

Scientists have proved Inveterate swearing people live much less than those who do not use foul language, because age-related changes occur very quickly in their cells and various diseases manifest themselves. Profanity negatively affects not only those who swear, but also who are forced to listen to swearing.

The Bible says "By your words you will be condemned, by your words you will be justified." The Orthodox Church has always prohibited profanity and slander.

The conclusion of WHO experts The state of health of the population is not determined by: 10% - the level of development of medicine and the state of medical care, 20% - hereditary factor, 20% - the state of the environment, 50% - lifestyle.

Ways leading to health 1. - knowing that it is bad, continue to use foul language, thereby turning on the program of self-destruction. 2. - the path of spiritual growth, self-improvement, the path of beauty. The law of free will gives the right to choose which way to go.

Conclusion "Look at the universe without evil, but with the eyes of reason, goodness, life is a sea of ​​good deeds, build a ship and sail along the waves."

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