Why is there a black streak in life. Black stripes in life. What to do to attract good luck

Free from losses, setbacks, falls, disappointments and breakups. Everyone has to go through this kind of test at least once in their life.

Another question is that all people differ from each other in how they are able to survive the "black" moments in their lives. Nobody is safe from them, and it is sometimes impossible to prepare in advance for them. Often such blows undermine a person who has a weaker emotional background and who does not have enough strong character... No wonder folk wisdom says that trouble has come - open the gate. That is, one bad event may be followed by another, followed by another - and now they are already turning into a huge snowball, which crushes the little man unable to resist his onslaught. The arrival of such a "element" in life in everyday life is usually called a "black stripe" by analogy with snow - the source white... Every person knows firsthand what a black streak in life is. What to do, how to deal with it (or not to fight) in order to get out of such a situation with the least losses? Indeed, very often she is a springboard for immersion in the deepest depression, which can cause both physical and nervous diseases.

Black streak in life. What to do with her?

So, the black streak is a series of negative circumstances following one after another, the consequences of which radically (naturally, not the best) change the whole habitual way of life. It is known that changes are stress in themselves, and when they are negative, then double. If a black streak has come in life, then the first thing a person should do is not to lose self-control. Sounds easy, but hard to do. However, it is necessary to do this in order to preserve your health, and the main thing is not to ruin your life even more. When there is a black streak in life, what else can a person do in order not to finally plunge into the world of depression and hopelessness? Psychologists advise, if possible, to spend as much time as possible with relatives and friends, with your family. After all, if it is real and strong, then this is the rear, where you can lie down and lick your wounds. If there is no such fortress, then you need to be in nature more often. Experts unanimously say that communicating with her is The best way get through bad times.

Black streak in life. What to do and what not to do

No matter how hard and bad it is, you cannot drown your despair in alcohol, unrestrained food or in other, more severe addictions. Such measures bring only temporary relief, which will certainly be followed by dire consequences - hangover and sobering up, obesity. Such tactics are a direct path into the abyss of an even more severe depression and an endless black streak. You should not feel sorry for yourself when there was a black streak in life. What to do instead? It will be more productive to pull yourself together by analyzing what happened. At the same time, try to be honest and frank with yourself in order to learn from the current situation and continue to live on. Nothing in this world is permanent: such is life - a black stripe, a white stripe. We must remember that everything ends sooner or later. Then the dawn will dawn in the sky of your destiny. And dawn is always the beginning of something new.

"Trouble does not come alone" - I think many will agree with this saying. Indeed, as soon as some negative event occurs and it rushed like a fairy tale: "The further, the worse." It also happens that there seems to be nowhere to “fall” lower, but no, an inventive life will come up with such a “juicy slap in the face” that you get in such a way that the previous one seems like just a child’s failure.

So why does one grief cling to another, and then, in turn, the next, sometimes turning life into one continuous black stripe?

Someone will say that karma is to blame for everything, someone will blame everything on spoilage, Zeland's supporters will say that this is all a matter of "pendulums", but a skeptic will say: "This is a simple accident." And you know, maybe they are all partly right, no one knows the exact explanation, and all these points really work, especially if you believe in them.

  • Believe me, a wise specialist in “slaps in the face” from life and all kinds of “black stripes” (as well as gray, black speckled, with circles and all other dark shades), and not just a home-grown amateur philosopher, but a practice.

Well, and I had practice: "a carriage, but a small cart", judge for yourself:

Even as a child, I suffered 13 pneumonia (not counting other minor ailments and illnesses later), doctors with their "experiments" (without the knowledge of my parents) almost killed me and made me shy away from all people for a long time. Growing up, my pain went away, but my fears turned into complexes and phobias. Everything around seemed painted in dark tones, despite many different events, my body dulled not only pain, but also emotions.

As a child, carrying a glass of water and stepping over a drunken neighbor sleeping on the staircase, I fell (since he began to toss and turn at that time), and I fell so that half of the broken glass was sticking out in the center of my forehead.

So I became even more afraid of drunk people

Despite the fact that my mother worked for one and a half rates, she took a part-time job at home - there was always a shortage of money. And my father often drank and was constantly on various trips (sometimes for years), in search of: either himself, or just for pleasure. It seemed to me then that I was living in some kind of permanently dark strip, which simply has no end. Negative events just changed each other and I got so used to all this that I began to perceive all this as in the order of things.

It was then that I first began to be interested in self-development, NLP, esotericism, then I first began to think: why do some people succeed in everything, while others do nothing, despite the many efforts made for this. And you know, then I managed to get out of the series of "chernukha" - I became a sociable, cheerful and quite optimistic young man, believing that life consists not only of black stripes, but also of bright joy, anticipation of good and of course love.

But in life everything is cyclical and the second blackening strip, or rather, your second life lesson I was a "brute" after the army, when I was 25 years old. Then I was already married and my first son was already born.

Firstly, then I lost a lot of weight, and secondly, my mother fell ill with cancer and within a few months “burned out” in illness, she died in my arms. A few months after the death of my mother, my father dies (blood clots in the carotid arteries). In between these events, my cousin's daughter dies (sudden death syndrome). Well, and lastly, my wife and I are getting divorced, and my wife starts raiding me about the parental apartment (she and the child were registered in the parental apartment).

This black streak lasted for several years without a gap, and at times it seemed to me that I would just go crazy. Then I was just sure that I had some kind of damage, and once I accidentally broke the mirror in the bathroom, I seriously thought that everything was probably the next one. I start to run around the grandmas in the hope that the witchcraft will be removed from me and all adversity will pass. As it turned out, nothing helped, but only belief in myself helped me, belief that God would not leave me, belief that everything would be fine and ... ..., but, STOP - all this deserves a separate story.

Only for the most impatient I will write about mine today:

I'm fine, I have a small family: me, my wife (9 years younger than me) and my great joy is my seven-month-old son, Yaroslav. The eldest son (from his first marriage) will soon be 19 years old, he lives in another city, but he gladly comes to visit me and I love him very much.

At that time, it was not possible to defend the parental apartment in full, but I have my own, however, while a small apartment (in the near future there is an expansion of the living space).

I work in a small furniture company as a deputy director, there is a lot of work, but I hope that there are even more prospects for the future. Despite all my busyness, I sometimes write in my blogs, with the hope that it may be useful to someone.

  • Having stepped back a little from the topic with a story about my life, I pursued the goal not to boast to you and show myself from the red side - take it off, I just wanted to say and show all the readers of my blog:

“There is no impossible in life - everything changes in it, because this is the basic law of physical matter. There is a place for everything in life: joy too, and no matter how hard it is for you today, remember: everything ends and the black streak too, but how long it will last depends primarily on you. The world is not against you, it is neutral, but the color to paint it is up to you. After all, the truth is that it is in your power to choose which thought or emotion you can support, and which one to try to dismiss as unnecessary? "

Hell and heaven already exist within you - just choose what to support you.

If you liked it, then read on, if not - well, I don't insist, everyone has their own truth, choose a different path - since there are many of them.

Before starting the main narrative, I will once again emphasize to you that I do not go into the abstruse jungle of reasoning, I am just writing about my experience, about the conclusions I have come to today, I will try to convey to you a "drop of confidence" in myself and describe to you those "Gadgets" that work for me.

Axioms of light and dark stripes or a golden, striped tablet from Oleg Plett:

  • M ir in relation to us is neutral.

He is not evil, and not kind, he absolutely doesn’t care about us, he is exactly the same as we accepted him inside ourselves. The world around you is a reflection of your inner state.

  • V era is a very strong gin in our hands.

What to believe is up to you. You believe that everything will be fine - “according to your faith it will be for you”, you believe that life is a cruel “thing” - get yours, the law works in this case too. You sincerely believe that God and all the forces of light stand up for you - be sure that it is so.

  • Love can do anything.

Love is not a selfish desire for possession, of course not. Love is the highest vibration energy. Love does not seek and does not curry favor, it is full-fledged and self-sufficient, it can turn any hell into a blooming paradise. Love is God loving no matter what. God does not forgive us for our actions, he forgives us because he is God (love). The closest energy to true love is maternal love. The more love you have in your life, the brighter, better and smoother your life.

  • P what is approved attracts like.

Negative thoughts and emotions attract negative situations, which in turn give rise to new negative emotions - it looks like a vicious circle and if it is not interrupted, it can continue like this for a lifetime. Conversely, happy emotions attract good events. The conclusion suggests itself.

  • By changing our thoughts, emotions and beliefs, we change the course of our life

Filter every emotion and thought, choose only positive and correct ones, cultivate them in yourself.

  • Feelings of guilt set in motion a punishment mechanism.

This is why confession is so important. Perceive your mistakes as important lessons in life, and therefore, like any lesson, you must learn it and understand the meaning of what you have experienced. As soon as you realized your mistake - you turned the tide, you learned a lesson, and then have the power to forgive yourself and others.

I've talked about this more than once.

  • There are no emergency situations.

By closing one of the doors, God always opens the other.

  • Having made decisions, act.

You always have a better chance of being active than you being passive. So don't lie on the couch - go for it.

  • Never do evil to another - evil kills.

Doing to another for evil - you are doing badly to yourself in the first place, whoever faced this will understand me.

  • Any changes do not happen overnight - it takes time.

And this is good, otherwise if everything changed instantly, then we would have turned around. There is no need to complain that time passes, and nothing changes, you just need to believe that happiness is inevitable.

On this, I consider the first part of the post on this topic closed, but on the next, I propose to go to practical work.

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Greetings, my dear readers! Have you ever had this when you just give up? You sort of figured out one problem, exhaled a little. But, did not have time to move away from the first trouble, then another one covers it, and the next one after it. And it seems like it will never end. I'm sure everyone has had this at least once in their lives. The only difference is that everyone has these problems of different severity. Today I will help you deal with this and show you how not to lose your mind, going through such a period.

Causes and signs

So, a black streak in life: what to do if trouble after trouble has flooded? We all know what it is when it seems like the whole world is against you. But first, let's take a look at the causes of the black stripe. Many of us absolutely do not believe in higher powers. And they try to find a reasonable explanation for everything. But if you take a certain situation, one where everything has already happened, and analyze it, then you can notice some details that initially we simply did not pay attention to.

When it does, the world just collapses underfoot. And if you are already in this situation, first of all give yourself very little time to grieve about what happened. Do not despair at all, now try to gather your strength and start looking for a way out. And for this it is worth analyzing what happened to you the day before. That is, try to find the very details.

There is excellent literature from which you can learn a lot more about how to get over difficult moments in life. For example, the book “ The black stripe is white! A practical guide to managing your destiny».

Many events in our life that seem completely random, sometimes happen for a reason. For example, you are in a hurry for an interview about the work of your life, you meet your first love on the subway, and you are so keen on communicating with this person that you are passing your station. Naturally, you were upset and until you got to the right place, you realized that no one was waiting for you there, and your place was taken by another applicant who came on time.

You go home in frustrated feelings and curse this chance meeting: they say, because of her, everything went wrong. You sit comfortably in front of the TV and immediately pay attention to the news bulletin. It says that your failed boss is wanted, and a cool company is just a one-day company.

I especially do not believe in fate, but still, sometimes something inexplicable happens and seems to lead me away from even greater trouble. I think everyone has a story when a failure in the past, after a while, became the cause of successful events.

If something does not stick to you all the time, interferes with the implementation of some plans or "does not give", then it is better to think about whether it is worth striving for them persistently. Perhaps the obstacles on the way are signs from above that warn us of danger. And if you are, you will always be one step ahead avoiding failure.

But, of course, there is no need to rush to extremes. Sometimes it is important to admit that the black streak began because of your own mistakes or overestimated expectations. You should not curse yourself for this, but it is better to do a sober analysis in order to prevent difficult situations in the future.

If you understand that you are surrounded by continuous troubles from all sides, then a black streak has begun. What to do in this case?

In situations like this, it's best not to hide behind a mask. happy person, who does everything in life, and indulge in unrestrained fun. It won't make any sense, but it will only get worse. I'm not saying that you need to walk around with a sad face, complain to everyone and talk about how things are not going well with you. You can cry alone, scream - let your emotions out. This will make it easier for you, and you will be able to soberly think about what is happening without self-deception.

When everything is bad, it seems that there is no gap ahead, I strongly recommend releasing negative emotions. Everyone has their own way - for someone it is enough to cry. There are people who share what happened with a loved one. But we must remember that suffering can be prolonged. So your goal is to get rid of the negativity, not get bogged down in it.

"Why did this happen to me?" difficult situation, people often ask themselves this question. But you will not solve anything if you constantly search for the answer. Write down all your problems on paper, then it becomes clearer how many problems you have, and how you can solve them. You can draw up a plan of action and start implementing it, but you do not need to drive yourself into a rigid framework when life is already in the throat.

Some people benefit from a change of scenery. If possible, it is worth spending time in nature. This will help you switch to look at problems in a new way. It is important, not to deny it, because it is in the case of recognizing a problematic situation that a way out of it will be found.

It is good if there is an opportunity to contact close friends and relatives. But only if they are able to instill in you calmness and confidence. But the company of whiners for this period is definitely worth giving up!

Finally, when there is a solid black streak, it's time to cheer yourself up. To the best of your ability - you need to remember what can warm, cheer up right now. Let it be a chocolate bar or shopping, reading your favorite book or traveling. The main thing is to recharge yourself with the positive.

Ritual to help

An attempt to use magic and conspiracies, rather, speaks of shifting responsibility for the further development of events on mystical forces. It will be more effective to independently find a way out of this situation.

A visit to church helps believers. I recommend it. Sometimes we ourselves drive ourselves into the framework, we cannot reach the goal because of disbelief in our own strengths or claims.

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Good luck to everyone! Until next time.

Hello! In this article we will tell you about the black streak in life - what to do and how to get rid of it. Our life itself is heterogeneous and fickle. It is unlikely that it will be possible to find a person on planet Earth who has never faced failure, grief or disaster. A succession of easy happy days is replaced by trials given to us for our own good, development and growth. Many people call hard times a black streak. Let's figure out what to do with the black stripe in life and what it is.

How to understand that a black streak has come

Black stripe - a series of unpleasant events, problems and troubles, replacing each other or at once piled on a person. It is important not to confuse this concept with the usual routine problems that are in the life of every person. Many people like to unnecessarily dramatize and even torn tights or ruined manicure for them is a sign of an endless streak of misfortune.

To make sure that there is really a black streak in your life, look around and assess the situation impartially. Ask yourself the question: "In what areas of my life do I have problems?" Make an approximate list of areas:

  • Career
  • Health
  • Personal life
  • Self-realization, etc.

Include items that are important to you. If you suddenly realize that the problems are concentrated in one area, you can be congratulated: there is no black bar, there are problems that you, like all mortals, must solve. If you have noted at least three areas, this is an occasion to think and realize that now is really not the best time in your life.

Do not despair, the black streak ends sooner or later and you can directly influence its duration!

Why did the black streak come: reasons

Only you can answer this question. However, there are several reasons for the failure:

  1. You yourself. Unfortunately, in some cases, we ourselves are the culprits of the so-called black stripe, and it is at least strange to shift our blame onto others. Everything in the world strives for balance, and if you do not try to achieve harmony, sooner or later you will lose something. For example, you spend day and night at work, forget about family, and even on weekends manage to think only about your career. Is there something surprising in the fact that you will lose your family, friends or loved one putting work at the center of your life? The same can happen in the opposite case, when the desire to please loved ones will shift your personal realization and development in the list of priorities. Try to find a middle ground and develop all areas of life in more or less equal proportions.
  2. . Often it is this point that slows down development and forces a person to abandon interesting prospects or an attractive position, not to mention communication with the opposite sex.
  3. Negative washings, attitudes and beliefs. It is our thoughts that sometimes attract various troubles and failures. We do not allow ourselves to be happy on a subconscious level. Try to control your thoughts as much as possible, remember what attitudes were instilled in you in childhood. Maybe you give up opportunities just because you do not believe in success and in the fact that you are worthy of happiness and love, like all people on this Earth? We are all born to feel and be happy. The only question is whether we allow ourselves this. Smile at the new day and believe only in good things.
  4. Global and personal disasters. There is not always something that we can influence: natural disasters, floods, earthquakes, loss of personal property, whether it be theft of a car or a fire at home. Everyone can be in distress, and all you can do in such a situation is to help others. Yes, yes, unite with people who also need your help and support. Good deeds best of all help to overcome the black streaks of life and improve your karma, if you, of course, believe in it.
  5. Enemies and ill-wishers. Sometimes troubles arise with the light hand of our enemies, envious people and ill-wishers. If this is your case, you have three options for solving the problem: fight the enemy, retreat, or make peace. Each person is free to choose and decide for himself. Therefore, whatever you do, you are right anyway.
  6. Lack of a purpose in life. When we don’t know what we want and where we are going, it is very easy for us to be knocked off course. Any incident will be perceived as an evil fate, depriving us of true happiness. ! Perhaps then everything will fall into place.

When the black streak ends

How quickly the black streak ends depends, first of all, on the person himself, his character and attitude to life's difficulties. Some people tend to exaggerate any troubles and failures, and they perceive even a small trial of fate as a great tragedy. Obviously, such people experience a black streak very difficult, often invent it themselves and find inner satisfaction in being eternal victims and suffering. The black bar will never leave them.

But if a person sincerely knows how to rejoice in little things, not to notice small failures and is able to see something good in everything, there will be very few black bars in his life and he will hardly notice them, enjoying the moment.

By the way, black stripes often disappear, one has only to think about the true state of affairs and change the attitude towards what is happening.

What is fate really preparing for us?

The obstacles that we encounter during the period of the black stripe can be conditionally divided into three types:

  1. Tests;
  2. Punishments;
  3. Signs.

Tests often come to us to confirm our intentions, to experience ambition, purposefulness and to check whether we really want something badly and are ready to act for it. Yes, fate tests us for strength, but after passing the test, it rewards the patient and motivated.

Punishments are given by fate for wrong actions, sins, missed opportunities. Many consider it to be karma or the will of God. But even if you are an atheist, no one has canceled the laws of balance, and sooner or later everything you have done will return to you like a boomerang.

Signs come to us when we sit in the comfort zone, stop developing, growing and learning. Then fate decides to throw us out of the nest, makes us look around and start acting differently. It is very important how a person relates to such signs. Maybe the fact that you were fired from your job is not a reason to be sad and angry with God, but an excuse to find a more interesting and promising job or even do the work of life and start your own business? Maybe you shouldn't worry about parting with your loved one, but take care of yourself, and then a partner will come into your life with whom you will be able to build even more holistic and harmonious relationships?

How to get rid of the black bar

So, you realized that only you are the creator of your destiny, you are convinced that there is really a black streak in your life and you want to act. How to survive and cope with the trials of fate with dignity?

  1. Let your emotions come out... Believe me, cheering up and proving to everyone, including yourself, that everything is fine, while experiencing a storm of emotions inside is not the best solution. So you will only provide yourself with health problems and aggravate the situation. Allow emotions to manifest: cry, if necessary, scream. Just do not drag out this period and "suffer" for too long.
  2. Look around and assess the situation... Analyze what true reason occurrence of a streak of failures, what mistakes have you made. If there is an opportunity to fix something, make a plan and take action.
  3. Change your surroundings... Leave the city by going to the village or to a friend's cottage. If you can go on a longer trip, do so. When if not now? Even short trips help to ventilate your brains, take a fresh look at the situation and return to your usual life as a completely different person with different attitudes.
  4. Estimate the losses... Perhaps you have lost something, but surely something has remained with you? Thank fate for this and appreciate what you have.
  5. Accept the problem, if any... Recognize it and in no case deny it, so you will only exacerbate the situation.
  6. Help others... Nothing heals faster than the feeling of one's own need, kindness and sincerity. Find people who need help even more than you do and do something good for them. The uplift of the spirit is guaranteed.
  7. Keep calm... Tantrums and panic are not the best companions. If you are already in a stormy sea, strong chaotic floundering will drag you even deeper. Pull yourself together and collect your thoughts.
  8. Look for support within yourself... Belief in God or higher powers, the laws of the world and, of course, belief in yourself will help you!
  9. Surround yourself with loved ones and dear people: friends, relatives. The ones you love and who love you. Try to communicate with positive people, avoid pessimists and whiners.
  10. If, for some reason, you are deprived of the opportunity to surround yourself with loved ones, go out into nature more often and spend time in solitude.
  11. Accept and Don't Give Up Help.
  12. Enjoy. Perhaps the black streak is just a myth, and your adversity is associated with a lack of endorphins in your body. Delicious food, sex, shopping, beauty salons and other joys will help to cheer you up. Just remember that everything is good in moderation: do not overeat and make love only with your loved one.
  • Practice to identify problems

Take a piece of paper and make an impromptu spreadsheet. In the first column write all your problems, and in the second the solution. This way you will clearly see how many weighty problems you have and identify those that require immediate work.


It is possible that the real problems will turn out to be much less than you expected, or the problems you found will be minor. Or maybe you suddenly find the root of all problems or identify in time a situation that prevents you from living and breathing deeply?

  • Daily measures

In addition to general principles, there are things worth doing every day to keep your spirits up:

  1. Start every morning with a smile and gratitude for the new day, as you change the karma of the day. And in the evening, ask the Universe and yourself for forgiveness for all situations where you could not think positively or acted unworthily - this tool helps to change the karma of life.
  2. Walk up to the mirror during the day and smile at yourself. Do this even if it is difficult and you have to smile with force. A forced smile will soon turn into genuine joy.
  3. Praise yourself every night for your successes, even if they seem very small to you. Keep a diary of victories and write every day: "I can ...", "I could (la) ...". Nothing raises our self-esteem better than awareness of our own strength and capabilities.
  4. Learn new things every day: read books, take courses, watch educational films, listen to lectures, take excursions, etc.
  5. Avoid noisy gatherings, but do not forget to communicate with friends: go to visit, walk a lot, visit museums, exhibitions, cinemas and other events.
  6. Train your positive thinking: believe in the best and try to find positive at any moment, like main character film "Polianna".
  • What shouldn't you do?

In no case should you:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • eat a lot and excessively;
  • feel sorry for yourself;
  • to be discouraged;
  • avoid communication;
  • stay at home and not go anywhere.

Whether there is a black bar or is it just a problem of our perception of the world - it's up to you. One way or another, everything goes away. The black stripe will also pass!

Loser syndrome: how to get out of the black streak

Greetings to the readers of the site "Myself a Psychologist"! Elena asked good question about a black streak in life: What causes a black streak in life and how to get out of it?

The question is good and relevant. Many people, when the so-called black streak comes in their lives, are lost, upset, in general they turn out to be vulnerable and not ready for the tests of fate.

What is a black bar?

- this is, as a rule, a chain of unfavorable and unfavorable events in a person's life, which may include: the collapse of plans, health problems, material and other losses, betrayal by people, any bad luck and various troubles.

But the black bars in life are also different, that is, the life of each person beats and educates in different ways and for different reasons. Consider what could be the reasons for a black bar in a person's life.

The reasons why there is a black streak in life

1. Tests on strength, perseverance, faith in oneself and the correctness of the chosen path. When a person goes to some significant goal, life periodically tests him. And it is important to pass these tests with dignity and faith and overcome obstacles.

For this reason, read:

2. Punishments for wrong actions, mistakes and sins, missed opportunities that fate provided, and the person ignored them. That is, if a person has sinned or gone wrong, troubles begin in his life.

For the elimination of punishments, read:

3. Sign that in life something needs to be changed drastically. It so happens that a person is being prepared for something important, and therefore events begin in life that push a person to change. And a person negatively perceiving what is happening, calls it a black stripe.

Very often, illness, problems of fate, such as dismissal from work and other life difficulties, are for a person the ringing of a bell from the Higher Forces, that he stayed too long, stopped and he needs to start moving forward and upward, develop and work on himself. Especially if a person has grown accustomed to a warm place, does not go anywhere, does not strive for anything, does not realize his main life purpose (what he was born for) and is not going to do it. Then they begin to activate its development through the creation of life situations that need to be overcome.

Remember! Almost always, troubles in fate are an impetus for a person to develop, so that he overcomes his spiritual laziness and begins to row, work on himself.

Read the following articles about development:

But not always a person himself can get to the bottom of the root cause of the troubles happening to him. Very often, in order to effectively solve problems and quickly get out of the black stripe, safely replacing it with a white one, you need a look from the outside, for example, the help of a good

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