Benefits and harms of baked apples. How are baked apples good for you? Baked apples for children

Nowadays, due to the abundance of imported fruits, sweets and desserts of all stripes, such delicious and healthy dish like baked apples. Many do not even imagine how aromatic and pleasant to the taste can be sweet and sour, tender apple from the oven. It's easier to eat a ready-made treat or fresh fruit on the go and run on, but if a person chooses proper nutrition, he should not pass by the old apple dessert.

Why a baked apple is good for you

Fruit by itself is not a remedy, but their use helps the body get rid of toxins, speeds up metabolism. For work gastrointestinal tract baked apples are very beneficial, and only minor harm can be done if eaten without measure. One of the most accessible types of fruits after heat treatment has a lot of useful properties:

  1. Eliminates toxins from the liver and kidneys, cleanses the stomach and intestines;
  2. Expels excess fluid, relieves puffiness;
  3. Stabilizes pressure and strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  4. Raises the level of hemoglobin;
  5. Prevents the formation of cholesterol plugs;
  6. Increases immunity with regular use.

Anyone who is fond of diets for the purpose of losing weight should definitely pay attention to such a useful product as a baked apple. After all, these fruits contain potassium, and it helps to remove excess moisture. Their calorie content is small, so sometimes it is worth arranging "apple" days, only you need to eat them not raw, but baked. Fresh fruits can cause gas and abdominal discomfort, while cooked fruits do not have this side effect. Such a weight loss diet will not seem boring if you diversify the diet with baked apples.

Many products are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women during this wonderful period of life. A whole baked apple is considered an excellent dessert option while carrying a child: it contains both sweetness and a unique mineral composition necessary for the development of the baby. Useful fruits help to cope with toxicosis and constipation, which prevent pregnant women from enjoying their excellent status... After giving birth, most women are forced to follow a special nursing diet. Newborns react sharply if their mother ate something from the prohibited list. Baked fruits in the mother's diet will not cause flatulence and colic in the baby.

We can say that a natural delicacy takes too long to prepare, but these are excuses caused by ordinary laziness. There are simple and quick recipes for baked apples in the microwave, however, the dish turns out to be not as fragrant and healthy as with the traditional method. The first complementary foods for children include the presence of one-component fruit purees, primarily apples. Opponents of canned food baked apples are cooked in the oven, and then the pulp is beaten until homogenized. Such homemade food turns out to be very nutritious and useful for a small organism.

The chemical composition of the pure product

Baked apples cooked without flavorings have everything beneficial features fresh fruits. They contain a large amount of fiber, as well as a set of valuable trace elements and vitamins:

  • iron, magnesium, potassium;
  • vitamins of group B, A, tocopherol, niacin, ascorbic acid;
  • pectin is a polysaccharide, a kind of orderly for the body.

When cooking, most of the vitamins evaporate, therefore, for baking, you should choose a gentle mode at a low temperature and use foil. After exposure to hot air, some of the organic acids leave the fruits, which means that the apple mass will less irritate the gastric mucosa. Energy value P baked apples averages 100 kcal per 100 g, due to heat treatment this is more than fresh fruit. The proportion of proteins and fats is negligible, and carbohydrates comprise about a fifth of the total mass.

Contraindications and possible harm

Baked apples are not as harmless as they might seem. Imported fruits are not suitable for baking: beautiful, shiny, without flaws. The picture-like appearance should arouse suspicion in the buyer. So that the fruits are stored for a long time and not damaged during transportation, they are covered with a protective composition after collection. Chemical preparations help to improve the presentation, but irrevocably spoil the condition of the peel. It is recommended to wash the shining skin hot water and use a brush to remove the film of chemicals. If such substances regularly enter the human stomach, they can provoke allergic reactions and even poisoning.

When are baked apples contraindicated?

  1. With gastritis, high acidity, gastric ulcer and intestinal ulcer;
  2. For allergies;
  3. With diseases of the genitourinary system;
  4. During an exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  5. In the presence of diabetes mellitus.

Pediatricians do not recommend introducing complementary foods to children under six months if they receive mother's milk. Artificially fed babies can be offered applesauce from as early as four months. For homemade it is advisable to choose domestic seasonal apples, which are not as attractive as foreign ones. You can not cut off the peel from them, because they contain many useful substances. During the baking process, the peel will help preserve some of the vitamins inside the fruit.

Cooking recipes

Baking apples is very simple, this activity does not require any special preparation, the necessary ingredients can be found in almost every home. The best varieties for cooking are sweet and sour thick-skinned: Antonovka, White filling, Simirenko. They keep their shape well and do not blur. At the initial stage, the fruit should be thoroughly washed and dried. Cut off the top and remove the core, prick the skin with a fork so that it does not burst. Next steps depend on the recipe.

Oven baked apples with raisins and cottage cheese


  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 50 g sour cream;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • sugar to taste.

Beat the cottage cheese with sour cream in a blender into a smooth mass, add sugar and raisins, fill the fruits and place them in a deep baking sheet. Pour in some water, send to oven and bake apples at a temperature of 170 degrees for half an hour.

Gourmet dessert in a slow cooker


  • 5 medium fruits;
  • one banana;
  • 100 g honey
  • walnuts;
  • powdered sugar;
  • cinnamon;
  • butter.

Crush the nuts and combine with mashed banana, pour in slightly warmed honey. Add a tablespoon of butter and cinnamon on the tip of a knife. Fill the prepared fruit with the filling, put in a greased multicooker bowl. Set the "Baking" mode for 30 minutes. At the end of the appliance, you can sprinkle the aromatic baked apples with icing sugar. Healthy fruits are incredibly soft, juicy, they just melt in your mouth.

It turns out that making a tasty and healthy apple delicacy is not difficult. This dish is not only for everyday meals, it is also perfect for a festive feast. The pleasure of such food is enormous, and the harm is minimal.

Baked apples are a classic dessert, the taste of which many of us remember from childhood. It is often served with butter, sugar, whipped cream, sour cream, and ground cinnamon. Many of these and other additives only add fat and calories to the dish.

However, you should know that apples baked in the oven themselves have a lot of useful properties. They are low in calories, but high in vitamins and minerals. So what exactly is the benefit of this product?

1 serving of baked apples contains approximately 112 calories - an extremely low figure, which makes this product literally a dietary ideal.

If you follow the healthy recommendations of your doctors, and your daily diet does not exceed 2,000 calories per day, a small plate of freshly baked apples will only represent some 5.6% of the recommended average daily calorie intake.

Carbohydrates and fiber

Baked apples are packed with light carbohydrates and dietary fiber, which are very beneficial for a healthy diet. One small bowl of this tasty product contains only 9 g of carbohydrates - not enough considering that the daily allowance for an adult is 225-325 g.

But even such a modest amount gives an additional influx of energy and strength, especially if you decide to enjoy baked apples in the morning, eat them for breakfast or lunch. The previously mentioned serving of our apple dessert also contains about 3 g of fiber, with a daily value of 28-34 g.

An article published in July 2011 in Pharmacological Research reports that apple fiber has been shown to be effective in fighting obesity in laboratory rats in practice. Scientists suggest that the fiber in baked apples may prevent some metabolic diseases.

Vitamin A for eyes and teeth

Baked apples, included in the diet on a more or less constant basis, increase the intake of vitamin A. One serving of this, without a doubt, delicious food contains 3% of the daily recommended intake of the aforementioned vitamin. It is useful for protecting vision from age-related degenerative changes as well as eye infections. Vitamin A nourishes the skin, strengthens the teeth and cell membranes mucous membranes of the body.

Apple "rails"

The love of baked apples will help to enrich the diet with additional portions of iron and calcium, although the amount of these micronutrients is not that great. One plate of the product contains only 1% of the daily value of each of these substances.

Calcium is especially beneficial for bones, teeth and nerve cells, while iron prevents anemia by helping the human body to produce hemoglobin.

The benefits of baked apples, with a few exceptions, overlap with those of fresh apples. However, thermally processed fruits contain slightly less nutrients than raw ones. This is especially true for vitamin C.

One of the most common fruits available all year round is apples. The most useful are domestic varieties, and not imported ones, treated with various chemicals for long storage... The benefits and harms of baked goods - a delicious dessert for adults and children - are controversial. Not all doctors and nutritionists recommend eating them; some believe that their usefulness has not been proven. They do not argue that it is easy and simple to get a dessert from them. Useful substances from them are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The chemical composition and calorie content of baked apples

When baked, the fruit retains all its beneficial properties. Depending on the variety and recipe, their calorie content varies from 45 to 60 kcal. Baked apples with additives can reach 100 kcal in calories, and in large quantities are harmful. During the cooking process, only moisture is evaporated from the product, without affecting their nutritional value:

  • proteins - 0.5 g;
  • fats - 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 20 g.

The presence of fiber, pectins, vitamins, macro and microelements explain the beneficial properties of baked apples. They include:

  • potassium - 321.3 mg;
  • sodium - 30.1 mg;
  • calcium - 18.7 mg;
  • phosphorus - 12.9 mg;
  • C - 7.9 mg;
  • iron - 2.6 mg;
  • E - 0.8 mg;
  • PP - 0.4 mg;
  • folic acid (B9) - 2.4 μg;
  • iodine - 2.3 mcg
  • H - 0.4 μg;
  • B vitamins (B1, B2 - 0.03 μg each, B5 - 0.08 μg, B6 - 0.09 μg);
  • A - 0.04 μg.

They also contain other substances, but in smaller quantities. Ursolic acid from the peel is useful for the body.

Attention! If you leave the cut apple to lie down, the cut will darken. Many people think that this is oxidizing iron. In fact, it is polyphenols (plant pigments) that are oxidized. A similar reaction is observed in potatoes.

The benefits of baked apples for the body

Their influence on the gastrointestinal tract is most pronounced. How well the intestines work, 80% depends on health and appearance... The benefits of baked apples for the human body are not limited to improving the functioning of the digestive tract. They are needed for the functioning of the whole organism as a whole, especially when cooked. And even excessive use will not cause significant harm.

For the cardiovascular system

A large amount of iron helps fight anemia and anemia. To do this, it is enough to eat 2 apples a day. Potassium ensures the correct functioning of the heart muscle, strengthens it. At the same time, the walls of the vessels are made more elastic, the process of resorption is stimulated cholesterol plaques and the process of formation of new ones is inhibited. The fruit has the property of normalizing water-mud balance, which helps to stabilize blood pressure, facilitates the course of hypertension.

For the liver and kidneys

Regular use reduces body swelling by improving kidney function. They facilitate the removal of sand from them.

Baked apples are irreplaceable for the liver: the benefits and harms of the product do not depend on their composition. During diseases of this organ, the use of a baked treat will help unload the liver and stimulate natural recovery processes. It is important to consume the whole fruit, including the peel. Useful properties are contained in all its components.

For the stomach and intestines

Many diets include this fruit due to its high fiber content and easily digestible carbohydrates. The gut benefits of baked apples come from slow digestion. Gradual assimilation leads to a feeling of satiety, and as they move through the intestines and with the help of pectin, it is cleared of toxins and toxins.

Baked apples help with constipation, removing feces and preventing the formation of stagnant processes. In their raw form, they are not shown to everyone, and baked ones stimulate the restoration and maintenance of the digestive tract throughout the year.

For the brain

Improving blood circulation is beneficial for the functioning of the brain. Reduce harm from exposure to it age changes, prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

For sight

IN folk recipes they are recommended as a preventive measure against common eye infections. In elderly people, they stop degenerative processes in the tissues of the eye. This property is possible due to the presence of vitamin A.

For teeth

  • decreased sensitivity of the teeth;
  • removing plaque;
  • strengthening the gums;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing caries;
  • reducing the likelihood of tooth loss.

For skin

The presence of antioxidants in the composition helps to fight the aging process of the skin. Their property of fighting free radicals, the cause of the development of oncological diseases, is valuable. They prevent cells from mutating into cancerous ones, and improve the regenerative capacity of the skin.

Vitamin B and in the complex refresh the skin, reduce the number of wrinkles and have a slight rejuvenating effect. Calcium will protect nails and hair from brittleness. By itself, pectin has a cleansing effect and helps to eliminate acne and acne. Baked fruit masks have anti-aging properties, they tighten pores, improve complexion, and eliminate various defects.

For immunity

The benefits and harms of apples baked in the oven in maintaining immunity are based on the general strengthening of the body. They do not contain anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial components, but they produce elements that strengthen the natural defense mechanism, which reduces the risk of catching colds.

When baked, they are easy to digest. During illness, the body does not spend a lot of si on their digestion and receives the maximum of the elements it needs. A large amount of vitamin C is harmful to viral infections.

The benefits of baked apples for weight loss

There are a lot of diets on baked apples. In most cases, they will only bring harm, since, despite the beneficial properties, they cannot replace good nutrition. In order to lose weight, it is recommended to periodically arrange a fasting day on baked apples.

It is carried out after 2 weeks. On this day, they eat 5–8 baked apples with water. They are prepared without additives. The fruit is eaten at regular intervals 5 times a day. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can eat 2. On other days, the diet is not limited by anything. But tryna stick healthy eating... In this mode, within 1-2 months, you can get rid of several kilograms.

Baked apples are used for weight loss due to their beneficial properties. it dietary product, which improves the functioning of the intestines, cleans the body and enriches it with useful substances.

Attention! Regular consumption of 1-2 fruits a day without other diets will have a beneficial effect on the figure and help to normalize the body's work, and will help to improve the condition of the skin.

Can apples for pregnant women

The benefits of baked apples during pregnancy cannot be understated. They are:

  • have antimicrobial properties;
  • reduce the likelihood of toxicosis, alleviate the condition with it;
  • reduce the likelihood of miscarriage;
  • protect against postpartum hemorrhage;
  • necessary for the proper development of the baby's eyes, kidneys and liver;
  • remove migraines;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • normalize stool, remove toxins;
  • do not increase the acidity of the stomach.

The benefits of baked apples for the body of women are noticeable, if, on the recommendation of a doctor, she is advised to lose weight.

Breastfeeding apples

After giving birth, nursing mothers are allowed to eat baked apples from the first days. They do not cause allergies in the newborn, do not lead to increased gas production. Baked apples when breastfeeding will help:

  • restore the strength and energy of a young mother;
  • have a beneficial effect on the entire body;
  • enrich milk and improve the health of the baby.

The daily norm of the dessert is 1 pc. You can bake both red and green varieties. At high temperatures, allergens in the peel are destroyed in the former.

Attention! After the first sample of the dish, the baby is observed for 3 days. If there is no reaction, then it is administered on an ongoing basis.

At what age can baked apples be given to children

Baked apples are beneficial for children from the moment they first feed. In the form of puree e, a treat can be given to an infant from 6 months. At this time, his digestive system has not yet fully formed, and the dessert will support his work, improve immunity.

The valuable beneficial property of baked fruits is to detoxify. They are used to treat intoxication, in case of poisoning in babies. A large amount of ursolic acid, calcium, vitamins C, A and B6 will help the proper development of bone and muscle tissue. Iodine from seeds stimulates the brain. During colds, vitamin C will increase the body's natural defenses. The dish will not harm the health of the child, therefore it is introduced into complementary foods very early and does not stop giving. Children try fresh fruit after 2 years, and before that time only baked.

Features of eating baked apples for certain diseases

The useful properties of the dessert depend slightly on the variety. People with high acidity of the stomach should give preference to sweeter fruits and with a lower acidity - sour. Some stomach diseases have no contraindications to eating baked apples. Although the fruit is thermally processed, it almost does not lose its beneficial properties.

With diabetes mellitus

Ednocrinologists recommend that diabetics eat baked sour apples in moderation. They belong to the group of foods with a low glycemic index. The delicacy has the ability to slightly increase the glucose level, without exceeding the permissible norms. it good remedy against complications of diseases, including diabetic neuritis. They improve the quality of blood vessels, remove bad cholesterol, toxins and toxins.

For diabetics, the benefits and harms of baked apples depend on the method of preparation. Baking is most preferred. You can not add sugar to them, so as not to harm yourself.

With pancreatitis

Problems with the work of the pancreas significantly narrow the list of acceptable meals and products. The benefits of baked apples for pancreatitis are due to their easy absorption. During the baking process, their acidity decreases, so this dish is allowed at all stages of the course of the disease. It is advisable to eat without the peel and choose sweet varieties.

A deficiency in pancreatic enzymes does not interfere with their digestion. They reduce the load on her. They also help to solve the problem of constipation, high cholesterol and toxins, prevent dysbiosis and flatulence. Influencing the work of the FSW in general, they facilitate the work of the pancreas.

With gastritis and stomach ulcers

Another disease that requires nutritional correction is a stomach ulcer. With it, there is also no harm from eating baked apples. In this form, fiber is more easily absorbed by the stomach and the body receives a maximum of nutrients at a minimum cost on its part. Benefits of a baked apple for the stomach helps to heal it faster. For those with a sweet tooth, it is very important that such a dessert is not only tasty, but also useful for the digestive tract.

With gastritis, even if it is aggravated, baked apples are allowed. They are good for the intestines and will not overload a sore stomach.

How to eat baked apples properly

If you want to get benefits from a product, not harm, you need to know when and in what quantity you can eat it. Although it is very difficult to harm the body with this dish, it should also be eaten in moderation.

How many baked apples can you eat per day

Abuse by anyone useful product turns it into poison. Depending on the age, the useful amount of apples varies:

  • child from 2 to 5 years old - 1/2 fruit every few days;
  • child from 5 to 10 years old - 1 piece every 2 days;
  • adults - 2-3 fruits a day.

The beneficial properties of baked apples, if eaten in large quantities, turn into harm. The maximum quantity is considered to be 15 pieces per day. A larger amount may already be harmful. For diabetics, the maximum amount is 1-2 fruits per day.

Is it possible to bake apples at night and on an empty stomach

A baked apple is a dessert. It is better to eat it with the main meal. On an empty stomach, they eat a dish only in medicinal purposes or to lose weight. In this case, it will clear the intestines.

The benefits of baked apples at night are questionable. At night, it is advisable not to load the intestines with any food. The mild laxative effect of the dessert can interfere with sound sleep.

What are baked apples combined with?

It is best to complement the dish and enhance the beneficial properties of the additive:

  • dried fruits;
  • nuts;
  • honey;
  • sweet syrups;
  • sour cream;
  • cottage cheese;
  • Sahara.

Each country has its own national recipes with baked apples. Abroad, they are watered and added to pancakes. In our country, people are used to improving the taste with honey. If a person adheres to a diet, then there should be very few sweet additives so as not to turn the benefits of the dessert into harm.

How to bake apples properly

The benefits and harms of baked apples in the oven lie in their consistency. Fiber is most valuable for the intestines, but it is difficult for the intestines to digest it fresh. Under the influence high temperature the pulp turns into a puree and is easily absorbed by the stomach. At the same time, the apple almost does not lose its beneficial properties. You can bake them simply or with additives, in the oven or in a slow cooker.

Oven baked apples with honey and cinnamon

The benefits of baked apples with honey are great. This simple dish can make up a mono diet and replace all other foods. The benefits of baked apples with cinnamon and honey are provided by the presence of pectins and fiber in them. These substances contribute to the removal of excess moisture, cleanse the intestines. For cooking you need:

  • apples - 7 pcs.;
  • honey - 7 tbsp. l;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp
  1. Carefully cut out the core.
  2. Honey is poured into the resulting hole and sprinkled with cinnamon.
  3. Dessert is placed in the oven at 150 ° C for 30 minutes.

The benefits and harms of apples baked with honey appear in a week. It is impossible to adhere to such a diet for a longer time, but at any time you can please yourself with a delicacy.

Baked apples with cottage cheese and prunes in the microwave

The benefits of baked apples in the microwave are the same as when they are baked in the oven, only the cooking time is significantly reduced.


  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • pitted prunes - NIS 2-3;
  • cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.
  1. Wash the fruit thoroughly and cut the top off. Select the middle and part of the pulp to make an apple pot.
  2. Cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve. Add finely chopped prunes or other dried fruits as desired. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Fill the pot tightly with cottage cheese and close it with a cut lid on top.
  4. Spread the dessert on a plate and put it in the microwave for 7-8 minutes at a power of at least 600 W.
  5. Sprinkle the finished dish with cinnamon and cool.

Baked apples with dried fruits and nuts


  • sour apples - 5 pcs.;
  • a mixture of dried fruits - 5 tbsp. l .;
  • nut mixture - 5 tsp;
  • powdered ginger - 2 tsp;
  • honey or syrup - to taste, for serving.
  1. Dried fruits are poured with boiling water for 15 minutes. Drain into a colander. Let the water drain and chop finely.
  2. The fruits are washed. Pierce the peel in several places with a fork. Cut out the core without damaging the bottom.
  3. Mix nuts and dried fruits. Fill the apples by tamping the filling well.
  4. Each apple is wrapped in foil, leaving a small hole on top.
  5. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 ° C.
  6. Unroll the dessert gently. The benefits of baked apples in the oven will not diminish if you pour syrup on top when serving.

Potential harm to baked apples

Long-term use turns baked apples into harm to the body. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and the appearance of colitis are possible. A mono-diet often ends with diarrhea and metabolic disorders of the body. The dish will harm if it is not cooked correctly. It is necessary:

  1. Choose whole apples, without rot, so that there are no pathogenic microbes in them.
  2. Use local, seasonal varieties. For transportation and long-term storage, they are treated with paraffin and similar substances. They accumulate in the body and often cause allergies.

Contraindications to eating baked apples

For health, a baked apple is beneficial and harmful, depending on the presence of certain diseases and the characteristics of the body as a whole. You should not use this dish if:

  • they cause allergies;
  • aggravated form of stomach ulcers, gastritis;
  • duodenal disease;
  • with urolithiasis due to the diuretic properties.


The benefits and harms of baked apples depend on the correct use of the dessert. Enough 1-2 fruits a day, so that they help the digestive tract, saturate the body with useful substances. Even if you overeat dessert, the harm is minimal - an upset stomach.

Baked apples are a delicacy from childhood. Mothers, grandmothers and even grandfathers told us all about its benefits and taste, when once again they took out the most fragrant sweet fruits sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon from the oven.

In addition, the dish is included in the diet of most diets, both health and wellness, and specially designed for weight loss.

Doctors, however, strongly recommend regularly including baked apples in the menu of adults and children, and not only when problems begin with the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, peristalsis, etc., since they contain a lot of components useful for the human body.

What exactly are baked apples useful and how to use them correctly?

What could be easier?

The very process of making baked apples captivates with its simplicity and availability of products: locally selected apples, a little sweetness and aroma in the form of honey or sugar, vanilla, cinnamon.

Some also add nuts, raisins, cottage cheese and other fillers, but they are not the first violin in the ensemble, but the apples themselves - tender, juicy, melting in the mouth, and at the same time warming the mind with thoughts that, receiving such a dish, your body rejoices ...

It is no secret that taking care of your health is one of the main priorities that have existed in society throughout the ages. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans made a tangible contribution to the development of many branches of medicine.

Asians and their charismatic healers, who were able to create, develop, preserve and pass on completely unique healing methods to all future generations, are a separate topic for conversation.

Both those and others actively used the natural potential to treat sick people and prevent diseases in principle.

Today, looking at an exclusively commercial approach in pharmacy, a considerable number of ordinary people are trying to revive folk knowledge, recipes that allow them to return what they have lost and strengthen their existing health.

And when the question arises: are baked apples really good for health? - any, the most primitive, medical work will answer - yes, the use of baked apples has a beneficial effect on the work of most organs and systems of a person.

Of course, they do not act like pills and do not need to be taken by the hour, they simply maintain an optimal balance of substances in the body that are necessary for its normal functioning.

Chemical composition

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that in properly baked apples, almost 100% of all valuable components are preserved: vitamins (all B group, E, PP, C, A) and minerals, among which the main ones are zinc, potassium and magnesium, calcium, iron , copper.

The listed compounds, served as part of baked apples, are perfectly absorbed, and with the systematic use of delicacies, you can vitaminize and mineralize your body to a satisfactory level in just 2-3 weeks.

It is enough to eat 2 apples daily to significantly improve your health and get rid of a whole series unpleasant sensations caused by malfunctions in a particular organ.

In pure form (without additives), baked apples will in no way harm even the slimmest figure - their calorie content does not exceed 60 kilocalories per 100 grams.

When using sweeteners and additives, the nutritional value dishes can, of course, grow.

Baked apples - benefits

The uniqueness of baked apples lies in the fact that they are shown, practically, for any illness and for people of any age - both for babies, in the form of the first complementary food, and for the elderly, as part of a sparing diet.

So what are baked apples capable of?

1. Normalize the work of organs digestive system, thereby beneficially affect other systems closely related to it: nervous, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system, skin and hair.

2. Remove sand from the kidneys, gently eliminate edema, improve the performance of the organs of the excretory system.

4. Baked apples have a lot of potassium, so they should be eaten first of all by those who have problems with the heart muscle.

5. Baked apples improve the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, reduce the size of existing ones.

6. Provides proven detoxifying effects- cleanse the intestines, removing toxins, are considered the optimal sorbent for neutralizing and removing decay products circulating in the body.

7. Serve as an affordable source of fiber.

8. Baked apples should be eaten by all people whose work activity is associated with increased physical, mental and emotional stress, as well as amateur athletes and professional athletes.

9. from the oven are able to maintain the water-salt balance of the body, thereby normalizing blood pressure. They make it easier to keep hypertension under control.

10. The product is known for its ability to inhibit and prevent degenerative changes in the retina, including age-related ones. Don't forget about baked apples to keep your visual acuity.

11. Increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, improve its qualitative composition.

12. Considered a natural immunostimulant, mobilize, support the body's defenses.

13. Prescribed as part of diets aimed at maintaining the health of the pancreas, recommended even with an acute attack of pancreatitis.

14. Due to the low calorie content and high fiber content, they contribute to weight loss and normalization.

15. Protect the brain from atherosclerosis and age-related changes, improve oxygen metabolism.

16. Baked apples "unload" the liver, give it time and energy to heal itself.

17. Prevent constipation, flatulence, dysbiosis.

18. Allowed when diabetes mellitus(but when baking, you cannot use sweeteners and you should choose fruits of sour varieties).
19. Considered one of the healthiest treats for and nursing women. Baked apples contain a lot of available vitamins and other components important for health.

In addition, during the heat treatment in red apples, allergens are destroyed and they can be safely eaten even during lactation.

As already mentioned, the daily therapeutic and prophylactic norm for the use of baked apples for an adult is 2 pieces, medium size, for smaller children - 1 piece.

Baked apples - harm

It is difficult to find a more harmless product than baked apples. In most cases, they absolutely do not bring any harm, if, of course, they are cooked correctly and eaten on time.

Problems can only be in those rare individuals who suffer from intolerance to such a dish.

Use ulcers with caution, especially in the period of relapse of the disease, and eat all the rest for health, but do not overeat!

Baked apples are not just aromatic and delicious dessert loved by many. They are distinguished by their low calorie content and unique composition, medicinal properties, which makes it possible to use them practically without restrictions. The many options for making baked apples allow even the most fastidious gourmet to choose a dessert.


According to nutritionists, one of the safest and most effective weight loss programs is the baked apple diet. The action of nutrients in the composition of these fruits is aimed at removing from the body the remnants of undigested food, toxins, excess fluid, which leads to the gradual disposal of extra pounds. In addition, baked apples, with their low calorie content (160 kcal per 100 g), have the ability to saturate for a long time and help fight the desire to eat a harmful dessert. For those who are unable to endure long-term diet, fasting days on baked apples are suitable, which need to be organized once or twice a week.

A baked apple is very good for children. Fruit puree prepared in this way is introduced as the first complementary food even for newborns who are allergic to fresh fruit. According to pediatricians, a negative reaction to a baked apple from the gastrointestinal tract in infants is very rare.

What else are the beneficial properties of this fruit dessert? Baked apple:

  • rich in pectin - a substance that improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the intestinal microflora, and reduces the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood;
  • contains less fruit acids than fresh, therefore it does not irritate the gastric mucosa even with gastritis;
  • prevents the absorption of toxic substances, heavy metal salts by cells;
  • suitable for use with diabetes mellitus, obesity, diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and mineral substances, due to which it normalizes the metabolism in the body and the process of assimilation of carbohydrates;
  • prevents the occurrence of anemia;
  • prevents clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques;
  • helps to recover faster after a long illness;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • allows you to prolong the freshness of the skin, improve the complexion;
  • accelerates the tightening of wounds;
  • improves overall health and mood, helps fight depression.

The beneficial properties of baked apples are used in home cosmetology. From the mashed fruits, face masks are prepared to soften and smooth the skin, remove fine wrinkles. Baked apple puree works well with cracked feet, dry skin on the elbows, knees, around the nails.


Baked apples provide tremendous benefits, however, they can also bring harm if they are improperly cooked or consumed. For baking, it is better to use homemade or purchased fruits on the market: they will contain less nitrates and other substances harmful to the body. Producers (especially foreign ones) often cover the surface of apples with special preparations that allow the fruit to have an attractive appearance and remain for a long time. If you wash out the peel badly, such substances, once in the body, can cause cramps in the abdomen, disrupt the digestion process, and also provoke the development of gastritis.


There are very few contraindications to eating baked apples. it

  • allergies (which happens very rarely);
  • ulcers;
  • lingering constipation.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

During pregnancy, baked apples can be eaten without restrictions (in the absence of contraindications). This dish will allow you to cope with toxicosis in the first trimester, relieve swelling and digestive disorders in the third. When dialing quickly future mother kilograms of baked apple will help control weight. The dessert is also useful for the developing fetus: it contains vitamins and minerals that are important for the development of all organs and systems.

Fresh apples are not recommended for use during breastfeeding: this fruit can cause allergies and upset stools in a newborn. An ideal treat for mom and baby is apples baked in the oven. They are rich in substances necessary for a developing organism, do not have side effects and allow the woman to bounce back more quickly after childbirth.




Content in 100 g
Potassium 234 9,4
Calcium 20,7 2,1
Magnesium 10,2 2,6
Sodium 22,8 1,8
Sulfur 6,1 0,6
Phosphorus 12,6 1,6
Chlorine 4,9 0,2
Aluminum 0,0782 7,82
Boron 0,214 6,7
Vanadium 0,0048 1,7
Iron 1,9 10,6
Iodine 0,0016 1,1
Cobalt 0,0016 16
Manganese 0,0764 3,8
Copper 0,105 10,5
Molybdenum 0,0064 9,1
Nickel 0,025 12,5
Rubidium 0,0448 2,24
Fluorine 0,0096 0,2
Chromium 0,0033 6,6
Zinc 0,127 1,1

How to cook

Baked apples are the easiest dish to cook. For baking, sweet and sour fruits with a thick peel are better suited, for example Antonovka, Akhtubinskoe, Ranet. The apples are previously cored, which is optionally filled with suitable components. If the fruits need to be baked whole, several punctures are made in the peel with a toothpick or fork, otherwise they will crack and lose their attractive appearance. Prepared fruits are placed in a preheated oven and cooked for 20-35 minutes at 180 degrees.

It's even easier to make apples in the microwave. Large and hard fruits are baked for no more than 5 minutes, small and soft fruits - about 3.5 minutes. It is important not to overexpose the treat so that it looks appetizing. Apples are also cooked in a slow cooker: 40 minutes for dense fruits, 20 for looser ones.


Baked apples quickly lose their taste and useful properties, so it is not recommended to store them. Dessert should be consumed immediately after preparation.

How to choose

For baking, it is best to choose seasonal apples that are sold in local markets. Despite the fact that such fruits sometimes look unattractive, their benefits are high. Store fruits are often amenable to chemical processing, which leads to a decrease in the value of the apple itself and the risk of poisoning with harmful substances.

Green apples are great for oven cooking. When buying, you need to inspect the fruits: they should be even, intact, without rot spots, and strong to the touch.

What is combined with

Before baking, the apple core can be filled with any ingredient of your choice. Cottage cheese is suitable, which can be sweetened with jam, honey, or combined with low-fat sour cream. Apples go well with cinnamon, nuts, raisins, candied fruits, mint.

For the festive table, you can cook apples baked in puff pastry... For softness, add butter to the dish. Apples are also combined with sweet additives: vanilla, powdered sugar, confectionery sprinkles, ice cream, whipped cream.

Baked apples in the oven, the benefits of which in many ways exceed the possible harm, are tasty, unusually healthy and easy to prepare delicacies. It can be served on a festive table, consumed daily, and also included in diets for weight loss and treatment.

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