Treatment of sexual weakness with medicinal plants. Causes of sexual weakness in men and how to deal with it Male impotence what to do

Impotence (synonymous with sexual impotence, sexual weakness, erectile dysfunction) is a condition in which a man is unable to achieve or maintain an erection of the penis and, therefore, either cannot be performed at all, or is only possible in an incomplete volume. In its broadest sense, the term impotence refers to the inability to become sexually aroused; in this sense, it can apply to both women and men. Traditionally, the term has been used to describe only male sexual dysfunction. Professional sexologists, while identifying two different dysfunctions as forms of impotence, prefer not to use the term impotence as such. Thus, because of its pejorative connotation in everyday usage and confusion about its definition, the word impotence has been dropped from the medical vocabulary in favor of the term "erectile dysfunction".

Traditionally, erectile dysfunction (the classic definition of impotence) is precisely the inability to achieve an erection of the penis during intercourse. The causes of sexual impotence can be both physiological and psychological. Alcoholism, endocrine disease, and neurological disorders are typical physiological causes. Psychological causes include concerns about male empowerment, rejection or other negative feelings about a sexual partner, and stress, anxiety, depression, or other emotional conflicts outside of a relationship.

Erectile dysfunction sometimes occurs with age and, although in itself associated with the aging process itself, it is usually the result of various age-related diseases, such as poor blood circulation or prostate disease. In cases of impotence caused by dysfunction of the blood vessels, not enough blood enters the penis, or the blood diffuses into nearby tissues.

Impotence should be distinguished from the inability of a man to fertilize, in which the ability to have sexual intercourse is preserved. Impotence is manifested by a variety of violations of sexual intercourse (sexual desire, erection, ejaculation,), a violation of its duration. There are several basic forms of impotence.

organic impotence occurs with mechanical obstacles to sexual intercourse (epispadias, hypospadias, giant dropsy of the testicles, bilateral hernias that deform after burns and trauma to the external genital organs).

Cortical (cerebral) impotence is a consequence of organic and functional diseases of the brain; most often suffers, less often and sexual desire. A significant increase in sexual arousal leads to premature ejaculation (coming before or at the very beginning of sexual intercourse), which may be a symptom of sexual excess, or severe neurasthenia.

spinal impotence associated with a primary lesion of the spinal cord (with myelitis, syphilis, tuberculosis, trauma). Lack of erection and slowing down of ejaculation are observed with functional depletion of the spinal centers; sexual desire remains normal.

Neuroreceptor impotence occurs with inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland, urethra and. Constant irritation of these peripheral organs leads first to increased excitability, and then to the erection and ejaculatory centers.

Endocrine impotence develops with a decrease or cessation of the endocrine function of the testicles (hypogonadism) and is expressed in a weakening of sexual desire and erection. There are primary (cryptorchidism, hypoplasia) and secondary (pituitary disease) hypogonadism. Endocrine impotence is characterized by signs - a decrease in hairline, a high voice, the development of subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Treatment with organic impotence, operational (urethral plastic surgery, hernia repair or surgery for, excision of scars).

With cortical impotence is shown (suggestion,). Patients with increased excitability of the genital centers are recommended to temporarily stop sexual intercourse and minimize sexual irritation. Include more sugar and reduce spices, sauces and seasonings. Good effect gives the prostate shown local treatment (instillation, physiotherapy).

Impotence is sexual impotence in men. Most cases of impotence are due to non-endocrine disorders. Impotence as a sign of endocrine diseases requires treatment of the underlying suffering.

Infuse for 2 weeks in 1 liter of vodka in a dark place. Take 38 g as needed.

With sexual impotence, drink a decoction of the root of the broad-leaved orchid (cuckoo's tears) of white color - the black root has the opposite effect.

In case of sexual impotence, a piece 2-2.5 cm long should be cut off from the "hand" of the ginseng root. If the root is not of very high quality, you can cut more - 3-4 cm from any part. Insist on 3 liters of well-purified vodka. Drink tincture 1 glass 3 times a day before meals. When the tincture is less than 1/20 of the bottle, it can be topped up with vodka and mixed: this is done not only once, but also two, and even three. But after 3 times, the tincture should be done again, with a fresh piece of ginseng.

Mix 50 g of aralia tincture, 50 g of ginseng tincture, 50 g of zamanihi tincture, 30 g of pink radiola, 30 g of eleutherococcus extract. For impotence, take 30 drops of the mixture 3 times a day after meals.

Mix herbs:

Yarrow - 100 g
Calamus, root - 50 g
Hay harvest - 50 g

Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water, insist, strain. Take chilled 1 glass of infusion 3 times a day.

20 g of nettle seeds insist in 0.5 liters of red grape wine for 7 days. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

To increase sexual desire and potency, eat a glass of walnut kernels every day, washing them down with goat's milk - only 2 glasses. Per day - 2-3 doses. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Pass 500 g of peeled aloe leaves (do not water the plant for 5 days) through a meat grinder, add 500 g of honey and 50 g of Cahors type red wine. Keep in a warm, cool place for 5 days, strain. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. After a week, increase the dose to 1 tablespoon. The course of treatment is 1 month, repeat after a week break.

Mix 200 g of honey with the juice of 2 lemons, 3 fresh egg yolks and 200 g of cognac. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Mix honey, lemon juice and celery juice in equal amounts and take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

To stimulate sexual function, take 0.5-1 teaspoon of pollen 3 times a day for 4-6 weeks.

One must have rest and sleep from 9 to 10 hours a day. Steam baths are a must. Very shown and sunbathing, and the more the better.

2 small (from 3 to 6 days) and 1 long (from 25 to 30 days) fasting are also needed. You should stop drinking alcohol, tea and coffee. 2 times a day you need to eat salads from raw vegetables and be sure to add root vegetables to them: carrots, turnips and beets.

Fill a plastic bag with ice (700 g), wrap it in gauze folded in 8 layers. Hold this ice first at the base of the brain for a minute, then apply to the ribs in the region of the heart and hold for a minute, and finally apply ice to the scrotum for 1 minute.

If you do this procedure several times a day for 9 to 15 minutes each time (that is, apply ice to the indicated three places 3-5 times), then, according to traditional healers, this restores sexual ability better than any medicine.

This tool can be called an elixir of youth: it enhances sexual activity, restores the ability to bear children, improves complexion. It is also recommended for use by women in order to delay menopause.

Take 200 g of good white fortified wine (you can use port wine), put a peeled head of garlic in it, heat it all over low heat, bring to a boil and boil for 30 seconds. Then cool and pour the resulting liquid into a bottle along with garlic. Store in a dark place at normal temperature.

Take 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon for three days from the beginning of the new moon.

To enhance the effect, this remedy can be taken for three days at the beginning of each decade of the month - on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 11th, 12th, 13th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd day.

To strengthen sexual potency, as well as for diarrhea and heavy menstruation in women, ancient healers recommended drinking water in which red-hot iron was extinguished.

For people with weak potency, traditional medicine considers it useful to sleep or often visit a room where there are strong and healthy horses.

The proposed tool tones the body and increases potency. Need to take:

Hawthorn - 1 tbsp. the spoon
Kefir - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Bee honey - 1 tbsp. the spoon

Mix everything in a mixer or just stir well. Drink in one go.

Traditional healers believe that amber has the ability to enhance male potency. A man who carries this stone with him is a lover of the highest class.

Sweet dill - fennel - has been used since ancient times as a means of increasing male potency. This also applies to ordinary dill, which is recommended to be included in your menu every day.

Active rest, outdoor sports, three-day fasting, the use of honey, persimmon, bananas, walnuts have a positive effect on the preservation of male potency.

Tincture of leuzea safflower (maral root) take 20-30 drops 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, 30 minutes before meals. It is used as a tonic for sexual weakness and overwork.

Take 30-40 drops of high temptation tincture 2 times a day, in the morning and in the afternoon 30 minutes before meals.

Take 15-20 drops of pantocrine tincture 2 times a day, in the morning and in the afternoon, 30 minutes before meals.

Eleutherococcus tincture take 15-20 drops 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, 30 minutes before meals.

All of these drugs should be taken for 2-3 weeks, and then take a break for 1 month, then repeat the course. Long-term use is undesirable. Do not take for people with high blood pressure, also do not take in spring and summer.

Boil 20 g of herb with periwinkle flowers over low heat in 250 ml of vodka and consume 8 drops 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, for 4 days. After that, a two-day break is made and the treatment is repeated.

3naharis also advise such a method of treatment: before going to bed, pour water into two basins - one hot, the other cold. In these basins, one must sit alternately for exactly one minute. It is necessary to transplant from pelvis to pelvis 15 times per evening.

Royal jelly is also an excellent healing property for sexual weakness. It should be consumed in microdoses of 1 g 2-3 times a day for a month.

4 tablespoons of yellow water lily rhizomes are boiled for 5 minutes in 1 liter of boiling water. Drink 50 ml 2 times a day.

Norway maple is used in folk medicine as a means of enhancing sexual activity. Pour 1 tablespoon of dried leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day.

Prepare composition:

Pumpkin, seeds (peel and grind) - 100 g
Rice (fried until beige and chopped) - 100 g
Vetch seed, seeds (roast like coffee and grind) - 50 g
Unsalted butter - 150 g
Honey - 150 g

Mix everything well. Take 1-2 teaspoons every hour.

River gravel - 30 g
Wormwood - 20 g
Natural red wine - 1 l

Infuse for 7 days in a warm place, shaking occasionally. Strain. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day.

Dry dope leaves, grind into powder. Take on the tip of a knife once a day for a week.

100 g of shandra herb (during flowering) insist 14 days in 1 liter of white wine, shaking occasionally. Strain, store in a cool place. Drink 50 ml 2-3 times a day before meals.

Impotence is a violation of sexual functions, weakening or lack of erection (), as a result of which a man cannot complete sexual intercourse. In this case, the penis may be briefly or for a long period in an excited state. The disease requires combined treatment.

Types of impotence

Impotence in men is divided into two main types - organic and psychological. The third category is combined, in which both main types of the disease are combined.

Organic impotence is a gradually increasing sexual impotence, which is caused by physiological factors (urological ailments - problems with blood vessels, etc.). The duration of the erection begins to decrease, gradually it disappears altogether. At the same time, spontaneous in the morning and night hours is absent.

Psychological impotence is formed against the background of psychogenic factors (depression, stress, neurosis, etc.). Male weakness appears unexpectedly. At the same time, sudden morning and night erections do not disappear. Psychological impotence manifests itself sporadically.

There are other types of male impotence - neuroreceptor and spinal (organic and functional). Combined combines the causes of different categories of the disease.

Causes of impotence

It can fail for many reasons. In some cases, sexual impotence is observed in old age. The cause is hormonal imbalance. Many men experience a decrease in potency after 40 years. Organic impotence is classified into several types:

  1. Impotence of endocrine origin occurs due to a deficiency of the hormone testosterone. Most often, this type of sexual impotence occurs in men after 50 years. The cause may be an imbalance in the hormonal background with the subsequent appearance of endocrine diseases.
  2. Anatomically-conditioned male weakness appears due to the curvature of the penis, its partial, complete removal or painful erection. Pain sometimes causes a hernia in the scrotum. Too short a frenulum or other congenital defects of the penis can become the reason for the violation of potency.
  3. Neurogenic disorders are associated with diseases of the nervous system, various injuries, injuries. The causes may be sclerosis, neuropathy.
  4. Vascular impotence appears due to a violation of the blood supply to the penis. With insufficient blood flow, the swelling of the penis occurs very slowly or does not fill the organ. The reason is also the weak muscles of the penis.

There are a number of other types of male impotence and the reasons for their appearance.

Other causes of impotence:

Any problems with potency are greatly aggravated by alcohol, and the prostate gland, as well as nicotine addiction, which depresses the sexual centers. As a result, the erection gradually weakens. These symptoms are more common in young people.

Symptoms of potency disorder

With organic impotence, symptoms appear gradually. At first, the signs of impotence are mild, episodic, not causing any concern. A man can attribute everything to fatigue, lack of interest in a partner, etc. The first signs of impotence include:

Most often, these symptoms are observed in men in their 40s. After this milestone, hormonal changes occur in the body. Many organs begin to "wear out". Age-related changes contribute to a decrease in erection.

After the first manifestations, the progression of the disease begins. Additional symptoms appear. The penis becomes flaccid during an erection. This condition is becoming more and more common.

Erection becomes rarer. It disappears in the morning and at night. With a premature eruption of the seed, the man begins to feel his inferiority, which aggravates the disease.

Common Treatments for Impotence

Restoration of potency is complex. First of all, the causes of sexual impotence are determined. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the causes of weak erection. Both psychological and physiological factors are considered. A man can apply many methods of treating impotence on his own.

Important! There are many cases when the potency was restored after a change in the lifestyle of a man (quitting smoking, drinking alcohol, regular exercise, restoring proper nutrition).

When signs appear and treatment of impotence is prescribed in accordance with the cause of the disease. The doctor may prescribe medications that are taken 30-60 minutes before the onset of sexual intercourse. They guarantee a temporary erection. At the same time, herbal remedies are prescribed, injections are made.

A positive effect in the treatment of erection is given by physiotherapy, especially acupressure. Sessions are held with vacuum devices that contribute to the appearance of a stable erection, expansion of the cavernous body. Psychological techniques are used that provide moral assistance. The methods are aimed at eliminating depression, stress, inferiority complex, anxious expectation of failure.

Watch the video - signs and treatment of impotence:

Medical treatment

They differ in two ways - in effect and method of application. Means are issued in the form of tablets, powders, tinctures.

Comment! Preparations according to the effect produced are presented in the form of natural homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements. Synthetic drugs include various PED5 inhibitors.

Drugs by effective action

Drugs for effective action are divided into two categories:

  1. Synthetic products contain a substance that inhibits the production of phosphodiesterase-5, which helps to speed up the completion of sexual intercourse through an early erection. Inhibitors contribute to the normal blood supply to the penis, maintaining sexual arousal. Most of all they are suitable for the elderly. Remedies for impotence after 50 years - "", "", "".
  2. Natural herbal preparations improve blood circulation, mood, and central nervous system function. It increases potency in men. At the same time, the funds fill the body with vitamins, minerals, increase libido, and stimulate muscle work. The composition of natural remedies includes cordyceps, as well as other plants.

However, dietary supplements are only auxiliary drugs in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men. The drugs have distinctive positive qualities. For example, they are not addictive, have a small list of contraindications, and do not cause complications.

Preparations according to the method of application

Preparations according to the method of application are divided into three groups:

  1. Urethral remedies for impotence are injected into the urethra 10 minutes before the onset of sexual intercourse. However, they often cause side effects in the form of burning, itching. Rectal suppositories may be prescribed. They do not cause side effects.
  2. With the help of drugs are introduced to treat impotence, stimulating the expansion of the body, its rapid filling with blood. Erection comes quickly, lasts for an hour. Most often, Alprostadil, Papaverine or its mixture with Phentolamine is injected into the penis.
  3. Oral impotence medications are among the most popular and best remedies. They give a good effect even in 60 years. Means improve blood circulation, make up for the deficiency of hormones. These drugs include Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. These are the most powerful remedies for impotence.

The list of medicines also includes drops. They are made from ginseng, lovage, with infusion of leuzea. These substances are used in homeopathy. Drops act quickly, promote sexual desire, increase erection.

Non-drug treatment

Watch the video - increase potency:

Before treating impotence, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease. The fault may be low physical activity, stress or other factors. In this case, medication may not be required.

Non-drug treatments for sexual impotence include exercise therapy (a special complex of physical education). Exercises can be done at home. Exercise therapy increases muscle tone, improves the general condition of the body, partially replaces the necessary physical activity.

Massage helps to restore an erection to an impotent. It must be carried out according to certain rules. Massage has several varieties. It can be performed on energy points, in the groin, testicles, penis. Acupressure alone is not recommended. Incorrect exposure can bring additional problems.

Massage can be done for the feet, on which there are many active points. In any case, the procedure should not cause pain or discomfort. Testicular massage is done no more than two minutes. During the procedure on the penis, the organ should not be in an erect state.

How to cure impotence with a vacuum pump? It can partially replace drugs. The method is one of the safest. The procedure is performed using a special pump with a cylinder. This kind of massage ensures the filling of vessels and small arteries with blood, which leads to the onset of an erection.

Folk methods of treatment

Treatment of impotence with herbs has been used for a long time. Means improve blood circulation, increase the strength of erection and the quality of sexual intercourse. In folk recipes, a collection of St. John's wort, nettle, and clover is often used. Each herb must take 2 tbsp. l., pour into a thermos, pour a liter of boiling water. The remedy is infused for several hours, then it is drunk in a glass three times a day.

To increase potency, ginseng tincture has proven itself well. It is made on vodka or water. This is an effective folk remedy for male power. For example, for an alcohol tincture, 300 ml of vodka and 20 g of crushed plant root will be required. They are mixed, then the remedy costs 3 weeks. It needs to be shaken daily. After the expiration of the period, the liquid is filtered, then drunk 3 times a day, 25 drops, 30 minutes before meals.

Mummy for potency is sold in pharmacies. It belongs to general strengthening agents. In 10 st. l dissolves 2 g mummy. The remedy is taken in the morning, 1 tablespoon, before breakfast. The course of treatment is 5 days.

In the treatment of impotence at home, folk remedies use many herbs. The golden root has proven itself well. It is mixed with lungwort and rose hips. Prepared from herbs. It needs 30 g of golden root, 150 ml of alcohol, 10 g of lungwort diluted in a glass of boiling water. All ingredients are mixed, the product is infused for 2 weeks. You need to take it 3 times a day, two tablespoons.

Honey balm will help restore male strength with folk remedies. He insists 6 days. For balm, you need to take 250 g of leaves (shredded) of aloe, cahors, honey. The ingredients are mixed and infused in the refrigerator. After 6 days, the balm is filtered, drunk three times a day. You need to start with three teaspoons, gradually increasing the dosage to 1 tbsp. l. The remedy is taken before meals. This balm is a very effective remedy for restoring an erection. The course of treatment is a month.

Diet for violation of potency

Diet is very important to increase potency. The diet must be strictly balanced. It is necessary to completely exclude alcoholic, carbonated, energy drinks. You should not eat semi-finished products, fast food. Sausages, sausages can be consumed only in limited quantities.

The same rule applies to foods high in carbohydrates (potatoes, white rice, pasta, sugar, etc.). A balanced diet includes only stews or boiled dishes. Recommended:

For breakfast and lunch, it is advisable to eat more high-calorie foods, and for dinner - vegetable and dairy products. Spicy, fatty foods, smoked meats are excluded from the diet. Limit your intake of caffeine and drinks containing caffeine. Pumpkin seeds are very useful. Every day they need to eat 120 pieces.

Ginger is found in many folk recipes. Tinctures and decoctions are made from it. Dried and crushed ginger should be added daily to drinks. Honey is used to improve the taste. Ginger is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of male impotence.

Prevention of impotence

Prevention of impotence involves a complete rejection of bad habits (cigarettes, alcohol). Daily exercise and adequate sleep are essential. Rest should be active. An important role is played by a healthy diet, lack of stress. It is necessary to exclude promiscuity, but at the same time a regular sexual life must be maintained. This will help maintain potency until old age.

Sexual impotence can be cured by many methods. Potency is best restored at the first signs of weakening. In advanced cases, or if sexual impotence occurs against the background of other diseases, surgical intervention may be required. In order not to bring to this, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first signs of a weakening of an erection.

Sexual weakness is one type of sexual disorder.
Our clinic successfully solves this problem.

Sexual weakness is the physical inability to carry out sexual intimacy due to a very weak erection or its absence. Depending on the possibility or impossibility of restoring sexual function, sexual weakness can be absolute, temporary and relative.

  • Absolute is complete impotence. It is caused by complex diseases affecting the central nervous system, diabetes, obesity, spinal injuries, radiation exposure, prolonged and excessive use of alcohol, sleeping pills, sedatives and other medicines.
  • Temporary sexual weakness is limited by some framework, that is, it is a symptom of another disease or occurs after major operations. In such cases, sexual function is most often restored if the treatment of the underlying disease is successful.
  • Relative sexual weakness occurs periodically, in certain circumstances - for example, with a specific partner who does not cause positive emotions, or in an uncomfortable place where they can be disturbed.

What causes and how sexual weakness is expressed

Sexual weakness is expressed in the absence of sexual desire, arousal, erectile dysfunction and ejaculation. Violation of sexual tension is associated with underdevelopment of the gonads, the absence of sex hormones. Such cases occur with eunuchoidism, malnutrition, obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypotension, multiple sclerosis and other diseases. A common cause of sexual weakness is the abuse of alcohol, smoking and drugs. Often this leads to the complete extinction of sexual function.

Age-related causes of sexual weakness also occur, although they are not very frequent. In older people, the blood flow rate, testosterone levels, the sensitivity of the nervous system and the elasticity of the vascular walls decrease, which accordingly affects the erection. However, with a healthy lifestyle, the absence of chronic and acute diseases, a man is able to live sexually until old age. Qualified psychotherapeutic assistance and partner support are capable of activating fading sexual activity with age-related sexual weakness.

Manifestations of sexual weakness:

  1. Violations of sexual arousal. Disorder of sexual arousal and lack of sexual desire is caused by nervous and mental diseases, frequent practice of interrupting sexual intercourse in order to avoid pregnancy, chronic gonorrhea and prostatitis, inflammation of the testes. Violation of sexual arousal is often found in nervous and physical overwork, fear of contracting venereal diseases, due to any complexes that cause a feeling of inferiority in a man.
  1. Erection disorders. The absence or violation of erection can be caused both by organic causes - diseases, hormonal disorders, injuries, consequences after operations, taking medications - and psychological - stress, psychological trauma, poor relationships with a partner, depression, overwork, sleep and wakefulness disturbances, fear of sexual contact. Often, a complex of reasons, both organic and psychological, leads to the inability to have sexual intercourse.
  1. Changes in seminal fluid. Sexual weakness can manifest itself in a decrease in the number of spermatozoa in seminal fluid or the appearance of poorly motile or dead spermatozoa. This, in turn, is often the cause of male infertility. Such a change occurs after acute or chronic inflammatory diseases of the male genital organs, poisoning, radiation exposure, general weakness, exhausted sexual activity due to frequent onanism, as well as sexual excesses and perversions, venereal diseases.
  1. Ejaculation disorders. Sexual weakness can manifest itself in early and premature ejaculation. Early ejaculation occurs before the onset of sexual intercourse, so intercourse in this case is impossible. With premature ejaculation, an erection can be both weakened and normal. However, sexual intercourse still turns out to be defective, since ejaculation occurs shortly after it begins, and the seminal fluid is not ejected under pressure, but flows out. Ejaculation disorders can be the result of past inflammatory diseases, injuries, chronic neurotic conditions. But most often these disorders have a neuropsychogenic basis. With general increased excitability, early ejaculation can occur at the sight or touch of a woman, any memories, excitement, mental attitude or fear of a possible early ejaculation. Ejaculation disorders are caused by a long break in regular sexual activity and constant nervous tension during monotonous activities (for example, monotonous mental work).

Treatment of sexual weakness should be comprehensive, including an accurate diagnosis of the causes, a complete examination of the whole organism and the elimination of concomitant diseases. Therefore, in case of a sexual dysfunction that lasts more than 3 months, it is necessary to consult a qualified doctor and in no case self-medicate.

Psychotherapist Ivan Fenin names at least eight reasons for the failure of male potency.

1. "Overshoot" and "undershoot"

The potency of a man is subject to significant age and individual fluctuations. According to sexologists, the normal frequency of a man's sexual life fluctuates between three acts a day and one act a month. The average frequency in a man under 30 years old is 3 or more times a week, after 30 years old - 2-3 times, at 60 years old and older - once every 8-9 days. Andrologists consider it normal if men between the ages of 30 and 45 can have sex at least once a week.

However, if a man is stimulated to more frequent sexual activity or he himself seeks to prove something under the influence of friends' stories or as a result of watching relevant films, then exhaustion in this area is possible, which turns into impotence. No wonder the ancient Chinese believed that every man is supposed to perform a strictly defined number of sexual acts in his life, and if he spends his “limit” too quickly, then in the future he will face serious problems.

At the same time, it is known that the best medicine for maintaining potency is a regular sex life. Nature is rational, it provides energy only to those systems of the body that work, exercise. Do not load the muscles - and they will weaken, the same happens with sexual potency.

2. Everyday monotony

It is known that working in one place in the same position for more than 5-6 years leads to a decrease in creativity and even to a decrease in labor productivity. The potency and routine duties that contribute to mental overwork, dulling of feelings also affect potency. Tourist trips usually improve the situation, even for a short time. However, in everyday life, you can add variety, creativity.

3. Health problems

Sexual function is an indicator of a man's overall health and fitness. Therefore, any violations in this area - hidden or overt diseases, lack of physical activity - adversely affect potency.

4. Improper nutrition

Overeating, excess in the diet of fatty and sweet foods lead to overweight. And this leads not only to physical laziness and slowing down of reflexes, but also to early atherosclerotic changes in those vessels that bring blood to the intimate organs. The walls of the vessels thicken - the nutrition and cleansing of the organs of the reproductive system suffer, as well as their timely blood supply at certain points. After the age of 40, the abuse of high-calorie foods contributes to the development of diabetes, which is fraught with a stable decrease in potency.

5. disharmony in marriage

If there was a break in sexual life, failures in bed for a man at first are almost natural. Women often believe that this is due to adultery during separation. On the contrary, it is a consequence of prolonged abstinence. In such cases, a lot depends on the behavior of the partner. In a successful alliance, such problems are usually quickly resolved.

6. Alcohol

Some men are convinced that after drinking their sexual performance increases. Alcohol is indeed a good stimulant, but only if taken infrequently and in small doses. Most often, this rule applies to shy, too delicate and indecisive men. Alcohol makes them bolder, more relaxed, somewhat disinhibits. But frequent drinking is the shortest path to sexual disorders. Alcohol increases the activity of aromatase, an enzyme that converts testosterone into the female sex hormone estradiol, which, acting on the higher centers of hormonal regulation, reduces the production of pituitary hormones that regulate testosterone synthesis. And the lower the level of this vital hormone, the lower the sexual desire and sexual activity.

7. Frequent change of partner

Persistent sexual disturbances are often the lot of those who do not have a permanent partner, some casual relationships alternate with others. Such men not only have an increased risk of sexually transmitted diseases, but also problems of a purely psychological nature may arise.

8. Sport

Strange as it may seem, big sport usually has a negative effect on both health and potency. Any sport is associated with physical overload, with tension at the limit of human capabilities.

But there are also sports that are useful for potency: swimming, skiing and skiing, walking, tennis, as well as morning exercises, jogging, aerobics and especially aqua aerobics, kayaking.

Increase sexual performance foods rich in vitamin E: nuts, sunflower seeds, lobsters, liver, eggs, cereals (especially buckwheat and oatmeal), seeds of apples and other fruits. Most of all vitamin E in vegetable oils, especially in soybean and cottonseed. But they will benefit only when used in their natural form, and not when roasted.

Useful for potency are also seafood, fish, berries and fruits containing vitamin C, as well as plant foods rich in beta-carotene (carrots, parsley, apricots, cabbage, sweet peppers). They contain substances that prevent aging.

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