How to view page statistics in VK. How to see traffic to a VKontakte page VK statistics do not work correctly

Social networks appeared because people are curious by nature, they are interested in how others live: friends, classmates and colleagues. But most of all, everyone is interested in their own personality and, accordingly, their own page. Many of those who use social networks are interested in how popular their page is, and here, when compared with other popular networks, VKontakte was the loser, since it was impossible to track how many people viewed your page. After the VKontakte statistics appeared, the situation changed slightly.

How to get data about visiting your page

In order to know how many users visited your page, you need to meet one basic condition - you must have at least one hundred subscribers. After that, the service will be provided to you automatically. It will appear in the left menu.

If the statistics of the VKontakte page still do not work for you, although this condition is met, then you need to follow the link, where after the equal sign you need to substitute your page number .

Where to get your page number

A lot of people changed the numbers that were previously in the link to the page to letters. In the link above, you must substitute the original value. Statistics "VKontakte", if you enter the data incorrectly, will not appear. The easiest way to find out the page number is using the settings menu. To do this, find "My settings" in the column on the left and go to this tab. Scroll the page that appears to the very bottom - and in the third section from the bottom you will see your page number, and you need to substitute it for the link.

What does VKontakte statistics show?

First of all, you will see a graph of traffic to your page. In it you can see two lines: unique users and views. The first means that another person came and viewed information from your page. Views mean that the user received the entry or photo through the My News tab. The data is updated every day.

In general, the data that is available through this service is similar to that provided by the statistics of the VKontakte group. Below the schedule of visits and views, you have access to such characteristics as:

  • gender and age;
  • the country;
  • city;
  • what devices visit your page;
  • subscriber changes.

If you want to make your page popular and maybe even earn money, then all this information will be of great interest to you. There are several programs with which you can artificially increase the number of subscribers. This is enough to get statistics, but it will not add popularity to you. In order for the views tab to not be empty, as is usually the case with ordinary pages, you need to post interesting posts, photos and other content.
It is important to find subscribers on your own. To do this, you must leave comments in public, groups. If you are interested, then the statistics of VKontakte will improve. Your statements must be original and attractive for this. Popularity is easy to gain or lose. The statistics of the VKontakte groups you interact with also affect your success.

What is not shown in visit data

Many of us would like to see Vkontakte guest statistics introduced, which would display not only the number of visits, but also reveal the identities of those who view your profile. There is no such service and is not yet expected, since this is the difference between this social network and others.

Many users are looking for alternative ways to find out about page visitors and often fall for the tricks of scammers who distribute applications that supposedly reveal secrets about visitors. At best, you will get an application that will show false data, and at worst, require you to deposit a certain amount to your account or send SMS (in this case, you should just delete it) or hack your page. In the latter case, you will need to restore access and change your password. This is easy to do if you have a mobile phone linked to the page.

Another type of application offers the placement of trap links to third-party services on its page. It can also be classified as dubious and unreliable. After all, it is not known whether a person will follow the link and whether it will damage his computer. In this case, you can become the culprit in infecting someone else's PC or device with a virus.

Page statistics in VK

In order to view statistics, you must have more than 100 subscriptions to your profile. If you do not have so many, then you can absolutely free.

If you have reached the required number of subscribers, then let's get down to business. To see this function, you need to go to your page and click on the icon under your profile picture - "Statistics page".

In the mobile version, you need to click on the three dots from your profile - see statistics.

The statistics page will open.

The first tab is "Scope".

  • Coverage;

On the first graph, you can find out how many users viewed your posts on a given day (on the wall or in the news).

Full coverage - all users are taken into account. Follower reach - friends and followers.

  • Gender/age;

A little lower we see the age and gender categories of the users who visited you.

  • Geography;

  • Device coverage;

At the end of the first tab you can see, from which devices most often visited your page.

The second tab is "Attendance".

  • Attendance;

The first graph shows the number unique visitors on a given day/week/month.

Unique Visitors - How many people have viewed your profile. Views - the number of views of users who visited your page.

How to find page statistics in VK

  • Subscribers;

Page statistics in VK determines how many people visited your page during the day or month. This information is necessary for those who are seriously engaged in increasing their or uses your profile to promote goods and services. Many users are often perplexed how to turn on the statistics of the Vkontakte page?

It is worth noting that this section in VK appears only for those individuals who have collected more than a hundred subscribers in their profile. If there are significantly fewer people who subscribed to you, then this section is not needed. At the moment, your page is not so relevant for others, but you can fix the situation by winding up the necessary , and only then observe their further growth and activity.

Vkontakte page traffic statistics

Vkontakte page traffic statistics displays various indicators: who comes to you more than a man or a woman, what is their age and location, which of them unfollowed you, and how many likes were put in a certain period of time.

The statistics do not show the names and personal data of your subscribers, as well as those people who, having entered your page, immediately left it. She does not display , however, will greatly help you in the promotion of the page. Depending on the predominance of one or another category of people, you can place the appropriate content on your wall and edit the offers.

How to view traffic statistics on a Vkontakte page

View VK page traffic statistics you can in the special section "Statistics", which is located immediately after the tab with audio recordings.

If you go to this area, you can find all the necessary data on attendance and activity. On the first screen, you will see 3 buttons at the top: Attendance, Reach, and Activity. Attendance opens automatically in front of you, it shows the number of unique visitors - those people who stayed on your page for more than 2-3 minutes, and the number of views, the number of those people who just went to your page and immediately left.

Due to the number of unique views, you will be able to determine how the content you post on VK is relevant and useful to users. If you scroll down, you can see a graph of the division of people by gender. If you hover over any column in the graph, you will find out which age category visits your profile more often than others.

Even lower on the page is the geographical distribution of people who visited you. This is very useful to know if you are engaged in, for example, making furniture, providing services that require your presence, or other business that is tied to a place. Further, VK shows a diagram that shows from which device people came from a PC or from a phone. And finally, at the very bottom is the number of subscribers. The graph clearly shows how many people subscribed to your news per day, week or month and for whom they have become irrelevant. If the number of unsubscribed subscribers exceeds new ones, it's time to update the content on the page and make it more interesting for users.

There are also two other interesting buttons in the top menu. These are page reach and activity. The reach area tells you how many people saw your new post in the news and how many of them . Below, data on the age and gender of people are also presented. Only one graph can be seen in the Activity tab. It shows how many likes and reposts were made by people who visited you. This will be very useful for those who write articles and maintain their blog.

Active users who use the social network VKontakte and personally their page not only for the purpose of communicating with friends, but also for other purposes, for example, for commercial purposes, may be interested in seeing page statistics. This can be useful, for example, to provide your statistics to advertisers for sale or promotion of products / brand through it, as well as just out of personal interest, in order to roughly understand which audience is actively visiting your page. As part of this article, we will consider who and how can view page statistics in VK.

Table of contents:

How to view page statistics in VK

The VKontakte social network was created in such a way that only popular users can access statistics. It is believed that if a person has more than 100 people-subscribers, he is quite popular, and he may need to know the statistics of his page. That is why only a user who has 100 or more subscribers can view statistics in the way described below.

Please note: In this case, subscribers do not mean friends. That is, you can have as many friends as you like, but access to statistics will be open only if more than 100 people subscribe to your page. Followers are users who sent you a friend request, but you did not approve it, or users who were previously friends with you, but you deleted them.

To view page statistics in VK, you need to do the following:

After that, you will be redirected to the page where the statistics are collected.

How to read page statistics in VK correctly

On the page with statistics on the social network VKontakte, there are many different graphs and charts by which you can find out all the information of interest about the users who visit your page. At the same time, the specific names of the people who visited the page cannot be determined in this way. The page statistics tool in VK is necessary to evaluate the contingent of users who are interested in you. This can be used in the future to increase popularity.

There are three tabs on the statistics page: attendance, reach and activity. Let's consider each of them in more detail.


The "Attendance" tab in the statistics contains information about who visited your page. Let's take a look at each of the options one by one:

As you can see, on the "Attendance" tab, you can add up an approximate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe people who follow you and visit your page.


The Reach tab collects statistics on how many users have seen your recent posts: on the wall, photos, videos, and so on. This statistic is divided into the following sections:

This is where the capabilities of the Reach tab end.


On the "Activity" tab, you can see the reaction of the audience to the content that you publish on your page. Here, up to 5 parameters can be displayed on the chart: “I like” marks, comments on content, reposts of your publications, mentions of your page, the number of hiding published content by users.

VKontakte group statistics is the main tool that allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of an SMM campaign. Data analysis should be approached comprehensively, that is, take into account all the indicators provided by the social network and correlate them with the activities that you conduct. For example:

  • placement of targeted advertising;
  • cooperation with thematic communities;
  • installing a group widget on the company website;
  • changes to published content;
  • carrying out activities and work with involvement.

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Knowing all the actions taken and referring to the statistics, you can get a complete picture and understand what exactly is worth doing for further successful promotion. Almost all the necessary indicators are provided by the social network, but if you need a deeper analysis, for example, including the actions of competitors, you should use third-party resources, such as Jaga Jam.

How to view the statistics of a VKontakte group?

How to view the statistics of the VKontakte group, all administrators should know. It is very easy to do this. It is enough to go to your community and under the avatar in the right column of the group management, select the "Community statistics" item.

You will be redirected to the charts page with indicators. Each graph comes with a text description, so you can always find out what it displays. The general rules for working with them are the same. In the upper right corner, you can select the required period (day, week, month, all the time, by day, by month) and the display option in the form of a chart. Using the slider at the bottom of the graph, you can set the time period you are interested in.

Under the graph, by clicking on the checkmarks, you can select the indicators you are interested in. So, on the first graph “Unique visitors and views”, you can see both indicators as well as them separately.

We will immediately answer a popular question that causes a large number of disagreements: "what does unique visitors to VKontakte mean in statistics."

According to the definition of the social network itself, this is the number of users who switched to the community per day. It consists of two components: direct members of the page or group and users who went there as a result of ongoing activity (advertising, news from other users, and so on). It should be taken into account that it is not typical for a more mature and serious audience to enter the group every day, no matter how fans of the brand they may be. Therefore, although this is an important indicator, you should not become attached only to it.

Basic indicators

So, let's move on to the main statistics.

Number of participants

This variable is key in VK analytics. At a minimum, it demonstrates the popularity of the community in a certain period, and this indicator is usually the “measurement” for everyone else. The number of likes, comments and other data is important to study in relation to the total number of subscribers. But, of course, you should not chase only the quantity, first of all, the quality of the participants is important. Each user should relate to your target audience.


VKontakte visitor statistics displays unique visitors and views. By studying attendance, you get a much greater understanding of the audience that is interested in you. Firstly, the total number of views per day, and secondly, the ratio of unique and non-unique views. This gives insight into the engagement of loyal customers and the quality of the content. A large gap between those who came to you once and those who returned indicates a lack of interest in the group or the quality of the content. And, of course, the bursts on this graph allow you to establish which channel or method of attraction turned out to be the most effective in terms of attendance.

Gender/age. Sexuality is an important factor. Based on this indicator, you can:

  • adjust the content plan, focusing on the interests, status and standard of living of the people who dominate your community;
  • attract users of the right gender and age if your audience does not match the portrait of your buyer.

Geography also allows you to “screen out” unnecessary actions in the promotion: if you are targeting certain regions, optimize your actions.

Devices. The percentage of PC users and mobile gadgets is a clear guide to what should be the time of publication and the content of the news. With the predominance of PC users, publications should be capacious and “shooting”, and illustrations should be catchy, due to the fact that on a larger plane, attention is more likely to be dispersed to other news. For mobile device users, it is worth betting on headlines.

Members- new and released - this item, as well as the attendance rate, deserves the attention of the administration when conducting active advertising campaigns.

Advertising, widget - provide information on specific sources. The selection of the time period makes it possible to determine the most effective method of presenting information in ads and the location or design of the widget.

Section Views- for many, not such an important number, but still it can say something about the interests of subscribers, and therefore, suggest what you need to bet on when carrying out SMM promotion.


Reach is formed based on the number of views of your posts from any sources: user news, friends news, wall of friends, etc. Reach shows how many social network users (whether subscribers or not) see your news.

Based on this data, conclusions can be drawn about the sources, methods of promotion and quality of content, comparing this purely with the number of group visitors and new members.


VKontakte activity statistics can give an idea of ​​the interest in interacting with you. This reflects the number of photos, audio and video recordings sent to your community, comments on them, messages on the wall, participation in discussions. Based on such data, you can adjust the group management strategy to increase engagement: stimulate discussions, launch contests, organize surveys and touch on burning topics.

Feedback- this is an accurate statistics of attendance and activity of the VKontakte page in terms of such indicators as comments, likes, reposts, as well as the number of users who preferred to hide your posts from their news.

Page Statistics

Page stats also include graphs, charts, and summaries for each of the above metrics. Such visualization gives a visual representation of all changes during a certain period of time. Both individually and collectively, they provide answers to questions about content, advertising, activities and promotion.

How to view the statistics of the page VKontakte?

You can view the traffic statistics of the VKontakte page in the same way as the statistics of the group: under the avatar, click on the control panel and select the appropriate section.

Basic indicators

Page metrics are identical to the group metrics we detailed above. Study them, analyze them, and you will get great opportunities for solving specific problems, such an analysis is more accurate, but also more complex, and therefore requires the involvement of experienced digital marketing professionals.

VKontakte statistics is an important tool that everyone should use without exception. If you have any problems using it, we will be happy to help you.

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