How best to care for a decorative Palm tree, we grow "jungle" at home! Palm tree in a pot - home care How to water a palm tree in winter

In order for a palm tree - a plant that creates a cozy atmosphere in the house and improves the microclimate - to please the eye with luxurious green mass and a healthy appearance, it must be periodically fertilized. This culture is very capricious, so it is worth studying the question of how to feed an indoor palm tree.

Several types of palm trees are cultivated indoors, which differ in their characteristic features:

  1. fan - the crown is divided into many segments, fixed at one point of the petiole and forming an "umbrella";
  2. pinnate - distinguished by long and curved leaves, which are located along the shoot;
  3. reed - have thin and flexible stems resembling bamboo. Ideal for spacious rooms.

Some people mistakenly call palm trees all plants with a bare trunk and a lush crown - dracaena, yucca, nolina, cycas. However, they are completely different cultures.

A huge number of varieties have been bred that grow well in pots. Inexperienced flower growers should pay attention to the most unpretentious:

  • Rapis is high;
  • Trachycarpus Fortuna (Japanese palm);
  • Hamedorea graceful;
  • Chamerops is squat;
  • Liviston;
  • date palm Robelin - the most popular variety.

They are the least capricious, feel good at home or in the office.

Signs of malnutrition

The feeding area of ​​indoor crops is limited by the size of the pot. They quickly deplete the soil, as a result of which the appearance deteriorates, flowering stops, and diseases develop.

For normal life, palm trees, like other plants, need more than 50 minerals. Many of them are needed in negligible doses, but their absence affects the decorative qualities and general condition of the plant.

With a deficiency of useful elements:

  • development is slowed down;
  • leaves turn pale and fade;
  • light yellow stripes appear;
  • leaf plates turn brown, deform, become necrotic;
  • the crown withers and dies.

If such symptoms are detected, it is required to immediately fill the shortage.

The needs of palm trees for a particular substance largely depend on the variety. To provide them with a balanced diet, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the features of cultivation in advance.

Fertilizers for indoor plants

Grocery stores sell special potting fertilizers. They contain a complex of substances, selected in the correct proportion.

How can you fertilize an indoor palm tree:

  1. Green Paradise is a complex water-soluble mineral fertilizer. Provides full development and high life expectancy of plants. Top dressing is applied by the root and foliar method. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 2 g per 1 liter.
  2. Bona Forte - restores soil fertility, strengthens the immunity of crops. Contains NPK (sodium, phosphorus, potassium), important trace elements in chelated form, humic acids. Dosage - 10 ml per 1.5 liters for irrigation, 5 ml per 1.5 liters for spraying.
  3. Palm Focus is a balanced solution that precisely meets the needs of palm trees. The composition includes a concentrate of seaweed. Application - 10 ml per 1 liter.
  4. Pokon - contains all the micronutrients necessary for the growth and development of the plant. Gives the leaves an emerald color. Used for watering (5 ml / l)
  5. Crystal - increases the resistance of plants to adverse factors, accelerates the set of green mass. There are several types of fertilizers on sale that are applied during different growing seasons: after transplantation - yellow (0.5-1 g / l), to improve decorative qualities - blue (1 g / l), during flowering - red (0. 8 g/l).

Preparations are stored in a dry and dark place. Animals and children should not have access to them.

Timing and frequency of feeding

Palm trees are fed year-round, but the frequency of application varies depending on the season:

  • from spring to autumn - every week if the plant is outdoors; after 14 days when kept in the house;
  • in winter - once a month.

There are restrictions:

  • A disease that is not associated with a deficiency of macro- and microelements. Until the condition returns to normal, fertilizers are not applied.
  • After transplantation, fertilizing is refused for 2-3 weeks: the plant needs time to adapt.
  • In autumn, the concentration of nitrogen is reduced so that the palm tree does not begin to actively grow ahead of time.

Before flowering, be sure to spray the leaves with liquid fertilizers.

If everything is done correctly, positive changes will appear in 2-3 days.

Watering with fertilizers the root system of a palm tree

So that the procedure does not harm the plant, follow the recommendations:

  1. The soil is pre-moistened with cool water. Otherwise, there is a high risk of burning the root system.
  2. Fertilizers are diluted in strict accordance with the instructions. Here the rule applies - less is better than more.

When watering, about 80% of phosphorus is not absorbed. A similar situation is observed with the introduction of nitrogen - almost half is washed out with water. This nuance should be taken into account when choosing compositions.

Foliar top dressing of a palm tree

In simple words, this is spraying the plant with nutrient mixtures from a spray bottle.

This procedure is indicated in certain situations:

  • before flowering;
  • when roots are injured during transplantation;
  • in case of signs of malaise - drying out, wilting and yellowing of the crown.

Thanks to foliar top dressing, minor leaf damage is healed faster. Useful substances quickly penetrate the stem and are well absorbed.

Spraying is an excellent prevention of chlorosis. This problem is especially relevant when there is a deficiency of chlorine and boron, watering with tap water.

Conducting rules:

  • the best time is morning, temperature +22…+25 °С;
  • when spraying, the plant is protected from direct sunlight;
  • if the palm tree grows outdoors, choose a clear day (no precipitation).

Fertilizers are sprayed not only on the upper surface of the leaf. The bottom side has a porous structure and better absorbs useful elements.

Popular means for feeding date and indoor palms

For top dressing, mineral and organic fertilizers are used, harmoniously alternating them.


Means of this group improve the composition and structure of the soil, activate the activity of beneficial microorganisms. They are substances of plant or animal origin:

  • mullein, compost, humus, bird droppings (chicken, goose, duck, pigeon) - saturate the soil with nitrogen;
  • wood ash is a source of potassium and calcium.

Mullein and bird droppings are diluted in water before use - 1 tbsp. l. / 1 l and 1 tsp. / 1 l, respectively. Higher concentrations burn the root system.

Minerals cannot be absorbed without organic matter, so both types of fertilizers are used in combination.

In specialized stores, ready-made preparations based on biohumus are sold. For feeding palm trees, "Ideal" has proven itself well. The tool additionally contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, humic acids. In 1 liter of water add 8-10 ml. About 40 ml of solution is poured under one plant.

Mineral preparations

Mineral fertilizers are divided into 4 groups:

  1. nitrogen - necessary during the period of active vegetation;
  2. potassium - reduce susceptibility to disease, participate in gas exchange, normalize metabolism;
  3. phosphoric - improve metabolism, are responsible for photosynthetic processes, in combination with potassium prolong flowering;
  4. complex - contain in a small amount all the nutrients.

To feed indoor palm trees, a series of Uniflor fertilizers is often used:

  • Growth is a complete fertilizer with a high concentration of nitrogen. Contains 18 chelating trace elements, ensures rapid growth of green mass.
  • Green leaf - has a similar composition. Enriched with biologically active components (thiourea, succinic acid, etc.). Ideal for winter care.

The working solution for irrigation is prepared at the rate of 2.5-3 ml per 1 liter. For foliar top dressing - 1 ml per 1 liter.

Home cooking supplies

Organic fertilizers are easy to make yourself. Application features are presented in the table.

Component Usage
Ash Proportion - 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. Plants are watered with a solution in the phase of active vegetation.
Yeast 10 g of raw materials and 1 tbsp. l. sugar is placed in 1 liter of warm water, left for 60 minutes.

Before use, dilute at the rate of 1 to 5. Top dressing is indicated for weakened crops.

onion peel 50 g is brewed with 2 liters of hot water, boiled for 10 minutes. Insist 3 hours, filter.
Potato starch The only thing to do is to water the plants with the water left after boiling the potatoes.
orange and banana peel The components are crushed, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar, put in a suitable container. Insist 3 weeks at room temperature, stirring occasionally. The separated liquid is drained and stored in the refrigerator. Before use, dilute in a ratio of 1 to 20. Palm trees are watered with a solution for 1 month.

An alternative is to use only banana peels. It is dried, ground into powder, added to water for irrigation or sprinkled on the soil surface.

Caring for a palm tree at home is to create a comfortable climate for it - sufficient light and humidity, a suitable temperature regime. To replenish the supply of nutrients, root and foliar top dressing is regularly carried out. Competent and timely measures taken will preserve the health of plants and improve their decorative qualities.

Proper care of palm trees will allow you to enjoy exotic plants and their luxurious crown all year round.

Care rules

  • The plant is considered photophilous, but does not tolerate direct sunlight.
  • Should be protected from drafts.
  • Do not place flowerpots on a cold surface, such as a stone window sill.

Humidity and air temperature

  • Palm trees love high humidity, then they reach maximum decorative effect.
  • To achieve this in an apartment, you can resort to the following measures:
  • Use a humidifier.
  • Set up water containers nearby.
  • Spray with distilled or rain water during hot weather.
  • The temperature regime for each type of palm is individual, for example, palm trees from the subtropics must be kept in cool conditions in winter (8-12 ° C): brachea, trachycarpus, washingtonia.
  • Warm rooms (24 ° C) and humidity like Robelini, areca, hamedorea, caryota.
  • Moderate indoors in winter (16°C) is required for species such as: sabali, clinostigma, rapis, rapalostylis.

Soil selection

The choice of soil mixture is very large in stores. But as practice shows, it is better to use it as a basis.

Ready-made compositions are well suited for young specimens, since it is mainly light in composition.

Palm trees love moisture and breathable, loose soil. It also had a sufficient amount of nutrients and the pH should be in the range of 6.3-6.5. That is, so that the soil is neutral and slightly acidic.

  • Recipe 1. Sand, garden soil, humus 1:2:1.
  • Recipe 2. Lowland peat, sand, dolomite flour, mineral fertilizer.

A prerequisite in all recipes is drainage.

Pot selection

top dressing

  • Before fertilizing, the soil is watered with clean water.
  • After transplantation, fertilizers are applied on the 14th day.
  • During the period of active growth, organic fertilizers are required. For this you can use manure. Infuse it for 10 days with the addition of liquid, then strain. Dilute the resulting infusion 1:5 with water, if the cow component was taken as the basis, 1:10, when using chicken manure.
  • Further, the bushes are fed with mineral fertilizers (1 time in 14 days), which can be purchased at the store.
  • Do not use fertilizer during dormancy (November-March).
  • The palm tree also loves foliar top dressing. It is enough to take them once a month using urea.



The seed propagation method is suitable for all types of palms. And some species, for example, livistona, trachycarpus, li-kuala, washingtonia and howea multiply exclusively by seeds.

Among the vegetative method of reproduction can be noted:

  • Root offspring.
  • tops.
  • Shoots.
  • cuttings.

Seeds Seeds Liviston Jade

When choosing seeds, it is worth paying attention to the expiration date. It is desirable that it is not expired. Otherwise, there will be no shoots.

  • Seeds are freed from the shell and sent to a damp cloth for swelling. With a thicker shell, you can use a needle file and file it.
  • The substrate is being prepared: sand and garden soil 1:2.
  • Seeds are sown to a depth of 2 cm, and the soil is sprayed.
  • The container is covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect.
  • As soon as the first shoots appear, the container moves to a bright place.
  • When the seedlings begin to interfere with each other, a pick should be carried out.
  • Seedlings are transplanted into separate pots with the same substrate.
  • Seedlings are also covered with glass caps.
  • As soon as rooting takes place, the cap is removed.
  • The plant adapts and for some time remains to sit in its original place.
  • Further, as they grow, the seedlings are transplanted into larger pots.

Vegetative reproduction

If the palm tree is bushy, for example, chrysalidocarpus, chamerops, carita, roblena, date, hamedorea, then this method is suitable for them. Exceptions are types of palms with one trunk.

  • The root offspring appears near the root system of the uterine bush. Over time, it takes root and grows on its own.
  • As soon as the offspring is well rooted, it should be separated with a knife from the mother bush.
  • Treat the cut points with charcoal or ashes.
  • The young shoot is planted in a permanent place and watered.
  • Top cover with a glass cap for quick rooting.


In this way, plants similar to palm trees reproduce - yucca, dracaena.

tip breeding

  • The soil is being prepared: sand, garden soil, humus 1:2:1.
  • The upper part of the plant is cut off and sent to the ground for rooting. In this case, the stem must be freed from the leaves. The cut point does not need to be processed.
  • Flower growers successfully use the method, since the survival rate here is up to 90%.
  • The container is covered with a cap until rooting.
  • As soon as young leaves appear, the cap is removed.
  • Shoots. The young shoot is carefully cut off and placed in water for rooting.
  • When the roots of the fathoms appear, they are transplanted to a permanent place.
  • The pot is covered with a cap until the shoot takes root.
  • cuttings. The stem is cut off and divided into 15 cm cuttings. They can be sent into the water for rooting or directly into the substrate.
  • A mini-greenhouse is being set up.
  • As soon as the cutting takes root, the greenhouse is removed.

Pests and diseases

  1. root rot. Symptoms: yellowing of the leaves, followed by the death of the flower. The reason is overflow, and temperature changes. As a result, the disease worsens.
  2. stem rot. Symptoms: dark wet spots appear on the leaves. Sometimes it can be gray spots with a light coating. This fungal disease develops from high humidity and overflow. The disease develops very rapidly, so the bush should be saved when the first signs appear as soon as possible.
  3. Penicillosis. Young leaves are exposed to the disease with the appearance of necrotic shrunken spots on them. The leaves are deformed. The cause of the disease is improper care.
  4. leaf spot. The disease is caused by bacteria and pathogenic fungi. Symptoms: spots of various shapes and colors appear. Humidity is a favorable environment for its development.

How to fight

  1. root rot. You can save the plant at the initial stage of the disease. You should pull the bush out of the ground and cut off the affected roots. Then, for 15-20 minutes, lower into the fungicide solution. It is desirable that cinebaftin, cuprosan and homecin be present in the preparation. Treat the cut places with activated carbon and replace the soil. If the earth is prepared at home, it is necessary to warm it up in the oven or process it under steam. Two waterings should be carried out with a fungicide.
  2. stem rot. Adjust humidity and watering. Remove all affected leaves, and transplant the flower into new soil with fungicide treatment. When the disease is advanced, the plant is destroyed.
  3. Penicillosis. Adjust light and temperature conditions.
  4. leaf spot. At the first sign, cut off infected leaves and spray with a fungicide. The interval between treatments is 14 days.

The exotic palm plant has long taken root in our apartments. Small trees look very original and peculiar. They will successfully complement the interior of both offices and ordinary apartments. However, in order to grow a beautiful and healthy tree, you need to know how to care for a palm tree at home. After all, this plant was brought to our country from the hot tropics. Therefore, for its healthy development, it is necessary to create certain conditions.

How to care for indoor palm?

First you need to decide on the choice of plant. To do this, you need to assess the conditions of the room in which the green "friend" will be located. Some palm trees require high temperature and humidity. These species include areca, caryota, and coconut. Rapis, howea and geonome will be quite satisfied with moderate temperatures. And varieties such as chamerop and brochea prefer cool rooms at all. How to care for a palm tree at home? The room in which the tree will be located should be spacious enough and bright. Be sure to shade the palm tree from the scorching sun. In addition, this exotic tree does not tolerate neighborhood with other plants. Therefore, the palm tree should be given a separate room. It is recommended to place a flowerpot with a plant away from vents and drafts, since the roots of the tree are very sensitive to temperature changes.


How to care for a palm tree at home? This plant is moisture-loving. In summer it should be watered quite often, in winter - a little less. Palm leaves must be periodically sprayed, and on both sides. The plant does not tolerate dry air. Therefore, it will be very good for him if a humidifier appears in the room.


Considering the question of how to care for a palm tree at home, one cannot fail to mention the transplant. Young plants should be "relocated" annually to a new flowerpot. A tree older than three years - once every four years, when the root system completely fills the entire pot. The fact is that these plants do not tolerate transplantation very well. Even a minor injury to the roots can be fatal for them. For planting, it is best to use a mixture consisting of peat and sand, as well as a small amount of leaf and sod land. You can also add some charcoal. Drainage should be poured at the bottom of the flowerpot. When transplanting, you need to carefully examine the plant, remove rotten roots.

top dressing

How to care for a palm tree at home? Remember to fertilize the soil from time to time. After all, palm leaves grow throughout the growing season. It is best to use fertilizers containing potassium and manganese. The lack of these substances can lead to yellowing of the leaves. You need to feed the tree in the spring-summer season once a week.


You can remove dead old leaves only if young ones have appeared instead. Some gardeners advise cutting off the roots when transplanting if they have formed a dense cushion in the lower part of the flowerpot. This can be done with a special garden knife. However, immediately after transplanting, the palm tree should not be fed with fertilizers.

Palm trees are wonderful representatives of ornamental evergreen plants. Wonderfully enliven living spaces or simply delight the human eye in the midst of everyday routine. And although, at first glance, it may seem that palm trees are unpretentious. Still, do not forget that they come from tropical territories. And you need to adhere to certain conditions for the content.

1 How to care for a palm tree

First of all, the soil must be kept in a room with sufficient air circulation. An excess of water will lead to suffocation of the roots and death of the plant, and therefore the presence of a drainage hole is mandatory. Also, we must not forget that the palm tree will be in the same earthen composition for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary on a regular basis, once a year, to transplant the plant without destroying the root ball into new soil.

2 How to care for a palm tree - watering

For irrigation, it is desirable to use purified or rain water, so to speak, soft. When using tap water (in most cases it is hard), it is worth defending it to weather the chlorine. And also replace the top layer of the earth once a year due to the accumulation of salts. The temperature of the water itself should not be lower than room temperature. The frequency of watering depends directly on the species and is often individual.

3 How to care for a palm tree - humidity

The most difficult task will be to maintain humidity in a room with a palm tree. Due to its origin, you will have to keep wide containers of water near the palm tree or use a humidifier to maintain a semblance of a tropical climate. Also in the heat and summer, you will need to spray the leaves with soft water. If you use tap water, they can become coated. In winter and autumn, avoid spraying to prevent fungal disease.

4 How to care for a palm tree - rubbing

To maintain the bright and healthy appearance of palm leaves, they should be wiped regularly with a sponge and warm water. Never use chemicals. From the use of floral compositions, the leaves will dry. Leaf pruning is purely individual for each type.

5 How to care for a palm tree - fertilizers

Due to difficult native conditions, palm trees are unpretentious in terms of fertilizing. It is also more difficult for them to absorb nutrients from the soil due to a hard root ball. But if a deterioration in the condition of the plant is noticeable, it is worth using foliar top dressing once a month in spring and summer. Or adjust the fertilizer after watering the soil.

6 How to care for a palm tree - pests

7 How to care for a palm tree - diseases

As with pests, the fight against diseases (fungal and bacteriological type) will lead to a loss of appearance of the palm tree for a long time. Not to mention the possible harm when using chemicals. Treatment should be dealt with only after consultation, and often it will only get rid of physiological ailments.

8 How to care for a palm tree - light

It is not uncommon to see palm trees standing in the corner of rooms away from windows. This is one of the biggest mistakes, because there are very few shade-loving indoor plants. Palm trees require uniform lighting over the entire area, and only in the summer can you cover the windows with light tulle.

9 How to care for a palm tree - transplant

Since palm trees are fast growing plants, they will have to be moved to new containers every 2-3 years. Therefore, when choosing a pot, you need to understand that when transplanting large adult palm trees, containers will often have to be destroyed in order to avoid the decay of the root ball. The material can be any, and the color should be taken light to reduce the absorption of sunlight by the pot. Or use a planter to avoid overheating the roots. The proportions of the pot are simple. The height is greater than the diameter of the neck and the drainage hole. When growing from seed, you do not need to take pots larger than 300 ml, while the increase in the volume of the pot every 3 years should be 30%. If you take pots for growth several times at once, this will only lead to a slowdown in development. Everything has its time.

As you can see, the palm tree is indeed a suitable option for giving your home environment a touch of liveliness. And if it turns out that she is somehow more whimsical, then this will pay off with the contemplation of her eternal green freshness.

It is probably difficult to find a person who would not be surprised by a palm tree. Unless only people living in topics may not notice the unusualness and beauty of this plant. Of course, after all, what surrounds us in everyday reality “blurs” the eye and dulls our perception. What inhabitant of central Russia, for example, will surprise you with poplar, alder or spruce. But the sight of a tropical plant, especially a palm tree, does not leave us indifferent. Looking at its spreading leaves, thoughts are instantly carried away to where it is very warm, bright sun, sea breeze and all sorts of dates, bananas, coconuts ... It will not be a mistake to say that many people want to have this small piece of the tropics at home. What can we say about avid flower growers who can plant any room like a greenhouse? I must say about those who have only 2-3 flowers in the house. Believe me, one of them will definitely be a palm tree. Today, buying a room palm tree is not difficult. Flower shops offer a very large selection of tropical plants. But it's better not to rush.

Choice of home palm.

If a decision is made to buy a palm tree, then first you need to evaluate the “opportunities” of the room where the new green friend is planned to stay. There are types of palm trees that require high temperature, as well as high humidity. These include, for example, coconut, areca or caryota. For other species, moderate temperatures and humidity will be enough: hovei, rapis, geonoma. And there are representatives who need a cool room. These will be trachycarpus, brachea or hamerops.

It would be wrong to limit your knowledge only to the choice of variety. Yes, and go to extremes, wrapping yourself in stacks of scientific literature on crop production, is also not worth it. How to properly care for a palm tree at home?

Basic rules for the maintenance and care of home palm trees.

Let's start with the fact that the palm tree is a selfish plant that will not tolerate the close proximity of other plants. It needs space and light. The room should be brightly lit, but we must remember that the palm tree does not like direct sunlight.

The air temperature in the room is determined by the type of plant (this has already been mentioned), but it is important to remember that palm trees do not like drafts.

Humidity is very important for any palm tree. Therefore, it should be watered abundantly in the summer, and the leaves should be sprayed on both sides. In winter, when the air is cool, watering is replaced by spraying.

The palm tree is very capricious to external damage. Some hobbyists try to quickly cut off the dried tips of the leaves or cut off the top if the plant is very stretched. It absolutely cannot be done. The dried leaf can be removed only when it is completely dry.

A plant up to three years old is recommended to be transplanted every spring into a new pot, and only then only once every three years. Special conditions for transplanting palm trees are not required. They are the same as for all plants: rotten roots are carefully removed, and a new pot is selected according to the size. Some flower growers do not buy ready-made soil for palm transplantation, but make it on their own. In this case, it is necessary to correctly observe all proportions: one part of peat, humus and sand, two parts of leaf and sod land. It will not be superfluous to add charcoal to such a soil mixture, after crushing it.

Plants need to be fed, of course not like pets. The palm tree begins to need feeding only at a “respectable age”. Young, as well as freshly transplanted, plants can not be fed. From March to September, during the period of active growth, an adult palm tree is fertilized once a week.

Subject to these simple rules, indoor palm trees grow strong and beautiful. But they are not immune from disease. When examining a home palm tree, it is important to pay attention to any changes.

signs of house palm disease:

  • With dry air and insufficient watering, the tips of the leaves begin to dry, and the foliage itself turns yellow.
  • If, on the contrary, the soil is very waterlogged, then rusty spots appear on the leaves. This can also happen when watering with hard water or when the air temperature in the room drops sharply.
  • In direct sunlight or in very bright, non-diffused light, young palm leaves will begin to dry out.
  • If the indoor air temperature is too low for this type of palm, or it lacks nutrients, then it simply stops growing. In this case, it is necessary to clarify once again what temperature will be comfortable for the plant, and carry out the feeding procedure.

It remains to be said that this wonderful tropical plant is not whimsical enough, and slow growth allows it to grow in room conditions for over a dozen years.

Palm tree - an exotic houseplant

Dreaming of a corner of the tropics on your windowsill? About exotic? Then, get an indoor palm tree. And how to care for such an exotic houseplant, World Without Harm will tell you ...

Which palm trees do not grow at home

Before we get into specific tips and tricks on how to care for a palm tree at home, let's decide which such plants should not be kept indoors. And no matter how hard we try to create comfortable conditions for them to grow in an ordinary apartment, we are unlikely to succeed. The point is that

such palm trees need special maximum lighting, and throughout the daylight hours, and this should be direct sunlight, high temperature and high humidity.

It is not possible to create such a microclimate on the windowsill. Therefore, in order not to torment the plant, and not to disappoint yourself, you should not start the following types of palm trees at home: Bismarkia nobilis, Brahea, Archontophoenix cumminghaniana (King Palms), Pinangas and Cyrtostachys, most Licualas, Syagrus romanofskiana (Queen Palms), Verschefeltia species, Ravenea rivularis, Genomonas…

If you can create comfortable and correct conditions for growth and development for such plants, go for it, and these exotic guests will delight you with their violent growth.

What soil is suitable for growing palm trees at home

In order for the plant to grow and develop, you need to provide it with a sufficient level of waterproof and breathable soil mixture - a special earth extract. In other words, the soil should be such that after watering the palm tree, excess moisture can freely drain through special drainage holes within a few minutes after you water the plant, while the retention of such moisture in the soil will lead to rotting of the roots and your indoor flower may perish. Also, you must understand that palm trees - although unpretentious plants in care, but they have a special relationship with the soil in which they grow, therefore, transplanting from one pot to another, changing the soil - they endure quite traumatically. So,

if you are going to transplant a palm tree - in no case try to free its roots from the earthy clod around them - this way you can damage the root system and the plant will not take root in a new pot.

Also, it is worth remembering that the longer an indoor flower grows in one pot without replacing the soil, the more intense the processes of changing the acidity of such soil, but since the palm tree does not like transplantation, the maximum that you can do to not severely injure the plant is replace the top layer of soil with a special earthen extract that is intended for growing palms - it can be purchased at a flower shop.

How to water a palm tree and what water

Try not to water your plant with hard water (from the tap), but choose soft and purified (rain) water for watering. If you ignore this recommendation, the soil mixture in which the palm tree will grow will be saturated with salts, and this will negatively affect the “nutrition” of the plant, it will become weak, the leaves will begin to turn yellow.

As for the temperature of the water for irrigation, in no case should it be lower than the effective temperature in the room where the palm tree grows, remember this, otherwise your tropical guest will start to get sick. The watering of the palm tree itself can be conditionally divided into 3 types: without drying the earthen coma, with a slight drying of such an earthen extract, and with a strong drying of the contents of the flower pot. The last watering option should not be too frequent, as the roots of the plant may begin to rot.

How much water to water a palm tree? Fortunately, you are dealing with a “smart” plant, therefore, it has the ability to regulate the processes of water consumption, therefore, you just need to observe the regularity of watering, and your palm tree will figure out the rest by itself. She will release excess moisture through the drainage hole in the pot (it must be). And, here, she will draw a lack of moisture, though not from the amount of water for irrigation, but from the frequency and regularity of irrigation.

Optimum humidity indicator for palm trees and lighting features

Since palm trees are tropical plants, and in the tropics, despite the high temperatures, there is a high indicator of humidity, it can show itself in all its glory if you provide it with a high indicator of humidity. True, in the conditions of apartments - this is not easy to achieve, however, it is possible to increase the humidity exclusively for a room palm tree if

place a special container with water next to the plant, for air, spray the plant (especially in the heat) with distilled or rain water.

In no case do not spray palm leaves with ordinary hard tap water - a white coating forms on them and the flower starts to hurt. Also, do not spray palm leaves in autumn, winter and spring, otherwise the plant, in the absence of conditions for the evaporation of such moisture, may become ill with a fungus. You should also not arrange such water procedures for a palm tree if the plant is in the shade, or it was a cloudy day outside ...

As for lighting, palm trees love light, however, how much such light should be - here it is necessary to take into account the type of plant itself.

How to care for palm leaves

Healthy green leaves are an indicator of palm health

If you did not know, then periodically it is necessary to trim the leaves, however, the correct trimming of such leaves, first of all, depends on the type of your palm tree. The leaves themselves must be periodically washed with warm water or wiped with a damp cloth in order to collect dust from them.

Can special chemical cleaners be used to clean leaves? Experienced palm "breeders" say that this is not worth doing, because the exotic guest is very sensitive to chemical components and instead of benefiting you, you will harm the plant, and its leaves will begin to turn yellow and hurt ...

How and what to fertilize a palm tree

If we consider a palm tree as a tree, then this plant can use limited resources for its development. However, if you do not provide the plant with proper conditions - you do not follow the recommendations regarding soil, watering, humidity, then as a result of growth retardation and an uncomfortable habitat, the palm tree will begin to experience a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements. And then you have to "feed" her. However, depending on the type of palm tree and the condition of the plant, it is necessary to regulate both the amount and. Also, it is worth knowing that you can “feed” not only the soil, but also the roots of the palm tree itself, and this must be done at least once a month.

Diseases and pests of decorative palm

plants bought from hand or brought from tourist trips - almost always require subsequent control of pests that live on their leaves ...

Now, as for palm diseases - they can be conditionally divided into 3 types - bacterial, fungal and physiological character. And, if diseases of a physiological nature are still amenable to self-treatment, then the situation is more complicated with fungal and bacterial infections - they are difficult to identify, they are difficult to treat, not all drugs help, most of these drugs pose a threat to human life and health, the likelihood that they will become infected other plants - very large ...

Dracaena is a slow-growing false palm tree, which gives a growth of 10–15 cm per year. In order for the plant to decorate the house for many years, it is important to know how to water the dracaena. Improper care is the first cause of diseases and pests.

How to properly water dracaena at home

Dracaena is an unpretentious plant that grows well with high humidity. But excessive watering of the soil leads to various diseases of the leaves and root system.

Dracaena is watered after the soil dries out by 2-3 cm.

The reason that the dracaena dies is the wrong watering regimen. During the period of active growth, the shrub is watered regularly, but not more than once a week. In winter, when the dormant period sets in, they water less often, wetting the soil well once or twice a month. For the successful cultivation of a flower, it is very important not to allow the soil to dry out or become waterlogged.

Dracaena is watered with settled soft and warm water. Watering with cold water in winter leads to the death of the plant. In addition to watering, it is necessary to arrange a warm shower once or twice a month. During the heating season, the plant is regularly irrigated with a spray bottle so that the leaves do not suffer from dry air.

What is the danger of improper watering dracaena

If the condition of the dracaena leaves has worsened, the tips have begun to darken, then pruning in this case does not solve anything. Review containment procedures and correct the cause of the problem.

Common mistakes when growing false palm trees:

  • frequent watering. The roots begin to rot, the trunk at ground level becomes soft, the leaves sag. Pull out the plant along with an earthy clod, rinse the ground well, remove all affected areas and rotten roots. Treat the root system with crushed coal and place the shrub in a new substrate. Water well, after which it is not recommended to additionally moisten the soil for 10-14 days;
  • insufficient watering. The tips of the plant dry and die. Adjust watering as recommended, gradually increasing to normal. The affected tips will have to be cut off, as they will not recover;
  • frequent watering and cold content. The plant begins to rot, it is extremely rare to save it. It is better to cut a healthy cutting for rooting;
  • insufficient watering and strong lighting. The leaves dry, become faded, curl and fall off. The bright color of the variegated forms fades. The pot is transferred to a darker place, watering is increased gradually, the plant is sprayed with drugs to protect against stress.

These are far from all the cases that improper watering causes, so keep a close eye on the bush.

Now you know how often to water and irrigate dracaena at different times of the year. Do not let the earthen clod dry out in a pot, and growing problems will bypass you.

Palm trees are excellent representatives of ornamental evergreen plants. Wonderfully enliven living spaces or simply delight the human eye in the midst of everyday routine. And although, at first glance, it may seem that palm trees are unpretentious. Still, do not forget that they come from tropical territories. And you need to adhere to certain conditions for the content.

How to care for a palm tree

First of all, the soil must be kept in a room with sufficient air circulation. An excess of water will lead to suffocation of the roots and death of the plant, and therefore the presence of a drainage hole is mandatory. Also, we must not forget that the palm tree will be in the same earthen composition for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary on a regular basis, once a year, to transplant the plant without destroying the root ball into new soil.

How to care for a palm tree - watering

For irrigation, it is desirable to use purified or rain water, so to speak, soft. When using tap water (in most cases it is hard), it is worth defending it to weather the chlorine. And also replace the top layer of the earth once a year due to the accumulation of salts. The temperature of the water itself should not be lower than room temperature. The frequency of watering depends directly on the species and is often individual.

How to care for a palm tree - humidity

The most difficult task will be to maintain humidity in a room with a palm tree. Due to its origin, you will have to keep wide containers of water near the palm tree or use a humidifier to maintain a semblance of a tropical climate. Also in the heat and summer, you will need to spray the leaves with soft water. If you use tap water, they can become coated. In winter and autumn, avoid spraying to prevent fungal disease.

How to care for a palm tree - rubbing

To maintain the bright and healthy appearance of palm leaves, they should be wiped regularly with a sponge and warm water. Never use chemicals. From the use of floral compositions, the leaves will dry. Leaf pruning is purely individual for each type.

How to care for a palm tree - fertilizers

Due to difficult native conditions, palm trees are unpretentious in terms of fertilizing. It is also more difficult for them to absorb nutrients from the soil due to a hard root ball. But if a deterioration in the condition of the plant is noticeable, it is worth using foliar top dressing once a month in spring and summer. Or adjust the fertilizer after watering the soil.

How to care for a palm tree - pests

How to care for a palm tree - diseases

As with pests, the fight against diseases (fungal and bacteriological type) will lead to a loss of appearance of the palm tree for a long time. Not to mention the possible harm when using chemicals. Treatment should be dealt with only after consultation, and often it will only get rid of physiological ailments.

How to care for a palm tree - light

It is not uncommon to see palm trees standing in the corner of rooms away from windows. This is one of the biggest mistakes, because there are very few shade-loving indoor plants. Palm trees require uniform lighting over the entire area, and only in the summer can you cover the windows with light tulle.

How to care for a palm tree - transplant

Since palm trees are fast growing plants, they will have to be moved to new containers every 2-3 years. Therefore, when choosing a pot, you need to understand that when transplanting large adult palm trees, containers will often have to be destroyed in order to avoid the decay of the root ball. The material can be any, and the color should be taken light to reduce the absorption of sunlight by the pot. Or use a planter to avoid overheating the roots. The proportions of the pot are simple. The height is greater than the diameter of the neck and the drainage hole. When growing from seed, you do not need to take pots larger than 300 ml, while the increase in the volume of the pot every 3 years should be 30%. If you take pots for growth several times at once, this will only lead to a slowdown in development. Everything has its time.

As you can see, the palm tree is indeed a suitable option for giving your home environment a touch of liveliness. And if it turns out that she is somehow more whimsical, then this will pay off with the contemplation of her eternal green freshness.

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