Kagocel consequences. The medicine. Health. Interaction with other drugs

There is no doubt that the fathers-inventors of kagocel believe in the miraculous power of their remedy, but not in terms of improving the health of the population, but exclusively in the ability to bring money. In 2013, Kagocel outperformed anaferon and arbidol, which are close in terms of group affiliation, "fuflomycins", capturing 19% of the market for "anti-influenza" drugs - 12.5 million packs. Isn't it famously for the "interferon inductor" molded from toxic polyphenol of cotton and cellulose.

Kagotsel was very lucky that he was invented by the director of the N.F. Gamalei Felix Ershov, together with Vladimir Nesterenko, head of the department of immunology, accountable to him. Kagocel was lucky that the academician and his colleague had their own Nearmedic Plus corporation and connections. The contacts in the practical and scientific world, which made it possible to quickly conduct clinical trials with a guaranteed positive result, are largely due to the fact that high-quality laboratory glassware was used. Ministerial relations ensured the introduction of the drug into the Vital and Essential Drugs.

As for the scientific justification, not a single domestic drug has been tested on such a number of patients as Kagocel - two thousand. True, all studies were not without a powerful conflict of interest - the participation of authors-producers, but at that time, interest in the results was not prohibited. How not to trust epidemiologists-immunologists - since they said that it is useful, it is. And do not care that interferon has a therapeutic effect if it is millions of units, and the body is able to produce only a few dozen, and even then not everyone.

And now, on the threshold of 2012, kagocel, like a nanomedicine, is taken under the patronage of the state corporation Rosnano, allocating 1.2 billion rubles only for intellectual property - the kagocel trademark. The duet of Nearmedic and Rusnano is building a production line in Obninsk, flooding the country's pharmacies with a useful tool that reduces the incidence of influenza and SARS. Rosnano did not last long, in December 2013 it was announced that it was selling its share to the same founding fathers of the facility. The Moor has done his job - he has rebuilt production, the Moor can leave. But kagogocel was that rare project of unprofitable Rosnano, which brought 41.1% of the profit.

Verily, the hen laid golden eggs to all who touched it. The Nearmedic Plus empire grew with a turnover of 1.9 billion rubles in 2011. With just one drug, the network of Nearmedic Plus medical centers, the production of reagents for medical research Biopharmaholding, and the Newest Medicine, which treats patients with stem cells, grew up. Then still a minister, Golikova, in a pharmacy raid, always inquired about the stocks of arbidol and kagocel.

An attempt by competitors to knock down sales with assurances of corruption along the line of male power turned out to be fruitless. Even the starving heroes of the NTV television project Ostrov had only Kagocel, shampoo for horses and cream for cows in abundance - three most important and equivalent products. Everything ingenious is simple: “We took cellulose, this is a polymer from cotton, we took another certain substance obtained from cotton, combined it with cellulose and got a polymer. It is called "Kagotsel". In the hands of a master, even a handful of dust can turn into gold. The Russians should be thankful that the founding fathers failed to invent a second such kagocel.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon



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Influenza, parainfluenza, rotavirus, herpes infection and others. For this reason, adults, adolescents and children suffer. According to disappointing statistics, in the Russian Federation, about 16% of the working population is forced to take sick leave due to the exacerbation of viral diseases. In the spring (usually in March), many schools and kindergartens are quarantined for the same reason. Fortunately, there are modern antiviral drugs that can be used both as a preventive measure and as a treatment. Kagocel is one of those. This is a very popular tool. From this article you will learn a lot about "Kagocel": instructions for use, reviews, price, analogues, contraindications for admission.

Composition and principle of action of the drug

The active ingredient is the substance Kagocel (12 milligrams in one tablet). The composition also includes fairly safe and common auxiliary elements: fructose, crospovidone, potato starch, povidone, ludipress.

According to the pharmacological effect on the human body, "Kagocel" partly resembles other antiviral drugs. The effectiveness of the therapeutic action of Kagocel, unlike its analogues, is possible due to the ability of its active substance to influence the production of gamma globulin (human interferon). Gamma globulin is an antibody with the highest antiviral activity of all substances discovered to date.

Synthesis of antibodies in the body is carried out at the cellular level. This process becomes possible due to the production of T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, granulocytes. Due to this process, Kagocel influences viruses and infections. Another property of the drug - in addition to the fight and prevention of infection with viral diseases, it is able to increase immunity.

Approximately eighteen hours after taking the first Kagocel tablet, the concentration of antibodies in the red blood cells of the blood reaches a fairly high level. The effect is quite long compared to analogues (the effect of interferon in human blood lasts up to five days).

"Kagocel" is not a hepatotoxic drug, that is, it does not harm the liver and bile ducts. It has been studied and is relatively unproblematic with respect to the possibility of teratogenic and mutagenic properties.

"Kagocel" does not accumulate in tissues. The low toxicity of the drug in relation to the human embryo makes it acceptable to take it during pregnancy (only after consulting a doctor). "Kagocel" does not have a carcinogenic effect on the cells and tissues of the body.

pharmachologic effect

For the fastest and most obvious therapeutic effect, "Kagocel" should start drinking no later than three days after the onset of the initial symptoms of an infectious disease. The more time passes since the activation of the virus, the less effective the medication may be. Reviews of "Kagocel" confirm its maximum effectiveness in the earliest stages of colds and flu, herpes infestations.

The drug is also ideal for the prevention of the following diseases:

  • SARS,
  • flu,
  • parainfluenza,
  • rotavirus infection,
  • herpes infection and others.

You can read about contraindications, instructions, price and reviews for Kagocel just below.

Pharmacological action of "Kagocel": it has a mild antiviral, immunostimulating, radioprotective and partially antimicrobial activity. Belongs to an extensive family of interferon inducing drugs. Instructions for use, analogues, price and reviews of this drug confirm that it is one of the most popular drugs on the modern pharmacological market.

"Kagocel" is activated in the liver into antibodies already five to eight hours after taking the first pill. In people with liver disease, this process can take up to three to four hours longer. The active substance partially settles in the lymph nodes, kidneys. A tiny concentration (about 5 mmol) may remain in muscle tissue. A week later, all accumulations of antibodies leave the tissues and not a single laboratory analysis will prove the fact of receiving interferons from the outside.

Indications for taking the drug

"Kagocel" is prescribed by general practitioners and pediatricians to adults and children for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections. Also, the drug showed in laboratory tests the ability to alleviate the condition of patients under the following conditions:

  • acute period of herpes (including genital);
  • rotavirus infections - as an aid;
  • urogenital chlamydia in both men and women (as part of complex therapy);
  • manifestations of viral infection - runny nose, wet cough, tearing, weakness and low performance.

Reviews of the use of "Kagocel" for herpes indicate that the drug not only treats existing scabs, but is also a good prevention due to the ability to increase overall immunity.

In the acute course of viral infections and influenza in adults, it is recommended to conduct a course of treatment with "Kagocel" for four days. The total number of tablets taken is 18 pieces. The first two days you should take a loading dose for maximum effect on viruses: two tablets three times a day. The following days, take one tablet three times a day. The time of eating does not affect the absorption of Kagocel.

In order to prevent viral diseases and influenza in adults, the drug should be used in cycles. For the first two days, take two Kagocel tablets once a day. Morning or evening, it doesn't matter. Then take a five day break. And repeat the shock technique in the amount of two tablets. Thus, repeat the described scheme from one week to two months. This dosage will avoid infection with viral diseases even during quarantine and epidemics.

For the treatment of children from three to six years, the following scheme is most effective: the duration of the course is four days, the total number of tablets taken is six. They should be taken for the first two days, one tablet twice a day. For the next two days, give the child one tablet once a day.

In order to prevent viral diseases and influenza in children over six years of age, the following dosage is recommended: the first two days, one tablet once a day, then five days off. Thus, repeat the described scheme of cyclic intake from one week to two months. Proper dosage will avoid infection with viral diseases even during quarantine and epidemics.


In case of overdose, it is indicated with subsequent induction of vomiting. Before resuming therapy, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Side effects

Reviews, instructions for use for Kagocel (we will describe analogs later) claim that in 85-90 percent of cases everything goes well and without any complications. However, about 10 percent of adults and children may develop the following symptoms:

  • chills, increased thermogenesis due to the acceleration of metabolism from taking interferons;
  • upset stomach - possible with individual intolerance to the main active substance or auxiliary components;
  • allergic reactions - urticaria, rashes, swelling.

The simple application and the price of "Kagocel" make this drug a leader in the modern pharmacological market of antiviral agents. A minimum of side effects makes it possible to take even for children. Instructions, price, reviews, analogues of "Kagocel" - all this information is recommended to be studied before use.

Contraindications for admission

You should carefully start taking it with small doses or completely abandon the use of "Kagocel" in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and lactation - only after consulting a doctor.
  • Children's age up to three years inclusive.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Lactose intolerance and glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Instructions and reviews about Kagocel report relatively rare manifestations of side effects, even if there are contraindications. Nevertheless, you should not tempt fate, and if you suspect an unfavorable absorption of the drug, it is better to completely refuse to take it.

Use for children and teenagers

The use of any medication for children requires a careful approach. Having started giving Kagocel to your child, it is worth monitoring his condition every few hours, measuring the temperature and examining the body. In the event of an increase in fever or the appearance of urticaria, the reception should be discontinued.

Instructions for use and reviews of Kagocel emphasize that the drug should not be given to children under three years of age. Starting from the age of four, the drug proved to be a mild and effective remedy with a rather rare manifestation of side effects. It effectively removes all the symptoms of a cold. It extinguishes sore throat with angina, reduces tearing and discharge from the nose. "Kagocel" will help schoolchildren to recover in just a few days and not miss classes. The effect of strengthening general immunity will make it possible to suffer less viral diseases in the future.

"Kagocel": analogues

The pharmacological market offers the following medicinal alternatives to Kagocel:

  • "Anaferon" is a homeopathic antiviral drug. The price varies from two hundred to five hundred rubles. Reviews about the analogue of "Kagocel" are ambiguous: there are many people who are dissatisfied with the effect of the drug, who claim that it is just a placebo without a clinically proven effect.
  • Arbidol is an antiviral drug with an active ingredient called umifenovir. The price for it starts from three hundred rubles. Some pharmacies sell one blister. Judging by what reviews consumers leave about Kagocel, it fights flu and colds much more effectively than Arbidol.
  • "Remantadine" is an antiviral drug developed back in the Soviet years. It is cheap - about sixty rubles per pack. Alas, its effectiveness leaves much to be desired: over the years, viruses have adapted to Remantadine, and now it is practically useless in most cases. In addition, it has many side effects and contraindications. Reviews about the analogue of "Kagocel" called "Remantadin" are often negative.
  • "Cycloferon" in addition to the antiviral effect still effectively reduces pain. Great for sore throat, sore throat, muscle pain. Can relieve pain from sciatica. With regular use, it strengthens the immune system. According to its chemical formula, the main active substance is closest to Kagocel's interferons.

Interaction with other drugs

When side effects occur with colds and flu, you often have to take several medicines at the same time. How safe is it to combine other medical medicines with Kagocel? Reviews do not report any serious side effects. Let's turn to the opinion of medicine in this regard.

On the basis of the conducted studies, it has been proved: "Kagocel" effectively complements the action of homeopathic antiviral agents. This fact makes it possible to take it in complex therapy.

"Kagocel" enhances the effect of antibiotics, antihistamines and immunostimulants. When using these drugs at the same time, you should first consult with your doctor about your intentions. In no case should you self-medicate.

In the case of taking several drugs at the same time, there is often an increase or decrease in the therapeutic effect of one or both drugs. This is a big risk, since with increased exposure to serious drugs, there may be cases of falling into a coma, poisoning, and even death.

I rarely get colds, although I get a runny nose every time I get cold. I lie in bed and I have a temperature about once a year. So this autumn, a cold overtook me again: on the November holidays I hung out in the square, got caught in the rain and got my feet wet. The result was a runny nose, and then a fever.

Through the long agony of doubt, acquired antiviral drug Kagocel. The manufacturer of which, by the way, is a Russian pharmaceutical company. I was surprised when I found out. My treatment stories will be in the recall, let's go!

Kagocel is a Russian drug. Not registered in the USA and Western Europe. According to representatives of the Formulary Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and OSDM, the effectiveness of the drug has not been proven.

That is why I doubted whether to take the drug again, despite the fact that I already drank it. In general, a lot of negative things about Kagocel can be found on the net, but I did not once again wind myself up with information. All my acquaintances and friends actively advised me it as an effective remedy for colds, and I succumbed to persuasion. The main thing for me it was faster to recover from SARS and get back on my feet. Usually, at the first sign of a disease, I am saved by all sorts of powders, but this time they did not help me.

for sale Kagocel in any pharmacy, the difference is only in price, released without a prescription. I bought in pharmacies "Mint" and "First Aid" (St. Petersburg) for 244 and 248 rubles. Not the cheapest pharmacies, but it was not possible to go to others, as they are far from home. For Kagocel, the price in Ozerki (St. Petersburg) is 212 rubles. This is the cost of one box of 10 tablets.

The course of treatment requires two packages, the monetary equivalent of 500 rubles. My opinion: even if it costs a thousand, the main thing is to heal! Health is not an area in which you need to save.

for sale Kagocel in a cardboard glossy box, which contains one blister with tablets and instructions for use. The design of the box is simple, in gray and white. There is a brief information about the drug, shelf life, which is 2 years.

When I googled quotes for a review, I saw that just a couple of days ago the design of the box had changed. Now it is wider and yellow (photo below). The following information was found on the net regarding the new packaging:

Now the packaging has a QR code that can be read using a smartphone or tablet, get to the official website of the drug and get detailed information about Kagocel.

The new blister is more convenient to use, and the manufacturer has also added Braille information to the packaging. For the thrifty - great news: the shelf life of the antiviral drug Kagocel is now 4 years.

blister with Kagocel tablets the most common, plastic with foil. I don’t know why the new blister is more convenient, but the tablets are squeezed out easily from the old one. The name of the drug and the number of mg in one tablet are written on the back.

The tablets themselves are just tiny in size! This size will not scare children. A tablet of Kagocel is several times less than fifty and ten kopecks. Colour they have beige smell do not have, but taste I didn't feel it when I took it. It probably doesn't exist either. They are swallowed without problems, although it is better to drink Kagocel with water, like any other tablets.

How to use Kagocel adults and children detailed in the instructions for use. I bring it here in full. To view the image in a larger format, click on it. In red, I highlighted the points about the dosage and method of application. The instruction, unfortunately, has its drawbacks, since it does not indicate to take Kagocel before or after meals and at what time interval. This information came from experience.

For a course of treatment colds (adult) requires 2 packs of 10 tablets, as a result, there are 2 extra pills that are not clear where to go. Kagocel 20 tablets does not exist, which is a pity. It would be nice if they made one pack of 18 or 20 tablets. Kagocel can also be used for prevention, but there will be completely different dosages and costs.

How to take Kagocel for adults with a cold? I drank according to the instructions on the first day, 2 tablets, then one three times a day. Total the course of treatment is 4 days. Very convenient, especially if the drug helps. But he helped me only once, just this year.

my first acquaintance with Kagocel took place in 2016, I caught a cold and had a high temperature. I was treated with Vicks Active powder antipyretic and, in fact, the subject of this review. I started treatment on time, I didn’t want to get sick during the holidays. Then I did not notice a pronounced effect from Kagocel. She was completely cured in a week, that is, three days after taking the pills. Vicks helped to remove the temperature. Then I was treated for a cough for another month.

On the November holidays of 2017 (I'm lucky when I get sick when people walk honestly!) My ARVI was less severe, at first my nose was very stuffy. I took AnviMax powder at night. It seemed to feel better in the morning, but also a sore throat.

On the second day, she was treated only with AnviMax. By the evening of the second day, subfebrile temperature appeared - 37.2. I really don't like this one, it's hard to knock it down. I took the powder, sweated well. But on the morning of the third day, the temperature remained the same, weakness and dizziness appeared. It was decided to take Kagocel. As they brought it to me, I took 2 tablets at once. Since I did not start drinking the medicine in the morning, I took the pills with an interval of 4 hours. In the evening of the same day, I felt an improvement, drank the powder, sweated and the temperature became normal!

Then I drank Kagocel after breakfast, lunch and dinner one tablet for 3 days. Tablet Feeling gradually improved, the temperature did not return. For the throat, I additionally used Hexoral and Lazolvan cough syrup. Now a day has passed since taking the last pill of Kagocel. Feeling great, no congestion, cough gone. I have never healed so quickly.

I think that Kagocel significantly contributed to my quick recovery for the second time. With belated treatment of ARVI, therefore, it is more effective than with timely. The answer to the main question of the review "Does Kagocel help?": Yes, but not always.

analogues Kagocela Remantadin, Cycloferon and Arbidol are considered. The first one was given to me in childhood by my mother with the flu (it helped), and the second one was taken for the prevention of the herpes virus (Kagocel, by the way, can also be drunk against herpes). In terms of action, Remantadine is a more predictable drug, it has always helped, as far as I remember. Cycloferon is also a means to strengthen the immune system.

You can use Kagocel for the prevention of colds, which should strengthen the immune system. Do I need an immune booster? My mother, a general practitioner, took a categorically negative position on this issue. Such drugs still will not help to avoid the disease, which means it is a waste of money. I, in turn, believe that if you are engaged in maintaining immunity, then only proven drugs, whose effectiveness has been proven. And this is clearly not Kagocel.

To take or not to take Kagocel question is moot. If the usual methods of treatment do not help, then it is worth the risk. If the drug was dangerous, then, I think, it would not be sold everywhere without a doctor's prescription. But the unproven effectiveness of confidence does not inspire, and even repels. However, I had no side effects, allergic reactions to the drug. In one of the two cases, Kagocel helped me significantly, so I still recommend it. In cases similar to mine.

Thank you for your feedback, good luck! And if you're already sick, get well soon.


First of all, I want to say that my review is written only on the basis of my personal experience with the drug, my observations, and it has nothing to do with the imposition of advertising or the opinions of others.

First time with drug kagocel I met 4 years ago. The child went to kindergarten, endless sores began, they hurt every month, or even 2 times a month. One or two weeks in the garden and fell down with the virus, then again 1-2 weeks in the garden and the virus, and so on in a circle.

Once again, with ARVI, the pediatrician prescribed the child kagocel. I must say that our pediatrician is excellent (she is not from our clinic), she always makes the correct diagnosis and all her appointments are very sensible. Usually she prescribes cheap analogues of drugs, because the composition can be the same, but the price can differ significantly. You can always consult with her about this or that drug, and I am always sure that she does not shove me another advertised medicine, but really wants to help the child.

We bought Kagocel in a pharmacy for 240 rubles. For a child, 1 box was enough for me. For an adult, you will have to immediately buy 2, and it’s already somehow expensive.

Producer - NEARMEDIC PLUS LLC, Russia

************************* COMPOSITION, DESCRIPTION, PHARMACOTHERAPEUTIC GROUP***************************

COMPOSITION: Active substance: Kagocel 12 mg. Excipients: potato starch - 10 mg, calcium stearate - 0.65 mg, Ludipress (direct compression lactose, composition: lactose monohydrate, povidone (Kollidon 30), crospovidone (Kollidon CL)) - to obtain a tablet weighing 100 mg.
DESCRIPTION: Cream to brown tablets, round, biconvex, with patches.


There are 10 small tablets in a box with some small inclusions.

The regimen for taking Kagocel is very simple:

For the treatment of influenza and SARS, adults are prescribed in the first two days - 2 tablets 3 times a day, in the next two days - one tablet 3 times a day. In total, the course - 18 tablets, the duration of the course - 4 days.
Prevention of influenza and SARS in adults is carried out in 7-day cycles: two days - 2 tablets 1 time per day, 5 days break, then repeat the cycle. The duration of the prophylactic course is from one week to several months.
For the treatment of herpes in adults, 2 tablets are prescribed 3 times a day for 5 days. Total for the course - 30 tablets, course duration - 5 days.
For the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, children aged 3 to 6 years are prescribed in the first two days - 1 tablet 2 times a day, in the next two days - one tablet 1 time per day. Total for the course - 6 tablets, the duration of the course - 4 days.
For the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, children aged 6 years and older are prescribed in the first two days - 1 tablet 3 times a day, in the next two days - one tablet 2 times a day. Total for the course - 10 tablets, course duration - 4 days.
Prevention of influenza and SARS in children over the age of 3 years is carried out in 7-day cycles: two days - 1 tablet 1 time per day, 5 days break, then repeat the cycle. The duration of the prophylactic course is from one week to several months.

At that time, the child recovered quite quickly, there were no complications, it was our first experience with the use of an antiviral drug and such a good result. But after the child, my body could not stand it and I collapsed with a high fever. My son sneezed so much during his illness that it was not difficult to catch the virus from him. And since I suffer from chronic tonsillitis and sinusitis, one sneeze is enough for me. She was seriously ill, gargled her throat endlessly, used various sprinklers, but in the end she came to antibiotics, because nothing helped.

After the next illness of the child, I also collapsed, and again with a throat. I got a sore throat, was treated with antibiotics, and all the time it seemed to me that it would never end. Antibiotics are known to have a detrimental effect on the immune system, so I had to do something in order not to fall down with the virus again.

Our pediatrician advised me, when the child catches another virus in the garden, I should immediately start taking Kagocel, and not according to the preventive scheme, but as in the treatment. I did so. And what was my surprise that in the end I didn’t get sick at all, one day I had a little sore throat and that’s it! No more unpleasant symptoms! And the child recovered, and I'm on my feet. Not sick...

There are rumors on the Internet that Kagocel is very harmful, that it has some irreversible consequences. I am not a doctor, and not a chemist, I can’t say anything for sure about this. Almost all medicines treat one thing, cripple another, there is no surprise here. Even many herbs have, for example, a strong abortive effect, stronger than synthetic drugs. It is also possible that such rumors are just the intrigues of competitors, because if kagotsel helped me, then it will surely help others. Another thing - you need to understand in what cases it should be taken, and in which it is not worth it.

With the flu, Kagocel will not help at all, no matter how much you would like to. The only antiviral agent for influenza sold in Russia is Tamiflu! You will not find it so easily in any pharmacy, this is a serious drug! Doctors prescribe Tamiflu in case of a very severe course of the disease and for people with a weakened immune system. And this is strictly under the supervision of a doctor. And don't confuse the flu with the common cold. With influenza, the symptoms of the disease occur suddenly and increase at lightning speed, this is a very acute severe infection, often causing complications, up to death.

I will share with you my rules that help me not get sick during outbreaks of acute respiratory infections:

  • If you want to start taking an antiviral drug, then keep in mind that you should drink it at the first symptoms of the disease. Not on the 3rd or 5th day of illness, but as early as possible at the first signs of malaise. Here the manufacturers are cunning saying that Kagocel is effective from any day of admission. Tested on myself - the sooner you start taking, the greater the chance of success.
  • Never take the same antiviral agent, the body gets used to it, and the next time it may not work. Alternate medications. In one case of illness, one remedy, in the next, another. For example, kagocel-ergoferron-cytovir 3 - lavomax. And, by the way, doctors know which antiviral drug to use for a particular disease. For example, I learned from my pediatrician that in the case of a rotovirus or norovirus infection, ergoferron is most effective.
  • With a virus, drink as much liquid as possible - water, tea, fruit drinks, compotes, etc. The more we drink, the faster we remove the infection from our body. Many mothers probably noticed the smell of acetone from the mouth in a sick child. This indicates the strongest intoxication of the body with a virus. Therefore, it is not necessary to force food if the child does not want to, but it is necessary to drink, and drink a lot.
  • There is a very wonderful device - dolphin, I have long wanted to write a review about him, but all hands do not reach. So dolphin is a simple nasal lavage system. It is sold in any pharmacy, it is not expensive and it will last you for a long time. Recently, I have been using it very often, it has replaced antiviral agents for me. The point is that you wash your nose as a preventive measure or during an illness. Such washing of the sinuses does not allow the virus to settle in the body and turn into a disease. The device comes with sachets of flushing solution. The composition of the solution is simple and natural - salt, soda, chamomile and licorice extract. Try it, this seemingly simple remedy is actually very effective, especially at an early stage of the disease. I also sometimes drip 2-3 drops into this solution. malavita, this tool is very effective, if you are interested, read my review.

  • Ventilate the room more often, especially where you sleep. If the air is dry, get a humidifier. I turn it on when we are going to sleep all night, in the main one during the heating period. When our mucosa is hydrated, it prevents viruses from entering the body through the sinuses.
  • With the onset of a runny nose, a quartz ultraviolet lamp helps me very well. I warm up the nose for 5-7 days for 1-3 minutes (every day adding a little, maximum 3 minutes).

There are still very a simple scheme of protection against the virus based on the intake of ascorbic acid , regular vitamin C, which can be bought in sachets at any pharmacy. Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant, it protects our cells like a shield from the penetration of the virus. At the very first symptoms of the disease, when you are just assuming that you are getting sick (for example, you want to lie down or you experience some kind of discomfort), start taking ascorbic acid according to this scheme:

1st and 2nd day - 2 g of ascorbic acid per day

3rd and 4th day - 1 g per day

5.6 and 7th day - 0.5 g per day.

Do not forget that vitamin C irritates the stomach, so it should be taken with food.

Also, as a support for immunity, we take with the child a natural remedy for bee bread. This is essentially a storehouse of natural natural vitamins, which is completely absorbed by our body, unlike synthetic vitamins. Perga is hypoallergenic, it can be given to children. As an exception, honey with bee bread is used; with this use, an allergic child may be allergic to honey. But however there is an alternative - to give dry bee bread without honey.

The course is also very effective. propolis tinctures . For an adult - 25 drops at night for a month. For a child - how many years, so many drops, diluted in water. For example, 6 years means 6 drops of tincture. I bought a propolis tincture in a pharmacy for "mad money" - for only 18 rubles. They took it for a month, a break for a month, then you can repeat it for another 1 month.

Kagocel is one of the few immunomodulatory drugs in tablets, which are characterized by powerful activity against viral infection. The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by the ability of its components to inhibit (suppress) the activity of rotavirus and herpes infections, SARS and influenza. According to the principle of reaction to the virus, the drug is similar to other drugs - the therapeutic effect is achieved by synthesizing human interferon (endogenous protein gamma globulin) in the blood - an organic antibody with powerful antiviral activity.

The production of antibodies by the human body begins with cellular activation of lymphocytes, granulocytes, macrophages, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells. After taking Kagocel, the maximum cellular concentration of the produced immunoglobulin reaches a critical point. By activating the enzyme components (protein kinase and adelityl synthetase), gamma globulin inhibits the synthesis (penetration) of the protein and RNA of the virus.

In simple terms, being essentially an inducer of the immune response, the drug literally forces the body to produce a shock dose of antiviral antibodies.

Kagocel has a high duration of active action, is used at any stage of the disease, is easily excreted from the body (up to 99% of the dose on the 7th day), has no cumulative properties and side effects.

According to the manufacturer's instructions for use, Kagocel is an antiviral drug approved by the Russian Ministry of Health as an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and herpes. Since 2006, the medicine has been included in the public procurement of essential medicines.

For what diseases is Kagocel prescribed?

The drug is prescribed by a doctor for symptoms of viral etiology:

  • SARS;
  • ORZ, ;
  • diseases of the mucous membranes in the form of grouped bubble rashes ();
  • cytomegalovirus infection;

The effectiveness of Kagocel in rotavirus - what is the essence of the treatment

Organically persistent (persistent) rotavirus significantly reduces the immune defenses of an infected person. The deficiency of interferon is especially noticeable during the period of children's seasonal morbidity. When the immune response is activated, the elimination (removal) of the virus from the body occurs quickly and, as a result, a quick recovery occurs.

With the development of rotavirus disease, taking Kagocel provokes a concentration of active immune cells in the intestine as early as 4 hours after the first tablet. This allows you to significantly reduce the manifestations of intoxication, normalizes body temperature, quickly stops the signs of dehydration by stabilizing the stool and stimulates the regenerative function of the epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa.

The inclusion of Kagocel in the complex treatment of rotavirus significantly reduces the risk of re-infection, which prevents further spread of the infection. The reason for this is the influence of Kagocel on the reproductive function of the viral particle in the body. This fact is clinically identified and substantiated by leading virologists according to laboratory studies of the interaction of gamma globulin to infection.

Schemes of taking Kagocel tablets for rotavirus in children

  • the first two days, one tablet twice a day;
  • the next two days, one tablet per day.

Children of the older age category (from 6 years old) are recommended to take the medicine in the following proportions:

  • the first two days on a tablet three times a day;
  • then two days on a tablet twice a day.

The total number of Kagocel tablets per course of treatment should not exceed 10 per person.

Course therapy significantly accelerates the recovery period, prevents the spread of pathogenic microflora to other organs, and contributes to the rapid localization of the infectious focus. The effectiveness of the treatment of adults with a course of the drug was studied according to dynamic indicators and laboratory tests. On the basis of the data obtained, it was concluded that the general picture of spastic manifestations does not change during the first two days. Against the background of a decrease in the respiratory clinic, a decrease in the signs of rhinitis is recorded on the third day, and a decrease in the frequency of diarrhea on the fourth day. At the same time, already on the second day the patient notes an improvement in well-being and the appearance of appetite.

Schemes for the prevention and treatment of viral disease with Kagocel in an adult patient

Before talking about the schemes for taking Kagocel tablets for various diseases, it should be noted that the medicine is intended for oral (internal) use. During treatment, the tablet can not be divided in half, broken into pieces, tear off the film shell.

The principle of the drug regimens developed by the manufacturer is aimed at the formation of a shock immune response. Consistent dosage reduction provides a long-lasting protective barrier.

In the absence of positive results during the first three days of using Kagocel, the doctor is allowed to adjust the prescribed course, taking into account medical indicators in dynamics.

Table of application of the drug Kagocel (dosage for adults)

In cases of epidemics of a viral disease, it is advisable to take preventive measures with the use of the drug in accordance with the presented norms. The course of prevention and treatment with Kagocel should not exceed 3 times 2 days of taking tablets and two consecutive 5-day intervals.

With the active stage of herpes, it is better to use a loading dose of Kagocel - 3 tablets per day for 5 days.

Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not exactly indicate how to drink a Kagocel tablet. However, based on general medical practice, medicines are usually washed down with plain water, boiled at room temperature. The medicine should not be taken with alcohol, strong coffee or hot tea.

Schemes of taking the drug Kagocel for children

The child's body is most vulnerable during the off-season change of weather. Most often, children become infected with viruses, being constantly in a certain society - for example, in a kindergarten or a school class. For the development of an epidemic, close contact of several persons with an infected child is sufficient. The conditions of accumulation of children in one room contribute to the rapid spread of the virus. Therefore, it is very important to notice the symptoms in time and take appropriate safety measures.

Table of reception of Kagocel for children of different age categories

For the purpose of therapeutic therapy for children under 6 years of age, a 4-day course of Kagocel is carried out. For older children (up to 12 years old), 10 tablets are used in one course.

According to the instructions, the duration of the course in the prevention of viral diseases in children under 6 years of age can be carried out in a month, with the obligatory observance of 5-day intervals.

Kagocel during pregnancy and breastfeeding - can I take it?

Based on the hypoallergenicity and non-toxicity of the active ingredient, and also given the absence of side effects of the drug, many patients believe that Kagocel can be taken during an interesting situation, both for prevention and during illness. Understanding this issue, let us turn to the results of laboratory analytics in the study of the effect of the drug on a living organism.

Following the unanimous opinion of leading immunologists, as well as paying attention to the instructions of the drug manufacturer, the drug is not recommended for use during pregnancy. There is a hypothesis about the occurrence of a detrimental effect of the active immunoglobulin on the organic tissue of the fetus. This threatens with intrauterine immune failures of a small organism, which in the future can provoke possible complications. These concerns are related to the ability of Kagocel to penetrate the placental barrier.

The concentration of the drug in the composition of breast milk is confirmed by clinical tests. Such milk is harmful to the child, because it threatens the development of immune failures of a fragile organism.

Given the data obtained, the vast majority of doctors recommend that patients refrain from using Kagocel during pregnancy and lactation. If such recommendations cannot be avoided, short-term breast weaning is allowed during the course of treatment. In such cases, the interval must be maintained - from the moment of taking the first pill until a week after the end of the course, it is impossible to breastfeed the baby.

Is it possible to combine a course of treatment with Kagocel and alcohol?

Taking medication and alcoholic beverages at the same time is strictly prohibited. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, when stimulating the produced interferons, complications can occur in the form of severe forms of psychosomatic nervous disorders. With alcohol abuse, these disorders can become irreversible.

Contraindications and side effects of Kagocel

Contraindications when taking the medicine include allergic reactions to the medication, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Due to the lack of confirmed information on the effect of the drug on children under 3 years of age (no studies have been conducted) - according to the instructions for Kagocel, this category is also included in contraindications.

Careful adherence to medical prescriptions minimizes the occurrence of side effects from taking the medication.

The appearance of these symptoms is most often associated with individual intolerance to one of the components that make up the drug. Such signs of intolerance include atopic rhinitis, muscle weakness, slight irritability.

For patients with body weight below normal, the drug should be administered carefully, individually selecting the daily or course dosage. The necessary correction of treatment should be carried out under constant monitoring of the dynamics of the patient's condition.

Why does the temperature rise after taking Kagocel?

The composition of Kagocel does not include substances that have a peculiarity of influencing the temperature regime of the patient's body during the period of illness. When treating, it should be remembered that the drug is an additional medicine and is in no way able to cope with a strong infection alone without prior prevention.

Signs of high temperature indicate the progression of infectious pathology. This means that the patient needs an urgent consultation with a doctor in order to prescribe antibacterial and immunostimulating therapy at the same time.

The effect of Kagocel on reproductive function

To date, disputes of medical luminaries about the “spicy” side effect of Kagocel for the strong half of humanity still do not stop. Let's understand why this antiviral drug can be harmful for boys and for men.

The fundamental chemical reaction of the drug is based on the substance gossypol. It is a natural polyphenol from a number of enzyme dehydrogenase inhibitors. The organic compound is used in China as an oral contraceptive for men. In addition to antiviral and antimicrobial properties, this antioxidant inhibits the development of male germ cells, which can cause infertility.

According to the manufacturer, Kagocel does not break down during organic replication, but no supporting studies have been provided. Therefore, it is quite logical that the presence of bound gossypol in the composition of the drug does not exclude the minimum possibility of its accumulation in the body with frequent use of the drug. This fact causes fair concern about the sexual health of boys, especially during the formation and maturation of spermatozoa.

Comparison of Kagocel with other antiviral drugs

For some reason, we are convinced that the sooner we start treatment, the sooner we will recover. Everything is used, from grandmother's jam and honey to well-known antiviral drugs. Fortunately, the modern choice of pharmacy offers is replete with names. Of course, before choosing a particular medicine, you should consult your doctor. But it doesn't hurt to learn a little more information about existing and popular antiviral drugs for general development. We present you a small review of Kagocel's analogues and their comparison with the original.

Remantadin (price about 70-90 rubles)

When choosing which is better Kagocel or Remantadin, you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of each of the drugs.

For example, Remantadine is based on adamantane derivatives known for their effectiveness against group A viruses in the early stages of treatment. The drug has been produced since 1963. Since the established modifications of the A group of viruses resistant to adamantanes are relevant today, the medicine is considered obsolete.

Kagocel, according to the manufacturer, has a therapeutic effect at later stages of the development of the disease. In addition, the principle of operation of this agent does not allow viruses to develop resistance (resistance), since the molecular cells of interferon absolutely do not care what the "enemy" is - it must be destroyed.

Ingavirin (price up to 450 rubles)

The activity of Invagirin is due to the synthesized biogenic aminohistamine, which takes part in the immune reactions of the body and has a virucidal (disinfectant) effect against adeno and rhinoviruses, viruses of groups A, B, and parainfluenza. Ingavirin splits the pathogenic virus, preventing its reproduction.

The action of Kagocel is based on a plant component. The drug starts the natural processes of protective functions to reduce the severity of the disease without preventing infection.

Ergoferon (about 350-370 rubles)

Ergoferon is a drug based on the homeopathic component of human interferon. It has a very mild effect, so it is not suitable for all patients - in practice, there have been cases when patients did not feel any improvement at all when taking Ergoferon. The phenomenon is explained by the individual sensitivity of the organism to the components of the remedy. In medicine, it is widely used for the treatment and prevention of a special category of the population - children from 6 months of age, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Compared to Ergoferon, Kagocel has a more powerful effect, so the manufacturer limited the circle of consumers in advance. For pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as children under 3 years old, the use of Kagocel in the treatment of a viral infection is not allowed.

Oscillococcinum (cost 460 rubles)

The homeopathic remedy Oscillococcinum is based on natural ingredients - an extract of the liver and heart of Barbary ducks. The drug is taken exclusively on prescription for no more than 2-3 days. When used for prevention purposes, it is necessary to drink a much smaller dose than Kagocel (once a week).

The essential difference between the two drugs is that the therapeutic effect of prophylaxis with Kagocel is longer than with Oscillococcinum.

Cycloferon (cost up to 300 rubles)

Both drugs perfectly restore cellular immunity and inhibit the development of viral pathology. Despite the content of another active ingredient in Cycloferon (meglumine acridone acetate), the effect on the body of medicines is identical.

The disadvantages of Cycloferon is the existence of serious side effects - the remedy should not be taken by allergy sufferers, children under 4 years of age and people with erosive pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, liver. In the treatment with Cycloferon, a longer period is required until complete recovery - the drug acts slowly and is quickly excreted from the body.

Amiksin (price up to 900 rubles)

This is a more expensive analogue of Kagocel based on tilorone. It has a wide range of effects, as it is widely used in the treatment of tuberculosis, encephalomyelitis and viral hepatitis A, B, C. It is known for its properties to enhance the formation of all types of interferon, participates in protein synthesis and inhibits virus reproduction. Very convenient to use - for prevention, one tablet is enough at any time of the day. The concentration of the active substance Amiksin in the patient's blood is reached in 12 hours (compared to Kagocel, the peak accumulation is not earlier than after 2 days).

A significant difference between the drugs is the restriction on the age of the consumer. Amiksin should not be drunk by children under the age of 7, while Kagocel is allowed to be taken by children from 3 years old.

The cost of the drug Amixin justifies its rapid effectiveness, widespread use and accelerated onset of a therapeutic effect on the infection.

The combination of Kagocel in combination with other antiviral drugs

The high level of interrelation of Kagocel with other antiviral drugs makes it possible to use the drug in complex courses of drug therapy. Against the background of the general effect, the elimination of viral symptoms occurs faster, which significantly reduces the risk of serious consequences.

It is important to know that a complex intake of antiviral drugs is advisable in the first days of therapy.


Both drugs have the same pronounced effectiveness against viruses. A distinctive feature of Arbidol is its active ingredient - umifenovir. The component is much more effective in stimulating the formation of immunoglobulin in the human body, so the drug is ideal for treating an existing infection. The action of Kagocel is more aimed at preventing the disease, so the drug is excellent during the epidemic period.

The complex of treatment with both drugs is effective in cases of using Arbidol in the early stages of the development of the disease, and Kagocel at later stages.


Viferon is a ready-made interferon isolated in a laboratory from a person. Synthetic Kagocel has the ability to enhance immune production while taking immunostimulating agents (additive effect). Since there are no contraindications for the use of Viferon and Kagocel, both drugs work great together.


In combination with antibiotics, Kagocel plays an important role. Under the action of an antibiotic, the drug inhibits the development of pathogenic viruses, stimulating the body's response. At the same time, against the background of a plant inhibitor, the antibiotic destroys the weakened viral bacterium.

Treatment with Kagocel in tandem with antibiotics is prescribed by a doctor if there are suspicions of the development of factors complicating a viral disease.


Despite the fact that both drugs have sufficient antiviral properties, it is not recommended to use them at the same time, since Ignavirin has a number of contraindications when interacting with other antiviral drugs.


Conducted medical studies have proven the high efficiency of Kagocel in combination with Acyclovir - herpes manifestations in the observed patients disappeared on the third day from the onset of the disease. Patients noted a significant improvement in the condition, a decrease in pain, itching and burning in the area of ​​the vesicles.

It is perfectly compatible with Kagocel due to its pronounced antitumor and anti-inflammatory effect. Since cycloferon has minor contraindications, the drug should be taken with caution in patients with impaired liver and gastrointestinal tract, before the course of treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the harmlessness of this compatibility for your body.


The action of Antigripin is based on the components of the drug - homeopathic substances of plant and mineral origin. This property works more as a lead - it reduces the tendency to infection by increasing the body's immune resistance.

The main advantage of Antigrippin is a mild effect on the body and the complete absence of contraindications. In addition, the medicine is much cheaper than Kagocel and is approved for use in the treatment of children after a year.

Since the drug has a slow cycle of action, it is advisable to use a homeopathic remedy in combination with a stronger medicine, such as Kagocel.

Not everyone can afford to fork out for an expensive remedy for flu or herpes. Cheap analogues are good, but as statistics show, the effect of drugs differs significantly from each other. In order not to make a mistake in the choice of pharmacological proposals, do not be lazy to once again ask the therapist about substitutes for expensive drugs. Kagocel is one of the high-quality analogues at a relatively inexpensive price. The effectiveness of this tool has been proven by time and positive feedback from patients.

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