Dried goose in the oven recipes. Gourmet dish: dried goose in Tatar style. How to dry a goose? The process itself

Quite an unusual and very tasty delicacy that you can cook at home

From the author:
We take a goose and cut it along the bone along the brisket. It is better, of course, to take a few geese, because, in January, when you eat the first one in a week, you will miss them.
cut off the neck and half of the wing at the root. They will not salt properly and in general there is nothing to eat from them - it is better to cook the soup right away.

I cook this dish in November-December, the time when fresh fattened geese are slaughtered in the villages, and New Year's Eve looms ahead. It tastes like jamon, but it is much easier to prepare at home.

black peppercorns. coarse non-iodized salt (preferably sea salt), bay leaf to taste.

Grind the pepper with a grinder and mix with salt. for 500g of salt you need about 1-2 tablespoons of pepper and 2 bay leaves. I do not advise taking ready-made chopped black pepper - it is less aromatic and more spicy. the goose will be peppered.

we insert a spacer from a fragment of a Japanese-Chinese stick into the goose so that it does not close and carefully rub salt and pepper on all sides on a baking sheet. be sure to rub all the parts, especially the armpits on the wings, otherwise it will get moldy there.

put the goose in a cool (10-20 degrees) place. the next day, we clean off the dried salt with blood and throw it away, and rub the goose again. it will give juice and it must be rubbed and turned over for 5-7 days.

so much liquid is gained from a goose in a day. it is meat juice mixed with fat. do not save salt and throw it away, otherwise the goose will smell of old fat.

gradually the goose gets rid of excess moisture, hardens and becomes darker in color.

after 5-7 days, it stops giving off moisture, and salt no longer sticks to it.

lightly shake off the goose from excess salt (without fanaticism) and wrap it in a cloth.

we tie a rope or wire between the legs, for which the goose must be hung in a dark, cool place for at least 2 weeks, but a month is better. in a private house you have such places and so, but in an apartment you can try a loggia if the temperature is right there

after a month, you take out the goose and enjoy the excellent taste.

the cost of a raw goose is 3.5 kg per 1000-1200 rubles. salt is another 200-300r. finished product including bones about 2.5 kg. you can then cook soup from the bones, it will have a characteristic smoked flavor, suitable for pickle.

Dried goose is a classic national dish of the Turkic peoples of the Volga region and the Urals (Tatars, Bashkirs and others).

This is a kind of unique product, recipes for its preparation are passed down in families for generations. These goose curing traditions are reminiscent of the history of the popularity of the Spanish ham.

You can taste dried goose meat by preparing it yourself at home or by searching on store shelves.

Figures and facts about jerky geese

The meat of geese prepared in this way has an excellent taste, higher calorie content (160 kcal per 100 g) than other poultry. The fat accumulated by geese in the course of life removes radioactive elements from the human body. This meat is a good source of protein and iron. The content of proteins in 100 g of the product is 22.75 g, fats - 7.1 g, carbohydrates - 0 g.

Dried geese meat can be eaten as a cold appetizer, used to prepare a variety of first and second courses. It goes well with alcoholic beverages: beer, vodka, wines.

Before serving, the dried goose, as a rule, is cleaned of excess salt, washed with cold water. Then the dried meat is cut into portions with a bone or, like jamon, into thin slices.

Dried goose has a dark red color, dense structure. The taste of meat is pleasant, salty-cured

Store properly withered goose carcasses in a dark, cool place. The more the bird is stored under these conditions, the more tender and tastier its meat becomes.

Dried goose recipe in Tatar style

One of the interesting traditions of the Tatar people is the following - the parents of the newlyweds always give their children two dried geese for the wedding.

Proper bird preparation
The main "trick" of this recipe, of course, is the goose. For an excellent end result, you need a large, lovingly fattened country goose. Usually, geese in the villages are slaughtered for meat at the end of November-December, obviously, on New Year's and church holidays.

The existing carcass should be cut along the bone, it is better to cut off the brisket, neck and wings. They can be sent to the broth for soup.

Then the bird must be treated with salt and spices. Black peppercorns and coarse sea salt are ideal for this. A bay leaf will not be superfluous either. In practice, peppercorns are crushed in a mortar, then mixed with salt. The proportions are as follows - for 0.5 kg of salt, it is enough to take a couple of tablespoons of black peppercorns, plus a couple of chopped bay leaves.

A spacer of a suitable size should be inserted into the goose belly. These can be chopsticks for Chinese food or something else, up to ordinary twigs from which you need to cut the bark. Spacers are needed for free air circulation, which will lead to uniform drying of the bird.

How to dry a goose: a sequence of actions
First of all, it is important to outline the place where the bird will “ripen” for several days. The main condition for choosing a suitable place is a constant temperature regime (10–20 degrees Celsius).

The prepared goose must be left in the chosen place for a day. A day later, the carcass must be cleaned of the applied salt, which by that time will have dried up, soaked with the remnants of blood. After cleaning, rub the bird with the spice mixture again. This sequence of operations will need to be carried out within seven days, not forgetting to turn the carcass.

In the process of drying, the goose will begin to secrete meat juice mixed with fat daily. Therefore, you should not be “greedy” with salt - you need to rub the goose every day “like the last time”, and then meticulously wash off the salt, otherwise the bird will smell of “old” fat.

Consistently, every day, the goose will lose excess moisture. Its meat will harden before our eyes, change its color to a darker one.

By the end of the week of aging, the moisture from the poultry will no longer stand out, the salt will no longer stick to the meat. It is necessary to remove excess salt from the carcass for the last time and carefully wrap it in cotton cloth.

The next stage - the wrapped bird should be hung between the legs on a rope and kept for at least two weeks in the same cool place. It would be better if the exposure period lasts up to a month. In apartment conditions, it is better to dry geese on a balcony or loggia; in a private house there are much more possible places (ventilated attics, cool cellars).

The excellent taste of "ripened" jerky goose will reward you for your patience and a lot of time spent.

There are no special differences between the recipes for cooking dried goose in Tatar and Bashkir. The cooked bird is further cut: the sirloin is cut like a jamon into thin slices, the pieces on the bone go to the roast or azu (stew).

The thinnest slices of dried goose look on the festive table no worse than Parma ham or Iberico jamon loved by everyone. At the same time, goose meat is incomparably more useful than pork.

It is enough to decorate slices of dried goose meat when serving with finely chopped sezhey greens

Another good option for a quick snack is to quickly dry these slices in the oven. Get an original snack for beer or wine.

Dried goose is an old dish that is over 600 years old. Its appearance was due to the possibility of long-term storage of dried meat, because before people did not know about any preservatives and food additives. Therefore, in the old days, meat was either smoked or dried.

Dried goose is an ancient dish popular among the Turkic peoples. The recipe for its preparation is passed down from generation to generation. By the way, in Tatarstan, parents give the newlyweds a dried goose for a wedding.

Cooking method:

  1. The drying process begins with the preparation of the bird. First of all, we cut the carcass along the sternum, remove the wings and neck.
  2. Next, soak the bird with a mixture of salt and pepper. Salt is better to take sea, and pepper - peas. They should be ground in a mortar and mixed with salted granules. You can also take bay leaves, crumble them and mix with other spices. If we talk about proportions, then for a pound of salt there are two tablespoons of peppercorns and a couple of spicy leaves.
  3. In order for the drying process to occur evenly, a spacer must be placed in the bird's abdomen. You can take Chinese sticks if they fit, or ordinary twigs.
  4. We shift the bird to a baking sheet and leave it at room temperature for a week. Every day, dried salt should be removed from the carcass and flavored with a fresh mixture of spices. What is it for? The fact is that during the drying process, meat juice mixed with fat is released from the goose, and if such a process is ignored, then the dried meat will have an unpleasant aftertaste and aroma.
  5. If by the end of the week the bird's carcass has stopped emitting liquid, you can proceed to the next step. We remove excess salt from the goose, wrap the carcass with a cotton cloth and hang it on a rope. We leave it in this position for two weeks, and preferably for a month, but already in a cooler place. If we are talking about an apartment, then a balcony or loggia will be a suitable room. In a private house, a goose can be left in the attic or in the cellar.
  6. Dried poultry is cut into thin slices, like jamon.

Simplified Recipe

The process of preparing dried goose is not as complicated as it is long. You need to be patient to taste the homemade delicacy. We offer a simplified recipe for drying poultry, though it will allow you to taste delicious jerky only after three months.

Cooking method:

  1. We take the carcass, carefully rub grains of salt into it and put it in a regular plastic bag. We tie it tightly so that air does not get inside.
  2. We hang the package with the carcass in a cool place, for example, on a loggia, for three to four months.
  3. You can find out the readiness of the meat by its color - if, when cut, it is reddish, while being elastic and resembling jamon, then your goose has withered.

How to dry with seasonings

Today, at home, you can make jerky from beef, pork and any poultry. Some gourmets do not like it when only salt is used for drying, so we suggest cooking a goose with seasonings.

Cooking method:

  1. For a bird weighing 3 kg, you need to take a head of garlic. We disassemble it into cloves, clean it from the film and pass it through a press. Mix the chopped vegetable with large granules of salt and flavor the prepared goose carcass with the resulting composition.
  2. Now you need to make a brine with seasonings. To do this, stir salted granules, pepper and coriander in warm water. We take a cloth, moisten it with a spicy liquid and wrap it around the bird.
  3. We hang the carcass paws up in a cool dark place. In this position, the goose can dry up to a year, but after two months the meat can be tasted.

Dried bird in the oven

Using the oven, you can also make a goose so that you can enjoy the unique taste of jerky.

  1. To do this, pour a little black pepper into the bowl, two tablespoons of salt and half a teaspoon of hot pepper.
  2. We take the carcass and separate the meat from the bones. Cut it into small slices, flavor with the prepared mixture and wait 15 minutes.
  3. Put the pieces of the bird on the grill so that they do not touch each other. Preheat the oven to 40 degrees and leave the meat to dry for 12 hours.

Dried Goose Dishes

The jerky can be served as a snack on its own, but for those who don't like greasy food, the pieces can be dried in the oven to make delicious beer-flavored meat chips. You can prepare a variety of dishes from naturally cured poultry. For example, it is good to cook mouth-watering soups with such a delicacy - homemade noodles or pea soup.

Homemade noodles

Any part of dried poultry is suitable for soup.

  1. It must be filled with water and kept for three hours.
  2. After the water is drained, pour clean, put the carrot and the unpeeled onion head. Boil the broth for about an hour.
  3. Then we filter the broth and return it to the stove. As soon as it boils, we fall asleep noodles and cook the soup until tender. Serve with fresh herbs.

Pea soup with dried goose

For such a first course, we take 200 g of dried meat and 270 g of peas.

  1. Fill the ingredients with water and send to the stove. Cook until the meat is soft.
  2. In the process of boiling, fat will float to the surface of the broth. Take it off and put it in the pan.
  3. Fry chopped onion in fat, then sprinkle it with flour and mix. We simmer for a couple of minutes and turn it off.
  4. 15 minutes before the soup is ready, pour the sauce into it and serve the dish with fresh herbs.

How to store jerky

It will take at least three months to prepare a dried goose, but it can be stored for up to three years.

It is important to consider that the older the delicacy becomes, the tastier it is. You need to store it in foil or parchment, but only in a suspended state and in a room where the temperature will not exceed seven degrees. Suitable secluded places in the cellar or in the attic. The main thing is that the meat is protected from the wind and does not languish in warmth.

  1. Dried goose is better in late November or early December. By this time, he is already fed and in the villages they begin to cut the bird for the New Year holidays.
  2. In addition to salt, pepper is used in the meat curing recipe. It is better to take the spice with peas and grind it in a mortar. The sharpness and aroma of already crushed packaged seasoning is significantly inferior to the quality of freshly ground pepper.
  3. When serving, the dried goose meat must be cut carefully - the thinner, the tastier.

Now you know that at home you can cook a real delicacy at minimal cost. So why not take advantage of the proposed idea to please your family with an incredibly tasty treat?

An old and favorite traditional dish of the Bashkirs. Prepared in two ways.
1) The goose is processed, carefully rubbed with salt inside and out. They stand for several days in a cool place so that the meat is soaked. The goose is then placed in a gauze bag and hung upright. With this method, the goose is preserved for several months.

2) The outside of the goose is thoroughly rubbed with salt, and tash-toz (rock salt) or coarse salt is placed inside. Then they wrap it in parchment paper, bandage it well so that there is no air access. The bundle is placed in a box and completely covered with salt and placed in a dark, cool place. Goose can be stored for a year or more. The longer the time passes, the more flavor the meat will have. In the future, the goose is used as a raw appetizer, or boiled for soups and main courses.
Before eating, clean the goose of salt, rinse and soak for several hours in cold water. Then pour another fresh water and boil.
Dried duck is prepared in a similar way. The meat is dried-salted with a peculiar pleasant taste.

Rub the treated goose carcass inside and out well with salt, then wrap it tightly in parchment paper or cellophane, tie it tightly with twine so that there is no air access and hang it in a place protected from the wind (attic, barn). After 3-4 months the goose is ready. Goose meat should be elastic, reddish, melting fat should come out of it. Dried goose can be stored in a dark, cool room for 2-3 years. And the longer the shelf life, the tastier the meat.

Goose dried in Tatar style

1 carcass of a goose (you can duck), salt.
Cooking method:
Carefully rub the treated carcass of a goose or duck inside and out with salt, wrap it tightly in parchment paper or cellophane, tie it tightly with twine to prevent air from entering, and put it in flour or hang it in a place protected from the wind (attic, barn). In 3-4 months the goose will be ready. The meat of the finished goose should be elastic, melting fat should protrude from it reddish. Dried goose can be stored for 1-2 years in a dark, cool place, and the longer the shelf life, the tastier the meat. Dried goose can be eaten both raw and boiled. Before serving, it should be boiled slightly, cooled and served, cut into portions with a bone or thinly sliced ​​(4-5 mm) into slices so that fat and meat fall off, and laid beautifully, or sliced ​​into small mugs.
I have a recipe for a dried-salted goose. I don’t know if you are looking for one or not? The Tatar recipe. This is how the Tatars prepare goose carcasses for future use.
We rub the prepared (plucked and well washed) carcasses of geese - with a mixture of garlic and salt (large) passed through the spadefoot. Then we take one part of salt (large) and two parts of dry wheat or tertiary (previously washed and dried) and stuff the inside of the carcass with this mixture. I wrap the carcasses of geese in a cloth soaked in salt-spicy brine (for brine in water I dissolve salt + a little ground pepper and coriander), then we put a nylon stocking on the carcass and hang it upside down in a cold pantry. We harvest geese carcasses in this way from mid-November (when the bird is ready for slaughter, and the cold sets in on the street). Carcasses prepared in this way can be stored for up to a year. From April, we begin to eat meat. You can eat it as just a cold appetizer, and cook manti, borscht and soup from it. for manti, then I do not salt.
For example, I put meat on manti or eat it like that, and I cook first courses from bones. I don’t prepare a lot of teshek about 10-12 pieces, but this is quite enough for my family for spring and early summer.
What is also very important is the breed of geese. It is better to take medium geese carcasses (3-4.5 kg) covered with fat. The meat of the Kuban geese is not very suitable for this, since it is dry and tougher than, for example, the meat of white factory geese (which, by the way, is softer) or kholmogors, large gray ones.

We are doing the following so far:
Geese (halves) and also ducks (musky, also halves) are salted in brine, often together with lard-corned beef (in winter: 150 g of salt + 100 g of sugar + spices). After a week, we take it out, wipe it, dry it, smoke it in cold smoke from 6 hours. It comes out especially beautifully if, before pickling, hands reach to take out the dorsal and sternum bones. Then, before smoking, we roll the roll and bandage it. It turns out sausage with legs - wings. By the way, in 6-8 hours the meat is dried rather than smoked.

In order to not only correctly, but also tasty and quickly cook dried goose with your own hands, you should choose a homemade and fatter carcass. Indeed, in the process of drying, salted goose fat will gradually melt and be absorbed into the meat, thereby the carcass will lose up to 50% of its mass in weight. Homemade goose cooked according to our simple recipe will last about 2 years, but with such a delicate aroma and taste, you are unlikely to be able to keep the meat for a long time.

Salted goose meat can be served pure in large chunks with bones, or you can make thin slices of goose fillet, which will be even tastier and more refined. In the old days, such meat was added to roasts, dumplings, stews, and excellent rich soups were cooked from the bones.



  • To prepare "Kaklangan Caza" it is necessary to prepare all the ingredients on the desktop. The products indicated by quantity go to one large carcass. The goose should be thoroughly washed, processed and butchered. It is necessary to cut the meat product along the chest part, and immediately completely cut off the neck and halves of the wings (since they do not contain meat in themselves, it is better to use them for making broth).

  • While the goose carcasses are drying, spices should be prepared. For drying, it is necessary to grind black pepper, finely break bay leaves and mix it all with salt (salt, of course, must be taken not iodized).

  • Remove the remaining moisture from the goose carcass with napkins, then insert a wooden spacer into the chest part so that the meat can be rubbed without hindrance. As a spacer, an ice cream stick, for sushi, or just a branch without bark can be used. Put the goose on a baking sheet and carefully rub with the salty mixture. Rub should be inside, outside, under the wings, you can not miss a single area, otherwise the carcass will deteriorate.

  • Clean the grated carcasses in a cool room, where the air temperature is about 10 degrees Celsius, or simply put in a refrigerator. After a day, take out the meat product, completely clean it from gore and salt. Rub the carcass again with a clean dry salt mixture in all places, as well as for the first time. Such work will need to be done within a week, since meat and fat will give juice.

  • In one day, a lot of liquid can flow out of the carcass (see photo). All this juice, along with salt, must certainly be thrown away every day so that the goose is not saturated with old fat, otherwise it will have an unpleasant smell.

  • By the end of the week, goose meat will release all excess moisture, it will become firmer and darker.

  • After 7 days, the carcass will completely stop secreting juice and salt will no longer stick to it.

  • The meat product should be lightly shaken off from bay leaves and rock salt and wrapped in a cotton or gauze cut without removing the spacers.

  • Goose paws need to be loosely fastened together with a strong thread or rope right on top of the fabric. Then, for this rope, the carcass should be hung in a room where it is dark and cool enough. Drying time lasts from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the fat content and weight of the goose, as well as what kind of meat you prefer.

  • After 30 days, you can take the first sample. Such meat is really well salted and dried.

  • It’s easy to cook Tatar dried goose “Kaklangan Kaz” with our photo recipe at home, the main thing is to be patient. By the winter holidays, you will get an excellent delicacy in the form of dried goose meat, and the thinnest cuts from this meat product will be the highlight of the festive table. Bon appetit!

KBJU and composition for the whole dish

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