How to make coffee grounds from instant coffee. Lose weight with coffee grounds. reasons to use coffee grounds in the country

We really love useful things that can be used in many areas at once, whether it's household or personal care. And coffee grounds and coffee grains are one of the leaders! And, as always, we offer you the most interesting ways to use it.

Coffee grounds

No. 1 To eliminate an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, many people know the method with soda: pour it on a saucer and put it for a couple of days. Coffee grounds work just as well.

#2 Coffee grounds are a good abrasive, and if you need to quickly clean, for example, a burnt pan, just add coffee grounds to the sponge and rub the surface. The sink, stove and even the toilet can also be cleaned by adding coffee.

#3 Your hands won't smell like onions or garlic if you wash them using coffee grounds as a scrub. So you can store a small jar of coffee grounds next to the kitchen sink.

By the way: the same thick can be poured into the sink from time to time to prevent blockages. Add a couple of drops of dishwashing detergent under a stream of hot water (or boiling water) and coffee grounds. It will help clean the greasy coating from the walls of the drain pipes.

#4 Coffee grounds are a good fertilizer for plants that love acidic soil. So add boldly to flower pots, and in the spring - to the beds.

By the way: Coffee grounds are especially useful for carrots and radishes. When planting seeds in the soil, simply mix them together.

#5 If you want your hair to shine, brew your coffee the same way you normally would when you drink it. Cool to room temperature and rinse your hair with it after washing. Do not rinse for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse in the shower. (Coffee is not suitable for use on blond or light-colored hair.)

№6 Many people like to use coffee grounds in baths instead of body scrub. But there is a more advanced scrub that can be used not only in the bath, but also at home.

Mix coffee grounds with sea salt, add coconut oil and coffee grounds and transfer to a glass jar.

Proportions: For 1/2 cup coffee grounds, you will need 2 cups of sea salt and 1/2 cup of coconut oil.

#7 Coffee grounds are used to color Easter eggs. To get a gentle, coffee shade, you need to place the egg in hot coffee.

#8 If you apply the thick on a cotton pad and leave for 10 minutes, it will help reduce swelling and dark circles. It will invigorate the skin under the eyes as well as you in the morning.

No. 9 If frost has formed on the paths or steps of the house, sprinkle them with coffee grounds instead of sand. She works great!

№10 To make a scented pillow for a closet, a toy or a soft needle bed, you can also use coffee grounds as a filler.

Tip: To thoroughly dry your coffee grounds, lay them out on a tray and put them in the freezer for a couple of hours.

#11 Not everyone knows that coffee grounds can be used to stop bleeding faster if you cut yourself. But in fact, this is a very effective way - to sprinkle the place of the cut with thick. (Of course, the method is only suitable for minor wounds.)

Whole bean coffee

№12 Very beautiful compositions are made from coffee beans for such fashionable plants as succulents.

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. It is grown in more than 70 countries around the world, and the total production is more than 16 billion pounds of grains per year. This is a lot. And when grains are used only once and then thrown away, it creates a huge amount of waste.

If you drink a lot of coffee or work in a coffee shop, you have probably noticed how much is thrown away after one use. A natural question arises: "Is there something for which this waste can be used?". This question has been asked by many researchers around the world. The good news is that there are many uses for coffee grounds.

What are the uses of coffee grounds have been found?

Purification of drinking water

Researchers at Kinki University in Japan have discovered the possibility of using ground coffee to remove lead from drinking water. The prospect of using waste ground coffee grounds due to abundant waste is very beneficial, and the removal of lead from drinking water is an exciting innovative idea.

Biodiesel production

There are diesel vehicles in the world that convert energy from the waste of fast food restaurants for their work. It would be great if discarded coffee grounds could also be used as an energy source.

Researchers at the University of Nevada at Reno have found that coffee residue oil can be converted into biodiesel. Used coffee residues contain about 15% oil, depending on the variety. This is not much, but experts have calculated that the level of production of biodiesel fuel can reach over 340 million gallons if all the waste coffee grounds in the world are used. As an added bonus, it has also been found that even after the oil is extracted, coffee grounds can serve as soil fertilizer, feedstock for ethanol and fuel pellets.

In addition, scientists from the Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology in South Korea conducted similar experiments and found that coffee grounds can be used to produce bioethanol and biodiesel.


A 2008 study in Malaysia showed that when coffee as a base was added to biohumus compost used to grow worms, it helped to significantly increase the number of worms compared to using kitchen waste. The coffee grounds increased the nutrient content of the vermicompost.

Fertilizer for crops

Adding a small amount of coffee grounds to the soil before planting is a well-known fact for amateur gardeners.

In early 2012, Portuguese scientists released a study on the effect of adding coffee residue to the soil of growing lettuce. The results were amazing - the content of carotenoids and chlorophyll in lettuce increased, as did the amount of lutein and beta-carotene.

The Japanese National Institute of Vegetable Growing has published guidelines for using coffee grounds in rice cultivation to increase yields, increase nutrient content, and also reduce coffee waste.

Source of antioxidants and other nutrients

Even after use, coffee bean grounds still contain valuable nutrients. Coffee grounds have been proven to contain antioxidants that can be used for food supplements, foods or cosmetics.

What's more, studies conducted at the Spanish University of Navarre have shown that coffee grounds actually contain seven times more antioxidants than freshly brewed coffee.

Home use of coffee residue

You can use the leftover coffee at home to fertilize the soil before planting houseplants or add them to your compost pile.

You can also use coffee waste for cosmetic purposes, for example, use a home-made coffee-based scrub instead of expensive cosmetic scrubs and body peels. To do this, combine a teaspoon of olive or almond oil, a tablespoon of honey and coffee grounds. Apply to the body using a small amount of shower gel. Massage and rinse thoroughly.

With the help of coffee residues, you can perfectly clean pots and other kitchen utensils. Coffee has an abrasive property and will easily wash off grease and old stains.

The smell of coffee repels animals and insects. This can be used to control mosquitoes by simply placing some coffee in the room. Using coffee as a shampoo will help rid your pet of fleas.

A slurry of coffee grounds and water will refresh wood furniture and mask scratches.

Arranged coffee beans on a shelf in the closet will give your things your favorite aroma.

As a marinade for meat, coffee will add a unique and piquant taste to the dish.

Other uses for coffee waste, such as biodiesel production, require significant scale-up processes and implementations.

The use of natural ground coffee is not limited to purely gourmet consumption in the morning or in the company of friends. Sleeping coffee grounds can also be useful in household chores, getting rid of it is an unacceptable waste. It is eco-friendly and hypoallergenic, and at zero cost, the practical benefits of grounds are obvious.

Why You Shouldn't Throw Your Coffee Grounds Away

This product is easy to find application in at least 3 areas, and the effect of its use will be even better than that of purchased products. Therefore, experienced housewives always keep coffee grounds in reserve. To harvest grounds for future use, you need to dry it in the open air on clean paper and store it in a canvas or paper bag in a dark, dry and cool place.

How can you use coffee grounds in your home?

Indoor air freshener

The smell of coffee is considered one of the most attractive. It is associated with safety, comfort and soothing. Even a cunning trick of marketers is known - to spray coffee aroma in retail premises so that people enter it more often. At the same time, the assortment may not be related to coffee at all. This technique can be used not only at work, but also at home. It will be much more pleasant to return to it. Place sachets with coffee grounds in fine fabric bags in rooms and enjoy a pleasant aroma.

The same can be done with a wardrobe or linen closet. Falling asleep on bed linen with a pleasant smell of coffee, wearing things with a delicate aroma of your favorite noble drink - this is aromatherapy at almost no cost.

Odor absorber for refrigerator

The refrigerator, even after a very thorough washing, retains the smell of freon. You can neutralize it by placing a small container with wet coffee grounds on a shelf.

If you rub your palms and fingers with it after cutting onions and garlic, processing fish and other strong-smelling foods, the unpleasant smell will go away.

Cleaner for contaminated metal surfaces

Grease-stained grill grates, pots and pans are not always amenable to conventional washing. Sometimes even world-famous brands of detergents do not save. But coffee grounds will cope perfectly even with old grease: it is an excellent abrasive, while being delicate, leaving no scratches. A small amount of powder is poured onto a damp cloth and wiped contaminated surfaces. The effect will not keep you waiting. It is believed that soda can be used as an abrasive, but, unfortunately, it can cause allergic reactions.

Plant fertilizer

For plants that prefer acidic soils with a pH of 6 - 6.5, coffee pomace is an excellent fertilizer, especially when mixed with lime or tree resin. Nitrogen and potassium in its composition will bring many benefits to seedlings. The thick will retain moisture, will not allow weeds to grow, and will scare away many pests: slugs, aphids, fruit midges, carrot flies, snails. With ants, the situation is ambiguous. Some say that they managed to get rid of anthills on the site with the help of coffee cake, but there are also opposite opinions: insects leave for a while, and then come back again.

Thanks to this fertilizer, vegetables and fruits will be protected from the penetration of nitrates. Stray cats will not disturb the area where coffee grounds are scattered.

But the worms adore such an additive, and, attracted by the smell to the garden or vegetable garden, they loosen the soil well, which will significantly increase the yield. You need to scatter it in a small amount, only for smell, so that a crust does not form on the surface of the soil, and it is recommended that the soil itself be carefully loosened beforehand.

You can use coffee grounds to speed up the maturation of compost by simply adding it to the compost pit.

Houseplants, especially flowering ones, will also enjoy this top dressing.

For cosmetic purposes

Coffee grounds are an effective natural remedy for homemade masks, moreover, it can be applied both on the hair and on the face or body.

Mask against hair loss

Rubbing coffee grounds into the hair roots strengthens them and makes them stronger, and also gives natural volume and a pleasant lasting shade. You can add yolk, olive oil, herbal infusions, fermented milk products to it. The mask is suitable for girls with dark hair - brunettes and brown-haired women, as it has a tinting effect.

Scrub for face and body

This is a real cosmetic find. Caffeine perfectly tones the skin of any type - from young to fading. And if you add olive oil, milk, sour cream, cocoa powder and a drop of honey (in any combination) to the scrub, you get a product with a moisturizing, nourishing, softening and matting effect.

The scrub will help remove morning puffiness under the eyes and evening skin fatigue, smooth out unevenness.

Coffee grounds are a gentle and effective foot scrub, it will make your heels smooth and rid your feet of odor.

You can use it for the body in combination with sugar or salt, since one use of the remedy will require at least a handful.

Mask against puffiness of the eyes

Suitable for both fresh and dried coffee grounds. It is applied moistened and cooled on gauze in two layers on the area of ​​​​the eyes, cheekbones and cheeks. Wash off with cool water after 15 minutes. After that, you can apply a moisturizer, or you can leave the skin matte. After several applications, small wrinkles will become less noticeable.

Anti-cellulite wrap with coffee grounds

Drinking coffee does not lose the ability to remove excess fluid from the body. Therefore, its use in the fight against cellulite has already been appreciated by many. Olive oil can be added to the mass, it will additionally soften the skin. The mixture is applied to problem areas, then they are wrapped with plastic wrap. The effect will be noticeable in about a month with regular use.

Other uses for coffee grounds

  • sleeping coffee can be used as a dye: give light-colored clothes a light beige tint, dye eggs for Easter. Designers use coffee grounds to artificially "age" paper;
  • small scratches on furniture will not be so noticeable if they are soaked with coffee pomace extract;
  • if there is ice on the street, you can scatter some coffee grounds on the way. It will reduce slip and slightly melt the ice;
  • they are guessing at it. With a developed imagination and good eyesight, in the remains of coffee, you can see signs that will serve as an answer to the question asked.

In the economy there is a use for everything. Coffee grounds will not only benefit, but also help save money.

Most women know that using face and body scrubs is very beneficial for the skin. Making a scrub with your own hands is what will allow you to save your family budget. For your own scrub, you probably already have all the necessary ingredients in the kitchen, especially if you use beans or ground coffee. If that's the case and you really love coffee, it's time to stop throwing your coffee grounds away and turn them into a wonderful natural coffee face and body scrub.

How to make a body scrub from coffee grounds

Coffee grounds are good for the skin

Believe it or not, coffee grounds are a great way to remove dead skin flakes. It has an equally beneficial effect on cellulite. Coffee grounds can help reduce swelling in the morning when you wake up and get out of bed. Thus, a cup of freshly brewed coffee will not only help you wake up and cheer up, but will also take care of your skin in the evening.

Making a body scrub

Take a small mug or measuring cup. And one more bowl. In a large bowl, we will mix all the ingredients together.

First we need to grind the coffee beans or you can use the coffee grounds left after the morning coffee. You will need to fill the measuring cup about half way. After that, pour into a large bowl.

Now fill the measuring cup halfway with sugar. Sugar will further exfoliate the keratinized skin. If for some reason you do not want to use sugar, you can replace it with sea salt. Pour it from the measuring cup into a bowl of coffee.

Now add about 1/4 measuring cup of olive, almond or coconut oil to the bowl. If you decide to use coconut oil, then you must first melt it in the microwave, then cool it and add it to the bowl with sugar and coffee.

For extra scent, you can add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract or 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon.

Mixing Together

Now mix everything thoroughly: coffee grounds, sugar, butter, vanilla and / or cinnamon. Perhaps you will add some of your additional ingredient. We mix everything until the state of wet sand. If the scrub is too dry, just add a little oil. If too wet, add sugar or sea salt.

final step

After you have thoroughly mixed everything and achieved the desired consistency, transfer the scrub to a tightly sealed container and store it in a cool, dry place until use. Over time, coffee grounds and sugar can "separate". Don't worry. Just shake the jar or stir the scrub with a spoon.

Such a coffee scrub can be stored for no more than two months. As soon as the scrub changes appearance or color, throw it away and make a new one.

Applying a coffee scrub

Once you've made your own body scrub, it's important to use it properly. It should be used no more than once or twice a week on the arms and legs. While standing in the shower, apply one to two tablespoons of the scrub to wet skin and gently massage the skin in a circular motion.

Be sure to apply the scrub in circular motions and massage for no more than one minute.

When finished, simply wash it off your skin.

  • if you used coconut oil when preparing the scrub, you need to store it at room temperature so that it does not thicken;
  • use a glass container for storage, as plastic can significantly reduce the effect and shelf life of the scrub.

How to make a coffee face scrub

You can also use coffee grounds to make a good natural coffee face scrub. Since we already know that the caffeine found in the grounds can help reduce puffiness, this makes it the perfect ingredient for a morning scrub. Also, the scrub has an astringent property and will help reduce the size of pores and remove oily skin.

To make a coffee face scrub, you will need three tablespoons of ground coffee (or coffee grounds). Place the coffee in a small bowl and add two tablespoons of oil. Olive oil is the best choice. However, if your facial skin is prone to inflammation, then the best solution is to use one of the oils containing extracts of the following fruits, berries and plants or ingredients:

  • argan;
  • apricot;
  • grape;
  • hemp;
  • jojoba;
  • sweet almond;
  • sunflower seed.

IMPORTANT! Avoid coconut, linseed, and wheat germ oils.

After the oil, add one tablespoon of brown sugar to your coffee face scrub.

IMPORTANT! Do not use white sugar in your face scrub as it will it is too abrasive for delicate skin.

Now add 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract or cinnamon for flavor. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly and place it in a glass jar. Store the scrub in a dry and cool place.

Using a Coffee Facial Scrub

Before using the scrub, be sure to wash your face with warm water. This will rid the skin of surface dirt and open the pores. Take the scrub with your fingers, gently apply it on the skin of the face and then massage very gently for about a minute. Be sure to use circular motions and try to avoid the eye area.

After you have finished massaging the skin, you need to wash off the coffee grounds with warm water, and then spray your face with cold water. This will close the pores. Apply moisturizer as needed.

Last but not least, this facial scrub is also good for use on the thin skin of the neck.

The magical power of attraction, sweet strong aroma and the title of one of the most popular drinks in the world - it's all about coffee. And only a few beauties know that the very caffeine that helps wake up in the morning can serve female beauty and youth. Coffee scrub cleanses the skin, gives it energy and smooths out cellulite irregularities. Why not take advantage of these beneficial properties of a drink that is in almost every home?

The benefits and effects of coffee scrub

The benefits of a coffee scrub are not only in the obvious cleansing. When properly prepared, this homemade beauty remedy will provide you with rejuvenation and reduce fat deposits. Due to the complex composition, coffee beans are distinguished not only by their unique taste, but also by several properties valuable for our skin.

  1. The main component of the scrub is, without a doubt, caffeine . It greatly expands the blood vessels, due to this, blood circulation increases not only in the superficial, but also in the deep layers of the skin. And increased blood circulation is the removal of excess fluid, the breakdown of fats, the toning of the skin, the training of blood vessels, and the prevention of varicose veins. Therefore, the skin after such scrubs gets rid of unnecessary moisture and toxins, is leveled, rejuvenated, moisturized.
  2. organic acids endow the scrub with a light effect of chemical peeling. Therefore, even applying coffee as a mask, without rubbing, will ensure the renewal of epidermal cells.
  3. Antioxidants , which are part of coffee, are able to maintain youthful skin, smooth out irregularities and wrinkles. The most active "coffee" antioxidant - chlorogenic acid - also protects the skin from harmful solar radiation.
  4. Oil contained in grains , stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, restores the skin and eliminates dryness.

Coffee grounds scrub: how to make and how to apply

Shop counters are full of various varieties of coffee and coffee drinks. But for cosmetic purposes, not everything that the food industry offers is suitable.

Immediately eliminate instant coffee and drink substitutes such as chicory and barley. Buy natural coffee of any variety, ground or in beans, which will need to be ground at home. Let the grinding be medium or fine, because large particles are too coarse.

Coffee Facial Scrub

For oily skin use coffee ground, and for dry or normal fit thick- what remains in the cup after you have enjoyed coffee. The thick is stored for up to five days in the refrigerator, in a closed jar. Therefore, you can constantly collect a valuable ingredient, which is convenient if there are lovers of the drink among the household. Another option is to pick up the leftovers from the coffee machine at work.

For a scrub, only the thick of strong coffee, which was not boiled for a long time, is suitable. no added sugar, cream or milk.

Raw coffee beans are preferable to roasted ones, because some of the nutrients are lost during processing. Green (not roasted) coffee is especially effective for rejuvenation, but it is less common in the market. However, being content with roasted grains, do not be discouraged, the skin will still get everything it needs.

Scrub application

Compared to other abrasive agents (salt, sugar, ground nuts and seeds), coffee grounds particles have a smoother surface that does not injure the epidermis. But this does not mean that you can rub your face with them from the heart, act carefully. But with the skin of the body you can be bolder. When going to the bathroom with a fragrant mixture in your hands, consider a few more points:

  • coffee allergy is rare, but you need to be sure that you are not affected by it. Rub a few grains on your wrist, and if after 10 minutes there is no burning sensation and discomfort, carry out your plan;
  • the skin before the procedure should be steamed;
  • apply coffee mixtures only on a wet body;
  • put on disposable gloves on your hands to avoid discomfort, because the skin on the palms is more tender than on the hips or back;
  • apply the scrub on your legs from the bottom up, on your arms - from the hands to the shoulders, rub the stomach and chest in a circular motion;
  • massage the body when applying the product for up to five minutes. Do not be afraid of strong and rapid redness - this is the very effect that coffee pomace scrub is famous for;
  • wash off coffee grounds without soap;
  • complete the care procedures with a cream or lotion to moisturize the skin;
  • you can use cosmetics with coffee once every seven days for the face and up to three times for the body.

Coffee Scrub Recipes

Resist the temptation to simply smear coffee grounds on your body. By adding other products to it, you will make the scrub softer and more effective. When choosing a recipe, remember: the drier the skin, the oilier the additional ingredients should be . And cook fresh every time, only a few recipes require refrigeration.

Coffee scrub for the face at home

On the face of the mixture with coffee should be applied carefully, with light, almost weightless movements. After application, the scrub remains on the skin for another 15-20 minutes and is washed off with warm water. For these recipes, it is important to use the grounds and not freshly ground coffee, which is sharper and coarser.

  • Coffee scrub mask

Mix one part coffee grounds, one part sour cream and vegetable oil. Put in a water bath, add half of the honey. This composition will nourish dry skin, give it moisture and tone.

  • Moisturizing scrub with oils

For one part of the cake, take half the mixture of oils or one of them. Oily skin is suitable for sunflower, grape seed, dry - olive, sesame, and normal - almond and wheat germ oil.

  • Scrub for sensitive skin

Mix one part of coffee grounds, sour cream, pour in half of the olive oil. This composition nourishes the dermis and gently cleanses it, removes peeling, redness.

  • Clay scrub mask

Dilute two parts of clay (white, green, blue, black) with water to a state of liquid slurry. Mix with one part coffee grounds, leave on the skin for 15 minutes. This mask thoroughly cleanses the skin, revitalizes it and mattifies it.

  • Acne coffee mask

Heat one part of the thick and the same amount of honey in a water bath. Sprinkle half as much cinnamon. This composition relieves inflammation, improves complexion. The mask can be prepared several times and put in the refrigerator.

Coffee body scrub at home

How to make an express coffee body scrub? Just combine a pinch of coffee grounds with shower gel and enjoy the smoothness of the skin after bathing. But only more complex formulations can solve cosmetic problems. If you plan to use a coffee scrub for cellulite, steam your body well and massage it longer. But do not overdo it, otherwise you risk damaging the skin.

  • Coffee body scrub

For this procedure, you will need half a glass of coffee grounds. Add to it 2 tbsp. l. olive oils. The mixture is ready. After massaging the scrub, leave it on the skin for another 5 minutes to absorb the oil, and then wash off what remains.

  • Slimming coffee scrub wrap

If the composition of the previous recipe is applied only to problem areas and wrapped in polyethylene, you will get a cellulite wrap. For the best effect, wrap yourself with a blanket on top and wash off after half an hour. Repeat the procedure every other day, the course is 10 sessions.

Add a teaspoon of dry ginger to the same mixture - and the wrap can also be used for weight loss.

  • Sugar coffee scrub

Take in equal parts coffee, cinnamon, sugar, honey, olive oil. This composition will not only tighten and smooth the skin, but also help with stretch marks. Prepare it ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator.

  • Coffee scrub with honey

Take half a glass of coffee grounds and liquid honey. For best results, try applying this scrub by patting your palms on your skin. After 10 minutes, wash off the mixture without soap.

  • Scrub with salt

You need the same amount of thick and fine salt, as well as half as much vegetable oil. Salt, like caffeine, removes unnecessary fluid and toxins, and also disinfects and tones the skin.

  • Scrub for dry skin

Mix half a glass of thick with a glass of sugar-free yogurt. This composition will help parched skin to return to normal, give it radiance and the necessary nutrition.

  • Coffee scrub soap

Making coffee soap at home is harder than making a scrub. But a small piece will last for a long time, so the time spent will justify itself.

  • 1 bar baby soap
  • 1 st. l. coffee pomace
  • 100 ml water
  • 1.5 st. l. oils (any cosmetic)
  • 1 st. l. oat flour

Rub the soap on a fine grater, fill with water and leave overnight. In the morning, put the softened soap in a water bath. While stirring, heat it until the mass becomes homogeneous. Without removing the mixture from the heat, pour in the oil and stir. Then add dry cake and flour. If the mass seems too thick for you, pour in a few more drops of water. Mix everything thoroughly and put in a mold for solidification. Use the same as a scrub.

For more coffee body scrub recipes, check out this article.

Indications and contraindications for the use of coffee scrubs

It is worth paying special attention to homemade cosmetics with coffee if you have:

  • tired skin with wrinkles;
  • dry skin that peels off;
  • cellulite;
  • the skin looks dull and grey, yellow or too pale.

For the desire to be beautiful and fresh, no one has contraindications, but give up coffee as part of a scrub if:

  • you are allergic to coffee beans;
  • your skin is too thin and vulnerable, sensitive;
  • there is a skin disease;
  • you are pregnant, because caffeine is too active.

Useful tips!

  1. Never use hot grounds, let it cool down.
  2. It is useful to wash off the scrub with decoctions of medicinal herbs from the face.
  3. If you want to lose weight with coffee, rub the scrub over your body not with your hand, but with a washcloth or body massager. After the procedure, take a bath with salt.
  4. Add essential oils to the formulations as desired.
  5. When you get ready for a bath, take a jar of coffee mixture with you - you will be surprised at how soft, beautiful and smooth your skin will become.

Coffee and honey anti-cellulite scrub

Buy Coffee scrub

For face


For body and face

  • COFFEE AND SALT SCRUB “COFFEE & CARAMEL” FOR THE BODY SPA DELIGHT (Spain) — Ingredients: Dead Sea salt; sweet almond oil; Arabica coffee; walnut shell; vitamin E; caramel.
  • SCRUB "CHOCOLATE-COFFEE" WORKSHOP OF OLESIA MUSTAYEVA — Ingredients: sugar; ground coffee; cacao butter; cocoa mass; shea butter; grape bone oil; fucus extracts; kelp extract; horse chestnut extract; horsetail extract; ivy extract.
  • COFFEE SCRUB AROMA ROYAL SYSTEMS(Russia) – Composition: salt; sweet almond oil; coffee powder from Arabica seeds; nutshell powder; dead sea salt; tocopherol.

For legs

  • Renewing polishing scrub for body and legs Spa Delight Spa Delight, 200 g.

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