What is your foot: Greek, Roman, aristocratic or peasant? Types of feet According to the shape of the foot

Do you want to know who your distant ancestors were? It turns out that this can be done using the analysis of the fingers on the foot. Everyone knows that in the process of global migration of the population, many nationalities and nationalities mixed up, so if you consider yourself, for example, Russian, this does not mean at all that your family began with a Slav.

In the course of research, scientists have found that a direct indication of belonging to the ancestral roots lies precisely in the toes. Take a close look at your legs and find a similar option in the picture below.

  1. You are an Egyptian. The shape of the foot is beveled. The longest finger is the thumb, followed by the rest of the fingers in descending order. The owners of such a foot are credited with an emotional, romantic character. Such people are also distinguished by insight. But the most important thing is the Egyptian roots.
  2. You are a Roman. The first three fingers are the same length. The rest of the fingers are slightly shorter. You have the blood of a real Roman in you. The owners of such feet are distinguished by straightforwardness, generosity, obstinacy and patience.
  3. You are Greek. The toes are in the shape of a triangle. The largest finger is the second after the thumb. The Greek type of foot gives a person ambition, a desire for independence, purposefulness. This is a leader who knows how to lead.
  4. Are you German. The thumb on such a foot is the largest, the rest are of the same length. Such people have a desire for order and stability. The owners of the German foot know what they want, and stubbornly achieve it.
  5. You are a Celt. The biggest toe on the foot is the second in a row. Celtic blood flowing in you often pushes you to rash acts. The main differences are impulsiveness and stubbornness. There is also great willpower.

If your type of foot is not like those that were presented, then perhaps your roots go beyond our planet? Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.04.2015 09:41

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Did you know that a person's character can be determined not only by the lines on the palm, the color of the eyes, the shape of the ears, but also by the structure of the legs? Don't believe? Then read on.

In the structure of the human foot, three types are distinguished: the Greek foot, Egyptian and Roman. Let's start with the first one.

The structure of the Greek foot

Usually the length of the toes in most people is such that they are located in a descending line relative to the big toe. However, there are exceptions - people whose second finger is longer than the first. This type is called "Greek".

According to statistics, the Greek foot is found only in 10% of the world's population, and its prevalence is uneven. So, among the Swedes, a similar structure of the legs is found in only 3% of cases, but among the Aina people, who inhabit the Japanese islands, in almost 90%.

In medicine, this phenomenon has received the name "Morton's finger" in honor of Dudley D. Morton, an American orthopedic surgeon who first described it. In orthopedics, it is considered a deviation from the norm, but, despite this, it usually does not cause any inconvenience, except with the selection of shoes.


The formation of the Greek foot is genetically determined. But how strongly the sign will be expressed depends on the speed of puberty. There is a theory that the length of the fingers directly depends on the age of the closure of the tubular bones. It is believed that the farther they are from the heart, the earlier and faster they close during puberty.

Since the toes are located farthest from the heart, the variability of their shape depends on the age of puberty, as well as on the sexual constitution. It is worth noting that this applies to all toes, but to a greater extent the second toe. But let's not talk about boring theories anymore, but let's see what history says about this.

Historical facts

The Greek type of foot was considered the aesthetic standard. The Romans adopted this principle from the Greeks. In medieval Europe, this feature of the structure of the fingers was considered a sign of aristocracy.

Morton's finger is also found in the works of Botticelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and other artists and sculptors. By the way, the Statue of Liberty, donated by the French to the people of the United States, is also distinguished by this feature.

Influence on character and sexuality

Let's move on to the most interesting. Let's figure out how the Greek foot and the character of a person are connected. It is believed that such a foot gives its owner leadership qualities. Such people are usually active, courageous and inventive. And the longer the second finger, the more pronounced the makings of a leader. It is important not to go too far here, because there is a danger of becoming a tyrant who does not take into account the interests of others.

Naturally, such people transfer their leadership qualities to the family. It was not for nothing that mothers-in-law in India were wary of their daughters-in-law if their second finger was too long - there was a very high risk that the son would turn into a henpecked. The Greek foot in women suggests that they are the main ones in the family. It is believed, however, that women with such a leg structure are unlucky and cause a lot of trouble to others.

With regard to sexual life, it is obvious that the mismatch of sexual constitutions is a problem that entails other contradictions, no less serious. It turned out that people with a long thumb have the weakest libido. In second place are those whose first and second fingers are approximately the same length. Well, champions are considered to be those whose second finger protrudes 3-10 mm above the thumb. Of course, you can not choose a partner based only on this sign. But he can partly help you find a person with a similar constitution.

Roman foot. Character and sexuality

Unlike the Greek foot, the Roman foot is characterized by almost the same length of the first and second toes. Further, the line of fingers goes down, but without sharp drops.

The owners of such fingers are straightforward, have a simple, even character. For the sake of achieving the goal, they are able to “hollow at one point” for a long time, despite the difficulties. These qualities are the secret of their success. People with a Roman foot are distinguished by an average level of sexuality and are not prone to violent manifestations of passion.

Egyptian foot. Character and sexuality

Let's see what is the difference between the Greek foot and the Egyptian foot. The Egyptian foot is characterized by a uniform decrease in the length of the fingers from the big to the little finger.

People with this type of foot are distinguished by emotionality, kindness, gullibility and romance. These are the calmest people.

Elevation of the foot and character

Now that we have figured out the shape of the foot, it makes sense to look at its arch. This may be important. So, people with a high instep are born leaders, they have a strong character and a good memory. Unfortunately, they often hear accusations of incontinence and unscrupulousness addressed to them. The low rise of the foot indicates that its owner depends on the opinions of others, is ready for compromises, is somewhat dependent, but is sociable and soft in communication.

The influence of the shape of the heel on the character

Now let's see how the shape of the heel affects the character. People with narrow or small heels are distinguished by sophistication, impracticality and some detachment from reality. Their brothers with wide heels are reliable and practical. They are absolute realists. Personal safety and the safety of loved ones always comes first. If the heel is too wide, the wearer may lack a sense of security and stability.

The heels protruding beyond the foot speak of a person's concern for his future, the future of his family and children. The owners of such heels do not like changes and try to avoid them, or at least postpone them. Being in constant emotional stress, they begin to drag their legs, as it were, which leads to roughening of the skin on the heels. This is a sign of a desire to isolate oneself from life's problems and fear of life.

What does the color of the skin of the feet say?

The color of the skin of the feet can say a lot not only about the character of a person, but also about his health. So, pale feet indicate that their owner is tired, exhausted and deprived of vital energy.

Red feet can talk about problems in personal or social life, about the accumulation of negative emotions and unexpressed feelings that only aggravate the situation, especially if a person does not think about the true causes of his troubles.

Cyanotic feet speak of the pain and suffering that a person experiences. In such a situation, it may seem to him that life wants to break him and nothing good will ever happen to him.

Yellowing of the foot, partially or completely, indicates that a person is on the edge in some situation or relationship. A completely yellowed foot is a sign of extreme weariness from life. If the calluses turn yellow, then the person has encountered obstacles to expressing his feelings.

"Greek foot" is a term used in sculpture to describe a foot in which the second toe is longer than the big toe. This structure of the foot in medical terminology is referred to as "Morton's toe", named after the American orthopedic surgeon Dudley Joe Morton (1884-1960), who first described this phenomenon.

In physiology, three types of feet are distinguished according to the length of the fingers: Greek, Egyptian and Roman.

The "Greek foot" is shown here.

The "Egyptian" type of foot is characterized by a long first toe and a decrease in length of the remaining four toes.

Finally, the "Roman" or "rectangular foot". In it, all fingers are approximately the same length.

The vast majority of the world's population - from 70% to 80% - has an "Egyptian foot", which is considered normal from the standpoint of osteology. And, conversely, the "Greek foot" in medicine is considered as a bone anomaly. It is noteworthy that the signs of the "Greek foot" are inherited.

This feature in the structure of the human foot is often used to denote Greek ethnic origin and is most common among the Greek population. Internationally, this phenomenon occurs in about 10% of people.

"Greek foot" - the standard of beauty

From antiquity until the Renaissance, the "Greek foot" was considered the epitome of a high standard of beauty. So it is not surprising that the statues of Greek antiquity, as a rule, depicted figures of the Greeks with this type of foot.

The tradition of ancient Greek artists to depict feet in which the second toe is longer than the thumb was later adopted by the Romans. And this artistic trend was called the "Greek foot". Its modern example with a characteristic proportion of fingers is presented in the work of the French masters - the Statue of Liberty in New York.

What your feet say: Morton's toe, personality and genetics

Finger Morton- the state (structure) of the foot, in which the second toe is longer than the first (the reduced first metatarsal bone of the foot in relation to the second metatarsal bone). Such a structure is found in about 10% of people and often does not cause any inconvenience, although with improperly selected shoes it can cause pain and calluses. This anatomical feature has a remarkable history and several useful practical implications. It affects the stability of the foot, character and even sexual compatibility.


In most people, the structure of the bones of the toes is such that they are located in descending order relative to the big toe. However, there are people whose second finger is longer than the first (big). Such a finger was called "Morton's finger" after the American orthopedic surgeon Dudley Joe Morton (1884-1960), who first described this phenomenon. In specialized literature, the phenomenon is usually described as a disorder, but this is a fairly common structure, it occurs in about 10% of people and most often does not cause any discomfort.


The prevalence in populations varies from 3 (Swedes) to 90% (Ainu). Note that the Neanderthals had a foot with Morton's toe.

The ancient Greeks and Romans considered just such a variant of the leg to be an aesthetic standard, which was reflected in the sculptures. In medieval Europe, such a finger was considered an aristocratic, royal finger.

All ancient Greek sculptures that represent the figures of the Greeks clearly give out this feature. And it is no coincidence that the ancient Greeks portrayed her in their works. Later, the Romans, who did not master the art of sculpture, copied the works of the Greeks and, together with them, dragged the Greek foot into their art.

Therefore, the foot with the Morton toe is also called the Greek foot, as opposed to the Egyptian foot, each toe of which is shorter than the previous one. By the way, the Statue of Liberty also has a Greek foot. Many characters of the Italians Botticelli (1445-1510) and Michelangelo (1475-1564) have the second toe longer than the first. And also in the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci and many other artists.


Morton's finger is the result of genetic inheritance, but the degree of its severity depends on the nature and speed of puberty. Morton's finger has a complex inheritance, it does not follow the classical Mendeleev distribution. Strict family inheritance in several generations is described, it is believed that this is a recessive trait with incomplete penetrance, but I think that the real situation is more complicated.

There is an opinion that Morton's finger is associated with the age of the closure of tubular bones. This theory states that the age of the closure of the growth zones of the tubular bones of a person also affects the shape of his foot. And here it is necessary to formulate a general rule, a general trend of this influence: the farther the tubular bone is from the heart, the earlier and stronger the closure of the growth zones of these bones during puberty of a person is manifested. Therefore, the stronger the sexual constitution of a person, the shorter these bones. It should also be remembered that men generally mature somewhat later than women, so they are both taller and somewhat longer legs than women, since the growth centers of tubular bones close later in them.

Human legs, like human hands, have one feature: the thumbs have two phalanges, and the rest have three. And since they are farthest from the heart, they also have the greatest variation depending on the age of a person’s puberty and, accordingly, on his sexual constitution (the length of the remaining toes also depends on the type of sexual constitution, but not to the same extent and not for all of people).

Morton's finger, character and compatibility in marriage.

According to folk observations and a number of empirical data, Morton's finger is associated with leadership qualities and the degree of sexual constitution. I repeat that these observations are not confirmed by scientific observations (but such studies have not been carried out yet). The longer the second finger, the stronger the makings of a leader in you. You are active, active and resourceful. But the desire to achieve a goal, regardless of other people, must be restrained, otherwise you will turn into an imperious tyrant.

So, there is a sign: if the second toe is longer than the first, then the happy owner of such a foot will be the master in the family. This is a sure sign that you will be the head of the family. By the way, in India, mothers warn their sons against marrying girls who have too long a second toe - so that their bloodies do not become henpecked.

Folk wisdom advises women: “If the second finger is longer than the thumb, such a woman is very unlucky and will be a source of concern to others. If the big toe is the longest on the leg, you are subordinate to your husband. If the second one is longer than the big one, you are the main one.

It is known that partners with different sexual constitutions do not get along well sexually, which entails many other problems. As for the sexual temperament, it turns out that in people with a weak sexual constitution, the big toe is the longest, in people with an average sexual constitution it is comparable to the second finger, and with a strong one it is 3-10 millimeters shorter than the second toe. Of course, this is not the most important sign, but only one of many, just keep in mind that it is important to choose a partner that is right for you, similar to your constitution.

health risks.

However, such a structure of the foot can provoke the appearance of calluses and discomfort at the base of the second toe, associated with the distribution of body weight when walking. Also, wearing shoes that do not provide for such a feature of the foot can cause curvature of the nail. Treatment for Morton's toe begins with proper footwear. High and wide toe shoes are ideal for pain relief. It is recommended to purchase shoes half a size or even a size larger so that the second toe does not experience pressure from the toe of the shoe.

There are two risk groups: women who wear narrow shoes with high heels, thereby causing compression of the foot and displacement of bones, and overweight people who also deform the foot with their weight. Morton's finger in such cases leads to excessive pressure on the head of the second metatarsal bones on the plantar surface of the foot and to pain similar to that which occurs with metatarsalgia. Constant pressure on the nail phalanx of the second finger when walking and standing can cause a callus to appear in this place.

Many are skeptical about all kinds of tests to determine the character by external features. But some take note of this, because they believe that these tests are often based on observations collected over the centuries, carefully checked and analyzed.

Surely you look at your feet and fingers several times a day, but if you are asked what they are, how they are located in relation to each other, you are unlikely to remember exactly. So look carefully and determine which of the four basic types your feet belong to, and then examine them even more closely, move your fingers and clarify. You yourself will be surprised how exactly the feet and toes correspond to some features of your character.


They have strange, at first glance, names, but this is just the case when the classification is really based on observations.


The second finger is longer than the thumb.

People with this type of foot are able to set goals and move towards them with enthusiasm. These are creative personalities, always ready to take on the challenge of fate and plunge headlong into adventure. The leadership qualities of the owners of the Greek foot are manifested in the fact that they always know exactly what and how to do, and most importantly, how to fix it if, in their opinion, something goes wrong.


All fingers are proportional, and the longest finger is the thumb.

People with such a foot are sociable, friendly and responsive. These are either charismatic personalities, or possessing some kind of bright and attractive feature. They know how to organize their time, know how to behave with different people and in different situations, are tactful, know how to listen to others and know how to clearly express their views, thoughts and feelings. They know how to convince and guide people without suppressing their will.


They say about such a person that a person has a square foot, all toes are almost the same in length.

People with this type of foot are very careful: before making any decisions or taking action, they will analyze every little thing and try to foresee all possible difficulties. They are very intelligent and practical people. They remain calm in any situation and always remain reliable friends and companions.


The toes are located close to each other, which makes the foot look thin and elongated. The thumb is the longest of all, the length of the others decreases with each finger.

People with such feet usually live on their own and know how to enjoy their personal space. They are secretive and are not completely frank with anyone, they try not to let strangers into their feelings and experiences. They are very impulsive and cannot control their mood.


In addition to the main types, pay attention to the peculiarities of the location of the fingers that are found in representatives of all types. They also testify to some character traits.

Rebellious natures, who like to do things their own way, usually have a tiny little finger, located below the rest of the fingers.

If a person’s middle finger “looks to the side”, it means that he tries to plan his actions in advance, does not commit rash acts, and controls himself well in any situations.


The little finger of many is completely motionless, and in order to move it, the help of the hand is needed. This is evidence of a firm adherence to traditions and the established way of life, but with complete loyalty to the rules of someone else's life.


There are people whose little finger is very mobile by itself. And people who have such little fingers also try to move somewhere all the time: in life they constantly want changes, otherwise life is simply boring, and they feel unhappy. Usually these people are very capricious.

We are used to predictions, astrologers, psychics and magicians. Fortunetellers and palmists read our fate along the lines on the hand and the length of the fingers. But few people have heard that the shape of the leg also carries certain information. Like many parts of our bodies, feet have their own shape. Even in the most standard cases, certain differences can be found. You will be surprised, but even twins cannot have the same feet. This means that the shape of the legs is individual and may embody some of your personality traits.

Egyptian leg

If the foot forms a perfect line, and each subsequent toe is slightly smaller than the previous one, it is customary to call your foot Egyptian. Do not rush to conclusions about the ideality of your character. People with well-shaped legs are prone to mood swings. They are lonely, secretive and do not like to talk about themselves.

Roman foot

This type of foot is the most common. Take a look at your foot: if three fingers, starting from the thumb, form a straight line, then you also belong to the majority. By nature, you are friendly and sociable. Among the public figures of ancient culture, this form was especially common. That's where its name came from.

peasant leg

The following form of the foot is very rare. A peasant foot is one with all the toes of the same length. It appears angular, which is how it got its name, but is actually remarkably stable. Representatives of this group are practical, incredibly calm and reasonable. They are trustworthy and can be partners when it comes to serious issues.

Greek foot

In Greek feet, the second toe is longer than the thumb. This type is common and indicates emotional, artistic and charismatic natures. They have leadership inclinations and are often members of the sporting elite.

Little finger doesn't move

People who have this form can only move their little toe with their hands. A little finger that does not move on its own indicates workaholics leading a stable and measured life. They are calm, conservative and reasonable.

The little finger is movable

In some cases, the opposite picture is observed. If it seems to you that your little finger is too mobile and lives its own, isolated life, then you belong to the number of adventurers. You are interested in everything new, enterprising, frivolous and not afraid of change. In a word, you are the antipode of the previous type.

Very short little finger

And here is another group of representatives of an isolated small finger. When the little finger is disproportionately short, this indicates the desire to do everything in your own way and go against public opinion. These people are like cats that walk by themselves. They tend to avoid noisy crowded places. They are not fashion oriented and easily exist somewhere apart from everyone else.

Third finger turned out

People with such a foot are usually used to being in control. They plan their lives down to the smallest detail and do not like surprises.

Gap between fingers

When there is a gap on the foot between the second and third fingers, this indicates that you are good at separating emotions from logic. Among the representatives of this group one can meet diplomats, analysts and traders. They are often accused of detachment and lack of emotionality, but such is their nature.

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