"Greek foot" - deformation of the fingers, which has become the standard of beauty (photo). Where are your roots? Find out the origin by the shape of the foot Types of the foot Greek

The condition of the outer cover is determined by examining the skin,

mucous membranes and hair. The elasticity of the skin is determined by the rate of spreading of the skin fold on the back of the hand. To do this, take a fold of skin on the back of the subject's hand with the thumb forefinger, lift it up and release it.

    Fat deposition.

Fat loss is rated as weak if the relief of the bones of the shoulder girdle protrudes sharply; as the average if it looms indistinctly; as big, if the contours of the bones are almost invisible. The degree of fat deposition can also be judged by the size of the skin fold with subcutaneous tissue, taken with the thumb and forefinger on the abdomen of the subject.


When examining and palpating various muscle groups at rest and tension, the development of muscles is assessed as weak, medium or good. Establish the uniformity or unevenness of its development.


By inspection and palpation, they are assessed as massive, medium or thin.

    The shape of the chest.

It is customary to distinguish three forms of the chest: conical,

cylindrical and flat. conical chest happens in people with well-developed muscles, especially the shoulder girdle, and well-developed lungs. The ribs are located horizontally, the epigastric angle is obtuse.

Flat chest occurs in people with weakly developed muscles. It is strongly flattened in the anterior-posterior diameter, narrow and long. The ribs are strongly inclined, the epigastric angle is sharp.

Cylindrical chest occupies an intermediate position between conical and flat. The ribs are located horizontally, the epigastric angle is straight.

6. The shape of the legs.

The shape of the legs is assessed as normal, O- and X-shaped. In the normal form, in the “at attention” position, the hips, knees, shins and heels touch. With an O-shape, with closed heels, the knees do not converge. With an X-shape, with closed knees, the heels do not converge.

7. Shape of the foot

The foot takes part in the mechanism of support and the act of movement. The shape of the foot is normal, flattened and flat. normal foot consider one in which its area occupies from 35 to 50% of the total area of ​​the foot. This form has two well-defined vaults - external and internal. The outer arch bears the brunt of the body, the inner one plays the role of a shock absorber, a spring, which is of great importance in protecting the internal organs of a person, as well as the spinal cord and brain, from excessive concussions during movement. To flattened feet include feet with a support area ranging from 50 to 60%. flat feet such, the area of ​​​​support of which lies in the range from 60 to 100%.

Rice. one . Determining the shape of the foot

The shape of the foot can be determined by its imprints (plantography). To do this, use various dyes that lubricate the foot. According to the Streeter method, on the resulting print (Fig. 1), a tangent is drawn to the most prominent points of the inner arch of the foot (AB) From the middle of the tangent (C), the perpendicular is restored to the outer arch of the foot (EC) and the percentage of the length of that part of that part of the perpendicular that is passed through the imprint (DE) to its entire length (CE). Having measured the distance CE and DE on the footprint, it is possible, by substituting their value into the formula, to calculate the percentage of the length of the isthmus DE to the entire length of the perpendicular CE:

X = DE: CE x 100%

If the isthmus is up to 50% of the length of the CE, the foot is normal, 50-60% flattened and over 60% flat. Thus, longitudinal flat feet are determined.

To determine whether the subject has transverse flat feet, measure the length of his foot, drawing a line from the top of the thumb (M) to the back of the heel (D), and its greatest width (AK). Substituting the values ​​into the formula:

Y \u003d AK: MG x 100%

find the percentage of the width of the foot to its length. The width of the foot should normally be no more than 40% of the length of the foot. With transverse flat feet, this value can reach 41-42%.

A lot of scientific works have been written on the topic of "human feet". The field of medicine that deals with the study of the structure and methods of treating the human foot is called podiatry.

Podiatry (chiropodia, podology) -a branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of diseases of the foot and lower leg, combining knowledge in orthopedics, traumatology, vascular and purulent surgery, and neurosurgery. The field of podiatry includes various congenital and acquired deformities of the foot (flat feet, hallux valgus, plantar fasciitis), tarsal tunnel syndrome, diabetic foot, etc.

Podiatry, as a separate discipline, is studied in the UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In other countries, podiatry is a fairly young science, also in Russia, the first manual on podiatry was published in 2006.

Chinese medicine has long compared the external structural features of the foot and internal diseases, as well as character traits that coincide with these features. There is even a separate type of divination by the lines of the feet and the shape of the toes - pedomancy ...

Pedomancy - parascientific practice, so-called. "fortune-telling" along the lines of the foot and the shape of the toes. Pedomancy is not as widespread as palmistry. There are two directions of pedomancy: determining character in the footsteps and predicting fate. The reliability of the information obtained by pedomancy has not been scientifically proven. Nevertheless, the services of pedomancers are in stable demand. The Commission for Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences considers pedomancy to be pseudoscience.

There are 5 fingers on the foot. The first toe is the big toe, the fifth toe is the little finger, and the remaining toes are usually called by numbers. The count is from the thumb to the little finger. First of all, take a look at your fingers. Which finger is the longest?

Try to determine your foot type. Perhaps you will learn a little more not only about your legs, but also about your character.

According to the length of the fingers, 3 types of feet are distinguished: Greek, Egyptian, Roman. It should be noted that a certain ratio of the length of the first two fingers affects certain possible foot deformities. So, the Greek foot is most prone to transverse flat feet, and the Egyptian foot is prone to the development of longitudinal flat feet.:

1. Greek type of foot - Greek foot. The second toe is longer than the big and third toes. They are followed in descending order by the fourth and the little finger. The owners of the Greek type of foot are credited with self-will and ambition, independence and purposefulness. There is a saying that the one in the family (wife or husband) is the head, who has "the second finger is longer than the first."

2. Egyptian type of foot - Egyptian foot. In descending order, the first, second, third, fourth toes and little finger follow. The owners of the Egyptian foot are credited with such features as softness and emotionality, romance and gullibility.

3. Roman type, or rectangular type - Roman foot. All fingers are about the same length. The thumb is almost equal to the second, then in descending order, but without strong differences: the third, fourth, little finger. Natures with the Roman type of foot are credited with straightforwardness, simplicity of character. People with a Roman foot are characterized by "stubbornness" and perseverance, it is these traits that help them achieve success.

In another source, the morphological type of the foot is also divided into 3 types:

The foot of the Egyptian (Fig. 1), as we see it on the statues of the pharaohs, is distinguished by the presence of the longest thumb; the length of all other fingers is successively reduced. This type of foot is most prone to problems. In shoes, the relatively long thumb moves laterally (hallux valgus) and, due to the load in the anterior phase, leads to osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint, creating hallux rigidus.

Greek foot(Fig. 2) is typical for classical Greek statues. The second finger is the longest, followed by the first and third fingers, which are almost the same length, and then the fourth and fifth fingers. With this type of foot, the load is best distributed over its anterior section.

Polynesian foot(Fig. 3), or the square foot depicted on Gauguin's canvases: the fingers (at least the first three) are of the same length. This foot does not cause any problems.

Now look closely at the arch of the foot. The type of arch of the foot can also tell a lot about its owner.

Low instep inherent in people who are accommodating and sociable, people who are ready to accept help and listen to advice.

high rise speaks of the good memory of its owner and good "leadership" qualities. At the same time, people with high lifts are credited with incontinence of character and unscrupulousness.

But it doesn't matter what type of foot you have, wide or narrow foot, high or low arch, flat or bulging heel. The main thing is that the foot is healthy!

And there are also such stop options:

1) Egyptian; 2) Roman; 3) Greek; 4) German; 5) Celtic

All over the world there are only 3 types of foot: "Egyptian", "Greek" and "Roman".

The "Egyptians" have the longest thumb, and all the others are arranged "in descending order". A diagonal line is drawn between the thumb and little finger.

In the "Greeks" the second finger is noticeably longer than the first.

The "Romans" have the first three fingers of approximately the same length, and the ring and little fingers are shorter.


"Egyptian type"

The most common form of foot in the world is Egyptian: according to various sources, 50-70% of the population of our planet has such feet. It is believed that people with this type of foot are characterized by purposefulness, a pragmatic approach to life, family-oriented in the broadest sense of the word (life in a clan, traditions, values ​​passed down from generation to generation). The owners of the "Egyptian" foot are hardworking, self-confident, have good health, and orthopedic doctors even believe that this is the only healthy principle of foot structure in terms of anatomy. The prevalence of this type confirms: evolutionarily, it was his nature that considered optimal.

"Roman type"

In second place in prevalence is the "Roman" foot, this type occurs in approximately 30% of the population. The "Romans" are ambitious, open to everything new, very active and cannot stand the routine. They never sit still, they “generate” ideas, light up at the mere thought of new opportunities and always look to the future with optimism. At the same time, they are very stubborn: if the “Roman” has made a decision, he will go to the end, patiently overcoming difficulties, coping with temporary setbacks and encouraging others.

"Greek type"

The rarest and, according to artists and sculptors all over the world, the most beautiful foot is the “Greek” one. This type was the last to be systematized, since only 20% of the world's population retained the genetic code responsible for this foot structure. Art historians at one time drew attention to the fact that all Greek sculptures without exception depict feet exactly like this: with an elongated second toe. After conducting a study, scientists found that only people with aristocratic features were taken as sitters for sculptures, one of which was the “Greek” foot. The "Greeks" are characterized by a craving for intellectual work, a developed sense of beauty, a love of art and contemplation. These dreamers, philosophers, people with amazing intuition and imagination, as a rule, are successful in creative professions.

Many are skeptical about all kinds of tests to determine the character by external features. But some take note of this, because they believe that these tests are often based on observations collected over the centuries, carefully checked and analyzed.

Surely you look at your feet and fingers several times a day, but if you are asked what they are, how they are located in relation to each other, you are unlikely to remember exactly. So look carefully and determine which of the four basic types your feet belong to, and then examine them even more closely, move your fingers and clarify. You yourself will be surprised how exactly the feet and toes correspond to some features of your character.


They have strange, at first glance, names, but this is just the case when the classification is really based on observations.


The second finger is longer than the thumb.

People with this type of foot are able to set goals and move towards them with enthusiasm. These are creative personalities, always ready to take on the challenge of fate and plunge headlong into adventure. The leadership qualities of the owners of the Greek foot are manifested in the fact that they always know exactly what and how to do, and most importantly, how to fix it if, in their opinion, something goes wrong.


All fingers are proportional, and the longest finger is the thumb.

People with such a foot are sociable, friendly and responsive. These are either charismatic personalities, or possessing some kind of bright and attractive feature. They know how to organize their time, know how to behave with different people and in different situations, are tactful, know how to listen to others and know how to clearly express their views, thoughts and feelings. They know how to convince and guide people without suppressing their will.


They say about such a person that a person has a square foot, all toes are almost the same in length.

People with this type of foot are very careful: before making any decisions or taking action, they will analyze every little thing and try to foresee all possible difficulties. They are very intelligent and practical people. They remain calm in any situation and always remain reliable friends and companions.


The toes are located close to each other, which makes the foot look thin and elongated. The thumb is the longest of all, the length of the others decreases with each finger.

People with such feet usually live on their own and know how to enjoy their personal space. They are secretive and are not completely frank with anyone, they try not to let strangers into their feelings and experiences. They are very impulsive and cannot control their mood.


In addition to the main types, pay attention to the peculiarities of the location of the fingers that are found in representatives of all types. They also testify to some character traits.

Rebellious natures, who like to do things their own way, usually have a tiny little finger, located below the rest of the fingers.

If a person’s middle finger “looks to the side”, it means that he tries to plan his actions in advance, does not commit rash acts, and controls himself well in any situations.


The little finger of many is completely motionless, and in order to move it, the help of the hand is needed. This is evidence of a firm adherence to traditions and the established way of life, but with complete loyalty to the rules of someone else's life.


There are people whose little finger is very mobile by itself. And people who have such little fingers also try to move somewhere all the time: in life they constantly want changes, otherwise life is simply boring, and they feel unhappy. Usually these people are very capricious.

We are used to predictions, astrologers, psychics and magicians. Fortunetellers and palmists read our fate along the lines on the hand and the length of the fingers. But few people have heard that the shape of the leg also carries certain information. Like many parts of our bodies, feet have their own shape. Even in the most standard cases, certain differences can be found. You will be surprised, but even twins cannot have the same feet. This means that the shape of the legs is individual and may embody some of your personality traits.

Egyptian leg

If the foot forms a perfect line, and each subsequent toe is slightly smaller than the previous one, it is customary to call your foot Egyptian. Do not rush to conclusions about the ideality of your character. People with well-shaped legs are prone to mood swings. They are lonely, secretive and do not like to talk about themselves.

Roman foot

This type of foot is the most common. Take a look at your foot: if three fingers, starting from the thumb, form a straight line, then you also belong to the majority. By nature, you are friendly and sociable. Among the public figures of ancient culture, this form was especially common. That's where its name came from.

peasant leg

The following form of the foot is very rare. A peasant foot is one with all the toes of the same length. It appears angular, which is how it got its name, but is actually remarkably stable. Representatives of this group are practical, incredibly calm and reasonable. They are trustworthy and can be partners when it comes to serious issues.

Greek foot

In Greek feet, the second toe is longer than the thumb. This type is common and indicates emotional, artistic and charismatic natures. They have leadership inclinations and are often members of the sporting elite.

Little finger doesn't move

People who have this form can only move their little toe with their hands. A little finger that does not move on its own indicates workaholics leading a stable and measured life. They are calm, conservative and reasonable.

The little finger is movable

In some cases, the opposite picture is observed. If it seems to you that your little finger is too mobile and lives its own, isolated life, then you belong to the number of adventurers. You are interested in everything new, enterprising, frivolous and not afraid of change. In a word, you are the antipode of the previous type.

Very short little finger

And here is another group of representatives of an isolated small finger. When the little finger is disproportionately short, this indicates the desire to do everything in your own way and go against public opinion. These people are like cats that walk by themselves. They tend to avoid noisy crowded places. They are not fashion oriented and easily exist somewhere apart from everyone else.

Third finger turned out

People with such a foot are usually used to being in control. They plan their lives down to the smallest detail and do not like surprises.

Gap between fingers

When there is a gap on the foot between the second and third fingers, this indicates that you are good at separating emotions from logic. Among the representatives of this group one can meet diplomats, analysts and traders. They are often accused of detachment and lack of emotionality, but such is their nature.

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