How to keep a man for a long time: advice to women. What to do and how to keep your beloved man Girl in a man's shirt

To please a man, to charm him and even to fall in love with yourself is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It is quite another thing to keep a loved one, to become for him the only one next to whom he wants to spend his whole life.
And the main difficulty on the way to a joint “happily ever after” is the fear of a serious relationship among many modern men. But there are other pitfalls that can easily break your boat in the ocean of Love. How to keep a man and live a long and happy life together with him will be discussed further.
Was there a prince: how to understand whether it is worth keeping a man
First of all, let's decide with you who you need to keep next to you, and who is better to let go immediately, without wasting precious time and effort. To do this, use our three simple rules.
Rule #1: Don't rush!
It is no secret that a woman in love tends to idealize her lover. Under the pressure of male charm and a cocktail of raging hormones, we all lose our heads and point blank do not notice its shortcomings. But he is not an ideal, and very soon, what seemed inconspicuous and even cute will literally become terribly annoying. Therefore, try not to make plans for the future with a man earlier than after six months of your relationship with him. According to research, this is exactly how long it takes for our endocrine system to get used to the hormonal explosion caused by an overabundance of love feelings.
Rule #2: Be honest with yourself
So, after about 6 months, your relationship will already get a little stronger, you will get to know each other quite well, and your hormones will subside - it's time to think about the future. This is the perfect time to ask yourself a simple question: Do I want to be with this man for the rest of my life? If, in response to it, butterflies start to flutter in the stomach, and images of your joint children appear in your head, then proceed to the next paragraph. If you don’t experience anything like this, then reconsider your relationship, it is quite possible that they have long outlived their usefulness. Just be honest with yourself. Your happiness depends on it!
Rule #3: Be sure to reciprocate
The third rule is the most important condition for a happy life together. Therefore, you need to make sure that your and his views on the relationship are completely the same. In other words, you must be sure that you are together solely out of mutual pure love, and not because you have been seeking his attention for a long time and he is just comfortable with you. How to understand that feelings are mutual? Just trust your intuition and analyze your relationship a little. It is advisable to do this being alone with your thoughts. You can additionally resort to a simple exercise: divide a sheet of paper into two columns and write out in them everything that each of you brings to your relationship. Ideally, both columns should be about the same size. A significant advantage goes in one direction - this is an occasion to think about harmonizing relations with your loved one.

If you are sure that this man is the love of your life, then the matter remains small. It is necessary to make the beloved come to the same conclusion. It is advisable to do this carefully and imperceptibly, otherwise men are gentle and shy creatures, and they must certainly be prepared for a “happily ever after”. And you need to prepare in such a way that he is sure until the end of his days that he himself made the fateful decision to make you his wife. And I didn't guess.
Now that the presence of a prince is beyond doubt, it's time to talk about how to keep a man close to you, preferably for life. And for this, you first need to understand why modern men are in no hurry to part with the status of a bachelor, even when there is already a wonderful and, most importantly, beloved woman next to them. As cliche as it sounds, it's all about fear. The fear of a serious relationship is a fairly strong psychological barrier, which can be very difficult for a man to cross alone. It can manifest itself in completely different ways. For example, in a cheerful revelry and a constant change of sexual partners. Or it can “hide” in a civil marriage, lasting without a stamp in the passport for decades. There are also cases when this very fear makes men even break off relations with their love, so as not to move to a new stage in the relationship.
Causes of fear of a serious relationship in men
One of the main causes of such fear is a bad experience. In other words, unhappy love. Therefore, it would be useful to ask the young man if there was something similar in his life and how he survived this spiritual wound. If the breakup occurred relatively recently, then you should not rush to the rapid development of your relationship.

In addition, the fear of a serious relationship in men may arise due to a distorted view of family life. For example, if a man has already had an unsuccessful marriage or his parents/friends/relatives have experienced a painful divorce. In this case, he can literally believe that marriage destroys the relationship and will not strive to create it. Your main task will be the destruction of this illusion. It is very important to show your loved one that the marriage relationship depends on the mutual efforts of two people, and can be very happy.
The idea of ​​a merry bachelor life imposed by advertising and the media completes our triad of the main causes of the fear of a serious relationship in men. It's about the artificially created and so attractive playboy lifestyle: lots of girlfriends, no obligations, fun and no responsibility. If this is the reason, then your task is to show your beloved another world. A world of mutual love and harmony, where real happiness can be achieved. How to do it? The simple tips that you will find below will come to the rescue.
Little female tricks: 10 simple tips on how to keep a man
It's time to move on to practical advice that will help you realize the dream of a happy life together with your lover. But keep in mind that they only work if your love feelings with a man are mutual and the relationship is developing. Let's make a reservation right away that their implementation will require good willpower and sometimes self-sacrifice from you. Therefore, be ready to work on yourself for the benefit of your love. And remember that it is impossible to keep a man either by a child, or by blackmail, or by money. Only mutual love and respect can make a couple happy for life!
Tip #1: Be versatile!
What is the difference between a beloved woman and a mistress or wife? The fact that she skillfully combines both of these roles. And he also knows how to be a close friend for a beloved man, a cheerful girlfriend, a caring mother, a sympathetic sister, a fair critic, a faithful ally ... This list can be continued for a long time, but its main meaning is clear and so - you need to be able to be multifaceted with your loved one. Don't focus on just one role, like the girl he's dating. Guys can go on dates with you for years, but none of them will dare to propose to you for one simple reason - you do not demonstrate anything else. Therefore, if you want to keep a man, be ready to cook borsch for him, and listen to problems, and take care of him in illness. And all this despite the fact that you are "just dating."
Tip #2: Don't force things
One of the most common female mistakes is rushing into relationships. On the one hand, it is understandable: age is running out, girlfriends are all already married, parents buzzed about their grandchildren ... Yes, and you have been dating for a long time - it’s definitely time to get married. But having come to this idea, in no case should you put pressure on a man, let alone blackmail him. In principle, this advice works at every new stage of a relationship, and not just when it comes to a wedding. So never rush! Give your man time to mature for cohabitation/marriage/children. In the meantime, no one forbids you to gently and gently guide him in the right direction with your caress and care.

Tip #3: Stay Interesting and Mysterious
For a man, there is nothing more boring than a monotonous life with a woman about whom he knows everything. Therefore, cultivate mystery and mystery in yourself. First of all, we are talking about a variety of hobbies and hobbies that will help you always remain interesting for your loved one. Ideal if some of your hobbies will completely coincide or overlap with the interests of your beloved.
Also try to surprise your man from time to time. Surprises can be very different: from a new hairstyle and an unexpected hair color to buying a certificate for a joint parachute jump. A little hint: in order for the surprise to be a success, be sure to make sure that your loved one will be happy for him. You can do this gently through indirect questions to him or his close friends.
Tip #4: Stay fit
Start with an elementary - everyday appearance. Once and for all, say a firm "no" to peeling nail polish, disheveled hair and soiled bathrobe in his presence. By the way, there is nothing wrong with appearing in front of your beloved without makeup. But doing the same make-up / manicure / coloring / hair removal with him is categorically not worth it. Firstly, these are far from the most attractive procedures. And secondly, such activities very often seriously scare men away. Therefore, it is better to let your little beauty secrets remain with you, and your beloved will only see the finished result.

Also, take care of your body. Ideally, try to maintain those forms with which you once conquered him. But remember that a couple of extra kilos are not so terrible as rough skin and cracked heels. So be sure to take care of yourself! Remember that a well-groomed woman is already a beauty.
Tip #5: Sharing Traditions
Nothing brings a couple together like small family traditions and rituals. For starters, let it be a simple Sunday tea party in a cozy cafe or a Saturday evening watching your favorite TV shows. The main thing is that it becomes really traditional, and therefore a regular pastime for both of you. Gradually add new joint rituals to your relationship that bring pleasure equally to each of you. And very soon they will become traditions that will bind you even more.
Tip #6: Have a Positive Attitude
Here, men do not like problematic ladies who strive to cry on their shoulders or complain about a bitter fate every time they meet. They don't like everything. Accept this fact and stay most of the time with your loved one on a positive wave. Firstly, you can cry with your mother and girlfriends, but it’s better to spend time with your loved one in some more interesting way. And, secondly, by demonstrating an optimistic attitude in a difficult situation, you thereby show a man that he can always count on your common sense and support in difficult times. And, thirdly, by ceasing to complain about all sorts of minor troubles in the company of your beloved, you automatically become stronger in spirit.

Tip #7: Don't dissolve!
Another factor that repels men is the complete dissolution of women. It can be dissolution in a spouse, children, life or work. The worst thing is that when a woman dissolves, she loses her boundaries and ceases to be an interesting person. Therefore, no matter how much you like a guy, no matter how much you want to make your loved one the meaning of your life, always remain a holistic person. Remember, no man will appreciate such sacrifices. And even worse, at one fine moment it will simply consider you as the attendants, with whom it is so convenient, but so boring. Well, the fact that men run from boring women like fire, you already know from our advice at number three.
Tip #8: Home comfort
Like it or not, but only caring female hands are able to create that unique home comfort that men appreciate so much. Therefore, make every effort to ensure that your joint housing becomes a real home for your beloved. Watch the cleanliness in the apartment, the neatness of his clothes and be sure to learn how to cook his favorite dishes. For most men this will be more than enough. And do not think that we urge you to plunge headlong into economic affairs and forget about your beloved. Learn to properly manage your time and then you will be able to do a lot! Including taking care of yourself and meeting with girlfriends.

Tip #9: Criticize Gently
Criticism of a lover is a dangerous thing. Especially if you criticize sharply enough and constantly. Believe me, not a single man will tolerate a woman next to him who regularly “nags” him. Therefore, if you criticize your beloved, then try to do it as carefully and constructively as possible. For example, do not just point out his mistakes, but offer a solution that will help avoid similar negative experiences in the future. Remember that a man will be much more attentive to a calm and reasonable conversation than to an emotional tantrum. In addition, having mastered the ability to criticize correctly, you can take the important place of a trusted adviser in the life of a loved one.
Tip #10: Give the man freedom
This is one of the most important tips on how to keep a man close to you. What do we mean by "to give freedom"? First of all, the ability of a man to independently make important decisions and the lack of total control on the part of a woman. Learn to trust your lover and don't keep him on a "short leash". He should have the opportunity, for example, to watch football with friends without you and your endless calls. It is also important not to impose your views on life to your beloved and make plans for the future for him. Always remember that your beloved is an adult and accomplished man who is able to make important decisions on his own. And your task is to become for him a faithful and loving person, to whose opinion he will be ready to listen, and not a second mother. Therefore, more often be guided by this principle in relationships. And very soon you will personally be convinced of its effectiveness!

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to keep a man in love. You will find out whether it is worth doing it in principle. You will learn how to behave when you want to keep a partner who is younger.

Is there a need

Is it worth the effort to keep a man next to you? The question is rather individual, it is necessary to consider each situation separately.

  1. No need to hurry. Remember that at the beginning of a relationship, a girl in love can look at her partner through rose-colored glasses, not pay attention to his shortcomings. It is believed that a young lady should not think about a joint future if the relationship lasted less than six months.
  2. Stay honest with yourself. It's time to ask yourself if you want to live with this man until old age. If your head is filled with fantasies about joint children, then you need to move on to the next question. If not, then perhaps it's time to think about your relationship, maybe they have become obsolete.
  3. Consider whether the feelings are mutual. It is important that your views on relationships match. It is necessary that reciprocity be on both sides, and it does not turn out that the relationship is the result of the fact that one of the partners sought the other.

How to keep

  1. If you are visited by the question of how to fall in love and keep a man of interest - be versatile. You need to understand that a beloved woman must combine the role of wife and lover, she also has the opportunity to be in the role of a true friend, a sympathetic sister, a fair critic, a caring mother and even a cheerful friend.
  2. There is no need to rush things, there is no need to rush in a relationship. Even if you understand that age is running out or upset that all the girlfriends are already married, you don’t need to rush down the aisle, put pressure on your partner, blackmail him, demanding a speedy wedding. A man must be ripe for major changes in his life, he must be absolutely sure of his intentions.
  3. Always be in shape. This applies to both everyday life and going out to people. A girl should take care of her hair, nails, clothes. You need to understand that she can dress up in the presence of a young man, but makeup should not be done in front of him, it’s better to let her see you without “paint” on her face. Much attention should be paid to your body. Remember that once a man was captivated by your figure, if now it is different from what it was before, you need to take measures to return the former forms that the man once fell in love with.
  4. Positive mood. No man wants to be next to a girl who constantly whines, complains about her fate. A girl should take care of her partner, be interested in him, provide support, and not poison her life with her sorrows.
  5. Home comfort is of great importance. A man appreciates a woman who is able to keep the house clean. You can win a man's heart by learning how to cook his favorite dishes.
  6. Shared traditions. To get close, you need to have family rituals. It can be an evening watching a series or tea drinking. The main thing is that such rituals bring pleasure to both you and your partner.
  7. You do not need to control your partner, he should have freedom of action. Let him have the opportunity to make independent decisions, meet friends, do not need to constantly control him, learn to trust him. Also, you should not impose yourself, convince a man of the correctness of his views and of his fallacy. Your task is to be a faithful and loving woman, ready to support, and not control every step.
  8. You don't need to criticize him. Especially do it all the time. So you will lose all chances to keep a man next to you. Some male representatives avoid serious relationships precisely because of the fear that the spouse will start to cut. If it is so necessary to criticize, then you need to do it carefully, for example, you should not point out his mistake, just tell him how you can do it differently next time. Remember that a man will not be able to respond normally to the hysterical behavior of his partner.
  9. A woman who wants to keep her beloved man next to her should not dissolve in anything, neither in work, nor in children. Otherwise, she will cease to be an interesting person. No need to lose your head or dissolve in your loved one, you need to understand that no one is aware of this sacrifice, will not appreciate it. Such a woman will seem boring to a man, he will quickly lose interest in her, he is unlikely to want to be around.

If the man is younger

  1. You don't have to play the role of a mother. No one forbids you to take care, but everything should be in moderation. If a man, for example, does not want to wear a warm jacket, then there is no need to put pressure on him. Remember that he should have his own opinion.
  2. You can't be in charge at home. Do not forget that a man is a representative of the stronger sex. He probably wants to be. If a young man, due to lack of proper experience, is not able to make a decision, then a woman can help him. This must be done gently, gently pushing in the right direction. Imagine how happy he will be, thinking that he has achieved everything himself. After all, it must be remembered that a woman is the neck on which the head sits - a man.
  3. If you want to keep a man for life, it is desirable that you have common interests, similar views. If the interest of a young man for you has long been in the past, you should not point out that you are too old for this. So you can humiliate him, question the correctness of the choice, be at a disadvantage. Do not be afraid to act, nothing is lost yet, you are still able to have fun. In addition, you need to understand that if you deny your partner something too much, then he will want to find someone else.
  4. The main problem of women who are in love with men much younger than them is the lack of trust and the fear that he will leave for another. However, excessive suspicions, strong jealousy, you will only destroy your relationship faster. You need to trust your loved one. And so that thoughts about other women do not arise, you need to become an ideal wife, lover, satisfy your man.
  1. Remember that a man is a protector by nature. You must be a weak woman. Therefore, behave in such a way that the partner feels his demand, has the opportunity to prove himself in the role of a defender. But don't be too helpless, just get weak sometimes.
  2. Maintain in the young man his importance. Let him know how valuable and significant he is in your relationship, he is irreplaceable. Let him also be responsible for some actions. When entrusting the execution of any business, be sure to thank for the assistance provided.
  3. Ask for his opinion on any issue. That woman will be wise, who will be able to listen to her man, agree with his opinion, but then she will do everything as she sees fit. However, the opportunity for a guy to feel like a leader, to feel like a leader, is very valuable.
  4. Never openly encroach on the freedom of a loved one. Remember that such behavior can only worsen your relationship.
  5. Women should not be too much in a man's life, you should not overload him with your attention. A young man will not tolerate a relationship in which there is an obsessive person who constantly calls on the phone, torments her with her questions, who constantly talks about how she missed him, how she cannot live without him even a minute.
  6. If you want to keep a man nearby for as long as possible, then you should not blackmail him, hinting at the need to legitimize your relationship. Talking about the upcoming wedding can only frighten off the gentleman.
  7. Remember the need to be varied, the same goes for variety in food. Surprise your loved one with different goodies, change, amaze with your intellect and talents.
  8. Always stay in a positive mood, no matter how hard and sad it is in your soul, Remember that you should be associated with the bright sun.
  9. Do everything so that a man can be proud of you. Especially show yourself in the company of his friends or family so that everyone points out how lucky he is to have such a woman nearby.
  10. You can try to arouse jealousy in a man so that he himself can realize how dear you are to him. However, this technique can cost you a relationship if the partner turns out to be quick-tempered and takes your behavior too close to his heart.
  11. Create comfort and coziness at home. It is unacceptable that some problems, quarrels, scandals fall out on a man when he returns home from work. It is important for him to feel warmth and calmness, being next to a loved one.
  12. Carefully observe your chosen one, notice what is important for him, what he is interested in in everyday life, try to meet his wishes and needs.
  13. Do things together as often as possible. For example, you can go shopping together, and sometimes cook dinner together. It is important that this process is coordinated.

Do you know how or have learned to attract, but do not know how to keep a man, his attention on you? Men get to know each other, but at some stage they disappear or leave? If the answer is “yes”, then I wrote this article just for you.

How to keep love in a relationship? How to be desirable not only the first week, the first month or the first year? How to become a real woman, from which a man does not even think of leaving?
In fact, everything is simple. Read and complete the simple tasks that I have prepared for you.

Do you agree with me that there are two extremes of girls' behavior at the stage that comes after attracting a man?

1. “Independent woman”. I can do everything myself, I can see through men, smart, successful.

And this girl was attracted. Can he keep the man?

Usually, a man next to such a woman does not feel needed. After all, her condition translates - I'm cool, I have everything, with or without you - what's the difference.

The girl gives the man freedom, but does not show the need for him.

2. “Servant Woman”. The one that “looks into the mouth” of a man. Does everything for him. He tries very hard. Why is that? The girl unconsciously sets an example: “See, I care about you and I want you to take care of me in the same way.”

A woman shows the need for a man, but does not give him freedom. The man feels like he belongs.

Real life example

I've been dating a girl for a couple of weeks. It looks great, even women turn around on it. But!

He constantly writes to me, asks questions in the style: “Do you miss me?”, “When will we meet?”, Goes on vacation and asks: “What gift would you bring?” etc. I feel obligated. This is not a masculine state.

Remarkably, that most women jump from one extreme to the other.

“I do everything for him, but he does not appreciate such a scoundrel. Also dumped me. Everything, now I will be a bitch. It becomes a bitch, but there is still no happiness and no.

How to keep a guy

Train your feminine qualities. Truly feminine. In other words, become a Real Woman.

1. Self-sufficiency

First of all, a woman should feel good about herself. If a woman has an emptiness inside, and she tries to keep a man only for the purpose of “not being left alone”, then this is a trap.

Strive for harmony with yourself. Develop.

Write at least 20 hobbies in the comments What do you do or can do for yourself, to develop your good mood?

2. Attractiveness

The woman attracted the man. Goal: to become even more attractive. Again, for myself, first of all.

We are talking about the attractiveness of every centimeter of the female body, face, hair, etc. This also applies to the style of clothing, makeup, gestures, manners, gait.

Men see everything and notice everything, even if they do not speak.


Unfortunately, girlfriends lie to you in 90% of cases. When I did an anonymous vote at the request of a friend, she was surprised. Her friends told her one thing, but.

3. Sex

A real woman loves sex and gets pleasure, joy and satisfaction from it. She wants her man and broadcasts her desire. By the way, this is the nuance, because of which it is impossible to keep a man at a distance.

I will write now as correctly as possible, but guess what word I wanted to write instead of:

You must be depraved in the bed. Dot. Can't you? Learn. Hundreds of videos on youtube. I also recommend an article about and about.


Write to men you've had sex with before and ask for honest feedback.

Scary? This is fine. Do it.

4. Condition

I write about it all the time. This is the foundation of the basics. What does the man next to you get? Routine, dullness, everything goes by itself. Or are you a woman who influences? How do you keep a man interested in you?


Choose 10 men from the phone book or from social networks (it is desirable that they do not have girls). It is especially important to do if it causes discomfort.

So, send them a message like this right now:

Hello, Name. Climbed in your profile in social networks. I want to tell you that you are a very strong man. I admire you and believe in your success!

Just a message. Several lines. From women's lips. This is incredible power!

Key Thoughts

- "Independent" and "Servant" - two extremes in which many women are

- There is a way "Real Woman" - to attract a man, to keep a man, for the happiness of both a woman and a man. - lifelong

— Are you a self-sufficient woman? (not to be confused with arrogance)

- Are you an attractive woman?

- Do you know how to enjoy sex?

- What state do you radiate and “inspire” your man?

If you have read up to this point, then I'm trying not in vain. Thank you and good luck!

Have questions? Write in the comments.

Read the top articles of my blog:

We already know how to win a man - we read about it 100 times. But each of us knows that the hardest thing to keep a man.

A man is like a ball: when a woman releases it from her hands, he dissolves, and when she takes him in her hands, he rolls up.

What to do so that it does not wind up and bloom?

Having met our Prince, having interested him, having established excellent promising relationships with him, we are so happy that we are ready to sacrifice almost everything for the sake of these relationships.

So why not donate? For a loved one - anything! And we devote as much time to our beloved as he needs, often to the detriment of our own hobbies and interests, which are becoming less and less, and the social circle is narrowing until it is limited to one single person. Why do you need someone else? After all, things seem to be going to the wedding ...

So, often, walking in the flowering gardens of our own dreams of a happy inseparable life, we stop noticing almost all changes that occur in a relationship, and most importantly, changes in the behavior of a partner. BUT notice, usually too late- having learned about treason or having received a break in relations instead of a proposed wedding.

And, starting a belated analysis of the relationship, we are perplexed - well, what else did he need? He got everything from me! Such reflections lead to very common erroneous conclusions: “All men are bastards!”, “They themselves do not know what they want!” etc.

But we are not going to think stereotypically! So let's try to figure out what mechanisms make a man cool off for a woman he once loved. Having understood them, as well as putting into practice the tips below, you will be able to build relationships that are beneficial to you and only you, and always remain the “number one object” for your man.

So why do men get cold?

First, every person has desire for novelty. But if women satisfy him by buying new boots or dyeing their hair, men, subjugators and conquerors by nature, seek novelty in relationships.

Secondly, it plays an important role conquering instinct. It cannot be canceled, it can be played along. See below for how to do this.)

Thirdly, the importance of women decreases due to accessible behavior. There are people with whom you can communicate whenever you want - they are available, but there are more "scarce", the availability of which is a matter of chance. Who would they prefer to communicate with first?

As you know, for every action there is a reaction.
Got cold? We will tie to ourselves so that it will be like a manual!

Let's increase our importance in his eyes.

To do this, you will have to make some changes in yourself - to become just the kind of girl that he will not get tired of loving - strong, independent, successful, and even a bit bitchy(well, what can you do - it is known that only one loves, and the other allows himself to be loved ... and if you are ready for an endless stream of his love - do a little - let him love you).

1. Cause fear of loss

Keep it tight. By this you create your value. You dear! You are in short supply!

Try playing this game with him:
"Closer - further".
For some time to be with him very nice and good, and then - once! — and disappear. He makes an appointment - “no, I can’t today”, calls - you are not at home, and if you are at home, then “oh, there is no time, sorry.”

Deadlines may vary. If you meet every day, then a week of such separation will confuse him. Just what you need!.. If it's once a week, let it be boring for a month. Set the period of separation so that, on the one hand, it goes beyond the framework you have accepted, and on the other, there is no reason for him to think that you have broken up.

Let it get bored. He will puzzle over your behavior. And imagine his emotions at a meeting!

It will most likely be difficult for you to do this. Yes, I know it ... Of course, you will unbearably want to call him or stop by. Keep yourself busy. I wanted to call - dial the number of a friend, I wanted to meet - go to the movies or go shopping. Always remember that you are working for the result, and, believe me, it is worth it! In addition, after reading point 3, you will understand for yourself where to direct your energy and inner strength, and perhaps you will not even have time to get bored!

And here is another game used by real heartbreakers.

"Today Tomorrow".
The stick and stick method. Today you are the charm itself. You like it and you literally praise everything in it, agree with everything, behave kindly and embody an ideal of ideals.
And tomorrow - a cold bitch. Be capricious, make caustic remarks, do not let yourself be touched. And not a word about the reasons! Let him look for them in himself ...

It is not necessary to do this by the day, change the dates so that in no case will he be able to predict in what guise you will appear to him today. The most important thing here is the contrast.. You are different, you are always new. He will realize that he does not know you at all.

The main thing is to change tactics from time to time, connect imagination and flexibility. Make him see himself differently!

2. Constantly create competition for yourself

Let him know that he is not the only one. Never force yourself on him.

To do this, you need to have a choice, a choice of those people to whom you can turn (with whom to talk, go for a walk, etc.), if He refuses, so as not to force him, not to be imposed. Better to punish. Then.

“Darling, could you come, I need to move the closet. Not today? Okay, don't bother, I'll ask Misha." Rush like on wings!

around you should be men are worse than him who are interested in you. He must understand that many people want you, but only he gets it. This, combined with your "temporary coldness" and fear of losing you, is a great motivation to win such a woman again and again.

And in order to strengthen this motivation and give food to his conquering instinct, I offer you a game that E. Berne wonderfully called “Come on, fight!”. She goes with a bang in mixed companies. The idea is simple: bring together a couple of your fans and make them compete for the right to win your attention. One can maintain a demonstratively equal disposition towards all, or one can single out one person, leaving others, of course, a loophole for hope. Men "do not feed bread" - let me demonstrate my coolness in front of a beautiful lady!

Be playful. Set yourself up in a flirtatious way - without this, no game will bring results. Play, you're a woman! And women are given this by nature ...

The internal state of coquetry is the desire to please men, plus confidence in their appearance (and it is not necessary to do their hair in the salon for this) and plus openness, that is, the desire to accept signs of attention. We create this state (and a cute half-smile and a slightly sly gleam in the eyes already appear) - and go!

Enjoy the game!

Keeping a playful mood in ourselves, we begin to give signs of attention. It's so easy and natural! On one man, hold your eyes slightly, then quickly look away, then check - did you start looking? Hooked! Send a sweet smile to another at the moment when everyone will laugh at some joke. He answered with a warm smile - it means that this one has pecked!

Be generous Give smiles, warm looks, small compliments, short touches, and you will see that the attention of most men is focused on you.

Safety precautions: try not to send too explicit sexual signals (languid glances, stroking various surfaces, licking lips, etc.), they can be interpreted not in your favor. Create the impression of a cheerful, cheerful, a little mysterious, flirtatious, but nothing more than a girl.

Perhaps people who know you will have a question like: “Somehow you behave unusually ...”, to which you can mysteriously answer: “I just have a very good mood today! ..”

3. Expand your social circle and have a hobby

The most common mistake women make give up your hobbies for a loved one.

Men rarely do this. So it turns out - he is passionate about something, it develops, and you stand still. It really can be boring - who likes to communicate with a limited and obsessed (even if very loving) person? ..

Find yourself an exciting hobby - the emergence of your favorite business will give you a lot: it will bring your knowledge to a new level (how nice it is to be a professional in something!), Expand your social circle (there may be many interesting men there - what scope for creating competition!) , you will always have something to do - your independence will increase. And serious engagement in your favorite work leads to natural personal growth. A professional in his field is always an interesting person.

He must see that you are a successful woman who is passionate about something else besides him! And that you are not ready to sacrifice this for him!

So, doing interesting things and putting your energy into it, you get:

  • Independence and purposefulness: you have your own interesting business and your own goal. By striving for your goal, you increase your originality.
  • New knowledge: it is interesting, pleasant to communicate with you. You are evolving, not standing still.
  • New acquaintances: competition increases. You are interesting not only to him, but also to others. He will have to be on his toes so that someone doesn't take you away.
  • He will know - step to the right, step to the left - and he will lose you.
  • All his thoughts will be only about you. And there will be no time for another!

4. Program the future

Do not think, this is not from the field of extrasensory perception. Although somewhere very close - after all, these techniques are not noticed by conscious attention, and therefore are very effective.

You need to give him support for planning a joint future. So - as many joint rituals as possible. For example, you spend every Sunday evening together. And nothing else. Let a persistent habit be developed, and if he ever cannot spend this evening with you, be sure that he will feel guilty.

You can come up with a lot of rituals: watch a couple in love - they have a lot built on rituals. It is very useful to make plans together: for a week, for a month, for a vacation (“Let's go to the cinema this week?”, “Let's go to the sea in the summer!”, Etc.).

Remaining unconscious, these rituals reshape his vision of the future. He, without noticing it, enters you into his life plans.

Don't forget also that creating the present, you create the past. Therefore, the emphasis is on pleasant memories. Give him gifts that will remind you of you. It’s better if it’s not a trifle that you can put in a far corner and forget, but things that you have to deal with daily (an alarm clock with a pleasant melody, a pretty mug, a stylish pen).

Giving a gift, accompany it

It's not hard to charm a man. Much harder to keep him around. Why is this happening? How to keep the right man? Psychologists will help you understand how to become unique, desirable and unique for your beloved.

Is it worth keeping a married man?

Did you like it? Are you ready for anything for him? Is he worth it? Not every woman understands how to keep a married man. The advice of a psychologist helps a lot.

When a man gets married, he feels responsible for his family. Therefore, he is in no hurry to look for problems on the side. Yes, sometimes he can afford too much, invite the woman he likes to a restaurant or a hotel for love comforts. However, as practice shows, this is where the romance ends. Is it worth it then to think about how to keep a man? Probably not.

A married man can rarely decide to leave his family for a fleeting passion. Therefore, a woman should be ready for this. However, there are exceptions. After all, if a married man fell in love, then he can be kept. In order not to extinguish the passion between you, you must adhere to certain rules.

  1. Surprise your man all the time. He is tired of everyday life, the monotony of family life, so try to make sure that he comes to you as if on a holiday. Create romance, comfort, surprise him as often as possible.
  2. Don't make scandals. A man gets tired of such relationships, especially a married one. He has enough domestic problems, reproaches and discontent from his wife. Make sure he is comfortable and at ease with you.
  3. Don't give him a choice. A man does not like ultimatums. When he is ready to leave the family, you will be the first to know about it.
  4. Watch yourself. Greet your loved one well-groomed and tidy. After all, wives most often forget that you need to always look good. Therefore, married men are happy to look at well-groomed women.
  5. Compliments. Men love not only with their eyes, but also with their ears. Therefore, if you tell him about good qualities, he will strive to become even better.

Never confuse temporary love and real feelings. If you just like a man, no more, you should not destroy the family. Perhaps you will later regret what you did. Therefore, before asking how to keep a married man, read the advice of a psychologist and think about whether you need such happiness.

To achieve your dream, you need to strive for the goal and achieve it. The same applies to men. If you do not know how to fall in love and keep a man, psychologists give advice.

  1. Remain a mystery. Men love to guess women. Therefore, never talk about yourself in all the details. After all, then you will become uninteresting to your beloved. He wants to notice something new in his companion every day.
  2. Always be seductive. You understand that first of all, men love with their eyes. Show him your charm daily.
  3. Don't be discouraged. Men don't like sad women. Even if you are in trouble, but you decide to meet your loved one, try to always be a cheerful, contented life and with a little humor. Remember, a smile is your weapon. If a man sees you cheerful, he understands that you feel good in his company.
  4. Do not be angry. A woman should be kind, harmless and not rude. When a man sees hypocrisy, rudeness, cynicism in his companion, he quickly loses interest in a woman.
  5. Find common interests. The stronger sex loves when his companion is interested in the same thing as he is. When a couple has the same hobbies, they will always find something to talk about and there will be no reason to part.
  6. Show your loved one an enchanted look. He must see and feel your love, charm. The look should be meaningful, then the man begins to fantasize. Most likely, you will be able to charm him.
  7. A gentle touch does not leave any man indifferent. Try to use all your softness.
  8. Don't be easily accessible. As a rule, a man is fond of a woman if he cannot win her. Try to keep your loved one at a short distance for a while.

Not all women understand how to attract and keep the right man. However, if you listen to the advice of psychologists, most likely you will be lucky, and everything will work out.

Relationships a man needs

For a loved one to be always there, a woman needs to try. As practice shows, love and passion eventually pass. Therefore, some women ask themselves: “How to keep a man for life?”. Psychologists say that, first of all, the stronger sex does not like the pressure of others. He needs freedom.

A woman should know what kind of relationship a man wants. He can love fun and carefree days or a quiet measured life. Much depends on the weaker sex in a relationship. How to keep a man? Very simple. You have to be natural.

If you want to have fun with your loved one in a restaurant, think maybe he does not want it. Then organize a romantic dinner at home.

If your man loves, on the contrary, fun and noisy companies, you should not burden him with quiet family evenings. Go with him to friends or to a disco, have fun. You must understand what your significant other wants and how he will react to the next surprise.

Understanding is what every man needs. Representatives of the stronger sex want from their beloved not only warmth and love, but also friendships, which not everyone can give. As a rule, a woman needs more than just friendship. It is because of this that many couples break up quickly.

If you learn to guess the desires of a man, then you will never face the question: “How to understand and keep a man?”.

Freedom is an important criterion in a relationship

A man cannot give all his attention to his beloved. He has friends, colleagues, comrades, hobbies where there is no place for a woman. If you claim all of his attention, nothing good will come of it. If you want to understand how to hold a man, try to let him go. Every person needs freedom.

A man needs to be distracted from weekdays, not only with a woman. Often he just needs to go with friends to drink beer, sauna or football.

There is no need to limit him, let alone make scandals, because you will only push him away from you.

Almost every man likes to go fishing or go to football with friends. Often women arrange scenes of jealousy about this. They rarely believe in fishing. It's in vain. A man needs to be trusted. If he loves you, then he will not be interested in entertainment on the side.

If you do not know how to keep a man, the advice of a psychologist will help you figure it out. Experts recommend not to take personal space from your loved one. Try not to put a man in front of a choice who is dearer to him - his beloved or friends. These feelings are incomparable. Most often, a man chooses friends. After all, they are loyal comrades. And after parting with a woman who takes his space, he will only feel relief and will not regret his choice.

Of course, the couple should spend a lot of time together, but do not forget about the personal life of each. After all, if you are together for days, the second half cools down faster to your loved one. Therefore, so that such an incident does not happen, try not to take away freedom from your loved one and not completely give yourself to him.

A woman is a self-sufficient person

You can't focus on a man. A woman who completely devotes her life to a guy loses herself. She ceases to be interested in herself, pays more attention to her beloved, tries to always be near him. This attitude usually repels a man. It becomes uninteresting for him to communicate with a woman who does not have her own point of view and thoughts, that is, she lives only for the sake of her beloved.

If a woman is overly intrusive and does not leave her man a single step, she will soon bother him. In such cases, men prefer to quickly end the relationship. If a woman is independent, has her own point of view, does not impose herself on her beloved and can express her opinion, he respects her and appreciates her self-sufficiency.

Don't know how to keep a man? First of all, psychologists advise to be an individual and self-sufficient person, with whom it will always be interesting. Then he will already think how to keep you for life.

Femininity is a dream come true

Sometimes the weaker sex behaves not quite correctly in relation to men. If you want to know how to keep a man, listen to the experts. They advise to be feminine, because the stronger sex dreams of such a companion. This refers not only to external beauty, but also to behavior.

Pay attention to your walk, which should be feminine and seductive. To such a representative of the fair sex, men's views are riveted by themselves. The voice is an integral part of femininity. It should be soft, gentle, quiet. Such a voice causes male admiration. The stronger sex sees a fragile and helpless woman who she wants to protect all her life.

Today, many women follow the example of men. For them, career comes first. It shouldn't be like that. Try to create comfort, romance for your beloved, pay attention to everyday life so that there is variety. Only then will a man always want to return home to you.

A woman should not put work, colleagues or career first. After all, her future depends on it. If you do not feel femininity in yourself, develop it. Only then will you succeed.

Love and loyalty

A man always feels a woman's attitude towards him. Therefore, if you want to know how to win and keep a man, be faithful to him. This does not mean that you have to be near him all the time. However, do not give a reason for jealousy. If a man sees that you have fans, he will appreciate you even more. When he notices that you are flirting with other men, he will not like this behavior.

When a woman has many admirers, the beloved will be proud that only he got her. Therefore, you should not hide the fact that someone else may like you. However, try not to flirt with your loved one, because you can cause not only jealousy, but also anger. Then just push away the chosen one.

Psychologists advise not to show your great love for your soulmate too often. However, taking care of him will tell you everything. When a man sees and knows that you are worried about him, worried, he will know and understand that you love him and are devoted to him. A man doesn't need more.

How to keep a man at a distance

Many do not believe that this is possible. There is an opinion that it is impossible to remain faithful at a distance. However, if you know the secrets of fidelity, you can save love. Today, young people have to leave for various reasons. Some often go on business trips, while others work abroad to provide for their families. How to keep love and fidelity?

Psychologists give some tips on how to keep a man at a distance:

  • Communicate as often as possible. Today, you can talk at a distance with the second half. Tell your loved one about the painful thing, how the next day went, take an interest in his life and constantly say that you are waiting for him very much.
  • Don't impose. Do not call your loved one many times a day, because he may be busy. Call daily in the evenings when the working day is over.
  • Trust. No need to think that if your loved one is far away, he will immediately begin to cheat on you. Better think that he doesn't have time for fun. He went to work, so try not to talk about treason. You can encourage him to take this step.
  • Wait. During the absence of your beloved, do useful things. If you haven’t had time to meet with friends before, then you should sit in a cafe or just read your favorite book. When you are constantly busy with business, you do not have time to yearn and think about the bad. In the evening, boredom can overcome, but do not escalate the situation. Communicate in moments of longing with a loved one or with a close friend who can distract you from unnecessary thoughts.

Psychologists say that separation brings people together. After parting, both the guy and the girl will yearn for their soulmate. This is only if there really is love in a couple.

If young people adequately survived the separation, then the meeting will be bright and unforgettable. Your love will flare up with a vengeance.

Conspiracies: how to fall in love with a man and keep him

Many girls and women believe in mysticism, divination and miracles. Magicians say that if you talk to a man, there is every chance to keep him. If you really believe in the power of words, then give it a try, chances are you'll succeed.

How to keep a man, conspiracies, they are prayers, they will tell you. Words can be: “Lord, I ask that my young man love me as I love him. If I want a lot, then let him want to be with me, like grass with water. Lord, help me open my beloved's eyes. I want him to see me as a beautiful, feminine, loving girl, and not just a good friend. Help me keep the one I love for life. I want us to make a good and beautiful couple.”

Remember, prayer should be read from the heart. After all, if you pronounce words without feelings, they will not help you win your loved one. Whenever you say a prayer, say the names (your own and the guy you need). Only then will the Lord know exactly whom to send to you.

Prayers can be anything, not necessarily memorized. After all, if a person speaks the right words from the heart, then God will hear them and help in the problem. Now you know how to keep a man. Conspiracies are not always useful. Most likely, you need to change yourself so that your loved one pays attention to you.


The article discusses options for how to keep a man. It turns out that you can not completely give your life into the hands of a partner. It is necessary to have your own areas of interest that do not come into contact with the second half. When a person dissolves into his partner, serious problems arise over time. Such a satellite bothers the second half, and he has no idea how to live on.

There is an opinion that women are more cunning and wise than men. That is why they are considered the guardians of the hearth. If you do not trust your loved one, at least pretend that everything is fine. When a man understands that a woman sees in him a knight on a white horse, he strives to match this image. From then he is unlikely to be capable of treason. Try to use your wisdom.

A woman must maintain a vital interest, not obsessing over her beloved or children. She must have her own hobby, favorite work. When the weaker sex stays at home in a dressing gown and without a hairstyle, a man will soon get tired of it.

So that you and your loved one are not bored on weekdays, try to diversify them. On the first night, go to the movies, on the second - cook a romantic dinner, on the third - invite friends to visit, and so on. Only variety will help keep your relationship alive.

Be not only a couple, but also good friends. Share problems, help with advice, sincerely rejoice for your partner. Such mutual understanding will keep the relationship for many years, if not for life.

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