When the Greek alphabet was invented. Greek alphabet: basics, letters and their sound. Greek alphabet history

Wow! Just twenty four letters? Some sounds are not indicated? That is how it is. There are sounds peculiar to other languages \u200b\u200bthat are not in Greek. Such sounds - all post-alveolar affrustes (as in the word " shov "(only softer), [z] as in the word" j.uk ", as in the word" c.erta ", and how in english Wordj. oB "). So, what do the Greeks do when they want to pronounce foreign words with these sounds? If the sound does not turn out correctly, it is simply transformed into the appropriate alveolar sound: [s], [z] [z] ,,. And what about other common sounds, as [b], [d], [g], etc.? It seems that they are also not in the alphabet! They are also not included in the list of sounds of the language? Not! They exist as sounds Language. Simply no separate letters for their designation. When the Greeks want to record sounds, they record them in combination of two letters: [b] are written as a combination of μπ (MI + PI), [d] as ντ (n n + tau), and [g] as γκ (gamma + kappa), or as γγ (double gamma). Why are all these difficulties? Recall how it is written in the introduction to this article, the sounds [b], [d], and [g] existed in a classic Greek. Later, perhaps some time after it was written New Testament on the so-called Greek koine (Unified), these three sounds in pronunciation shifted and began to sound like "soft" sounds ([v], and). There was a phonological emptiness. Words in which there was a combination of "MP" and "NT" to pronounce as, accordingly. Therefore, "explosive" sounds were introduced again, but for their designation, alphabetic combinations were used. There is another sound that is not in the alphabet: "and nGma ", pronounced in English Word" Ki nG.". This sound is very rare in Greek, and when it appears (as in the words "άγχος": anxiety; "έλεγχος": check), it is denoted by a combination of gamma + hee, where the gamma is pronounced as an ingma. For your convenience, a table of pronunciation of letters (2 letters) is presented, which give new sounds not included in the Greek alphabet:

cluster Pronunciation in modern Greek
ΜΠ μπ [ b], as in the word " b.", at the beginning of words or in borrowed words; or: [mB], as in the word "to mBaT. "
ΝΤ ντ [ d] as in the word " d.at ", at the beginning of words or in borrowed words; or: [nd] as in the word "pho nD”.
ΓΚ γκ ΓΓ γγ [ g], as in the word " g.oRD ", at the beginning of words or in borrowed words; or: [g], as in the word "ri nG". Please note: formγγ is never found at the beginning of words, so always pronounced as [g], as in the word "ri nG”.
ΓΧ γχ ΓΞ γξ Beforeχ (hee) letter (R. nG) . Beforeξ (xs) letterγ (gamma) pronounced ingma: (R. nG) . Note: Combinationγξ is rare; It appears only in unusual words, such asΛυγξ (Lynx).

It is possible that the following couples do not give original sounds, but perceived by the carriers of the Greek language as "one whole":

What about vowels? Is there a similarity with vowels in Russian, or with vowels in other languages? Glass in Greek do not cause difficulties. In Greek, vowels look like vowels in Italian, Spanish ( russian approx.) or Japanese: [a], [e], [i], [o], and [u]. Currently, there are three letters in the alphabet to designate sound [i] (this, iota and ipcilon), which are pronounced equally, and two letters for the designation [o] (oomikron and omega), which are also pronounced equally. For sound [U] uses a combination of letters ου (omicron + ipsil). So, to utter vowels easily. Is there something more special regarding vowel sounds? Not in pronunciation, but in writing. There are three "difthong", which are no longer difongs, but became digging. (Diftong is a long sound consisting of two elements, each of which has different quality, as in words: "P aUnd ", or "B. oh"; The diagraf is two letters that are read together as one letter, for example. english language tH. in a word " tH. ink "or pH In the word "GRA pH ".) Below are Greek Digrants consisting of vowels.

A combination of letters in the Greek system. Yaz. located in the accepted order (see below table.). The letters G. A. Used in editions to rus. Yaz. as symbols mat. and Piz. Designations. In the original, the letters G. A. It is customary to enter into a red circle ... ... Publishing Dictionary-Directory

greek alphabet - Greeks first enjoyed a consonant letter. In 403 BC e. With archon, Euclidean is introduced into Athens classic Greek alphabet. It consisted of 24 letters: 17 consonants and 7 vowels. For the first time, letters were introduced to designate vowels; α, ε, η ... Vocabulary linguistic terms T.V. Jerebilo

Coppa (Greek Alphabet) - This is an article about the Greek letter. For a Cyrillic numerical sign, see the Coppa Article (Cyrillic) Greek alphabet α α alpha β β beta ... Wikipedia

Greek language - self-calf: ελληνικά Countries: Greece ... Wikipedia

Greek - Language self-conception: ελληνικά Countries: Greece, Cyprus; communities in the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, United Kingdom, Sweden, Albania, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Italy ... Wikipedia

Alphabet - It is the last phenomenon in the letter history. This name is a number of written signs located in the famous stand-up and transmitting approximately and exactly all individual sound elements from which this language is compiled ... Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron

Alphabet - This term has other meanings, see alphabet (values). Wikislovar has an article "Alphabet" Alphalia ... Wikipedia

Alphabet - [Greek. ἀλφάβητος, from the name of the two first letters of the Greek alphabet of Alpha and Beta (Novogrech. Vita)] The system of written signs transmitting the sound appearance of the language words by means of symbols depicting separate sound elements. Invention ... ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

Alphabet - It is the last phenomenon in the letter history (see Letter). This title denotes a number of written signs located in a certain constant manner and transmitting approximately full and exactly all individual sound elements, of which ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

ALPHABET - A set of letters or similar signs used in writing, where every letter indicates one or more background. The alphabets were not the oldest basis of writing, having received development from hieroglyphs or written images used, ... ... Symbols, signs, emblems. Encyclopedia


  • Origin Alphabet, V.V. Struve. It is generally accepted that all Mediterranean alphabets (Latin, Greek) arose from Phoenician. Academician Struve, exploring the Egyptian phonetic letter from relevant between him and ... buy for 1653 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Origin Alphabet, V.V. Struve. It is generally accepted that all Mediterranean alphabets (Latin, Greek) appeared by Phoenician. Academician Struve, exploring the Egyptian phonetic letter finds conformity between him and ...

Greek letter refers to the category of alphabetical, goes back to the Phoenician writing. The oldest written monuments refer to 14-12 centuries. BC er, written by a sluggish critical letter (linear letter A, linear letter b).
It's believed that greek alphabetoriginated in the 8th century BC e. The first monuments of writing belong to the 8th century. BC e. (Dipilon inscription from Athens, as well as the inscription from the fer). By appearance and the set of characters is the most close to Frigian alphabetical letter (8 century BC.). In Greek, unlike Semitic, Connce (in the letter, only consonant) prototypes are reflected in the letter, except for the graphem for the designation of consonant sounds, the county appeared for the designation of vowel sounds, which can be considered a new stage in the development of the letter.

Before the emergence of the alphabetical letter, Ellina used a slight linear writing (CRT letter included a linear letter A, which is not deciphered so far, a linear letter B, a letter of a fest part).
The letter based on the Greek alphabet was divided into 2 varieties: the East Greek and West Greek letter, which, in turn, was shaken by a number of local species, distinguished by the features in the transfer of individual characters. The East Greek letter was further developed into a classic ancient Greek and the Byzantine letter, became the basis of the Coptic, Gothic, Armenian, to some extent of the Georgian letter, Slavic Cyrillic. The West Greek letter was the basis for Etruscan, and therefore the Latin and Roong German Letter.

Initially, the Greek alphabet consisted of 27 letters, and in this form it was 5 V. BC e. Based on the Ionian variety of Greek letters. The direction of the letter is from left to right. The signs of "stigma" (ς) is now transmitted through στ, "kopp" (¢) and "samppi" (¥) were used only to designate numbers and further out of use. Also in some local versions (on Peloponnese and Boeotia), the symbol of  "Digamma" was used to designate the phonam [W].
Traditionally ancient Greek, and after him and the Novogreic alphabet has 24 letters:




Α α


Β β


Γ γ


Δ δ


Ε ε


Ζ ζ


Η η


Θ θ


Ι ι


Κ κ


Λ λ


Μ μ


Ν ν


Ξ ξ



Ο ο


Π π


Ρ ρ


Σ σ ς


Τ τ


Υ υ


Φ φ


Χ χ


Ψ ψ



Ω ω


In the theory, two types of pronunciation are distinguished: Erasmovo (ητακιστική προφορά, it is believed that it was characterized in the classical period of using an ancient Greek language, it is now used only in teaching) and Reichlinovo (ιωτακιστική προφορά). Pronunciation in the Novogreic language - Reichlinovo. Its main feature is the presence of several options for the transmission of the same sound.
In Greek there are difongs:


















All difthongs are pronounced in one syllable. If after ει, οι, ι, υ follows a vowel, such a combination is also pronounced in one syllable: πιάνο [peano] (piano), ποιες [Pan] (who). Such difongs are called incompatible (καταχρηστικός Δίφθογγος).
The letter Γ, followed by ει, οι, ι, υ, ε, which, in turn, should be vowel, not pronounced: γυαλιά [yaly] (glasses), γεύση [yevsi] (taste). Γ before the posterior (γ, κ, χ) is pronounced as [N]: άγγελος [Angelos] (Angel), αγκαλιά [Anglen] (arms), άγχος [Anchos] (stress).

In addition, the following combinations of consonants began to be used in the Novogreic language, transmitting the sounds of the Greek language: τσ (τσάϊ [c "ah] but: έτσι [" ETSI]), τζ (τάάμι [DZ "AMI]), μπ (MB in the middle of the original Greek word: αμπέλι [AMB "Eli] or B at the beginning of the word and in borrowed words: μπορώ [boron" about]), ντ (nd in the middle of the original Greek word: άντρας ["Andras] or d at the beginning of the word and in borrowed words : ντύνω [D "INO]), Γκ (NG in the middle of the original Greek word: ανάγκη [Ange] or g at the beginning of the word and in borrowed words: Γκολ [goal]).

Double letters ξ ψ always replace the combination of consonants κσ, πσ. Exception: εκστρατεία (campaign). The sign ς is used only at the end of the word. The sign σ is never used in the end of the word.
The word may end to vowels, ν or ς. The exception is only some interjections and borrowed words.

Additional Information:

The phonetic system consists of 5 vocabulary, opposed in ancient Greek language for longitude / shorts (A, E, I, O, U). In the Novogreic language, this division is irrelevant. Nearby vowels merge into long vowel or form Difong. Diftonies are divided into their own (the second element is required ι, υ) and incompatible (combination of long vowels with i). Emphasis in the ancient Greek musical, movable, three types: (acute, stupid and clothed). In the Novogreic language, the emphasis of only one species is sharp. In the system of consonants of the newgin language, new sounds developed: lifting [ντ], interdental ringing [δ] and deaf [θ], which cause the greatest difficulties in pronouncing them.

Morphology characterizes the presence of 3 genera (male, female, middle) speech parts, their indicators are also articles (defined and indefinite: an indefinite article occurs and fully corresponds to a numerical one), 2 numbers (the only, multiple, in ancient Greek also there also existed a dual The number for the designation of paired objects of the type "eyes, hands, twins"), 5 cases (nominative, charming, genitive, dative, accusative: in ancient Greek, there were existence of other cases, for example, instrumental, local and so on; in the Novogreic language there is no dative case), 3 nominal decline (on-and, on -O, on other vowels, as well as consonants). The verb had 4 inclination (indicative, conjunctiva, optative and imperative), 3 pledge (active, passive, medium, in the newly mining medial in word, fully corresponds to the suffering), 2 types of hiding (on -ω and on -μι, in the newly It is carried out by the presence or absence of accent on the last syllable of the verb).

Groups Times: In ancient Greek, they are divided into the main (present, future, perfect) and historical (aorist, perfect and Plywamperfect). In Modern Greek division occurs at the moment for a long time and inclination (παρατατικός, συνεχής μέλλοντας, συνεχής υποτακτική, συνεχής προστακτική), cross-sectional times and inclination (αόριστος, απλός μέλλοντας, απλή υποτακτική, απλή προστακτική), elapsed time (παρακείμενος, υπερσυντέλικος, τετελεσμένος έέλλοντα). In the system of verb times of the Novogreic language, new analytical models of formation of complex times (perfect, pelvumperfect, future) have developed. The system of education of communion has simplified, but their large amount is used in the frozen form, while their education often uses a sludge increment or reduction.

The syntax system is characterized by free word order in the proposal (preferential sequence in the main sentence - SVO (subject-verb object)) with a developed essay and subordination system within complex offer. Particles play an important role (especially since the infinitive is abolished in the Novogreic language, which is replaced by indicative forms with appropriate particles) and prepositions. The word formation system includes a developed system of prefixes (originated from the prepositions), suffixes. What more actively is used in Russian.

Greek has a very rich and developed lexical system. In the structure of vocabulary, several layers are included: Dogreic (Pelasgian origin), anonymous Greek, borrowed consisting of the Semitic and Latin layers. In the Novogreic language there is a large number of borrowings from Romanesque (mostly French and especially Italian), Germanic (English), Slavic (including from Russian) languages. A huge layer of vocabulary make up Turkish borrowing. It is also worth mentioning the reverse borrowing when Greek morphemes previously borrowed by others foreign languages Return to the Greek language for the name of recently invented items and phenomena (for example, "phone").
Some features are combining a newginic language with other Balkan languages \u200b\u200b(Romanian, Serbian Bulgarian): Combining the functions of the genitive and duties, the lack of infinitive and its replacement forms subjunctive track, complex (analytical) forms of future time and subjunctive inclination. Elements peculiar to all Balkan languages \u200b\u200bin the syntax are excessive doubling of direct and indirect additions, the use of plain reversals, which for users of other languages \u200b\u200bcause greater difficulty.

In the Novogreic language mostly free words of words. However, pronouns often lose such freedom: a stronger pronoun is always placed after the noun, brief forms of personal pronouns are defined immediately before the verb in a certain order (first the genitive case, then accusatively). For attracted and personal pronouns, there is a slender system of short and complete forms. The full form is movable, but is used strictly in certain cases: after prepositions; for emphatic pronoun, together with a brief form; Alone.

Many find the Greek alphabet unusual: he does not look like Cyrillic and Latin, but, nevertheless, he is not so far as we may seem at first glance. Many letters of the Greek alphabet are known since the school: in the lessons of mathematics, physicists and chemistry, each of us diligently removed these blades, it is hardly thinking that they can be denoted not only the density or amount of matter, but to fully write or talk.

The history and origin of the alphabet

The Greek alphabet served as a base for many languages \u200b\u200bof Europe and the Middle East, and its elements were borrowed for the writing systems of many countries of the world, including Latin and Cyrillic.

The alphabet developed on the basis of Phoenician and is used since the end of the IX or beginning of the VIII century BC. It became the first in the world, containing both vowels and consonant letters and using different signs for their designation.

Each of the letters of the Phoenician alphabet corresponded to the word started with the same letter. Thus, the first was called Alef ("Bull"), the second - Beth ("House"), the third - Giclee ("Camel") and so on.

When the Greeks began to apply the Phoenician names of letters to record their language, they slightly changed their sound for better compliance with their phonology. So Alef, Beth, Gicleeh turned into Alpha, Betu, gamut, having lost all the initial meaning. Later, some new or modified initial letters have acquired more meaningful names. For example, Omicron and Omega mean, respectively, "small about" and "great about".

Modern condition of the alphabet

In total, the modern Greek alphabet consists of 24 letters, each of which corresponds to a certain sound:


Problem sound (transcription)

[Δ] (Δ is pronounced as English TH in word this)

[between e - e]

ΘIT (θ is pronounced like english th in word this)

[Θ] (θ is pronounced English in in the word Theme)

There are also several letters that give a certain sound. In addition, and it is more unusual for us, complicating learning writing and records under dictation, for some of the same sounding sounds, different letters and letters can be used.

γγ - Looks like english nasal sound [ŋ]

Γκ - resembles a solid Russian sound [g]

αυ - [AV], [AF]

ευ - [eV], [EF]

ει, οι, υι, ι, υ, η - sound [and]

αι, ε - [between e - e]

ντ - [d] at the beginning of the word, [nd] in any other position

μπ - [b] at the beginning of the word, [MB] in any other position

Also, do not forget that the final sigma is always written as ς (on the letter as ordinary English S), in all other cases σ, σ (6).

Young people use printed letters in writing, people are older than themselves for most written. Here for example, several options for writing the same letters from hand:

Writing options for letters

That's all that first need to know about the Greek alphabet. Of course, it will take some time and practice to get used to it, but over time you will appreciate its simplicity and convenience, having received a key to understanding the origin and many letters, words and designations in their native language.

Useful articles:

Ancient Greek alphabet

letter, Title, Pronunciation, Latin Transliteration
Α α alpha [a] long or short, a
Β β beta [b] b
Γ γ gamma [g] g
Δ Δ Delta [D] D
Ε ε Epsilon [E] brief, e
Ζ ζ zeta [dz] dz
Η η this [e] long ē
Θ θ of theta [TX] TH
Ι ι iota [and] long and short, I
Κ κ kappa [k] k
Λ λ lambda [l] l
Μ μ mu [m] m
Ν ν nu [n] n
Ξ ξ ksi [kc] x
Ο ο ohomikron [o] brief, o
Π π pi [n] p
Ρ ρ ro [p] r
Σ Σ sigma [s] s
Τ τ tau [t] t
Υ υ ipsil [x] as vowel in the word tulle, brief and long, y
Φ φ fi [f] pH
Χ χ hee [x] ch
Ψ ψ ps [ps] ps
Ω Ω omega [o] long ō

Sigma at the end of the word is written in the form ς: σεισμός earthquake

The ancient Greek vowels were long and brief. Alpha, Iota and Ipsylon could designate both short and long sound. Omega and this - long [o] and [e], respectively, oomicrom and epsilon - brief [o] and [e]. In modern tradition, when reading the ancient Greek text, the longitude of vowels is not transmitted. However, it is necessary to know it for the correct staging.

Gamma in combination of γγ γκ γχ γξ is read as [H] ἄγγελος [Angelos] bulletin, ἄγκυρα [Ancircur] anchor, λόγχη [LONHE] a spear, Σφίγξ [Sphinx] sphinx.

The consonants φ θ χ were initially deaf intricate [p x] [t x] [to x]. They have lost their breath rather early, turning into [F], [T], [x]. Traditionally, the intimacy is transmitted only when reading the asks. In Novogreic theta, began to designate an intersubolic sound.

Difthongs. αυ [AU] ευ [EU] - read in one syllable. ου - read as [y].
Αι [ay] ει [hey] οι [oh] υι [ÜY]
In difongs with the so-called "subscription type" it is not readable ᾳ [A] ῃ [E] ῳ [O]
If you need to show a separate pronony of vowels, two points of πραΰς [Pra-Us] are put on the second one gentle

Aspiration. Over the initial vowels necessarily signs the sign.
- Slim silence. no pronunciation affects
- thick intimacy, pronounced Ukrainian g (posterior, ringing, fricatative). It will not be a great sin to pronounce dense respiration and as Russian [x]. ἡμέρα [Hamer] day, ἓξ [hex] six

The initial υ and ρ always have a thick breath. The thick intimacy over ρ is not reflected in the pronunciation, the Latin is transmitted as Rh. On two neighboring ρ in the middle of the Word, signs of sunset are put: thin over the first, thick - over the second. When pronouncing also not reflected.

Also above the vowels are the signs of emphasis, which will be discussed next time.

This version of reading ancient Greek letters is called an erasmus pronunciation named Erasma Rotterdam, who proposed such reading after the comparison of Greek words, Greek borrowing in the Latin and features of Greek graphics. There is another option - Reichlinovo pronunciation. He is named after Opponent Erasma - Johanna Reichlin. Reichlin focused on pronunciation that existed in the Middle Ages.
Features of the Reichlinova system.
1) thick intimacy is not pronounced
2) β read as [in]
3) π after μ and ν is sprinkled in [b]
4) τ after ν is sprinkled in [d]
5) κ after γ and ν is sprinkled in [g]
6) θ is read as [F]
7) αι reads as [e]
8) sounds η and υ, as well as difthongs ει οι υι became read as [and]
9) αυυ and ευ are read before ringing consonants as [AV] and [EV], and before the deaf - as [AF] and [EF].
The erashma system is often called etcism, and Reichlin - Itacism.

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