How to place dishes in the dishwasher. How best to place dishes in dishwasher Methods of laying dishes in dishwasher Bosch

To date, not so many people who can present their lives without a dishwasher. Now, she, a kind, family member - cares for everyone, helps to wash the mountains of dirty and oily dishes. Modern hostesses have long ceased to wash plates, forks and spoons after any celebrations, holidays. An old picture of childhood, where after the celebration of the New Year, the whole family removes the table. And everyone tried to dump the dishes in the near. Such happiness fell out, of course, to someone who is toasting.

When the world began to progress, and the information society seized the space, dishwashers appeared in the life of people. They became big aid assistants in private homes, and simply indispensable workers in the kitchens of cafes, restaurants. And now, almost every second family in the world has such a miracle.

By purchasing such an aggregate, you treated with your friends and relatives, run to buy it in the nearest store technology. Here it is already in the kitchen and gives you the first batch of washing dishes. But the result is by no means that I would like to observe. Wine glasses are muddy, and on the plates somewhere there was a dried meal. Here you are already disappointed and consider money, which was given for the subject of the need.

Do not hurry to disappoint and blame those who advised you to buy a miracle technology. As with all the household appliances, the dishwasher has its own unwashed rules. She is not living to read your thoughts and find out how this time you decided to take advantage of it. Therefore, these rules will help you to get an ideal result.

What mistakes

The most common problems occur due to the following errors:

  • Using inefficient detergent
  • Invalid placement of dishes
  • Dishwasher structure

Found your mistake? The result on the face is not a job. Maybe you have acquired the most expensive technique from this category, which is absolutely absolutely all, but not delighted - the reason for the face.

We will analyze the errors in detail.

What is right and how to wash the dishes in the dishwasher

Please note that the funds must be specifically selected under dishwasher. Pour into it what you used with a manual washing is categorically impossible.

Before the first use of the machine, you need to know which means to use. It is inappropriate here to think that the more the means will be mixed, the better the dishes. This is not true.

The ideal composition of detergents will be:

  • Melt from scale. It is first in the list, as it should be loaded no more than three times a year. His role is to prevent falling on the entire surface of your car.
  • Degreaser for the car. That's right, for the car. The fact is that to remove fat from the dishes enough of the detergent and water. And about the details of the dishwasher itself should take care differently.
  • Salt, softening water. She is regenerating. It can not be used if your water is already in advance filtered.
  • Excellently removes divorces, eliminates objects from unpleasant odor detergents, giving the flavor of freshness.
  • And finally, the detergent itself. This may be in such aggregate states as: gel, tablet, powder, liquid.

It has already been proven that liquid detergents do not work as well with the task as all other types of detergents.

Is it possible to make a detergent at home

Thanks to the hostesses that they are two legs against the use of chemistry in everyday life, the world is known for recipes that can be replaced with pills and gels.

  1. Drinking soda + powder bera. In the ratio of one to one, this Cashier to bang Changes with burnt pieces of food and fat and does not scratch when interacting with dishes.
  2. The use of household soap. Twenty-five grams of grated in a small grater of such soap + one spoon of vodka + four tbsp. Spoons of glycerol + half-liter hot boiled water. It has a single minus - the smell. The usual, but not quite pleasant. Lovers of all natural and organic can safely try and expect an excellent result.

Useful tips:

  • Do not use the washing powder even in working with completely smooth pores. The smallest granules still delay on the surface and the car does not wash them. It is harmful to health.
  • Use natural ingredients if chemical has ended. Do not put the car to other means.
  • In case there is an adhesive dirt on the dishes, you can put it into the car for pre-wigure.

In fact, download the dishwasher is not difficult, but if you do it in a certain way - this will significantly improve the quality of the process, and will also significantly save time, electricity, and get an excellent result. Before you load the dishes in the dishwasher, you need to clean your dishes from food residues.

If the machine filter is clogged - this will create a large load on the pump, which will certainly lead to the wear of the pump.

Let's figure out how to load the dishes in the dishwasher.
Distribution plates on the lower compartments of the dishwasher. Make sure that they are located in the right direction, i.e. Hollow side to the center. If the tilt is tangled, the plates must be tilted down and also deployed to the center with a hollow side.
In most dishwashers, the location is:

  • Top tray - For mugs, glasses, glasses, and small dishes.
  • Nizhny tray - For pan, saucepan, plates.
  • Bucket, or plastic tray - for knives, forks, spoons, and so on.

All because the pipes and rotating levers spray water flows from the middle to the outer surface. Water descends both from top to bottom and the opposite. It is necessary to make sure that the surfaces of the dishes are separated from each other, and the jet of water can easily rinse them.

All glasses and glasses should be slightly under the tilt so that the water propagating from the bottom could easily get their bottom. Distribute cups in an ordered order, then the detergent can easily wash all their internal and outer surfaces, and flick down freely.

With this location, you are much better using compartment spaces than with a direct location.

Plastic containers Place in the top of the machine. It is better not to have them in the lower compartment, because the heating element is located in its very center and when heated plastic is especially prone to deformation.

In order to correctly download the main dishes - it is necessary to sort it. Pots and frying pan boldly place in the bottom compartment, but it is not necessary to overload it. With caution, soil pans with teflon coating, such frying pans are better to wash their hands.

It should be noted that, and another aluminum dishes can not be washed in the dishwasher! Aluminum darkens in the process of washing, and loses its usual appearance.

Cutting boards and large-scale bowls place at the external perimeter of the bottom compartment, if it is not possible to place them in the grooves for the plates. But still it is better to wash the cutting boards manually, because the tree at high temperatures is subject to deformation.

How to upload forks, knives, spoons, etc. Cutlery Place in a specially bucket, having them handles down. Particularly large and sharp knives are recommended to wash into manual due to the fact that they are easily stupid. Other kitchen tools or wooden handles tools also should not be washed in the dishwasher.

Too long knife handles or other devices can block the screw, so they should also be washed manually, or to place the machine in the upper compartment.

All forks and spoons should, if possible, be separated from each other and from the rest of the dishes in such a way as to be in easy accessibility from water. The more carefully you dispense the cutlery, the cleaner they will be at the end of the sink.

Various buckets and cooks also place the hollow side from above. Thus, they better wash off due to downward jets.

For crystal and glass glasses, use special attachments located in the upper compartment of the dishwasher. In some models, such mounts are present at the bottom. They perfectly fix the foot of the glass in order to avoid her damage and scratches on the glass.

Before each washing cycle, it is necessary to make sure that the plastic screw can calmly rotate in the right direction, not touching the dishes. Also check the plastic compartments for detergent. They should be open and their holes should not be clogged.

Fill the detergent into the proper compartment. Use powder or liquid soap. Pay attention to the marks indicating the permissible level.

If you use a tablet, you can put it next to the door. Be also careful when choosing detergents. Some washing cycles are carried out at low temperatures at which the tablet can simply not dissolve. Because of this, the quality of the sink may suffer, and the risk of a sever tube will occur.

If your typewriter has two detergent compartments, choose the first one. It is usually not programmed to a preliminary sink. If your dishes are especially dirty - use the second compartment used for soaking.

How to put the dishes in the Bosch dishwasher.

How best to use all the resources of the dishwasher

  1. Do not put the dishes with the remains of food into the car. To do this, use a paper towel, a fork, a rag napkin. Even the smallest crumbs are able to clog filters, and of course you will not get the desired result. Use the program with soaking only in the necessary cases. If the dishes did not wash well, you can spray it from the sprayer, and repeat the cycle of washing.
  2. It is worth remembering which food products It's hard to wash. Egg proteins, cheese, starch - these products that managed to dry up on the dishes, need special attention. Soak the dishes in the sink before placing it in the washing machine.
  3. If necessary, use a rinse, and soaking means for pre-sink. With these means, your dishes are not only perfectly disperse from the residues of food, but also avoid water utilities. No need to fill the rinse compartment every time enough to do it once a week, or a month. This is usually indicated in the instructions for use.
  4. Try changing the rinser on a white vinegar. Many detergents already contain the rinse, so it is always worth reading the label carefully before applying the contents. If your water structure is equipped with water purification system - the rinser may not be useful.
  5. Before starting the car, make sure the plum filters are in good condition. It will help you avoid breaks in the pipes.
  6. Remember that you can use the washing cycle with cold water. With it you should use special detergents.
  7. Before using the dishwasher, open the crane with hot water And let her flow. Modern electrical appliances are equipped with water heating system, and thus you will avoid unwanted costs.
  8. Do not overload the machine, otherwise you will find the residues of food on its inner surfaces. Follow the uniform filling of the space. If you are not satisfied with the sink, try to understand the problem that has arisen. Often, the solution lies in the competent loading of the dishes.
  • Enable only the filled machine. So you will save time.
  • Powder means Store solely in a dry place.
  • Use a short cycle washing dishes when it is possible - Rachi will save electricity
  • Use the drying cycle. If this program is missing, open the car door and wait until the dishes dry.
  • If you are dissatisfied with the clean glass of glass glasses, make sure that no other dishes interfere with the water flows that are washed.
  • Install the thermostat of the boiler up to 50 degrees when using programs with high temperatures.

How to download dishes in the dishwasher - on the video.

If a dishwasher was started in the house, disputes about who washes the dishes should be exhausted. But together with the new assistant, new responsibilities appear. Its owners will not only take care of her cleanliness and health, but also to properly arrange plates, cups and cutlery in it. We will figure it out how to load dishes in the dishwasher (PMM).

Preparation for washing

The first load takes from users who have no experience in disubstation, 20 minutes. Having gained skill, the owners of dishwashers cope with the task twice the faster to download the standard batch in 10 minutes.

Before placing plates in baskets, they are cleaned of food residues, otherwise they will also have to extract from filters, hoses and pipes. It is better to remove food in advance, rather than deal with disassembly and cleaning problem nodes. It is convenient to do it with napkins, sponges, rubber blades. In the bunker should not fall solid food.

Preliminary rinsing

Do I need to rinse the dishes before putting it in the dishwasher? Thanks to rinsing, any utensils are better laundered. But then the question arises: why spend money on the PMM, if you have to remove the abdicted food, to put the plates correctly, and even pre-rinse it? If you download plates immediately after eating, you don't have to do anything, they will wash out. But if the food dried, the plates and bowls should be rinsed before loading into the bunker.

How to put mugs and glasses?

Let's start the placement from cups, mugs and glasses. They are put in the upper container, up the water will wash them from the inside. If we put on the side, horizontally, they will not disperse, water from the sprayers will not fall inside them.

For glasses there are special holders. Fools put a leg up. The bunker is closed, and users are interested in whether wine glasses come into contact? It is impossible. When washing the glass is able to crash due to micro collisions of neighboring fuels. In addition to glasses in a plastic holder, coffee cups will be comfortable comfortably.

"Landing" for plates is determined according to the size and shape. It is better to put small items to the upper basket. It will be suitable for bowls, saucers, straws, creaman, dessert plates, drank and saucers.

If the washing is produced with a small heating of water, it is allowed to place items from plastic, they are given in distance from the heater, to avoid material deformations.

The lower basket is filled with soup plates. Large arranged around the edges. Smaller in the center. This is done to provide water access to the top tray. Platelets put the front side to the central point of the chamber, so that the neighboring bowls do not come into contact. Big gap between the "neighbors" provides high-quality wake-up chief Principle Proper download.

Arrangement of cutlery

Knives, forks and spoons of all types and sizes, combined by the concept of "cutlery", are placed in a separate basket. They arrange them freely, trying not to place the same devices nearby. With a dense manner, the plugs will not disperse. The location of the knives strictly down the blade.

New models of PMM from Bosch brands and Siemens (Siemens) are equipped with a special tray under spoon-forks. It is located at the top. There are devices in it in a horizontal position. It is economically, safely and provides high-quality wash.

How to put a big dishes?

Nontens, frying pan, skewers, etc. put in the lower container. It is recommended to arrange a separate wash without glass, porcelain and crystal products. Wash them better in intensive mode, in hot water. Frying and babysitters put on the side, the pots turn up up with a snack, or put the painter. Thanks to a reasonable arrangement, water jets will get to each product, there will be no obstacles to access to the top.

Removable pens of pans are cleaned. It is impossible to hurt the walls of the camera. When laying a large dishes in the lower tray, the main thing is not to turn it up the bottom, otherwise the water will not fall. If you still decide to put the boosters that way, then do not put anything up and use the "half-load" mode. So you will reduce water consumption and electricity. Staging with baking sheets on the sides of the lower basket.

How to be with kitchen utensils?

How to be with little ones, noise, cutting boards? They can be washed in the typewriter if they are not made of wood or plastic. Plastic things can be put up, boards on the sides of one of the trays. Cutting boards is better to wash your hands. Half and noisms are put horizontally.

How much is placed?

How many saucepan, plates and spoons can be washed at a time? Read the instruction there specified the capacity. Unit of measurement kits. In small-sized PMM, the cycle wash 6 sets, in narrow no more than 11, in full-size not more than 17.

Set is a set of dishes needed to one person. What is included in the kit, knows the manufacturer. Approximate package of a pair of plates, cutlery, cup. In fact, about 12-14 sets in the machine. If you need to wash additionally a pair of pan pans is less.

  1. Do not stuff a lot of dishes right away. Leave space between adjacent objects.
  2. Before you download the product to the camera, look for signs on it, allowing or prohibiting washing in dishwashers.
  3. Large items, like pans, place away from fragile things.
  4. Do not load wood products.
  5. Dirty plates immediately send to the camera, then the food on them does not dry, and they will easily be laundered.

After festive gatherings, of course, if you are a hospitable owner, you always Expects mountain of dirty dishes. The dishwasher easily solves this problem. But sometimes, after washing, the dishes are not always clean. Even if you used the most best tools for dish washing. How to avoid this, we will consider in today's article.

Washer quality depends on the set of parameters - the quality of the dishwasher, the quality of detergents, etc. An important parameter is rational and proper loading of the dishwasher.

If you just blame dishes in the dishwasher, then do not expect wonders from her - the quality will be mediocre.

All you need to consider

Before downloading a dishwasher from you requires a little effort:

It should be studied the structure of its dishwasher. Not to miss important elements

  • Clean the dishwasher filter. It you need to read at least 1 time per day, and ideally each time after / before the walls of dishes. It is removed very easily, for its cleaning I use a plastic brush for dishes;
  • Make sure the cleanliness of the "rocker" is the sprayer, periodically clean the holes-sprinklers;
  • Always clean the dishes from solid food residues, the clogged filter creates an additional load on the pump, which can lead to its premature wear;
  • Do not forget to fall asleep salt to mitigate water - it will improve the quality of the wash and extends the service life of the dishwasher;

Salt to mitigate water - a very important element

  • Correctly adjust the rigidity of water (why it is important to read in the article pro);
  • After loading the dishes, make sure that the "rocker" have a free move and their movements are not blocked;
  • If possible, wash the dishes and kitchen utensils separately (kitchen utensils is better to wash at a higher temperature, while ordinary dishes can be a dropper and at a lower), since because of the large dimensions it can interfere with the full washout of the rest of the dishes;
  • If you decide to wash the kitchen utensils, make sure that it can be washed in the dishwasher. Not every "Teflon" frying pan can survive the wash with abrasives;
  • Long knives that are not placed in a removable tray, as well as kitchen spoons, blades, etc. It should be laid in the upper tray horizontally, but so that they are not sticking out of the holes and did not interfere with the rotation of the rumor;
  • If you were lucky enough to purchase knives or dishes with glued elements (for example, ceramic knives with absorbed silicone handles) heat And water in the dishwasher can lead to elements. Also, it was not worth putting on the dishwasher wooden dishes or cutting boards;
  • Plastic dishes can suffer greatly from Abrasive, and after drying it almost always remains water, consider it, and do not be surprised.

Subtleties loading

Top tray - can change its height so that high glasses can fit. On the bottom there is a removable tray for cutlery

When loading dishwashers, we have three main elements:

  • top tray - for mugs and small dishes;
  • nizhny tray - for large dishes;
  • removable tray - for knives, spoons and other tools for the destruction of food;

Average rocker - the main working element of the dishwasher, their goal should not interfere

The upper tray is intended mainly for mugs, glasses and other little things. As a rule, it can be placed on different levels Heights, depending on how much it is necessary.

The basic rule for placing glasses and mugs - they must be turned upside down and should not stand horizontally. This will allow water to drain and it will not accumulate in recesses.

The basic rule for placing glasses and mugs - they must be turned upside down and should not stand horizontally. This will allow water to drain and it will not accumulate in the cavities.

For the placement of glasses and glasses in some dishwashers there is a special holder, depending on their form you can use it differently.

Long wine glasses need to be placed so

After a large feast of dishes, there is an excess of dishes, here's a sample of rational use of the place - wine glasses and glasses do not interfere with each other

The special holder is necessary, since the elongated form of the glasses and their narrow neck makes it difficult to wash them, and for the wash it is necessary that the jet of water from the rocker-sprinkler is still in the inside.

One of the options for laying glasses

Also, this holder can be used for the rational placement of small tea cups.

Tea cups are well placed in two rows, it does not reflect this

On the left side of the upper tray there is a stelege for saucers and small beliefs, bowls, and drank.

With the arrangement of difficulties there should be no difficulty, but the bowls are located freely, without leaning together, it will provide high-quality wet.

If there are many dishes, it can be decomposed, for example, like this

Improper location, so no utensils

And so the dishes will be washed as it should, access the water to the inner surface does not interfere

If necessary, the upper tray can be completely removed, in some equipment, for this case additional splashing elements are provided, but they do not have them, so I will not write about it.

Nizhny tray

This is the main tray of the dishwasher. Some dishwashers provide partial or complete transformation of the tray, especially for the wash "large-sized" kitchen utensils.

When loading flat and not deep plates should stick to the principle - plates bigger size Must be located on the edges, smaller and deep - closer to the center. It will provide high-quality wasting. Dimpical plates are poorly suitable for each other, if the dishes from one set is clean it is much better.

When loading flat and non-deep plates, the principle of the larger principle should be placed on the edges, smaller and deep - closer to the center. It will provide high-quality wasting.

For bowls, binders The rule is similar to the rules for the top tray.

Rule of the location of the kitchen utensils also have some subtleties.

Flat utensils (frying pan, nitens, etc.) should be vertically, so they disperse significantly better and this location will allow water to be washed and the rest of the dishes.

If the handle can be removed - it should be removed, the correct location of the frying pan

If you can not remove the handle, the skillet should be positioned so that it does not interfere with the rotation of the rumor

Another example of the correct location of the pan

For large, deep saucepan, a basket transformation mechanism is provided.

Lower tray to transformation

Holders are folded - you can put something cumbersome

It should be noted that the pots in this case should be placed as glasses - to the top bottom. With this location, the rest of the dishes will receive less water, so large utensils should be washed separately from the rest of the dishes.

If you place the dishes horizontally, it will block the jets of water from the "rocker"

If you place the dishes horizontally, it will block the jets of water from the "rocker". The utensil itself will come out, but everything else is no, well, or much worse than usual.

Removable tray

The removable tray allows us to warm up the cutlery and skin.

Knives ALWAYS Position blades to the bottom ( Safety First!).

Knives put the blade at the bottom. Always

Do not load the devices tightly to each other, especially spoons.

Posing spoons in this way, you risk getting poorly washed cutlery

If you have a lot of dirty cutlery when loading alternate them.

Cutlery set correctly

What if the dishes are badly polluted?

In most cases, soaking dishes with ordinary food SodaIn very difficult cases, you can use chemistry like "noise", just do not forget how to solve the dishes after these funds. Washer + additional rinsing should be enough.


Do not use conventional dishwashing tools for soaking, it will lead to excess foaming, and the machine will stop.


I hope that my tips will be useful to you, and you can enjoy the work of your dishwasher. This is one of the few household appliances capable of saving and time and money, while demanding a minimum effort for your service. Wish you have a nice day and remember saved - it means earned!

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About Dmitry.

Dmitry does not like to throw money into the wind and is looking for optimal savings in ordinary life. Life gives us a lot of honest ways to earn, it is enough to figure out the brains.

Proper loading of dishes in the dishwasher is one of the main conditions of high-quality washing. The first time the download may require at least 20 minutes to carefully and thoughtfully arrange. But over time, everything will fall into place, and you will perform this procedure less than in 10 minutes. About how to cope with the downloads of the dishes we suggest to figure out and watch the video.

How to prepare dishes

Before starting to lay dishwasher on compartments of the dishwasher, it is necessary to remove all the remnants of unsound. And the better it will be done, the better the dishes and the less chance that the drain system of the car will be born. You can clean the dishes with the help of a napkin, a sponge or rubber blade, it is especially important that there are no bones from fruit, as well as legumes and corn.

Should they allocate dishes before downloading to the dishwasher? Of course, if you slip the plates under water, they will wash it better. Then an oncoming question arises, why do you need a dishwasher if you have to wet your hands? If you accumulate dishes, it is not necessary to do without prior rinse, the dried rest of the food is poorly laundered. If you are used to washing dishes immediately after meals, you can completely add plates in trays without rinsing.

For your information! In some models of dishwashers, there is a pre-rinsing mode, it is a big plus if the dishes are copied during the day.

Place glasses, cups, mugs

Now we'll figure it out alternately with various dishes and how to correctly have it. Let's start with glasses, mugs and cups. For them, the top tray is designed in most dishwashes. Glasses, mugs and cups need to put up the bottom so that the water was washed their inner surface, and then flowed down. The horizontal location is not permissible because the water will almost not fall inside.

Fools and glasses are also pinned up with a leg up in a special holder. Glasses should not touch each other, so that in the process of washing the fragile glass does not break. Plastic holder can be used not only for glasses, but also for rational accommodation of small tea or coffee cups.

Important! All items must be well fixed, otherwise under the jet of water can turn something. When hiding the top tray, nothing should hang out.

We put various plates

Depending on the size of the plates and destination, they are also located on the top and on the lower tray. At the top tray, if the dishwasher allows, you can post:

  • small costers;
  • piles;
  • creams;
  • saucer;
  • bowls;
  • saucers;
  • salon;
  • plates for dessert.

If necessary, and when water heated to a small temperature on the upper shelf, you can decompose dishes from plastic, away from the heating element so that the items are not deformed.

On the lower tray there are plates of large and medium diameter, plates for soup. At the same time, the larger diameter plates are better to put on the edges, the plates of the smaller diameter in the center. So the best access of water to the top tray with dishes will be provided. In addition, the plates need to be installed face to the center of the dishwasher so that they do not touch each other. The greater the lumen between the plates, the better it is washed, so if the dishwasher allows, put the plates less often. There is no sense to overload, the dishes will remain dirty, and you will have frustrated in the technique.

Correctly fold cutlery

For cutlery, which includes large and small spoons, forks and serving knives, a special basket is provided in the dishwasher. It is necessary to place spoons and forks freely and better alternate them, it will be correct. If you fold the spoons tightly each other, they will not come. Knives need to put blades down.

In the new models of dishwashers, such as Bosch brands, for cutlery is provided by the topmost tray. The location of spoons in such a horizontal tray. This provides not only high-quality washing dishes, but also the cost-effective distribution of space inside the dishwasher. In addition, the horizontal location of spoons, forks and knives are safer.

Important! Acute and ceramic knives in the dishwasher is not recommended, since the blade can be fused. You can not wash the knives with a tree handle, as a tree from a long stay in the water will swell.

How to arrange a pan and pans

As for large dishes necessary for cooking: a frying pan, saucepan, skewers, opposes, etc., they are located in the lower container. It is best to wash such dishes separately from glass dishes, porcelain and crystal, choosing more intense mode at high temperatures.

So, the frying pan and the babysitters must be located sideways, and the pans up the bottom or at an angle. Only this will ensure maximum water access to the entire dishes in the dishwasher. If you put the frying pan upwards, then they will block access to the top tray.

Important! Some frying pan and other dishes having a teflon coating in the dishwasher prohibits their manufacturer, so be careful.

If the handle is removed from the frying pan, then you must remove it. Shot with a handle Place so that it does not hurt the walls of the dishwasher. When the saucepan is located, as in the photo below, access to the top tray with dishes will be limited, so we do not recommend that it is not recommended. In this case, you can use the "Half load" function, which will save not only water, but also electricity. Nontens correctly put sideways at the edges of the lower tray of the dishwasher, even if there is no special nozzle, then the access of water from the lower sprinkler will be sufficient.

Is it possible to wash kitchen utensils in the dishwasher?

Kitchen utensils, which include cutting boards, midnishers, noise, blades can be washed in a dishwasher, only if the blades and boards are not wooden and preferably not plastic. Plastic blades can be stacked in the topmost tray for dishes, cutting boards in the side bonds of the lower or top tray depending on the size of the board. But if possible, it is better to wash the board with hands.

Half and blades should be located horizontally, even if there is no special compartment for them, there is enough space in the upper compartment.

Laying dishes in the dishwasher for all the rules, the question arises as you can wash the dishes for one cycle. The manufacturer indicates the instructions capacity in the number of sets. Small machines accommodate up to 6 sets, narrow to 11 and full-size up to 17 sets of dishes.

However, the kits are not by quantity, and in size the plates can be different. In addition, some can only use plates for soup and salad and not to use a saucer. Therefore, loading the machine in different families may differ. We propose to adhere to several more rules for the placement of dishes in the dishwasher:

  • it is not worth loading the machine with dishes at a maximum, a greater clearance between objects will allow you to better wash the products, and even more so do not overload the machine;
  • before putting some item in the dishwasher, make sure that it can be washed in it, it usually concerns products from plastic, fragile glasses from glass and crystal;
  • place the items so that they do not touch each other;
  • if possible, wash pan and pans separately from plates, mugs and glasses;
  • it is impossible to wash objects made of wood in a dishwasher;
  • if you prefer to collect all the dishes in the day, then dirty plates are better to immediately have a typewriter, they do not dry out in it and then they will wash themselves easier.

So, it's not so difficult to place the dishes in the dishwasher compartments. After several washing cycles, you will do it automatically. We hope our article will help you cope with it, you can also see this interesting video.

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