How to better place dishes in the dishwasher. Rules and nuances loading dishes in dishwasher Methods of laying dishes in dishwasher Bosch

Do not rush to immediately load all dirty dishes into it. From how correctly it will be done, the quality of washing and service life directly depends. Dishwashers are designed to facilitate life. But do not count on the fact that they will completely free you from handmade. Separate types of kitchen utensils and items are not intended for washing in the dishwasher. In addition, the dishes need to be able to put into the mechanism correctly.

More on how to properly download dishes in the dishwasher (PMM) and how to properly exploit the kitchen appliances, read in the article.

Pre-training PMM.

Before you start loading the dishes and click the "Start" button, do not forget to fall asleep salt for PMM in the compartment intended for this. Take it about once a month. Regardless of the selected detergent ("3 in 1", "7 in 1", etc.) I do not recommend salt to the salt. The technique will serve longer, and the dishes will be cleaner.

The same applies to the rinse. Despite the use of multifunctional to, rinsing gel will add glitter with clean dishes and will not leave the powder separations on it.

Periodically examine machine filters, clean them or replace if required. First, clean the filter located on the pipe connected to the water supply.

Check the strength of the hose connection. Make sure the cleanliness and free rotation of the sprinklers. Food is often clogged into the holes, if it is not removed from the dishes before loading into the PMM.

If you did not use technique for more than three days, run one cycle of washing without dishes. So you salt the pipes stagnant water.

Disassemble dishes consisting of several parts. If this is not done, a strong water pressure can damage the docking elements. If there are many dishes, sort it by type.

Remove the remains of food from the dishes, the objects with dried mud directly before loading rinse. If the pollution is strong, first soam for half an hour and hour in warm water.

Attention! When soaking dishes, do not use the usual means for manual washing. They will lead to excess foaming and can withdraw the technique.

Is it possible to wash in the dishwasher kitchen utensils

This question is difficult to answer, if you do not know what material the dishes are made . For example, wood objects are not intended for mechanical washing. Therefore, wooden boards will have to be cleaned manually. Half and noise from the stainless steel wash in the PMM can be. They are laid horizontally.

As for plastic objects, for example, the blades, in most cases they can also be washed into the PMM. But everything depends on the plastic itself. For example, plastic halves and blades included with a multicooker, washed in a typewriter.

This is written in the instructions for the household appliances. Such objects are better to put up, and plastic boards - on the sides. The blades and halves are placed with short handles and in the tray for cutlery.

Rules for loading cutlery

Each PMM has a place allotted under cutlery. These are either the shelves from above, designed for their horizontal location, or special removable baskets (most often). In the last spoons, forks and knives are located vertically according to a specific scheme.

Knives are installed with the edge down so that they do not scratch the inner surface of the PMM. The remaining appliances are located in a basket with handles down. Wash quality will decrease if the cutlery is too close to each other.

It is recommended to alternate them (fork, knife, tablespoon, knife, etc.). Tea spoons put closer to the center of the basket for instruments. Large utensils are horizontally at the top of the PMM, otherwise it will block the sprayers.

Tip! Behind the sharp knives is better to care for hand. From washing in PMM blades quickly stupid.

How to place cups, glasses, glasses and wine glasses

Beverage items are located in the top basket under a slight tilt, bottom to the top. For glasses in the basket, removable elements with deepening are provided. They hold the legs of the glasses during washing. Small coffee cups are located on top of such elements.

How to put plates and bowls

Small bowls, dessert and cake plates are located in the top basket. There is also a place for saucers, drank, salt bodies and crewn. The bottom basket is designed for soup and large plates. At the same time, large dishes are placed on the sides, and in the center of the tray there are smaller plates. It provides water access to the top basket.

With severe pollution, the plates are put through one hole, increasing the space between them.

How to arrange a pan and pans

Pots and pans are placed in the lower compartment of PMM. Removable handles are removed and placed separately. The pots are installed upside down, and the skillet is vertically, a bit at an angle. Baking and baking molds are also washed in a vertical position. Large dishes are placed at the edges of the bottom compartment.

Attention! Pans with saucepans and glass and porcelain products are wash on different PMM programs.

Incompatible dishwasher

Due to the high temperature and detergents used in the PMM, not all the dishes are subject to processing in the car.

The dishwasher is incompatible items made from the following materials:

  • aluminum - darkens from long exposure to water and hot steam;
  • wood - destroyed under the influence of moisture and temperature drop;
  • cast iron - washed off the protective layer and rust appears;
  • copper, Tin and Silver - oxidized and black;
  • porcelain and plastic - Most varieties of these materials poorly carry the temperature differences, but in some PMMs there are special short and low-temperature programs for them.
  • frying pan with teflon coating - under the influence of aggressive detergents, the protective layer is washed off, and they loses their non-stick properties;
  • sharp knives - heavily warm, stupid;
  • objects of dishes with decorative painting - paint can be cleaned;
  • cookware with a vacuum cover, seal - hot water violates sealing, the sealant is spoiled;
  • items, worsted paint, ash, lubricant, wax - drink technique and lead to its clogging;
  • instruments with rust - washing in the PMM will lead to even greater destruction and the appearance of corrosion at the still non-touched metal objects.

When buying kitchen items, pay attention to the marking. Manufacturers usually write on the label, is it allowed in the dishwasher.

How much to load dishes for one cycle washing

So, how many plates, pans, cutlery fit in PMM? It depends on the size of the dishwasher. The instructions for the technique always indicates its maximum capacity. It is expressed in the sets.

Standard dishwasher accommodates up to 12 sets, full-size - up to 16, narrow - 9, and compact - not more than 6. Under the kit, the manufacturer understands 2 plates, saucer, cup, glass and cutlery. But in fact, when you have to download additionally, the pots and pans, the sets of the dishes will fit much smaller.

As we see, the capacity of the PMM can be very different. But there is general rulesBy sticking to which you will always be satisfied with the result of the sink.

  1. Before you send dishes into a typewriter, make sure it is designed for washing in PMM. Fragile glass glasses, thin plastic products. Wash only in special modes at water temperature not higher than 45 ° C and washing duration to 1.5 hours.
  2. Do not load PMM dishes at the maximum. Leave a small distance between objects so that they do not come into contact with each other. So products are better clean.
  3. Strongly contaminated pots and pans are better to wash separately from glasses, plates and mugs. For them, in modern PMMs there is a special high-temperature regime with a longer washing cycle.
  4. Clean the dirty dishes in the PMM immediately after eating. So the remains of food do not drown and disperse well. The dishes with dried mud pre-rinse.


It does not matter what brand and the capacity you are PMM. For good result It is important to load a dishwasher correctly. It is 80% of success, and only the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bdetergent.

After several correct downloads, you will already place kitchen items in PMM in the right order and quantity automatically.

Now more families will be seen dishwashers. Some hostesses are not known how to upload dishes into it. As a result, dirty drums or traces of detergent remain on utensils and devices.

But if you position all items rationally, it will significantly reduce the time of washing and consumption of electricity, and the quality of the procedure will improve.

Causes of deterioration of dishes with automatic wash

Despite the convenience of dishwashers and the popularity of such equipment, many mistresses prefer to wash the dishes with their hands. The reason for this is ignorance or non-compliance with the basic rules for using this instrument. Not all the dishes allowed to wash in the PMM. If you do not take into account such restrictions, the dishes will deteriorate.

The dishwasher creates hard conditions that do not always benefit with kitchen appliances:

  • significant temperature differences;
  • too hot water;
  • hot air flows;
  • impact of detergent chemistry;
  • ferry processing;
  • long interaction with moisture.

As a result, fragile glassware from glass cracks from temperature shock. To prevent this, special heat exchangers are installed in modern units.

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Preparation for placement

Before loading dishes in the dishwasher, it is prepared according to the following rules:

  1. Food particles remaining on objects are cleaned by a sponge, rubber blades or a paper towel. Spoons or knives do not do not spoil the coating.
  2. If the remains on the plate were dried, they still need to be removed to provide high-quality flushing in the dishwasher.
  3. Consisting of several parts of the dishes are disassembled before you load into the dishwasher. Otherwise, water head will damage the landing joints.


If a large number of items are loaded into the device simultaneously, they must be resolved by type.

After completing the preliminary cleaning and sorting of dishes, proceed to the preparation of a dishwasher. In this case, the procedure will be:

  1. In the instructions will know which types of dirt can remove the dishwasher. Typically, difficulties arise with a laundering of a pan, a pan or estimates after cooking. If such pollution is hardening hard, then it is necessary to pre-wash such items manually.
  2. Inspect the filters available in the machine and replace them if necessary. First of all, clean the filter on the pipe connected to the water supply. Otherwise, the water will flow badly and the quality of washing will decrease.
  3. Check the strength of the combination of hoses and seating holes. If the device stood for a long time without a case, one cycle is launched without loading. So remove the stagnant water in the tubes, acquiring a disgusting stench after a while.

How to place cups, glasses and glasses

To properly place the dishes of this kind in the dishwasher use the upper tray. There are fragile tanks that need to be cleaned of coffee, tea or wines. Wine glasses, glasses and cups are installed upside down for cleaning with a liquid from the inside and flow through the walls down. Horizontally similar objects do not fold. Otherwise they will not disperse.

Glasses and glasses arrange so that they do not come into contact with the walls. Fragile products are additionally fixed by holders. Without this, they even can burst on a delicate mode. The same holders, if necessary, will help to fix small cups.


Placing fragile items before taking the tray, check the quality of fixing dishes. If you need additionally use holders and other accessories.

Placement of plates

On dimensions, plates have them from below or from above. Stripping from the volumes, in the dishwasher Bosch or other brand lay everything into one container, if it is large. Enclosed plastic dishes from above, so that it is not close to Tan and not melted.

Large or medium size plates are placed below, including soup. The capacity of the largest diameter is installed in the side part, smaller - place at the center. Such an arrangement ensures water flow to the very top. Products need to be folded the front part inside the box, while maintaining the distance between the items. So, the sink will be more efficient.


It is not allowed to load the device to the limit. Too large amounts of products will not happen high quality.

Right loading of cutlery

Such products need to be laid in a small tray or basket in the inside of the bunker. Properly put such dishes in the dishwasher, mocking the fork with spoons so that they do not mix in the common lump. Knives need to lay, sending blades down.

More modern models of PMM are equipped with a special tray under cutlery, located in the top. Then spoons, knives and forks are laid horizontally. It saves a place inside the unit and allows you to scale well.


In the dishwasher unit is not allowed to wash ceramic or sharp knives, as well as products with inserts from wood. Similar items wash only their hands.

How to load large dishes in the dishwasher

Laying of large-scale items should be bottom. Food cooking accessories need to be put at a distance from fragile products. Pan, frying pan and baggage need intensive laundering mode, and porcelain and glass devices of such an impact are not transferred.

The baggage and pan are placed on the edge, and the pan is covered with a small angle, turning the bottom to the bottom. So, the fluid will easily come across the entire inside of the machine. The frying pan with a non-stick layer is not always allowed to wash in the PMM. More precisely, this opportunity can be found in recommendations for dishes.

If a removable handle has a removable handle in a frying pan or a scenery, you need to immediately disconnect it. If this part of the dishes does not disconnect, the product is set especially carefully, so as not to hurt the neighboring items or walls of the device. Large-sized items that are not fitted in the car are laundered by parts. It is useful to use the half-load function if this is provided.

Natures are installed on a rib in the side of the basket. It is better to fix them with special holders, if such provided. Otherwise, enjoy general rules for placing items. Small utensils can also be sent to the dishwasher if there are no wooden parts on it. Plastic noise, blades and boards put on top so that hot water does not get on them.

Restrictions on the material of the dishes

Not every dishes can be washed automatically. Tree products, stylized under antiquity, spoons, halves, cutting boards and other wooden utensils in. Abundant exposure to water causes fibers and products lose shape.

There are restrictions on the washing of plastic dishes. It is not allowed to upload objects from plastic to the dishwasher, poorly carrying high temperatures. They can be deformed from hot water. Copper, tin or silver utensils and devices are not loaded due to the effects of detergents. From contact with them such dishes fade, covered with spots and oxidized.

Aluminum pots, frying pan and other devices from such washing are covered with a raid and darken. For such dishes at all, long contact with moisture is contraindicated. The same applies to the subjects from the cast iron. Long-term washing destroys the protective layer of such utensils and it is covered with rust.

What items can not be laundered in a dishwasher

  • knives and shreds are stupid under the influence of hot water;
  • sawsean and frying pan with a non-stick coating from interaction with detergents, the protective layer is destroyed;
  • the objects with vacuum covers from high water temperature destroy the seal and the tightness is disturbed;
  • on the items with hand painted, the paint is washed off from interaction with detergents and hot water.

In addition to these standard restrictions, you need to look at specific products. Porcelain or plastic dishes is made of materials with different composition. Therefore, the portability of the machine washing is also varied. Before loading products in the dishwasher, you must look marking on it.


It is impossible to load in PMM products with rust. Such washing provokes further destruction of the material and the reason for the appearance of rust on other metallic subjects.

Understand how many dishes fit in a dishwasher, you can marking a "set of dishes". Under this term means a standard set of items for one person. It includes all the plates, spoons, forks, knives and glasses. But such a concept is too conditional, because the usual kitchen reigns a variety. The size of the same plates are usually very different.

For PMM with a capacity of 17 sets in practice, it is not more than 14. If you take into account that you need to still wash the pan and the pan, it will be even less.

To increase the capacity and not reduce the quality of washing, follow such advice:

  • between the dishes, there are lumens, without filling the bunker to the end;
  • watching the label on the dishes allowing the automatic washing;
  • large items put at a large distance from fragile;
  • dirty plates with dried particles are installed in the bunker to wash it easier.

Tools for laundering

For high-quality sink and long service life of the device, only permitted apply. More careful washing in relation to the dishes and to the machine itself is performed with soft water. Therefore, to prevent scale and plaque, they soften salt. It is placed in a separate container. The amount of salt depends on the degree of water rigidity in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence.

To prevent the formation of traces from water flows, use a special rinser for dishes. It is loaded into a separate tray immediately into several cycles. The machine itself adjusts the portion of the drug in accordance with the specified settings. When the rinser ends, a warning signal is distributed.

In the role of detergent for the dishwasher, it is better not to use a washing powder. For such devices produce special preparations. They are sold in the form of tablets, liquid or powder. Such tools contain a small amount of alkali and enzymes dissolving protein residues of food and starch. There are still oxygen-based bleach in them to remove stains from tomatoes, wines and sauces.

Starting dishwasher

After loading all the dishes in the PMM, you choose the wash program. It depends on the manufacturer and specific instrument models. Usually there are 4 types of programs:

  • rinsing;
  • washing of weakly aggregate and glassware at +45 degrees;
  • washing dishes with medium contamination at a temperature of +50 degrees;
  • laundering of strong contaminants, pan and pans when water heating +70 degrees.

The first rinse mode is used for highly polluted items with attachment slices. Then under the head of the hot water, they are washed away and the overall quality of laundering improves.

After completing the dishwasher, the dishwasher is unloaded from the bottom compartment. Such an order will prevent the droplets from the water droplets on the wind at the bottom, since the liquid still remains, even modern devices are equipped with a drying program.


It is easy to place the dishes for the automatic washing is not difficult. Over time, experience comes and then the download takes only a few minutes. But rationally putting all items in the dishwasher, you can save kitchen utensils from damage and improve the quality of washing.

Full briefing: how to load dishes in the dishwasher

Happy owners of a new helper in the kitchen It is important to know how to download dishes in the dishwasherThe dishwasher for many is still a luxury, but those who have acquired a dishwasher can appreciate how such a daily household question has simplified. True, immediately after purchase, there are several dubious moments - not everyone guess carefully examine the instructions, or she simply is not fully understood. For example, how to download dishes? Is it fundamentally planted in the car?

Preparation: how to download dishes in the dishwasher

For some reason, this moment some owners ignore - namely the preparation of dishes for washing. Food remnants to remove with plates you need (of course, large). The better you do, the better the dishes will be washed. Perfectly wash the same plates on which the salad or meat with pasta remains, it will not work.

Before you download the dishes into the car, it needs to be released from food residues, for example, a napkin

Clear dishes can be cleaned with kitchen napkins, sponge or silicone spatula - many ways. It is very important that the plates do not remain legumes, bones from fruits, corn, solid grains, etc.

Another frequent questionIs it right to rinse the dishes before laying it into the car? If you are going to wash the plates immediately after meals, do it is not necessary. But if you have accumulated the mountain of unwashed dishes, and it costs it for several hours, then a small rinsing will allow the dishes better to wash. But many modern machines are equipped with a pre-rinse function, which simplifies work.

Wine glasses and cups when loading a dishwasher

So how to properly decompose the dishes in your smart aggregate? Let's start with the dishes for drinks: that is, glasses, cups, mugs, glasses. Usually for these devices is the top tray in the car. Put the cups and glasses upside down, so that the water was washed their inner surface, and then flowed down. But folding horizontally it is impossible: inside the water will almost not fall.

Glasses and cups need to put on the upper tray near

Also consider the following nuances:

  • Glasses and wine glasses are fixed with a fragile leg from above, in a special holder;
  • There should be no glasses touch one one - otherwise, in the process, the glass washing the glass can break up, according to it before laying out;
  • Also, the plastic holder is quite used for small coffee cups.

We need to put items, carefully fixing them so that nothing turned over under the jet of water. When this top tray is moving, make sure that nothing hung. That is, it is necessary to pretend carefully, firmly, the placement should be so that the glasses do not beat each other.

Different plates: how to lay dishes in the dishwasher

The plates, depending on their species, can be positioned both on the top and on the lower tray. On the top tray you can position: a pile, saucers, bowls, saucers, creeds, cososhok, salt plots, dessert plates. If the water is heated to a relatively small temperature, on the same top tray you can lay and plastic dishes. It is only necessary to put it away from the heating element, otherwise it melts.

After the arrangement of all items inside the instrument, it is important to draw attention to the fact that the glass dishes firmly stood in its place

On the lower tray are located:

  • Soup plates;
  • Middle diameter plates;
  • Big diameter plates;
  • Plates for supplying assorted (meat, vegetable).

Laying large plates is carried out at the edges, and the plates with a smaller diameter - in the center. So the best water access to the entire top tray will be provided. Be sure to install the plates face to the center of the unit so that they do not touch each other. And the greater the lumen between the plates, the better they will come in. If the dishwasher allows you to put the plates in the portion.

Cutlery: how to put the dishes in the dishwasher

Table appliances include spoons, large and small, forks, as well as special serving knives. For instrument data in each machine, whether Bosch (Bosch) or the device is more compromised, there is a special basket. Some models are the topmost tray.

Cutlery needs to be located in a special container handles down

Spoons and forks are free, alternating among themselves. And if we put them tightly, they will not come properly. Knives are always put in blades down.

Another frequent question: how is the saucepan wash in the dishwasher? All large dishes, pans and frying pans, are located in the lower container. Separately wash the metal and glass dishes to ensure their safety. When washing metal dishes used more intense mode.

Consider such moments:

  • Nontens and frying pans are always located sideways;
  • Pots are set up at the bottom or at an angle;
  • Some models with teflon coated washed in the dishwasher - if there is a prohibition of the manufacturer, do not ignore it;
  • If you can remove the handle from the walls of the pan, you must remove it before bookmarking it.

But is it possible to wash in the dishwasher blades, noisms, mylovki, cutting boards? As such, there is no ban, if these utensils are not wooden and, preferably, not plastic. Wooden items can never be loaded into the dishwasher.

Usually on the model itself, it is indicated how many sets of dishes can be washed over one cycle. Small cars at a time coped with six sets, narrow - with eleven, and large cycle units are able to move to seventeen sets of dishes. At the same time, you never need to load the car under the strife, it will affect the quality of the washing.

Many owners of expensive devices from world manufacturers are loaded at the Namaum cutlery, which may end the breakdown

Objects when placing in the car should not touch one one. Do not mix in one cycle and plates, and pans. Do not change the dishes in places - the places in your pan, plates - in your. Do not forget to lay the tablet for the dishwasher on time. If you wash so that all the dishes are laundered only in the evening, I was going for the day, right after meals put it in the container - there are no residues of food on a plate, and it will be easier to launder.

How to load a dishwasher (video)

Do not break the rules of operation of the dishwasher, try to clean the dishes from large meal residues, put the dishes correctly. And then the car itself will serve faith and truth, and the dishes will not fight.

Life can also be pleasant!

In order for the dishwasher to work as efficiently as possible, you need to correctly download all items in the compartment, taking into account what dishes need to be placed in the upper basket, and what - in the bottom. Consider the basic rules for the preparation of the dishwasher to work and directly the instructions for download.

Preliminary preparation for download

Before you load dishes in the dishwasher, you must prepare both the device itself and all items that will be loaded into it.

How to prepare dishes?

If we talk about the preparation of dishes to the download, then for it will be relevant the following rules:

  • All the remains of the food that remain on the dishes, it is necessary to safely shift in the urn with the help of a sponge, a rubber spatula or other soft tools. You should not use forks, knives and other solid objects, because they can damage the coating.
  • If dried residues of food remain on the surface of the plates, they should also be previously removed, because not every machine will be able to ensure their effective cleaning.
  • If the dishes are collapsible, that is, consists of several component elements, All of them must be loaded separately, because otherwise water pressure can deform the landing joints or break them at all.

If you want to place a lot of dishes, it is necessary to predetermine the same type of objects - plates, cups, glasses, cutlery, etc.

How to prepare a car?

After all the kitchen utensils are prepared for download, you can prepare and the dishwasher itself:

  • Learn in the instructions for the dishwasher, with what types of pollution it will cope. As a rule, difficulties occur when laundering the dishes from protein food residues, cooked and baked dishes. If you want to wash the dishes from pollution, with which your model copes hard, it is pre-rinsed manually.
  • In the design of the device there are filters that need to be checked before downloading and change if necessary. The most important of them is on the tube, which is connected to the water supply. If this filter is scored, there may be problems with the supply of fluid, and accordingly - the quality of the washing.

  • It is important to make sure that all hoses are firmly attached to the landing holes. If the dishwasher was not used for a long time, it is better before loading dishes, "to drive" her in idle. This will allow you to clean the tubes in which water could remain and over time to acquire an unpleasant smell.

Instructions, how to download dishes in the dishwasher

Despite the fact that all dishwashers have a slightly different inner design, you can bring a common instruction how to properly place various elements in the dishwasher:

  • Plates. It is necessary to post at the bottom of the boot compartment to the center, as well as slightly tilted. This is due to the fact that in most machines, the nozzles are sprayed from the center to the edges. In no case cannot be interpreted by products, because it will block the free circulation of water and reduce the quality of the sink.

  • Deep capacity, including cups. Small, but deep tanks need to be placed in the upper part of the loading compartment upside down or at a large angle. This will allow the jet to quickly flush pollution, and water freely drag out.

  • Glasses. On the upper box there is a folding plastic department with cells where it is necessary to place glasses. Such departments are specifically designed to hold the legs of the glasses, protecting the dishes from scratches and cracks.

  • Plastic. All plastic utensils should be placed away from the heating element. inner side down. That is, if it is from above, then it is better to put the plastic, and if you put up from below. This will minimize the temperature effect on them, eliminating the deformation and melting.

  • Pans, pans, skewers. These elements are better placed at the bottom upside down or under a big slope.
  • Cutlery. They can only be installed in special trays, which are provided in sections. All of them must put down the handles in such a way that none of them come into contact with the other. Large devices will block water sprinklers, sprayers and nozzles, so they are better placed in a horizontal position in the upper box.

  • Cutting boards and trays. They should be put in trays intended for plates. As experience shows, wooden products, in particular cutting boards, it is better to wash manually. First, the texture of the tree itself contributes to stronger absorption of food residues into the surface, secondly, the material may crack under high temperatures cleansing water.

After the dishes loaded, you need to check that no item blocks the container with detergent. If it is blocked, you can forget about high-quality washing.

It is worth considering that in some models of dishwashers, replacement sections of various configuration are provided. Thanks to this, you can adapt the washing compartment under the type of pricing.

There are several basic booting tips for the dishwasher, which will allow you to maintain the quality of washing, as well as the performance of the device:

  • If the design of the device does not assume the presence of the upper nozzles, then all the elements of the dishes need to be placed so that they do not interfere with the free current of water down.
  • You can not load the dishwasher with a height, more than the height of the lower department, since it will complicate the opening of the door of the machine after the end of the detergent cycle.
  • If the dishes are too much, it is better to make it washing in stages, downloading the same type of objects. Excessive loading can not only worsen the quality of work, but also reduce the efficiency of the washing.

  • When the dishes are not very much, try to place it closer to the center, because in some dishwashers there is only one rocker, which often does not cope with the entire volume of the compartment equally qualitatively.
  • Fragile products are better to put apart from each other, because vibration and oscillations that occur when the water jet is exposed to them can damage them.
  • Conventional kitchen mixes that are used for manual sink, in no case cannot be used in the dishwasher. This negatively affects its performance and can bring it out of order. So, it is worth choosing special pills, gels and dishwashers, rinsers, degreaser.
  • 2-3 times a year when loading should add special substances against scale to detergent components. They will clean the surface of the details of the dishwasher from deposits, which are formed during operation.

In any case, you should familiarize yourself with the instructions for the dishwasher, which is attached by the manufacturer. It indicates which types of dishes can be soaked in your model, provide recommendations for its location in compartments, etc. You can also read tips in our article.

Video: How to upload dishes in the dishwasher?

Which box to put large items? In which compartment is better to arrange the pans and plates, and in what are the glasses and cups? Answers to these questions you will find in the following video:

As noted above, each dishwasher model assumes its nuances of loading. For example, in the next video you will learn how to download Candy Unit:

In contact with

From how cutlery in the dishwasher tray will be located, the quality of their washing is largely dependent. Not all users know how to correctly download their dishwasher to ensure efficient processing of dishes. To do this, you need to follow several uncomplicated rules.

Preparation for download

Before you download the dishwasher, some preparatory actions are needed. To begin with, find out whether all the types of dishes can be washed in your typewriter. For example, for processing fragile items, such as crystal, etc., there is a special mode (delicate), but they are not equipped with all devices.

Next, determine the degree of contamination of the instruments to reveal, on which program you will wash them. For highly polluted dishes there are programs intensive, pre-soaking mode and others. Not very dirty glasses and plates can be washed on a quick sink or economical. There are cars in which you can combine the washing of highly polluted items with wematous. In this case, they are distributed on different baskets.

If you have copied the dishes for a while, then simultaneously wash it, it is recommended to soak the devices to avoid drying the residues of food on them. If there is a mode with pre-soaking, you can do without this actions manually.

Before loading items to the basket, you need to consider meals from plates and saucepan. It must be done with a sponge or special silicone blades that carefully affect the surface.

Do not start the machine due to several devices, wait until the maximum number is accumulated. If your device has a half-load function, you can use it, in the absence of a large number of dirty dishes.

Prepare special means For processing dishes. Among them should be:

  • detergent
  • salt,
  • rinser.

It is necessary to use only those drugs that are intended for washing in the dishwasher. Universal compounds and means for manual washing do not cope with the processing of dishes in automatic machines. Apply branded means approved by dishwasher manufacturers. So you provide good quality Washing and extend the service life of devices.

Fall asleep detergent and rinse in the compartments allotted for them. The rinser is used only after passing the washing cycle. Before turning on the machine, check that the rotating parts of the device (sprayers, sprinklers) do not interfere with the items in the basket.

How to download

It is necessary to lay the laying of cutlery. Loading the dishwasher starts from the top tray where glasses and mugs are installed. You need to put them up the bottom to the water flow in the process of washing the window down. Horizontally, such items are inappropriate, since the water jets will not fall intoward.

Fragile devices (wine glasses) need to be recorded by a special holder. After placing, make sure that they do not hurt each other to avoid their breakdowns.

Also on the upper shelf you can have such items:

  • piles;
  • small plates;
  • saucer;
  • saucers;
  • peppers, solonks, etc.

Plastic dishes is located on the same section. When installing them in the bottom basket, they can melt from the action of heating elements. All of the above devices put up with a bottom or tilt. After loading the top tray, check that all items are well fixed.

In the lower basket placed the plates of medium and large sizes. It is recommended to install them upper part to the center, under a slight inclination. Plates with a smaller diameter should be located in the central part of the tray, and with large - on the edges. With this placement, the best access of the water flow to the dishes will be provided.

If there is an opportunity, it is better to put plates through one, for better washing. To load too much the device does not make sense, some items may be lazy enough.

Such instruments like spoons, forks, knives and more are installed in a special compartment. Between them should be a clearance, otherwise they will be blissfully washed. Knives are placed with sharp tips down.

In some models of dishwashers, these devices are stacked horizontally. Such a tray design contributes to more economical use of space, and also improves the quality of the sink.

Large dishes (babysitters, pan, frying pan, etc.) is loaded into the lower basket. Such objects need to be installed at an angle or on the side. So they will not heat each other and come up as well as possible. For such dishes, you need to select a special program, intensive or soaking so that the suction dirt and fat can be guaranteed.

Before loading large dishes, make sure that its manufacturer allows the washing in the dishwasher. Some pots or frying pans with a special coating may not be subject to such processing.

Wooden products, such as blades, cutting boards, cups, etc., Cannot be washed in the dishwasher, as the tree swells with long-term contact with water. The same applies to the dishes with wooden handles or other elements made of wood.

These are simple rules that show how to load a dishwasher. With their observance, you will always have a clean and well-dried dishes. In order to determine how much items can be accommodated as much as possible, orient to the number that the manufacturer pointed out. Standard sets of dishes are not always used, so the optimal ratio of items you will be experimented, through several miles.

Clean the device regularly so that the wash quality is not reduced. From how you will take care of the dishwasher, the life of its operation directly depends.

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