What is Thursday the 13th called? Is such an unlucky number thirteen really

The theme of the project is "The Mysterious Number 13"

Subject (including class, topic) knowledge that is used: Mathematics, Grade 2, "Two-digit numbers".

Project duration: short-term, duration 1 week.

Relevance: It's no secret that everywhere and everywhere every moment our life is filled with figures and numbers. We encounter them at every step, they accompany us from birth to last days. What role do they play in our destiny? Mathematics is connected with all sciences, even with mysticism. Along with the various superstitions that exist, there are quite a few superstitions associated with certain numbers. Now the number of people who believe in magic is especially increasing.

Subject of study: Numerical superstitions associated with the number 13.


    Suppose this number 13 is mystical and mysterious?

    Suppose that the magic of the number affects the fate of a person.

Objective of the project:

Determine the degree of influence of the number 13 on a person's life.

Project objectives:

    Study the history of the appearance of the number 13.

    Make a table of the pros and cons of this mysterious number.

    Find famous people born on the 13th.

    Study public opinion.

    Find Interesting Facts from the history of the number 13.

Project stages:

Stage 1: Preparatory.

Collecting information about the number 13 and the history of its appearance, determining the pros and cons.

Compilation of the questionnaire and the study of public opinion.

Search for famous people born on the 13th.

Stage 2: Main.

Oral magazine "Magic of Numbers".

Mathematical newspaper "13".

Main research methods:




    Collection of information.

Main part .

Number - one of the basic concepts of mathematics, originated in ancient times and gradually expanded and generalized. The philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras argued that "numbers rule the world." You probably meet people who try to guess their "happiness" by bus ticket numbers, by car numbers. All these superstitions are belief in a special mysterious meaning of the number.

Since ancient times, it has been common for people to attribute to certain numbers magical properties- some numbers were considered lucky (for example, 3.7), while others, on the contrary, were unlucky (9, for example, 13). These ridiculous superstitions have successfully survived to this day and are not going to die in the foreseeable future.

The number 13 is mysterious!

    It is simple and is divisible only by itself and one. People were awarded on the 13th good reputation and live under the slogan: “We came up with it ourselves, we are afraid of it ourselves!” The number 13 (XIII) is a NUMEROLOGICAL SIGN, with which most of the peoples of the world are associated with a large number of signs and superstitions, most often negative. This number is called the "devil's dozen". And this does not contribute to the popularity of this number in any way. It is believed that thirteen is a devilish, magical number, primarily associated with the magic square. Number 13 - 4 levels. 13=10+2+1 the devil is a man (10) with horns (2) and a tail (1). In numerology, the number 13 is written 13/4, adding 1 + 3 = 4

    Numbers - since we are talking about signs, it is impossible to ignore the numbers. So, for example, in Russia 13 is considered not lucky number: bad to live in the house number 13. And even worse in an apartment; a ticket with this number caught in the exam promises trouble - an unsatisfactory grade. But there are people who consider 13 the luckiest number. In general, the attitude towards the devil's dozen is very individual.

    But in some European countries, especially in England, superstitions associated with numbers are very tenacious. Here you will not find houses and apartments with number 13, there are also no 13 floors. But the northern Europeans are especially afraid of the so-called number of the devil -666, and in order not to meet this terrible number on their way, they simply avoid assigning such a number to anything. The initial reason for this sign is that 13 was often used by occultists and was considered by them fatal number. Number 13 was believed to hold the key to power and dominance over others.

    Church,. Which usually considered superstitions to be remnants of pagan times and did not recognize them, in this case recognized the number 13 as unlucky. The legend of the so-called unlucky number is also connected with that. That some nations did not have a decimal counting system. And duodecimal. And in Russia it was just customary to count by dozens. That is,. The number 12 is the last one in a series of familiar numbers, and it was followed by an unknown number, which, like everything unknown, was frightening. And, despite the fact that the number 13 appeared much later, it initially carried bad energy.

1. Having collected information about the number 13, we determined the positive and negative value of the number (in the form of pluses and minuses).

2. Next, we compiled a questionnaire and studied the public opinion of students elementary school in the amount of 82 people.It can be seen from the answers that most of the respondents are not superstitious people.

From this analysis, we can conclude that the number 13 is a common number, the difference between drummers and triples is small.

3. Next, we found out the number of people who turned to doctors within 3 months and compared visits to patients on the 13th and on other days. According to the results of the study, the number of patients is almost the same and, in principle, does not differ from the rest of the days of the month, i.e. the number of patients does not depend on the date, the increase in calls is due to a number of reasons: seasonal diseases, meteorological dependence.

4. To the children who were born13 numbers, the question was asked: do you think that the date of birth affects your destiny: yes 4 no 13.We found famous people who were born on the 13th, and as a result it turned out that Suvorov A.V., Tarasova T.A., Novikov B.K. achieved great success and are not considered unlucky

5. We got acquainted with the new word "triskaidekaphobia" - fear of a number. In 2012, Friday the 13th falls on January, April, July. We found tragic events that happened on Friday the 13th: According to static data, various disasters occur on any other day.

6. Having studied various literature, we found interesting facts related to the number 13.


In our work, we tried to tell about the most famous numerical superstition. Superstitions associated with the number 13 arose at a time when there were only the beginnings of culture. The reason for the appearance of superstition was the need of people to understand the nature around them, for the scientific explanation of which there was not enough knowledge. modern science explains the nature of mysterious phenomena, so you should not believe all these prejudices. In short, we can say that it all depends on us! Let's get rid of negative superstitions. We give you the Talisman of good luck and prosperity. We give to you, give to friends!


Belov N.V. Desktop encyclopedia for girls - Minsk: Modern writer, 2004., 512 p.

Bishop B. Numerology. Numbers and destiny. – M.: AST, 2000.- 320s.

G.I. Geyser. History of mathematics at school. A guide for teachers.

Dorokhov A. About truth and fiction. "Children's literature". Moscow, 1977.

Ermakov IV Atheistic education in teaching arithmetic. "Education". Moscow, 1964.

Journal "Mathematics at School" №2 1999 Moscow

I.Ya Depman, N.Ya Vilenkin “Behind the pages of a mathematics textbook”, 1987.

Kordemsky B.A. "Great Lives in Mathematics". A book for students in grades 8-11. Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1995

M.I. Shakhnovich "Signs in the light of science".

Appendix "Mathematics" to the newspaper "First of September"

Stepanova M.G. "Numerical superstitions". Samara, 1978 -

encyclopedic Dictionary young mathematician.-M.: Enlightenment, 1993

Numerology. Names. htt://www.megaone.com/vladimir/n3.html

Magic numbers. htt://www.dream-earth.narod.ru/chisla.html

Information from the Internet

Yes, the mysterious number 13 has been fooling humanity for a long time, and Friday the 13th is “black” for some reason. Where did these superstitions come from, who, pray tell, "hung" on ordinary number inconceivable devils?

Indeed, in some Western countries (Great Britain, USA, Canada) there are triskaidekaphobes (those who are afraid of the number 13) and paraskevidekat riaphobes (those who are afraid of Friday the 13th). As a result of their activity, the 13th carriages in trains and the 13th floors of houses disappear. In hospitals on the 13th on Friday, they operate only for urgent indications. Ships do not go to sea, and airports do not have gate 13. On Friday, the 13th, according to the laws of the state of Indiana (USA), the owners of all black cats are required to wear bells when releasing their pets into the street. This confidence in the unfortunate impact of the number 13 - the "hell's dozen" - appeared not so long ago.

Interestingly, in the 19th century, the number 13 was called the "baker's dozen." Why? It turns out that there was a custom to add the 13th bun for free if someone ordered a dozen.

Number 13 in East, North and South.
As for the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese, they generally consider 13 to be a lucky number, often arranging weddings on this day.

In the North, in the harsh world of the German-Scandinavian gods, the goddess from the genus of the Vanirs, Freya, is incredibly popular. She knew how to penetrate other worlds and owned the runes long before Odin received them. So, everyone knew about this sorceress: thirteen is her number, and Friday is her day.

Astrologers believe that Friday is ruled by the planet Venus. That is why this day is favorable for everything that corresponds to the qualities of this goddess of love and beauty, spring and gardens, harmony, luxury, comfort, desire and pleasure. To please Venus, Friday must be devoted to shopping for beautiful things. Visit or host guests. And in no case should you be sad on Friday, and even more so engage in introspection and introspection.

Origin of the number 13
But at the very beginning of our era, the number 13, on the contrary, was considered sacred, since it was a symbol of Christ and the 12 apostles - his disciples. It was only later that the reason for the superstitious fear of the "devil's dozen" began to be associated with the Last Supper - the last supper of the Teacher with his students. Hence, allegedly, there is a belief that out of 13 people who find themselves at the same table during a meal, one will certainly die within a year.

In general, the belief in "Friday the 13th" owes its origin to the stock player Thomas Lawson, who wrote his only and now deservedly forgotten novel called "Friday the thirteenth." Well, the famous film by Sean Cunningham "Friday the 13th" has spread the omen all over the world. The director admitted that the name, which successfully replaced the former, working one, already at the end of filming, became one of the decisive success factors. Yes, and so wide that the belief in unlucky Friday took root even in Spain, where historically Tuesday was considered an unlucky day, especially Tuesday the 13th.

What science says about the number 13
By the way, Edgar Wunder, a sociologist from the Center for Parapsychology in Sandhausen, after hearing a lot of tales about the damned 13th, took and carried out a statistical analysis of more than 100,000 accidents over 14 years that took place on Fridays, the 13th. It turned out: there are no special differences between “Friday the 13th” and other days!

The ancient sages said: "You are what you believe in"...
S. Korshunov

It all depends on the person himself in this and many other issues that arise in our lives. You can find the answers yourself by reading this information.

It has been known since ancient times that 13 brings special success, positively affects a person's life. Few knew about it. Therefore, so that not everyone “uses” this wonderful number - and they come up with the idea that this number is, as it were, “bad”. Actually, this number is divine. But it, like many of the divine elements and symbols, was used by representatives of the dark forces for their own purposes. The so-called “Illuminati”, the dark lodge, are those who hid knowledge from people, at the same time distorting it (an example of which is now (and to this day) discrediting the holy divine symbols: the Pyramid, the Divine Pentagram, the “star of David”, the all-seeing eye of Horus, Kolovrat (Fash - Svasti), Cross, etc.). But now we will only talk about the number "thirteen", as undeservedly named, even with such heavenly names as the "damn" dozen, etc. Those. everything turned out to be distorted "exactly the opposite."

But in fact they say: “God the Trinity”, the Triune Mother Goddess (Trimurti), i.e.: Three in One. The same numbers 1 and 3. How, then, did people think of taking the instigations of the dark ones seriously and considering the number thirteen “bad”?.. Obviously, because of ignorance. They didn’t know how it really was, and therefore they believed the lies imposed by the dark ones, who simply frightened, intimidated. And fear, as you know, overshadows the mind.

By the way, this is what the action is based on. superstition (vain supposedly "faith"). The man does not know, but is afraid "No matter what happens..."- and because of that "just in case" decides, for example: I will not go the way crossed by a black cat; or: a sin to work on a holiday; etc. But this is an unfortunate decision, because. plunges a person into an ever-increasing number of blinkers, dogmas, prohibitions, "frameworks", misunderstanding and fear. And hostile invisible creatures are just waiting to increase his fears. Arrange supposedly evidence, "troubles" for those who succumb to such influence. So that real faith and knowledge are completely replaced by superstition and far-fetched fears ... So that, in the end, instead of the Deity, a superstitious person ... only imagines something as a kind of “god” (for example, the patriarchal grandfather of “God the Father”; some kind of “generally recognized”, but completely “faith” that does not correspond to the Divine reality, etc.). So, as it turns out, "superstition" is not such a harmless thing as it is believed. It can lead a person to spiritual death, without knowledge and true faith.

For example, it was not recommended to sit "on the edge" (colloquial - meaning: the corner of the table), so that, according to popular belief, - not to lose a woman (or a man) the opportunity to get married (marry). Angle is a powerful energy absorber. For this reason, the usual "put in a corner" for a restless child - it was used to dump "extra energy" into the "corner funnel". This is understandable: the constant “dumping” of energy (into a corner) makes a person less visible in society.

Thus, it is necessary to KNOW where prejudices and superstitions come from, and to be able to explain them scientifically. Then all fears dissipate, and life becomes brighter and happier...

The Mother of the World who came to the planet Gives True Knowledge. Freeing us from all former worldly illusions and erroneous, false ideas about the world and the Universe imposed by the dark ones.

Here is what is said in the Teaching of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS about the number "13".

“... Each letter has its own numerical name, vibration, carrying specific information on all levels of its manifestation. The Russian alphabet is a magnetic scattering of Divine mysteries and meanings. For example, the name Kiev combines the following numbers, respectively: 31 63=13=4. There is an infinite amount of information imprinted in it. "Ki" - astral spirit, prana, energy; corresponds to three and one. Three in One - is a symbol of Eternal Life, Immortality, God Expressed by Quaternary. Quaternary - a sign of the equilateral Cross of the One Mother of Light, four elements: fire, water, air, earth; perfect number; perfect balance, in which the four cardinal points are enclosed; number of form and order, etc. Unit - Existing, principle of Life, Beginning; Trinity - Balance of movement; The measure of all things. 13 is the number of immortality inscribed in the four" (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. "Kabbalist aspect of the YUSMALOS Program (Theosophy. Kabbalah)", 9.10.95).

“Each of the Three Hypostases (Father, Son, Mother) of the Creator is filled with the Holy Spirit! Three in One - There is the Holy Spirit - the Supreme Progenitor of existence - MARIA DEVI CHRISTOS! One - in Three - There is the Holy Spirit, Filling everything and everyone - MARIYA DEVI CHRISTOS! (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. "The ABC of Transfiguration (Light Formulas)", 1993).

And it is also significant that the two Divine Holidays approved by the Mother of the World also agree with this sacred number 13!

August 13 - Universal Freedom Day!
September 13 - Universal LOVE Day!

“SEPTEMBER 13, 1997 - Fire Descended to the Earth, for the Virgo Constellation - the Element of the Earth - became the Sign of the Cosmic Divine Counseling of the Earthly and Heavenly in the Spirit of Truth. The Mother of the World has united with the True Divine Spouse of Eternity into the Single Light Harmony of Forces!

I am the Mother of the World, My Name evokes in many awe or fear, or hatred, or LOVE. It is pronounced very quietly, or loudly, or not pronounced, for His Holy Magic is terrible for Darkness, for there is Light Itself! My name is MARIA DEVI CHRISTOS! I am the Fiery Sword of the Spouse of Eternity, Striking the Hordes of demons of Darkness. John-Peter II - Divine Rod of Strength and Power of the Mother of the World, My LOVE, Light and Birth!

I, the Mother of the World, Maria DEVI CHRISTOS, Descended from Heaven on April 11, 1990, in order to Unite Earthly and Heavenly and Darkness into Light!

SEPTEMBER 13 - Done Historical event in the Universe! The Divine Union of the Earthly and the Heavenly has been accomplished! I Sanctified THAT Eternal that on Earth became corruptible and sinful. The Holy Ankh, the Key of the Life of the Mother of the World, the Holy Rod of My John…”

(Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. "Song of Freedom - Dance of LOVE: GOD COUPLE!", 4.09.99).

In ancient times, the number 13 was considered the number of the Holy Spirit - the Mother, and moreover, it was revealed in the Threefold way (1 in 3 and 3 in 1 - there is the Absolute of Consciousness), 3 + 1 = 4 (Harmony of the Spheres, Unity of all cardinal points).

... In European civilization and in North America it is considered "unlucky". However, there is another relation to the number " 13 ". Many consider him a symbol of power, strength.

Therefore, the attitude towards this number has always been special, it was considered either unlucky, or, conversely, bringing good luck. In the divine pantheon of ancient Greece, 12 other deities obeyed the main god Zeus, and with him all the deities turned out to be thirteen.

Jesus Christ and His 12 apostles - was already considered a manifestation of divine power throughout the world.

Sophia Cathedral was built with 13 domes. For Christians, the number "13" is also associated with the Virgin Mary, one of whose missions is to strike the head of Satan.

The number thirteen, coming after 12 (after the completion of the previous dozen, as fullness, fullness of a certain level), - symbolizes the transition to the highest level. Rebirth, with the transformation into a higher order of spheres (in the temporal aspect and in the development of the one following the path of evolution).

Not without reason, in Tarot cards, the corresponding card meant the end of the former life, i.e. beginning, continuation at a higher level. This was known to the initiates. And only later, with the loss of knowledge, ignorant people began to fear the unknown. In fact, by denying the most necessary, people deprived themselves of the knowledge of the innermost. Who avoids the number 13 deprives himself of the highest, is retarded in evolution. And of course, because of this, it sometimes gets "on the hat" for violation of true knowledge, evolutionary laws (being, in this case, provoked by the dark ones to commit evil). Therefore, it is important to get rid of worldly inventions and prejudices, not to assume, but to know.

The thirteenth hour is also the first, which symbolizes the end of one day and the beginning of new ones and is a symbol of the cyclic process - "death-rebirth". The number 13 is not feared in China, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea and Saudi Arabia. In three of these countries, the presence of other superstitions related to numbers is confirmed. And in two - Italy and China - there is a traditional love for the number 13. In Chinese, 13 is denoted by a phrase that sounds like "must succeed." In Hong Kong, mobile network subscribers often ask for a number with the number 13 because it brings good luck. You can list for a long time: in China this is a sacred number. And also revered in the ancient Aztecs and the Maya. They believed that the number "13" was somehow connected with heaven. There are 13 Buddhas in the Indian pantheon. The same number of mystical discs are on Chinese and Indian pagodas. Kabbalah considers the number 13 to be especially auspicious. And according to the modern version of divination according to the Chinese "Book of Changes", the hexagrams that make up the number 13 , indicate that everything is fine, and things are going smoothly. Those. it is a great strong number, auspicious and divine. It was it that should have become known, more preferable over others.

WHY is there such disagreement in the world with the true meaning of this number? Who came up with the superstition about the number 13? As already mentioned, those who knew his strength and power and did not want others to have this knowledge. The dark ones prudently misinformed the ignorant people. It is known who these "secret villains" are! " secret government”, a bunch of representatives of the financial and oligarchic “elite” controlled by dark creatures. Already they were interested in hiding the meaning of the number 13, using his power only for his own interests ...

And since the Orthodox people are basically ignorant, it was easy to deceive them!

And this superstition went from the date of the terrible defeat of the famous Order of the Templars. Their burning, as heretics at the stake of the Inquisition, took place on the 13th of 1307, on Friday. And it was done in full view of all of Europe. The date was remembered and became, to some extent, frightening (it's like destroying Microsoft Corporation with all its branches in the world now). Historians write about it like this: “...Another sad event happened in France on October 13, 1307, when the French king Philip IV decided to crack down on the Knights Templar, which at that time gained enormous power and created a potential danger to the power of the king. The leader of the Templars was burned alive at the stake. Since then, the date 13 is Friday, and the number 13 itself has terrified people.”

Scottish historian L. Henderson spent a lot of time searching for the origins of this horror story. And she managed to find out that for the first time "The Evil Rock of Friday the 13th" mentioned in the pages of Notes and Queries in 1913. Well, finally this symbol, supposedly of all misfortunes, entered modern pop culture with the release of the famous horror movie "Friday the 13th" in the 1980s. And so on - there have been many such "remakes" of the plot since that time. A whole list of films, printed novels.

Disinformation was produced according to all the laws of military strategy. As a result, the dark ones completely drummed the myth of the “number 13” into the heads of the gullible. Few people today know and are sure that this number is lucky. The rest of the dark ones are still kept in ignorance. And, as a result, in fear. In "civilized" countries, it comes to obvious absurdity: there are no 13th numbers of houses, apartments, rows in passenger planes, floors in buildings, license plates of cars, etc. (It would take a lot of space to list everything, but this already belongs to the category, let's say, ... tragic humor, imposed by the dark inferiority of consciousness; this is triskaidekaphobia - a phobia, fear of this number, which is already related to the earthly medicine of insanity, as well as to the economy: because billions of dollars are lost every year due to downtime and other problems imposed by this fear). "...V modern society with a developed economy, the problem of Friday the 13th can turn from a mystical one into a very tangible economic problem. People who are more or less prone to “paraskevidekatriaphobia” try to reduce their activity as much as possible on such days, which, according to some estimates, in the US economy alone leads to a loss of 800-900 million dollars on each of these days.

Let's continue talking about the virtues of the "number 13". Because it's good for everyone to know.

The wise Mayan people used "tsolkin" or "tonalamatl" - counting systems based on the numbers 20 and 13. In the Mayan calendar, they counted time in cycles of 13 baktuns (13 * 144,000 days). The number 13 was considered sacred and very auspicious. The Mayan calendar has 13 months. Maya also had the thirteenth sign of the zodiac - Ophiuchus.

Kabbalah speaks of thirteen celestial fountains, thirteen gates of mercy, and thirteen rivers of balsam that the pious will find in paradise.

In America, it is officially considered that 13 means the number of states originally united. The number 13 is represented in the elements of the US coat of arms: above the head of the eagle there is a star made up of thirteen stars. In addition, the eagle holds thirteen arrows in its left paw, and an olive branch with thirteen leaves and thirteen berries in its right paw. Even the motto: "E pluribus unum" ("Out of many, one") contains 13 letters. There are also thirteen red and white stripes on the US flag. ... The symbolism of the number "13" is present in many drawings of a one-dollar bill.

The founders of the American Union then knew a lot about the science of numerology. And their success is obvious, the USA is still a “superpower” today (created a country freemasons who need it as an opportunity make a full impact on the world). They were clearly using stolen knowledge. Obviously, since the time of the replacement of the true Priests of the sacred civilization of Egypt - with the servants of the "evil god Set", "Amon" (this is a reptilian clan, mutants controlled by Satan). Since that time, knowledge fell into the hands of the dark. And the people striving for the truth were deprived of this, necessary for everyone, knowledge. But this position is not eternal. Truth will prevail. And the people of the new Sixth Race of consciousness, on the Transformed planet after the Quantum Leap, will truly be sages.

In numerology, the number 13 symbolizes not only the beginning of a new cycle and a break with the past, but also the destruction of illusions, a look at the truth.

XIII lasso Tarot - the card symbolizes a complete break with the past; the end of your life as it is. The card can be interpreted as a rejection of old ideals, from previous actions, a transition from one mode of existence to another. This is the harvest: you have sown your seed, it has sprung up, and it is time to reap the rewards. You get what you have learned and move on to the next, higher (if you studied properly) stage of existence. Now you will start completely different, new life which could not be imagined before.

The Great Clovis (King of the Franks, 466-511 AD) gave Clotilde thirteen deniers (ancient coin) to marry Clotilde "for luck". On the Miraculous Medal (a medal awarded to all visitors to one of the places of pilgrimage to the saints of the Catholic Church associated with the name of the Virgin Mary), the letter M, denoting Mary, is located above the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, with which the number 13 is associated.

Note that the letter M- thirteenth in a row in the Latin alphabet. The Aztecs associated the number 13 with the concept of time, namely: it meant the completion of the time cycle.

As the great Russian philosopher Vl. Solovyov: “Be careful with the number thirteen. She holds a lot of surprises! In the context of the modern, distorted by the dark, mentality, the word "surprises"- carries a negative value. But Solovyov put a positive sacred meaning into this thought!

Some ancient records of famous adepts say: "He who has penetrated the meaning of the number 13 possesses the keys of power and authority."

Jesus Christ was the thirteenth participant * of the Last Supper along with the 12 apostles. The very name of Jesus Christ in Greek is written in 13 letters.

V Christian tradition the number thirteen signifies the number of the universe, which is symbolized by the tenth and the Trinity.

The Japanese, Koreans and Chinese revere 13 as their preferred lucky number, often arranging weddings on this day.

In the North, in the harsh world of the German-Scandinavian gods, the goddess of the Vanir clan, Freya, is incredibly popular. She knew how to penetrate other worlds and owned the runes long before Odin received them. So, everyone knew about this sorceress: thirteen is her number, and Friday is her day. This is also the day of the goddess of Beauty Venus.

According to others, belief in "Friday the 13th" owes its origin to stockbroker Thomas Lawson, who wrote in 1907 his only and now, deservedly forgotten, novel called "Friday the thirteenth." The work is now no longer mentioned, but at that time it was very popular, and the headline was picked up by the press (by the way, it was from that time, as you know, bought up by the Rothschilds, a banking clan of reptilized Illuminati who hate mankind of the Satanists of the "world government"). Well, around the world this myth was smashed by the famous, mentioned above, Sean Cunningham's film "Friday the 13th". The director admitted that the name, which replaced the previous, working one, already at the end of filming, became one of the decisive success factors. Clearly, this was not done without the evil one. Like this "black Friday" stepped into the 20th century. Soon the idea "Black Friday Promotion" picked up by the creators of computer viruses. The first was "Jeru-salem" ("Time"), which attacked on Friday 05/13/1988 millions of computers around the world. Hundreds of other viruses followed. Quite in the style of the figures of the "world government", ordering and encouraging what is beneficial to them.

Thus, researchers consider the sign "13" and Friday the 13th to be a relatively recent phenomenon that arose somewhere on turn of XIX-XX centuries from various superstitions, as well as from far from accidental inspirations, when well-known anti-heroes of the "conspiracy theory" created a profitable mass "public opinion". A lot of things in this world are done purposefully against the people by some hostile forces.

We can even observe the dynamics of how superstitions arose in society. Known fact: English so-called. Brewer's Dictionary of Expressions and Catchwords, published in 1889, did not have any separate article about Friday the 13th at all.

Paradoxically, people born on the 13th are considered lucky. They always achieve their goals and very rarely suffer blows of fate. Obviously, they perceive the number 13 as good.

Precisely thirteen are striving for the purification of inner space by fire and the acquisition of greater stability in the world of chaos. But when a person ignores the meaning of the number 13 and strives to live as before, he builds up chaos, and this affects his further relations with the outside world. Often such people have accidents and accidents on the 13th, which warn them of the accumulation of destructive energy. If the 13th is relatively calm for you and does not cause you anxiety, you can be calm. This means that you are living right.

The rest of the people awarded the 13th with an unkind fame and live under the slogan: “We invented it ourselves, we are afraid of it ourselves.”

But not all countries are afraid of the 13th. As they say: "everyone has it - own scarecrow." Chinese "quiet horror" evokes the number 4, because in one of the most common dialects of Chinese, the number "four" is consonant with the word "death". Even phone numbers containing the number 4 are sold at a substantial discount in China. House numbers with this number are a problem for realtors, it is incredibly difficult to sell such a house. The number 14 also scares the Chinese. And, as already mentioned, the number 13 in China, on the contrary, is lucky. …In Italy, Friday the 17th is an unlucky day.

In Japan, Korea, China, even the disease tetraphobia is widespread - fear, fours. Its reason is in the peculiarities of Chinese writing. The fact is that the hieroglyphs denoting the number "4" and the word "death" in Chinese match amazingly. That's why you rarely see the 4th floor in a hospital or hotel. The Japanese and Koreans borrowed writing from China, and with it, the fear of the four. But is the fate of the Asian subject to other laws than the fate of the European? Surely an Indian, Japanese or Chinese will be able to remember how the number 13 favorably influenced his fate, and 4 brought trouble, or at least trouble. Logically, this proves that the perception of these fears is entirely subjective.

In Indian legends, the number 13 was attributed magical significance, for the ancient Egyptians and Maya Indians, the number 13 carried the favor of the gods.

...In Russia, the number 13 meant new, new life.

In the 19th century, the world called the number 13 "a dozen bakers"(and by no means "damn"). It turns out that it was customary to add the 13th bun for free if someone ordered a dozen (because of the severity of the then laws that punish buyers for underweight - so sellers tried to ensure that there was no error from possible shrinkage of buns during their manufacture).

What is interesting: neither Pythagoras nor his predecessors, as if they were not afraid of the “devil's” dozen, on the contrary, considered the number 13 to have creative power. And modern numerologists believe that dislike for the number 13 is an absurd prejudice.

Among the Rosicrucians, the path from man to God also passed through thirteen initiations.

Recently, in Russia, many people consider 13, on the contrary, their lucky number - and in popularity it competes with the numbers 7 and 5. As they say: "cheek brings success"; everything is good for people who perceive the world positively, especially the really strong and useful number 13!

13 is numerologically the number of the manifestation of the One(the point passes into the Trinity, forming together the Tetragrammaton). The main thing is a conscious attitude, devoid of ignorant fears and prejudices, i.e. everything that the dark ones are trying to impose on the majority.

So you can learn another meaning of the famous saying: "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

True knowledge is given to people from century to century, and exactly the same time the dark ones steal this knowledge from humanity. Now, the Savior - Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS Appeared on the Planet, She Gave people the Secret Divine Knowledge. And the choice is ours, to be subject to dark forces and remain in ignorance, or to live in the Light, in Knowledge and Power! HOORAY!

We used to call this number damn dozen. However, few people know why this happened. Here we present several known facts about the number 13, life observations and random events occurred under the sign of this number.

13 is a prime, natural, odd number. If you turn it over, then the resulting number is 31, which is also a prime number.

In England, the number 13 has always been treated with heightened prejudice. In this country you will not find the thirteenth floor. Also, the number 13 is here called the "baker's dozen" because of the once-existing fines for bakers (up to cutting off a hand) for underweight pound loaves of bread. It is known that bread shrinks and, in order to avoid duty, the peddlers who took bread from the bakers added one extra to every dozen loaves. she even had her own name "unbread" ("non-bread") and was cut for appendages.

Not only in England, but also in other countries, such as the USA and a number of European countries, they try to avoid this number. Many hospitals do not have a 13th ward, and many buildings do not have a 13th floor. Instead, numbers are written 12a, or after 12 immediately comes 14, but sometimes they write the letter M, since it is the thirteenth in English alphabet. Many hotels do not have apartments with number 13. On Swiss SWISS aircraft, you will not find row 13. There are no seats with this number in the Italian Opera House. There is no 13th cabin on Italian ships.

Scientists have even come up with a name for the human fear of the number 13. It comes from the Greek word "treiskaideka" and is called "triskaidekaphobia." The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia or friggatriskaidekaphobia.

Also in Europe there was a superstition according to which if 13 people sit down at the table, then one of them will surely die within a year. There was even a special profession of the “fourteenth guest”, who was invited only so that the company would not turn out to be the thirteenth. In France, there was always a person in a restaurant who could sit down at a table in a company of 13 people.

Initially, the United States consisted of 13 states. In this regard, on the coat of arms of the United States you can find: above the head of the eagle - a star made up of 13 stars. The eagle holds 13 arrows in its left paw, and an olive branch with 13 leaves and thirteen berries in its right paw. The sum of the red and white stripes on the flag is also 13.

The continuation of this "symbolism" can be found on the reverse side of the dollar bill: a 13-level pyramid, 13 stars above the eagle's head, 13 arrows in the eagle's paw, 13 leaves on an olive branch.

Historical figures and the number 13

During the reign of Alexander the Great, there was a pantheon of 12 gods, each of which personified a month of the year. Alexander wanted to exalt himself so much that in his native city he ordered the erection of a new statue in honor of himself, as the 13th god. However, death interrupted his plans.

In ancient Macedonia, King Philip also wanted to attach his statue to the statues of 12 gods. He was killed right in the theater.

The King of France, Louis XIII, on the contrary, considered the number 13 lucky for himself. He married Anna of Austria when she was 13 years old.

Alexander III, 13th Emperor Russian Empire, was on the throne for 13 years, which is half the time of his father, Alexander II.

The number 13 was feared by Napoleon Bonaparte and the President of the United States, Herbert Hoover.

In 1959, Harvey Haddix became the first pitcher to successfully play 12 games, but lost in the 13th game.

Once Mark Twain was the 13th invited guest. A friend advised him not to go, but the famous American writer went anyway. He later commented on the party: “I was very unlucky. The food was designed for only 12 people.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States, never traveled on the 13th or gave dinners for 13 people.

Another US president, Woodrow Wilson, considered 13 his lucky number, although the facts were not on his side. He arrived in Normandy (the territory of modern France) for peace negotiations on December 13, 1918, but upon returning to the United States, Congress refused to sign the document. During a tour of the United States organized in support of the peace treaty, he nearly died of a heart attack.

The number 13 in religion and myths

God Loki, according to Viking mythology, was the thirteenth in the Old Norse pantheon. After that, among them disagreements began among the gods and the good god was killed.

Every Jewish boy is required to undergo the religious rite "Bar Mitzvah" at the age of thirteen years and one day.

With the spread of monotheism, the number 13 began to frighten people more. After all, it comes immediately after the number 12, which was considered a perfect number - a symbol of divine harmony. The number 13 starts a new cycle and breaks the balance achieved in the previous one.

According to some interpretations of the Holy Scriptures, at the instigation of the Serpent, Eve and Adam ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil on Friday. Later, on the same day of the week, Cain killed his brother Abel. It is noteworthy that Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday.

The Bible also talks about 13 important attributes of God.

The number 13 is a symbol of the Jewish people, consisting of the 12 tribes of Israel and the 13th tribe of the Khazars.

The Kabbalah mentions 13 heavenly fountains, 13 gates of mercy, and 13 rivers of balm that the pious will find in paradise.

Many Christians believe that the number "13" became unlucky due to the fact that exactly thirteen people were present at the famous Last Supper, including Jesus Christ. The 13th was Judas Iscariot, who subsequently betrayed him.

One of the popular explanations for why people are afraid of Friday the 13th, which is common in alternative history books, is the story of the dissolution of the Knights Templar. In accordance with a bull (a medieval document with a seal) of Pope Clement V, it was on Friday, October 13, 1307, at the behest of the French king Philip IV, that all members of the Knights Templar, including its supremacy, were arrested. As a result of the process, during which members of the order were accused of heresy and blasphemy, it was dissolved, and a large number of Templars arrested in France were tortured and later executed.

Having ascended the fire of the Inquisition, on March 18, 1314, Jacques de Molay (who was the last Grand Master of the Knights Templar), cursed the French King Philip IV and Pope Clement V. He promised that they would outlive him by no more than one year. "Papa Clement! King Philip! In less than a year, I will call you to the Judgment of God! I curse you! I curse your family to the thirteenth generation! .. "

A joke is a joke, but Pope Clement V died on April 20, 1314, and Philip IV died on November 29, 1314. Therefore, to this day, Friday the 13th is a significant date for Masons, which many superstitious people fear to this day.

Technique and number 13

By order of the British Navy, a ship called Friday the 13th was built. It is noteworthy that the ship set off on its maiden voyage on Friday the 13th. Nobody saw him again.

American manned spaceship Apollo 13 was launched into space at 13:13 ( the local time Florida UTC-6) Central Standard Time on April 11, 1970, from launch pad #39 (three times 13). Adding all the digits of the date also gives the number 13 (4+1+1+7+0 = 13). The explosion on the ship occurred on April 13th. Moreover, this is the only one of all the "Apollos" that had an accident. Despite all this, the crew returned safely to Earth.

Most of the already obsolete mobile phones (Nokia 3310) do not have the 13th menu item. After 12 comes 14.

BM-13 (Combat Vehicle 13) - better known in history as "Katyusha".

Who was born on Friday the 13th?

Notorious bank and train robber Butch Cassidy was born on Friday April 13th, 1866.

Other facts about the number 13

The crew of the S-13 submarine, under the command of A. I. Marinesko, was the most lucky in the Baltic Fleet. Participating in heavy combat operations, she, according to the submariners who served on her, "returned literally from the other world." It was she who sank the Wilhelm Gustloff liner, which became one of the biggest successes of the USSR submarine fleet.

On the Northern Fleet, boat with tail number 13, paving the way in the fog, accidentally stumbled upon a floating mine. The mine did not explode.

The destroyer Soobrazitelny of the Black Sea Fleet, tail number 13, actively participated in hostilities throughout the war, completed 218 campaigns at sea. Not a single person died on the ship in the fighting (total losses - 5 people during the entire war, who died in a steam boiler accident)!

Passed away on November 13, 1985, an outstanding military pilot, three times Hero of the Soviet Union, Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin, who was born in 1913. He fought with the call sign "13" on the "Aerocobra" under number 13. Now in the Russian military aviation there are no aircraft with tail number 13, nor the call sign of pilots with this number.

In the early 1990s, public land transport routes with numbers 13 were canceled in Kiev. Parts of these routes were assigned new numbers, others were canceled altogether.

In European Formula 1 racing, you will not find a car with the number 13.

Heavy metal rock band Black Sabbath released their first album on Friday, February 13, 1970.

Interestingly, in China, the number 13 is considered lucky, since the character that represents it is similar in sound to the phrase "must live."

The number 13 was also considered auspicious by the Mayans. Their year consisted of 13 months and was the thirteenth sign of the zodiac - Ophiuchus.

On the Russian radio station "Nashe Radio" (broadcasts at a frequency of 101.7 FM), a hit parade is held weekly called "CHART Dozen" (13 lines in the pared).

The Gregorian calendar, which is currently used by most countries of the world (including), was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII.

The 13th five-year plan in the USSR was disrupted due to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

At the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014, the Russian team won 13 gold medals.

The standard diameter of the circus arena is 13 meters.

There are exactly 13 semi-regular polyhedra, also known as the Archimedean solids. Among them are the snub-nosed cube and the rhombicosidodecahedron.

To the first world war As part of the Russian army, instead of the "13th" army, a Special Army was formed.

The ancient Greek poet Hesiod warned the peasants not to start sowing on the 13th.

Few, even from superstitious people, will refuse the 13th salary (a bonus issued in Russia at the end of the year).

IIImunicipal conference

junior schoolchildren of the Rybinsk municipal district

"Small Academy of Sciences"

Section "mathematics and informatics"


Mysterious number - 13

Completed by: Tyshchenko Anna,

3rd grade student, Lomovskaya secondary school

Head Molchanova Elena Aleksandrovna,

primary school teacher, Lomovskaya secondary school

Rybinsk Municipal District

    Introduction ................................................ ...................3

    Main part................................................ ............3

1. The history of the emergence of numbers .................................. 3-4

2. What does the number 13 symbolize .................................... 4

3. Attitude towards the number 13 in different countries. ….…...5

4. Signs and superstitions .. …………………………..... 5-6

5. Interesting facts…………………………………………6-7

6. The results of my observations…………………...7-9




Since very ancient times, it has been common for people to attribute to one or another

numbers have magical properties - some numbers were considered lucky others - on the contrary, unlucky. Once, I got the first "troika". Very upset. Mom said that it happened because the 13th. The number 13 is considered unlucky. I was very interested in this topic, because I study in the office number 13. Thus the idea for this project was born.

Target of my work: - find out if 13 is an unlucky number.

In order to achieve my goal, I need to solve the following tasks:

Learn as much as possible about the origin of the number - 13;

Identify the "pluses" and "minuses" of the number 13;

Conduct student surveys.

To solve these problems, I searched with my mother for information on the Internet, conducted research, and interviewed classmates.

II. Main part

      The history of the emergence of numbers.

Belief in lucky and unlucky numbers dates back to the days when counting was first introduced. People did not have common numbers for all objects, but there were different designations for each number depending on what they considered: one account was for stones, the other for fish. Only gradually did people become able to abstract numerical concepts from concrete things. This led to the fact that the number was attributed a magical meaning, it was presented in the form of some kind of mysterious spirit that could bring happiness or misfortune.

The magic numbers were three, seven, thirteen, forty and others.

Since ancient times, mystical philosophers have tried to describe our world, its structure and the laws of development with the help of numbers. In the beginning there was God - this is "one". Then he proceeded to create and created light - this is the "two". Then he separated the darkness from the light - this is the "troika". But all this was still a spiritual, or, in other words, unmanifested world. And God created the earth and firmament - these are "four". And four is nothing but 1 + 3, without a plus - 13. This number personifies, as it were, the fall of the spiritual world. Some authors directly connect him with the fallen angel Satan, the lord of the underground hell. So the number 13 became bad. It can be assumed that the number 13 is endowed with special power because it immediately follows the number 12 - a symbol of completeness, accomplishment. Indeed, after great deeds, chaos often ensues. Be that as it may, 13 has been infamous since ancient times. The number 13 denotes the Serpent, the dragon. In Babylonia, the thirteenth month of a leap year was designated as the year of the raven, an ominous bird. Traditionally, this number is still considered unlucky. Among the celebrities who feared the number thirteen was, for example, Napoleon III, who postponed the coup d'etat planned for the 17th Brumaire when he realized that this day fell on Friday, the 13th of the Gregorian calendar.

      What does the number 13 represent.

The number 13 in itself is neither lucky nor unhappy. It

symbolizes the connection between what is and what will be. 13 (thirteen) - numberstandingbetween 12 and 14. This number is often superstitiously called« Baker's dozen» .

The number 13 symbolizes the eternal love that Jacob and his twelve sons embodied. For Christians, the number 13 is also associated with the Virgin Mary, one of whose missions is to split the head of Satan. On the Miraculous Medal (a medal awarded to all visitors to one of the places of pilgrimage to the saints of the Catholic Church associated with the name of the Virgin Mary), the letter M, denoting Mary, is located above the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ, with which the number 13 is associated. The letter M is the thirteenth in a row in Latin alphabet. Among the Atzeks, the number 13 was associated with the concept of time, namely, it meant the completion of the time cycle. They believed that the number 13 was somehow related to the heavens. In the hair of one of their main deities, there were 13 curls, and in the beard - 13 strands. The ancient Chinese erected numerous temples in honor of the god Huangdi. The emperor's servants made sacrifices in these temples on the 13th of the first and fifth months of each year.

      Relation to the number 13 in different countries.

Many cultures consider thirteen to be a magical number. The ancient inhabitants of Central and South America believed that this number brings happiness and was considered a sacred number. It comes immediately after the number 12, which was considered a symbol of divine harmony: the year is divided into 12 months and 12 signs of the Zodiac, day and night last for 12 hours, etc. The number 13 starts a new cycle and, as it were, upsets the balance achieved in the previous one.

In the US, many hotels do not have a 13th floor or a 13th room. American airlines do not have seat number 13. In a number of major cities in France, houses that should have been number 13 are being replaced by houses with numbers 12 bis. This number does not happen to racing drivers either.

In America, this number is rather revered as lucky; on the coat of arms of the United States, the eagle holds in one paw an olive branch, on which - 13 leaves and 13 olives, in the other paw - a bunch of 13 arrows. The eagle's chest covers a shield with 13 red and white stripes, above its head is a cloud with 13 stars. In its beak, the eagle holds a scroll with an inscription that translates as "Out of many - one", which means one nation, created from 13 letters.

When Friday falls on the 13th, the French National Lottery organizes special extra draws of lottery tickets to meet the demand of those who find this day particularly lucky.

In England, too, they believe that the number 13 brings bad luck and it is called the “baker's dozen”. The history of turning the number 13 into the "baker's dozen" in England began with the introduction of severe fines for underweight pound loaves of bread. Bread inevitably shrinks; to avoid fines, all the peddlers and shopkeepers who took bread from the bakers added one extra to every dozen loaves. It was called (non-bread) and was cut into pieces for all loaves that did not reach a pound or two pounds.

      Omens and superstitions.

There are a large number of superstitions about the number 13, which are associated with spirits, evil spells, natural disasters and man-made incidents. It is believed that thirteen is a witch, devilish, magical number, primarily associated with the magic square. Fears regarding the number 13 were primarily associated with the fear of a possible invasion of supernatural evil forces into a closed, organized astrological system, which includes the twelve signs of the Zodiac, which have existed for many centuries and keep the whole world in balance. The well-known expression “strike thirteen” has always meant that the boundary of universal human values ​​has been overcome. For many people who lived in the Middle Ages, everything that was somehow connected with this “damn” number caused fear bordering on panic fear.

About another belief - the number 13, the "devil's dozen." The origin of this superstition is similar to the origin of many other superstitions that were once born by the fantasy of our ancestors. We use the decimal number system, which is based on ten. But in ancient times, the Chinese, Romans and some other peoples took 12 as the basis for counting. Later, counting by dozens, and not by tens, was adopted in many European countries, including Russia. Thus, the number 12, as it were, closed the group of numbers. In ancient Babylon, 12 was revered as the most perfect number. And 13? This number differed sharply in its properties from the previous one: it was not divisible by any number except itself. This is how the legend of the “unlucky” number 13 was born. Recently, in Russia, many people consider 13, on the contrary, their lucky number, in popularity it competes with the numbers 7 and 5. As the great Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov said: “Be careful with the number thirteen . She is full of surprises!” For some, the number 13 brings good luck, and for others, misfortune.

      Interesting Facts.

Triskaidekaphobia (fear of thirteen) is common throughout the world. bad omen it is considered that 13 people gathered at the table: people believe that the one who gets up from the table first will die soon. Particularly superstitious people generally try not to leave the house on the 13th of each month, especially if it falls on a Friday.

In Russia, the least prone to triskaidekaphobia. And why? Indeed, according to ancient Slavic legends, on Friday, the 13th, all evil spirits gather on Bald Mountain and arrange a Sabbath. Among the pagans, the number 13 was considered a symbol of Mother Nature, and the number 4 (the sum of 1 + 3) was considered a symbol of harmony. Four seasons, four cardinal points. When written in some scripts, the number 13 resembles the letter B.

The S-13 submarine (commander A. Marinesko) was the most successful in the Baltic Fleet during the Great Patriotic War. Participating in the most risky military operations, she, according to the sailors who fought on her, "returned literally from the next world." As part of the first stage of the Moscow metro, 13 stations were opened.

In works of art

Friday the 13th (film) The thirteenth floor (movie). Apollo 13 (movie).

Vault 13 (key facility in computer game Fallout).


Nathaniel Lakenmeier. "Baker's dozen. The story of a superstition.

Proverbs and sayings.

They put your brother at thirteen to a dozen, and even then they don’t take it.

The thirteenth guest under the table.

6. Results of my observations.

In order to find out the public opinion on the issue of my work,

I asked students about their attitudes towards the number 13;

Conducted a performance analysis for each month on the 13th;

Conducted an analysis of the performance of children born on the 13th;

Compared the performance of the guys standing in the magazine at number 13 with the performance of their classmates;

I compared my grades on the 13th of each month.

        The study of public opinion.

Conclusion: From the answers it is clear that the majority of the respondents are not superstitious people. Adults are not afraid of the number 13, but children have different opinions.

2 . Student Outcomes

« 3 »

« 4 »


Russian language

Literary reading

The world

English language

Conclusion: On the 13th, students received both good and bad grades.

"2" - 12 "3" - 46 "4" - 90 "5" - 38.

There are more fours and fives than twos. The resulting mark does not depend on the number, but on the knowledge of the student.

    who were born on the 13th.

In our school, only two students were born on the 13th.

Makeenok Maxim, a student of 2-b (class SK). According to the results of half a year, it has "triples".

Sysoeva Anna, 3rd grade student. Finished half a year on "4" and "5"

Conclusion: academic performance does not depend on the date of birth.

    Student Outcomes, which are in the magazine at number 13.

Conclusion: according to the data again, it cannot be said that 13 brings bad luck.

    My marks are for the 13th of every month.


Conclusion: on the 13th I received “five” and “four”. And in October for all the lessons were - "5". Success does not depend on the number. And the first "troika" was random.


While working on this topic, I learned a lot of new and interesting things about the number 13 and its significance in human life. A person is always trying to connect the bad with something supernatural. The number - 13 can be magical, magical, mathematical, lucky and unlucky.

The guys and I study in room number 13. For us, this is the happiest office. Last year, we won the Class of the Year competition among elementary schools, although we were only in the second grade. According to the results of the first half of this year, they again took first place.

According to my research, Everyday life thirteen does not stand out in any way from the usual number series: the thirteenth occurs as on any other day, as much good as bad,

Do not be afraid of the number THIRTEEN, but you must believe in yourself!


    V. Volina Holiday number (Entertaining mathematics for children): A book for teachers and parents. - M.: Knowledge, 1993

    G.I. Geyser. History of mathematics at school. A guide for teachers.

    Dorokhov A. About truth and fiction. "Children's literature". Moscow, 1977..

    M.I. Shakhnovich "Signs in the light of science".

    Stepanova M.G. "Numerical superstitions". Samara, 1978 -

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Mathematician.-M.: Enlightenment, 1993

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