And a record is made in the labor. How to fill out a work book. Should there be a hologram?

The procedure for filling out a work book is a sequence of actions for making entries in the main document of an employee, which reflects the fact of employment and confirms his work experience. According to the entries in this document, pension payments are accrued, therefore it is important to correctly make all entries in this document. The employer is responsible for errors made when entering data. We will tell you how to fill out a work book and give a sample of the design of a work book in 2020.

What regulations to follow

First of all, it should be mentioned that filling out work books is regulated articles 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, two other fundamental documents should be mentioned.

The sample and rules for filling out a work book are approved Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 No. 69. It details the nuances of entering information into the document and correcting incorrect entries.

In addition to the instructions that answer the question: how to make entries in the work book (2020) correctly, there are also Rules for maintaining and storing work books, approvedDecree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225.

Who is responsible for the literacy of the design

The instruction for filling contains the following rules for making entries:

  • dates are entered in Arabic numerals in the format "05/17/2019";
  • use a fountain, helium or ballpoint pen in black, blue or purple;
  • do not use abbreviations;
  • do not cross out the entries when correcting (does not apply to the title page), write “entry number __ is invalid” under the incorrect entry, enter the correct one below;
  • FULL NAME. write in full, without replacing with initials, date of birth - based on the passport;
  • information about the profession and education, also on the basis of relevant documents;
  • The signature of the employee must certify the information.

A sample of filling out a work book 2020

The form of the work book was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225.

The samples will show how to fill out a work book (2020) by section and how the title page should look.

The document contains three parts:

  • title part - basic information about the employee;
  • information about work - information about hiring, transfer and dismissal;
  • award information.

Consider how to correctly fill out each part of the book.

Filling out the title page

The title page must be drawn up very carefully. Any blots and inaccuracies make the form of the book unusable.

This page should contain the following information:

  • FULL NAME. owner;
  • date of his birth;
  • education (secondary, specialized secondary, higher);
  • the name of the profession, as in the diploma;
  • date of opening of the book;
  • signature of the person filling out the form;
  • company seal (if applicable).

This page is filled out only according to the documents provided by the employee. This should be a passport, SNILS, a document of education (usually a diploma), a certificate of marriage (dissolution).

The title page of the work book (2020) is as follows:

Section "Information about work"

Each page of this section consists of 4 columns:

  1. Sequence number of the current entry.
  2. Date of hiring, dismissal, awards and other events.
  3. Information about the organization, the name of the position and department. It also records the facts of employment, dismissal, transfers to another position.
  4. Confirmation of the entry made - the name, date and number of the order according to which the entry was made.

Information in this section must be included within 7 days from the date of issuance of the order for employment, transfer to another position, awards, incentives, and so on.

The reorganization of the enterprise is also reflected in this section of the work book. These notes will help explain the different seals for hiring and firing.

There is no need to talk about how important it is to correctly fill out the work book (2020) - after all, the size of the employee's future pension and other social benefits may depend on this

When transferring

The transition from one position to another is also reflected in this section of the work book.

There are two types of translations:

  • internal - the employee changes position while in the same organization;
  • external - the employer is changing. At the same time, the previous employment contract is terminated and a new one is concluded.

With an internal transfer, in the third column of the book they write down “transferred to a position ...” and indicate the new position and the name of the department, if it has changed.

In case of an external transfer, the number and date of the order on dismissal from one organization and the number and date of the order on employment in another organization are indicated. In both cases, you must specify the position of the employee.

With a combination

Information about part-time work may also be included here. The entry in the book is also made on the basis of the documents provided from another organization. That is, the employee brings a certificate to the main place of work, which must contain:

  • full and abbreviated name of the organization;
  • the name of the employee's position;
  • date of employment;
  • organization details.

Together with the certificate, the employee submits a free-form application and a certified copy of the order of another organization that he has been accepted into the state. If these documents are drawn up correctly, the head of the enterprise, which is considered the main job, issues an order to make an additional entry in the work book. The wording can be seen by opening our sample on how to correctly fill out a work book when combined.

Upon dismissal

Similarly, this section of the book is filled out upon dismissal.

The third column indicates the grounds for dismissal, and the fourth - the details of the order on the basis of which the employment contract was terminated.

These entries in the work book must be certified by the seal (if any) and the signature of the employee of the personnel department. If the enterprise does not have a personnel department or is responsible for the design and maintenance of work books, then all this should be carried out by the head of the organization.

Section "Information about awards"

Another section of the work book that must be completed is the section on awards. This includes information about the following events:

  • presentation of state awards (as well as awarding honorary titles);
  • rewarding with diplomas, certificates, medals, orders, distinctions;
  • labor incentives prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or in the internal regulations of the organization.

The section of the book is filled in similarly to the previous one:

  • 1 column - serial number of the record;
  • 2 columns - date of awarding;
  • 3 columns - company name, position and type of award;
  • 4 columns - details of the order on the basis of which the award took place.

Making corrections

Over time, the data indicated in the work book may change. For example, a woman will get married and change her last name or an employee will receive additional education. How to make changes to the book?

If there was a change of surname, name, patronymic, then the existing entry is crossed out with one line, and new information is entered on the left. Its reliability is confirmed by the name and number of the document that was the basis for the changes (for example, a marriage certificate). New data is certified by the signature of the responsible employee who made the correction, the decoding of the signature and the seal of the organization (if any).

When assigning a new classification in education, the existing entry is crossed out with one line, and a new one is written above.

When renaming an organization, corrections are made as follows:

  1. Columns 1 and 2 remain empty.
  2. Column 3 records the change in the name of the organization. At the same time, the former and new names are indicated in full and short form.
  3. Column 4 contains the details of the document on the basis of which the name was changed.

If a mistake was made or an incorrect entry was made during the filling out of the work book, it cannot be crossed out.

After an incorrect entry, the number of the next in order is put. Column 2 contains the date of the change. Column 3 indicates "Entry No. ... considered invalid." After that, the correct entry should follow.

There are two options for completing column 4:

  • re-indicate the date and number of the order that became the basis for the invalid entry;
  • indicate the number and date of the order issued to make corrections.


After all the blank pages in the worksheet are filled out, the data will be entered on an insert form, which is additionally purchased by the employee. The insert is filled in by the employer in the same way as the labor one:

  • fill in the personal data of the employee;
  • date is affixed;
  • fill in relevant information regarding the employee;
  • records are certified by the signature and seal of the organization.

The form is sewn at the end of the completed work book. On the title page of the main document, a stamp is placed on the issuance of the insert, indicating its series and number.

The number of inserts that an employee may have is not legally established.

As with labor, the design of the insert also has its own requirements:

  • the cover must be intact;
  • error correction is not allowed;
  • the liner has no legal effect without the labor itself;
  • if changes are made to the labor itself, they must be made to each sewn-in insert form.

Duplicate work book

A duplicate is issued in case of loss of labor or its damage. If at that time the employee had the document, then to restore it, he must contact the last employer. In order for a duplicate to be issued, you need to submit an appropriate application, which must be considered within no more than 15 days. Additionally, the employee may be asked for documents proving his previous jobs.

In the new labor on the title page, “Duplicate” should be written on top. Further filling occurs as standard. All data on previous jobs are filled in based on the documents provided by the employee.

If the loss or damage occurred through the fault of the employer, then all work to restore information falls on him.

How to certify a copy

There are frequent cases when an employee needs a copy of the labor. To get it, you need to write an application to the name of the employer. The application form is not established, but it is advisable to adhere to the established registration rules:

  • in the upper right corner of the sheet - the data of the manager and employee;
  • in the center - the word "Statement";
  • then the text of the petition itself (in our case, the text may be as follows: “On the basis of Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I ask you to give me a copy of the work book certified in the prescribed manner”);
  • date and signature.

After accepting the application, a certified copy of the labor must be prepared and issued within three days.

It is important to remember that on July 1, 2018, the new GOST R 7.0.97-2016 “National Standard of the Russian Federation. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork”, which made minor changes to the procedure for certifying a copy of a work book.

To do everything right, you need to follow a certain algorithm:

  1. Make copies of all completed sheets. The copies must be one-sided.
  2. Number and stitch sheets. On the back of the last sheet, you need to seal the ends of the threads with a paper sticker on which to write how many sheets are in total.
  3. You need to certify each copied page (if not fastened into one file). This should be done by a person who is granted such a right by local regulations. If there is no such person, then the Director General must certify the copies.
  4. Then the person who certifies the document writes “Correct”, puts down his position, signature with a transcript and the date. You can put the seal of the organization (if any), but the law does not oblige you to do this.
  5. You also need to add one more entry regarding the original labor: “The original document is in (name of organization) in case No. ___ for ___ year” (this is written when an employee needs a copy to provide to a third-party organization).
  6. Sometimes the employee asks to add "Working to the present." This is not prohibited by law (as a rule, banks are asked).

A sample of filling out a work book: general design requirements, an error correction procedure and eight examples of entries in a document.

A work book is the main document of an employee about the activities and length of service that he needs for a good pension. Therefore, it is necessary to fill out the labor according to the rules. Next, consider the requirement for its design. Here is an example of filling out a work book in various situations: an employee quits, an external part-time job is transferred to the state, the company changed its name, missed an entry, or incorrectly indicated the employee's last name.

What are the rules for making entries in the work book

To avoid mistakes in the book, you must be guided by the following regulations:

  • Labor Code - it states when it is necessary to draw up a document;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 225 dated April 16, 2003 “On work books” - it provides a sample of filling out a work book and specifies the rules for storage;
  • Decree No. 69 of October 10, 2003 “On approval of instructions for filling out work books” - regulates the procedure for correcting errors.
  • reference
  • General requirements for registration:
  • an entry in the work book is made without abbreviations and assigned its serial number. For example, you cannot write "pr" instead of "order", "disp." instead of "order", "Labor Code of the Russian Federation" instead of "Labor Code of the Russian Federation". ;
  • information is entered in Russian. Foreign companies are allowed to duplicate text in another language;
  • dates are indicated in Arabic numerals in the format DD.MM.YYYY;
  • it is allowed to use a blue, purple or black pen.

What information is entered in the employee's work book

A document is filled out for each employee who has worked in the company for more than five days, including temporary and seasonal workers. For the period of work of an employee in the company, enter the following information in his work book:

  • about the work they do;
  • transfers to another permanent job;
  • establishment of the second and subsequent professions, specialties;
  • training in courses and schools for advanced training, retraining and training of personnel;
  • part-time (at the request of the employee);
  • changes in job titles;
  • rewarding for success in work;
  • dismissal (with grounds for termination of the employment contract).

Do not enter information about penalties, except in cases where the disciplinary sanction is dismissal. This procedure is established in part 4 of article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in section II of the Rules approved, and clause 3.1 of the Instruction approved.

Records of work in the employee's work book

Make entries about the work performed, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, etc. in the work book on the basis of the relevant order (instruction) of the head of the organization no later than a week, and upon dismissal - on the day of dismissal.

At the same time, the wording of the entries must exactly correspond to the text of the order (instruction). This is stated in paragraph 10 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225.

The section "Information about work" includes four columns. First, in the form of a heading in the third column, enter the full official name of the employer and a short one, if any.

Under the heading in the first column, put the serial number of the entry. In the second column "Date", fill in three columns, in each of which, in Arabic numerals, enter the information corresponding to the column name.

Then, in the third column, fill in information about where the employee was accepted (department, division) and what labor function he will perform in accordance with the staffing table (profession, position, specialty).

In the fourth column, enter the details of the document by which the person was hired.

  • Important:
  • With each entry that is made in the work book, you need to familiarize its owner with a signature in his personal card in form No. T-2, in which such an entry is duplicated.

If an employee is assigned a new category (class, category, etc.), this must be recorded in the section "Information about work" in the work book.

The establishment of the second and subsequent profession, specialty, qualification, mark in the work book indicating the categories, classes or other categories of these professions, specialties or skill levels. This is stated in clause 3.1 of the Instruction approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69.

Here is an example of a document when an employee received a new profession:

Entries in the work book about employee incentives

An employee may be rewarded for his time in the organization. In the work book, enter information about the following awards (incentives) for the employee's labor merits:

  • on the awarding of state awards, including the assignment of state honorary titles, on the basis of relevant decrees and other decisions;
  • on awarding diplomas, awarding titles and awarding badges, badges, diplomas, certificates of honor, produced by the organization in which the employee works;
  • on other types of incentives provided for by law, collective agreements, labor regulations, charters and regulations on discipline.

Do not make entries on bonuses that are provided for by the organization's remuneration system or are paid on a regular basis in work books.

This is stated in paragraphs 24, 25 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225.

Record the award (encouragement) in the employee's work book in the following order.

At the beginning of column 3 of the section "Information about the award" in the form of a heading, indicate the full and abbreviated name of the organization. Under this heading in column 1, put the serial number of the record (numbering that grows throughout the employee's work).

In column 2, indicate the date of the award. In column 3, write who awarded the employee, for what achievements and what award. In column 4, indicate the name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made.

Below is an example of an entry in a work book about an employee's bonus:

Entry in the work book upon dismissal

Let's start with the most common situation when you need to make an entry in the work book - dismissal. Below is a sample fill.

Formulate the reason why you are terminating the contract in exactly the same way as this reason is spelled out in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Well, or in another federal law, if this is some kind of special case (part 5 of article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And complete this entry with a reference to the article number, its part and the paragraph where the corresponding reason for dismissal is indicated.

Let's say you fire an employee of his own free will. Then, when making an entry in the work book (sample below), you need to refer to paragraph 3 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. After all, this is exactly what paragraph 15 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225, requires to do.


"The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employee, clause 3 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation."

Does an employee take a vacation before leaving? In this case, the entries in the work book about the reason for terminating the contract will be the same as usual. Only on the day of dismissal, set exactly the end date of the vacation (part 2 of article 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Specify this number in column 2 of the "Information about work" section, even if it falls on a weekend or holiday.

You must calculate the employee and issue him documents on his last working day, which precedes the vacation (Rostrud letter dated December 24, 2007 No. 5277-6-1). Therefore, in column 4 of the same line, indicate the details of the order to terminate the contract or to grant leave with subsequent dismissal.

You will find a sample entry in the work book about the dismissal of an employee “of their own free will” later in the article. And we have given a set of wording for other common grounds for terminating a contract in the table below.

Sample entries in the workbook upon dismissal: table

Grounds for dismissal

What to write in column 3 of the section "Information about work"

Agreement of the parties

“The employment contract was terminated by agreement of the parties, paragraph 1 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation”

Expiration of the employment contract

“The contract was terminated due to the expiration of its term, clause 2

The initiative of an employee (or female employee) due to the transfer of his wife (or her husband) to work in another city

“The contract was terminated at the initiative of the employee in connection with the transfer of the husband to work in another locality, paragraph 3 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation”

Transfer to another employer at the request of the employee

“The contract was terminated due to the transfer of the employee at his request to another employer, paragraph 5 of the first part of Article 77 of the Code” >

Reduction of staff

“The employment contract was terminated due to the reduction of the staff of the organization, paragraph 2

Worker absenteeism

“The contract was terminated due to a single gross violation of labor duties - absenteeism, subparagraph “a” of paragraph 6 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation”

Refusal of an employee to transfer for medical reasons

“The contract was terminated due to the employee’s refusal to transfer to another job, which he needs in accordance with the medical report, paragraph 8 of the first part of Article 77 of the Code”

The employee did not pass the test when applying for a job

“The contract was terminated due to the unsatisfactory result of the test for employment, the code”

The worker was drafted into the army

“The contract was terminated due to the conscription of the employee for military service, paragraph 1 of the first part of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation”

The employee is recognized as completely disabled in accordance with the medical report

“The contract was terminated due to the recognition of the employee as completely incapable of working in accordance with a medical report, paragraph 5 of the first part of Article 83 of the Code”

A sample of filling out a work book upon dismissal of an employee

Suppose an employee who is listed as an external part-time job leaves his main job. The organization accepts him as a full-time employee. In this case, the transformation of a part-time worker into the main employee is drawn up in one of two ways.

  1. Dismissed from the post part-time and take it to the main job. Here you will make two usual entries in work books: about dismissal and then about hiring.
  2. Sign an additional agreement to the current employment contract. In this document, fix the new conditions on the status of the employee, working hours and wages. And record the transfer in the book.

There is an entry about part-time in the book

If the previous employer entered information in the work book, in this case, after the information about the dismissal from the previous main job, you must enter the full and abbreviated name of the company (if any).

In column 3 below, indicate that work in the position becomes the main one and from what date. In column 4, enter the details of the order for re-registration for the main job. Such clarifications are also contained in the letter of Rostrud dated October 22, 2007 No. 4299-6-1.

There is no record of part-time employment in the work book

If there is no record of a part-time job, then in column 3 it must be entered that the employee has been accepted for the position from the first day of the part-time job. And then indicate the period of work in this status.

In column 4, put the details of orders for hiring part-time jobs and re-registration for the main job. Below is a sample of filling out work books.

The name, organizational and legal form of the company have changed: a sample entry in the work book

Suppose a company changes its name or, after reorganization, turns from an LLC into a CJSC. What to do in such cases, suggests paragraph 3.2 of the Instructions for filling out work books.

In column 3 of the section "Information about the work" it is necessary to write about the changes that have taken place and note their date. And in column 4, give the reason - an order or other decision of the employer, its date and number. Do not fill in columns 1 and 2, that is, do not put the number and date of the entry.

How to make an entry in the labor during the reorganization of the company, see the sample below.

Similar information must be done when the employer-entrepreneur changes his surname. The wording may be as follows: "Individual entrepreneur Kuznetsova Elena Mikhailovna from July 30, 2013 to be considered an individual entrepreneur Samoilova Elena Mikhailovna."

What to do if you missed an entry in the work book

The company accidentally missed an entry in the book, for example, about transferring an employee to another job. This information must be reflected. But how to do that? Now let's tell.

Enter the missing entry in the work book after all the completed lines in the "Job Details" section. There is no reason to cancel the previous ones, which chronologically should have followed it. Only incorrect or inaccurate data can be invalidated ( clause 30 of the Rules, clause 1.2 of the Instruction).

The Rules and Instructions provide for only three dates that are required to be entered in column 2: the day of hiring, dismissal and making an entry. It is obvious that opposite the missing entry, only the date of its entry can be reflected. But the date of the missed event can be recorded in column 3 of the same line.

Follow the same algorithm if you have to restore the entry in the work book after the employee has left. The first thing you need to do is enter the name of the company. And at the end, put a seal, the signature of the personnel officer and the employee himself.

How to fix inaccurate entries in the work book

Let's say a company has entered an admission record with the same serial number in the book of a new employee that was in the previous one about dismissal. Or she made a mistake in the name of the position, made a typo in the name of the employee, etc. All these errors must be corrected.

After an erroneous entry in the work book, make another one - invalidate the incorrect data in it, and then enter the correct ones. Examples of entries in the work book are presented below.

But if, when dismissing an employee, you endorsed the entries in the work book with a stamp “for documents”, then this is not scary. Just put the company's round seal next to its imprint. Just make sure to do this, since you can confirm the entry strictly with the main seal of the organization. If com pania refused to print, she has the right not to certify the document with a stamp.

It is issued by the employer at the first employment after the conclusion of the contract. On this fact, an order is issued. Based on it, an entry is made in the form no later than five days.

The absence of a work book when applying for a job is not a basis for refusing employment. A citizen may not have a document, because he had not worked before. To start it, a person needs to write an application addressed to the employer with a request to issue a form (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Entries are made in Russian in blue or black ink.

Filling begins with the title:

    From the passport, the full name of the employee is entered.

    Date of Birth.

    Information about education.

    The profession and specialty are entered on the basis of a diploma.

If the employee is under 18 years old and he continues his education, the education line is not completed before receiving a diploma (see paragraph 2).

On the title page, the citizen signs, confirming the correctness of the information entered.

The personnel officer indicates the date of filling, puts the seal of the organization and signature.

Designing the Job Details Section

According to Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, registration of a work book when applying for a job is a prerequisite.

In everyday work, personnel officers often use a sample of a work book when applying for a job. Let's imagine it on the example of making an appointment with a seamstress in a work book:

    In the section “Information about the work” the name of the company is indicated: “Pion Limited Liability Company” (LLC “Pion”);

    In the first column under the name of the company, the record number is indicated in order.

    In the second, the actual date of commencement of work is entered in Arabic numerals.

    The third contains information about employment indicating the position: “Accepted to the workshop for tailoring women's light clothing for the position of a seamstress”;

    In the fourth - the details of the order are indicated.

Sample information filling

Design rules

Entries are made to the form on the basis of no later than 5 days from the date of employment. Upon termination of the contract - on the day of dismissal.

The employee, against signature, is introduced to each entry in the form and in the personal card.

Registration of a work book for subsequent employment

Entering information during subsequent employment occurs in the same manner, with the exception of the design of the title page.

If a citizen says that he has lost the document, he can write a statement addressed to the employer with a request to issue him a form. Based on the application, a new one will be issued to him. But sometimes workers do this in order to get. It may be needed to work simultaneously on two forms in different organizations. However, keep in mind that this is illegal.

The article tells how to correctly make an entry in the work book about hiring, what requirements must be taken into account.

The procedure for applying for a job sample is indicated in the Instructions for filling out work books and the Rules for maintaining work books.

The 7 basic rules for making entries are as follows.

  1. Do not delay filling. Information is filled in no later than the day the order is accepted by the director of the company.
  2. Duplicate information from the texts of orders and orders.
  3. Use Arabic numerals.
  4. Do not abbreviate information.
  5. Record data in Russian.
  6. Enter data in another language after the Russian entries if another language is used.
  7. To acquaint the specialist with each entry against signature. A record of familiarization is made in a personal card.

Information is recorded when a specialist is admitted for more than five days.

How to enter information correctly

The personnel officer makes an entry in the work book about hiring in a certain sequence.

The table indicates how to correctly record data when hiring a new employee.

The position cannot be written in free form. Every organization has a staffing table. According to this document, you need to indicate the position.

Important! The form is filled out according to the qualification directories, if it is thanks to their position that a person becomes entitled to benefits. For example, a preferential pension, cash payments are given.

If the personnel officer makes a mistake and makes an incorrect entry, the person will have problems when assigning a pension. Specialists of the pension department will refuse to include work in the preferential length of service.

One job directory is approved by the Ministry of Labor. Decree No. 37 is dated August 1998. The second handbook was approved in 1985. The State Committee for Labor and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions jointly adopted Resolution No. 31/3-30.

The nuances of indicating positions

When an entry is made in the employment record book, it is necessary to distinguish between two concepts - position and profession. To fill out a work book, qualification reference books and the All-Russian classifier of professions, adopted by the State Statistics Committee, are used. Resolution No. 367 is dated December 26, 1994. When filling out a work book, these documents are taken as guidance.

When an entry is made in the work book about hiring an employee, the question arises of how to write correctly - accepted or appointed. These words are not synonyms: you can appoint a director or head of a branch, and the rest of the employees are simply accepted for the position. In an LLC, the cases of appointment are prescribed in the constituent documents.

Data on registration for work in the work book is different for men and women. The form of the verb is different: for men they write "Accepted", for women - "Accepted".

Important! The position and date of employment are written in a sample of filling out a work book when hiring a specialist. It is incorrect to indicate other conditions - the term of the contract, the presence of a probationary period.

When a company has a long name, writing will take a long time. There is a way to speed up the entry in the work book. If you order a stamp with the name, then you do not have to write long names. In 2020, the entry with the company name or stamp must fit entirely in the third column. It will be an error if the stamp captures neighboring columns.

What to do if an employee with an old form is accepted

You can record the admission on the old form, as it remains legally valid. The old form is used if it was issued from 1975 to 2004. When the form was entered before 2004, the data is entered if there is free space. If the bank ends in 2020, then an insert is issued. Further information is indicated in it.

Common Mistakes

For 2020, the procedure for issuing forms is clearly regulated, but sometimes mistakes are made.

7 main design mistakes.

  1. It is not indicated where the person studied or served before starting work.
  2. There is a difference when a person starts an activity for the first time or just continues recording. Getting a work book is an important moment. A personnel officer writes information about training or military service. Diploma and military ID are used as grounds.
  3. It is indicated that the person has not previously worked. In 2020, the Instruction remained the same - no extra information is written.
  4. The name of the employer is entered incorrectly.
  5. Entering data in any form is prohibited. The sample record reflects the name from the founding documents. The sample entry includes the full title and the abbreviated title. Correctly enter the abbreviated name in brackets next to the full name. When a person is hired by a private entrepreneur, the full name of the employer is entered.
  6. The number 0 is put before the serial number. In 2020, as before, the numbering is 1, 2, and so on. The numbers 01, 02 are incorrect.
  7. The date of employment is incorrectly entered. It should be indicated exactly the first working day, and not the day the work book is filled out.

When a work book is filled out, the dates of the first entry and the date of filling out the title page may differ. The title page must be issued no later than a week after the first employment. The first information is written when the specialist went to work the first day.

Before registering a new specialist, you need to check whether the form is genuine. Data is not entered if a fake is detected.

How to fix mistakes

It is not always possible to draw up a document correctly, so you have to correct errors.

Example. The personnel service specialist decided questions in the Torgtekhnika company how to make a record for employees. Incorrect name on title page. Amendments will have to be made. A correction is made: the erroneous entry is crossed out, and the name of the accepted specialist is correctly written next to it. The back cover is filled in next. The reasons for the correction and the details of the basis are written.

You can't use putty to correct if you can't figure out how to fill out the document. You must follow the rules for making changes.

Errors in the year of birth also need to be corrected. An incorrect date is crossed out with one line. The correct year is written next to it. Then the responsible employee of the personnel service certifies the information with his signature and seal.

Employment records are adjusted differently. Instead of strikethroughs, a clarification is made. A clarifying inscription is entered on the next line. It is written that the information is invalid, and then a correct entry is made. The details of the foundation are placed in the fourth column.

When a mistake was made at the previous place of work, corrections should be made there. You can't fix anything on your own.

Design questions

Despite the fact that the procedure is strictly regulated, in practice questions still arise. Answers to questions on personnel records management are presented in the table.

At the former place of work, a man was given a sweeping seal upon dismissal. The print has occupied adjacent lines. Is it possible to enter information about employment on top of the seal?You cannot write on the imprint. The place for entering data is adjacent columns. When the form ends, an insert is drawn up.
The number of the order in the work book is erroneously indicated. Is it possible to cross out erroneous data?You can't cross out. The entry is invalidated, the correct number of the order is entered next to it.
The new specialist reported that he had lost his employment document. Brought certificates and asks for a duplicate. Can the request be fulfilled?You cannot issue a duplicate. The situation is not included in the list of grounds for issuing a duplicate, so a new form is issued. Only a former employer has the right to duplicate the form.
How to enter data about the work of a private entrepreneur?The man works for himself. The work book reflects only work under the contract. For this reason, no entry is made.


  1. When a new employee is hired, a record must be made.
  2. The position is indicated according to the qualification reference books.
  3. The name of the company is entered from the constituent documents. To speed up personnel work, you can use a stamp with the name of the company.
  4. The instruction indicates how to correctly make an entry in the work book.
  5. Mistakes cannot be crossed out. The information is invalidated, and the correct version is written below.

You can use these materials at work. They will surely serve you well. However, reprinting materials from this book on other sites without the consent of the authors is prohibited. Please be understanding. On the Internet, you can leave links to the pages of this section.

Choose andsection you are interested in:

    • Legal regulation of issues of maintenance, accounting, storage and issuance of work books and inserts in them
  • A sample of filling out the title page of the work book on the "old" diploma in previous years
  • A sample of filling in the title page of a work book on the basis of a “new” diploma in accordance with the latest legislative requirements (fragment)
  • Chapter 4
  • 4.1. Job records
  • 4.2. Service Time Records (available in the reference database of ICS and in
  • Rules for recording time of service
  • 4.3. Records on the assignment of a new rank / category, the establishment of a second profession (available in the reference database of the ICS and in the electronic library "Kadrovik's Package")
  • Records of the assignment of a new category, category, etc.
  • Records of establishing a second profession
  • 4.4. Records of transfers to another job (available in the reference database of the ICS and in the electronic library "Kadrovik's Package")
  • Rules for registration of records on the transfer of an employee to another job
  • Records of permanent transfers
  • "Transformation" of a temporary transfer into a permanent one. Entries in the work book
  • 4.5. Records of renaming and reorganization of the employer - organization (available in the reference database of the ICS and in the electronic library "Kadrovik's Package")
  • Rules for registration of records on renaming an organization
  • Organization reorganization records
  • 4.6. Position rename records (available in the reference database of the ICS and in the electronic library "Kadrovik's Package")
  • Difficulties in renaming a position
  • 4.7. Retirement records
  • 4.8. Part-time job records (available in the reference database of the ICS and in the electronic library "Kadrovik's Package")
  • Rules for registration of records of part-time work
  • Internal combination
  • External part-time
  • Entering records of part-time work by different employers
  • Entering records of a long-past part-time job
  • Chapter 5 (available in the reference database of the ICS and in the electronic library "Kadrovik's Package")
  • Chapter 6 (available in the reference database of the ICS and in the electronic library "Kadrovik's Package")
  • Cases when an employee can be issued a duplicate work book
  • Registration of a duplicate work book in case of loss of a work book by an employee
  • Registration of a duplicate of the work book in case of invalidation of the record of dismissal or transfer to another job and in case the work book has become unusable
  • Registration of duplicate work books in case of mass loss of work books by the employer
  • Q&A on Chapter 6
  • Chapter 7 (available in the reference database of the ICS and in the electronic library "Kadrovik's Package")
  • 7.1. Changing information about the employee on the title page of the work book
  • Rules for processing changes in information about the employee on the title page of the work book
  • Last name change
  • Changing Education
  • 7.2. Correction of errors on the title page of the work book
  • Correction on the title page of the work book of errors found immediately when filling out the title page
  • Correction of "old" errors on the title page of the work book
  • 7.3. Rules for correcting entries in the sections "Information about the work" and "Information about the award" of the work book
  • Who makes the corrections?
  • What are the corrections based on?
  • The procedure for correcting entries in work books
  • 7.4. Correction of errors in the headings (name of the employer) before the entries in the "Job Information" section of the work book
  • Common headline mistakes
  • Error - missing title and job entry made
  • Title error
  • The case when in the section "Information about work" they put the serial number of the entry, the date of the entry before the heading (name of the organization) and / or indicated the order in column 4 opposite the heading, and not opposite the admission record
  • 7.5. Correction of errors made when indicating the position and structural unit in the employment records
  • Rules for correcting mistakes made when indicating the position and structural unit in employment records
  • 7.6. Correction of dismissal entries in the work book
  • Correction of the grounds for dismissal
  • Reinstatement of an employee at work
  • 7.7. Correction of dates of employment (transfer, dismissal) in the work book
  • Difficulties in correcting the dates of employment (transfer, dismissal) in the work book
  • 7.8. Correction of the date and number of the order in column 4 of the sections of the work book
  • Difficulties in correcting the date and number of the order in column 4 of the sections of the work book
  • 7.9. Correction in the work book of entries made erroneously
  • Difficulties in correcting entries in the work book that were made erroneously
  • 7.10. Entering missed entries in the workbook
  • Difficulties in making missed entries in the work book
  • Chapter 8 (available in the reference database of the ICS and in the electronic library "Kadrovik's Package")
  • Q&A on Chapter 8
  • Chapter 9. Accounting, storage, issuance of work books (available in the reference database of the ICS and in the electronic library "Kadrovik's Package")
  • Accounting and storage of work books
  • Issuance of work books to employees

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