Record of education in the work book. Entering information about the education of the employee in the work book. Education in the work book: filling rules

How the law regulates the entry of education into the labor

The level of education and the specialty obtained (profession and qualifications) are mandatory information that must be indicated about the owner on the title page.

What documents does the personnel officer rely on in order to correctly make an entry in the work book on education? There are three such regulations:

  1. Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 "On Education" (hereinafter - Law No. 273-FZ);
  2. Instructions for filling out work books, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 No. 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction);
  3. Rules for maintaining and storing work books, preparing work book forms and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

Read in "Personnel System":

The Instruction (clause 2.1.) and the Rules (clause 9) establish that education, profession, specialty are included in the labor force on the basis of documents on education, qualifications or the availability of special knowledge.

The Instruction also says that information about incomplete vocational education can be indicated in the work book. They are proposed to be done on the basis of a grade book, student card or certificate of an educational institution.

After the entry into force of Law No. 273-FZ, the concept of " incomplete education» disappeared. Since 2014, records of incomplete education cannot be made, now they are considered erroneous.

How to reflect information about education in a work book in a new way (sample)

For information about education on the title page of the work book, two lines are provided.

  1. "Education"

The line indicates the levels of education received by the employee. At the time of issuing a new work book, the level of education that was received last is entered into it. For example, an employee has a college diploma, an academy diploma, and a high school diploma. The work book indicates higher education, since its employee was the last to receive it.

In diplomas and certificates issued in different years, the levels of education may differ in name. To correctly indicate the level of education when registering a new work book, use the correspondence table:

Levels of education under the Law

No. 273-FZ (Article 10)

Levels of Education

until 2014

When education of this level is considered received

General education

Primary general


At the end of 4 or more classes, but less than 9 classes of school

Basic general

Basic general

After finishing 9th grade

Average total

Secondary (complete) general

At the end of 11 classes of school

Professional education

Secondary - training of skilled workers (employees)

Primary vocational

After graduating from vocational school, PU

Secondary - training of mid-level specialists

Secondary vocational

After graduating from college

Higher - bachelor's degree

Higher professional

Graduated from any level of university

Higher - specialist, magistracy

Higher - training of highly qualified personnel

postgraduate professional education

Upon completion of postgraduate studies (adjuncture), residency, assistantship-internship

  1. "Profession, specialty"

The line must indicate the specialty or profession received by the employee in strict accordance with the diploma or certificate. Documents issued before 2014 contain such information. And after the approval of new forms in 2014, the specialty may not be indicated in the diplomas of universities. Now, in accordance with Law No. 273-FZ, a degree (bachelor, master) is awarded in a certain direction.

An example of an entry in a diploma of a new sample:

This diploma certifies that Sviridova Elena Valerievna mastered the bachelor's program in the direction of preparation "Information Security" and successfully passed the state final certification. Qualified by the decision of the State Examination Commission Bachelor.

How to correctly indicate the education "bachelor" in the work book? This question arises both for beginners and for professionals in personnel matters. Since no changes were made to the form of the work book, it is not clear how to indicate the specialty if the diploma does not say about it. In this case, instead of the specialty, the direction of training is indicated.

Example: how to reflect the education "bachelor" in the work book:

Education: higher - bachelor's degree

Specialty (profession): Information Security

The expert of the magazine "Personnel Business" will reveal. Find out what errors GIT finds during checks.

Question: Is it possible to abbreviate the name of specialties when filling out a work paper?

Expert Answer: Item 1.1. The instructions prescribe to make all entries in the work book " neatly, ... without any abbreviations ". In practice, this requirement is difficult to fulfill, since directions and specialties can have a long name, and there is very little space in the work book for such an entry. And in practice, you have to abbreviate some words or use generally accepted abbreviations. We believe that this does not have any negative consequences for either the employee or the employer. Indeed, today the record of education in the work book does not play an important role. Employers, if necessary, can find out qualifications, request the original diploma, and PFR employees do not need this entry at all to assign a pension.

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Three rules for amending the work book on education

An employee can improve his level of education while working. And if he presents a diploma, the record of education in the work book must be supplemented.

3 rules on how to make changes to the record of education:

Rule number 1. Previously entered information is not crossed out, new information about education is supplemented with a comma (clause 2.4. Instructions).

Rule number 2. When an employee receives a second education, both the level of education and the specialty will not necessarily change at the same time.

  • if the employee received a master's degree in the same field of study as the bachelor's degree earlier, then only the line "Education" is supplemented, the line "Profession, specialty" does not need to be adjusted;
  • if the employee received a second education of the same level as the first, then the line "Education" remains unchanged, only the line "Profession, specialty" is supplemented;
  • if the employee received a higher level education in a different direction, then adjustments must be made in both lines

What has changed since graduation

Recording example

Only level of education

Education: higher-bachelor's degree, higher-master's degree

Profession, specialty: control in technical systems

Only specialty, profession or field of study

Education: higher-bachelor's degree,

Profession, specialty: trade, merchandising

Both the level of education and the specialty (profession)

Education: secondary - training of mid-level specialists, higher - bachelor's degree

Profession, specialty: banking, business informatics

Rule number 3. When making an additional entry about education, it is not necessary to make a link to the education document on the inside of the cover.

Such a link is required if it is necessary to make changes to the surname, name, patronymic or date of birth of the employee (clause 2.3. Instructions). By analogy, some experts decide that when making a record of education, a link should be made. This is a controversial issue, because there is no such requirement in the Rules, nor in the Instructions. Therefore, the absence of a reference to a document on education cannot be regarded by inspectors as a violation of labor law.

How to fix education in a work book (sample)

Did you enter information about education and made a mistake? The correction option will depend on at what stage of the work book maintenance this error was discovered.

  • if an incorrect entry was made during the initial registration of a work book or insert, then such a form is considered damaged and destroyed;
  • if an error is discovered when there are already several records of work in different organizations in the worksheet, it can be corrected. Cross out the wrong entry with one line, write the correct option above or next to it.

Correction of an incorrect entry made on the title page in the line "Education"

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According to the current Russian legislation, the work book is the most important document confirming the labor activity of its owner. It reflects all the necessary information that may be needed to calculate the length of service, obtain a passport or apply for a bank loan:

  • General work experience.
  • Positions in which the citizen worked.
  • Information about his education.
  • Information about awards and promotions.
  • Reasons for leaving previous jobs.

Getting a new profession, what to write in the work book about the specialty - many do not know. In addition, it is very important to correctly record a new education and know the rules for processing this document, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 No. 69:

  • On the title page, you must indicate the data in full about the full name, as well as the date of birth.
  • All information about education is entered only after the provision of a supporting document (diploma or certificate).
  • If the employee has an incomplete education, he is also required to provide a certificate confirming this from the educational institution.
  • Information about the received specialty or profession is indicated on the basis of information from a diploma or a document confirming the acquisition of special knowledge (for example, from any courses).
  • If an employee receives another education during work, then changes are made by supplementing, old information cannot be crossed out.

If desired, the employer can verify the authenticity of the diploma on the website of Rosobnadzor by entering data about its holder, the series and number of the form, as well as the date of issue. It is worth noting that such an obligation for managers has not been established, however, in order to avoid hiring an unqualified specialist, many prefer to do such checks.

Making changes to the work book: general information

There are several cases in which the employer must make changes to the labor:

  • If the employee is married and changes her last name.
  • If the employee received another education, took specialized courses that are important for working in a particular specialty.
  • If the subordinate was transferred to another position.

How to change the last name in the work book?

The main supporting document for changing the surname in the book is a marriage certificate. Adjustments are made as follows:

  • The employee provides copies of the passport and certificate, submits an application with a request to change the surname. It is in free form.
  • The head issues an appropriate order and gives it to his subordinate for review.
  • All the necessary changes are entered into the work book: the old surname is carefully crossed out, a new one is written next to it, and data on the document on the basis of which the adjustments were made are indicated on the previous sheet.

Making an entry in the work book about education

Upon employment, the employee, together with the questionnaire, submits to the personnel department and a diploma of education, on the basis of which primary data are entered. If he receives an additional specialty, then the procedure for processing changes or additions in the future is as follows:

  • The employee brings a document on education, submits an application with a request to make additions or changes to the work book.
  • The head issues an order, on the basis of which the employee of the personnel department makes changes without crossing out the old information.

If an employee received another education in the course of work, but did not apply to the employer with an application and a copy of the diploma, the old information remains in the work book, while the manager does not bear any responsibility for this. With further employment, the owner of the document provides all documents on education, and then all the necessary changes are made.

Filling out the title page: information and education item

To have a complete picture of the work book, you need to know its structure. It contains several parts:

  • The title page, which indicates the data of the owner: Full name in full, education, date of birth, specialty or profession, date of completion and signature.
  • Pages with information about work: date of employment or dismissal, place of work, position, reasons for the termination of employment.
  • Pages with information about awards and encouragements.

What mistakes in most cases do personnel officers make when filling out data on the profession / specialty in the work book:

  • Changes are made based on oral information from the employee. This can lead to errors, and supporting documents are required for such adjustments.
  • They write too much data: it is necessary to indicate only what is written in the diploma (certificate), because data redundancy is unacceptable.
  • Indicate incorrect information: for example, when receiving the specialty “teacher of Russian language and literature”, they simply write “teacher”. Incomplete entry of information is unacceptable.

Education according to documents issued before September 1, 2013: types

Previously, the current law of 1992 singled out several types of education, depending on which institution a citizen graduated from:

  • General: after the end of 9 classes - basic, and after 11 - secondary.
  • Vocational: after graduating from a technical or evening school, lyceum, vocational technical school - primary; when receiving a diploma from a technical school or any college - secondary; those who graduated from high school received higher education. Postgraduate higher education was received by graduate students.

The current sample of secondary vocational education in the work book is very simple: you just need to indicate this information on the title page of the Labor Code.

It is worth noting that in the future, an entry in the work book about higher education will be made after the information about the average on the other line, because. it cannot be underlined.

At the moment, the types of education in Russia for work books have been changed, and if an employee began working before September 1, 2013 and received another education after this date, then the changes will be made according to the current gradation rules.

Types of education for filling out a work book according to documents issued from September 1, 2013

In connection with changes in legislation from September 1, 2013, the gradation of education is as follows:

  • General: 9 classes - basic, 11 - secondary.
  • Professional: bachelor - basic higher education, is considered full-fledged. Master's degree - a diploma is issued to those who have completed a bachelor's degree and 2 years of a master's degree. A specialist receives a diploma after 5-6 years of study at a university, and a graduate student, resident or assistant receives a document on education after completing a graduate school, residency or assistantship.

At the moment, the sample entry in the work book “bachelor” is formulated simply as “higher”, and at the bottom after it, on the line “profession, specialty”, the data from the diploma are indicated.

Information about education: how to reflect correctly?

When registering an employee for a job, it is necessary to follow the following scheme for filling out a work book on education:

  • If a potential employee has a diploma or certificate, he provides a copy of them or the original itself.
  • If an employee has completed only primary school, then information about education is not reflected, because. he doesn't get a certificate.
  • When employing a student studying at a university, it is best not to fill out the education line. If he provides a certificate from the university, then data on the incomplete higher education should be indicated.
  • The type of education received is formulated on the basis of a supporting document from the educational institution: basic or secondary general; primary, secondary, higher professional, or postgraduate. If the employee received a document from an educational institution after September 1, 2013, then the level of education is additionally indicated: bachelor's degree, master's degree, specialist's degree or training of highly qualified personnel.

How is the item on education in the Labor Code supplemented or corrected?

Unlike the correction of the last name or first name, where old information is crossed out, a change in education in the work book does not allow this. If the employee has received a diploma, you need to act like this:

  • Put a comma after the previous information about education, and do not cross it out.
  • Provide updated information.

Often, HR employees enter too much information about education, and these actions are erroneous. In this case, the work book must be invalidated and reissued. If the error was discovered already during employment in another organization, then adjustments are made as follows:

  • An entry entered in error is crossed out, and the correct information is indicated next to it.
  • On the cover of the work, data on changes in information about education are entered, the document on the basis of which the adjustments were made is indicated - for example, a diploma or certificate.
  • After referring to the document, the employee who maintains work books signs and stamps.

Every citizen can study in educational institutions all his life, and after receiving diplomas, when submitting an application, the employer is obliged to correct the points on education. If this is done incorrectly, then the manager may be held liable, because. all documents necessary for labor activity must be drawn up in accordance with all legal norms, and its changes will have to be constantly monitored.

The main document confirming the working period and professional achievements is considered a special book regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Registration for work on a work book always involves indicating information about the education of a citizen (in the form of secondary, special or higher).

Legal basis for registration of a book

For institutions, organizations and private entrepreneurs, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 65) and by-laws (listed below) determine the obligatory execution by the employer of records for recording and supporting the period of the employee's professional activity, with the inclusion of the necessary information about the hired citizen.

All information, together with data about education, is determined by the established procedure for making entries in a labor document, based on:

  • Rules of reference No. 225 dated April 16, 2003 (Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation);
  • Special Filling Instruction No. 69 dated 10.10. 2003 (Decree issued by the Ministry of Labor of Russia).

The work book is issued no later than 7 days from the date of acceptance of the application for employment. It is filled in in the presence of a citizen (clause 8 of the Rules).

Data on employed persons are indicated on the title pages of the books (clause 9 of the Rules).

The personnel officer indicates all the necessary truthful information about the employed citizen in full (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is unacceptable to reduce and replace the data of documents (clause 9 of the Rules). The basis of the information is a passport or any document with an identity card (military ID, passport, driver's license).

The title page in the work book displays information on the education received, qualifications according to the certificate or diploma provided (Law No. 273-FZ and its explanations).

Making records about education

The registration of a citizen who finds a job for the first time for a specific position assumes that the HR inspector will make the appropriate entries about education in the work book, if the person has a supporting document (diploma, course certificate, certificate).

Any level of higher education (bachelor, specialist, master) indicated in the diploma is transferred by data to the title part of the labor (Law No. 273-FZ).
Registration takes place with the indication of information of such a plan (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  1. Education (secondary, special, higher).
  2. Profession (for example: doctor, manager, lawyer).
  3. Specialty ("Medicine", "Personnel Management", "Jurisprudence").

Read also We make an entry in the labor force upon dismissal of our own free will (sample 2019)

The wording indicated in the certificate and diploma is transferred to the front of the book, regardless of the time of their issuance at the time of the then current legislation (clause 2.1 of the Instruction).

Capital entries in the work book about the change in education that have taken place indicate the facts: continuing education (student card is presented), as well as improving qualifications (certificates of courses, university diplomas).

All entries in the work book are required to be accurately filled out using a black (blue) pen. The day, month and year are written only in Arabic numerals (clause 1.1 of the Instructions).

An approximate example of the design of the title page line about education in the work book and the changes made is presented below:

The same example of filling out documentation in a labor document is used as a model for correcting information of an educational nature.
Do not make a record of improving the qualification level after completing the courses and passing the exam. These data are entered into the internal part of the labor.
If the person being employed does not have any education other than secondary education, then these data are indicated on the basis of the school certificate.
The owner of the labor, in the presence of a personnel officer, is obliged to check all the information entered, and, if completed correctly, secure them with a personal signature. The HR inspector also approves the document.

Changes about education

The right to make a record of the changes in the educational level of the employee has the personnel clerk at the last place of employment, in accordance with supporting documents.

If the education line was filled out incorrectly, and this error was detected in a timely manner, it is necessary to destroy the document and start a new one (clause 42 of the Rules). If an erroneous entry is discovered late, it is recommended to make a change to the education line in the work book in the following order (clause 2.3 of the Instructions):

  1. Cross out incorrect information, next to indicate the correct one.
  2. Reflect the necessary details of the document, giving the right to correct, with the obligatory signature of an authorized person.

The rules for making entries about education in the work book are described in detail in the "Instructions for filling out work books" dated 10.10.2003 No. 69. This information is indicated on the title page. It must match the data from the certificate or diploma presented by the employee.

Also, if necessary, data on training are entered in the section "Information about work". This is done if, during the period of work in the company, the employee completed his studies at an educational organization, for example, received a second degree, as a result of which he acquired another profession, or improved his existing qualifications in special courses.

How to record education data

According to Art. 10 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", No. 273-FZ, distinguish the following levels of education:

    Secondary full;

    Secondary vocational;

    Higher (bachelor's degree, specialist's degree, master's degree)

The primary record of education in the work book is made if it was not filled out at the previous place of work or the employee is employed for the first time, on the basis of the certificate or diploma brought. At the same time, the details of the education document itself are not indicated in the work book.

In accordance with paragraph 3 of article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, all personal information about oneself at the place of work is provided by the employee himself or the applicant for the position. The employer is obliged to check the validity of the diploma if the applicant applies for vacancies in the Ministry of the Interior, in state security structures, in the space and military industries. In other cases, the manager has the right to independently decide whether the employee’s diploma needs verification - this obligation is not assigned to him by law. Authentication is possible only with the consent of the employee, provided in writing.

Type of document on education

Entry in the work book

Certificate of completion of 9 (8) classes

Basic general

Certificate of completion of 11 (10) classes

Average total


college (vocational school, technical school)

Secondary vocational

Higher - bachelor's degree

Higher - specialty

Higher - magistracy

on completion of postgraduate, adjuncture, residency or assistantship-internship, candidate of science diploma

Higher - training of highly qualified personnel

Modern higher education must be indicated along with its level. If the diploma was issued before the reform of the education system, then the level indicated in it must be written in the work book.

How do I make changes to my education information?

An entry in the work book about a change in education may be required if a person already had a diploma, but he continued to study during work and increased his level of knowledge. The previous mark is not crossed out, but a comma is placed after it. Actual information is indicated after the comma. Next, the series and number of the document are entered, the date of the change is put.

Sample corrected record of education in the work book

The data entered on the title page, the employee confirms with his signature. Below, the employee of the personnel department puts the seal of the organization and signs, confirming by these actions the relevance of the specified information.

How to fix the wrong entry?

If the information on the title page is incorrect, the entry must be corrected: carefully cross out, then enter the correct information. No mistakes or omissions allowed. For such actions, there are instructions that can be found in the "Rules for maintaining and storing shopping malls".

(hereinafter - Law No. 273-FZ); sub. "b" p. 9 of the Rules, approved. Government Decree No. 225 dated April 16, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules); clause 2.1 of the Instruction, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of October 10, 2003 No. 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction):

  • <или>it was not completed by the previous employer;
  • <или>the employee is employed for the first time.

At the same time, the details of the education document itself are not indicated in the work book. The entry might be something like this.

Please note: modern higher education is correctly indicated along with its level (bachelor's degree, specialist's degree, etc.).


Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

“A record of education, including higher professional education, is carried out on the basis of properly certified documents (certificate, certificate, diploma, etc.). Considering that, according to the Law on Education in the Russian Federation, such levels of professional education are established, such as, in particular, higher - bachelor's degree, higher - specialist or master's degree, an entry in the work book about education should be made in accordance with the indicated levels.

It seems that in order to correct an incorrectly entered entry on higher education, it is enough to attribute the missing information.

If an employee brought you a diploma obtained before the reform of the education system, then you write in the work book the level of education indicated in the diploma (for example, “higher”, “primary vocational”) clause 2.1 of the Instructions. Even if this level of education has already been abolished. In particular, primary vocational education is now equated with secondary vocational education, but simply higher education is no longer there, since it has become multi-level Part 5 Art. 10, p. 2, part 1, art. 108 Law No. 273-FZ. The same is considered in Rostrud.


“A record of education on the title page of the work book is made only on the basis of properly certified documents (certificate, diploma, etc.). Therefore, the record must comply with these documents. By itself, a change in legislation in the field of education is not a basis for making new or additional entries in the work book.


Prior to the introduction of multi-level higher education, bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees were considered higher education levels (for example, a graduate was issued a diploma of higher education, in which he was awarded a bachelor's degree) paragraph 2 of Art. 6 of the Law of 08.22.96 No. 125-FZ (repealed). In this case, it is enough to write in the work book only the level of education - “higher”, and the stage does not need to be indicated clause 2.1 of the Instructions.

By the way, you do not need to check the validity of the employee's diploma. The employer has no such obligation.

In the line "Education" you can also make an entry about incomplete education, for example: "incomplete secondary vocational", "incomplete higher - bachelor's degree". Such an entry is made at the request of the employee upon presentation of a student card, a record book or a certificate from an educational organization about training or about the period of study (academic certificate) clause 2.1 of the Instructions.

Previously, students who started their studies at the university before October 27, 2007, interrupted it and never finished, were issued diplomas of incomplete higher education (with successful study for at least 2 years) paragraph 3 of Art. 6 of the Law of 08.22.96 No. 125-FZ (repealed); Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science dated April 21, 2008 No. YUS-232/03. If an employee brought such a diploma and asks to make an entry, then, despite the fact that the concept of incomplete education is no longer there and educational organizations no longer issue such documents, you still indicate “incomplete higher education” in the work book. After all, the entry must be made in accordance with the document confirming the training. clause 2.1 of the Instruction; sub. "b" clause 9 of the Rules.

Fill in the line "Profession, specialty"

The entry in this line you make based on and clause 2.1 of the Instruction; subparagraph "b" of clause 9 of the Rules; Part 1, , , 15 Art. 60 of Law No. 273-FZ:

  • <или>diploma of vocational education (diploma of secondary vocational education, bachelor's degree, specialist's diploma, etc.);
  • <или>diploma of vocational training (based on the results of additional professional education);
  • <или>certificates of the profession of a worker or position of an employee (based on the results of vocational training or vocational retraining as part of vocational training);
  • <или>another document on training in the form established by the educational organization (issued when the results of training do not require passing the final certification).


Copies of all documents on the education and training of the employee, on the basis of which you made entries in his work book, are best kept in his personal file.

Now graduates of educational institutions, upon completion of vocational education or vocational training, are assigned a certain qualification in the corresponding profession, specialty or area of ​​training. paragraph 5 of Art. 2, part 8 of Art. 11, part 1, art. 12 of Law No. 273-FZ. For example, upon completion of vocational training, one can obtain a profession and qualification Part 7 Art. 73 of Law No. 273-FZ; List, approved. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 02.07.2013 No. 513, upon completion of secondary vocational education - qualification by profession or specialty and Clause 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated October 29, 2013 No. 1199, and upon completion of higher education - a qualification in a specialty or area of ​​training and clause 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated September 12, 2013 No. 1061.

Therefore, in some diplomas, the profession and specialty are not given, but only the qualification is indicated (in particular, in the diploma of secondary vocational education and Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 04.07.2013 No. 531) or only the direction of training and qualifications (for example, in bachelor's and master's degrees and applications No. 1, 5 to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 01.10.2013 No. 1100). In such cases, you can leave the line blank. It will also be empty for an employee who has studied only at school.


“If there is no information about the profession and (or) specialty in the document on education and (or) qualifications, failure to make an appropriate entry in the work book should not be considered as a violation of the requirements of labor legislation.”


The name of the specialty in diplomas is usually longer than the name of the qualification. Graduates of universities can be awarded, for example, the qualification of "economist" in the specialty "finance and credit", the qualification of "systems engineer" in the specialty "software of computer technology and automated systems", etc. And therefore, many indicate qualifications in work books . However, it is correct to indicate the specialty sub. "b" clause 9 of the Rules; clause 2.1 of the Instruction; form of work book, approved. Decree of the Government of April 16, 2003 No. 225. In our examples, these are “finance and credit” and “computer technology and automated systems software”. But if you mix it up, then it's not scary. Inspectors from the labor inspectorate do not consider the indication of a qualification instead of a specialty a violation. This was confirmed to us in Rostrud.


“Entries about education, profession, specialty on the title page of the work book are made on the basis of relevant documents. The rules for maintaining work books and the Instructions for filling out work books allow making such entries, in particular, on the basis of qualification documents. It seems that the indication of the name of the qualification in the work book does not violate the rights of employees and should not be regarded as a violation of the requirements of labor legislation.


Adding entries to the title page

The record of education must be supplemented at the request of the employee with an increase in the level of education, as well as in the presence of incomplete education pp. 2.1 , 2.4 Instructions. The entry about the profession and specialty is supplemented if, due to an increase in the level of education (or without such paragraph 14 of Art. 2, part 1, art. 73 of Law No. 273-FZ) the employee has acquired a new profession or specialty clause 2.4 of the Instructions.

To supplement the entry, after the existing entry (it is not necessary to cross it out), enter a new one separated by a comma on the basis of the relevant document (a link to the document itself is not needed) clause 2.4 of the Instructions.

If you need to make an entry in the lines "Education" and "Profession, specialty", and there is not enough space, then you can make an entry about training in the section "Information about work" clause 3.1 of the Instruction; sub. "b" paragraph 21 of the Rules(as - see below). But you do not need to sew in an insert for these purposes.


“ The insert is sewn into the work book if all pages of one of the sections are filled in the work book. The absence of space on the title page in the line "Education" is not a basis for issuing an insert. Therefore, if the level of education of the employee has increased, and in the line "Education" there is no room for making an additional entry, then you can make an entry about the period of study in the "Information about work" section based on subpara. "b" p. 21 of the Rules l” .


We make entries in the section "Information about work"

Information about training is entered in this section if an employee, while working in your company, graduated from an organization that has an educational license (for example, received a second higher education, completed courses, at a school for advanced training, for retraining, for personnel training) . And as a result of such training, he received a second or subsequent profession (specialty, qualification), improved his existing qualification, or he was assigned a new rank, class, category, etc.

When making an entry in the appropriate columns, you write e clause 3.1 of the Instruction; sub. "b" paragraph 21 of the Rules:

  • in column 1 - the next serial number of the record;
  • in columns 2 and 3:
  • <если>the employee was assigned a new profession (specialty, qualification) with a rank (class, other category), then column 2 indicates the date of establishment of the new competence (the date of the document on its assignment), and column 3 - its name (for example: "The second profession is established" electrician-adjuster "with the assignment of the fourth category");
  • <если>the employee had a different training (for example, he improved his qualifications or underwent professional retraining), then column 2 indicates the date the entry was made (that is, the date when the employee brought you training documents), and column 3 indicates the period and place of training (see .example below);
  • in column 4 - the name, date and number of the document on education and (or) qualification or training.

In general, it is mandatory to make “educational” entries in the work book only if the employee’s work requires special knowledge or special training. Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; clause 2.1 of the Instruction; sub. "b" clause 9 of the Rules. But there should be no penalty for not entering such information in the work book. Since this circumstance does not violate the rights of the employee. After all, this is not information about work that is kept chronologically and subsequently necessary for the employee to confirm the length of service and receive a pension. Agree that you can make "educational" entries at any time. But inspectors from the labor inspectorate may think otherwise and be fined for the lack of "educational" information in the work book. So in Rostrud they believe that a fine in this case is possible.


“The rules for maintaining and storing work books, as well as the Instructions for filling out work books, require the employer, when hiring citizens for work that requires special knowledge or special training, to make entries on education, profession, specialty on the title page of the work book on the basis of the relevant documents in Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; clause 2.1 of the Instruction; sub. "b" clause 9 of the Rules. If the employer did not make such entries in the work book on the basis of the documents brought by the employee, then in this case it is possible to bring the employer to administrative responsibility under Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

It seems that the failure to make such entries in the work book if the assigned work does not require special knowledge or special training, does not violate the rights and interests of the employee, and is not a violation of labor legislation. At the same time, in the prescription, the inspector may indicate the need to make an entry and ” .

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