Why does the cup break in the house. Broken dishes - signs. Why are the dishes beating at home, at work? Why do broken dishes dream? Video: "Why the dishes are beating: signs"

It is believed that the dishes beat happiness. Is this really so, we will try to figure it out in this article. Why are the dishes in the house beating - is this bad, or, conversely, promising joy? Why, then, does the broken mirror scare us so? What's the Difference?

From life observations it follows that dishes are different. And situations are also different. It's one thing when at a wedding, young people with joy and hope smash their glasses to smithereens, thereby "charging" their joint life path good and fun. Another thing is when the dishes are beating during a scandal. This is done here with a lot of negative energy and emotions. And there are cases, well, obviously, not carrying a semantic load. When dishes are broken, this is an elementary negligence.

Do not focus too much on various signs and beliefs. Sometimes there is an ordinary accident or carelessness in handling.

It is worth paying attention to losses in dishes, if this happens often and for no apparent reason.

Cracked dishes

According to many beliefs, it is believed that it is in no case to keep spoiled dishes at home. Feng Shui explains this by the fact that the positive energy of your home goes into the cracks.

According to Christian beliefs, it is believed that wealth leaves through cracks and holes and evil spirits come.

In general, the interpretation of the plate is unambiguously positive. Psychologists agree that in the human subconscious it symbolizes well-being, as well as a source of income and material wealth. The sign of breaking a plate means, as a rule, a symbolic farewell to previous problems and worries. When the groom at the wedding hits the plate "for luck", this is a kind of the end of his old bachelor life... It is clear that immediately after this, all the fragments must be collected and thrown away so as not to return to celibate existence.

The sign of broken plates originated in antiquity. After the invention of porcelain, it was used by exceptionally wealthy families, and if such dishes were broken, it was believed that negative energy left the house with the fragments thrown out.

At the same time, there are many nuances that interpret the broken plate both in a positive way and frankly negatively. Let's take a look at all the shades of a broken cymbal.

The dishes are beating - catch your luck by the tail

There are so many nuances that directly affect the interpretation of the event that happened that it is not so easy to list them all: the person himself beats the bowl or is it just a scene with his participation as a witness, what kind of dishes looks like - old or new, whole, cracked or with chipped edges, full or empty ...

  • since ancient times, at Russian weddings, they beat a plate "for luck", this was the key to a strong and long married life;
  • a bowl that accidentally crashed during a wedding ceremony, and even through the fault of the groom or the bride - to the fragility of such a union;
  • according to signs that came from antiquity, breaking dishes, our ancestors scared off diseases, it was believed that this is a real medicine in the fight against fever and convulsions;
  • the fact of a bowl scattered into fragments, which happened just before the New Year, meant the upcoming misfortunes;
  • from our ancestors, the belief came to us that, they say, such incidents are the tricks of a brownie who is not delighted with his owners, and he urgently needs something to appease;
  • another nuance was that the old age of a person was predicted from the fragments, and if there are many of them, then the future future will be happy.

Returning to wedding beliefs, one should recall the tradition in which the duties of a young wife included breaking a plate on the threshold - such a sign protected the married couple from scandals. However, in parallel there is another interpretation: they say, cracks will appear from a bowl broken at a wedding in a marriage.

From love to unhappiness - one broken plate

Do not forget that many invited people are present at a wedding ceremony or other event. New relationships can develop between them. Here's what the signs say about this:

  • if a person breaks a plate, soon fate will give him a love affair at the most serious level, and it will last throughout his life, and if a person of the opposite sex is nearby, then perhaps this is the object of future relationships;
  • it is very important what a person feels at the sound of a broken dish, if panic gripped him - this is not good, because with his thoughts (they believe that these are material phenomena) their owner can attract what they are filled with;
  • many interpreters agree that the scattered fragments should be collected and, securely packed so that they do not fall out and do not harm others, thrown away.

At the same time, eating from a dish that has a crack means cracking oneself in a future life. And if the hostess keeps plate fragments in the kitchen, then it is believed that by this she attracts misfortunes to the dwelling.

When frugality is not good, but unfortunate

And in general, the dishes in a person's house can tell a lot about its owner. For example, dotted with cracks and dotted with chippings, it testifies to isolation and frugality. However, is it beneficial? Interpreters will accept that they are not always sure:

  • to eat and drink from cracked and "chipped" dishes means to incite misfortune not only on oneself, but on the whole family, which, from well-being, will enter poverty and poor health, and this sign has been "tested" by time;
  • it is considered that the violation of the integrity of the dishes automatically entails a negative impact on the so-called " subtle bodies”, As a result, tasty and healthy food eaten from cracked dishes will not bring pleasure and will not be healthy.

The phenomenon of a broken saucer itself is found in Everyday life often. However, it happens that someone literally does not hold the dishes in their hands. It is believed that the head of such a person is filled with numerous bad thoughts.

Therefore, it is preferable to treat or communicate with him delicately or completely limit such communication - so as not to take away the negative energy emanating from him. And in general, having witnessed such a phenomenon, you should be on your guard and be ready to withstand the troubles that can be brought into the house.

Cleanliness and tidiness will not attract trouble into the house

In the minds of people, a plate is a symbol of homeliness, strong marital relations in a large friendly family with a hearth that warmly welcomes guests. In such a house there are no dirty dishes - a symbol of future troubles. But if a plate breaks, this does not mean that happiness should definitely be expected in the house:

  • the fact of a broken transparent dish is not good, because a transparent plate personifies purity, and if it shattered into fragments, expect quarrels or warn them in advance;
  • if, at the time of the broken plate, a quarrel still occurs, you should know that in this way a person attracts negative energy.

The sound of broken dishes in our subconscious is the symbolic sound of a marital quarrel. Psychologists are sure that by breaking bowls “in hearts”, a person releases the negative energy accumulated in him and is discharged emotionally. The negativity is replaced by calmness. Smile at the sound of a bowl scattered on the floor - adversity will bypass you!

Why is it customary to say “Fortunately!” About an accidentally shattered plate, and “To changes in life” about a scattered glass glass? Who came up with these signs and beliefs, and how do they help plan the future?

Negative - no!

Arguing why the dishes in the house are beating, the most common omen immediately comes to mind - to luck! The main "secret of success" for the belief to come true is to sincerely believe in it. There can be many situations when a glass or vase slips out of your hands. The fault is the awkwardness of movements, slippery, wet hands, and carelessness when serving ... Someone will write off the incident as a mere coincidence, and someone will say that this is the tricks of the brownie: this is how the keeper of the hearth warns of future pleasant changes.

In any case, for "safety net" it is recommended to say: "Where the dishes break, there is a great life." These words will become a kind of spell and amulet, guaranteeing a successful outcome. And one more important point: no matter how expensive the broken thing is, you cannot show negative and dissatisfaction with the one who broke it, otherwise, instead of luck, discord and constant scandals will settle in the house.

By the way, those who want the brownie not to repeat his pranks can be advised to follow a few simple steps:

  • leave a bowl of cookies or a saucer of milk in a clean kitchen overnight
  • talk to the brownie "heart to heart" and ask him to stop acting outrageously
  • try not to leave dirty dishes in the sink for a long time, this often annoys the keeper of the hearth (in general, many people consider dirty dishes to be the personification of future misfortunes)

Interpretation of signs by day of the week

Interestingly, dishes can break not only for luck or happiness, but also for travel, dates or profit. It all depends on when exactly the "incident" occurred and who was the culprit. So, if you break a plate on a weekend - Saturday or Sunday, it undoubtedly symbolizes great success.

Much the same goes for Monday: household utensils scattered to pieces will attract good luck and provide great events for the coming days.

If someone breaks a plate or glass on Tuesday, it means that this person will have an unexpected pleasant meeting with an influential person. The "incident" that happened on Wednesday symbolizes a profitable deal or profit, which is also good news. Break the dishes on Thursday - wait for guests, and on Friday - prepare for attention from the opposite sex.

Dishes usually beat happily, but not always.

Porcelain and glass items are very fragile and not difficult to break. By the way, for those who believe in omens, it is important to know not only under what circumstances it happened, but also who did it?

The interpretation of superstitions also greatly depends on the culprit:

  • if the cup "suffered" from the hands of a single man or an unmarried woman, this means that Mendelssohn's march may soon sound in their lives (this belief has been around for many centuries, and it has come true many times);
  • when a wife accidentally breaks her husband's favorite glass, this may mean that someone has sights on her faithful. There is no need to arrange showdowns and scandals ahead of time, the husband himself may not even suspect that he is someone's object of sympathy;
  • some believe that if the plates and glasses break through the fault of the child, someone has damaged the child or decided to jinx it. Before jumping to conclusions, you need to think: perhaps the cause of the fragments was not the bad thoughts of outsiders, but poorly developed motor skills.

Can happiness be made to knock on the house?

Many are so attracted by the prospect of attracting good luck with broken dishes that especially resourceful ones decide on their own to “speed up the process”. However, if someone breaks the plate on purpose, or even does it in a fit of anger or anger (as overly emotional individuals like to do), this will not only not become a good omen, but, on the contrary, it will scare off happiness and prosperity. Glass and fragile porcelain do not recognize rudeness, and, if handled deliberately, can attract negative events.

To avoid undesirable consequences, knowledgeable people advise as soon as possible to collect the fragments with a broom, and throw the largest of them over the left shoulder - this will neutralize the negative.

Not broken, but cracked ...

In some kitchens, cracked dishes are common: housewives think that if the plate or cup is not broken, but only cracked, these utensils can still be used. In fact, objects with cracks and chips carry negative energy, so you need to get rid of them as soon as possible! Moreover, in ancient times, people sincerely believed that cracked dishes are very fond of evil spirits. By settling in a house where there are cracks on glasses and glasses, evil spirits can significantly ruin the life of all household members.

Special attention should be paid to situations when an incident with cracked glass occurred in front of some important event... They say that it is the Universe itself that warns: it is better to postpone important undertakings. It is better to wait a few days and only then return to the execution of the plan.

How to neutralize negativity

Believe in omens or not, everyone decides for himself. However, to hedge against negativity, psychologists recommend performing a very simple technique: if the dishes nevertheless flew out of your hands and broke, at this very moment you need to imagine that it is not fragments that are flying away, but negative energy and all bad thoughts. Discharge emotionally, smile, and the ringing of the fragments will become a symbol of joy and impending happiness!

No housewife in the kitchen can do without dishes. Saucers, plates, mugs and cups - all this is in every kitchen. And it is not surprising that these household items are overgrown with many signs and superstitions. So what does broken dishes mean? Of course, she fights for happiness. Everybody heard about it. However, not in every situation everything is exactly like this, sometimes it can portend some trouble.

Why do the dishes break?

For example, at a wedding, any broken dishes only means the happiness of the newlyweds. So, if a cup or mug, breaking, shatters into many small pieces, this portends a long and happy life for the young.

There used to be a rather instructive custom in the villages. The young bride, before entering the groom's house, had to break an earthen pot at the threshold. If the pot broke, it meant that the girl kept her virginity, but if it didn’t break, it meant that she didn’t save herself for her future husband.

In some regions, on the second day of the wedding, guests who came to the holiday began to break clay pots for the happiness of the newlyweds. In some places, such traditions still remain to this day. During the wedding, the groom, or the bridegroom, together with the bride, must break the plate of food presented to him by the guests. This will mean that the newlyweds leave behind all the troubles and hardships.

All of the above helps to conclude that you should not be upset if the dishes break at the wedding. This is a good sign, like some others. But not in all countries. For example, in Scotland, if the bride breaks something during the wedding, it is unfortunate.

In everyday life, dishes break regularly, and this is normal. But, in the event that the plate is broken at the time of a quarrel, with negative emotions, then this does not bode well. A period of setbacks and disappointments, a lack of money and quarrels with loved ones should be expected. But if any dishes were broken with positive emotions, for example - “for luck”, then this promises the approach of a “white line” in a person's life, various benefits, good luck and prosperity.

Cracked dishes

A rather bad omen is the appearance of cracks on the dishes without human intervention. In this case, it is recommended to collect the splintered pieces and debris immediately, and not throw them into a household trash bag, but immediately take them outside and throw them into the trash can. Cracks of this kind foreshadow financial losses and other troubles. IN folk traditions cracks on the dishes symbolize the absorption of energy by them, so the appearance of cracks on the dishes is initially a bad omen.

The same applies to glassware, it is better to immediately throw it into a street tank and not leave it in the apartment, this is not good.

Broken glasses are worth mentioning separately. Although, in different regions, opinions on this matter are diametrically opposed. Somewhere it is believed that a broken glass portends good luck, improved business relationships and business success. But this interpretation is not correct for all situations. If a woman breaks a glass full of water, then she should take a closer look at her faithful, most likely, he has a mistress.

Cracked or knocked dishes should not be used, even if the damage is not serious, and the dishes are still usable for their intended purpose, even if it is a simple bread bin, after all. If you continue to use such dishes, it can cause misfortune, make a person's life "cracked." All the fragments must be quickly collected and taken out of the house. Regardless of whether the item crashed by accident, or by luck.

History will take with utensils

Signs associated with dishes have a deep ancient history... Since the time of clay pots, there have been various rules and regulations on how to handle these household items. For example, if an earthen pot broke, it meant that trouble would soon come to the house. Our ancestors associated dishes with wealth and prosperity, which was given by the god of the Sun - Yarilo. And the broken dishes showed a person's disrespectful attitude towards him, with all the ensuing negative consequences. As well as various

At the present time, on the contrary, we say “fortunately”, maybe it is a positive attitude that drives away trouble from a person. But nevertheless, it is better not to store broken dishes in the house. This is a well-known and oldest sign associated with broken dishes.

But, if you look deeper into popular beliefs, then this is not entirely true. In addition, every broken object does not have to warn about something. Perhaps it was just carelessly treated: placed on the edge of a stand or table, picked up with wet hands, or left in a place accessible to small children or pets.

In this case, you just need to handle the dishes more carefully and choose the place for storing it more carefully. But, if she began to beat often and for no reason, you need to try to understand the origins of this phenomenon.

Popular superstitions

According to popular beliefs, there are several reasons why dishes in the house are beating:

  • If plates, mugs and other items began to get damaged after moving to a new home, then this can be attributed to antics. You should try to make friends with him by leaving sweets, cookies and milk on the kitchen table overnight.
  • When the dishes are constantly beaten by the same family member, then, perhaps, this is the action of damage or the evil eye superimposed on him. In this case, you need to start removing the negative program from this person.
  • It's believed that independently falling and breaking dishes, speaks of a very negative energy in the house... It can appear if family members constantly swear, conflict, shout a lot and are depressed. The dishes take on all the negative, and then, not withstanding the load, they burst.

    It is necessary to clean the room, starting with wet cleaning. Add a little salt to a bowl of water. After that, you can use any acceptable way to cleanse the space.

There are also beliefs associated with specific tableware items.



  • If the plate accidentally breaks on the eve of the Christmas or Christmas holidays, then next year you can count on the fact that there will be no health problems, and luck will accompany everything. When she breaks up on her birthday, it speaks of family happiness, unexpected pleasant changes and profit.
  • At weddings, the newlyweds are often specially presented with a plate so that they break it together. If she shatters into many small pieces, then they will happily and in abundance live together until old age. But, if the bride accidentally drops the plate and it breaks, then this may mean that the husband may soon have a mistress.

    In this case, she needs to choose the largest fragment and forcefully step on it with her left foot, as if destroying her rival in advance.

  • For young unmarried women, a broken plate may indicate that in the near future they will meet a wealthy person with whom they will live a long time in love and harmony.


Beliefs associated with broken circles attach great importance to the material from which they are made. If they are porcelain or ceramic, then this is a happy change in life.... For lonely men and women it can bode unexpected meeting with your soul mate.

Ah, here are the broken ones mugs made of transparent glass, on the contrary, promise a difficult period in family life ... Glass items symbolize the purity of relationships and trust, which in this case is broken along with the mug. If one of the guests broke it, then this may indicate an imminent quarrel between the owners and him. An unexpectedly broken children's circle is evidence that someone has jinxed the little one.


  • The most famous popular belief associated with a vase, promises six years of cloudless happiness to the one who accidentally broke it... Lonely people who carefully put her on the table, but at the same time she fell and broke, can very soon receive a marriage proposal. And, in this case, married people may have an addition to the family. It is also believed that broken vases light colors bring a lot more luck than dark ones.
  • If the vase unexpectedly fell and broke before the guests arrived at the house, then you should behave carefully, as a conflict and scandal may arise. It is also considered a bad omen if the vase breaks due to the fault of the cat. This could mean that some woman will unceremoniously invade and smash her over time.
  • An important sign is that all vases in the house must be filled with something (flowers, shells, colored sand, stones, coins, sweets, etc.). You can simply cover it on top with a piece of pretty fabric or a decorative napkin. Thus, it will not be able to collect and accumulate negative energy that is harmful to the house.


The signs associated with broken glasses are somewhat contradictory. For example, it is believed that a glass, especially one filled with water, which was broken by a business man, brings him great luck and profit in the near future.

If the glass is broken married woman, then, perhaps, her husband got a mistress... When the groom breaks him at the wedding, this may be a warning that in the future he will suffer from alcoholism.

What does it mean if it is broken on purpose?

Many, in a fit of anger, often break various dishes in order to get rid of negative emotions and get relief. This is not recommended, you need to be able to restrain yourself. Plates, mugs and other items broken in such a situation bring failures, scandals and material shortages to the house.

But, there is which helps to protect your home from unwanted negative impacts... If a streak of failures has begun and there is a suspicion that someone deliberately wishes evil or sends damage, then you need to do the following.

Arriving in good mood, find the oldest plate in your house, stand in the middle of the largest room in the house and forcefully throw it on the floor. In this case, you need to say: "For luck"... After that, luck and peace of mind will return to the house.

What to do with the shards?

If any dishware breaks in the house, you need to quickly sweep away all the fragments, collect them, wrap them in a piece of new cotton cloth and take them out of the house. If possible, they should be thrown out in a vacant lot. It is believed that along with the fragments, a large amount of negativity, which has accumulated in it for a long time, will leave the dwelling.

By folk beliefs, dishes that broke before the sun went down should be thrown away immediately, and the one after sunset the next morning.

Why can't you store cracked utensils in your home?

If cracks appear on the dishes, then this may indicate an imminent illness of close relatives, about large financial losses and in general about major troubles in any area of ​​human life. If the dishes are cracked in the hands of one of the guests, it means that this person is hostile to the owners and can bring trouble.

Such dishes, as well as broken ones, cannot be left in the house, especially to use them in everyday life, they must be thrown out immediately, but before that they are advised to break them into small pieces in the house. According to popular beliefs, it is believed that being in a room, with the help of cracks, it will absorb happiness and, while accumulating evil and attracting a lot of troubles.

Therefore, getting rid of cracked dishes, you can neutralize its negative impact on others... The same applies to chipped and very old items, as they are also accumulators of bad energy.

In every house there is a fairly large number of breakable dishes. Beliefs about her evolved in different eras and were kept for a long time. As you can see, they have not lost their relevance today. But, do not immediately panic at the sight of a broken plate or glass, even if, according to signs, it promises trouble.

You need to collect and throw out the fragments and tune in positive emotions and, preferably, in the future to handle the dishes, as advised by popular beliefs.

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