Feast of the Holy Trinity. Folk customs and traditions. Traditions and rituals

A real folk holiday filled with warmth and spiritual generosity is Trinity, the day that marks the arrival of summer and the reign of the sun. About the traditions of the holiday, about the beliefs associated with it, about what date the Trinity is in 2018 - in our article.

This question is asked by everyone who gets acquainted with the folk and church traditions of the holiday. After all, this celebration does not have a clearly fixed date in the calendar.

Trinity is celebrated on a new day every year. The date of the holiday is directly related to Easter - Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Bright Sunday (Easter Sunday is taken as the starting point).

The second name of the Trinity is Pentecost, because the holiday is celebrated fifty days after Easter. For many Slavic peoples, this holiday is better known under a different name - Spirits Day, named so in honor of the Holy Spirit, one of the incarnations of God in the Trinity.

The New Testament describes the event that marked the beginning of the holiday. When a month and a half later the apostles gathered in Jerusalem and talked in the upper room of Zion, the Holy Spirit appeared to them in the form of a flame. The tongues of fire seemed to embrace everyone and the apostles - this is how the disciples of Christ received the gift of tongues so that they could walk in distant lands and bring the Word of God to people of different nations.

In honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, one of the most beloved Christian holidays among the people was established - Trinity-Pentecost or the Day of Spirits.

Folk customs and traditions

Trinity - seeing off spring and meeting summer, one of the "seasonal" holidays that mean the change of seasons. "Trinity, the earth will be covered with grass" - the peasants said, preparing for the holiday. It is not for nothing that in some regions the holiday was called the name day of the Grass - in most rituals, greens, from grass to branches, "took part" in one way or another.

The hut and the gate were decorated with bunches of grass and bouquets of birch branches. The horns of cows and bulls were decorated with the same greenery - according to legend, this was to protect livestock from evil forces, disease and the evil eye. The grass was brought to the service in the church - after mass over the consecrated bundle it was customary to cry, that is, "to shed a tear." Tears symbolized rain, that is, the mourned, wet grass was supposed to guarantee a mild, not dry summer.

Birch played a huge role in rituals. So, birches twisted into arches - two trees growing nearby were intertwined with ribbons, connecting them with branches so that a semicircular arch was formed. Round dances were performed around such an arch on Trinity and “dived” into it in games.

The girls wove wreaths from thin birch branches with delicate green leaves, weaving meadow flowers and wormwood stems into them. Such wreaths served not only as an ornament: on the night of the holiday they were let on the water in a fortune-telling rite. It was believed that downstream these wreaths I take for myself mermaids and mavkas - after all, they, too, were once girls and also dream of jewelry. However, not floating away, but instantly drowned, the wreath was already considered a bad omen, and the owner of such a decoration should be afraid - this meant that the mermaids dream of taking the girl to themselves, turning them into the same watercreeper.

Mermaids and other evil spirits were especially active on Trinity. In the villages located along the banks of rivers and lakes, on the Trinity night, people were afraid to leave their homes - there was a belief that on that night mermaids were able to get out of the water and wander through meadows and roads. To ward off evil spirits, stems of wormwood were woven into the grass and branches that adorned the gate. The girls also used the same wormwood to create wreaths, which were then presented to the guys they liked. Such a wreath was supposed to protect the beloved on the way home. With birch branches and wormwood, the guys "chased the Mavok": it was considered a special courage to spend the night on Trinity in the field, where they had to run, swinging twigs to keep out evil spirits. But in the morning one could safely swim in lake or river water - the reservoirs were cleared, and the mermaids could no longer drag the gaping traveler to their bottom.

What date will the Trinity be in 2018, as well as what traditions are associated with this great holiday - we will talk about this in this article.

The Holy Trinity is one of the favorite national holidays. If you meet this day correctly, you can attract a lot of light and kind into your life. Trinity or, as it is also called, Pentecost is celebrated on the 50th day after another favorite holiday - Holy Easter. This year the religious celebration falls on May 27.

Trinity is celebrated on a new day every year. It is determined according to the fiftieth day after the onset of the Easter holiday. In 2018, this day falls on May 27.

According to the texts of the Gospel, the holy apostles waited fifty days for the descent of the Holy Spirit promised by Christ to earth. Persecuted for their faith, they secretly gathered every night in a simple upper room in Zion for prayer. On the fiftieth night, the long-awaited miracle happened.

The Holy Spirit descended on the disciples of Christ in the form of a bright flame. At that very moment, the apostles acquired miraculous abilities. They could now prophesy, heal and speak in all the languages ​​of the world. These properties were given by God to their chosen ones so that they could carry the light of Christian teaching throughout the world and work miracles, instilling faith in Jesus Christ in people.

The great religious holiday arose thanks to the apostles who were followers of Jesus Christ. On the fiftieth day after Easter, they saw the Holy Spirit, which descended on the preachers and endowed them with special power. As the biblical legends say, the apostles prayed for 50 days in the upper room of Zion, and one day they saw blessed fire, which has split into several parts. It happened on the ninth day after Jesus Christ found an eternal dwelling place in heaven.

After the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles received unheard-of power. They were able to speak in many languages ​​in order to carry the Word of God throughout the world. The ability for healing and prophecy was also revealed in them. These powers were given to the messengers of Christ so that they could preach Holy gospel and tell everyone about the painful retribution of Christ for all human sins and convey the message about him as the Savior of the whole world.

Many are interested in the question of why this is the name of the holiday, and what date is Trinity in 2018. This holiday was named in honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit on earth. This event marked three hypostases - God the Father, God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Thus, there is a trinity of God. This unity is called to create the world and to sanctify it by God's grace.

Trinity does not have a fixed celebration date. This celebration is also called Pentecost. After all, it is celebrated exactly with the onset of the 50th day after the Bright Resurrection of Christ, i.e. Easter.

The holiday of the Trinity was officially approved in 381 in Constantinople. This celebration reached our ancestors only 300 years later. They began to celebrate it at the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries after the baptism of the entire Russian land.

Many religious holidays do not have a single exact date, but depend on Easter, which is celebrated on different dates. This time, the Resurrection of Christ falls on April 8, respectively, Pentecost will fall on May 27. Now we know what date the Trinity is in 2018.

Trinity has always been a kind of border between spring and summer. Since ancient times, this holiday has been associated with all sorts of traditions, signs and rituals that have come since pagan times. Many of these traditions and beliefs have now lost their relevance.

On this day, they always saluted all the vegetation that just bloomed at this time. The main talisman or symbol, as well as objects of all kinds of rituals, of this day was a birch. The branches and leaves of this truly Russian tree were literally everywhere. They were used to decorate temples and streets, and were brought into the house.

The main tradition throughout the centuries is, of course, going to church. In the temple, as a rule, everything was green. The walls were decorated with rowan and birch twigs and leaves, and a heap of freshly cut grass was laid on the floor. Green was associated with rebirth, renewal of life, the creative power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the priests conducted services in vestments of this color.

Each parishioner took birch twigs with him to the church so that the ministers would consecrate them there. And after the service he brought a part of the plant home. The brought branches were placed at home near the icons and always served as a powerful talisman from all evil.

After the morning service, people rushed home quickly to set the festive table. This tradition has also received great attention. On this day, the hostesses could show all their culinary skills and delight guests with food. The day was not fast, so the menu delighted with its variety. At the head of the table was always a loaf, and the main drink was kvass and compote. Otherwise, culinary delights were limited only by the fantasies and incomes of residents.

Most of the time was devoted to spiritual life on this day. Children and adults prayed for themselves and their loved ones, as well as for every lost soul. People turned to the Lord with a request to help them find the righteous path, instruct and forgive for all human sins.

Lonely people on this day thought about family life and looked closely at candidates for the role of a life partner. It was believed that getting to know each other on this holy day would lead to a long and happy family life. Also on this day, men made proposals to their chosen ones. But the wedding itself was not welcome that day.

A few days before Trinity, preparations for this celebration should begin. Since ancient times, people got rid of everything unnecessary in the house and performed a real general cleaning of their possessions. On the eve of the holiday, all dishes are prepared for the table, there must be pastries. Also on this day, it is especially necessary to pray for those who are missing or died not by their own death. And on parental Saturday, it is customary to visit cemeteries and commemorate the dead.

Also on the day of Trinity, they always divined for marriage, although the Church did not welcome any fortune-telling. Girls always wove wreaths of birch branches or grass on this day. If a wreath thrown down the river nailed to the shore, then it is not yet time for marriage.

On Trinity it is customary to help people in need. You should also make peace with everyone with whom the conflict has arisen. But it is categorically impossible to sin and express evil thoughts on this revered church holiday.

Heavy physical labor on the holy Christian holiday is prohibited. To a greater extent, this applies to working with land. So, all country and garden chores will have to be postponed for later. If the house was decorated with birch branches, then they should not be thrown away afterwards. They can be burned, but only after Trinity Week.

For a long time, it was not customary to swim on Trinity. According to legends, on this day, mermaids and different representatives impure forces that could drag the swimmer to the very bottom.

Christian teaching in our country is closely intertwined with ancient Slavic beliefs. The Feast of the Holy Trinity is a vivid confirmation of this. It includes the ancient Slavic traditions of veneration of Mother Nature.

It is the spring greenery and flowers that serve as the main decoration of the dwelling and the church on this day. The floor in the house is covered with mown grass, and the home iconostasis, doorways and windows are decorated with flowers and green branches of trees. But before that, the house had to be cleaned to a shine. Trinity cleaning, burning of all old and unnecessary things is an important holiday tradition. By this, the people sought to cleanse their homes of negative energy and evil spirits.

The main symbol of folk rituals on this day was the birch. She was an adornment and an obligatory attribute of folk festivals and games. Its thin branches were woven into the girl's wreaths in order to lower them on the water at night during fortune-telling. According to legend, a drowned wreath was considered bad luck and became an ornament for a mermaid.

It is customary to spend this holiday in nature. Light bonfires, meet friends and relatives, treat them at a generous festive table. The beautiful custom of burning bonfires not only made the festive night picturesque, but also, according to popular beliefs, helped to drive away the awakened mermaids and mermaids.

In order to immediately answer the question of When the Trinity is in 2016 for the Orthodox, you just need to remember another alternative name for this holiday - Pentecost. That is, one can make a logical conclusion, knowing that the Trinity is also associated with Easter, then this holiday falls on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ.

This year Orthodox Church celebrated the onset of Easter on May 1, it turns out that the date of the Holy Trinity falls this year on June 19. It is important religious holiday, which, regardless of the date, always falls on Sunday. On this day, believers try to understand the trinity of the one Christian God, who simultaneously appears in three hypostases - Father and Son, Holy Spirit.

About the history of the Holy Trinity

This holiday has long historical roots and was celebrated in Old Testament times. At least, the followers of Jewish traditions attributed this day to the three most important during the year, which were closely associated with the acquisition of the Sinai Law by the Israelites. It was received 50 days after the Jews left Egyptian lands. Even then, the celebration of this day was massive, accompanied by fun and even sacrifices, which in the distant described times was a normal practice.

If we consider specifically the Christian traditions of the holiday, then you can often find information that this day is called the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit and, traditionally, it is always celebrated on the fiftieth day from the onset of Easter. For every Christian, this day is the personification of the solemn and beautiful beginning of a new era in the existence of mankind, when it was delivered and cleansed from its sins. It is clear that in Christianity the Trinity is a great holiday and its significance can hardly be overestimated even for those who have not read the biblical parables.

The main message and features of the Trinity, according to the biblical scriptures, is that it was on this day more than two thousand years ago that fire descended from heaven, which opened the sacred mystery and trinity of God to the 12 apostles who were witnesses of the event. Since then, the trinity of one God and his three hypostases have become an important pillar of Christianity, which has survived to our time and which even true believers can be quite difficult to understand.

After such a manifestation, the apostles were able to speak in all the languages ​​of the world and this was done so that they could carry the word of God throughout the world. From that day on, the apostles went to all parts of the world and to distant countries in order to spread Christianity around the planet, to talk about this religion in the indigenous language of the inhabitants living in different territories. The apostles were able to even reach India, Asia Minor and everywhere on their journey they talked about Jesus Christ, baptized people who wanted to join a new religious movement and convert to Christianity.

Important! The fate of God's apostles, who went to spread Christianity around the world, was quite tragic. Of the 12 people, only John survived, and the rest were executed by governments and people who professed other religions and considered Christianity to be evil.

How Trinity is celebrated

When Trinity in 2016 has orthodox date this holiday this year falls on June 19. The custom of the magnificent celebration of the Trinity in Russia was introduced by the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, who in the 14th century, only three centuries after the baptism of Rus, lived on our lands. You need to understand that preparation for the Trinity begins on Trinity Saturday, on this day you need to go to the church for a memorial service, then go to the cemetery to visit your deceased relatives.

Important! In Christianity, burial service is not given for drowned people, people who have gone missing or committed suicide, but it is on Trinity memorial Saturday that this prohibition is lifted and each person can remember in the church that deceased person about whom his soul hurts and about whom he cannot pray, order a requiem on other days.

As for Sunday and the holiday of the Holy Trinity itself, solemn services are held in churches, festive chants are heard in accordance with all the festive church canons. During Vespers they glorify the descent of the Holy Spirit, prepare for the next holiday, the day of the Holy Spirit, which Christians celebrate on Monday immediately after the Holy Trinity. On Sunday, festive priests wear the garments of an emerald or white, and the temple is decorated with birch twigs, fresh herbs and wildflowers.

How to Prepare for the Trinity

Since on the holiday itself you cannot clean the house and work, the day before you should clean the house, throw away things that cause unpleasant and difficult memories, anger and resentment. It is advisable to decorate the house inside with fresh greens - you can use birch twigs, maple and oak, bunches of wildflowers for this. By the way, with such bouquets on Sunday itself, you can go to church services.

Believers believe that keeping the customs of the Trinity will help make a difference in life and attract positive things to it. In the morning, you must definitely go to church and sincerely pray to God, ask him for happiness, joy and health, grace for your family. Many were convinced that if you sincerely ask for something on the day of the Holy Trinity, then everything will come true, most importantly, come to the church with a pure soul and not wish other people harm.

During the day, you can set a festive table. The most different dishes, sweets and fruits. Necessarily on this day you need to serve to the beggar who asks, try not to upset people and not get angry with them, but noisy festivities, songs and round dances on the day of the Holy Trinity are only welcome.

About old signs

When the Orthodox Christians had Trinity in 2016 and how to prepare for it, they found out. It remains only to say a few more words about folk signs for this day. For example, to attract wealth to the house, you need to pick the centaury grass and hide it under your clothes, go to the service with it, and then take a steam bath with this plant. Folk omen says that after such a ceremony, money will stick to your hands.

It is also on Trinity to harvest various medicinal herbs for the winter, because the herbs picked on this day have three times more healing power. You can also consecrate grass in the temple on this day, and then hide it behind the images of the house and ask the Lord for a rich harvest this year and for a dry summer.

This is the basic information that will help determine when the Trinity is in 2016 for the Orthodox (June 19), as well as how exactly to prepare for this holiday. Hope your family will have a good mood and only good thoughts, deeds.

One of the main Christian holidays, the Holy Trinity, is usually celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. In 2016, Trinity falls on June 19.

Orthodox Trinity Celebration 2016

The Trinity is celebrated by the Orthodox for three days:

Parents' Saturday. On this day, it is necessary to visit the cemetery and go around the graves of all deceased relatives, remembering each. Flowers are brought to the graves. But the church tradition prohibits drinking alcoholic beverages during a visit to the cemetery. Upon returning home, you can gather loved ones at the dinner table and have a memorial meal.

Trinity Sunday. Believers go to church services in the morning and carry simple bouquets with them - these can be wildflowers, birch twigs, and even small armfuls of wild greenery. You can pick up medicinal herbs - lemon balm, mint, chamomile and so on. During the service, these bouquets are consecrated by the priest. Then they can be stored all year round - it is believed that they are "charged" with miraculous power and will take all adversity away from home. And if it is also medicinal plants, then on their basis it is best to brew healing teas and give them to the whole family in the "cold" period.

Whit Monday. The last day of Trinity 2016. Also celebrated with a festive divine service, during which parishioners pray for the dead. It begins in the evening on Trinity Sunday. Even suicides are allowed to be remembered.

Do's and Don'ts on Trinity

It is believed that in the Orthodox Trinity, the earth celebrates its birth, covered with flowering and fresh greenery. Therefore, one of the main prohibitions says that you should not disturb her: dig, mow the grass and plant plants. You should also treat the trees with care and love: the girls twine them with ribbons, decorate them with wreaths, cut and even more chop trees, you should not be engaged in the preparation of firewood for Trinity.

It is believed that mawkas and mermaids can walk in forests and water bodies. dangerous to man, according to legend, they can tickle and lead to death. Therefore, it is not recommended on days Orthodox Trinity one by one to walk in the fields of the forests, and also to drive livestock there. There is also a taboo on swimming in water bodies - there is a high risk of drowning.

Likewise, as on other Orthodox religious holidays, one should not do housework. According to legend, whoever decides to work on a holiday in violation of the ban will regret it. Those who plow the land on the Trinity may lose livestock, those who are engaged in sowing will lose their crops due to hail, those who spin wool will lose their sheep if they get lost, etc.

Symbols of the Orthodox Trinity

The symbol of the holiday is a birch tree, this tree is considered "female", and therefore girls try to dress it up, decorate and even make a wish around it to come true. Birch is one of the first to wake up in spring, delighting people with its luscious greenery.

It has become a tradition to decorate houses with twigs of this tree. The Slavs considered birch to be a beautiful tree that brings happiness, writes

Trinity(or Pentecost) is one of the most significant Christian holidays, which in Orthodoxy is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter and on the tenth day after the Ascension of Christ to heaven. The feast of the Trinity is considered to be twelve, because it exalts the divine personalities of the triune God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and finally assured them of his resurrection.

The history of the holiday

More than two thousand years ago, on the fiftieth day after the resurrection of Jesus, the apostles and the Virgin Mary sat in the upper room of the house on Mount Zion. In this room Jesus appeared to the disciples twice after his resurrection, and there He also conducted the first Liturgy with bread and wine. And then, one sunny day, Jesus Christ appeared to the Virgin Mary and the Apostles, who by that time were no longer suppressed and confused.

Liturgy in honor of the Trinity - the feast of the Son, Father and Holy Spirit

They understood that the Savior left behind a Church, to which thousands of believers would come. The apostles knew that Jesus would return for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and patiently waited for this moment, not leaving the upper room of Zion. On the day of Pentecost, the apostles were able to observe a miracle: a gusty wind blew in the room and flames appeared, engulfing each of those present.

And the disciples felt the presence of their Teacher, and began to speak in other languages, as they had been commanded by the Holy Spirit, in order to carry different countries and the nations the science of God. It was in the upper room of the future Zion Temple that the rite of baptism with the Holy Spirit was performed, and God appeared in his third and final hypostasis. Since then, the Holy Trinity has been glorified for thousands of years: the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Celebration of the Trinity

As always, the holiday falls on Sunday. In addition to the church meaning, the date of the Trinity also has a natural meaning: at the beginning of summer, when Pentecost is celebrated, nature fully revives and is filled with bright colors, and all living things seem to wake up and renew themselves. The hostesses are preparing for the celebration of Pentecost: on the eve of the holiday, they are cleaning the house.

Each room should be decorated with greenery to symbolize prosperity and a new life cycle. To decorate the home, the branches of lemon balm, calamus, birch and linden are most often used. Fragrant herbs are also laid out around the house - for example, mint or rue, to give the home a special festive aroma. A few days before the holiday, it is customary to get rid of unnecessary things and be spiritually reborn, tuning in a new way.

Ecclesiastical celebration of the Trinity: a temple adorned with greenery

On the day of Trinity, a family visit to the church liturgy is compulsory. The church is especially beautiful on this day: the floors of the church are lined with freshly cut greenery, due to which the church is filled with a pleasant aroma of herbs. Even priests on this festive day put on a green cassock, which symbolizes the victory of Christ over death. Parishioners do not come to church empty-handed.

On this day, they bring a lot of greenery, herbs and flowers to emphasize the summer mood of the holiday. After the service, a festive feast is held, to which close friends and relatives are invited. Communication contributes to the unity of people and mutual understanding. Loafs, pies, pancakes and jelly are welcome on the table on this day. Crackers from the Trinity loaf are stored and then added to the wedding cake for the newlyweds.

The omen is simple: crackers are needed for the young to live a long and happy life... The Trinity does not fall on fasting, which means that the dishes for the meal can be very diverse. Also, a popular way to celebrate Trinity is outdoor recreation, which includes picnics and public festivities with mass events - concerts, fairs, round dances and all kinds of active games.

Traditions and rituals

On the day of Trinity, it is customary to collect forest plants. It is believed that herbs collected on this holiday have the ability to heal all diseases. Also Trinity grasses can protect your home from lightning in a thunderstorm, so keep them in a visible place. Another tradition is the keeping in the house of the so-called tear herbs - a special collection that is mourned, consecrated in the church, and then hidden behind an icon.

With the help of a bundle of mourned herbs, the villagers beg God for rain for their fields. Birch and linden branches attached to window frames, shutters and walls are also considered a symbol of the harvest, so they can be found in almost every rural house. On the eve of Trinity, it is customary to diligently cultivate the garden and vegetable garden, freeing the land from weeds and thus renewing our land plot.

Before Trinity, it is important to give useful plants the opportunity to actively grow. But directly on the holiday, it is strictly not allowed to do any work, except for cooking. Also, you cannot swim in rivers and lakes - it is believed that on this day mermaids can drag a person to the bottom of the reservoir. Throwing wreaths woven by girls on the water is also traditional.

On this day, girls in love give their chosen ones wreaths of flowers, showing their favor. And do not forget that Pentecost is the day when loved ones are remembered. The day before the holiday, believers visit the graves of their relatives, clean them and be sure to sweep the graves with birch brooms. It is believed that in this way you can ward off death from living family members.

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