An unexpected meeting with a UFO. Ufo eyewitness stories Ufo eyewitness stories

There are many opinions about the fact of the appearance of UFOs on earth. Someone saw a fireball, and someone says that this is all fiction. But still, most people are inclined to the point of view that alien creatures do exist and have been repeatedly seen in the bottomless spaces of our atmosphere.

UFO eyewitnesses - personal contact with aliens

Vasily Puchkov says:

My family and I went from Moscow to the region. It was summer time and it was already getting dark. Suddenly my car started to stall until it came to a complete stop. I went out to look under the hood of the car, but everything was fine there, and the car still did not want to start. Attempts to call a tow truck or call someone for help also ended in failure - the phone stopped working altogether. A minute later, my whole family heard a strange sound, it sounded like a close microphone squeaking to a speaker.

My daughter was the first to notice a strange ball hovering in the sky - she did not yet know about the existence of aliens. He was about thirty meters away from us and was perfectly visible. The ball was round, even a little oval in shape. The color of the object was difficult to notice due to the setting sun, but still it was possible to notice shades of gray (steel) color. The ball held out in the sky for no more than 10 seconds and flew away with incredible speed. The most amazing fact, it turned out that after they left, my car started up perfectly, the electronics also started working.

UFOs remain incognito?

Judging by the above UFO eyewitness account, one can come to an interesting conclusion - UFO made contact. The fact that Vasily's car and phone stalled indicates a specific magnetic field emitted by the flying object itself. Why are they doing that? Maybe to stay incognito? The answers to these questions will remain a mystery. Let's remember the unpleasant sound that arose during contact with a UFO. Judging by the description of Vasily's sensations, he heard a sound above 18 thousand Hertz. Interesting fact, thousands of UFO eyewitnesses have not yet said anything about the sound of a flying saucer engine. Maybe it was him?

It is interesting to know that “true experts speak about the gadfly of unidentified flying objects. Unlike Soviet (now Russian) cosmonauts, American astronauts have always talked rather freely about their encounters with UFOs. Astronaut Gordon Cooper wrote in a letter read out at a meeting of the UN Political Committee in November 1978, so: "I am sure that our planet is visited by crew-led spaceships, the creators of which immeasurably ahead of us in their development."

from alien objects by the Americans during their flights to the moon. So, according to these reports, "Apollo-8" was twice exposed to the effects of UFOs.

The first time it happened during the cosmic night, when the astronauts Bormann, Lowell and Andrei suddenly saw a disc-shaped object, which flew parallel to the course of "Apollo" at a speed of 11 thousand km / h. With the advent of UFOs, all the instruments of the American spacecraft immediately ceased to function, and communication with the Control Center in Houston was interrupted. Then the mysterious object bathed the Apollo with a blinding light, which caused the ship to sway violently, and at the same time there was an unbearable sound that caused a sharp pain in the ears of all crew members. Only a few minutes later, the unidentified aircraft suddenly disappeared, and with its disappearance the noise and light stopped immediately. However, the course of the American spacecraft was severely disrupted. And only the inclusion of engine correction by the astronauts allowed them to return to their previous trajectory.

Quite a little time passed, and a new disc-shaped UFO appeared near Apollo 8, which was much more than the first... He, like the first, emitted a blindingly bright light. Because of this, the ship went off course again. His control systems were failing completely irreparably. In addition, the astronauts began to experience severe pain: unbearably pressed chest, trembling hands, severe headache, difficulty breathing and appeared some strange hallucinations that had nothing to do with the fulfillment of their task. This went on for 11 minutes, after which the UFO disappeared, and all abnormalities immediately stopped. By the way, the connection with Houston was immediately restored. Through it, the astronauts learned to their surprise that their ship had deviated considerably from its course. Even the Center's computer could no longer return it to its normal "channel". This was done by the crew members themselves, guided by the stars.

In March 2002, the next International UFO Congress was held in the American city of Lochlyn (Nevada). There, among other materials, our domestic documentary was shown, which told about encounters with UFOs.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Pavel Popovich in 1978, during a flight from Washington to Moscow at an altitude of 10,000 meters, saw an object in the shape of an equilateral triangle flying in a parallel course, resembling a sail, which then simply overtook the airliner and disappeared about 1,500 meters from the side. out of sight.

On May 5, 1981, Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Kovalenok, being a member of the Salyut-6 crew, saw at 18.00 through the window a little further south South Africa some incomprehensible huge luminous object, which had an elliptical shape, flew at the same height with the station and the same course. However, some time later, this flying device flashed dazzlingly, turning into a sparkling golden ball. Two seconds later, the astronaut noticed, but at a considerable distance from the spacecraft, exactly the same bright golden ball. After that, a misty cloud appeared in the sky, which soon acquired a spherical shape. Then this vision suddenly disappeared, leaving no trace. But as it turned out later, none of the crew members (except for Kovalenko) saw this phenomenon at all.

In 1990, at the Mir station, cosmonaut Gennady Strekalov (twice Hero of the Soviet Union) once saw something similar to a small sphere, which resembled a Christmas tree toy in brilliance and brightness. He called Gennady Manakov to the window of the ship. Both of them for several seconds admired the unusual sight, but, unfortunately, due to the unavailability of the camera, they did not have time to photograph anything.Telling later about this phenomenon, Strekalov described it as unusual, but not at all as a UFO.

At the beginning of 1991, cosmonaut Musa Makarov (Hero of the Soviet Union), while on the Mir orbital complex, suddenly noticed an object in the form of an antenna under the spacecraft approaching the station. Then he looked closely and realized that this was not at all what it seemed to him at first. But on the other hand, this "detail" after a few seconds began to rapidly move aside. What it really was - no answer.

Gennady Reshetnikov (Colonel General, head of the Academy of the highest command personnel of the Air Defense in the city of Tver) once said that he himself, in his youth, took off in the air to intercept targets determined by radar stations, but they never responded to the control request "I am mine" and practically disappeared immediately. Nevertheless, Reshetnikov's colleagues sometimes managed to intercept the "target". But as soon as the interceptor approached it at a distance at which the automatic air-to-air missile launch system was supposed to work, for some reason it failed every time, and the target immediately disappeared.

To date, the Russian Armed Forces have accumulated a huge amount of material about UFOs, which, frankly, there is no one to process, because the intelligence necessary for this either died out or "faded" to the West, and the young was never born.

Vasily Alekseev, head of the Center for Space Communications, just recently said: “During my military service, I have repeatedly heard about various phenomena that are now called UFOs. Usually, such cases were thoroughly studied by the forces and means of not only the Ministry of Defense, but also a number of other government agencies. I must say that this is some kind of entity unknown to people. "

And now the old Russian city of Vologda just recently spread like lightning news: a UFO appeared over the city and quite demonstratively demonstrated itself. Eyewitnesses described it this way: “The object at first appeared to be a small but very bright luminous point in the sky. Then several bright rays grew out of it, and after that a column of light, extremely similar to a searchlight, hit from them. The object several times changed the direction of its movement, while highlighting everything that could be seen around itself, then suddenly turned sharply and swiftly soared upward, and soon disappeared altogether.

Ufologists have long known that UFOs, as a rule, appear over the Earth where some mortal danger threatens humanity. Such objects for them are tests of new weapons, highly dangerous for people, large accumulations of the most modern military equipment, accidents at nuclear power plants, and so on. After all, only a few media outlets decided, for example, to make public the fact that a clearly visible UFO hung over the Chernobyl reactors during the entire most alarming time of the disaster.

The flight on a plate of aliens was carried out by me in a firm mind and sober memory. I declare in all seriousness that I have not been under the influence of narcotic or other psychotropic drugs.

An eyewitness account and a participant in the UFO encounter


I don't understand, especially after my meeting (contact with aliens) why everyone is making up all sorts of fables. Yes - I had contact with them, and in a very hospitable atmosphere, though in the forest ...

Once, while going to bed in my hut, I noticed that one of the dogs was missing. I took my rifle bike and went to comb the nearest neighborhood. Shouting and swearing, I gradually shaved into a forest clearing. A fire was made in the clearing and people were sitting around it.

I went up and greeted and asked about the dog. They pointed to Jack, who was lying at the feet of one of them, gnawing at some corn. I shouted at him, but they stood up for him and Jack friendly wagged his tail at me.

Get-togethers and conversations

I was invited to the fire and given a mug of hot tea. I sat down and took a sip of tea, began to ask them about their life. That's what I liked about them, this is that they didn't beat around the bush, but honestly confessed everything ...

The eldest of them, who was sitting closest to me, patted me on the shoulder in a friendly way and said:

Just don’t faint and don’t be afraid, but we are from another planet, even the system ...

I laughed and said that I myself am from the moon. They became interested and began to ask me where exactly, on the moon do I live? I said I was on the east side and quickly switched the subject.

What are you flying on, guys? I asked. They answered and named a word (I did not remember, sorry). I asked to show the device. The elder told one young man to accompany me ...

Getting up, I went with the young man and, just in case, prepared to shoot a doublet. In addition, just in case, rather out of habit, I carried a slingshot with me. Walking through the forest, I began to ask the young man about their appearance.

What do you think we should look like? he chuckled. I painted them our films about aliens, to which he laughed a lot and asked - What are they really portraying us like that?

I said that I could even show him a film (I took my tablet with me to the forest and films were downloaded on it, including science fiction and about aliens).

Lie or truth - shock!

I didn’t believe it until recently, but when we went to another clearing, we saw a shock of spruce branches. Young scattered branches and I personally saw a UFO! I opened my mouth in amazement and the young, seeing this, laughed.

He opened the door and we went inside. The interior of the cymbal was just what you need - leather interior, chrome surfaces, even the acoustics they had from Pioneer!

Flying in the night on a plate

What would you do if you were me? Here too!

Listen, let's cut a circle around the Earth? I asked pleadingly. - I would be glad, but we have fuel only for the return trip, and you have expensive fuel here, it is cheaper on Mars. he replied.

Listen, so let's fly to Mars and refuel? The young man hesitated and then waved his hand with a smile - Come on! Was not! You only live once!

I decided to get insolent to the end! - Would you like to steer? He looked at me appraisingly and asked:

Do you have any rights? Do not misunderstand, then they will check for DNA and punish! I silently took out and showed the license to the tractor.

Come on - he whispered and pressed the purple button. The plate hummed softly and we soared into the night sky. I looked out the windshield and was stunned with joy. The earth shimmered with lights below.

Then I felt the young man pat me on the shoulder and whisper in my ear:

Steering wheels, you wanted!

I sat down in a soft, brown chair that squeaked with leather and grabbed two chrome levers. He began to explain to me how to manage, but I brushed it off:

As on a tractor, what is incomprehensible here. Then he pressed the pedal to the floor with all his might, and we rushed to Mars. On Mars, he did not allow me to go out and, taking his wallet, ran away and paid for three thousand liters of fuel.

Return to Mother Earth

After landing and disguising the flying saucer, we quickly returned to the fire. After sitting a little longer, I whistled for Jack and we went to the hut.

In the morning I woke up and went to that place. From their stay there were only traces of a fire and nothing else.

I hunted a little more and returned home with a basket full of mushrooms. I did not tell anyone about this until I again met one of them (the very young one) on watch.

Unexpected meeting

I worked on a shift as an oilman, and one day I saw a familiar face in the smoking room among the shift workers. We waited until everyone came out and started talking.

What fate, my friend - I said, shaking his hand! He also shook my hand and answered - You can live! After talking, he told me that when we flew to Mars, I dropped my rights there (I was looking for them so much, and by the way, it was because of them that I had to get a job on this watch).

He got out his license and gave them to me. I was delighted and asked what happened next. He replied that the elder found out that we were driving to Mars and wrote a complaint against him. So he was exiled to Earth (all the more, the rights had to be returned).

Sorry, vagabond - I encouraged him. He said that this watch was the last on Earth, and he was being restored to his previous service. We also talked and remembered our flight on a plate of aliens and, and parted. I ran to my boss and wrote a letter of resignation ...

The term UFO was proposed by science fiction writers in the 50s of the 20th century. The popularization of stories associated with unidentified flying objects has occurred thanks to the numerous cases described by eyewitnesses. People vied with each other to inform the press about their contact with the aliens. Most of these stories are not taken seriously by UFO experts. There are too many terrestrial factors that could explain the appearance of strange objects in the night sky. If this is a photo, there could be printing defects; with real observations of a flying saucer, you can take a satellite, unusual natural phenomena and even peat vapor.

It's another matter when the world gets access to information that stands out from the general background. But even in these exceptional cases, experts fall into two camps. One part is inclined to believe in potential contacts of earthlings with UFOs, the other finds alternative explanations in every aspect. Below we will give you some interesting stories. You can decide for yourself which of the camps to join.

The real story of Kenneth Arnold

As we said, the terms UFO and "flying saucers" originated in the middle of the 20th century. Perhaps this was facilitated by the story of the American businessman Kenneth Arnold. In June 1947, a man observed strange objects near Mount Rainier, Washington. A businessman was flying his plane from Checheilis to Yakima and saw a group of objects heading in his direction like a wedge. According to an eyewitness estimate, the UFOs were located approximately 25 miles north of it and flew at a speed of about 1,700 miles per hour.

When talking about the appearance of the alien ships, Arnold never mentioned the form. He only said that their movement was as if someone had thrown a flat stone over the surface of the river. The meeting took place in the afternoon, so Kenneth Arnold was able to clearly recognize another feature. The UFOs were specular and reflected the sun's rays.

Popularization of history through the media

This news spread across the country like wildfire and was even supplemented. By publishing their shocking articles on the front pages of newspapers, the authors paraphrased Arnold and attributed his visions to superfluous. People were told that the objects did not "move like saucers on water" but looked exactly like saucers. So in the minds of society, one of the most common stereotypes regarding spaceships aliens. Science fiction writers and sci-fi blockbusters quickly jumped at the idea and depicted UFOs as glittering, oddly moving flying saucers. Skeptics believe that in reality the businessman could see the pelican wedge north of his plane. In fright, he could underestimate the size and distance of objects.

UFO crash near Roswell

Perhaps the most high-profile alien incident was the crash of an alleged alien spacecraft near Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. No other incident in history has caused such fierce controversy. During the investigation of the incident, the US government was forced to declassify the Mogul program aimed at fighting the Soviet Union. The Americans explained to the public that the found "alien ship" was a weather balloon. The world community believed that the disclosure of the secret object was carried out deliberately in order to divert attention from the truth.

In the 70s, history was almost forgotten, but was revived again thanks to ufologists and the release of a science fiction film. Coincidentally, since the resurgence of interest in the Roswell incident, conspiracy theories have begun to breed like rabbits. And this means that someone to this day seriously believes that the Americans abducted an alien, conducted experiments on him, and hid the fact of the discovery of an extraterrestrial ship.

Farmer's house incident

The hero of the next case was the American Billy Ray Taylor, who was visiting his friend, the farmer Sutton, who lived in the village of Kelly (Kentucky). On August 21, 1955, a guest went to the well to fetch water in the evening and noticed a multi-colored glow from a huge round silvery object in the sky. According to an eyewitness, a strange aircraft flew right over the Sutton house. The incident could have been forgotten and turned into a joke, had it not been for the barking of a dog barking an hour later. Armed Taylor and Sutton went out to check the situation and stumbled upon a strange humanoid creature.

"Alien Invasion"

The men claimed that at first they saw a bald, short alien, similar to a gnome. Then the newcomers began to literally occupy the territory of the courtyard, they converged from everywhere and surrounded the house. The farmer's household, frightened by the screams, called the police. However, hot on the trail, no signs of extraterrestrial beings were found on the territory of the farm household. Experts believe that the visions were caused by alcohol intoxication, and large owls could easily pass for aliens. Flying saucers could be explained by a meteor shower.

In June 1947, an event occurred that changed the world forever. Private jet pilot Kenneth Arnold noticed some strange objects over the Cascade mountain range in Washington state. He described what he saw with the words "flying saucer", which have become firmly established in the everyday vocabulary, and since then we began to gaze into the sky, wondering if the long history of our isolation is coming to an end. Perhaps we are about to become citizens of a universe full of life - and if this is destined to happen, will we be accepted into the galactic club or destroyed as a source of threat to other intelligent beings?

More than half a century has passed since that fine sunny day, however mysterious phenomenon, which we call UFO, and today has not lost its appeal for us. And to the questions posed to humanity 50 years ago, we still have not received an answer. Are we alone in the universe or are we visited by aliens from other worlds who kidnap people for cruel medical experiments and strike fear and confusion in our hearts? Are the skeptics right when they explain these incomprehensible facts as a kind of great illusion generated by the anxieties of the cosmic era into which we have entered, and the arrival of a new millennium, which has left its imprint on our collective unconscious? Or maybe ufologists are right who assert that the truth is much more fantastic than any of our ideas, and an example of this is the incomprehensible phenomena of nature, and the hypothesis that guests from the future can visit us - scientists who have learned to travel in time?

The main difficulty in resolving the UFO mystery lies in the fact that for each of the arguments of the supporters of a particular version, there are an abundance of counterarguments from its opponents. Some of these statements may seem absurd, while others are at least plausible. Did the US President really approve of the Americans joining an alliance with the aliens in exchange for technological superiority? Is it true that "men in black" are walking the streets - secret agents hired to silence eyewitnesses of contact with aliens? Is the movie about the so-called "alien autopsy" filmed shortly after the alleged crash of an alien ship near Roswell, New Mexico, or is it just a fake? And in general, can we be convinced of the reliability of any evidence regarding this highly controversial topic, replete with speculation and authoritative opinions? Where is the irrefutable evidence, you ask, where are samples of alien DNA, remnants of clearly unearthly origin that have fallen to Earth, or alleged close-ups of a tiny gray creature throwing itself at its UFO - images that everyone is talking about, but which no one has seen?

Really, if you show interest - and you will not have a lack of information containing a variety of opinions on these burning issues. In the popularity rating on the Internet, ufology ranks second (it's not hard to guess which topic belongs to the first!), And in terms of the rate of appearance of new sites and forums, not to mention speculation and idle gossip, it is significantly ahead of all the others. The bookshelves groan under the growing weight of the editions, which often contradict each other, but equally claim to be the final solution to the mystery. However, if you try to listen to all these conflicting opinions, you will end up drowning in a sea of ​​information.

I will not assure you that this book will answer all the questions. No sane person will make such promises, since the harsh reality is that no one knows exactly what we are dealing with. Therefore, I can only offer you a reference edition, which can be read both out of pure curiosity and in order to collect together as many verified facts as possible.

Several encyclopedic publications have already been devoted to Ufology. Some of them cope with their tasks better, others worse, but in fact all of them are nothing more than dictionaries raised to the rank of encyclopedias. Hope this book is more than that. I'm going to walk you through the maze of questions that inevitably arise when dealing with such a fascinating and controversial topic as UFOs. And although at the exit from this labyrinth you may not get answers to all the questions, but at least you will have some idea of ​​this phenomenon and an understanding of why ufology attracts such close attention of millions of people, and for many has become a subject a kind of mania. Maybe aliens really wander among us, or maybe not, but at least 60% of the population are sure of their existence. Let's try to find out if there is a compelling reason for such a belief.

How to use this book

The book is divided into several sections, each of which is devoted to one aspect of the UFO mystery. Some sections will interest you more, others less, depending on what you are striving for: broaden your horizons, find an answer to a specific question, seriously investigate the UFO phenomenon - or you simply noticed something strange in the sky and do not know where inform about it. Short review The contents of each section will make it easy for you to find the information you need.

Part I - "Chronology of UFOs" - sets out Short story a question listing the main dates and events. From it you will learn that flying saucers did not appear out of the blue in 1947, but in a sense have been an integral part of the world around us since the time people learned to communicate. As you become familiar with the chronology of UFOs and get closer to the history of our days, you will have a picture of the interesting relationship that society has built with the UFO phenomenon. The chronological table is supplied with conventions related to such spheres of life as foreign and domestic politics, the history of UFO sightings, as well as books and films dedicated to this topic. Using these designations, you can easily find the necessary information in my chronological table and create your own databases, clearly showing how various types of events, intertwining with each other, create a grandiose canvas of modern ufology.

Part II - "UFO Evidence" - assesses various categories of sightings, ranging from the forms of UFOs familiar to ufologists and all kinds of close contacts and ending with more specific phenomena, which today are also referred to the sphere of ufology. These categories include some cases of plane crashes, alien abductions, time lapses, and more. Each cited example emphasizes the importance of this category of sightings in a series of events that speak in favor of the reality of UFOs; at the same time, especially interesting cases are highlighted, prompting the reader to a deeper investigation.

If you yourself had a chance to observe something inexplicable, you can classify your case in one category or another and see where your personal experience in solving the mystery of UFOs.

“Geography of UFOs” - perhaps this could be another title for Part III, “Ufological Map of the World”, which lists in alphabetical order the countries that play a role in solving the UFO mystery. In this section, you will find out what position governments take in relation to this phenomenon. different countries, what kind Scientific research they carried out what forms of UFO activity are characteristic of these points of the globe and how the number of UFO sightings differs depending on the geographic location on the planet. After all, UFOs are encountered not only in the United States and not only in the Western world. This is a truly global phenomenon, and the question of what role experience can bring to our understanding of it different cultures, deserves the utmost attention.

2003, St. Petersburg
Throughout April, people who have witnessed the appearance of unidentified flying objects have been calling and coming to the editorial office.
Hundreds of Petersburgers saw UFOs in the direction of Priozerskoe highway and over Ladoga on March 28, 31 and April 1. Plates appeared in the evening - at nine and eleven o'clock, and early in the morning - at the beginning of seven. Could it be because they flew at night?
- What was happening in the sky Leningrad region, it is difficult to call it otherwise than a UFO invasion, - said Mikhail Gershtein, chairman of the UFO section of the Russian Geographical Society. - Some of them were so bright that they were observed within a radius of 150 kilometers from the point of location. Typically, about 90 percent of UFO sightings reported after verification turn out to be false, he added. “People mistake rocket launches and many other optical effects for plates. But in this case, the conclusions of the ufologists and the military, who personally observed the mysterious objects, agree on one thing: there is no such equipment on earth and, apparently, this time the plates were real. Judging by the route, the saucers flew around the military objects of the Leningrad Region, hovering briefly over each one. We tried to put all the evidence together.

The plates came from the north

On the evening of March 28, UFOs could be seen from the northern part of the city - we received calls from residents of Sertolovo, Prosveshcheniye and Artists' avenues, Demyan Bedny Street. But they saw him in Rybatsky, Shushary, Volkhov. Most of the eyewitnesses were at the time of the appearance of the UFO outside the city, in the Priozersk direction: in the villages of Romashka, Lavriki, Plintovka (state farm "Scheglovo"), the villages of Yanino, Korobitsino, Agalatovo, Kuzmolovo, Novaya Ladoga, Toksovo, Rappolovo, Siversky.

Trouble on Priozerskoe highway

Those closest to the object saw a very colorful sight. You can be convinced of this by looking at the drawings made by Mikhail Petrovich and his wife. They saw an object not far from Agalatovo, driving along Priozerskoe highway with friends.
- There were four people in the car, Mikhail Petrovich told the editorial office. - Many cars stopped at the side of the road, and people looked at the UFO with interest. It was about half-past eight and it was not yet dark. Above the forest, an object hung motionless, resembling an ordinary plate set on its edge. Many small light yellow lights flickered on it. Small fireballs (a ball with a fiery tail) flew up to the plate. When they approached a large object, they slowed down, their glow was extinguished, and then they, apparently, docked to the UFO. After that, the object turned around very slowly and began to move towards Lake Ladoga. I served in the Air Defense Forces and I know that what we saw is not even close to terrestrial equipment.

Many readers observed the object up close and saw that it was actually a triangle of lights.
Report from the "epicenter"

Our reader, Gennady Petrovich, the train driver, called the editorial office:

On the evening of the 28th I was fishing on Ladoga, not far from Karaskovo.
At about 20.30 I rode a bike on the ice towards Morin's nose. And suddenly I saw that a huge object was hanging over me. It was the size of a 9-storey building. It was already beginning to get dark, but in that direction - over Karaskovo - the sky was still blue. There was a gray outline and huge lights, a little rainbow. Most of all, they resembled Christmas balls, from which light is reflected.
There were many fishermen on Ladoga, and everyone saw it. On either side of the object were two plates. Then one of them started to move and entered a large object. Then I thought it was a serious matter. After looking a little more, I drove on. And suddenly I heard ... not even a sound, but, as it were, an oscillation of the atmosphere. Such "ooh ooh!" - even his ears were blocked. I turned around and the object disappeared.
Then about ten in the evening, five lights appeared in the sky (it seemed that the object had changed its shape). They slowly moved from Moryin's nose to Karaskovo. Four of them sent beams to the ground (two each).
A friend of mine tried to photograph all this, but the pictures came out indistinct.
Yes, everyone there saw these objects, not only fishermen and local residents, but also the soldiers of the rocket-military unit, standing on Morin's nose.
Were they interested in military bases?

On March 28 at 20.30, barely seeing an alien ship in the sky, people began to call the Pulkovo airport and the Pulkovo Observatory, but the instruments did not record UFOs. The airport dispatchers said that, although it was not visible on the radars, from the Tu-154 flying Moscow - St. Petersburg, they were told that they saw UFO lights "abeam" (that is, in the direction) of Kobona. At the Pulkovo Observatory, the callers were given the telephone number of the newspaper Anomaliya. The newspaper editor Tatyana Syrchenko invited eyewitnesses to the editorial office. Our correspondent also managed to attend this meeting.

Reserve lieutenant colonel, former teacher of the Military Space Academy. Mozhaisky Ivan Leontyevich Nezdaiminov told how he watched the object from the sports complex "Kavgolovo" in Toksovo. “I am a specialist in radio electronics and automated control and communication systems,” he said. - I'm 95 percent sure that the object was not of terrestrial origin. First, it has quiet motors. Secondly, it is not fixed on the locator - it does not reflect the signal. The flight trajectory of the object and the mini-ships mooring to it allows us to judge that they are controlled by intelligent beings. The version that these could be flares does not hold water. They do not shine for 20 minutes, and besides, the chandelier suspended by a parachute descends, and the object stood strictly in one place.

By the way, the Inform TV journalists of the Petersburg channel sent a request to the headquarters of the Leningrad Military District, and they were told that no exercises were held on March 28 in the evening.

The eyewitnesses and journalists gathered in the "Anomaly" mapped all the points from which the UFO was observed, and directions, and it turned out that at 20.30 he was seen in the area of ​​Lekhtusi, where the training regiment of the Military Space Academy is stationed. Lieutenant Colonel Nezdaiminov met with the soldiers of this regiment, and they said that they saw the object very closely.

Apparently, the object appeared over Garbolovo, where the airborne division is stationed, Siverskaya (Air Force base), Shushary, Gorelov (Pulkovo airport, Pulkovo Observatory). A little later, at ten - at the beginning of the eleventh, a UFO was seen over Ladoga.
And on April 1, we managed to see the UFO better. At about six in the morning, the flight support workers at Pulkovo airport were driving to their shift. Coming out of the train in Shushary, they saw two silvery flying saucers. The sun had not yet risen, but they were clearly visible in the lighted sky of the morning dawn. When asked what they looked like, the workers said: "Like ordinary plates." It must be a sight to behold for the people working on the runway.

Expert commentary: Mikhail Gershtein - more credibility and nothing to wish for!
- The massiveness of UFO sightings is the main confirmation of the reliability of its appearance. Independently of each other, people observed the object from dozens of settlements. He was seen through binoculars, telescopes, photographed, filmed. The photographs turned out to be indistinct, but everyone who filmed the object on videotape and a digital camera can clearly see everything. Five videos are currently known. Eyewitness testimonies converge in azimuth and elevation above the horizon. That is, the closer the observer was to the object, the higher above the horizon he saw. The same with the angular dimensions of the object - the closer to the "epicenter", the larger it seemed. Apparently, the object was huge - at least several tens of meters.

All azimuths taken in different settlements converge at one point - on March 28 at 20.30-21.00 a UFO was seen northeast of the village. Lehtusi, and at about 11 pm - on the coast of Ladoga, not far from Cape Morin.
There are, apparently, thousands of eyewitnesses, just not all of them thought it necessary to report this (and some of the callers admitted that they were afraid to “go to the psychiatric hospital”).
In general, there is nothing to wish for more reliability. Once again, it became clear how much you can trust eyewitnesses. None of them embellished anything, their readings and sketches coincide to the details.


12/20/2003, Khabarovsk
Anatoly Grigorievich: - We did not even understand why we looked at the sky. And raising their heads, we were stunned: literally before our eyes, an almost black incomprehensible object floated out of the clouds. Outwardly, it resembled a log, only somewhat rounded - even after many years that have passed since that time, the voice of my interlocutor is agitated. - This "log" was slowly floating in the sky. At the same time, we did not observe any noise from the working engines, any lights. At the same time, we were seized by a feeling of incomprehensible anxiety - the picture we saw had such a depressing effect on us ...
Local residents also watched an object emerging from the clouds for a minute and a half or two, until it disappeared behind the nearest hill. And the fishermen, having extinguished the fire, quickly got away to the hunt.
- Until now, I am concerned about the question: what was it? - Anatoly Grigorievich admitted. - Just some kind of UFO ...


1990 year. An armada of UFOs hovers over the Mexican capital Mexico City and the cities of Tepic Nayarit and Leon (Mexico).
Recorded a massive appearance of unknown flying objects over the territory of Russia.

On November 28, 1987, thirty-three UFOs flew over the eastern coast of Primorye. The flight took place at low altitude. The objects were shaped like cylinders, cigars and balls. Residents of 12 settlements of five districts of the Primorsky Territory became witnesses.

Between December 2007 and October 2008, a resident of the town of Berezovsky (Sverdlovsk Region) repeatedly filmed a group of dozens of unidentified objects flying over the territory where the strategic missile forces are located. The objects were in the form of cylinders, rhombuses, spheres and "tripods". The authenticity of the footage was confirmed by specialists from the Urals Air Navigation Department.

As can be seen from the above, pilots of alien aircraft do not care at all that many inhabitants of our planet are watching the flight of their ships. It is possible that they are quite deliberately demonstrating to us the power, number and capabilities of their starships. But then a reasonable question arises: for what purpose are they doing this? And we do not yet know the answer to this question.


Another UFO was spotted by people who had a camera at hand. A group of unidentified objects was recorded in the sky over Santiago. A video appeared on the Internet, which, according to the author, captured a fleet of alien UFOs. According to witnesses, a whole group of spaceships flew over the Chilean capital.

An expert at the Ufo Sightings Daily portal noted that he saw such aircraft in 1990 over Taiwan. He stressed that UFOs cannot be seen day or night as they are camouflaged, but they can be seen at sunset.


At the end of the 90s, we lived in Ukraine, in the Poltava region. The locals dubbed our village a geopathogenic zone: something strange was constantly happening there, and many abnormal people lived in the village itself (there is an insane asylum across the highway). By the way, car accidents often occurred on that route. And it was there that I saw what was later identified as a UFO.

It was a very late autumn evening. I walked home a neighbor with my little daughter. The distance from their house to mine was at most 500 meters, but there were no lanterns in the village, but it was very dark, so we walked very slowly.

The first one to notice "it" was my neighbor. Being shy from childhood, she began to emotionally point towards the track, over which some brightly glowing balls were hovering with a chaotic trajectory. The impression was that someone was rapidly rotating a stick lit at the end in the air.

I reacted less violently: not seeing anything suspicious in the balloons, I assumed that, perhaps, someone was just playing around with a flashlight. At that very moment, the balls, as if capturing the essence of what was said, suddenly took off and rushed towards us with great speed. The distance between us was closing in seconds. Seeing that things were taking an unexpected turn, we rushed towards the neighbor's house. They ran at breakneck speed, afraid to look back. We were seized with an incomparable horror! Having flown into the house and locked the doors, we watched flashes of light above the roof for thirty minutes, but this action was not accompanied by any sounds ...
The next day, it turned out that several more people had seen the phenomenon. Around the same time, a local couple were returning from a neighboring village through a field and noticed glowing spherical objects flying over the track, touching the wires. The wires sparkled from touching them.

After eloquent discussions, it was unanimously agreed that the village had been visited by UFOs. That's just my question: for what purpose does a UFO come to our planet and what do they need?


New UFO footage by the ISS camera on July 9, 2014
A photo taken by the surveillance camera of the International Space Station (ISS) shows what appears to be a UFO, shaped like a giant cigar, hovering nearby. Filming was carried out on July 9, 2014.
The object appears to have been there for approximately four minutes before disappearing. The craft was spotted by one of the ISS's outer cameras, which are usually directed towards the ground. The unsteady nature of the UFO and how slowly the object is moving has led some to conclude that it is not flare or similar aberration due to unusual lighting.

This is not the first time that ISS surveillance cameras have captured what appears to be a large UFO that is nearby. UFOs seem to be very similar to what can be seen on May 13, 2014 in the same camera image. The only difference is that half a dozen orange lights don't flash randomly.

Earlier on January 29, NASA's camera showed a seemingly sleek, elliptical UFO that docked with the hull of the International Space Station. The object was located between the Russian research module and the Soyuz escape capsule. The object was about 10 meters in size. Some have argued that the appearance of the UFO was associated with the ceremony of delivering the Olympic flag to the ISS. However, the ceremony on the ISS took place in November 2013, and the flag was only about a meter in size, much smaller than a UFO, which could have been about 10 meters.


2003 Orenburg
Unusual phenomena were observed for five years in the village of Akbulak-2. A former criminal and an employee of a penitentiary complex become neighbors at the entrance, however, this does not prevent them from peacefully coexisting. Oleg Stepanovich served in the colony for about 15 years, now he is retired. Once in 1989, Oleg Stepanovich came to the service, and there the employees retell each other the story of a conscript soldier. He was sitting the night before at the control room, accidentally looked up and saw a strange object outside the window, in the sky. It was in the form of an inverted crescent moon the color of dawn - red and blue. The object slowly descended and disappeared beyond the horizon, and there it somehow split, and five small crescents rose upward, which, in turn, disappeared into the sky.

Over time unidentified objects appeared already over the colony. One inmate saw UFO flying over the area. Three such things in the shape of an inverted basin. By the way, the soldiers on duty at night often observed how luminous large and small objects flew along the perimeter of the prison fence, hovering briefly. They appeared out of nowhere and suddenly disappeared.
Oleg Stepanovich himself once managed to meet with an unknown flying object. In 1994, in the early morning, he was fishing on the local river Akbulachka. The sky was clear, without clouds. And then he saw a silvery cigar-shaped object flying from the southeast to the southwest. If an airplane flew at this altitude, the roar of the engines would be heard. Later, Oleg Stepanovich was convinced of this more than once.


Rarely does it happen that information about a UFO sighting comes in such numbers as it was during the Belgian UFO wave in 1989. Not only were thousands of witnesses reported about UFO sightings, an object moving at an extraordinary speed was recorded by a radar station and for that an F-16 fighter was launched to intercept it.

It all began on November 29, 1989, when the first evidence emerged from a Belgian village. Observers spotted a massive triangular vessel in the sky with lights burning at the corners of the object and in its center. Unable to understand what they were seeing, people considered the object to be either an experimental aircraft or strange optical illusion.
It soon became clear, however, that the explanation for this incident lay within the fantasy world. As soon as the residents calm down, the ship returned. In fact, observations continued until April 1990.

The strangest encounter with the unknown occurred on March 30, 1990 - in addition to thousands of witnesses, the triangular object was recorded by two radar stations and a police captain, who wrote in a report that the strange object hovered over western part Glons town. It was then that the F-16 was launched into the air in an attempt to intercept the ship, but as soon as the fighter began to approach, the mysterious ship was instantly out of reach.

According to the radar readings, at one of the moments of the chase, the object actually made a decrease from 3000 meters to 150 meters in a time equal to five seconds.

Thus, the UFO easily dealt with any attempt to "catch" it. Perhaps the strangest moment in history is that in addition to being chased, the UFO managed to avoid being captured in the photograph. The subject was photographed numerous times, but the cameras did not register it properly.

Despite this, there is one photograph that has long been considered real - and only after 20 years has it been possible to find out that it is a fake. The rest of the incident remains completely unexplained.

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