Parsley: outdoor and window sill cultivation. Proper planting and care of parsley in the open field Is it possible to plant parsley in summer

Parsley is one of the most basic spices in our cuisine, it is simply impossible to imagine a festive feast without it. Salads, snacks, cold cuts, hot dishes - nothing can do without it. It stimulates the appetite and helps improve digestion. Every summer resident should know how to grow parsley, or at least how to plant parsley in his area. It can be grown at home on the windowsill all year round.

Parsley loves light fertile soil, moisture and sun, but it is better to grow it in slightly shaded places, protected from drafts. If there is a lot of water in the garden or the soil is too dense and dry, parsley will grow poorly, give little greenery and weak roots that are not suitable for storage. It is better that there is enough moisture, and the soil allows air to pass to the roots.

The bed for her in the fall is fertilized with humus. It is best if the manure was applied under the previous crop, for example, cucumbers or cabbage, and parsley will grow well in this place next spring. In the spring, before planting parsley (or how to sow parsley), you can apply complex mineral fertilizers. You can add superphosphate, because she loves phosphorus and potassium, but is practically indifferent to nitrogen. Therefore, some summer residents plant parsley in the spring among tomatoes, next to which it grows well. Many do not allocate separate beds, grow dill and parsley throughout the garden, this does not always lead to a good harvest.

You can grow dill and parsley at home on the windowsill all year round, only in winter you will have to add lighting at home so that the greenery does not stretch too much. Most often, leafy greens are grown at home from seeds in medium-sized pots or boxes with a depth of at least 20 cm. But it is possible to plant root parsley, you can even plant a root crop in a pot on the windowsill, just choose a deep pot, and cut the root a little to make it easier for him to receive water under new conditions.

In order to grow dill or parsley at home on a windowsill or balcony, it would be right to take a light, nutritious land, it is imperative to arrange a good drainage layer. On the windowsill, greenery sprouts quickly, all you need is an optimal watering regime and light.

Video "An example of landing for summer residents"

Demonstrative video with an example of how you can plant greens in the country.

How to soak seeds

Dill and parsley seeds are sown before winter or early spring. In autumn, you can do this if the winter is not too severe or there are no thaws. If a thaw happens, the seeds can germinate, and then the frost will kill them. Parsley can withstand temperatures not lower than -8 degrees, more severe frosts are fatal for it. It is safer to sow dill and parsley in early spring when the ground has thawed. Around the end of April, this happens in the middle lane. If dry, unprepared seeds are sown in the garden, they will germinate for a long time, so in the spring they are usually soaked or even germinated at home.

You can put the seeds on a cloth soaked in water, cover with gauze on top, you can simply fill them with warm water, cover the container with glass. Experienced gardeners do this: pour the seeds with hot water, drain after cooling, pour hot again - this is done for 1 - 2 days. After that, the seeds are folded on a wet cloth and left until they hatch (several days). Planting parsley with sprouted or germinated seeds is a common practice, this is done in order for the greens to sprout quickly.

It must be said that seed soaking has opponents. There is an opinion that along with the ethereal shell, due to which the greens of parsley, dill, carrots rise so slowly, the potassium reserve also dissolves. This leads to the fact that the crop can germinate quickly, but the sprouts are weak.

You can check everything only in practice, because everyone decides for himself how to grow parsley, whether it is worth soaking the seeds. Summer is not too long, waiting for the greens to sprout not 1 week, but as many as 3 - this is not everyone will choose. In addition, you can apply fertilizer before planting parsley.

Landing in the ground

After the earth has thawed, excess water has come down, mineral fertilizers have been applied to the soil, you can start sowing. Grooves are made in the garden, 2 cm deep, seeds are laid, watered, covered with earth on top. Some gardeners shed furrows before sowing with hot water, and then they no longer water from above. 0.5 g of seeds are sown per 1 square meter of beds. A distance of 15–20 cm is left between the furrows; the seeds are not laid too often.

In the northern regions, parsley and dill are sown in the spring as follows: in March, snow is swept from the garden bed, the furrows are shed with boiling water, sprinkled with wood ash, seeds are planted, sprinkled with dry earth, and snow is thrown onto the garden bed. Seedlings are very friendly appear quickly, as soon as the ground thaws. For this method, it is necessary to prepare grooves on the site in the fall, and hide the bag of earth in a barn so that it does not freeze.

You can grow seedlings at home on the windowsill, and as soon as the ground thaws, plant them in open ground. This method is only suitable for leaf crops, but the root one must be immediately sown in a permanent place, because the taproot cannot be transplanted from place to place in order for it to grow well. At home on the windowsill at a positive temperature, seedlings will appear quickly, for 5-6 days. After 1 - 1.5 weeks, a pair of true leaves will appear. After that, you can transplant the plants - plant them in the garden or just less often plant them in other pots at home.

How to care for parsley

If you sow parsley or dill often, you will need to thin them several times. To form a good rosette, the distance between plants should be at least 10 cm in the garden, and at home on the windowsill or balcony you can leave 5 cm. She loves moisture, so she needs to be watered, but do it moderately - if the water stagnates, the plants will rot. It would be correct to arrange drip irrigation from the time the seedlings emerged from the seeds.

Oddly enough, this is easier to do in the garden than at home - at home on the windowsill it is difficult to keep track of the humidity level, so you will have to pay attention to dill and parsley every day. Soil moisture needs to be checked and adjusted. The rest of the care for dill and parsley in the garden is the timely elimination of weeds, periodic feeding (if required).

When a stalk appears with three fully grown leaves, you can harvest. You need to cut off the outer stems near the ground itself - this stimulates growth, parsley will quickly grow greens. Picking leaves from the tops will slow growth. 60 - 70 days after it has risen, maturity sets in: there are at least 6 branches in each outlet, the leaves grow up to 15 cm with proper care.

During the summer, parsley gives 4 crops. Parsley and dill have a spicy smell that insects don't like, you need to use this - grow them throughout the garden (if you can create optimal conditions). When growing them at home on the windowsill, you can not worry about flies and mosquitoes all summer long.

Video "Secrets of growing parsley"

An informative video on how to grow your own parsley and which varieties to choose.

It is no secret that the so-called mixed landings have been practiced by various peoples since ancient times. The division of plants was as follows: main plants and satellite plants, the main role of which was to provide a favorable environment for the growth of the former, protect the soil from drying out and the reproduction of weeds and harmful insects. It is such a plant that the well-known beauty parsley is. It is thanks to her that you can provide yourself with an almost year-round crop, protect the soil from such undesirable one-sided depletion and make the most of the influence of various horticultural crops on the taste of each other.

Parsley as a growth stimulant

For example, planting strawberries, spinach and watercress together, rimmed with parsley, provides gardeners with consistent growth and fresh herbs throughout the growing season.

Parsley is not only beautiful, but also very useful. This is the only spicy herb that does not lose its properties during heat treatment, the whole secret is in special persistent phytoncides that have a pronounced antiseptic property.

The combination of onion beds, with the addition of radish seeds between plantings, and the same parsley makes it possible not only to harvest an excellent harvest of the first two crops, but also leads to the optimal development of the latter root crops in the future.

If in the spring on a meter-long bed you correctly distribute the crops of greenery in such a way that one of the lines turns out to be central, and the rest are located near the edge, already in May you can plant between slender rows of beds made ahead of time.

Gradual thinning of greens as they grow, allows for additional planting of head lettuce.

Natural sanitary for soil and plants

Parsley is famous for its abundance of vitamins in its composition, acids and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, iron, as well as enzyme substances. It also contains inulin, which optimizes the content and metabolism of glucose in the blood.

Make it a rule to sow after harvest and potatoes. After collecting and using greens, distribute onions, legumes or in the same place, this will avoid unnecessary depletion of the soil and observe the science-based principle of fruit change. Parsley also contributes to the health of vineyards.

Planted between rows of garden strawberries, it repels slugs, ants, aphids, which have a detrimental effect on roses, goes well with onions, carrots, beets, asparagus, strawberries, but forms an unsuccessful neighborhood with cucumbers.

Parsley is a versatile green crop used both raw in salads and dried as a condiment. This culture belongs to the genus of herbaceous biennials and belongs to the Umbrella family. The very first mention of this green culture was found by archaeologists on ancient Egyptian scrolls. She was so revered and in demand that many legends are told about her appearance. In its natural habitat, parsley grows actively along the entire Mediterranean coast. It is grown as a cultivated plant in America, Canada and throughout Europe. The most popular is usually parsley leaf.

Growing parsley in the garden. © Jacqueline Soule Content:

When and where to plant parsley?

Parsley seeds are usually sown in open ground towards the end of April, but winter sowing can also be done - at the end of October. Those who want to have fresh parsley throughout the warm season can be advised to sow it in a conveyor way, that is, from the end of April to the end of July every 12-14 days.

Under parsley, select the most well-lit area with loose, light in texture, fertile soil with moderate moisture. Excessively dry areas, as well as too wet (where the groundwater level is closer than a meter to the soil surface), flooded or waterlogged areas should not be selected, parsley will grow poorly there. The most suitable soil type for parsley is light loam or sandy loam with a pH level ranging from 6.5 to 7.0.

Try to choose an area where onions, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, cabbage, cucumbers or potatoes have grown before - these are excellent predecessor crops for parsley. On the soil where any umbrella crops were previously grown, that is, carrots, the same parsley, celery, fennel, dill, coriander and others, it is not recommended to grow parsley, but nearby it is quite possible. Parsley gets along well next to dill, near carrots, next to cilantro, legumes, tomatoes, cucumbers.

How to plant parsley?

Before planting parsley, after you have finally decided on the place and realized that it is simply not better to find a place for parsley in the garden, you need to prepare this site. Ideally, of course, the parsley plot should be prepared in the fall, because there is little time in the spring. It is necessary to try to prepare the soil at least a couple of weeks before sowing.

Given that leaf parsley responds very well to organic fertilizers, it is necessary to dig the soil in autumn (simultaneously with the removal of the maximum number of weeds and their parts) to add three kilograms of well-rotted manure or humus, 250-300 g of wood ash and a canteen a spoonful of nitroammophoska. Nitroammophoska can be applied both in autumn and in spring, nothing bad will come of it. Fertilizers can be scattered on the soil surface either separately from each other or mixed into one composition.

When the soil is ready, you can start preparing parsley seeds for sowing. Seed preparation can be carried out if the sowing will be in the spring, but when sowing in the fall, additional seed preparation is not required.

To speed up the germination of parsley seeds, you must first soak them (for an hour - an hour and a half), then dry them on a dry napkin to a state of flowability. Then it is advisable to place them in the refrigerator door for about a day, and after this time, soak again, but this time for 35-40 minutes, then dry again until flowable. After such a simple preparation, parsley seeds sprout quickly and amicably.

Sowing parsley seeds is usually carried out in grooves a little over a centimeter deep, spilled in advance with water at room temperature. When sowing between seeds, try to leave a centimeter, and between rows 45-55 cm. After sowing, fill the grooves with soil, preferably nutritious, and gently compact it. Parsley sprouts in different ways: it can sprout in a week, or maybe in three. Much depends on temperature, soil type, moisture level, seed age.

When sowing parsley before winter, in addition to the absence of the need for additional seed preparation, you should not water the furrows, but otherwise everything is the same.

Curly leaf parsley in the garden. © Alli

Caring for parsley outdoors

Caring for parsley is not at all complicated and does not differ in anything special. All activities are simple and understandable to every gardener, even a beginner. During the season, thinning of seedlings should be carried out, if it turned out that the parsley was sown thickly, remove weeds, loosen the soil, water and fertilize the soil.

At the very beginning of its development, parsley is especially sensitive to weeds. Until the seedlings gain strength, weeds will have to be removed, it is better to do this manually so that the blade of the hoe does not harm other parsley shoots. It is better to remove weeds not only in a row with parsley, but also in the aisles so that they do not draw moisture and nutrients from the soil, competing with parsley.

It is most convenient to remove weeds after heavy rain or watering, then they can be pulled out of the soil with part of the root system. Simultaneously with the removal of weeds, loosening of the soil can be carried out, completely removing the soil crust, this will improve air and water exchange.

Watering parsley

Leaf parsley loves plenty of moisture, but not its excess, so you need to water often, but moderately, without turning the garden into a swamp. If you want the leaves to be juicy, tender and fragrant, you need to water it every other day, early in the morning or late in the evening, you can’t pour over the leaves, burns may appear. It is desirable to water with water at room temperature; from watering with cold water, heat-loving parsley can freeze in growth and development. The best option is to pour rainwater from a barrel installed under the roof drain, from such water the parsley will grow by leaps and bounds.

Of course, you need to water and focus on the weather outside the window. So, if it is cold, cloudy, it is raining, then there is no need to carry out additional watering, but if it is hot and dry, then they are strictly required. They can even be daily if, for example, the soil in your area is sandy and does not hold moisture well. After watering, it is quite acceptable to mulch the soil with a centimeter-thick layer of humus, this is especially useful for parsley when it gains strength.

Parsley top dressing

Leaf parsley simply loves fertilizers, especially nitrogen ones. You can make them twice a season in the amount of 5-6 g per square meter of beds. They are applied both in the form dissolved in water and in dry form. It is advisable to apply nitrogen fertilizers 3-5 days after germination and a second time - a week after the first application. Doses of nitrogen fertilizers cannot be increased, in parsley (especially in petioles), from an excess of nitrogen, nitrates that are harmful to our body can accumulate.

In addition to nitrogen fertilizers, about a month before the first harvest, potassium salt can also be added to the soil in a teaspoon per square meter of beds or the soil can be mulched with wood ash at 150-200 g per square meter.

Harvesting parsley

You can start harvesting leaf parsley as soon as three bunches of leaves are formed on the stems. Stems with a pair or even with one segment should not be touched. If we talk about timing, then depending on the variety, parsley can be ready for harvesting 70 to 90 days after sowing the seeds.

When harvesting, try to cut the parsley stalks exactly under the root, do not cut only the tops, leaving the petioles. In this way, you will greatly slow down the growth of young shoots, while if you remove all the entire stems, new ones will form much faster.

If you only need a few parsley stalks, then try to remove them not from the inside of the plant, but from the outside. Such a cut will contribute to the full development of the remaining stems, they will be more lush and fragrant.

You can collect fresh parsley for a long period of time, usually the signal that the plant is starting to die off is the discoloration of the leaf blades: from bright green, they will slowly turn into pale green or even begin to turn yellow.

What to plant after parsley?

After the parsley is removed, you need to decide what can be planted next in this place. These are, in fact, any crops, except for representatives of umbrella, celery and parsley itself. These crops can be planted on the site where parsley grew, after four years.

Crops such as garlic, onions, tomatoes, legumes, and potatoes will thrive in this area.

parsley varieties

In conclusion, we will talk about the varieties of leaf parsley. Thanks to the work of breeders, there are currently about 76 varieties in the State Register. Among the novelties of leaf parsley, one can distinguish such cultivars as: Azhur (2017), Arlekino (2017), Bakhmaro (2017), Poti (2017) and Fidelio (2017).

Openwork, - an early variety of parsley, 70-75 days pass before the first harvest. It has a spreading rosette of leaves, reaching a height of 30 cm. The leaves are rich green in color, rather short, have the shape of a triangle and a slight waviness along the edge. The shoots are medium leafy, the petioles are short, medium in thickness, without anthocyanin coloration. After the first cut, the green mass of parsley grows quite quickly. From one plant, you can collect up to one hundred grams of green mass. The aroma of green mass is good, the yield is up to one and a half kilograms per square meter.

arlekino, is also a fairly early parsley variety, about 80 days pass before the first harvest. Plants have a semi-vertical rosette of leaves, reaching a considerable height - up to half a meter. Leaf blades are green, rather long, have the shape of a narrow triangle. A slight waviness is visible along the edge. The length of the petiole is medium, as well as the thickness, there is a slight anthocyanin coloration. After the first cut, the green mass of parsley actively grows. From one plant, you can collect up to 150 g of greens with a delicious aroma. From a square meter, the yield is about two kilograms.

Bakhmaro, - also an early ripe parsley cultivar, a little more than 80 days pass from sowing to harvesting the first harvest. The rosette of leaves in the variety is slightly inclined, reaches a height of 47 cm. The leaf blades are rich green, rather long, have the shape of a narrow triangle. The edge of the leaf blade is slightly wavy. The petiole of the parsley leaf is of medium length and thickness, with a slight anthocyanin coloration of the petiole. Green mass after the first cut grows very well. From one plant, you can collect about 130 g of green mass with an excellent aroma. From a square meter, the yield is about two kilograms of green mass.

Poti, - also an early ripe variety of parsley, 70-75 days pass before the fruit is harvested. The rosette of leaf blades is slightly inclined and has a height of 33-38 centimeters. The leaf blades are green and rather long, have the shape of a triangle and a slight waviness along the edge. The petiole is very long and medium in thickness, has a weak anthocyanin coloration. The green mass of parsley grows very well after the first cut. From one plant, you can collect a little more than forty grams of green mass, which has an excellent aroma, and from a square meter you can collect a little more than two kilograms of green mass.

Fidelio, - this variety of parsley is of medium ripeness, usually a little more than 80 days pass before harvesting. The rosette of leaf blades is strictly vertical, they reach a height of 42 cm. The leaf blades themselves are rich green, rather long, and have the shape of a triangle. The edges of the leaf blades are slightly wavy. The petiole is quite long and medium in thickness, devoid of anthocyanin coloration. After the first cut, the green mass grows quite well. From a square meter you can collect about two kilograms of greenery, from a bush a little more than a hundred grams.

In general, parsley is quite easy in agricultural technology, and everyone can grow it in their garden.

Parsley is a common shrub plant of the Umbelliferae family, often used for cooking various dishes, preserving and drying. It can be found in almost every corner of the globe; it is leaf varieties that are most popular.

The easiest and most effective way to get fresh and fragrant greens is to plant parsley seeds in open ground. In the article we will tell you all the subtleties and features of this process.

Parsley seeds show good germination rates, so gardeners prefer to plant the crop in the seed way in open ground.

Growing seedlings is a troublesome and time-consuming task. It is recommended to start sowing seeds in the garden from the second half of April during spring planting or from the second decade of October during autumn planting for the winter.

The plant has high frost resistance, so the planting period in cold regions is not shifted. It is especially important to observe planting dates when growing parsley root varieties, as they need a long time to form root crops.

When grown in regions with a warm climate, the conveyor method of sowing leaf varieties of parsley can be used. To do this, until the end of July, new seedlings can be planted at intervals of two weeks.

Location selection

It is advisable to choose a site for growing parsley that is well lit, with fertile and loose soil. The most suitable for this culture are loams and sandy loams of medium acidity.

To ensure harmonious growth, it is advisable to follow the rules of crop rotation, the best predecessors for parsley are cucurbits, tomatoes, cabbage and potatoes. The place for growing all umbrella plants needs to be changed every 3-4 years.

Seed preparation before planting

Parsley seeds contain essential oils, which are bad for germination. To speed up this process, the seed must be processed in advance.

Parsley seed preparation technology:

  1. 14 days before the start of planting, the seed material must be soaked in warm water at room temperature for 48 hours, changing the liquid every 4 hours.
  2. After that, the seeds are dipped into a biostimulant solution (Epin, Zircon or Ecogel) to improve germination. It is desirable to further enrich it with oxygen, which significantly improves the effectiveness of the procedure.
  3. Planting can be carried out immediately after processing, however, some gardeners recommend drying the seeds first.

Unlike other crops, it is not necessary to treat parsley seeds with a disinfectant solution, since seedlings and adult plants secrete essential oils that repel most pests and infections.

How to plant?

Most often, ordinary leaf parsley is grown from seeds in open ground. Preparing the site is desirable to start in the fall. To do this, during the autumn digging of the ridge, organic fertilizers should be added, to which parsley reacts with active growth.

For this, cow dung or humus is used at the rate of 4-5 kg ​​/ m 2. For poor and infertile soils, it is advisable to additionally apply complex fertilizer 3-4 weeks before planting the seeds.

With the seed method of planting parsley in open ground, the seed is taken at the rate of 1 g per 1 m 2, regardless of the plant variety.

Landing Instructions:

  1. Before sowing seeds in spring, the site should be plentifully watered with warm water and loosen the top layer of soil. The procedure is preferably carried out in the morning.
  2. Leaf parsley is planted in furrows with an interval of 4-6 cm and a embedment depth of up to 7 mm. When planting root varieties in open ground, the distance between plants should be increased by 2-3 cm. The distance between rows is up to 12 cm.
  3. After that, the top layer of soil must be compacted, water the area again and cover the planting with a film until the first shoots.

Covering material can be removed after the first shoots appear. After 2 weeks, you need to thin out the planting, removing weak and stunted plants.

Further care

The quality of greenery and the volume of the crop depends on proper care.

Despite the fact that parsley is an unpretentious culture, it is recommended to carry out the following procedures:

  1. Watering should be moderate and carried out only in dry weather, and also as the topsoil dries out. It is desirable to water the bed in the morning, use slightly cool water.
  2. Every two weeks, you need to loosen the aisle, remove weeds. Mulching is key when growing umbrella crops. This will avoid the appearance of unwanted vegetation in the garden, and will also keep water in the ground. Sawdust or peat is used as mulch.
  3. Fertilize twice a season. Nitrogen compounds are used as fertilizers, for example, ammonium nitrate (50 g of product per 10 m 2).

If the rules of care are not followed, as well as in rainy seasons, the risk of infection of parsley with powdery mildew and stolbur increases. If characteristic signs of the disease are found, infected plants must be destroyed and treated with a complex systemic fungicide (HOM, a solution of copper sulphate or colloidal sulfur).

Leaf parsley is a fragrant spicy plant, indispensable for cooking and decorating many dishes. This is an unpretentious culture that is easy to plant and grow on your site, even in adverse climate conditions.

When growing all umbrella plants, it is necessary to observe the irrigation conditions and monitor the condition of the leaves, as well as regularly thin out the planting and carry out mulching.

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