The most effective means for fast hair growth. The best remedies for hair growth in women What are the ways for hair growth

Long, shiny, strong hair flowing over the shoulders is the ultimate dream of every woman, regardless of her age and social status. Long hair looks very impressive, and therefore many girls and women strive to have just such a hair. In adulthood, the representatives of the weaker sex usually have short haircuts, but in their youth, almost everyone dreams of long hair. Growing the desired length is not as easy as it seems. Reaching a certain length, the hair can begin to delaminate, and their owner has to cut split ends from time to time. A desperate woman in the struggle for the ideal hair length tries all available means - from pharmacy to folk recipes, achieving variable success. But it is worth remembering that beautiful and long hair is not only but also an important indicator of a woman's health. Hair, like skin, can say a lot about how well the body of their owner is functioning. If you have hair problems that cannot be solved with cosmetics and a change in shampoo, you should contact a medical specialist. After the examination, the doctor can name the true reason for the slowdown in hair growth.

Causes of Slow Hair Growth

As a rule, the reasons can be internal and external. The internal causes of slow hair growth include the following:

  • Lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body. The absence of such macro- and microelements as sulfur, calcium, iron, iodine, selenium, silicon, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, chromium and others significantly affects the condition of the hair. Vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis of beta-carotene, B vitamins, tocopherol, vitamins D and C also slow down hair growth and worsen their structure.
  • Insufficient blood supply to the cells of the scalp of various origins. Due to this reason, the hair follicles do not receive oxygen in the proper amount.
  • The mature age of a woman, in which hormonal changes in the body occur and deterioration in the growth and appearance of hair.
  • The presence of various ailments in a woman, including the gastrointestinal tract, the endocrine system, diseases of the hair follicles.
  • Stressful situations and unhealthy lifestyle.

External causes that provoke slow hair growth include:

  • Exposure to environmental aggressors: ultraviolet sunlight, wind, frost, exhaust gases, etc.
  • Using hot styling with a hairdryer and ironing.
  • Perm and aggressive coloring.
  • Wrong shampoo and hair care products.

Ingoda, several factors act in combination, and their negative impact has a cumulative effect on the hair. Their growth slows down, the hair becomes dull and lifeless. After the examination, the doctor will make a diagnosis. Then the picture will be clear. The disease will need to be treated with drugs prescribed by the doctor. Most likely, in addition to the main therapy, the doctor will prescribe a complex of vitamins. If no serious disease is detected, then it will be enough to adjust the diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. In addition, the beauty industry does not leave women alone with their problems. Beauty stores and pharmacies abound with products that help intensify hair growth and help strengthen hair follicles.

Proper nutrition for hair growth

Nutritionists say that with a properly balanced diet, health problems will never arise. If you correctly develop a diet, include foods rich in vitamins and minerals, maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, then a beautiful and blooming view is provided.

Let's see what is good for hair growth and what substances must be present in our daily diet.

To ensure the normal growth of healthy hair, you need a balanced diet:

  • Proteins must be present in the required amount. Sources include lean meats, eggs, nuts, and fish.
  • Fats in the form of unsaturated fatty acids, which are present in fatty fish, vegetable oils.
  • Complex carbohydrates found in fruits, vegetables, whole grain flour, bran.

We list the vitamins that contribute to normal hair growth:

  • Vitamin C(for active blood flow and full absorption of iron, accelerates hair growth). It is found in large quantities in rose hips, bell peppers, citrus fruits, currants, etc.
  • B vitamins strengthen the hair structure, make them thick, shiny and elastic, promote normal growth. Contained in cereals, brewer's yeast, nuts.
  • Beta-carotene, or vitamin A, gives hair softness and silkiness, moisturizing and fighting split ends. Vitamin A is found in eggs, liver, butter, orange-colored vegetables and fruits.
  • Tocopherol, or vitamin E, has a healing effect on the entire structure of the hair - from the bulb to the tip, acts as a protector and improves blood circulation in the skin of the head. This vitamin is found in vegetable oils, nuts, eggs and green vegetables.
  • Tyrosine, which is an amino acid, protects hair from premature aging and the appearance of gray hair.

In addition to vitamins, to strengthen and grow hair, it is necessary to include macro- and microelements in the daily diet:

  • Zinc fights gray hair and hair loss (onion, garlic, seafood).
  • Copper also promotes hair health (cereals, pumpkin, apricots).
  • Phosphorus gives the hair a bright color and maintains the elasticity of the structure (legumes, fish).
  • Magnesium makes hair elastic (dried apricots, herbs, nuts).
  • Sulfur gives shine and strength (legumes, garlic, fish, liver).
  • Silicon strengthens the hair structure (root crops, cucumbers, zucchini).
  • Iodine heals hair, enhancing local metabolism (mushrooms, seafood, persimmon).
  • Iron improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to the scalp (meat, liver).
  • Calcium needed to build the correct structure of the hair (sesame, dairy products).
  • Selenium plays the role of a protector from the harmful effects of the environment (milk, meat, rye bread).

The Best and Worst Products for Hair Growth

Thus, to summarize what is good for hair growth:

  • Seafood: fish, seafood (protein, zinc, iodine, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus).
  • Leafy vegetables and greens (calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins A and C).
  • Poultry meat (easily digestible protein and iron).
  • A variety of vegetable oils (vitamins E, A, D and unsaturated fats).
  • Chicken eggs (easily digestible protein and B vitamins).
  • Root vegetables (magnesium, potassium, vitamins A and B).
  • Cereal crops (vitamins of group B).
  • Legumes (biotin, iron, zinc).
  • Nuts and seeds (vitamin E and unsaturated fats, selenium and zinc).
  • Milk and dairy products (calcium, vitamins A and D).

There is also a list of products that adversely affect the growth and condition of human hair. These include:

  • Sugar (including carbonated drinks), the excess of which in the body acts as a toxin. Among other things, it makes the scalp more oily.
  • Salt, as well as fast food and convenience foods, abundant in this substance, prevent the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • Caffeine blocks the absorption of potassium, zinc, vitamins B and C.

Pharmacy vitamin complexes for hair growth and strengthening

If, nevertheless, correct nutrition is not able to solve the problem of slow hair growth, then it is necessary to pay attention to vitamin complexes for hair growth. In pharmacies, such funds are now presented in a wide range. Pharmaceutical companies produce multivitamin complexes aimed directly at improving and enhancing their growth. Their composition is balanced, based on the daily human need for a particular vitamin or mineral, which is good for hair growth. The intake of one or another vitamin-mineral complex should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the individual properties of the body. Self-selection of the drug may threaten with an allergic reaction. Among the most famous multivitamin complexes for growth are the following:

  • "Revalid" is a drug based on a group of amino acids and vitamins, which has a beneficial effect on the growth of hair and nails.
  • "Pantovigar", the effectiveness of which women note after a six-month course. Active vitamins and minerals penetrate the bulb and strengthen it, promote accelerated hair growth.
  • "Perfectil" is an English drug loved by many Hollywood beauties. Significantly improves the growth and structure of nails and hair after a monthly course of taking the drug.
  • "Vitasharm" is a domestic drug prescribed for a month.
  • "Vitrum Beauty Elite" is an American remedy containing vitamins, minerals and substances of plant origin that have a positive effect on hair growth and strengthening.
  • "Complivit Radiance" refers to biologically active additives of Russian production. In addition to vitamins and minerals, it contains green tea extract and lipoic acid.
  • "Inneov Thickness of Hair" is also a dietary supplement, but French-made. Differs in the grape seed extract included in the composition. The course of application is at least 3 months.


In addition to vitamin and mineral complexes, other products are also sold in pharmacies for hair growth. These include shampoos and sprays that have a therapeutic effect. They strengthen the hair structure, promote their growth.

Spray for hair growth is not only effective, but also easy to use. Thanks to this form of release, it can be applied directionally and dosed. There are rinse-off and leave-on sprays. Manufacturers include various biologically active substances in the composition of these products: vitamins, plant extracts, moisturizing ingredients, which is good for hair growth.

Among the most famous sprays for hair growth are the following:

  • "B.U.T.Y" from "Kera-Nova" - home-made hair spray. This serum is applied to clean and damp hair and does not need to be rinsed off. The chili pepper extract, castor oil, keratin and panthenol included in the composition strengthen the hair follicles, stimulate growth and moisturize. The effect is noticeable after a month of use. The price pleasantly surprises with its affordability.
  • "Platinus V" is a mask-spray of domestic production, enriched with pine extract, burdock oil and humic acid. This spray needs intensive rinsing.
  • Kerastase Stimulist is a luxury nourishing spray for hair growth from a French manufacturer. It contains arginine, glycolipids, aminexil, vitamins and enzymes. They provide intensive hair growth and visibly strengthen the structure. Designed for daily use, needs to be rinsed off. The course is quite long - 6 months. The price of this spray is quite high.
  • "Alerana" - a drug in the form of a hair spray. A product based on the highly effective substance Minoxidil actively fights hair loss and stimulates their growth. "Alerana" for hair growth gives a noticeable effect after 4 weeks of use. The spray is applied to clean scalp and is not washed off. However, this drug has contraindications: age up to 18 years, pregnancy and lactation, after 65 years. The remedy may also cause dermatitis.
  • Spray "Energizer" from Hobe Laboratories is positioned as a hair growth activator. It has an enriched composition, which includes natural extracts of rosemary, horsetail, arnica, jojoba and juniper oils and pantothenic acid. The spray is applied to clean, dry hair, does not need to be washed off. As a result, hair follicles are strengthened, growth is enhanced. Hair becomes dense, elastic and alive.

homemade hair growth sprays

For those who do not want to spend huge amounts of money on expensive products from stores, there are healing hair recipes designed for home cooking.

Here, for example, is a recipe for an herbal hair spray. To prepare it, you will need mint, burdock, string, chamomile, St. John's wort and calendula. All herbs are taken in a teaspoon, a cinnamon stick is also added. The mixture is poured with boiling water with a volume of about 250 ml. Infused until cool, then filtered. 1 can of ginseng infusion is added to the filtrate. Before use, the composition is poured into a spray bottle and nicotinic acid is added. If you have it, you can replace it with pepper tincture. The effect of using such a spray is obvious. Accelerated growth, improvement in hair structure will please you.

There is an easier recipe for a homemade spray for hair growth and density. To prepare it, you will need fresh lemon juice (8 tablespoons), distilled water - 2 cups, 2 tablespoons of vodka, two or three drops of rosemary and ylang-ylang oil. Mix all the ingredients in a convenient container with a sprayer and let it brew for a day in the refrigerator. The spray nourishes the hair follicles and promotes their accelerated growth.

Folk recipes for hair growth and beauty

In addition to hair sprays, various folk remedies can be used at home. These are various oils, masks, infusions. Our great-grandmothers kept beauty recipes that are passed down from generation to generation. They have proven their effectiveness through centuries of use. In today's world, replete with industrial beauty products, folk recipes are still relevant. Women trust them because they are distinguished by their natural composition and affordability. Homemade masks give instant results, since the biologically valuable substances in them are in an active state, and their assimilation is much more efficient than from pharmaceutical preparations.

Burdock oil for hair growth and strengthening

Burdock oil, the price of which is very small, is an excellent tool for hair. Since ancient times, it has been used by beauties for hair care. This oil is obtained from burdock roots by oil extraction. The oil contains many biologically active substances: vitamins, protein substances, minerals, inulin, tannins, stearic and burdock oil. The use of burdock oil occurs according to the wrapping scheme: oil is applied to wet clean hair, rubbed into the roots and distributed along the length. Then the hair is wrapped in polyethylene and a towel. After two hours, the oil must be washed off with shampoo. The procedure can be repeated 1-2 times a week. Burdock oil is applicable for damaged hair, as it restores their structure well. You can combine this remedy with egg yolks, lemon juice, honey, other oils (castor, chamomile, wheat, jojoba, rosehip), mustard, onion juice. You can also add burdock oil, the price of which is in the range of 20-130 rubles per bottle, to your regular shampoo and enjoy the excellent quality of your hair after washing.

Can chicken eggs improve hair quality?

This is such a simple and affordable product that many are surprised by the fact that a chicken egg effectively helps with a hair growth problem that has arisen. The balanced composition of the egg, which includes a large amount of protein, vitamins B, D, A and B 2 , amino acids, mineral compounds, lecithin and cholesterol, has a beneficial effect on the hair structure, acting regeneratively. The hair under the influence of biologically active substances of the egg becomes soft and silky smooth.

Eggs for hair growth are included in a variety of masks. You can mix an egg with burdock oil, honey and cognac, aloe, lemon juice, yogurt and other nutritious ingredients. Such masks are applied to clean hair, wrapped and aged for several hours. Then you need to wash your hair and enjoy the result.

Herbal infusions for hair growth and strengthening

The use of plant infusions is also an old and very effective way to stimulate growth and improve the quality of hair. Examples include the following tinctures for hair growth:

  • A tablespoon of nettle is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for an hour. This lotion is rubbed into the hair roots several times a week.
  • Three tablespoons of coltsfoot insist in a liter of boiling water, strain and rinse your hair after each wash.
  • One large hot red pepper insist in 100 g of vodka for 2-3 weeks in a dark place. The result is the legendary pepper tincture, which has an unsurpassed stimulating effect on the hair roots. You can use the tincture separately, rubbing it into the scalp, or add it to various masks, mixed with honey, burdock oil or beer.
  • Insist 2-3 tablespoons of calendula flowers in a small amount of boiling water or alcohol. The tincture is used as a rinse after shampooing. This tool strengthens hair, fights split ends and dandruff.

Most effectively, all of the above means for hair growth and strengthening work in combination. To the main therapy prescribed by the doctor, add various masks or sprays. What means to give preference - home or industrial, decide for yourself. The main thing is the regularity of use and compliance with all recommendations of specialists. The result will not be long in coming. Hair as a reward for care will grow faster and will delight you with its healthy shine, density and splendor.

When hair falls out, grows poorly in length, splits at the ends, this can be a temporary reaction to stress, an infection, or hormonal failure. But it can also become a chronic phenomenon leading to complete baldness, especially in the presence of hereditary factors. Noticing that the hair is thinning, many panic and begin to look for a remedy for hair growth ...

The best assistant in this matter is a trichologist. It is he who will be able to correctly determine the cause of hair loss and prescribe treatment. However, in order for you to be able to maintain a constructive dialogue with him, it is useful to at least orient yourself a little in the means for hair growth, because now there is a real sea of ​​​​them.

Folk remedies for hair growth: the power of natural ingredients

Known for more than one century, folk remedies are distinguished by their naturalness, availability and low cost. They are also popular due to the fact that they can be prepared at home, knowing exactly the composition of the resulting mixture.


A mask is a thick or liquid mixture that is applied to the hair and scalp before or after washing. Depending on the composition, the mask should be left on the head from half an hour to two hours, after which it must be thoroughly washed off. Fatty mixtures are washed off with shampoo, non-greasy ones - with water, sometimes with the addition of lemon juice. Masks are made no more than twice a week. The following homemade recipes are popular:

  • Burdock mask. Burdock oil, liquid soap, honey and onion juice are mixed in equal proportions. For hair of medium length (up to the shoulder blades), one tablespoon of each component is enough. Everything should be thoroughly mixed, applied to the head with massaging movements and left for two hours. Then rinse your hair with lemon juice to get rid of the onion smell.
  • Honey egg mask. Mix one raw egg with two teaspoons of honey and two teaspoons of vegetable (preferably olive) oil. Apply to hair and hold for 20-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo.
  • Protein-yeast mask. Whisk the white of one egg into a foam, add a tablespoon of dry yeast. Apply the mixture to the hair with massaging movements, leave it for an hour, after wrapping your head with a towel. Wash off the mask with shampoo.

The result of using masks manifests itself individually: someone sees an improvement in the condition of the hair after the first time, someone needs several weeks, someone comes to the conclusion that this is a profanation ...


These are liquids that are applied during the last rinse of the hair after shampooing to make the hair smoother. As a result, the hair is less tangled, which means that it breaks less and falls out less when combing.

The following homemade rinse recipes are known (remember to strain before use):

  • With calamus root. Four tablespoons of crushed calamus root should be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and left to infuse for half an hour, after which it can be used.
  • With oak bark. You need to take three tablespoons of oak bark powder, brew in three cups of boiling water and let it brew for six hours.
  • With citrus. Half a lemon and half an orange should be poured with one and a half liters of warm water and left for half an hour.

To obtain a visible effect, it is recommended to use rinses for two months, each time a fresh portion should be prepared.


These are water-based liquid products that can be used daily. They are applied to the scalp with a cotton swab with tapping movements. Styling products such as wax, varnish, etc. must first be removed. The action of lotions is designed to stimulate hair follicles to accelerate hair growth. Homemade lotions can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

  • Mint lotion. Pour a handful of fresh peppermint leaves with 0.5 cups of wine vinegar, after half an hour add a glass of water and bring it all to a boil. Simmer over low heat for 7-10 minutes, cool and strain. Essential oils, biologically active and tannins of mint will strengthen the hair and help their growth.
  • Lemon lotion. Mix a teaspoon of lemon juice in 50 ml of vodka and rub the resulting mixture into the scalp. The lotion has a warming effect and activates blood circulation in the scalp.


These are products similar in thickness to concentrated shampoo and are designed to cleanse the scalp. Their difference from shampoos is in small inclusions that exfoliate the skin flakes on the head. As a result of their use, skin respiration improves, blood supply to hair follicles increases, hair becomes stronger, becomes shiny, falls out less and grows better. At home, salt, coffee and soda scrubs are most often made. They should be applied with massaging movements for 3-4 minutes. It is not recommended to use scrubs on dyed hair and in the presence of wounds and inflammations on the head.

You can offer the following universal scrub recipe: mix three tablespoons of shampoo with a tablespoon of salt or dead coffee grounds. For oily scalp, it is recommended to use soda. You can use a hair scrub no more than once every two weeks.

Despite the attractiveness of home remedies, there is a downside: it takes time to prepare them, they are not stored for a long time, the effect is not guaranteed due to the lack of a technological base. Also at home there is no way to accurately assess the quality of raw materials. Therefore, many turn - and rightly so - to ready-made cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations.

Cosmetic preparations: efficiency and speed

The most effective is an integrated approach to hair treatment, so cosmetic brands are developing entire product lines that act and apply in different ways. Shampoos and lotions- These are frequent use care products that are applied to the scalp and hair. Shampoos combine a cleansing effect with a healing one, they require rinsing. Lotions are applied after shampooing, they do not need to be washed off. Serums- concentrates of useful substances that must be rubbed into the scalp for several weeks 1-2 times a week. dietary supplement- complexes of vitamins and microelements for oral administration according to the scheme indicated in the instructions. They are used for hair loss due to improper diet or metabolic disorders.

Rene Furterer Forticea line

French cosmetics brand Rene Furterer has specially developed the Forticea range to address the problem of stress and chronic hair loss.

  • Shampoo. A frequent use treatment that gently cleanses and strengthens hair. The effect is achieved through the inclusion of special microcapsules. Their shell consists of seaweed, and the filling is made up of essential oils of orange, rosemary and lavender. When washing the hair, the capsules break open and release the beneficial contents. The price is about 2000 rubles for a bottle of 200 ml. The result becomes noticeable after 2-3 weeks, the hair begins to fall out much less.
  • Serums RF80 and Triphasic. RF 80 is designed for those who have begun to lose their hair due to stress, malnutrition, medication or pregnancy. This serum compensates for the lack of vitamins, minerals, amino acids due to essential oils and plant extracts that quickly penetrate into the hair and hair follicles. Contains argan extract, methionine, panthenol. According to the manufacturer, hair density returns, growth accelerates. Rub this serum into the scalp twice a week for three months. The course of treatment is recommended twice a year. A set of 12 ampoules costs about 4,000 rubles, two sets are needed for one course.
    Triphasic used for chronic hair loss. Contains extracts of pfaffia and pumpkin seeds, essential oils of lavender, orange, a complex of vitamins and cyclodextrins. The course of treatment is 12 weeks. In the first 4 weeks, you will need to rub the serum into the scalp twice a week, in the remaining 8 weeks - once. In total, the course requires 16 ampoules, one pack of 8 ampoules costs about 6,000 rubles.

It is easiest to purchase this line in online stores, but since the price is quite high, contact reputable sellers to avoid buying counterfeit products. It is best if your doctor recommends the outlet to you. Also, the Forticea complex can be purchased at some pharmacies, as a rule, by prior order.


Another French brand. Offers remedies to help with chronic and reactive hair loss.

  • Shampoo "Anafaz". Enhances blood microcirculation in the scalp, stimulating hair growth. Available in 200 ml tubes (cost about 900 rubles) and 400 ml bottles (cost about 1100 rubles). Active ingredients - vitamins B5, B6, B8, tocopherol nicotinate and ruscus extract.
  • Lotions "Kreastim" and "Neoptid" for women."Kreastim" is intended for the treatment of stress hair loss, "Neoptid" - chronic. As part of "Kreastim" - a composition of four amino acids (aspartic acid, valine, lysine, tyrosine), creatine, vitamins of group B. Available in the form of a spray. It is recommended to apply three times a week for three months. The cost of a package of two bottles of 30 ml is about 3000 rubles. The active substances of the Neoptid lotion are neoruscin, nicotinamide, the GP4G biocomplex. They lengthen the hair growth phase and thus prevent chronic hair loss. The course of treatment is three months, the lotion must be applied daily. It is also available in the form of a spray, in a package there are three bottles of 30 ml each, the cost of one package is about 3,000 rubles.
  • BAA Anacaps tri-Activ. Oral capsules contain evening primrose oil, methionine, cystine, iron, vitamin PP, beeswax, vitamin E, lecithin, vitamins B6 and B8. The drug eliminates hair fragility, reduces hair loss. Take one capsule daily for three months. The cost of a package of 30 capsules is about 1500 rubles.

You can buy products of this line in online cosmetics stores and in a number of pharmacies (usually on order).

Line "Alerana"

Popular domestic remedies for strengthening and growing hair, as well as preventing baldness. Sold in pharmacies, supermarkets, online stores.

  • Shampoo. Provides, in parallel with mild cleansing, intensive hair nutrition, activates the production of collagen and elastin. Contains natural growth stimulants, moisturizers, proteins. The price of a bottle of 250 ml is about 400 rubles.
  • Spray minoxidil 2% and 5%. Minoxidil improves vascular tone, resulting in increased blood flow to the scalp, improved nutrition of the hair roots, and awakened hair follicles. At the initial stage of baldness, a 2% spray is prescribed - 60 ml cost about 600 rubles. If the result is not observed within 6 weeks, a 5% spray is prescribed - 60 ml cost about 900 rubles.
  • Serum. Designed for daily use, the course of treatment is 4 months. The complex of plant components slows down the aging process of the follicles and prevents baldness. A bottle of 100 ml can be bought for 600 rubles.
  • dietary supplement. A distinctive feature of these tablets is the day and night formulas. Daily tablets contain selenium, folic acid, magnesium, iron, beta-carotene, vitamins C, E, B1. At night, you should take tablets containing L-cystine, zinc, chromium, biotin, nettle extract, pantothenic acid, vitamins B2, B6, B12. Thus, the daily rhythms of hair growth and metabolism in the scalp are taken into account. A package (60 tablets) is designed for a full monthly course of administration, it costs about 600 rubles. The drug improves the condition of the scalp, gives shine and strength to the hair.

The specialists of the manufacturer emphasize that for the successful use of the products of the line, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of hair loss.

Cosmetic preparations, as a rule, give the first visible effect after a few weeks of use. However, they are expensive, and primarily due to marketing. For many, it is much easier and more pleasant to use the means of an expensive cosmetic brand than to admit that there is a medical problem. Pharmaceutical preparations are also effective, but cost less.

Pharmacy products for hair growth: a professional approach

Pharmacists do not stand aside and offer, on the one hand, vitamins and dietary supplements, on the other hand, cosmetics: shampoos, balms, masks, fluids, activator sprays for hair growth, oils for activating hair growth.

In addition, in pharmacies you can buy individual components of expensive formulations: nicotinic acid, B vitamins, vitamin E. They are used to make homemade masks and hair lotions. However, if you make a mistake in the proportions, you can achieve the exact opposite result and the hair will begin to fall out more. Therefore, let's turn to pharmacy products that are ready for use.


Sold in online stores and large pharmacies, they should be taken only as directed by a doctor. The most popular are:

  • "Pantovigar". It is used for diffuse alopecia in men and women, due to genetic causes or severe infectious diseases. Ingredients: cystine, vitamins B1 and B5, calcium pantothenate, yeast, para-aminobenzoic acid, keratin. The course of treatment is 3–6 months, 1 capsule per day, a package (90 capsules) costs about 1800 rubles.
  • Vitrum Beauty. Vitamins are designed specifically for women. They are used for hair problems caused by malnutrition, hormonal disruptions, chemotherapy. The course of treatment is 1–2 months, 1 capsule per day, a package (30 capsules) costs about 800 rubles. Ingredients: L-methionine, L-cysteine, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, papain, B vitamins, horsetail extract, para-aminobenzoic acid, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, selenium, boron, magnesium, zinc, iron.
  • perfectil. The course of treatment is 1 month, 1 capsule per day, a package (30 capsules) costs about 600 rubles. Ingredients: B vitamins, magnesium, iron, zinc, silicon, selenium, copper. It is prescribed for baldness of any nature to men and women.

Sometimes an allergic reaction develops on vitamins. In this case, they should be changed.

dietary supplement

Biologically active additives are not medicines, however, before use, consultation with a specialist is still necessary. They are used as an additional source of food and biologically active substances. Among dietary supplements for hair growth, an additive is known "Hair Expert". The formula of this tool is aimed at reducing hair loss, increasing their volume and the appearance of a healthy shine. Suitable for those who are prone to stress and doubt the usefulness of their diet. Ingredients: horsetail extract (source of silicon), amino acids taurine and cystine, zinc oxide, brewer's yeast. The course of admission is two months, one tablet per day. A pack of 60 tablets costs about 600 rubles. This supplement is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women. You can buy it in almost any pharmacy.

Line "Fitoval"

Prophylactic agents that are indicated for lack of essential vitamins and minerals, age-related cessation of hair growth. Produced in Slovenia by Krka, available in most pharmacies.

  • Capsules. It contains yeast, cysteine, B vitamins, iron, zinc and copper, which are necessary for hair growth. A package of 60 capsules costs about 500 rubles, it is enough for a full course of treatment - 2 months.
  • Shampoo. Contains extracts of sorrel and nettle, panthenol, lecithin, wheat protein, which help strengthen and thicken hair. Sold in bottles of 200 and 400 ml, it costs about 350 and 600 rubles, respectively.
  • Lotion. Improves blood supply to hair follicles, inhibits the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone, reducing the intensity of androgenetic alopecia. Rub the lotion into the scalp should be at least three times a week, you can daily. A package of two bottles of 50 ml costs about 500 rubles, it is enough for 16 applications.

According to the manufacturer, only the complex use of all three products of the line gives the effect, but it lasts for a long time after a course of treatment.

Line "Rinfoltil"

Developed in Italy for men and women diagnosed with the initial stage of androgenetic alopecia. The composition contains a large number of various plant components that prevent the conversion of testosterone into dehydrotestosterone, which is toxic to the hair follicles and provokes hair loss. Means stimulate hair follicles, improve hair structure, have anti-inflammatory and vasodilating effects. The main ingredients are dwarf palm berries, ginseng, Chinese camellia, peppermint. The course of treatment is 3-4 months, the first results are noticeable after 3-6 weeks.

  • Shampoo. Produced in bottles of 200 ml, it costs 400-500 rubles per bottle. The composition is supplemented with ginkgo biloba extract.
  • Capsules. Strengthened formula for women, with caffeine, helps maintain hair density. A pack of 10 capsules costs about 1200 rubles. Apply according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor.
  • Pills. Bioactive food supplement containing, in addition to the main components, green tea extract, ascorbic acid, L-cysteine, L-lysine, zinc, selenium, nicotinamide, biotin, calcium pantothenate, magnesium. There are 60 tablets in a pack, one per day. The cost of packaging is about 850 rubles.
  • Lotion. For women it is available in capsules, for men - in bottles, a 100 ml package costs about 1100 rubles, it is enough for about 50 applications. Additional active substance - silicon.

Although the treatment should be comprehensive, as a rule, not the entire line is prescribed - 2-3 funds are enough.

Line "Selenzin"

Domestic remedies that improve the nutrition of hair follicles, prevent baldness and normalize the water-fat balance of the scalp. Available in pharmacies, in high demand.

  • Pills. Homeopathic remedy, prescribed for diffuse (non-focal) alopecia. It should be taken 1 tablet three times a day, the course of treatment is 2 months with a week break in the middle of the course. A package (60 pieces) costs about 600 rubles. 1 tablet contains: lycopodium C6, phosphorus C6, thallium aceticum C6, silicea C6, alumina C6, selenium C6, sodium chloratum C30, potassium phosphoricum C6.
  • Shampoo. Contains extracts of burdock, nettle and pepper, caffeine, biotin, collagen, menthol. It has a pleasant refreshing effect. Sold in bottles of 200 ml, costs about 400 rubles.
  • Balm conditioner. Complements the action of the line shampoo, contains the same active ingredients, makes hair smoother and easier to comb. A bottle of 200 ml costs about 400 rubles. Can be used with other shampoos.
  • Mask. Active ingredients - extracts of burdock, nettle and pepper, keratin, caffeine, vitamin E, collagen, panthenol, angelin. It is recommended to apply the mask 1-2 times a week for 15 minutes after shampooing, then rinse thoroughly. A 150 ml jar can be purchased for 500 rubles.
  • Spray lotions. Contain burdock extract, vitamin A, biotin, caffeine, keratin. Helps improve metabolism in the scalp and strengthen hair. Apply daily, at bedtime, without rinsing, for two months. The price of a bottle of 150 ml is 600 rubles.

According to the manufacturer, an improvement in the condition of the hair can be seen after 2 weeks of using the products of the line. If "Selenzin" was prescribed by a trichologist with the onset of baldness, the effect becomes noticeable after about a month.

Many drugs have a similar composition and effect, but the price of a course of treatment can vary several times. Whether this is justified or not, the trichologist will tell you. Remember that the best means for rapid hair growth can only be selected individually at a consultation with a specialist.

Cosmetic brands produce many drugs against baldness and accelerating the growth of curls. They contain.

  1. Extracts of mustard, red pepper, ginger. They have a local irritating effect, stimulate blood circulation, improve the nutrition of hair follicles.
  2. Biotin. Strengthens the hair structure, prevents brittleness, adds shine.
  3. Panthenol (vitamin B5). Normalizes the metabolism of the scalp, nourishes the bulbs, restores the structure of the hair, gives it smoothness and thickness.
  4. Burdock extract. Contains vitamins, essential oils, tannins. Strengthens hair roots, relieves inflammation.
  5. Nettle extract. Contains all the necessary elements for hair. Eliminates dandruff, itching, accelerates growth, prevents hair loss, improves microcirculation of capillaries of the scalp.
  6. Oat extract. Rich in proteins that nourish and restore hair follicles.
  7. Mineral mud. Contains minerals that accelerate the growth of strands. Eliminate fat, destroy microbes, remove toxins.

Overview of pharmaceutical preparations for hair growth

Medicines or hair extension activators are divided into several types: shampoos, oils, conditioners, tablets, ointments, creams, sprays. What is the best of them - the doctor will tell you.

Most of the products are used on the scalp and hair, but some, for example, vitamins, dietary supplements, tablets, are taken orally.


Their basis is an oil structure and additional nutrients. Components are added to the funds that help to penetrate deeply into the curl.

You can buy hair ointments in pharmacies. Trichologists recommend paying attention to the 2018 rating.

  1. Mival. Contains oils of olive, wormwood, sea buckthorn, cedar, burdock, castor, germinated grain, zinc, silicon, lanolin, vitamin A, D, E, F. The composition of the product helps to eliminate problems of the scalp, hair nutrition. Apply every other day for a month. Apply to the scalp, wash off after 4-8 hours.
  2. Sulsen. Active ingredients - sulfur, selenium. The first is involved in the synthesis of keratin, improves metabolism and oxygen exchange between tissues. The second protects the structure of the curl from negative external factors. The ointment is applied to wet hair, washed off after a quarter of an hour. The procedure is shown twice a week for 3 months.
  3. Sulfuric ointment. The lack of sulfur in the body is manifested by dandruff, itching, hair loss from insufficient nutrition of the follicles and oxygen deficiency. Apply the product to clean curls, wash off after 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out every day for 8 days. On the 9th day, the hair is washed with shampoo.


These are complexes of essential vitamins and minerals, as well as additional components that stimulate hair growth and prevent alopecia. In pharmacies, you can buy drugs such as Alfavit, Nutricap, Perfectil, Revalid, Pantovigar, Foltena Pharma, Rinfoltil. Top funds.

  1. Revalid. Assign in violation of the growth of hair, nails. They improve their appearance, structure, reduce fragility, increase stability.
  2. Perfectil. The tool is indicated for a lack of vitamins, dermatitis, psoriasis, increased dryness of the skin, brittle nails, changes in the structure of the strands.
  3. Aurita is a biologically active food supplement that improves regenerative processes in the skin, nails, and hair.


The composition includes components that stimulate blood circulation and nutrients. Some creams have a steroid composition, they need to be used for a short time.

What is the name of.

  1. Bark. Strengthens, stimulates hair growth, reduces hair fragility, adds shine and softness. Contains vitamins, guamic acids, black sapropels, folic acid. The ingredients of the product activate the follicles, improve blood circulation, accelerate the growth of strands. It contains clay and dirt, so a good effect is achieved if, after applying the cream, wrap your head with a towel.
  2. Himalaya. Ayurvedic natural remedy with proteins. The manufacturer guarantees the result after the first application. The tool revitalizes dull curls, overdried hair dryer, hair prone to falling out. Nourish with vitamin E and wheat germ extract. The regenerating, moisturizing, tonic effect is provided by the amla, which is part of it.
  3. Cream-gel Kerafill Stemoxidin 5%. Formulated with menthol to promote circulation and soothe skin, firming ceramides, nutrient SP-94 and growth activator stemoxidine. The tool nourishes the roots. Used daily, applied to dry strands, not washed off.


Contains minerals, vitamins that heal the scalp and nourish the roots. According to buyers, the TOP-10 drops are included.

  1. "Vichy" Dercos Aminexil Clinical 5. The product improves microcirculation, strengthens hair, makes it thicker, thicker. Produced in ampoules of 6 ml. (21 pcs.).
  2. Placenta Formula is a biostimulant that restores hair growth by improving the metabolic processes of the scalp. The drops contain enzymes, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, mucopolysaccharides and nucleotides. Efficiency confirmed by cosmetic studies. Apply the product to clean curls for 12 days without washing off.
  3. Crescina HFSC 100% 500 - Supports physiological hair growth by activating dormant follicles and stimulating keratin synthesis. It contains a stem cell activator and special molecular carriers - cyclodestrins. The agent is applied to the scalp, 1 ampoule for 5 days, followed by a 2-day break and a repetition of the course.


  1. Ducray Anastim Hair Loss Concentrate Lotion. Designed to eliminate reactive alopecia caused by stress, emotional overload, hormonal fluctuations. Due to the unique formula, the drug nourishes the roots, strengthens them, stimulates cellular metabolism.
  2. Vichy Dercos Neogenic Hair Growth Tool. Awakens inactive follicles, stimulating hair growth. It is used with a decrease in density, after prolonged loss, partial alopecia.
  3. Herbal spray Phyto Intensive with placenta from Alloton. The tool blocks hair loss, improves appearance, strengthens the capillary system, restores natural flexibility and growth of curls.


These are concentrated remedies that have a restorative effect.

  1. Golden silk. The product contains chili pepper extract, provides blood flow to the follicles and stimulates hair growth. Gives shine, cares, conditions. Apply to wet strands for a few minutes, then rinse off.
  2. Aleran. Based on natural ingredients, it does not act instantly, but gradually. Gentle product with plant extracts, pinadicil, vitamin B5. Apply to clean, slightly damp hair, rinse off with water after 10-15 minutes.
  3. Bath of Agafia. Balm with herbs, wild pepper, vitamins and sea buckthorn. The tool provides softness and shine to the hair.

Essential oils

They are used for medicinal purposes and for hair care. Used to stimulate hair growth.

  1. Cedar oil. A very strong remedy in the treatment of alopecia areata in men and women. It is used in combination with rosemary, thyme and lavender.
  2. Sage oil. The tool helps to balance the level of the hormone estrogen in the body, more suitable for women of mature age, who especially often suffer from hair loss.
  3. Clove oil. Good antiseptic and antioxidant. Accelerates blood circulation in the scalp, is the best in stimulating and maintaining hair growth.

Pharmacies offer essential oils at a price of 50-100 rubles per tube. A quality product can't be that cheap. It is better to order funds from trusted manufacturers.

Traditional oils

Ancestors used linseed, castor, olive, sea buckthorn, burdock oils to stimulate hair growth. Today, all this can be purchased at pharmacies.

  1. Burdock oil - contains vitamins, minerals, salts, tannins, acids, protein. It enhances blood circulation, improves metabolic processes, strengthens and nourishes the hair roots, activates growth, and eliminates hair loss. The tool cures dry scalp, dandruff and itching, gives strength and shine.
  2. Castor oil - has long been used to accelerate the growth of hair, eyebrows, eyelashes. Well nourishes and softens, easy to apply, perfectly absorbed without forming a film. It is added to the composition of masks or applied in its pure form.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil - enhances hair growth due to a large amount of vitamin A, starts regeneration processes. Repairs damaged and dry hair. Included in many growth activators.


Actively used to strengthen hair. The products are applied to dirty strands, combine a cleansing effect with a healing one, and are easy to use.

  1. Tar shampoo is the number 1 Soviet dandruff remedy that does not need advertising and is sold in many stores. Great hair growth booster. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. Eliminates trichological diseases.
  2. Aleran. Along with mild cleansing, the product provides intensive recovery, promotes the synthesis of elastin and collagen. Contains natural moisturizers, growth stimulants, proteins.
  3. Fitoval. The composition of the product includes water-glycogen extracts of rosemary, arnica, wheat peptides, glycogen. Recommended for severe hair loss, for the prevention of baldness. Improves microcirculation of the scalp, has an anti-inflammatory effect.


They rinse the hair after washing. Budget medicinal herbs are added to the composition of home masks, shampoos. Use nettle, chamomile, sage, burdock.

Vitamins and dietary supplements

Designed for internal use. You can buy it in pharmacies.

  1. BAA Anacaps tri-Activ. Capsules with methionine, primrose, iron, cystine, beeswax, lecithin, vitamin PP, B6, B8. Eliminate brittleness, reduce hair loss. The tool is taken in 1 pc. daily for three months.
  2. BAD Alerana. The product contains tablets for day and night use with different composition. Daily include folic acid, selenium, iron, magnesium, vitamins E, B1, C, carotene. Night - chromium, zinc, L-cystine, biotin, nettle extract, vitamins B2, B6, B12, chromium, pantothenic acid. The package contains 60 tablets. Take 2 pieces a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  3. Pantovigar. The remedy is indicated for diffuse alopecia caused by genetic factors, infectious diseases. Ingredients: calcium pantothenate, paraaminobenzoic acid, keratin, vitamins B1, B5, yeast. Designed for a course of use up to six months.

Alcohol tinctures

  • eleutherococcus;
  • ginseng;
  • red hot pepper;
  • calendula;
  • arnica;
  • propolis.

They need to be used in doses, as they dry the scalp.


The product is sold in the store at a concentration of 1% and 2%. Rubbed into the scalp once a week for 3 months. After a quarter of an hour, it is washed off with water. You can enhance the effect with Sulsen shampoo.


Sprayed on the scalp and hair, then washed off with water.

  1. Minoxidil 2% and 5%. The tool improves vascular tone, increases blood flow to the scalp. Due to intensive nutrition, the follicles awaken. Spray for accelerated hair growth 2% is recommended for the initial stage of baldness, for a strong effect, a concentration of 5% is prescribed.
  2. Yuida. The composition of the product includes rare herbs from the Chinese province of Yun'an. It is used for baldness, reducing the density of hair. Restores strands affected by hormonal imbalance, genetic predisposition, stress, strong feelings.


  1. Aleran. Designed for daily use for 4 months. Contains a complex of herbal ingredients that slow down the aging process of follicles and prevent alopecia.
  2. Adrena. The tool strengthens the hair, enhances their growth. It does not have side effects, as it contains natural substances: ginger root, ginseng, Japanese Tokkoban flower extract and grape seed oil. The results are noticeable in 1-2 months.

Professional cosmetic procedures

Beauty salons offer several methods for quick hair restoration. Mesotherapy, cryotherapy, exposure to microcurrent, the use of a laser will help heal curls, make them shiny, silky, thick.


Injection treatment, which involves the introduction of a special composition into the upper layers of the epidermis, nourishing the tissues with useful substances.

The medicine contains vitamins A, groups B, C, E, trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. The course consists of 8-10 procedures.

Exposure to microcurrent

With the help of the apparatus (Darsonval), the scalp is stimulated with current pulses. It starts the biochemical processes of the epithelium, improves the nutrition of the bulbs and accelerates hair growth. The minimum course of treatment is 2 months.


An anti-aging treatment that slows down the aging process of the skin. It supplies cells with oxygen, improves nutrition, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and accelerates the process of hair growth.

The impact is carried out with liquid nitrogen. The course of treatment is 15 sessions with an interval of 2-3 days.

laser therapy

The procedure is carried out using a device that looks like a comb with laser diodes inside. The specialist simply “combs” the hair for 20 minutes. During this time, the strands receive a dose of low-intensity radiation, the recovery process starts, and blood circulation improves. Sessions are held 2 times a week.

The best firming masks

Helps grow long hair and save money. There are many folk recipes that can compete with medicines and pharmacy products.

During the action of the mask, warmth and a slight burning sensation should be felt. Soreness and discomfort are unacceptable, you need to immediately rinse your head.

Onion mask


  • 1 onion;


  1. Grate the onion on a fine grater.
  2. Squeeze out the juice from the pulp.
  3. Mix with honey in a ratio of 3:1.
  4. Apply to scalp.
  5. Wash off with shampoo after 40-60 minutes.

Onion has an irritating and stimulating effect, due to it enhances hair growth. The lack of a folk remedy is a pungent smell. Rinsing your hair with water and lemon juice will help eliminate it.

mustard mask

  • 3 art. l. mustard powder;
  • a little sugar;
  • cold water.


  1. Add a little sugar to the mustard powder.
  2. Dilute with water to make a liquidy mass.
  3. Rub the mask into the scalp, wrap with a film and a towel.
  4. Wash off after half an hour.

Due to the pungency, mustard causes a rush of blood to the bulbs, nourishes and accelerates growth. But the product dries, because such masks are not suitable for dry hair.

Decoction of oak bark for the head


  • 2 tbsp. l. oak bark powder;
  • 200 ml of water.


  1. Pour oak bark powder into an enamel bowl.
  2. Pour in 200 ml of water.
  3. Keep in a water bath for 30 minutes.
  4. Let it brew for 10 min.
  5. Strain and make up to 200 ml.
  6. Rub into roots after shampooing.
  7. Wash off with water after 15 minutes.

People with dry scalp should not use oak bark decoction, as the remedy will exacerbate this problem.

Research scientists in the field of hair health

According to recent data, the combination of spironolactone and minoxidil is effective in the treatment of alopecia. In clinical trials, 100 women participated, who each took medications for a year: 25 g of minoxidil and 25 mg of spironolactone. As a result, women stopped losing hair on their heads. The data obtained indicate the promise of this method of treating alopecia.

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When it comes to severe hair loss or cessation of hair growth, various methods are used to deal with the problem that has arisen. Many resort to home remedies or salon treatments. And there are those who prefer to deal with a weakened state of hair with the help of ready-made products. These include a hair growth stimulator designed specifically to activate hair follicles. But how effective is such a tool and is it safe to use it?

What are

Any remedy for stimulating hair growth is designed to improve blood flow to the hair follicles, nourish them with the necessary vitamins and minerals, and wake up the "sleeping" follicles. Available in the form of masks, serums, sprays, balms, tonics, oils and shampoos. Finished products, as a rule, are designed to solve both problems: slow growth of curls and unwanted hair loss. If they are used correctly and regularly, the strands will become thicker, and the signs of alopecia will gradually disappear.

Minoxidil as the main ingredient

Minoxidil is the main ingredient in many hair growth stimulants. - a synthetic substance that dilates blood vessels and increases DNA synthesis. Inside the follicle, it does not act directly, but is converted into a more active drug, minoxidil sulfate. It also has an intense effect on hair growth.

Experts claim that minoxidil should be applied twice a day. Moreover, its effectiveness has a cumulative effect: the greater the dose of the drug in the body, the better the effect.

But it is worth considering that high concentrations threaten frequent side effects. To protect yourself from undesirable consequences, any hair growth stimulator on the head should be used following the instructions.

In addition to minoxidil, the composition of stimulants includes vitamins: A, E, B. Often, warming components are added (hot pepper, castor oil and others).

Advice. When choosing products that stimulate hair growth on your head, give preference to better-proven brands that have been on the market for hair care products for more than one year.

It is also worth considering that there are many natural-based hair growth activators, the effect of which does not occur as quickly as when using minoxidil, but they have fewer contraindications.

When to apply

  • with the threat of baldness;
  • with hormonal failures, as a result of which the hair began to fall out intensively;
  • when the strands have become sparse and thin due to stress factors;
  • with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. Hair vitamins can also fix this problem.


If we are talking about drugs containing minoxidil, then they should not be used when:

  • under the age of 18;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • infections, injuries of the skin of the head;
  • drug allergies;
  • with other means of similar action.

Caution should be taken with such drugs when:

  • the presence of any disease or a recent infection;
  • heart disease.

In such cases, the advisability of using an activator should be discussed with the doctor.

Advice. In terms of tolerability, minoxidil formulations are generally well tolerated. But if side effects appear, you should stop using them further.

If we are talking about stimulants of natural origin, then individual intolerance or allergy to any of the components can be attributed to contraindications.

Photos before and after

Overview of funds

Since all hair growth activators in the composition have strong substances with a direct effect, they are favorites among all other means to stimulate the work of follicles and growth of strands. They are intended for both women and men.

Among the fairly new, but already very well-known activators, the following tools can be noted. A feature of each of them is the naturalness of all components.


Gemene growth stimulator is available as an oil in 55 ml vials worth 250–370 rubles.


  • soybean and burdock oil;
  • extracts of calendula and wheat germ;
  • lecithin;
  • vitamin B5.


Sprayed on the roots, rubbed into the skin. Then oil must be kept for about 8 hours. Wash off with organic shampoo. The tool is quite economical to use. One tube is enough for about 6 weeks.


It is a gel in a convenient 250 ml jar. The Travopar asset costs about 5 thousand rubles.


  • plankton extract (Artemia Salina);
  • natural corn protein peptide (Capauxein);
  • cotton proteins (Hair Protect);
  • blend of ginkgo biloba, kigelia africa, cinnamon, clary sage.


It is applied both to the roots and to the entire length of the strands once or twice a week. Holding time - 15–20 minutes. Washes off with just water. Enough for a long time: about 2 months, or even more.

Rosemary (Ikarov)

Produced in vials of 125 ml. The cost is about 300 rubles.

Effect of use

Numerous reviews of those who used strand growth activators testify to their effectiveness. As a rule, the result is visible after several applications.. But, like any other remedy, stimulants affect everyone differently.

Some noted hair growth of up to 3 cm or more per month, and some - up to 1.5 cm. There are reviews that the drug had no effect, although the hair visually became healthier.

Advice. You can evaluate the effectiveness of a stimulant only by testing it on yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • quickly affects the roots. The result will appear after a few applications;
  • ease of use;
  • availability (such funds can be purchased on the Internet, a pharmacy or specialized stores).


  • not always affordable price;
  • the possibility of allergic reactions.

Curl growth activators are systemic drugs. They improve the functioning of hair follicles and awaken "sleeping" bulbs. All components are aimed at improving the condition, strengthening and healing the strand.

Numerous reviews and the popularity of the product indicate that they perform their main function: the hair really grows faster, becomes thicker and looks healthier. But, like any other remedy, they can bring not only benefit, but also harm. Therefore, consultation with a trichologist will help to avoid undesirable consequences.

Useful videos

Hair Mask. Nutrition and growth activator.

Mask for rapid hair growth and against hair loss.

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