Salted goose recipe. Dried goose. The easiest "urban" recipe

An old and favorite traditional dish of the Bashkirs. Prepared in two ways.
1) The goose is processed, carefully rubbed with salt inside and out. They stand for several days in a cool place so that the meat is soaked. The goose is then placed in a gauze bag and hung upright. With this method, the goose is preserved for several months.

2) The outside of the goose is thoroughly rubbed with salt, and tash-toz (rock salt) or coarse salt is placed inside. Then they wrap it in parchment paper, bandage it well so that there is no air access. The bundle is placed in a box and completely covered with salt and placed in a dark, cool place. Goose can be stored for a year or more. The longer the time passes, the more flavor the meat will have. In the future, the goose is used as a raw appetizer, or boiled for soups and main courses.
Before eating, clean the goose of salt, rinse and soak for several hours in cold water. Then pour another fresh water and boil.
Dried duck is prepared in a similar way. The meat is dried-salted with a peculiar pleasant taste.

Rub the treated goose carcass inside and out well with salt, then wrap it tightly in parchment paper or cellophane, tie it tightly with twine so that there is no air access and hang it in a place protected from the wind (attic, barn). After 3-4 months the goose is ready. Goose meat should be elastic, reddish, melting fat should come out of it. Dried goose can be stored in a dark, cool room for 2-3 years. And the longer the shelf life, the tastier the meat.

Goose dried in Tatar style

1 carcass of a goose (you can duck), salt.
Cooking method:
Carefully rub the treated carcass of a goose or duck inside and out with salt, wrap it tightly in parchment paper or cellophane, tie it tightly with twine to prevent air from entering, and put it in flour or hang it in a place protected from the wind (attic, barn). In 3-4 months the goose will be ready. The meat of the finished goose should be elastic, melting fat should protrude from it reddish. Dried goose can be stored for 1-2 years in a dark, cool place, and the longer the shelf life, the tastier the meat. Dried goose can be eaten both raw and boiled. Before serving, it should be boiled slightly, cooled and served, cut into portions with a bone or thinly sliced ​​(4-5 mm) into slices so that fat and meat fall off, and laid beautifully, or sliced ​​into small mugs.
I have a recipe for a dried-salted goose. I don’t know if you are looking for one or not? The Tatar recipe. This is how the Tatars prepare goose carcasses for future use.
We rub the prepared (plucked and well washed) carcasses of geese - with a mixture of garlic and salt (large) passed through the spadefoot. Then we take one part of salt (large) and two parts of dry wheat or tertiary (previously washed and dried) and stuff the inside of the carcass with this mixture. I wrap the carcasses of geese in a cloth soaked in salt-spicy brine (for brine in water I dissolve salt + a little ground pepper and coriander), then we put a nylon stocking on the carcass and hang it upside down in a cold pantry. We harvest geese carcasses in this way from mid-November (when the bird is ready for slaughter, and the cold sets in on the street). Carcasses prepared in this way can be stored for up to a year. From April, we begin to eat meat. You can eat it as just a cold appetizer, and cook manti, borscht and soup from it. for manti, then I do not salt.
For example, I put meat on manti or eat it like that, and I cook first courses from bones. I don’t prepare a lot of teshek about 10-12 pieces, but this is quite enough for my family for spring and early summer.
What is also very important is the breed of geese. It is better to take medium geese carcasses (3-4.5 kg) covered with fat. The meat of the Kuban geese is not very suitable for this, since it is dry and tougher than, for example, the meat of white factory geese (which, by the way, is softer) or kholmogors, large gray ones.

We are doing the following so far:
Geese (halves) and also ducks (musky, also halves) are salted in brine, often together with lard-corned beef (in winter: 150 g of salt + 100 g of sugar + spices). After a week, we take it out, wipe it, dry it, smoke it in cold smoke from 6 hours. It comes out especially beautifully if, before pickling, hands reach to take out the dorsal and sternum bones. Then, before smoking, we roll the roll and bandage it. It turns out sausage with legs - wings. By the way, in 6-8 hours the meat is dried rather than smoked.

Pickling goose
Salting a goose is not a very common method, but if you are an experimenter at heart, you can try to cook a salted goose. Familiarize yourself with the rules and methods of salting a goose.
Goose salting rules
First you need to prepare the container well. To do this, they take barrels, wash them thoroughly, scald them with boiling water with juniper and dry them. Salting is prepared in advance: for 1 kg of coarse salt, 10 g of saltpeter are taken. Then the pieces of meat are carefully rubbed with a curing mixture and placed in barrels, the bottom of which is also covered with this mixture. Pieces of meat are laid in layers, sprinkling each layer with the prepared mixture. For 10 kg of goose, 1 kg of curing mixture is consumed. To give the meat flavor, you can use various spices and spices, garlic.
After filling the barrel should stand for 2 - 3 days in a cool place, after which cold brine is poured into it. To prepare the brine, take 2 kg of salt per 10 liters of boiled water. The resulting brine should be clear. Put a clean wooden circle on top of the meat, and oppression (a stone scalded with boiling water) on it. Place the barrel of salted meat in a cool place and do not expose it to sudden temperature fluctuations. ,
The resulting product should be of a dense consistency, clean, without mold and mucus. On the cut, the meat will be pinkish or light red. The brine should also be red and clear.
In no case should you eat soft, gray meat with an unpleasant odor, and even if the brine is cloudy, moldy.
Before cooking, the meat must be removed from the barrel, rinsed thoroughly and soaked in cold water (2 buckets of water per 10 kg of meat). It is necessary to soak the meat until it becomes slightly salty. Every 2-3 hours the water needs to be changed. Such a goose is cooked in unsalted water.
Salted goose in brine
There is another way to salt a goose in brine. To do this, the cooked meat is placed in an oak barrel, spices are placed between the layers. The laid meat is poured on top with pre-prepared cold brine. A wooden circle and oppression are placed on it. We advise you to prepare the brine according to the following recipe: for 10 kg of meat, take 0.7 kg of salt, 0.2 kg of sugar and 50 g of saltpeter per 10 liters of water. After that, the brine is boiled, filtered. Such salting lasts 3 - 4 weeks. After that, the salted meat is hung up for airing in a dry, cool room.
Dry method of salting goose
Its peculiarity is that in a barrel or other utensils, holes are made in the bottom to drain the resulting brine. A layer of dry salt is placed on the bottom of the container, and pieces of goose meat are rubbed with a curing mixture (1 kg of salt, 160 g of sugar and 40 g of saltpeter are used for its preparation). After that, the pieces of meat are laid skin down, while sprinkling with curing mixture. The container is placed in a cool place, after 3 days the meat is shifted so that the hams lying at the bottom are on top, and those lying at the top, on the contrary, are at the bottom. Salting continues for 2-3 weeks, after which the pieces of meat are cleaned of salt and hung out in a dry, cool room to dry.
Fans of cooking also came up with a combined method for salting a goose.
First you need to prepare a dry curing mixture of 1 kg of salt, 16 g of saltpeter and 50 g of sugar. You can add various spices, spices and garlic to it if you wish. In this mixture, the meat is salted in a dry way for 2 weeks in a cool room. After that, it is poured with brine prepared from a mixture of 0.5 kg of salt, 100 g of sugar and 50 g of saltpeter (per 10 liters of water). The meat is kept in brine for 2-3 weeks, and then taken out and hung out to dry in a cool, dry place.
But the folk recipe for pickled goose
Prepare the brine according to the following recipe: 4 tbsp. l. vinegar per 1 liter of water, half a lemon, spices (basil, cloves) to taste. Wash the meat of the goose cut into pieces and place in a bowl. Then completely fill with the prepared marinade and cover with a wooden circle, and on top with a heavy oppression. Put in a cold place for several days.

I think this dish for many will seem exotic to some extent. Basically, we are used to cooking goose in other ways. The most popular of them is simply to bake it in the oven, for example, with apples. This is how we prepare goose for the holidays. And, the New Year without such a goose or duck is rarely complete at all. But, baking a goose in the oven, boiling it, or frying it, these are not all culinary decisions that can be applied to the meat of this poultry. The goose can also be dried. Of course, in this case, you will not be able to taste its meat as quickly as if you cooked the goose in other ways. But, the recipe is worth it to tinker with it. In addition, it is a very good alternative or smoked goose for the New Year. In order to have time to wither the goose for the New Year's table, it is better to start doing this now.

Cooking dried goose. Universal Recipe

Basically, dried goose in Tatar style is popular. I, too, will definitely give this recipe at the end of the article, or rather the video recipe. But, today I want to give you a general idea of ​​​​the procedure for drying a goose. That is, I will talk about the basic components of this recipe, how to prepare the goose for this procedure, and then how to bring it to full readiness.

How to prepare a goose?

The main thing in this recipe is a good goose. And such geese usually become in November (toward the end) - December. It was at this time that the already well-fed geese are usually slaughtered in the villages. The New Year holidays are already close here, so the goose itself somehow suggests itself. In what form it will be present there, it is up to you to determine.

How to cut a carcass?

So, you got a goose (bought it, gave it to you, etc.), or maybe raised it yourself. Now the carcass needs to be cut. Do this along the brisket, along the bone. The neck of the carcass will need to be cut off completely. Also cut off the second half of the wings. There is practically no meat in them, and, usually, this part of the wings simply dries out, both in the oven and when the goose is dried. This second part of the wing is best used for soup. There they will at least give a profit.

What spices do we need?

The goose will need to be treated accordingly. For this we need black pepper. It is better to take not ground, but peas (later I will explain why peas). In addition to pepper, we take non-iodized salt. To process a goose, coarse salt is needed, and ideally sea salt. We will also need more and In general, it is better to dry several geese at once, since it is eaten very quickly. But, if you only want to try to cook a dried goose, then, of course, it is more reasonable to limit yourself to one carcass. After all, goose meat cannot be attributed to cheap. And it will be a pity if you spoil it due to inattention, or for other reasons.

Now we proceed directly to the culinary preparation of the goose itself. Let's start with pepper. It will need to be crushed with a grinder. After that, pepper already crushed in this way is mixed with salt. For half a kilogram of pepper, you need to take somewhere a spoon or two tablespoons, and a couple of bay leaves. Still, it is better not to use black pepper already ground. It is not as fragrant, and much spicier than the one that we will prepare ourselves from peas. If you treat a goose with it, then it will turn out to be very peppery.

How to rub a goose with spices?

Now in the belly of the goose, you need to insert a spacer. Any Japanese-Chinese stick will work for this. At worst, a branch from a tree, only without the bark. So, we will provide air access to the abdomen, and there the goose will also dry out evenly.

We place the carcass on a baking sheet, and rub it well with a mixture of salt and crushed pepper. We do this carefully, from all sides and in all secluded places. Do not forget about the "armpits", that is, about those parts of the carcass that are covered by wings. If you don’t rub the goose there, then most likely it will appear in this place. In this case, draw your own conclusions about the taste.

How to dry a goose? The process itself

Now we need to find a suitable cool place for our goose. It should be around 10 degrees, maximum +20. This temperature regime must be maintained there constantly. The next day, you must definitely “visit” the goose in order to clean off the salt from it, which we applied just yesterday. In this case, the salt will already dry out, and will be saturated with the blood remaining on the carcass. Next, the goose will need to be grated again, with the same composition. The carcass releases juice during drying. It will need to be rubbed in this way with fresh salt and pepper for 5-7 days, and do not forget to turn it over.

A goose gives a lot of meat juice in one day. This is not pure juice from meat, but mixed with secreted fat. There is no need to save salt in this case, do not be lazy to rub the goose and throw out the old salt so that the goose does not end up smelling like old fat.

So, gradually the carcass will give all the excess moisture. will begin to harden, and the carcass will change its color, that is, it will become a darker shade. I will pass these 5-7 days, and already the moisture from the goose will cease to stand out. Salt will stop sticking to the carcass. Now you need to shake off excess salt from the goose (you don’t need to be very zealous here), and wrap the carcass in a cloth (it is ideal to take white, cotton).

Next, the carcass is hung on a rope or wire, which is tied between the legs. The carcass should be hung for further drying, again in a cool place, where it should also be dark. At least, you need to keep the goose there for 2 weeks. And, it is better to hold him there longer, up to a month. In your home, you can find such a place much easier. But in the apartment, it is quite possible to use a loggia for this, if the temperature regime on it is suitable.

When the “aging” time of the dried goose is over, you can try it. He has excellent taste. I am sure that the taste of its meat will fully meet your expectations, and will also reward you for the time spent on its preparation. Maybe you have a desire to cook dried chicken? If yes, then

And here is the promised video recipe - Tatar dried goose. We watch and learn.

P.S. If the article was useful to you, please share it with your friends on social networks. I will be very grateful to you for this.

In order to not only correctly, but also tasty and quickly cook dried goose with your own hands, you should choose a homemade and fatter carcass. Indeed, in the process of drying, salted goose fat will gradually melt and be absorbed into the meat, thereby the carcass will lose up to 50% of its mass in weight. Homemade goose cooked according to our simple recipe can be stored for about 2 years, but with such a delicate aroma and taste, you are unlikely to be able to keep the meat for a long time.

Salted goose meat can be served pure in large chunks with bones, or you can make thin slices of goose fillet, which will be even tastier and more refined. In the old days, such meat was added to roasts, dumplings, stews, and excellent rich soups were cooked from the bones.



  • To prepare "Kaklangan Caza" it is necessary to prepare all the ingredients on the desktop. The products indicated by quantity go to one large carcass. The goose should be thoroughly washed, processed and butchered. It is necessary to cut the meat product along the chest part, and immediately completely cut off the neck and halves of the wings (since they do not contain meat in themselves, it is better to use them for making broth).

  • While the goose carcasses are drying, spices should be prepared. For drying, it is necessary to grind black pepper, finely break bay leaves and mix it all with salt (salt, of course, must be taken not iodized).

  • Remove the remaining moisture from the goose carcass with napkins, then insert a wooden spacer into the chest part so that the meat can be rubbed without hindrance. As a spacer, an ice cream stick, for sushi, or just a branch without bark can be used. Put the goose on a baking sheet and carefully rub with the salty mixture. Rub should be inside, outside, under the wings, you can not miss a single area, otherwise the carcass will deteriorate.

  • Clean the grated carcasses in a cool room, where the air temperature is about 10 degrees Celsius, or simply put in a refrigerator. After a day, take out the meat product, completely clean it from gore and salt. Rub the carcass again with a clean dry salt mixture in all places, as well as for the first time. Such work will need to be done within a week, since meat and fat will give juice.

  • In one day, a lot of liquid can flow out of the carcass (see photo). All this juice, along with salt, must certainly be thrown away every day so that the goose is not saturated with old fat, otherwise it will have an unpleasant smell.

  • By the end of the week, goose meat will release all excess moisture, it will become firmer and darker.

  • After 7 days, the carcass will completely stop secreting juice and salt will no longer stick to it.

  • The meat product should be lightly shaken off from bay leaves and rock salt and wrapped in a cotton or gauze cut without removing the spacers.

  • Goose paws need to be loosely fastened together with a strong thread or rope right on top of the fabric. Then, for this rope, the carcass should be hung in a room where it is dark and cool enough. Drying time lasts from 2 weeks to 2 months, depending on the fat content and weight of the goose, as well as what kind of meat you prefer.

  • After 30 days, you can take the first sample. Such meat is really well salted and dried.

  • It’s easy to cook Tatar dried goose “Kaklangan Kaz” with our photo recipe at home, the main thing is to be patient. By the winter holidays, you will get an excellent delicacy in the form of dried goose meat, and the thinnest cuts from this meat product will be the highlight of the festive table. Bon appetit!

KBJU and composition for the whole dish

An old and favorite traditional dish of the Bashkirs. Prepared in two ways.
1) The goose is processed, carefully rubbed with salt inside and out. They stand for several days in a cool place so that the meat is soaked. The goose is then placed in a gauze bag and hung upright. With this method, the goose is preserved for several months.

2) The outside of the goose is thoroughly rubbed with salt, and tash-toz (rock salt) or coarse salt is placed inside. Then they wrap it in parchment paper, bandage it well so that there is no air access. The bundle is placed in a box and completely covered with salt and placed in a dark, cool place. Goose can be stored for a year or more. The longer the time passes, the more flavor the meat will have. In the future, the goose is used as a raw appetizer, or boiled for soups and main courses.
Before eating, clean the goose of salt, rinse and soak for several hours in cold water. Then pour another fresh water and boil.
Dried duck is prepared in a similar way. The meat is dried-salted with a peculiar pleasant taste.

Rub the treated goose carcass inside and out well with salt, then wrap it tightly in parchment paper or cellophane, tie it tightly with twine so that there is no air access and hang it in a place protected from the wind (attic, barn). After 3-4 months the goose is ready. Goose meat should be elastic, reddish, melting fat should come out of it. Dried goose can be stored in a dark, cool room for 2-3 years. And the longer the shelf life, the tastier the meat.

Goose dried in Tatar style

1 carcass of a goose (you can duck), salt.
Cooking method:
Carefully rub the treated carcass of a goose or duck inside and out with salt, wrap it tightly in parchment paper or cellophane, tie it tightly with twine to prevent air from entering, and put it in flour or hang it in a place protected from the wind (attic, barn). In 3-4 months the goose will be ready. The meat of the finished goose should be elastic, melting fat should protrude from it reddish. Dried goose can be stored for 1-2 years in a dark, cool place, and the longer the shelf life, the tastier the meat. Dried goose can be eaten both raw and boiled. Before serving, it should be boiled slightly, cooled and served, cut into portions with a bone or thinly sliced ​​(4-5 mm) into slices so that fat and meat fall off, and laid beautifully, or sliced ​​into small mugs.
I have a recipe for a dried-salted goose. I don’t know if you are looking for one or not? The Tatar recipe. This is how the Tatars prepare goose carcasses for future use.
We rub the prepared (plucked and well washed) carcasses of geese - with a mixture of garlic and salt (large) passed through the spadefoot. Then we take one part of salt (large) and two parts of dry wheat or tertiary (previously washed and dried) and stuff the inside of the carcass with this mixture. I wrap the carcasses of geese in a cloth soaked in salt-spicy brine (for brine in water I dissolve salt + a little ground pepper and coriander), then we put a nylon stocking on the carcass and hang it upside down in a cold pantry. We harvest geese carcasses in this way from mid-November (when the bird is ready for slaughter, and the cold sets in on the street). Carcasses prepared in this way can be stored for up to a year. From April, we begin to eat meat. You can eat it as just a cold appetizer, and cook manti, borscht and soup from it. for manti, then I do not salt.
For example, I put meat on manti or eat it like that, and I cook first courses from bones. I don’t prepare a lot of teshek about 10-12 pieces, but this is quite enough for my family for spring and early summer.
What is also very important is the breed of geese. It is better to take medium geese carcasses (3-4.5 kg) covered with fat. The meat of the Kuban geese is not very suitable for this, since it is dry and tougher than, for example, the meat of white factory geese (which, by the way, is softer) or kholmogors, large gray ones.

We are doing the following so far:
Geese (halves) and also ducks (musky, also halves) are salted in brine, often together with lard-corned beef (in winter: 150 g of salt + 100 g of sugar + spices). After a week, we take it out, wipe it, dry it, smoke it in cold smoke from 6 hours. It comes out especially beautifully if, before pickling, hands reach to take out the dorsal and sternum bones. Then, before smoking, we roll the roll and bandage it. It turns out sausage with legs - wings. By the way, in 6-8 hours the meat is dried rather than smoked.

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