How to wake up a loved one without ruining a good morning? Why a woman does not want sex

Any couple can have such a situation - a man comes home late, and his partner is already asleep. While the man himself is not averse to bringing pleasure to himself and to her. It could be in the morning too. The question arises: how to excite a sleeping girl? And this should be done not to the detriment of her sleep, that is, if she still chooses the latter option between sex and sleep, then you need to give in to her desire. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the partner. You don't have to be pushy. We present to your attention the most effective tips for arousing a sleeping woman.

Use candles

Gentle trembling light will take the first step - slowly wake up your chosen one. She will be very pleasantly surprised by such a surprise. If there are no candles, use a night light or a garland. But remember that the light should not be too bright. Otherwise, you will see an annoyed woman in front of you, who will begin to find out why she was awakened.

Don't forget aphrodisiacs

They can even be the already mentioned candles with the addition of pleasant aromatic substances like vanilla, bergamot, cypress and other plants. They will fill the room with a pleasant smell. He will help gently wake the girl and set her up for intimacy.

Pleasant music

She must be sure to be quiet - do not forget that your beauty is sleeping or is in a sleepy state after sleep. To do this, it is best to choose soft, slow songs with pleasant vocals. Or those songs that she loves.

Caresses of the chest, legs and abdomen

Gently touch these places. Start at the hips first, then move your attention to the belly, then caress the breasts. You need to do all this in that order, because the initial touch to the chest will look too straightforward. The movements must be slow.

Kiss the girl

Gently kiss your back, chin, ears, neck. And forget the language. After that, just as softly and gently kiss the girl on the lips.

Hair play

Run your fingers through the woman's hair, play with it, and give it a scalp massage. Such an action has a very strong effect - the girl will certainly wake up and become even more excited.

Gentle whisper

Quietly and calmly whisper in her ear what you think at the moment. Add romance, tenderness to your words, tell me how beautiful your lady of the heart looks. And at the same time, do not forget to give her ambiguous hints. However, they should not be vulgar, but sexy. If a couple has been dating for a long time, then the partners know exactly what words can excite them.

Down with underwear!

Gently stroke your chosen one, but only through underwear. This should make her react positively to such actions of a man. The girl may begin to moan, change her position in bed for further sexual pleasures. So, it's time to slowly and gently begin to stimulate the clitoris. It is too early to insert your fingers into the vagina, but slowly begin to pull off her underwear.

Lie down next to the girl

Position yourself behind her with your chest pressed against hers. Moreover, the sexual organ should also be pressed against the girl's body so that she feels it. Do not let your partner go, this should serve as a signal to her that you want to have sex. If she has already woken up, then most likely she will not mind continuing intimate communication.

oral pleasures

Now act more boldly and confidently, start caressing her labia and clitoris. You need to do this, however, gently and slowly, until you are sure that the girl wants more. After that, you can go directly to sex with penetration.

More passion

At night, the level of sex hormones rises, so some people experience a strong desire for sex at this time of day. The same can be said about the morning - many of us are also eager to be satisfied during these hours. However, in the morning we do not look very good, so not all ladies are ready for sexual intercourse. In any case, trying to excite a sleeping girl at least at night, at least in the morning, a man should take into account her reaction. If she still continues to sleep, then it’s not worth waking up a beautiful creature.

For better sex, both partners should pay attention to the Family test kit, you can purchase the product on our website. In addition, we draw your attention to the tricky ways to imperceptibly arouse a woman.

Many men carefully think over the program of a romantic evening with their girlfriend, not at all thinking about what will happen after the date, the next morning. And how to maintain that fire of love, which on the eve with such touching care was exalted to the skies with exotic romance and the sound of a gentle flute melody. To impress a girl, you can take care of the moment of her awakening, making it just as original and pleasant. And it is quite possible that this romantic adventure will become the brightest touch of her whole life.

There are many options for how to wake up a girl and make her smile with joy and pleasant surprise. For example, you can cook a delicious breakfast, turn on a calm musical composition and say words of love and affection in a gentle whisper in your ear. And you can shower the bed with your favorite rose petals and put around a few flowerpots with fragrant lilies or other flowers. If everything is clear with the romantic period of meetings, then what if the relationship has long outgrown the candy-bouquet stage and the lawful spouse is already sleeping peacefully nearby.

How to wake up your wife and give her moments of joy and refresh her feelings in order to plunge back into carefree youth, when every touch of a loved one caused a pleasant, exciting shiver and a feeling of euphoria. Waking up should be soft and pleasant, so that when you wake up, your beloved woman has a good mood. Perhaps you can surprise her with a good breakfast. Since these duties are usually included in the list of her daily work, breakfast in bed can be a pleasant surprise and a reason to smile. Flowers, music, gentle whispers in your ear will also be a great addition.

Thus, the women's issue is resolved, but how to wake up a loved one in order to decorate the beginning of the day with mutual pleasant emotions? As you know, the representatives of the stronger sex love to eat well and tasty, so the amazing aroma of fried meat with spicy spices or fresh pastries will be a pleasant background for awakening a loved one. This is already 50 percent of a good mood. Knowing the musical preferences of your man, you can turn on his favorite song. If this is a day off, then you need to let him sleep off and soak in bed.

Before waking up a guy, you can gently stroke his body and whisper warm words of love into his ear or something like “get up, your majesty, great things await you!”. Erotic stroking, turning into a massage, will help you finally wake up and benefit the body, thus preparing the man for the events of the coming day.

Being a caring mother, the question also arises: how to wake up a child, giving him pleasant moments and avoiding morning tantrums. As you know, during sleep, all processes in the human body slow down. Therefore, it is very difficult to wake up quickly and immediately start daily activities. The child must be given time to gradually wake up, spending about 10-15 minutes on this process.

You can come up with an individual awakening ceremony, depending on the wishes of the child. For example, let it be a humorous greeting, your favorite music, or a simple game. Thus, by trial and error, and with a certain amount of imagination, you can choose a mutually pleasant way to wake up.

It's great if a beloved man brings breakfast to bed every morning. The realities of our everyday life are such that most of the beautiful half only dream of this. It's us women who have to wake them up in the morning.

How to wake up a loved one so that the morning starts in a good mood? First of all, you need to be patient, because waking up your husband is a matter that does not tolerate neglect.

  • Do not pour water on a sleeping man. Believe me, the reaction to such an act can be very ambiguous and it is better not to experience the just wrath of a man early in the morning. In addition, if you do not feel sorry for your chosen one, think about a wet bed.
  • Pull on an arm or leg. You should not pull your chosen one during sleep by any limb. Remember that in a dream, people don’t really control themselves, and if you don’t want to be “moved”, then choose an extreme way to wake a man up.
  • Do not shout "fire", "burning" or something like that. Not every man will appreciate such methods and may respond inadequately or even aggressively to your cries. Moreover, everyone knows the story about the boy who shouted "wolf". Let this be a lesson to you.

We figured out how not to wake up a loved one, and what kind of reaction can follow. Now let's take a look at the most important

How to wake up a guy

For the wise

How to wake up a loved one? The easiest way is to ask your man how he likes to wake up, then you do not have to use the trial and error method. Even if a man likes to be awakened somewhat rudely, with elbow nudges and / or loud exclamations like “Get up, otherwise you will be left without breakfast!”, do it. However, men do not always have an idea of ​​what approach should be taken towards them in certain cases.

For gentle

Morning massage. Set the alarm a little earlier than usual, about twenty minutes. Sit next to him and to begin with, make a few stroking movements with your hands on the man’s back to begin the process of gradual awakening, and then begin to move on to a full-fledged massage. You can dilute it with kisses and / or gentle words in your ear so your life partner will wake up faster.

For the most cunning

Quietly sit down on the edge of the bed, gently hug, give a kiss and tell him that his boss has been waiting on the phone for 10 minutes. While your husband is running to the phone, you need to quickly dodge to the kitchen and wait for him at the set table.

Say something out of the ordinary. It can be a joke like “Get up, sir, great things are waiting for you!”, “Vasily Ivanovich, wake up - the whites are coming!” or something like that. If your man smiles and soon starts to stretch, consider that you have successfully completed the task, charging your beloved husband with a good mood for the whole morning.

For caring

Coffee and warm hands. Massage can be done in a slightly different way. Also, getting up early, go to the kitchen and make coffee, maybe with toast, put it all on a tray and bring it to the room where your lover is sleeping sweetly. Warm your hands by holding a glass of hot coffee, and then with warm hands begin to stroke the arms, neck and other parts of the man’s body. Such warm touches, as well as the aroma of coffee and toast, will quickly dispel your husband's (boyfriend's) dream.

For passionate

How to wake up a loved one passionately? Quietly crawl up to the man and start whispering gentle words in your ear and gently pester - until you wake up completely. Mornings can be just wonderful if you do everything right. Just remember that you also have to go to work.

For responsible

In the evening, tell him that tomorrow you have a responsible day. Since you don’t feel well for a day, you are afraid to be late for an important meeting. Be sure: he will wake you up, and at the same time he will wake up himself. But remember, you can only wake up a guy in this way if he is not an owl.

For passive

Set the alarm away. The best way to wake up a guy, and most importantly the most effective, is to set the alarm clock for the loudest call, and take it to the farthest end of the room. When the alarm rings, do not get up yourself (even if the melody is wildly annoying), but wait until the man gets up, reaches the alarm clock and turns it off.

Such simple things help wake up a loved one. The main thing, dear ladies, remember that if a man does not want to get up, then he is very pleased with you in the same bed. And that means a lot. Good luck to you and your men!

And if a real loving man looked at this page, then there are some practical tips for him on how to wake up his beloved in the morning.

How to wake up your girlfriend


Wake up your beloved with gentle kisses. You need to choose the most sensitive areas on the girl's body so that she would be as pleasant as possible to wake up. For example, you can start kissing your hands, and then move up to the shoulders and neck, then go to the cheeks, gently peck on the nose, and then kiss on the lips. If your beloved is not very tightly wrapped in a blanket, you can walk kisses on the back, as well as other parts of the body.

Breakfast in bed

How to wake up a girl? Another classic option is to cook breakfast in bed, and then wake up, inviting you to eat your cooking. And you don't have to be a chef to make scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs, make a couple of toasts with butter and cheese, and pour a glass of her favorite juice or coffee. You can also cook porridge, getting up about half an hour before your missus. Serve it with a cube of butter. To charge the girl with an additional portion of a great mood, roll up a heart-shaped napkin and write nice words about your girl on it.

Whisper in your ear

Whisper pleasant words in the girl's ear so that her awakening is pleasant. A quiet gentle whisper with barely perceptible touches of her ears with your lips will cause pleasant goosebumps on her skin.


Find a small feather, for example, from an old feather pillow, and lightly tickle your beloved in the most sensitive places. These are heels, places behind the knees, ears, stomach. Do this very gently at first, barely touching the skin, unobtrusively. And then build up the intensity until you are fully awake. Of course, there is a risk that the girl will brush you off, not wanting to wake up, and accidentally hit you in the ear or on the cheek, but you are a man - you will survive. Is not it?

If you are far away

If you are far from your beloved, then you should call her, but here you need to choose the right time so that your soul mate just wakes up. Or write an SMS with some romantic quatrain, maybe someone else's, but better than your own composition. Or just say good morning and say that you miss you and look forward to meeting you.

What a pleasure to wake up with your loved one. To feel that such a kindred spirit is near you. And I always want her to meet the beginning of a new day with a smile and joy. How to wake up a girl if you are next to her?

Beloved is near, wake her up

Gentle kisses will help open her eyes. By kissing her in the most sensitive places, you will give the girl a very pleasant awakening. Thinking about how to wake up a girl, you can cook her favorite dish for breakfast and bring it to bed. The very aroma of the dish that will be in the apartment can wake her up. It can be a light meal or freshly brewed coffee.

One of the options for waking up your girlfriend can be quiet and calm music about love. They don't have favorite songs and artists, so they can help you. If you are a person with a good ear for music, you can sing it yourself.

Find some light object and tickle your girlfriend with it. Tickle behind the ear, tummy and heels. But start doing it carefully and with tenderness. She will start to brush you off, but you continue tickling, let her completely wake up your beloved. And if you bought a flower the day before, then you can tickle the girl with its petals.

If you are far away

It happens that you and your beloved are separated by distance. Therefore, make sure that the morning is pleasant for her, take care, even if you are in another city. Let your beloved at a distance feel your care. Write her an SMS with a declaration of love, insert an emoticon with a kiss. Maybe you yourself compose poetry, then your impromptu will be very pleasant for her. Order flowers for your girlfriend with home delivery. Seeing a huge bouquet on the threshold and knowing that it is from you, your girlfriend will be very happy.

Every girl can be surprised when her beloved boyfriend wakes her up in the morning by phone. What interesting ways to note for the implementation of such a romantic idea?

Phone call

An interesting option for waking up a girl is a phone call. If you wish, you can pre-record your voice on your smartphone, setting it as an alarm clock. This approach is typical for the closest people. During the call, you should try to show maximum attention and warmth to the girl. Such tender communication will certainly melt the heart of the sleeping beauty. During a telephone conversation, it is allowed to tell a joke, read a romantic verse, and even sing a song. This option will definitely work and, of course, leave only the best impressions. If desired, you can act according to a special scheme. This option will allow you to conquer the girl, making a special and indelible impression on her. Most likely, the beloved will think about her boyfriend all day and look forward to the upcoming meeting. In what cases is it not recommended to use a special approach to the morning awakening of a girl? The first case is a recent acquaintance with a girl. Under such circumstances, most likely, understanding will not be won. The technique is recommended to be used only if the relationship develops well. Otherwise, the result may be negative.

Why does the technique work?

So, why the morning awakening of a girl on the phone can bring two people in love even closer? First of all, mobile phones have firmly entered the lives of many people. With the help of any cell phone, you can deliver a romantic message in the shortest possible time, which will surely melt the girl’s heart. Men are visual by nature. Girls are guided by emotions, feelings and intuition. To awaken emotionality, it is recommended to focus on the inner world. For this reason, the correct approach to morning awakening is based on sincere emotions and feelings. A man must understand a woman even if he thinks about how unusual it is to express feelings revived in himself. In this regard, even gentle and sweet words need to be watched. Otherwise, a sincere desire to please the woman you love with beautiful wishes in the morning will turn into sadness due to excessive gullibility.

An interesting move that does not require responsibility and is able to focus on the feelings of women is the use of visual images in SMS. It is best to communicate with a man in the same language, no matter how far the relationship has gone. Only such an approach will allow you to appreciate the relationship and understand how much sincerity there is in them.

A man is likely to look for ways to show his true wishes and sincere concern for a woman, even if he is not too committed to her. A girl, of course, should show tenderness and try to understand her boyfriend in order to subsequently transfer the relationship to a new stage of development. Morning calls unite a couple in love, which is forced to be at a great distance from each other.

If everything is set up correctly, a man will admire every SMS and any phone call, realizing that he is more and more winning his beloved girl. If you make morning awakenings a tradition, they should still include a little excitement. In addition, this factor should not be taken as a psychological aspect, since in the male character everything was originally laid down by nature. Each member of the stronger sex must be a "hunter" in order to show sincere attention to his dear girlfriend. Otherwise, even regular and sweet morning calls will seem intrusive, and not easy flirting and tender feelings.

A girl who wakes up from the call of her lover should use "light" manipulations to further attract the man to her. With this approach, each meeting will be interconnected with its real, innermost expectation.

How to use the technique in action?

The technique is based on 3 stages, each of which helps to attract the girl and strengthen relations with her. Every man must initially arouse curiosity and win increased attention to himself. This will help the call, during which it is best to communicate in a whisper. In most cases, a whisper immediately wins the girl over. Such a call will be the first step towards creating an "alternative world" in which a special role will be assigned to both men and women. The intonation, timbre and even loudness of speech determine how quickly a man and a woman feel close to each other, want to strengthen the nascent relationship or bring elements of passion into the relationship being created. Even if you admit that all thoughts are occupied by a girl, you can avoid serious obligations and show readiness for the development of relations, further important steps.

The next step is for the man to let the woman feel beautiful and feminine. This will not only caress the ego of every woman who tries to be a good housewife, but also allows her to reveal her true nature. As a result, the relationship promises to become even stronger. A girl will be able to reveal her best facets of character only to the man who is ready to emphasize her desirability and significance. If a man feels how important actions, manifestations of attention will be, you can believe that the relationship will strengthen and, perhaps, become even better in the very near future.

Only at the third stage is it allowed to include the feelings of your chosen one. This approach will prevent forcing events, so that the relationship will certainly reveal its best facets. A declaration of love is best replaced with a reminder of the upcoming date and, of course, the word "imagine." Despite the fact that the word "imagine" initially seems simple, it turns the whole meaning of the phrase said and allows you to feel what will play the most important role only for two people in love. This is also based on the special specificity of the action of the word "imagine", which directs thinking towards visualization. If you correctly approach the implementation of the above stages, you can note amazing results.

Experienced psychologists suggest the best way to wake up a sleeping girl so that the action is perceived only from the positive side. If you do not take into account human psychology, you can not count on positive results.

Each person reacts differently to alarm ringtones and telephone conversations. A woman can be awakened by a gentle melody. For example, it is allowed to use the sound of children's crying as an alarm clock or a call, since the maternal instinct was originally laid down by nature.

A man who wants to please his beloved must know the most important features of how she was awakened in childhood. In this case, a person will not only wake up faster, but will also be able to feel a good mood and real cheerfulness. Success is guaranteed if you can repeat all the actions that were done many years ago by other people. It is possible that even a mobile phone will help in this, despite the distance.

The morning call should be soft. This is expressed not only in the fact that you cannot call a sleeping girl many times, but also in the fact that you need to build a dialogue correctly. Soft tactics promises to be as effective and enjoyable as possible. As a result, the girl will wake up from the call of a close man and will be able to avoid emotional stress. If you act assertively, the mood will be spoiled for the rest of the day.

Morning calls for people who study or work can be a good tradition. If a person is in a free work schedule and should not wake up early, you need to abandon the method that is initially capable of being romantic. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved, and conflicts will become frequent. Still, sleep for a person is a physiological and natural need that cannot be fought.

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