The name of the girl Antonina what does it mean. The meaning of the female name Antonina. origin of the name Antonina

Names: origin and forms

Antonina- (from Latin) spacious.

Folk: Antonida.
Derivatives: Antoninka, Tonya, Tonyunya, Tonyura, Tonyusya, Nyusya, Tonyukha, Tonyusha, Antosya, Tosya, Antosha, Tosha, Nina, Ina.

Directory of Russian names

Spacious(from Latin).

Responsive. Trusting. They know how to support in word and deed, money. They like to cry, to relieve the soul, but they tactfully keep their worries to themselves. Well built, with soft lines, lyrical, but suddenly, out of the blue, they can get carried away and take them away.

The secret of the name

Antonina, Antonida- opponent (Latin) - female form on behalf of the Roman emperors Anthony.
The name is old, but not forgotten, but alive. Nowadays, although not often, it is given to newborn girls.
name zodiac: Fish.
Planet: Neptune.
Name color: blue.
Talisman Stone: sapphire.
auspicious plant: willow, lily.
name patron: herring.
Happy day: Thursday.
happy season: winter.
Diminutive forms: Tonya, Tonyunya, Tonyura, Nyusya, Tonyukha, Antosya, Antosha, Tosya, Tasya, Nina, Ina, Nida.
Main features: excitability, susceptibility, daydreaming.


Antonina Krodamskaya, virgin, martyr, June 23 (10). After severe torments for the faith of Christ, she was thrown into a pit with fire and covered with earth in 313. Antonina, holy martyr, June 26 (13). The Holy Martyr Antonina suffered in the 3rd century during the persecution of Christians under the emperor Diocletian in the city of Nicaea. For the confession of the Christian faith, they tortured her in every possible way - they burned her with fire, laid her on a red-hot frying pan, drilled her arms and legs with red-hot rods, and, finally, threw her into prison, where the saint languished for two years. But the torment did not break the spirit of Saint Antonina; until her very death she confessed her faith in Christ. Finally, convinced of the futility of their attempts, the executioners threw the martyr into the sea.
Antonina of Nicaea, martyr, March 14 (1). Saint Antonina suffered in Nicaea during the persecution of Christians by the emperor Maximian (284-305). After severe torments, Saint Antonina was thrown into prison. But the cruel emperor could not force her to renounce the Lord and sacrifice to pagan idols. Frightening the executioners, the angels of God appeared to the holy martyr. Miraculously strengthened by the grace-filled power of Christ, she remained unharmed even when they laid her on a red-hot iron bed. Finally, after long tortures, they tied Saint Antonina in a sack and drowned her in the lake.


If on March 14, on Antonina, cabbage seedlings are sown in pots, she cannot suffer from frost.
It is believed that "all underground springs boil" on Antonina, so the canvases begin to whiten.


As a child, Tonya was her mother's first assistant: she cleaned the apartment, watered the flowers, and looked after her younger brothers and sisters. She loves to lead them and command them, they obey her with pleasure.

At school, Tonya studies well, reads a lot, a good library is being collected for her; Tonya loves poetry, knows a lot of poetry. Supervises younger students. She is very responsible and you can rely on her. She has good organizational skills, especially if she catches fire with some idea, she herself can captivate others. She loves to dream, sometimes she leaves everything and goes into endless dreams.

Adult Antonina flourishes in a team friendly to her, but it is difficult to endure the conditions of everyday life. Daily work for her is a cruel necessity. Dreaming plays a big role in her life. She tries to hide from reality and does not reveal her inner world to others.

Antonina has great intuition, knows how to solve dreams, and is often religious. Sometimes subject to mental depression, becomes aggressive, quarrelsome. Often influenced. If she is the boss, then even despotic.

Antonina is most often a teacher, educator, doctor, archivist, librarian, designer, literary critic, art critic. Antonina conscientiously does her job, always in good standing. Carried away by some part of her activity, she reveals herself especially brightly. The intended goal is rarely achieved, but does not suffer from this.

In her youth, Antonina has many admirers. She is very charming, well-built, more often she has long beautiful hair, her head held high. She does not value men, they disappear one after another, it happens that Antonina does not get married. If a person appears, whose feelings and devotion she does not doubt, Antonina marries him and becomes a wonderful wife, a wonderful housewife, a loving mother. Her best husband will be Efim, Vitaly, Oleg, Sergei, Semyon, Julius.

Antonina is responsive and kind, she has friends and just acquaintances, and although they all know that it is very difficult with Antonina, they continue to love her.


Antonina Vasilievna Nezhdanova (1873-1950) - Russian singer, from childhood, with her whole being, born for art, she was drawn to the song. She showed her musical talent very early. Antonina sang in the church choir, the voice of a seven-year-old child touched the fellow villagers: "here's a canary, here's a gentle voice." In the Odessa gymnasium, Nezhdanova was noticeably distinguished by her voice and general musicality, grace of movements and sense of rhythm. She led the gymnasium choir and often performed with him at the evenings. After graduating from the gymnasium, Antonina Vasilievna lived and worked in Odessa, often visited the magnificent opera house, where Italian singers sang, and enthusiastically sang the arias heard in the theater at home. Listening to impeccable singing is one of the most important factors in the upbringing of a young singer. A.V. Nezhdanova, having not yet begun to study, was already forming as a singer under the influence of Russian church music, folk songs and Italian vocal art. She passionately dreamed of studying vocals and, after an unsuccessful attempt in St. Petersburg, entered the Moscow Conservatory. Reviews of Nezhdana's performance in the Conservatory performances predicted a great future for her.

Often, chance helped many great artists to advance. It is not known how the fate of Nezhdanova would have developed if one day all the performers of the part of Antonida in Glinka's opera A Life for the Tsar had not fallen ill and the announced performance would not have been threatened with cancellation. The directorate of the imperial theaters remembered the young singer and asked her to help out the performance.

On April 23, 1902, the debut performance of Antonina Nezhdanova took place. The review noted the ability of the debutante to control her beautiful voice. A contract was signed with the young artist, and she became a professional opera singer.

Of the complex of qualities that make up the creative individuality of Nezhdanova, the most striking is the timbre of her voice and virtuosity, contemporaries quite rightly called her a Russian nightingale.

Nezhdanova remarkably sang the most difficult parts in Rimsky-Korsakov's operas. She was the wonderful Snow Maiden, Martha in The Tsar's Bride, the amazing Queen of Shemakhan in The Golden Cockerel, although the latter image differs sharply from the first two in character.

She worked a lot on stage movement. When she needed to create a fabulous image of the Shemakhan queen, she studied the plasticity of the movements of oriental dances. Before starting work on the part of Iolanta, Nezhdanova visited the infirmary for the blind. The movements of the blind people noticed there helped the artist to create a complete illusion of the blind Iolanthe. The image of Iolanta was one of the most outstanding in Nezhdanova's repertoire in terms of the strength of her artistic impression.

A.V. worked for over thirty years. Nezhdanov at the Bolshoi Theatre, she sang a large number of coloratura and historical lyrical parts - Tatiana in the opera Eugene Onegin by Tchaikovsky, Elsa, Wagner's Lohengrin, Manon Massenet, and many others, in which she performed with great success.

Antonina Vasilievna did a lot of concert work, she was an outstanding chamber singer.

Once she sang the works of S. Rachmaninov. According to the program, the composer was not supposed to accompany Nezhdanova. He sat in the audience and listened to Nezhdanov's performance of Francesca's aria from his opera Francesca do Rimini. What force of artistic excitement must have been evoked in S. Rachmaninov by Nezhdanova's singing, if, contrary to tradition, the official atmosphere and the composer's personal restraint, he himself went on stage and sat down at the piano to accompany the singer. Of course, the performance of both musicians, beautiful and inspiring, captured the audience.

Antonina Vasilievna Nezhdanova received worldwide recognition by touring the largest cities of Western Europe.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

The meaning of the name Antonina gives the owner a calm, good-natured disposition. They always come to her for help, waiting for support and wise advice. Her responsiveness attracts people, so she is always surrounded by acquaintances. But her secrecy and unwillingness to share her sorrows and troubles sometimes repel really close people who are ready to become friends, but attach importance to sincerity.

The deeply rooted femininity is clearly expressed in appearance: soft feminine lines, fine figure, feline grace. All her movements are slow and smooth, she rather glides or flutters above the ground than mundane steps.

He has amazing intuition, bordering on prophecy. She can easily interpret dreams, visions, symbols and signs. However, for a child, this may not always be a good thing: if parents are not interested in reality, then there is a possibility that the baby will grow up not adapted to the realities of life.

As a child, I like to take care of the younger members of the family, which gives the girl the opportunity to lead and try herself in the role of a caring mother. The first assistant in the house, which you can always rely on.


Dreaminess, which is an integral part of nature, leads to the creation of an image of an unattainable ideal. Looking for a man who will fully correspond to the invented type. At the same time, it does not take into account generally accepted morality, since the concept of morality is not of great importance. Possessing tangible sexuality, he often enters into intimate relationships with partners without requiring commitment.

The secrecy of nature does not allow revealing inner true feelings, leaving them only for the future chosen one. He does not complain and does not shift problems to the gentlemen, which gives ease and liveliness of communication. Ready to listen, to regret, which means having the ability to empathize. Pays no attention to his feelings. It is this quality that will help you find a life partner.


Having married, she becomes a faithful wife, regardless of the behavior of her husband. Has endurance. This means that Antonina can endure any attitude towards herself for a long time without showing true emotions. When the cup of patience overflows, she is ready for decisive action, up to a divorce. She will no longer refuse the final intention, it will be impossible to convince or influence her.

The meaning of the name Antonina gives a woman a desire for economic affairs. She prefers cooking original dishes, cleaning, shopping, to any noisy hobbies. Her hobby is related to needlework: sewing, knitting, embroidery gives her real pleasure.

A caring mother who wants to teach her children everything she knows. Rarely raises his voice, trying not to punish, but to explain. You will not hear stupid moralizing from her, which helps to find a common language with teenagers and maintain good friendships with grown children.

But in relations with relatives, she does not always remain sweet and good-natured, sometimes even cruel, remembering old grievances.

Business and career

Career is not the main thing in life, he believes that he deserves a comfortable life, not overshadowed by work. But if necessary, he is in good standing with the management due to his conscientiousness and perseverance. In addition, he creates a favorable atmosphere among colleagues: he will listen to dissatisfaction with his superiors, sympathize with problems, and try to provide all possible assistance.

Suitable specialties related to raising children or needlework: kindergarten teacher, pediatrician, teacher, dressmaker, seamstress. With the desire and help of a spouse, she can open her own atelier, which means she is able to work productively. It has good organizational skills, but once in a leadership position, it can become despotic and rude.

origin of the name Antonina

The origin of the name Antonina has several versions. According to one of them, the history of occurrence is connected with the ancient Roman dynasty Antoniev, and is a female form from the names of the emperors Antoninus and Antonius. According to another, it came from the male Anton, whose name in Old Slavonic sounded like Anthony.

Presumably, the etymology is associated with the Greek word "antao", the meaning of which is "to fight", "to compete in strength", "to resist", "opponent". In ancient Greece, where the name came from, Antonina is also credited with the meaning of a beautiful tender plant, which is associated with the word "anthos" - "flower", which corresponds to the hieroglyph of khan. That is why a snow-white lily carries a favorable meaning for a woman.

Characteristics of the name Antonina

The characteristic of the name Antonina brings the hostess responsiveness, excitability, susceptibility. Quiet, calm, kind and trusting. Always ready to receive guests, envelop home comfort and listen. Surrounded by friends, although often their attitude is associated only with the good-natured and friendly disposition of the hostess: if help is needed, many will turn away.

Pros and cons are inextricably linked in a person: kindness makes it difficult to show firmness if necessary; the desire to help turns into ingratitude.

Mystery of the name

  • The stone is a purple sapphire.
  • Name days - March 14, June 23 and 26.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Pisces.

Famous people

  • Antonina Mikhailovna Komissarova is a Russian actress.
  • Antonina Nikolaevna Shuranova is a Soviet and Russian film and theater actress.
  • Antonina Alexandrovna Samsonova is a Russian radio and TV presenter.

Different languages

The Latin meaning of the name Antoninus envelops him with a veil of mystery and incomprehensibility, as it is translated by the words “extensive”, “acquisition”, “comparison”. Adds mystery and the ancient Greek translation - "acquiring in return."

In Chinese, it has a transcription of āndōngnína, pronounced - andunnina. In Japanese, Antonina sounds like sorariko.

In addition, the secret of the name Antonin is connected with the meaning of the letters that make up the word: A - a symbol of the beginning, the desire for physical and spiritual comfort; H - a sign of protest, a sharp critical mind; T - intuition, sensitivity, creativity; O - deep feelings, the ability to handle money; And - carries the meaning of subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness.

Name Forms

Diminutive of Antonina - Antoninka, Tonyunya, Tonyura. Affectionately, a girl can be called Tonyusya, Tonechka, Antosya or abbreviated Tosya, Nyusya.

Derivatives - Antonida, Antosha, Tonyusha, Tonyukha; short and abbreviated can be formed as options from the folk Antonid or male Anton - Tosha, Ina, Ida, Nida.

Declensions: in the genitive case - Antonina, in the dative and prepositional - Antonina, in the accusative - Antonina, in the instrumental - Antonina.

The full name of Antonina is Orthodox, Catholic. Name days according to the church calendar, which fall on March 14 and June 26, are associated with Saint Anthony of Nicaea. Her life flowed during the time of the persecutor of Christians, Emperor Maximian. She, despite cruel tortures and tortures, did not renounce her faith in Christ until her last breath, which gave her the strength to overcome the torment. Failing to achieve renunciation, Maximian ordered the Christian woman to be put in a sack and drowned in a lake, which ended her earthly journey.

In addition, in Orthodoxy there are other holy wives named by this name: Krodamskaya, Novikova, Bryansk.

Antonina is a female Russian name that came into the Russian language along with the adoption of Christianity in Russia. There are several options for the origin and meaning of the name Antonina and about them below.

The most popular version is the origin of the name from the Roman generic name Antoninus. This is translated from Latin means "belonging to Anthony." I follow the logic the meaning of the name Antonina is "belonging to Antony". If translated more literally, you get "one of the Antoniev family."

The second most popular version can be called the Greek origin of the name Antoninus. According to this version, the name comes from the words αντεω or ανταω, which translates as "to compete" and "to fight". This was the epithet of the ancient Greek god Dionysus. It turns out that according to this version the meaning of the name Antonina is "competing" or "entering the battle". According to this version, the name Antonina is related to the names Anton, Antonin, Nina and Ninel.

Well, the extreme version can be called the origin of the name Antonina from the word ἄνθος (anthos), which in Greek means "flower". So according to this version, Antonina's name means "flower". Which version to believe, you decide for yourself.

The meaning of the name Antonina for a girl

A girl named Antonina grows up kind and sympathetic. She is endowed with a special responsibility, which is clearly visible from the outside. Antonina easily finds friends in a new team, loves to play with other children. The girl loves pets and often brings them home. With all the kindness of Antonina, she cannot be called harmless. If Antonina is offended, he usually fights back. Often Antonina stands up for the weaker and the smallest.

Antonina studies well and with joy. The girl loves to read and reads a lot. She loves poetry and loves to recite poetry. Maybe even write yourself. She has good leadership qualities, which often makes Antonina an opinion leader. She also often becomes class president. The girl has a well-developed imagination, which often helps her in life. However, imagination can play a cruel joke with Antonina, she can daydream and lose touch with reality.

The girl's health is usually good. The girl rarely gets sick, and if she does, the disease proceeds almost imperceptibly. This often leads to neglect of one's health, which is especially undesirable at a later age.

Abbreviated name Antonina

Tonya, Tonka, Tokha, Tosya, Antoshka, Nina, Ninka.

Diminutive names

Antoninka, Antoninochka, Antoninushka, Antoninonka, Antoninchik, Tonechka, Tonyushka, Tonyusha, Ninochka, Ninushka, Ninchik.

Name Antonina in English

In English, the name Antonina has undergone a change to the name Antonia, which is read as Antonia.

Name Antonina for passport- ANTONINA.

Translation of the name Antonina into other languages

in Arabic - أنتونينا (read as Antunena).
in Belarusian - Antanina
in Bulgarian - Antonina
in Hungarian - Antónia (read as Antonia)
in Greek - Αντωνία (read as Antonia and Andonia),
in Spanish - Antonina
in Italian - Antonina
in Chinese - 安東尼 (transliteration)
in German - Antonia (read as Antonia)
in Polish - Antonina
in Portuguese - Antonina
in Romanian - Antonina
in Serbian - Antonija
in Ukrainian - Antonina
in French - Antoinette (read as Antoinette or Antoinette)
in Czech - Antonie (read as Anthony and Antonia)
in Japanese - アントニーナ (transliteration)

Church name Antonina(in the Orthodox faith) can remain unchanged - this is a church name. Of course, if desired, Antonina can change her name at baptism, but it is better to consult with the priest about this.

Characteristics of the name Antonina

If you try to characterize Antonina, then the most noticeable will be her balance. It combines softness and hardness in perfect proportions. She can be cheerful and even careless, and after a minute serious and focused. She is responsible and rational, at the same time positive and bright. Antonina is a pleasant companion and friend. She's fun to be around and you can rely on her.

Work for Antonina is one of the ways of self-expression. Antonina loves to work and is ready to devote a lot of time to work. Quite often, Antonina's hobbies and work coincide. She is a very punctual worker and loves accuracy in everything. And her leadership qualities make her an excellent leader. Her activity is most fully revealed in the professions of a journalist, guide, toastmaster, wedding organizer or music worker in kindergarten.

Family ties for young Antonina seem to be constricting. She rarely marries at a young age. If Antonina marries early, then often her marriage breaks up quickly enough. If, having settled down, Antonina decides to start a family, then she will approach this quite seriously. Often this is associated with meeting a truly worthy man. Antonina is a good hostess and caring mother. She lovingly equips her house and takes care of her family.

The secret of the name Antonina

The secret of Antonina can be called her suspiciousness. She very often relies on intuition and can "feel" a lot of excess. Sometimes, against the background of internal sensations, she begins to feel depressed and fearful. She needs to be careful with her own intuition and be more skeptical about her own insight.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Fish.

totem animal- Herring.

Name color- Blue.

Wood- Willow.

Plant- Lily.

A rock- Sapphire.

According to Mendelev

Akin to Anton, the name of a completely different warehouse, Antonina (sometimes the form Antonida is used, which means “daughter of Antony”) is a good, simple, beautiful and “smooth” name, and besides, it is also “round” and “slow”. The name is old, but not forgotten, like Evdokia and Praskovya, but alive - although infrequently, it is given to newborn girls in our time. The fate of Antonin in life develops in different ways, often not very easily and smoothly, although they always carry kindness, tenderness and reliability with them. The signs are somewhat less pronounced: bright, joyful, light and brave. As a rule, Antoninas are sincere, open and easily vulnerable.

Although work is not the main thing for them in life, their inherent conscientiousness allows them to always remain in good standing, and they do not conflict with colleagues and girlfriends.

Tonya and Tosya are stronger and kinder. They even have the sign of "powerful". In diminutive names, the quality “slow” goes into the shadows and “majestic” appears - a feature of original nature. Antonina (and Tonya) will never be guided by someone else's opinion, they will do as their soul tells them, and will not blame anyone for their sorrows and troubles.

Tonya, perhaps, is somewhat louder, more distinct, and Tosya is the one more everyday and mundane, although both are bright and joyful. They illuminate the lives of others, often burning themselves in the process.

The name's colors are white and blue, bordered by a narrow red stripe.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: From the Roman family name Antoniev. The name presumably comes from the Greek. antao, "to fight".

Energy name and character: In general, the energy of this name has a good, balanced mobility, good nature and cheerfulness, but it has two sides, two faces. Usually this leads to the fact that from childhood Tony develops such qualities as friendliness, cheerfulness, good nature. She grasps information fairly quickly, which compensates for her restlessness and playfulness in school. However, even then, in the depths of her soul, the other side of the name begins to awaken - the collected, balanced Nina, not alien to some authority and prudence. However, most likely, this will not manifest itself outwardly in any way, it’s just that Tony’s cheerfulness and good nature will become somewhat more circumspect, and she herself will begin to be attracted not so much by fun games as by the opportunity to achieve specific, pragmatic goals.

This usually happens insidiously, and even Tonya herself is likely to be perceived as a natural process of growing up. Nevertheless, a lot in her fate depends on her upbringing, namely on which side of her character will be more developed. Cheerful and carefree parents often do not allow her prudence to fully manifest, on the other hand, an overly materialistic environment can make Antonina overly pragmatic, which often leads to a loss of her cheerfulness. However, most often she remains sociable Tonya, whose good nature combines philanthropy and self-care. At the same time, she is often not averse to commanding with close people, but it does not come to self-will, prudence usually helps her stop in time, and a sense of humor - to turn everything into a joke. However, it is difficult to suspect her of insincerity, except in cases where prudence still prevails. In this case, everything will remain fine in her external life, while inside she will most likely feel a clear lack of warmth, trying to find it in her loved ones. Alas, the only way to find this warmth is to look for it within yourself.

Nevertheless, most bearers of this name perfectly combine love for their neighbor with love for themselves, which makes Tonya a good housewife and a caring wife and mother. Her good-natured energy brings an atmosphere of fun and prosperity to the family, the main thing is that excessive pragmatism does not destroy all this.

Secrets of communication: If you want to entrust Tonya with any secret, then do it in such a way that she is also interested in its safety. You should also not rely too much on her gentleness, it is unlikely that she will easily back down from her benefits, except perhaps in the hope of ever using her good deed.

The trace of a name in history:

Antonina Byzantine

An example of one of the most prudent and mercantile Antonina in history is the daughter of a Byzantine circus performer and the wife of Belisarius, an influential courtier at the court of Emperor Justinian (VI century). A domineering, cunning and cruel woman, always getting her way, she began by managing to subjugate her husband - a man also quite strong, albeit a few years younger than her. However, it is very possible that the husband, only for reasons of expediency, wore a henpecked mask - after all, in return, Antonina, having even greater influence at court, provided him with invaluable assistance, observing his financial interests in business.

And indeed, according to the testimony of the famous Byzantine historian and writer Procopius of Caesarea (who was an adviser to Belisarius and could observe the life of his family in close proximity), Antonina's word in the state meant a lot. Having become a friend of the wife of Emperor Justinian Theodora, she willingly helped the empress in all her criminal plans, gaining great power over her thanks to the secrets that connected them. However, once a real threat loomed over Antonina, coming from her own son: he found out that his mother was unfaithful to his father. Initiation to this secret almost became fatal for the young man: Antonina was about to kill her son, whom only a hasty monastic vows could save.

By old age, after the death of Belisarius, Antonina, tired of court intrigues and a hectic lifestyle, decided that it was time for her to take care of her own soul. However, since she had a rather vague idea about this, the only thing that came to her mind was to purchase a monastery with the money left from her husband, thus buying herself a warm place in the next world.

1. Personality: able to listen

2. Color: red

3. Totem plant: peony

4. Spirit animal: duck

5. Sign: Cancer

6. Main features: excitability - morality - receptivity - intuition

7. Type. Like a duck that feels confident on the water, but worse - on land, so these women flourish in a benevolent environment, but it is difficult to endure the conditions of everyday life.

8. Psyche. Fleeing from reality into endless dreams. Easily influenced, they lack self-confidence

9. Will. Not too strong.

10. Excitability. Dreaming plays a very important role in their life.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. Very slow. They never reveal their inner world to others, where wonderful flowers often bloom and colorful butterflies flutter. Behind all this lies some kind of bitterness, reminiscent of the taste of a peony - their totem plant.

12. Field of activity. In the distant past, such women, obviously, were wonderful shepherds in airy dresses. They work as necessary as caretakers in museums, archivists, librarians, laboratory assistants.

13. Intuition. Extraordinary. They know how to solve dreams. However, they are subject to mental depression. Reflection, which tears apart their tender soul, should be avoided.

14. Intelligence. They have a synthetic type of thinking, which contributes to success in life, but their intellect is somewhat depressed due to indecision, timidity.

15. Susceptibility. They need love like air, but they are somewhat careless.

16. Morality. This word means nothing to them. They simply exclude themselves from any moral responsibility for anything.

17. Health. They need to be sure to adhere to a balanced diet, rest after dinner and take walks.

18. Sexuality. Weak, sex for them represents the area that scares them.

19. Activity. Not too active.

20. Sociability. Since childhood, they love entertainment, picnics and parties, but they still keep apart.

21. Conclusion. They love nature. They are difficult to catch, as they constantly run away in their thoughts into the sunny distances.

By Higiru

Feminine form of Anton.

Antonina is a kind person, but her kindness is different, not the same as Anna's. It comes not so much from the heart, but from a clear understanding: how you yourself treat people, so they will pay you.

Little Tonechka behaves in the children's team as a teacher. Since childhood, she likes to lead and command. At the same time, she is kind and does not “notice” tricks - the children willingly obey her, and a real teacher can always leave her to look after the group for a minute.

At home, Tonya is her mother's assistant, if the family has a younger brother or sister, she willingly takes care of them. During her school years, Antonina patronizes younger students, and although her studies are not without difficulty, she enjoys authority due to her good organizational skills. She is responsible, you can rely on her in many ways. Indispensable at work. In the role of boss, she is somewhat tyrannical.

Before the wedding, Antonina gets fans. She does not particularly stand on ceremony with them, does not care at all about being faithful to one. Having married, she is transformed: yesterday's carefree girl turns into a real keeper of the family hearth. All Antonina's activities, her thoughts and plans are aimed at ensuring prosperity and happiness for the family. She does not squander money, she is prudent in purchases, before buying something, she will go around the whole bazaar and bargain with each seller. She is sympathetic and kind, she has many friends and casual acquaintances, although they all know that Antonina's friendship is not without pragmatism, they continue to love her. For the sake of preserving the family, she is ready to endure the antics of her husband, a drunkard, to put up with the infidelity of her husband.

Antonina will be in the top ten if Yefim is her husband. Favorable for marriage are also Yuri, Oleg, Semyon, Sergey, Vitaly. Failure awaits with Ivan, Ignat, Denis, Maxim.

The meaning of the name Antonina is “entering the battle”, “opposing”, “worthy of praise”, “opponent”. There is another option in which the meaning of the name Antonina is interpreted as "wide", "spacious".

Name origin

There are several hypothetical options for the origin of the name Antonina. According to one version, the name Antonina originates from the ancient Roman dynasty of Antoniev. Someone believes that Antonina is the daughter of Antony. There is an opinion that the origin of the name Antonina is connected with the Greek word "antao" ("opposing"). According to the third version, this is the female form of the male name Anton.

Name characteristic


The meaning of the name affects the character of the girl. From childhood, she grows up independent and courageous, early begins to show character and command others. Most often, younger brothers and sisters fall under her influence. Antonina is accommodating only with her parents, who are her indisputable authority. For mom, there is simply no better assistant than Tonya.

At school, Tonya studies well, she is diligent and diligent. She absorbs information well, achieves high results in her studies with her perseverance, putting a lot of effort into her studies. Antonina hates lazy people and hooligans, and always tries to shame them on occasion. Often takes patronage over lagging students.


This name combines good nature, cheerfulness and firmness. A playful and restless girl named Antonina knows how to quickly concentrate her attention, which is especially important during her school years. She enjoys setting goals and achieving them successfully.

He has a domineering and courageous character. At the same time, she will never leave a person in trouble, she will always try to help, the offender can be deservedly scolded, but she will give him a chance to improve. A pragmatic character pushes Tonya to look for his own benefit in any situation. She will not miss the opportunity to take advantage of the opportunity, even if it is to the detriment of someone's interests.


Having matured, Antonina can become an excellent educator, teacher, doctor. She is a talented leader and organizer. At times, Tonya can be unnecessarily strict, but she quickly moves away, having read lectures to a disobedient employee. She has many girlfriends, besides, she is not deprived of male attention and has many fans.

Personal life

Antonina becomes a good wife and mother. She enjoys creating home comfort and takes care of her household. Good-natured Tonya knows how to create comfort in the family, an atmosphere of fun and well-being.

Name compatibility

Ideal compatibility of the name Antonina with male names Vitaly, Oleg, Semyon, Sergey and Yuri. Relationships may develop less successfully with Ivan, Igor, Nikita, Konstantin and Fedor.

name day

According to the church calendar, Antonin's name day falls on January 10, 22, 30 in winter, March 1 and 14, April 29 and May 4 in spring. Summer and autumn Antoninas celebrate name days on June 12, 23 and 26, August 10 and October 27.

Famous people

The name of Antonin was glorified by his bearers: the Soviet athlete in kayaking Seredina, the opera singers Abarinova and Nezhdanova, the writer Koptyaeva, the artist Rzhevskaya, the actresses Shuranova, Maksimova and Samarina, the host of the Ekho Moskvy radio station Samsonova, the partisan Petrova, the athlete Krivoshapka, the navigator Zubkova.

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