I had sex with my husband's friend - now what to do? Why does a husband like it when a stranger sleeps with his wife How we fucked my wife all night

This video captures a rather unpleasant moment. The man filmed on camera how his best friend's wife was cheating on her husband, and posted the video on the Internet. As Day.Az reports with reference to the Daily Mail, over 3 million users watched the video in a few hours.

James, the person filming this video, watches the woman in shock. "Nina, what's going on here? Who are these guys?" - he asks the spouse of a friend. She was embarrassed at first, but then with a smile says that James himself knows what is happening here. Nina sat quietly in her lover's lap while James filmed them on camera. The guy who was the bartender at the nightclub where they were, covered his face with his phone and turned on the flashlight to keep his face out of the frame.

James' friend asked him to follow Nina, as he suspected her of treason. So James followed his friend's wife to a nightclub and saw everything with his own eyes. He immediately posted the filmed video on Reddit. Under the video, he wrote that after a friend found out everything, he took the car, Nina's wedding ring and left, giving her only one day to leave their house.

According to James, Nina and his friend were very fond of each other and had a delightful wedding a year and a half ago.

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What if the spouse constantly repeats: "If you want, change"? What makes loving husband push your wife to adultery? And how to bring harmony back to married life?

Woman cheating

Few people like jealous people. After all, women simply need the attention of men - at least in purely preventive purposes... But here's what to do if your spouse, on the contrary, pushes you to commit adultery, every now and then repeating: "If you want, change"?

It turns out that there are even more such provocateurs than pathological jealous people. Practicing psychologists attribute this behavior to the syndrome of provoked treason.

Woman cheating

“Oddly enough, the syndrome of provoked infidelity is observed in marriages, where both spouses sincerely love each other and are by no means going to cheat,” says psychologist Larisa Novikova. it comes about quite mature people: both partners are already over 25, the man already had the experience of long-term relationships behind his back. And it seems that no one gave anyone a reason to think about treason. But then one day the wife hears: "I do not mind that you cheated on me."

How can such a thought occur to an exemplary family man? There can be several explanations.

    A man is much older than his wife and she is afraid that sooner or later she will cease to suit her in the intimate sphere. To relieve the growing psychological stress, he ... casually starts a conversation about the fact that cheating in their relationship is quite acceptable. And at the same time he is afraid that his wife will follow his advice. Gradually, he becomes a slave to his own fears.

    Still young man problems with potency began, about which he is afraid to confess to his wife, and he does not dare to go to the doctor. Often we are talking about banal prostatitis, but men who are frightened by TV advertising are terrified of the diagnosis "impotent", so they try not to tell anyone about their problems. The further course of thought coincides with the logic of the previous point.

  1. As a child, a man suffered psychological trauma- betrayal by close women. For example, a mother left her family or spent more time with one of the other children. As an adult, such a person does not believe in the sincerity of relationships with women. And he is so afraid of losing the other half that he himself proposes to change her.

Woman cheating

  1. A man loves his wife, but at the same time he wants variety. Paradoxical, but true: some are really turned on by cheating wives. Psychologists call this the Madonna-whore complex. Its essence is that after long years of marriage, a man begins to treat his wife as a second mother. As a result, erotic attraction leaves the relationship. To preserve the marriage, the husband subconsciously seeks to make the image of his wife more carnal, mundane. How? Imagining that she cheated on him, of course.

Woman cheating

The syndrome of provoked cheating has an interesting one side effect... Allowing his wife to cheat, the man immediately relieves himself of tension. From such psychological relief it becomes easier for him, and potency improves in an amazing way. Noticing this, the delighted wife begins to tell her husband fairy tales about how, when and with whom she allegedly cheated on him. If the spouse does not consider it necessary to play along with her husband, he himself finds a lot of evidence of betrayal of the faithful.

However, an attempt to relieve tension in such an intricate way only aggravates the situation: a man winds himself up more and more, because he loves his wife, and the provocation of betrayal is only a consequence of deep complexes and self-doubt. Scandal follows scandal. The logical consequence of such a situation is usually parting.

How to break the vicious circle?

    Do not take your husband's words literally and do not change. On the contrary, from day to day to prove to him that he is the one and only. Try to expand your social circle, often get out together "into the light", but at the same time try to pay attention only to him.

    Change your image. Try role-playing games... The advice may be trivial, but effective. The sight of a wife in a dressing gown, slippers, hair curlers and with a cucumber mask on her face can excite few people.

    Arrange a scene of jealousy for her husband. In moderate doses, jealousy flatters pride. You will prove to him that you not only value him, but also consider him attractive to other women.

    To say that you are planning to have a bunch of children. The best insurance against infidelity for such a man is a promise to make him a father with many children.

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Few people want to live with a jealous person. In addition, women always like male attention, and many do not need the "other half" to be jealous of every pillar. But, according to the observations of sexologists, lately, there are more and more Othello men, but those who, on the contrary, deliberately push their girlfriend to adultery! A fairly rare deviation called "provoked betrayal syndrome" has become more and more common over the past ten years, say the capital's sexologists.

Representatives of the Moscow sex industry also shared this shocking observation with us. According to the "call boys", one of the most popular orders they have lately is having sex with the client's wife in his presence.

More and more often men turn to me who want to see how their wives are being fucked. Moreover, it is clear that this is a fantasy of the man himself, and not at all of his wife, - told us 27-year-old Alexei, who has been moonlighting with paid sex for five years. - It so happens that they bring a camera and ask permission to film the whole process. As I understand it, they are turned on by the fact that someone else is sleeping with their faithful.

It is interesting that usually the lovers of adultery are not youngsters who have seen enough porn, but middle-aged men who, before the start of marriage, had a fairly active and varied intimate life... But after 5-10 years of marriage, usually a happy one, they begin to push the spouse to cheat. It usually starts with gentle hints.

For example, a husband may advise his wife to visit bars, to discos with her friends more often, to go to rest alone. Or, for example, he will simply directly advise the faithful to make a friend, specifying what he personally will be all for! At first, women perceive it as a joke or an insult, the topic is gradually "hushed up", and then the worst begins.

Such a man may directly demand from his wife to spin a romance and report to him about all its details, or, like a jealous person, begins to see evidence of treason in every little thing. At the heart of this is a kind of masochism, when an insecure person is relieved by replaying a frightening situation over and over again in his imagination. It is interesting that at the same time he is madly in love with his wife and is afraid of losing her.

It all started banally with us: my husband is a businessman, he is always busy, so he often asked his driver to accompany me when I went out somewhere in the evenings, - the young and pretty Moscow housewife Olga shares her misfortune. - Fortunately, the driver is an unmarried guy, a handsome man. But when my husband first hinted to me that he wanted to see how his chauffeur and I were making love, I was just shocked. I cried all day. Why? For what? For a long time I gathered my courage and talked with my husband heart to heart. He confessed that he loved me very much, but at the same time the thought that someone was sleeping with me in front of his eyes excites him wildly ...

There can be several reasons for the "syndrome of provoked treason":

1. A man loses interest in his wife after living with her for many years. In such a marriage, partners tend to treat each other like brother and sister. Imagining the "other half" in the form of a fallen woman, the man again begins to experience attraction.

2. The husband is much older than his wife and fears that sooner or later she will find a younger and more skillful partner in bed. By “allowing” her to betray, he actually disclaims responsibility for the “leftist” that may arise in the future. Naturally, in fact, such a man does not want his wife to follow his advice, but neurosis brings him to the point that he plagues his wife with reproaches and suspicions.

3. A man starts having problems with potency or it seems to him that he is not a very good lover. Not everyone will decide to go to a doctor with this, therefore, fearing the discontent of his wife, the unfortunate person actually pushes her into the arms of another. It can be a close friend or even a neighbor, in general, someone who "can be trusted".

4. Childhood psychological trauma. A man with this syndrome usually grew up in single-parent family, without a mother, or was an unloved child to whom my mother did not pay enough attention. As a result, he is initially distrustful of the fair sex and cannot be completely sincere with his "other half". Such men constantly think that they will be abandoned, therefore, they want to accelerate the onset of this frightening situation.

After a man has lost treason for himself, it becomes much easier for him psychologically. Having dropped such a heavy burden, he temporarily gets rid of neurosis, improves potency, mood. Many women, noticing this pleasant change, begin to play along with the faithful, deliberately inventing or hinting at romances with other men. But this situation usually does not end with anything good: the man winds himself up more and more, because he really does not want any betrayal. Scandals begin, and the "second half" will no longer believe that you have only been telling "fairy tales" all this time. You need to deal with this problem "by contradiction":

Naturally, if you love your spouse, then you do not need to follow his advice and indulge in all bad things. But you should not even lock yourself at home: more often go out with your spouse, but only at the same time constantly give compliments and even draw his attention to the fact that other women also like him. There is no better medicine for potency than a sense of your own worth!

Emphasize its importance and need for you. By the way, your intimate life should become frequent and stormy: the "other half" should not doubt their bedding abilities.

Hint that you want a bunch of kids. For a man, your promise to settle down and become an exemplary mother will be the best "insurance" against cheating, writes

No wonder I seem to be worried. They all returned, flushed and happy. Both my wife and my friends are men. In general, my wife's T-shirt is already short, it is lifted up to the navel and she seems to like it unrealistically.

I am a husband, I remember for a long time how my wife, with me and with friends, went fishing. That is still fishing, I did it with my friends. All anglers are fishing. Only fish, we didn't catch then ...

My minibus was old then. The beetle was called. Here we are with friends, on this beetle, every almost weekend, and went fishing. My wife was apparently tired of my constant absence and she decided to go fishing with me and my friends too. See what we guys are doing there.

Only when we completely arrived at the place of our beloved deserted, I understood how I got there, large. I understood immediately. Because upon arrival, the wife said that she had forgotten the swimsuit at home. And not only a swimsuit, but all other things are their own. I prepared a bag with things and forgot - a fool.

Well, do not come back a hundred kilometers because of my wife. Come on, I say. Sunbathe in your panties. We are all adults. Women in shorts have not seen - or what ...

So I - says the wife - put on a tracksuit on my naked body straight. I thought to put on a swimsuit on the spot. And that's how it happened. We'll have to walk around in a T-shirt for now. In sports pants, I'm worn out already. And my wife took off her pants. But in vain. She had a T-shirt, only to the middle of her naked round ass. And for this reason, our fishing began to end.

Especially when the wife bent over, innocently, by the fire. There, such a goldfish peeped out from under a T-shirt that my friends, eyes like crayfish, crawled out of their sockets. And the peasants, only now, were staring at my wife, in the hope, apparently, another one more time, to look at this fish.

This fish, peeping out from under the T-shirt and in front of his wife often and this dark triangle, put a bold cross on our fishing trip with friends. My friends, amicably rushed to my wife to help manage the campfire. Friends to me too. Traded fishing for a woman without panties. At least they caught it in the ear - such bastards.

And soon, my friends went to the woods, to help my wife half-naked, to collect firewood. They went, and I was left like an idiot, to fish. What else could I do? He himself brought his wife fishing. Who could have known that everything would turn out this way.

My friends, my wife and I spent an hour collecting firewood. I already started to worry. What if they are such bastards, they will start collecting firewood from my wife under a T-shirt. What then? BUT??? There are no cowards on it.

It looks like I was worried for a reason. They all returned, flushed and happy. Both my wife and my friends are men. In general, my wife's T-shirt is already short, it is lifted up to the navel and she seems to like it unrealistically. Still, what woman doesn't like being the center of attention of men. And all the attention of my friends, only to the charms of my wife was directed.

It all ended with the fact that the wife, flushed by the increased male attention, took off her T-shirt and remained in front of us as men, in which the mother gave birth. And I'll tell you, never before has my wife looked so tempting as on that fishing trip. I soon dragged it into the woods myself, supposedly to collect firewood.

And he even resigned himself to the fact that my wife, in front of us peasants, was walking around naked. But, on a fishing trip with friends, I will no longer take my wife, no matter how my friends ask me.

Or maybe? Who knows? There is something unusual in this that may be worth thinking about ... Only I wonder what it was in the woods, my wife, a lecher, did with my friends without underwear. This little thought is petty and now does not give me peace. Then they almost did not collect firewood in an hour. And my friends and I did not catch fish then. Why did it happen. Maybe my wife is not so stupid as I thought at first. And it's not for nothing that she forgot her panties and things at home. And the guys? Maybe I'm a fool myself !!!?

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