Requirements for the quality of stuffed chicken leg. Stuffed chicken legs. Forming stuffed chicken legs

Sometimes in my culinary blog you can find dishes that very remotely resemble banquet dishes, but this does not happen often. Today I will talk about how I cooked stuffed chicken legs. And these stuffed chicken legs are just from the category of banquet dishes. On the nose New Year and, perhaps, someone will like this recipe for the New Year's table.

I'll make a reservation right away, stuffed chicken legs can have various variations fillings, but chicken meat is always the basis, and onions, mushrooms, cheese, vegetables, herbs, spices are already added to it. You can form the stuffing for stuffed legs from your favorite ingredients, but remember that we are stuffing chicken skin removed from a chicken leg, and it won't fit a lot of filling. Rather, just as much meat will fit as there was in the chicken leg itself, and a little more. Based on this simple information, it turns out that the auxiliary ingredients for stuffed chicken legs should be in small quantities.

My children, having tried the stuffed chicken legs, said that they taste very much like cutlets. And they are right! At its core, each stuffed leg is a large cutlet (and each stuffed leg is really not a small one), beautifully packaged and decorated. The finished stuffed chicken legs look original and appetizing, even, I'm not afraid of the word, intriguing :)

Well, I'll add a drop of tar to the barrel of honey. Cooking stuffed chicken legs is not difficult, but laborious. Personally, it was not difficult for me to remove the skin from the legs, but it was difficult to remove the meat from the bones. This process took me 15 minutes, no less, and I had to put a lot of effort. But the dish was worth it.

It is not necessary to cook such stuffed chicken legs for the upcoming banquet, you can just like that, for the soul :) It is convenient to cut them into thin pieces and serve as a meat "appendage" to any side dishes, especially for mashed potatoes... You can even make sandwiches out of them, adding a leaf of lettuce and a tomato ring to the bread and pieces of stuffed chicken legs.

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Servings - 4


  • 4 chicken quarters (legs)
  • 70-100 g of hard cheese
  • 4 + 1 tablespoons sour cream
  • 0.5 medium onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 0.3 tablespoon salt
  • ground black pepper

Stuffed chicken legs recipe

Wash the chicken legs thoroughly.

Then, the skin should be removed from each leg. We work according to the following algorithm: using a sharp knife, we help to separate the chicken skin from the meat, but in no case should we damage the skin. This process is not difficult, chicken skin is quite elastic and does not tear if handled carefully. The skin should be practically removed to the joint, as in the photo.

Then, with a sharp knife, file the bone slightly above the joint. Then we just break the bone with our hands. The photo clearly shows the place where you need to cut (break) the bone. In this case, the skin remains intact.

Remove all the meat from the bone.

And here are my four legs, which are now boneless meat and chicken skin, completely ready for stuffing.

Cooking stuffing for stuffed chicken legs. Grind the chicken meat into minced meat along with half an onion (you can also with a whole one). Add the grated hard cheese, 4 tablespoons of sour cream, which will make the dish more tender and juicy, as well as salt, pepper and a clove of garlic passed through a garlic press. Mix the filling well, it turned out a lot.

Divide the filling into four equal parts and begin the process of stuffing the chicken legs. Putting the minced meat in the peel small portions, helping to tamp the filling tightly with your hands.

After the whole portion of minced meat has been placed in the peel, close the leg as shown in the photo.

We place all the stuffed legs in a heat-resistant mold and grease their surface with a little sour cream. Also lightly salt the legs and pepper them.

  • В 4. Types of industrial lighting and their characteristics. Basic lighting engineering quantities and units of their measurement, KEO.
  • В 4. Types of industrial lighting and their characteristics. Basic lighting engineering quantities and units of their measurement. KEO
  • В 4. Characteristics of the combustion process. Combustion types. Combustible substances Explosive and fire hazardous properties of GW.
    1. 1 Characteristics of the topic. Stuffed chicken legs with a complex side dish
    1.2 Recipe and calculation
    1.3 Characteristics of the main and auxiliary raw materials
    1.4 Description of the technological process of cooking
    1.5 Description of the organization of workshops
    2.1 Safety precautions
    2.2 Personal hygiene of employees Catering


    The ability to cook deliciously and beautifully on your own is very appreciated, because cooking good food is a whole art that requires considerable experience and knowledge. It's not easy to break two eggs in a skillet and sprinkle salt and pepper on top of them.

    Good cooking skills are appreciated at the highest level. And a vivid confirmation of this is that modern television is simply overflowing with all sorts of culinary programs in which you can learn how to cook everything, from elementary Ukrainian borscht with sour cream to Italian pasta with tartar sauce. The recipes themselves are a simple technical description of what should be put into a dish and in what order to get something gorgeous and delicious.

    Mixing something with something to make a culinary masterpiece is a whole science that requires a huge number of hours and training in order to at least begin to understand elementary things in it. In general, being a culinary specialist is not only honorable, because his hands come into contact with expensive and refined varieties of meat and fish, but it is also quite profitable, and all because many people today simply do not have time to have lunch or dinner at home with their families, more and more often giving preference for expensive cafeterias or restaurants.

    The work of a cook is very much appreciated and welcomed today, since cooking is the highest of the sciences, which is simply not possible without a certain gift and talent. The ability to add the right amount of spices or spices is the height of art, so many people today are beginning to feel the need to receive a special training in cookery.

    Cooking is also very beneficial for a person's mental health, as it has long been scientifically proven that cooking develops patience and

    perseverance, and also has a positive effect on the psyche, due to the fact that

    food handler good quality rejoices and delights, and therefore receives a number of positive emotions.

    Educational culinary programs, as a rule, have a huge viewer rating, because it is interesting and not boring. The dish should not only be cooked with high quality and tasty, but also simply must be beautiful, so that the viewer wants to taste it from the TV screen and give its assessment to the chef's creativity. That is why such a craft is very fashionable in our life.

    Cookery is very profitable, but only when the chef knows how to use the gifts of nature and his talents to recreate excellent dishes, and connoisseurs of his craft with great delight accept more and more new skills of the chef give his creativity the highest marks. In short, the ability to cook is the ability to bring joy and pleasure to those around you.

    Target performance of work - describe the technological process of the stages of preparation of the dish "Stuffed chicken legs with a complex side dish".


    1. Describe the main stages of preparation of the dish "Stuffed chicken legs with a complex side dish".

    3. Describe the main and auxiliary raw materials.

    4. Describe the technological process of cooking.

    5. To reveal the organizational conditions of the workshops.


    Characteristics of the topic. Stuffed chicken legs with a complex side dish

    The profession of a cook is one of the most popular and demanded in the world. Anyone can cook something quickly and even tasty, but chefs do something more with food. They don't just follow the recipe, mixing the ingredients in the right proportions and bringing the products to readiness. Extensive knowledge in the field of physiology, chemistry, visual arts, as well as a sense of proportion and a special intuition form what we call culinary masterpieces.

    Skilled chefs are often referred to as masters of food preparation, and their dishes are often referred to as works of art. Because their main goal is not just cooking food to satisfy hunger. They strive to convey to people certain feelings and moods, choosing the most successful combination of taste and aroma, as well as beautifully decorating the dish. Without a doubt, this can only be done with talent and with a certain amount of inspiration.

    The profession of a cook has several areas of activity. The pastry chef is engaged in the manufacture of sweets. This specialization requires a developed imagination and subtle artistic taste, since it is very important not only to prepare a confectionery product, but also interesting to decorate it. The cook-technologist accepts raw materials, monitors its quality, measures the required amount of products according to portions, and also monitors compliance with the recipe and calorie content. His duties include actually correct organization cooking process. The chef combines the functions of an administrator and a cook. That is, he not only draws up the menu, prepares applications for

    Purchases food, oversees the work of other chefs, oversees the cooking process. She is also a high-class professional who invents new dishes and improves existing recipes, whose inherent character traits are creativity and originality.

    The profession of a cook has pros and cons just like any other specialty. The disadvantages include great psychological and physical stress. The work of a cook requires constant and complete dedication, increased concentration of attention, and also implies considerable responsibility. The undoubted advantages are the presence of a constant demand for this type of activity, the likelihood of professional growth and the acquisition of skills useful in Everyday life... In addition, this is a great opportunity to realize your creativity and create something original.

    In the history of cooking, dishes began to appear more often as "stuffed chicken legs with a complex side dish."

    Stuffing - it is a culinary term that refers to the filling of a whole, intact food with a closed shell with a variety of fillings.

    Most often, a whole product is understood, for example, a whole bird (chicken, duck, goose, turkey), fish (pike, carp) or a whole fruit (pumpkin, zucchini, tomato, Bell pepper). When stuffing, the inner cavity of the main product is freed from natural filling (seeds or entrails), and then filled with some kind of filling.

    Basically, the latter is prepared on the basis of other food materials (fruits, vegetables, cereals), or it can partially consist of the same food raw materials (meat, poultry, fish). In addition, chopped spices are often added to the filling, which taste different from the main food shell.

    Stuffing can be complete, regular (natural or ordinary) and partial. The first type involves the use of only the outer shell of one or another product (for example, only the skin of chicken or pike), while the meat of this poultry (fish) is used as a filling, which is turned into minced meat and mixed with other products - dried fruits, rice , onions beets.

    The second type of stuffing is observed when the minced meat is simply filled with any natural cavity (for example, stomachs, abomasum of a calf, cow or sheep). In addition, regular stuffing is used if whole apples are laid instead of duck or goose entrails. As a result, in this case, preparatory manipulations for stuffing are minimized, that is, they are determined by the natural need only to fill the void, thereby facilitating the heat treatment of the product.

    And finally, partial stuffing is a culinary process when minced meat is introduced into the product as a side component, which makes up a smaller part of the main product. In addition, such stuffing often does not provide for the penetration of the main food material to the full depth.

    Casseroles, rolls, zrazy are considered to be partially stuffed, in which the minced meat is a rather narrow layer, slightly noticeable externally, and at the same time, in terms of taste, creates only a slight accent of food. In addition, partial stuffing can also include the introduction of a small amount of celery and garlic filling into the shallow cuts of the eggplant, which are intended for salting.

    However, in all national cuisines natural stuffed dishes have been preserved and remain unchanged. It is they, which is interesting, that today they are increasingly associated with traditional, solemn, festive.

    1.2 Recipe ra and calculation

    To prepare the dish "Stuffed chicken legs with a complex side dish", a collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products is used, in which you can determine how many products are needed for a given dish.

    The recipe for the dish: "Stuffed chicken legs with a complex side dish" is shown in Table 1.

    Table 1

    Dish recipe: "Stuffed chicken legs with a complex side dish"

    Having determined the name of the products necessary for the preparation of the dish "Stuffed chicken legs with a complex side dish", we proceed to the calculation of the calculation card.

    The cost of a raw set of a dish is calculated by multiplying the amount of raw materials for each item by the selling price and summing up the result. The raw set of the dish is taken from the recipe book, in which the following data are indicated on the dish:

    The name of the products from which the dish is prepared;

    The rate of input of raw materials by gross weight (in case of receipt of semi-finished products in production, the rate of input of raw materials is taken by net weight);

    Output rate (weight of a single portion or dish as a whole);

    The calculation of the calculation card for the dish "Stuffed chicken legs with a complex side dish" is shown in Table 2.

    table 2

    Costing card

    Name of the dish "Stuffed chicken legs with a complex side dish"

    Name of products Gross for 1p, g Net for 1p, gr Quantity Price rub / kg Sum
    1 serving 50 servings 1 portion 50 servings
    Chicken legs 0,2 155-00 31-00 1550-00
    Onion 0,025 1,25 37-00 0-93 46-50
    Champignon mushrooms 0,045 2,25 210-00 9-45 472-50
    Hard cheese 0,015 0,75 379-00 5-70 284-25
    Mayonnaise 0,025 1,25 64-00 1-60 80-00
    Vegetable oil 0,01 0,5 72-00 0-72 36-00
    Garlic 0,003 0,15 99-00 0-30 14-85
    Salt 0,003 0,15 15-00 00-05 2-25
    Pepper 0,003 0,15 220-00 0-66 33-00
    Rice 0,035 1,75 42-00 1-47 73-50
    Carrot 0,03 1,5 68-00 2-04 102-00
    Peas 0,025 1,25 85-00 2-13 106-00
    Corn 0,03 1,5 85-00 2-55 127-00
    Parsley 0,03 1,5 150-00 4-50 225-00

    Yield of 1 portion: 430 g

    Price: RUB 63.10

    As a result of the calculation, we determined how much food is needed to prepare the “Stuffed chicken legs with complex garnish” dish per serving and its cost.

    In our calculation, when 1 portion comes out, 430 gr., The cost is 63 rubles. 10 kopecks

    1 | | | | |

    Portions of boiled poultry should consist of two parts (fillet and chicken legs). Color - from gray-white to light cream. Appearance - neatly chopped pieces are laid next to the side dish and sprinkled with sauce. The consistency is juicy, soft, delicate. Smell - boiled birds or rabbit. The taste is moderately salty, without bitterness, with the aroma inherent in this type of bird.

    Fried poultry should have a golden brown crust. The color of chicken and turkey fillets is white, legs are gray or light brown, goose and duck are light or dark brown, Consistency is soft and juicy. The skin is clean, without feather residues and bruises.

    Breaded chicken fillet cutlets should be golden brown. The consistency is soft, juicy, with a crispy crust. The breading should not lag behind.

    On the surface of chopped chicken cutlets there is a light golden crust. The color in the section is from light gray to creamy gray. The consistency is lush, juicy, loose. Reddening of meat and taste of bread are not allowed.

    Boiled and fried whole carcasses are stored hot for no more than an hour. For longer storage, they are cooled, and before use, they are chopped and heated. Dishes from poultry fillets and small game carcasses are prepared to order, as their quality deteriorates during storage. Dishes from the cutlet mass can be stored hot for no more than 30 minutes, stews- no more than 2 hours.

    Poultry is kept both chilled and frozen.

    Chilled poultry is stored in stacked boxes or on racks. Shelf life at a temperature of 0 to 4 "C and a relative humidity of 80-85% - up to 4-5 days. When storing chilled poultry and rabbits, you must carefully monitor the observance of storage conditions and if a slight foreign odor appears or the surface color changes, immediately sort the carcasses The quality of poultry during storage deteriorates, and due to moisture loss, their weight decreases.

    Frozen poultry is stored in boxes stacked in dense stacks. The permissible shelf life depends on the storage conditions and the type of bird. The maximum shelf life at temperatures from -12 to -15 "C and 85-90% relative humidity of geese and ducks is 7 days, chickens, turkeys and guinea fowls - 10 days; at a temperature of -25 ° C and below - respectively 12 and 14 months

    Changes significantly during storage appearance carcasses: the skin becomes dry and brittle, yellow stripes or spots appear at the contact points of the carcasses. During long-term storage, fat turns rancid, its color and taste change. Fat of geese and ducks is especially quickly spoiled.

    In the store, the shelf life of all types of poultry carcasses at temperatures from 0 to 6 ° C is up to 3 days, at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C, chilled poultry is stored for a day, and frozen poultry - up to 2 days.

    At distribution refrigerators and trade enterprises, during the storage and movement of meat and offal, their natural loss occurs due to evaporation of moisture and from the leakage of tissue fluid

    32. food and technological value of meat products. Lamb processing technological process. Assortment and features of the preparation of semi-finished lamb products. Quality requirements. Storage conditions and periods

    Nutritional value is determined chemical composition meat and the value of its individual components in human nutrition. According to modern concepts, the concept of "nutritional value" reflects the entire completeness useful properties product, including such more specific definitions as "biological value" (protein quality), "energy value" (the amount of energy released in the body from a food product), etc.

    The nutritional value of meat and meat products (and any other food product) can be defined as the percentage of satisfaction with each of the most important nutrients, the average values ​​of a person's need for nutrients and energy, which are approved and published by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

    It is known that meat and meat products are predominantly a protein food product, therefore, first of all, the characteristics of proteins are considered.

    PROTEIN is the most valuable component of meat, accounting for 95% of all nitrogenous substances in the body. In terms of amino acid composition, they are the closest to the "ideal" animal proteins, since they contain all essential amino acids in optimal amounts and ratios.

    The recommended proportion of animal proteins in the diet of an adult should be on average 55% of their total. It has been shown that the combination of animal and vegetable proteins in the diet has greater biological activity than their separate use. In addition, the combined consumption of animal and plant proteins increases their absorption. The optimal content of total protein in the daily diet is on average 12% of the caloric content of the diet, which is approximately 85 g.

    LIPIDS (FATS). Meat is one of the main sources of animal fats in the human diet. The fat content of certain types of meat is different. For example, pork fat contains 90-92% fat.

    Fats are composed of triglycerides and lipid substances. The latter include phospholipids, sterols, and a number of other lipid compounds.

    Triglycerides. They contain glycerin (about 9%) and fatty acids. Fatty acids are divided into saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fatty acids - palmitic, stearic and others - are found in the greatest amount.

    unsaturated fatty acids are subdivided into mono- and polyunsaturated. Among monounsaturated ones, the value of oleic acid is noted; it is found in the greatest amount in pork (43%) and beef fat (37%), as well as in goose meat (11-16%).

    A special role belongs to polyunsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic, which are not synthesized in the human body, but must be supplied with food, therefore they are called irreplaceable. Unlike saturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids help to remove cholesterol from the body, are precursors of the synthesis of hormone-like substances - prostaglandins, which prevent the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels.

    In many countries, the production of meat products with the addition of linoleic acid and other polyunsaturated fatty acids begins to prevent and comprehensively treat lipid-dependent diseases.

    Animal fats are the main sources of vitamins A, D and promote their absorption in the body. Thus, animal fats and their individual components play an important role in the processes of human life, provided they are consumed reasonably.


    Meat and meat products contain a relatively small amount of glycogen polysaccharide and are not a source of carbohydrates in the human diet.

    VITAMINS. The largest amount of vitamins is found in the liver - this is a real biologically pantry active substances... For example, the content ascorbic acid v beef liver the same as in its most common sources: cabbage, potatoes, green peas.

    In general, meat is not a vitamin product in human nutrition, at the same time, attention is drawn to the high level of thiamine in pork, vitamins of group B in the liver, which must be taken into account when compiling balanced diets nutrition.

    ^ MINERALS in meat are represented by a certain qualitative composition. Meat is high in iron, the bioavailability of which is much higher than that of plant-based iron. Iron from meat products is absorbed by the body by 30%, from plants - by 10%.

    Meat is also one of the main sources of sulfur, the content of which is proportional to the content of proteins.

    Technological value - the degree of suitability for the production of high quality culinary products

    The quality of the meat is assessed by organoleptic indicators. The surface must be dry during the ripening process, pale pink color, the surface is wet on the cut, the consistency is dense elastic, the smell is pleasant, corresponding to the product

    Structural and mechanical properties (consistency, stiffness, mechanical strength) due to the spatial distribution of proteins, lipids and

    water in the product, the shape and strength of the bonds between them, predetermine the state of organoleptic properties, the nature and degree of destruction of the product in the process

    chewing. The latter factor determines the specific contact surface and the physical availability of food particles to the action of enzymes, i.e.


    Lamb processing technological process

    Defrosting at room temperature, cutting the brand, washing (in water at a temperature of 10-15 C). Cutting meat consists of the following operations: cutting into separate parts, deboning of parts (separation of pulp from bones), trimming and stripping of parts (removal of tendons, films, cartilage). The main purpose of cutting and deboning is to obtain pieces of meat that are different in their culinary qualities.

    Carcasses are cut in a room with an air temperature not exceeding 10 ° C.

    Scheme of culinary cutting of lamb carcass: 1 - neck, 2 - shoulder blade, 3 - loin, 4 - brisket, 5 - hind leg

    The lamb carcass is divided into two halves along the protrusion of the pelvic bone - the front and back, the kidneys are removed. The front part is divided into a shoulder blade, neck, loin, brisket. First, the scapula is removed, then the neck along the last cervical vertebra. In the remaining part along the dorsal vertebrae, the pulp is cut from both sides of the spine and the spine is cut out, the sternum is cut open and two halves are obtained. They are put on the table inside up, make an incision across the ribs so that the width of the loin along the entire length is the same (the length of the ribs at the loin should be no more than 8 cm), cut the rib bones and separate the loin from the brisket.

    When deboning the neck, a longitudinal cut of the pulp is made along cervical vertebrae and cut the pulp in a whole layer. The shoulder is rolled in the same way as for beef. When stripping, remove

    tendons and rough connective tissue. Films are not removed from the outside.

    The tendons are removed from the loin from the outside, the sinewy meat (part of the flank) is cut off from the rear end of the brisket

    Lamb and pork are used to prepare lumpy, portioned and small-sized semi-finished products.


    For frying, use large pieces of meat weighing 1.5–2 kg from the loin, ham, shoulder blades. Pre-roll the shoulder blade and tie it with twine.

    Stuffed brisket At the brisket, from the flank side, cut films between the outer layer of the flesh and the flesh on the rib bones so that a deep "pocket" is formed. The resulting hole is filled with minced meat, the incision is fixed with a skewer or sewn up.

    Preparation national dish"Stuffed chicken legs"

    Introduction ………………………………………………………….… 5

    Technological part ………………………………………… ..… 6

    1. Technological sequence of operations ... 6

    1.1 Recipe for the dish "Stuffed chicken legs" .. …… ... 6

    1.2 Technological map ………………………………………… 7

    1.3 Technology system cooking

    "Stuffed chicken legs" ... ... ... …………………….… .... .9

    1.4 Products used …………………………………… .. .10

    1.5 Tools and equipment used ………………… .11

    1.6. Economic calculation ………………………………………… .. 12

    2. Technological sequence of operations ... 6

    2.1 Recipe for the dish .. …… ... 6

    2.2 Technological map ………………………………………… 7

    2.3 Technological diagram of the dish preparation …….… .... .9

    2.4 Products used …………………………………… .. .10

    2.5 Applied tools and equipment ………………… .11

    2..6 Economic calculation

    3. Safety requirements ……………………………… 11

    Used literature ………………………………………… ... 14



    Russian cuisine - traditional cuisine Russian people ... Her dishes and flavors change depending on geographic location... Russian cuisine has incorporated elements of French cuisine, as well as dishes from countries of the former the USSR and various peoples inhabiting Russia.

    Distinctive feature dishes of Russian peasant cuisine - there is practically no such technique as frying ... Typically, food was prepared in ovens , therefore, cooking is very widely used, stewing, languishing, baking.

    The Russian table is widely known abroad mainly for its delicacies: smoked sturgeon back (balyk), sevryuzhina with horseradish, lightly salted salmon (salmon), red, black and pink (whitefish) caviar, pickled and salted mushrooms (camelina and white), which are not only a wonderful still life together with crystal-clear Moscow vodka, but also subtly in harmony with it in terms of taste.

    Russian cuisine in the form in which it has come down to our days took shape finally a little more than a hundred years ago, in the second half of XIX century, when its unofficial codification was carried out: it was in the period from the 40s to the 80s of the XIX century. a large number of cookbooks appeared, compiled by people of different classes (from aristocrats to peasants) and from different regions of the country. This made it possible not only for the first time to see in the fullest form the entire national repertoire of Russian dishes, but also to begin its critical cleaning from various foreign borrowings and layers.

    If we briefly characterize the modern Soviet cuisine of the 80s and the tasks that it sets for itself in the future, we can say that it is distinguished, firstly, by internationalism, tolerance, respect and interest in the culinary traditions of all peoples of our country, and in - second, striving for the careful preservation and reconstruction of culinary antiquity where it is practically possible.


    1. Technological sequence of the operation
      1. Recipe for Stuffed Chicken Legs

    Table 1

    Product name


    gross in gr.



    in gr.

    1. Chicken thigh
    2. mass of fried p \ f


    1. Potato
    1. Champignon
    1. Onion
    1. Carrot
    1. Vegetable oil
    1. Egg


    1.2 Technological map of the preparation of the dish "Stuffed chicken legs"

    table 2

    Product names

    Weight in grams

    1 serving

    10 servings

    Chicken thigh








    Vegetable oil



    Cooking technology

    Boil champignons for 10-15 minutes, cool and squeeze out excess water.Remove the skin from the leg with a "stocking", to the bone.And cut through the bone so that the joint remains with the skin. We get a bag with a bone at the end. Separating chicken fillet from the bones. Grind in a meat grinder: chicken fillet, raw carrots, boiled mushrooms. Chop the onion on a grater, you can just finely chop it with a knife, or you can also through a meat grinder. Add an egg, salt and pepper to the minced meat to taste, and knead it. Stuffing our "skin with bone" minced meat... Close the leg filled with minced meat with an "envelope". Can be sewn up or secured with a skewer. We heat up the sunflower oil for deep fat, put the legs. Fry until golden brown. You can use a deep fryer, but the oil consumption will increase accordingly. The fried legs are placed in heat-resistant glassware. Served with potatoes.

    1.3 Technological scheme for the preparation of the dish "Stuffed chicken legs"

    Scheme 1

    1.4 Products used

    The following products are used to prepare the national dish "stuffed chicken legs":

    Chicken legs

    Potatoes - the nutritional value of potatoes is high due to the content of a large amount of starch (18-24%). Potatoes contain proteins, sugars, minerals, vitamins of group B and C;

    Onions - they are valued for the content of sugar, essential oils, phytoncides in it;


    Vegetable oil;


    Chicken egg;

    1.5 Applied inventory and equipment

    To prepare the Stuffed Chicken Legs dish, the following tools and equipment are used:

    Chef's knife;

    Chopping boards OS and MS;


    A bowl;

    Meat grinder MIM-82 - designed for grinding meat and fish, is a table-top machine with individual fastening;

    Electric stove PESM-4SHB - consists of four rectangular burners and a roasting cabinet with sides for moving cookware.

    2. Safety requirements

    All electrical equipment must have a reliable protective earth in accordance with the requirements. Electrical Installation Rules. To ensure electrical safety, the following requirements must be observed: design production equipment, powered by electrical energy, must include a device (means) to ensure electrical safety; the equipment must be protected against accidental contact with live parts; handles, levers and buttons of equipment that are handled during normal use should not be energized if insulation is damaged. The cooker must be grounded. It is not recommended to turn on all the electric burners and the oven at the same time, as this will overload the network. Do not use the stove as a heating device. Do not turn on burners without a heat sink (pots / pans) for a long time, as they will crack.

    Personal hygiene of the chef: Keeping hands clean is especially important because in the process of cooking, they constantly come into contact with food; sanitary clothing - protects food from contamination from the body. The set includes: a dressing gown or a jacket with buttons, an apron, a cap, special. shoes, towel. Hair should be hidden under a cap, shoes with rubber soles without heels. Earrings, rings, bracelets, chains, etc. are not allowed.

    1. Economic calculation

    Table 4

    name of raw materials

    and indicators


    Price, r.k / kg

    Amount, r.k

    One port. G.

    For 10 ports. G

    Chicken thigh









    Vegetable oil



    Total cost of 10 servings raw set

    Total cost per serving

    Margin 20%

    Selling price of the dish



    Ameulova S.P. , Matyukhina Z.P. , Korolkova E.P. ... Food products(commodity research). - M .: Economics, 1987

    Anfimova N.A. Cooking - M .: Academy, 2008

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    Auerman L.Ya. , Matyukhina Z.P. Fundamentals of the physiology of nutrition, sanitation and hygiene. - M .: Higher school, 1987

    Bogdanova M.A. and other equipment of public catering establishments. - M .: Economics, 1986

    Buteykis N.G. , Zhukova AA .. Preparation of flour confectionery products. - M .: Economics, 1988

    Zolin V.P. Technological equipment catering establishments. - M .: Academy, 2007.

    Miftahudinova N.N. , Bogdanova L.M. Basics of calculation and accounting in catering establishments. - M .: Higher school.

    Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products. - M .: Academy, 2010

    Sopina L.N. A guide for a cook. - M .: Academy, 2006

    V.V. Usov Organization of production and service at public catering establishments. - M .: Academy, 2008

    Annex 1

    Figure 1. Meat grinder MIM-82

    1-Pusher; 2-Bowl; 3-The actual meat grinder. Drive: 4-shaft drive; 5- Reducer; 6- Facing; 7 - Electric motor; 8- Shock absorber; 9- Light-signal armature "NETWORK"; 10- "REVERSE" button; 11- STOP button; 12- START button; 13- Rear facing; 14- Terminal block; 15- Clamp; 16- Cable gland; 17- Earthing clamp, 18- Interlocking mechanism.

    1- Key; 2- Auger; 3- Cutting knife; 4- Double-sided knife; 5- Lattice; 6 - Thrust ring; 7 - Clamping nut.

    In this article, you will get acquainted with the technology for the production of stuffed broiler chicken legs, as well as with the current recipe according to the classic technology. The production of this type of product is laborious, therefore given view products belong to the gourmet product group.

    Assortment of stuffed chicken legs:

      stuffed ham Classic;

      stuffed ham with cheese;

      stuffed ham with ham;

      stuffed ham with smoked meats;

    Types of raw materials used for the production of stuffed chicken legs:

      broiler chicken leg, leg fillet;

      hand-boned poultry meat (breast fillet is used to make marbling on the cut);

    • Forming stuffed legs:

      The stuffed legs are molded manually, the prepared minced meat is placed inside the leather stocking removed from the legs. The large open end of the leather is closed with an envelope. If necessary, secure with a skewer or toothpick.

      Sometimes, to give some flavor to the products, the formed semi-finished products are sprinkled with sweet ground paprika and dried ground paprika.

      Cooling, freezing, storage and distribution:

      Freezing, storage and sale is carried out in accordance with

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