Strange dishes. The most disgusting food in the world (Delicatessen) (18 photos). Raw Blood Soup

National cuisine this is a separate topic on which you can talk for hours. But today we will look at the most disgusting, disgusting and dangerous dishes on the planet that people eat. Not only are they disgusting, but they also stand like a wing from a Boeing!


Can you imagine that you are risking your life by coming to a restaurant? If you order Fugu fish in Japan, then you have every chance of dying of poison. The poison of this fish can kill 30 people. The chefs who prepare this expensive Japanese delicacy must first go through years of training. It doesn't matter whether this fish is grilled, stewed or served in the form of the finest sashimi, any smallest mistake in the cooking process automatically means a fatal outcome for the one who will eat the finished dish.
Cost - $ 100 - $ 500

Fried spiders

You can try this exotic dish anywhere in Cambodia, but the town of Skuon specializes in fried spiders: here creepy creatures are fried in oil with garlic so that they become crispy on the outside and soft, sticky on the inside. Spiders are often sold to tourists who walk around the city and want to eat on the go. Fried spiders are not only the richest source of protein, but they are rumored to be a miracle remedy for improving your appearance.
Tarantula spiders are being cooked, and I, as a lover of these beautiful creatures, just do not understand this!
Cost - 4-5 $

Fried bovine testes

Fried bovine eggs can be tasted anywhere in Canada, but curious gourmets are best off heading to Alberta. The Buzzards Restaurant in Calgary serves this dish throughout the summer months and hosts the annual Egg Festival.
Cost - $ 20 - $ 30


A variety of egg dishes are prepared all over the world, but in the Philippines there is a special culinary tradition: duck eggs with an already formed embryo are boiled here. The dish, seasoned with vinegar, garlic and chili, is usually eaten completely - the entire contents of the egg are eaten, including the already formed wings and beak.
Cost - 200 - 250 $


This national Scottish dish is a blend of sheep's heart, liver and lungs, onions, spices and oatmeal. All these ingredients are stuffed into a sheep's stomach, and then stewed. And in order to swallow haggis, inexperienced tourists are also poured a drop of Scotch whiskey for courage. By the way, haggis is the richest source of iron and fiber, and if desired, you can buy it ready-made in almost any grocery store.
Cost - 50 - 60 $


An original delicacy "originally" from South Korea, sannakchi is a real live octopus that is eaten whole or cut into pieces, depending on the size. The octopus is served raw, seasoned with a drop of sesame oil - and still alive, so you can see its tentacles shaking. Sannakchi is not only an extremely exotic dish, but also life-threatening: octopus suckers can stick to the throat from the inside, provoking suffocation or even death. Although the taste of the octopus does not stand out in any way, trying to eat the octopus alive while it grabs the face of a particularly daring gourmet with its tentacles is an experience that is, to say the least, memorable.
Cost - $ 100 - $ 150


Escamoles looks like a salad made from some kind of cereal, but in fact this dish is made from ant eggs. This dish is often called "ant caviar" and is considered an exquisite delicacy in Mexico. Ant eggs are harvested from the roots of agave trees and added to tacos or omelettes, or prepared as a separate dish. Despite the rather unpleasant composition of the ingredients, escamoles has a surprisingly pleasant taste - fried or seasoned with butter ant eggs have an original nutty flavor.
Cost - 40 - 80 $


Eating rotten shark meat is not a tempting prospect, but fresh Greenland shark meat is poisonous. Therefore, for a start, shark meat is allowed to ferment and rot, after which it becomes edible - if, of course, someone can taste hakarl, not paying attention to the fetid smell of rot and disgusting fishy taste. Those who risk trying hakarl for the first time often start to feel sick, so it is recommended to precede the meal with a couple of servings of local alcohol.
Cost - $ 100 -130

Fried brains sandwich

Sandwiches with fried brains are made from not so scary ingredients - veal or pork brains, which are thoroughly fried in batter. Fried Brain Sandwiches - a very high-calorie dish, served with mustard and pickled onions. In fact, the sandwich owes its specific taste to batter, but pork or veal brains are distinguished by a soft, almost indistinguishable taste and a texture similar to cottage cheese.
Cost - $ 10-15

Kasu Marz

Delicate, creamy and very soft, this type of sheep's milk cheese seems amazingly tasty at first glance, but in fact it is perhaps the most disgusting dish in the history of mankind. The fact is that kasu marzu cheese contains thousands of live larvae - and therefore only the most daring experimental gourmets dare to try it. Casu marzu cheese is prepared in Sardinia in a special way - from the usual sheep's pecorino cheese; the top of the head is cut off, allowing access to flies, which lay their eggs right in the cheese.
Cost - 50 - 60 $

Shark eyes

Poor sharks as soon as they do not eat, but the Thais guessed to eat their eyes. They put out shark eyes with soy sauces, or eat them raw. Such eyes can be bought at any store, and cooked at home, there is nothing complicated about it. Interestingly, these eyes are considered an excellent source of natural protein.
Cost - 130 - 200 $

Bee cookies

If you are afraid of these insects, then you will never taste these cookies. They are baked from regular dough, but only with the addition of bees. Such cookies are loved in many countries of the world, but such a tradition originated in Japan. Bees are very useful for the body, they are a source of protein and vitamins, and they say that they are delicious, like seeds.
Cost - 1 - 2 $

Fried dog

It's no secret that Koreans eat dogs. But it is one thing to hear, and another thing to see it. Can you imagine someone eating your Tuzik or Druzhka? The Koreans themselves do not understand the shock and surprise of tourists, for them a dog is like a chicken for us.
Cost - $ 80 - $ 100

Welcome to the international cooking room of horror where succulent spiders, glistening sheep guts and deadly seafood await you.

This selection of quirky foods is sure to cheer you up if it can't even satisfy your hunger.

Some of the creepy items on this ghoulish treat menu are guaranteed to make you wonder who could eat this?

Set aside lunch, take a deep breath, and be careful: some of the "treats" are definitely not for delicate stomachs. For the faint of heart, please move away from the screen.

Grilled bat

What: Popular Halloween Symbol Turns Into Crispy Fried Dish

Where: Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam

Tastes: Bats are abundant in many parts of the world, especially in the limestone caves of Asia and the Pacific, where stew or grilled bat meat is served in restaurants.

Typically, the fur, wings, and head are removed first, as there is not much meat there, and then, depending on the size of the bat, the body is diced into tiny pieces for stews or stir-fries.

Even gourmets, bat lovers, admit that the "flying" delicacy does not smell so tasty: even despite the specific aroma of fur, the meat of the bat itself emits strong smell, and usually the chefs mask it in part with a lot of garlic and chili.

Blood sausage

What: Pork or bovine blood prepared with a small amount of fat

Where: UK, Ireland, France and Germany

Tastes: Bloodthirsty Britons eat blood sausage as part of a traditional breakfast, usually along with beans, mushrooms, bread, and fried eggs. This sausage is known in Germany as "blutw? Rst" and in France as "boudin noir". But no matter how it is called, in fact it is always caked blood in a sausage casing, which itself is an animal intestine. Fans say it tastes like regular sausage, except ... you know, when you cry too hard, it tastes like blood and iron in your mouth? Yes, these are the main "notes" of the special taste of such a sausage.

Baked guinea pigs

What: Animals from your childhood as a snack

Where: Peru and Ecuador

Tastes: This dish is, in fact, a very traditional and much-loved delicacy with a long history in Peruvian culinary culture ... almost as much as the cuddly little guinea pigs are traditional and much loved companions of our childhood. Guinea pigs are cooked only on special occasions, usually baked or grilled animal carcasses. They say that these pigs are fed with special grass, and the meat tastes like rabbit. But it is impossible to start such a delicacy, remembering your favorite "Fuzzy" from childhood.

Kopi Luwak

What: The most expensive coffee in the world; main ingredient - musang excrement

Where: Japan, USA and Southeast Asia

Tastes: Americans and Japanese seem to be especially fascinated by the fact that it is not difficult or expensive to manufacture. And both cultures have an unflappable love for big-eyed fluffy animals with a small button nose. It is not surprising, therefore, that Kopi Luwak is so prized in both countries: it is made from coffee berries, eaten, partially digested, and then popped out by adorable musang animals. It costs $ 120 a pound. To be fair, it should be noted that the coffee beans do not go directly from the musang to the grinder: after being defecated by cute little mammals, the beans are peeled and lightly roasted. So in that sense, both consumers and musangs can feel ... relief!


What: Scorpion on a stick

Where: China

Tastes: Crispy scorpion skewers are common in China. The texture of such a dish, as one might imagine, is simply awful: fragile on the outside and mealy and gelatinous on the inside. But at least they are no longer poisonous: after a scorpion is deep-fried, its poison becomes practically harmless to humans, and, of course, the smaller the scorpion itself, the less poison it contains, which is worth worrying about. If you really gravitate towards crunchy flavors, you don't have to travel that far to Beijing: the Californian company bills itself as "the creator of the original edible insect candy" and sells lollipops with tiny real scorpions for three dollars apiece.

Fried rattlesnake

What: Deep-fried and gravy, but still a snake

Where: Texas. Where else?

Tastes: Every March, the humble town of Sweetwater, Texas, hosts the famous Rattlesnake Round-Up festival, where one of the many attractions is a fried rattlesnake in a hot sauce. The recipe is simple: first you need to decapitate the snake (the poison is contained in it), let the decapitated snake hang for at least an hour, and then cut into pieces and marinate in sweet milk for several hours, then roll in cornmeal batter and fry in deep fried. Any courageous chef who feels the strength in himself and can cook tastier is invited to register to participate in the festival, in which best recipes Cooking rattlesnake dishes have a competitive edge over those made from animals without venomous fangs.


What: Sheep heart, lungs and liver placed in a sheep's stomach and boiled

Where: Scotland. And the annual Robert Burns Scottish Parties held every January 25th.

Tastes: As Burns wrote in his 1786 poem, An Appeal to Haggis, "Old Scotland wants non-watery food that splashes on the plates ... Give us the haggis!" One can only guess, however, whether the venerable bard has ever tried haggis. Watery? Check cooked by boiling for three hours. Splashing? Check again. Outwardly, the dish looks like stuffed animal intestines or homemade sausage... Haggis is served with a side dish of "nips and tattis", chopped to a puree.


What: Palm-sized spider-fried spider

Where: Cambodia

Tastes: When something is described as crispy on the outside and sticky on the inside, do you really want to try it? Tarantula legs, like fluffy potato chips, are pleasantly fresh and tend to absorb any seasoning. Although the tarantula began its culinary history as survival food (every spider contains enough protein), tarantulas are no longer sold for the sake of nutritional value but for tourists to eat on a bet.


What: Dried fish (usually cod and pike) treated with lye and then boiled water or steam

Where: Norway, Finland, Sweden and ... Minnesota

Tastes: The Vikings ate lutefisk, although it has not yet been proven what prompted them to consume this disgusting dish. The laborious, horribly smelly, gelatinous cooking of fish has its roots in Scandinavia. Lutefisk is now one of the oldest delicacies consumed primarily by the second generation of Americans, mainly in the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota. The fish is soaked in alkali until it practically turns into a soapy residue.


What: Octopus cubs, cut into pieces, still alive (raw and wriggling) with sesame oil and seeds

Where: South Korea

Tastes: Since octopuses are alive, they are still fighting for life and trying to get out of the plate (and out of your mouth). Sannakji should be chewed aggressively before swallowing to prevent the octopuses from sticking with their suckers to the inside of the esophagus, causing pain and possibly choking. If the eighteenth sequel to Saw isn't terrible enough for you, the internet is rife with videos of ruthless octopus givers complete with writhing tentacles desperate to escape from their mouths.


What: The fish is venomous enough to cause a violent, quick death

Where: Japan

Tastes: Fugu is such a dangerous dish that the chefs who prepare it in restaurants must be specially trained, licensed and certified. Such pleasure costs in the range of $ 400 for four fugu dishes. The appeal of fugu in Japan is a bit difficult to understand given that a) it can kill you and b) it tastes like rubber bands. Fugu is only available from October to March, and the classic fugu serving is fugu-sashi, where wildly poisonous flesh is sliced ​​to the thickness of a sheet of paper and arranged in chrysanthemum-shaped sheets with grated radish and sauce for variety. If the radish tastes worse, you know you ordered the wrong one!


What: Pork trimmings and cornmeal jelly

Where: Pennsylvania

Tastes: Pennsylvania is proud of its hardy ancestors who survived all the hardships and tamed inhospitable lands. Scraped is clear evidence that they really enjoyed suffering. How else to explain this unspeakable porridge with fried pork? Scrapble makes the cuts of meat unrecognizable (namely those parts that no one wants to even look at, not what to eat), and they taste like dirty, greasy sausages.


What: Partially formed duck or chicken embryos served warm in their eggs

Where: Philippines

Tastes: If you like bacon and oh my god horror, then balut is your best breakfast. Even adventurous eaters have difficulty swallowing such a delicacy: a mature, fertilized egg, partially formed bones, feathers, beaks, eyes. In fact, gourmet balut aficionados may notice that Americans eat chicken nuggets in buckets. To which we answer: Yes, but Chicken McNuggets has no feathers!

Probably every person loves to eat tasty food. And many are not averse to trying a new dish, diversifying, so to speak, their map of tastes.
The days when foie gras, blue cheese or tequila with a worm could surprise a gourmet are over. Lovers of exotic delicacies, get ready for more serious challenges! And don't read this article before lunch or on a full stomach.

1. Haggis

Let's not shock you right away, let's start with a warm-up. Haggis is just lamb offal, cooked in the stomach of a lamb. Poor but resourceful Scots composed this the National dish from meat production waste. Yes, they not only composed, but also added a legend to it: they say, a real haggis is prepared from a mysterious beast - a wild haggis. In Russian cuisine, by the way, there is a dish that is similar in composition and cooking process. It is called "nanny". How matters stand with wild nannies in Russia is unknown to science.

2. Casu marzu

Casu Marzu is a special Italian cheese, the national dish of Sardinia. You need to eat it, closing your eyes. And not at all because of the live larvae of a cheese fly swarming in it (it is they who accelerate the process of fermentation of the product). If the flies were just swarming peacefully for themselves! The fact is that the larvae are able to jump out of the dish directly into the face of the eater. Gourmets eat casa marzu without removing the larvae. Alas, exotic taste sensations can be complemented by allergic reactions and even intestinal infection.

3. Yin yang fish

A yin yang fish, or live-or-dead fish, is a carp roasted alive. Carp is fried in a special way so that it is cooked on the plate, but still breathable. This Asian dish is officially banned, but lovers can easily find it in eateries in Taiwan and China.

4. Monkey brains

Monkey brains are the pinnacle of culinary sadism, a sophisticated dessert from Hong Kong. There is little unusual in the dish of the brain itself. The main feature here is the culture of eating. The fact is that traditionally the brain is eaten directly from the head of a still living monkey. The meal must be finished before the death of the animal, because the brain decomposes very quickly. Another categorically illegal dish, of course.

5. Bird's Nest Soup

One of the most expensive soups in world cuisine is made from the nests of swiftlets, a type of swift. A kilogram of such nests costs more than two thousand dollars, and a portion of soup from them will pull a hundred. The nests themselves are nothing more than bird saliva, from which swiftlets build their dwellings.

6. Bat soup

On the islands of Palau in Pacific, with the meat we are used to, it’s a little tight. The locals have mastered cooking bats. The mice are boiled in coconut milk with ginger and other spices for several hours. You can even choose whether to feed you a male or a female.

7. Puffer fish

Legendary dish Japanese food, an integral part of the culture and history of this country, and at the same time an attraction for extreme lovers. contains a lethal dose of tetrodotoxin. During heat treatment of fish, the concentration of poison may decrease to an acceptable level, or it may not decrease! Therefore, in the past in Japan, a chef whose client had poisoned fugu had to either eat his own dish or commit suicide.

8. Surströmming

Surtsremming is a canned pickled herring. Fermented until a pungent and very specific odor appears. This is how they wrote about this dish back in the 19th century: “Lovers find it an exquisite delicacy, but at a banquet it will be served only if the host wishes to eat alone or, perhaps, will invite guests without a nose.” Nowadays surstroemming, despite the smell, is considered quite a banquet dish and, in general, an exquisite delicacy and national pride.

9. Hwe (or ho)

This is the name of a whole family of Korean dishes: raw meat or seafood with spicy additives. The most important of the hwe for us is the sannakchi hwe, the living octopus. Koreans prefer zero-waste production and, unlike the monkey, the octopus is eaten alive whole. Eaters cut small octopuses directly on the platter.


We do not know what holidays the Eskimos have, but kiwiak is a real festive dish. They prepare it in advance: about four hundred guillemots (small northern seabirds) are placed in the skin of a seal, let the air out of the skin, seal it with fat and bury it in the ground under oppression (usually a heavy stone) for several months. The enzymes that decompose the carcasses of birds also process the intestines of the seal. The result is a mixture that tastes like a very spicy cheese. And you say, Dor Blue, Dor Blue!

11. Tongzidan

Let's start with the fact that in translation from Chinese the name of this dish means "Boy's Egg". No, no, this is an ordinary chicken egg. Rather, a boiled chicken egg. We don't know exactly how to continue. These ordinary chicken eggs in urine collected exclusively from boys under puberty. After the liquid boils, the shells are pushed on the eggs so that the urine penetrates inside. When the shell is cracked, tujdan is considered ready to eat.

12. Black Ivory

And coffee for dessert, huh? "Black ivory", or "black tusk" - a type of coffee made from Arabica beans passed through the digestive tract of elephants. That is literally! The elephant eats coffee beans, digests them, and the wife of the elephant driver follows and collects, ahem, a refined product. Black Ivory is considered the most expensive type of coffee in the world - over a thousand dollars per kilogram. And by the way, 8 percent of the proceeds from the sale of this coffee go to the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation for veterinary care for elephants.

Unusual food: the most disgusting food in the world

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Sometimes you can be horrified to learn what people eat. Man is a terribly omnivorous animal. But what he sometimes chooses for himself as food is simply disgusting. We will tell you about the most disgusting dishes that are prepared in some countries and served as a delicacy.

Kasu Marz

It is also called "larval cheese". Casu marzu is a cheese produced in Sardinia from goat milk... At the very beginning of the fermentation of the cheese, the larvae of cheese flies are introduced into it. Within weeks, the larvae grow and feed there. After the fats are broken down, the cheese takes on a special flavor. When it comes time to eat the ripe cheese, the larvae are carefully removed, although some choose to eat it that way, believing that they add a spicy flavor to the cheese.

You can be sure that you are served a hard-boiled egg until you begin to peel it. It's actually a hard-boiled duck embryo. Balut is considered a delicacy in many Asian countries. This dish is prepared like this. A fertilized duck egg is left in a warm place for eight days for the embryo to develop, then it is thrown into boiling water and served with a pinch of salt and a slice of lemon.

Basically, these are offal, ground, salted, seasoned with spices and preservatives. This is not a stew in our understanding, but most likely raw liver sausage.

Rotten salmon heads

Also called "smelly heads", these heads must lie in damp earth for several weeks until they are ready. They are dug up a few days before complete decomposition and prepared from them "jellied stinking fish". Serve chilled.

it favorite dish North Americans. It is not difficult to cook it: catch a moose; chop off his nose; scald it with boiling water to make it easier to skin it; and cook the meat with spices until it breaks down into a jelly-like mass. Pour this slurry into a mold, cool and serve.

This is another of the most disgusting delicacies in the world. A dish from Thailand, bat soup, is a wonderful piece of art that involves boiling the meat until tender. Then it is ground with herbs and the soup is ready. Bat soup came from Palau, USA.

You can enjoy its taste while the little head looks straight at you. This dish can kill you or lead to illness, as bats are known to carry a large number of diseases.

In China, this dessert is considered the perfect end to a meal. Hasma is being prepared from the reproductive organs of reptiles. In water, they swell 10-15 times; when boiling quickly, a little sugar is added there to add sweetness.


A traditional Scottish dish is nothing more than just one type of sausage. Haggis is prepared from sheep's lungs, liver and heart. And although all this does not look very appetizing, the Scots give a grudge that after trying haggis at least once, you will ask for more.

Chicken scallop dishes are very popular in France and Italy. They are prepared for them spicy sauces and broths.

The blood of pigs or cattle is collected and coagulated, then oatmeal or barley and sweet potatoes are added to this mass. Pork or cow gut is stuffed with it, boiled. The dish is served on the table in the form of a spiral. Many people prefer to eat this blood sausage along with the skins formed from the intestines during cooking.

Tasting of various national dishes is an important part of any trip.

Many tourists do not dare to try unfamiliar and unattractive food, while others, on the contrary, want to experience many new taste sensations.

After all, unusual, exotic and strange (and sometimes scary) looking dishes for us are a visiting card of various national cuisines.,


Snake wine

This wine is made from snakes and rice wine; during the preparation process, a whole snake is placed in a bottle, which is poured over with wine. Southeast Asia

Dishes with blood

Residents of many countries of Southeast Asia consider delicious dishes that are prepared from the giblets of pigs or ducks and served in their own blood. Blood is often mixed in different proportions with fresh milk.

Wasp cookies

To make such cookies, insects are first boiled in boiling water, dried and mixed with the dough, after which the cookies themselves are baked. A pack of 20 of these wasp cookies will cost you almost $ 2.

Fried spiders

The caught spiders are slowly fried over an open fire, adding a lot of garlic and salt. When the black chitin carapace turns reddish brown, the spiders become crispy and very tender on the inside, ready to eat.
London, Great Britain

Ice cream with liquid nitrogen

To prepare such ice cream, any mixture for its preparation is taken and poured with 500 milliliters of liquid nitrogen in an enamel bowl. The main thing then is to mix everything very briskly until it solidifies!

Monkey brains

In China, deep-fried monkey brains and fingers are a great delicacy, but most often such a dish can now be found in Indonesia.

Crocodile cheesecake

Cafe owners in New Orleans, Louisiana came up with unusual recipe unsweetened cake, in which crocodile meat has become the main ingredient.

From Sardinian casu marzu is translated as rotten cheese. the way it is - the cheese is aged longer than the usual stage of fermentation, it is literally brought to rotting, which is caused by the digestive activity of the larvae of the cheese fly. Worms accelerate the processes of decomposition and breakdown of fats contained in cheese, from which the product becomes soft. Some people prefer to remove the larvae before eating, while others like to eat cheese with them.

Rotten eggs

Quail and duck eggs are stored for 2 months in clay, sand and salt, until the whites turn to jelly and the yolks turn dark green

The national dish in Scotland is lamb guts (heart, liver and lungs), chopped with onions, lard, oatmeal, salt and spices and boiled in a lamb stomach


Fried Mars

Notorious chocolate bar dipped in batter and deep-fried.

Cactus "Prickly pear" (prickly pear)

Having removed the sharp thorns, the cactus can be eaten, and in any form - raw, baked, boiled, fried, and even ice cream. Opuntia has a delicate taste, and it also contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, and it can even be used to treat diabetes.

Natto (soy cheese)

This cheese is slimy, sticky and has an awful smell. To cook it, soybeans are first steamed for 6 hours, and then the bacterium Bacillus subtilis is added, and then left for about a day to achieve an unbearable smell. After such a daily fermentation and subsequent aging for a week, this unappetizing, but rather healthy product is obtained.
Colombia and Ecuador

Fried guinea pigs

Guinea pig meat tastes like regular rabbit meat, while it is high in protein, and very little fat and cholesterol.
Africa and Asia

Chinese bitter gourd

Bitter gourd contains vitamins and minerals that can lower blood sugar and boost immunity.

Bon Appetit everyone!!

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