Anna is the meaning of the name. What does the name Anna mean for a girl: the origin and meaning of the female name Anya How the name is declined in cases

Sometimes we take very important things very lightly. So, the choice of the name of the unborn child is just one of the things that should be given more attention. Indeed, sometimes it affects the character of the child, his perception and attitude to life.

The name of Anna began to call girls back in Ancient Russia, after the adoption of Christianity. It did not lose its popularity during the reign of the Romanovs. It is no less common today. According to international statistics, the most popular female name in the world is Anna, with over 100 million women. In different languages, this name sounds different, but only in Russian there are many diminutive derivatives from it: Annushka, Anyuta, Nyura, Nyusya, etc.

So what does the name Anna mean for a girl? First of all, it is reliability, justice, care, kindness, affection. The bearers of this name often have a difficult fate with many difficult trials, which they overcome with honor and do not complain.

Origin of the name

What does the secret of the name Anna contain? Literally this name is translated from Greek as "strength", "favor", "God's mercy", "merciful".

It is first mentioned in the Old Testament, which means that it is of Jewish origin. The story is told that a woman from a noble family could not give birth for a long time, about which she constantly prayed. And one day she had a girl, Mary, who later became the mother of Jesus Christ.

History shows that many princes and tsars called their daughters by this name, and even not only in Russia. Today this name is on everyone's lips, as many celebrities were named Anna. Their fate, however, is far from always simple.


Women with this name are merciful, sympathetic, with developed intuition. Its purpose from above is to help all those in need, and many abuse it. They use it without giving anything in return, but Anna understands and does not hold evil. Sometimes one gets the impression that a woman with this name gives all of herself to someone, and does not live her life at all, because she definitely needs to feel needed and help. Her kindness and help extends not only to humans, but to all animals. Homeless cats and dogs next to her will never be abandoned. Anna will always find shelter and food for them.

She loves to receive guests at home, but only those that she likes. It is not worth imposing on her as friends, everything is equal will not work, since she has her own opinion on everything, and recognizes her repulsive features in a person by several phrases.

She knows how to make others listen to her, because she makes a good storyteller.

He takes life and what is happening to it too seriously, which leads to frequent nervous breakdowns.

The characteristics of the name Anna are as follows:

  • This is a very euphonic name, it evokes only positive emotions. When pronouncing, kindness, purity, tenderness are felt.
  • She is always independent, decisive and relies only on herself and her strength.
  • He is not interested in someone else's opinion and does not even listen to him.
  • Has a great sense of style and great taste.
  • The appearance is always at its best, he will never allow himself to go out to people in a dressing gown or in house slippers. Therefore, there are no slovenly or unclean people in her environment.

The character of the name Anna is very domineering and demanding. The carrier loves it so that everything is as she said that not everyone likes it, so she has few friends.


Consider the name Anna further. The meaning of a name for a girl, her character - what are they? Little girls Anechki are cute, kind and very affectionate. This is a charming daughter who does not create any particular difficulties for her parents. The only thing she can be punished for is for helpless birds, homeless kittens or picked up puppies brought from the street. Whom she regrets, wants to shelter and feed.

Accuracy, diligence, obedience and discretion are the main features of the child named Anna. The meaning of the name for a girl suggests that such a child will study hard at school, will try to please his parents with everything in his power. The girl will become independent early and she will not need support from her parents.

If you stopped the choice of a name on Anna, remember that the name for the girl will carry a certain imprint. Often, representatives of this name have a fickle character. In just a few minutes, from an obedient, calm child, she turns into a capricious and aggressive-minded.

Little Anya can easily memorize poetry and tell fairy tales. Artistry and talent are essential in Anna's name. For a girl, fate will be wonderful if you pay attention to these character traits in time and develop them. In addition, if little Anya reads more books, she will very quickly learn how to do it on her own.

Little Anya loves order in everything since childhood. She is serious and judicious, so all sciences, both humanitarian and exact, are equally easy for her. In addition, she always has her own opinion in everything, so her peers respect her and seek help, which she does not refuse.

If you chose the name Anna for your daughter, study the meaning of the name for the girl very carefully. It has both negative and positive traits. Studying for Anya is a very important stage, she diligently studies those school subjects that she likes and is useful. Moreover, she will determine the level of usefulness of all items on her own. At the same time, you can determine how much she likes the subject by her academic performance.

Teenage years

What does the name Anna mean for a girl at an older age? She does not like injustice, which leads to problems with teachers, parents and even friends. Anya often, without choosing soft words, is very sharply ready to defend her interests and opinions. This leads to serious conflicts with others.

Anya in adolescence can easily change dramatically if she herself so desires. For example, in order to enlist the support of parents or prove something to others, he can graduate with honors.

Young Anya is a great needlewoman. If desired, she can learn anything. Anna is especially successful at sewing. The meaning of the name for the girl confirms that she is talented. And even if her parents cannot buy her the dress of her dreams for graduation, she can easily sew such an outfit for herself. The girl always follows fashion and knows what she wants. Appearance is very important to her, so she cannot afford to look bad.

When choosing suitors, she is not particularly picky, but always tries to change them for the better. However, she rarely succeeds.

What else can you say about the name Anna? The meaning of the name for a girl says that she is a very reliable friend who you can always turn to in difficult times and who will help everyone in any way he can. It is for this that her friends appreciate her. But she does not tolerate betrayal and lies. She will never forgive someone who has done such a thing, and on occasion she will definitely remember.

But sometimes during this period she acts too frivolously, which leads to some problems in the future. Also, young Anechka can leave a job unfinished, because she simply lost interest in it.

Growing up period

The matured Anya is a rational woman who is guided by reason in her actions. Before deciding on something, he will think about it many times, weigh everything and only then make a decision.

He experiences all the wrongs in himself, which is why breakdowns often occur in close people. She is not afraid of offenders, she can express her opinion to them directly.

He does not know how to endure and wait at all. Not getting what he wants right away, he shows strong irritability and unwillingness to communicate.

But with all this, she remains the same sweet, kind, sociable and sympathetic. Together with a bunch of his problems, he tries to help solve the problems of other people. And since people tend to be impudent, they easily sit on her neck and freely use it.

A woman named Anna is very attentive, so the events taking place around her will not go unnoticed. She always sees and remembers everything.

She does not feel a lack of fans, as she is by nature beautiful, charming and very friendly. He has a strong will, which not everyone can resist.

In old age, he prefers life in solitude with nature, in a private home, where he enjoys working with animals and looking after grandchildren.


From an early age, Anna grows up as a sickly child. Frequent colds, bronchitis, susceptible stomach, scoliosis - this is not the whole list of diseases. In adolescence, you should carefully monitor the skin of the face, since this cute child will not bypass problems with acne. But if you eat less sweet and fatty foods, you can avoid such worries. An adult bearer of the name should lead a healthy lifestyle and listen carefully to herself. Since she is naturally inclined to be overweight, she needs to stick to a diet.


The people who surround Anna consider themselves to be her friends, but in reality they are not. It is very difficult to achieve reciprocity in friendship from her. She appreciates erudition, honesty and decency in people. A developed intuition quickly leads everyone around to clean water.

A family

Anna at an early age gets herself a lot of fans, but she gets married quite late. Since she is very picky and demanding in relation to her life partner. The appearance of the chosen one does not play an important role for her.

The compatibility of the name Anna is excellent: with Peter, Alexey, Maxim, Vitaly, Ruslan, Eugene, Konstantin. But not everything will turn out well: with Sergey, Alexander, Stanislav, Nikita, Kirill, Andrey, Taras.

If she loves, then she really loves. Anna is a faithful and respectable spouse, and she demands the same from a partner. But if she suddenly finds out about deception or betrayal, she stops all ties with him, since she will never be able to forget such a thing.

Family for Anya always comes first. She is a good housewife and caring mother who loves to tinker with her children and pamper them. She tries not to talk about family problems to relatives and friends, decides everything herself, without outside interference.


Everything Anna does in her free time is closely related to her family. She loves to arrange family holidays, invite loved ones and make everyone happy. She herself comes up with entertainment and family traditions for her relatives.


As for work, Anna has no equal here - she is a workaholic. Women are very responsible, attentive, treat everything in good faith and are always very worried about the final result.

Having an analytical mind that allows her to make the right decisions quickly, Anna can take leadership positions without any problems. But he cannot do boring and monotonous work for a long time, so an office worker will not work out of it.

A woman with such a name may well realize herself in medicine and pedagogy, as she loves to help others and knows how to keep attention. And thanks to her artistry and talent, she can become an excellent journalist or perform on stage, develop her skills in sculpture or drawing.

But if suddenly work begins to take away from her the time that she likes to spend on her family, then she will say goodbye to her without regret in order to devote herself to the family.


At baptism, a person is purified on a spiritual level and acquires his own guardian angel. In the certificate of this event, which has recently been issued in the church, there is a record of the heavenly patrons. Also enter the date of the name day. Due to its prevalence and antiquity, this name has birthday days in every month. The church name Anna has many birthday dates in a year. But the main, big birthday day, is the one that follows the first birth. The rest of the name days are considered small.

In Russia, the name of St. Anna of Kashinskaya is honored, whose relics heal from bodily ailments.

Additional Information

The stone inherent in Anna is an opal (a stone symbolizing love, hope and compassion, suitable for women with magical abilities) or a ruby ​​(a symbol of power and vanity).

The most suitable colors are red, some shades of blue, brown.

Animal symbols are the hare (timid, dexterous, fast and lustful) and the lynx (lynx people do not tolerate deception, are straightforward, honor justice, proud and, like cats, sometimes walk by themselves).

Rowan (a plant that protects against witchcraft and damage, this is an excellent talisman), blueberry (brings peace and prosperity, bestows love) and aster (a symbol of beauty, purity, charm, modesty, sadness and humility) are considered symbolic plants.

Copper is considered the most suitable metal, as it symbolizes a strong strong family, kind-heartedness, love and responsiveness.

So, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • The name Anna is the most common on the planet.
  • This is a wonderful person: sympathetic and very kind, ready to help everyone at the first call.
  • Creatively gifted.
  • Passionate but selective nature. She will give her chosen one everything she has and make him happy.
  • Family is the main thing for her, so she is not at all a careerist and would rather choose a family than a job.
  • She works hard and responsibly in her work, so she is full of success.
  • She realizes herself completely in what she likes.

According to Mendelev

A simple and good name, with strong attributes, it is something big, sleek, loud and brave, but at the same time courageous and slow. Perhaps the sign of the masculinity of this name is synonymous with strength and invincibility. It has been carrying its beauty, majesty and reliability for at least two thousand years and is loved in many countries.

Anna is versatile. She is always strong and significant - in creativity, in work, in the family. Everywhere she is distinguished by kindness and reliability, and these signs practically do not change when moving to the diminutive forms of the name. Anya is almost the same Anna, but not so big, courageous and loud. In even less official forms of the name Anyuta, Nyura, majesty, strength and loudness go into the shadows, but fun and mobility appear. These are already feminine and gentle names, and femininity is most intensely expressed in the name Anyuta, now, by the way, not very fashionable.

Anyuta, Nyura is also more beautiful than Anna, but weaker and slower, although lighter, more mobile. Anyuta, Nyura, Nyusha and Nyusya are not majestic or low; these signs are insignificant for them, they completely fit (unlike Anna) into the realities of everyday life, at the celebration of life they are their own. As a rule, everything that happens around them excites and evokes a response; something they actively support, something just as actively reject, but they never remain indifferent. In terms of frequency, the name Anna is in the top ten names and has never dropped into the category of rare.

The color of the name Anna is red, however, not as sharp and burning as that of the name Alla.

By D. and N. Winter

Energy named:In the energy of the name Anna, patience and openness coexist with the ability to self-sacrifice and even sacrifice. Often these traits, reflected in Ani's character, make her a very gentle and kind person, which attracts people to her, but, alas, this is far from always favorable for her. However, oddly enough, she finds satisfaction in sympathy and helping people - it is just that often, while caring about others, she involuntarily forgets about herself, which is not so good for her health. It happens that her body, let's say, does not quite share her patience and compassion for others and sometimes it can very painfully remind her of her own problems. Often this gives her actions some anguish, and therefore it is very favorable if Anya learns to balance caring for loved ones with caring for herself.

Otherwise, her altruism can cause a negative attitude towards herself, and the more she dislikes herself, the more actively her desire to help others will begin to manifest and, accordingly, vice versa. This forms a vicious circle, favorable for others, but often destructive for herself. Close people need to take into account this property of Anna and, if possible, remind her that not only her neighbor is worthy of her love, but she herself. It is highly desirable if Anna pays attention to her sense of humor.

The fact is that her name does little to incline to wit and often makes her take life too seriously, which, in fact, leads to anguish. In some cases, especially in adolescence, this strain can manifest itself in the form of some cynicism towards oneself. Alas, this is not the best way out for negative energy, moreover, such self-cynicism only aggravates the situation. But if she finds a source of cheerful thoughts either in herself or in close people, then this problem can completely disappear, leaving room for the really positive sides of her character.

In a word, it will never be superfluous to make a good laugh both at yourself and at those around you. If Anna wants to ruin her life, she just needs to choose a serious and correct husband without a sense of humor. However, thank God, this happens quite rarely, although it is the "serious" men who most often offer her a hand and a heart. This is not surprising, since Anna's caring and kindness make her an excellent hostess and wife. However, happiness can only be given to her by a cheerful and cheerful person who can bring a living stream into her life.

Communication secrets: Do not exaggerate too much, describing your difficulties to Anna, she is already able to understand and help you without this, the hopelessness in your voice can plunge her into severe depression. If you want to please Anya, give her a little bit of optimism and an easy attitude to life.

Name trace in history:

Anna Akhmatova

“I know the beginnings and the ends. And life after the end, and something that now does not need to be remembered ... ”- wrote the poetess Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966). Indeed, the impression is that from childhood she had a presentiment in advance of her difficult, largely tragic fate. So, at the age of eighteen, the poetess, deeply experiencing unrequited love, writes to her friend: “I finished my life before I even started,” but nevertheless this was precisely the beginning of her life and far from being the most serious test.

A sad image, beauty, talent, huge expressive eyes made Akhmatova an object of worship for many progressive people of that time, but she played the most fatal role in the life of the writer Nikolai Gumilyov. Many times he proposed to her, and Akhmatova refused, until after six years of dating she nevertheless married him. They had a son, but after a while the marriage broke up, although Gumilyov continued to idolize his ex-wife until the end of his days.

Anna Akhmatova's poems, original, deep and sensual, are for the most part imbued with deep sadness. Even Stalin noticed this, christening her "nun" for her addiction to dark clothes. But if at the beginning of her creative career, Akhmatova did not have at all or had few reasons for such sadness, then in the future all her darkest forebodings are justified. In 1921, Nikolai Gumilyov was shot, her second husband, N. Punin, died in exile, and her son was arrested three times, and the poetess barely managed to save him from the fate of his father. In addition, since 1946, Akhmatova has not been published anywhere, subjecting her work to sharp criticism. As a result, at the end of her years, the poetess had to turn into a translator, although, according to contemporaries, until her death she retained her proud posture, amazing beauty and now understandable to all sadness. No wonder one of the critics aptly called Akhmatova “Yaroslavnaya of the 20th century”.

1. Personality: emitting light

2. Color: blue

3. Main features: will - intuition - activity - sexuality

4. Totem plant: blueberry

5. Totem animal: lynx

6. Sign: Scorpio

7. Type. It is enough to look into the eyes of a girl with this name to understand what the look of our foremother Eva was like: they have the passion of the first morning rays. They are very impudent - real tomboys, they watch out for the victim, like their totem animal lynx. Growing up, they give the impression of people with some kind of secret knowledge, reading the book of life.

8. Psyche. Introverts, unaffected, have an incredible memory.

9. Will. Strong. Anna wants to have everything. And immediately! Believes only in himself.

10. Excitability. Strong, which, fortunately, is balanced by a titanic will.

11. The speed of reaction. The type is hot and hot. These women show resistance to everyone, which often hinders them in life. They are vindictive, proud, conflicted and scandalous. They do not listen to other people's advice, no matter how useful they are.

12. Activity. At school, they have many problems, they argue with teachers and especially conflict with teachers. Anna's dream is to become an artist, painter, singer, sculptor.

13. Intuition. They are guided by clairvoyance. They anticipate, guess, envelop you with their charm. Men are very quickly convinced of this.

14. Intelligence. Too analytical. Their lynx eyes miss nothing. Thanks to their cuteness and charm, they can win over not only loved ones to their side.

15. Susceptibility. Very picky. They love only what belongs to them. Anna is a queen in need of subjects.

16. Morality. Not too strict. It seems to them that they have the right to dispose of moral principles and change them at their discretion.

17. Health. They have fragile bones and a very "impressionable" stomach. We do not advise you to neglect your diet and eat late. There may be accidents associated with vehicles. As a child, you need to watch your eyes.

18. Sexuality. Sex for them is all or nothing. All - when they love. Nothing - when they do not love.

19. Field of activity. Medicine, especially paramedicine. They can become experienced engineers. They know how to tell and make them listen to themselves.

20. Sociability. They receive guests they like, others are kicked out the door. It would be great if they chose a phlegmatic husband. By the way, they love to collect men indiscriminately.

21. Conclusion. It is almost impossible to draw any definite conclusion. They constantly start everything from scratch, neither marriage, nor maturity that has come are not an obstacle for them.

According to Florensky

In Anna, the main thing is her subconscious soil, which most often lies not on a rock, but on such subsoil layers with which the bearer of this name goes into the depths of being. And these bowels, according to the higher assignment of the name, are the bowels of grace, as the etymological meaning of the name says. When the higher plane is not reached by a person, she receives an influx of grace-filled forces through the elemental basis of nature, therefore, she can absorb these elemental-metaphysical energies together, and maybe mix them, the conductors of grace, with grace itself. On the lower planes, finally, these elemental-mystical principles, the soul of the world, are assimilated, but always in the color of grace, that is, under this form of perception.

The spontaneous never appears to Anna as only the spontaneous, for it is always mystical. Existence energies do not appear in Anna's consciousness, divorced from their own of the deepest foundations, superficial and self-contained, are never therefore judged according to the positive. As indicated, the reason for this is the inseparability of the lower layers of the subconscious from the world environment: Anna has direct communication with the subsoil waters, and any fluctuation in their level and change in their composition affects her, in her sense of self. In this sense, we can even say that Anna from the subconscious side does not have a definite form and merges with the world soul.

That is why the bias is predetermined for Anna: either towards spiritual cutting off from herself, that is, from the conscious personality, all the subconscious, including her own, as not her own, or tying the whole life of the world soul to herself as her personal property. But it is easy to see that both the one and the other equally lead to a detachment from everything that is inherent in the subconscious, or it has a peculiar coloring of sensuality, only because it is limited by the limits of the personality, tied to it, opposed to other being and,hence, understood as self-serving, separating and impenetrable.

There is essentially no subjectivity in Anna's subconscious. Anna does not want for herself and hers. She is not passionate; rather, on the contrary, she falls away from the world, that is, she does not belong to it in her soul, having no clues about the world in her consciousness. That spontaneous that she feels, according to her assessment, is felt in her as objective, even external, given to her, unless she transferred her “I” into the world soul; but then all the more so all of her subconscious, as a cosmic scale, is not evaluated by her from the angle of a petty and self-serving individual attraction. Then her internal movements acquire a world scale and universal significance: she looks at her own, that is, her individual needs and desires from such a distance that they cannot but seem small and insignificant.

One way or another, and Anna's “I”, the small “I”, that is, the conscious layer of the personality, turns out to be a separate subconscious, and therefore her personality, richer than many others, is evaluated by herself, and often by many others, as poor. even when this wealth of personality, by truth or falsehood, breaks through in creativity that is already obvious and indisputable, and even when Anna herself estimates it highly, in the case of a mixture of the grace-filled with the elemental and extremely high. Still, she attaches little value to herself, to the conscious “I”, because she transfers this creativity of hers into objective being and regards it as a gift, as a revelation, as a self-manifestation of that objective being, not as her own independent activity. And, consequently, this creativity, even this, does not enrich her in her eyes.

It cannot be said that Anna's mind was not sharp; on the contrary, he possesses this poignancy. But whatever it is in itself, it is significantly surpassed in development by deeper forces rooted in the subconscious. The mind cannot keep up with them, and perhaps it does not want to tire itself with the constant necessity of some kind of haste; and therefore he refers to the intuitive depth of the personality passively, leaving it to be carried away by it. Therefore, he generally does not receive systematic growth and does not acquire the habits of conscious and independent work.

Such a mind may be inclined to sink and dissolve; this is the "ignava ratio": it is natural for him to become naive, at least until there is an external shake-up to him, which, with its impetus, will not force Anna to take up her mind and overcome her inactivity. Therefore, Anna's work is not of an intellectual nature; where the intervention of the intellect is required, this creativity has weak points. Anna dislikes intellectual work, willingly avoids it and, although she refers to her inability, but in fact does not really trust her: the interference of the intellect, as it seems to her, will distort the pure experience of her intuition, and therefore the plan, style, even sign position seem to her as something something secondary, invented, insincere.

Having knowledge not from reason and fed up with her knowledge, she neglects her intellect, her intellect. On the other hand, the depths of nature are too directly open to her to have a need and an acute need for art ... What art gives, in a sense, is much deeper and more fully known to Anna than it can be obtained through art; and in addition, the use of art requires the development of conscious initiative, self-education, which Anna avoids not only because of her unwillingness to be active, but also because self-education seems artificial to her.

Art is alien to her. Especially alien is that branch of it, which presupposes the greatest preliminary independent activity, but has in mind the most ugly and mystical touch to being: music. Exactly what music could give, Anna already has as much as she wants, moreover without difficulty. Consequently, the moral area is what predominantly occupies the consciousness of Anna, that is, exactly what is not in her perceptions from the depths.

According to Popov

Hardworking Anna spends energy not on herself, but on the well-being of those who are dear to her heart.

Husbands, children, homeless puppies live with Anna like Christ in her bosom

Sexy portrait of the name (by Higir)

It is useless to seduce or persecute Anna with love - she herself will make a choice. With other men, she will be cold and unapproachable. This woman is capricious and demanding not every man will be able to adapt to changes in her mood. Anna can have a husband and a lover at the same time, believing that she is faithful to both.

She is able to give her lover all the wealth of sensuality, provided that he does not restrain her impulses and gives her complete freedom of action. She considers her the body as a valuable instrument that only a virtuoso can appreciate.

She likes to have sex for a long time, enjoying its separate phases and complete liberation: after a stormy night, Anna remains horny for several days. She is not interested in primitive quick sex. All this is true to a greater extent for "winter" women.

"Summer" Anna is calmer, her sexual behavior is restrained. This does not mean that she is frigid, not excitable enough, just imparted to her from childhood ideas about the extent of permissiveness in intimate relationships do not allow her to relax and realize her sexual potential. Everything depends on the mood of the "autumn" Anna: shecan be active, enthusiastically indulge in love games or indifferent, if necessary, fulfilling their marital duties.

For "spring" Anna, sex is a way to always be in shape, maintain her health, and feel the fullness of life. If necessary, maybe, as a professional actress, play a fiery passion. She is endowed with subtle humor and healthy emotions. He does not like to change partners, because not with everyone it reaches a climax. Having met someone who is able to bring her to a stateecstasy, is attached for a long time. Anna's first marriage is often unsuccessful, and this unsettles her for a long time.

By Higir

Hebrew, means: grace. He grows up as an artistic child, loves everything beautiful. She takes care of puppies and kittens with pleasure, brings chicks that have fallen out of the nest into the house. Annushka's kindness seems to know no boundaries. If someone is crying nearby, there is no better comforter. Anna is docile, she practically does not have enemies. The needlewoman sews dresses for her dolls, and later, having become an adult, sews for herself, does not refuse her friends either. Anna is one of those people who will never forget to visit a sick friend or relative in the hospital, go to the store for bread for an old neighbor. He lives not only with his own, but also with others' concerns. Others often abuse this, but Anna does not take offense at them, although she sees all this.

Anna never forgets about her appearance - with her inherent taste, she knows how to dress beautifully, visit a hairdresser on time. She organically does not endure sloppiness, you will not see her in worn-out shoes or in a dirty dressing gown. By her nature, Anna could well have worked as a sister of mercy, a doctor, be a comforter and a sacrificial helper. But wherever she works, she gives herself to work completely, material compensation, remuneration for her are secondary.

Love and marriage named Anna

This is a meek person with a highly developed intuition. In the life of an uncomplaining Anna, there is enough suffering, but sometimes it seems that she is not trying to avoid them. So, Anna may well fall in love with a person who is sick or drinking, an obvious loser or a psychopath and carry her cross throughout her life, not at all regretting such a share. Devoted wives, loving mothers and good mothers-in-law are all Anna's. They are gullible, disinterested and benevolent. A family that values ​​such qualities will be happy. Annas are not capable of actively defending their “I”. Faced with rudeness, rudeness, nit-picking, they withdraw into themselves and patiently wait for better times.

In love, Anna is faithful, in marriage they are patient, but they cannot stand betrayal. The infidelity of a spouse is the hardest trauma for them. They can forgive it, but never forget. However, the trial by divorce and the expected hardships of a lonely life for Anna is not always preferable to trampled dignity.

A happy marriage most likely awaits her with Alexei, Boris, Eugene, Semyon, Zakhar, Konstantin, but he is very doubtful with Alexander, George or Ruslan.

Anna is one of the most common names in the world. It gives its owner many positive qualities: good nature, the ability to sympathize, a tendency to help everyone, even strangers. However, these traits can negatively affect the fate of sincere and merciful Anyut.

Origin of the name Anna

Translated from Hebrew, Anna means "merciful", "pretty", "benefactor."

The name is also mentioned in the Bible. Anna was the grandmother of Jesus Christ, the mother of the Mother of God.

For a long time, the female name Anna was one of the most common in Russia. It became known among the people during the reign of the Romanov dynasty. Today the name is considered one of the most popular in the world. In addition to Russia, it is most common in Hungary, Germany, England, Denmark, Czech Republic and Poland.

Video: the origin of the name Anna

Forms of the name Anna

Abbreviated forms of the name:

  • Nyura;
  • Nyusha;

The name Anya is also used as an abbreviation for other names:

  • Antoniana;
  • Diana;
  • Susana;
  • Christian;
  • Juliana.

Diminutive forms:

  • Anya;
  • Annushka;
  • Anyuta;
  • Anita;
  • Anusya;
  • Annette.

Photo gallery: name forms

Anna - the full form of the name Nyusha - a sweet and unusual appeal to Anna Nyura - one of the diminutive forms of the name Anyuta - an affectionate appeal to Anna Anya is the most common short form of the name

The church name is Anna. The transliteration of the name is ANNA.

When writing poems about Anna, you can use such beautiful rhymes: multifaceted, desirable, a talisman, without a flaw, the ocean.

Table: name in different languages

Middle names that combine with the name

The following middle names are best suited to the name Anna:

  • Alexandrovna;
  • Victorovna;
  • Nikolaevna;
  • Sergeevna;
  • Konstantinovna.

Nickname options for social networks

For a Youtube channel or Instagram account, you can use the following nicknames:

  • annetta;
  • anuta;
  • anny;
  • anya.

Patron saints of Anne

The name Anna is found in the Holy Scriptures. That was the name of Christ's own grandmother, the mother of the Mother of God. It was she who instructed her daughter on the righteous path and raised her in a religious atmosphere.

Anna gave birth to Mary, already being a middle-aged woman. For a long time she was married to Joachim, but they did not have children. Anna prayed day and night to the Lord to give their family a child and, finally, they had Mary.

Women who cannot give birth pray to Saint Anne to give them a baby.

Saint Anna - mother of Mary, the Most Holy Theotokos

Patrons of women with this name:

  • Saint Anna - Mother of God;
  • prophetess Anna;
  • Martyr Anna of Seleucus;
  • noble princess Anna of Novgorodskaya;
  • schema-nun Anna Kashinskaya;
  • Martyr Anna of Rome;
  • Martyr Anna of Gotf;
  • righteous Anna;
  • the Monk Anna Levkadiyskaya;
  • Anna the Prophetess, mother of the Prophet Samuel;
  • the Monk Anna of Vifinskaya;
  • the venerable princess Anna Vsevolodovna;
  • Martyr Anna of Adrianople;
  • Anna the Prophetess, daughter of Fanuilov.
  • January 4 and 11;
  • February 16, 17, 23 and 26;
  • 20th of March;
  • April 8 and 13;
  • May 11;
  • June 25 and 26;
  • July 18 and 26;
  • August 3, 5, 7, 13 and 29;
  • September 10 and 22;
  • October 15;
  • November 1, 4, 10, 11 and 16;
  • December 3, 11, 21, 22 and 23.

Signs associated with this name

On December 22, at the conception of Saint Anne, pregnant women must fast. They are forbidden to undertake any work during the day.

Characteristics and influence of the name

P. Rouge thinks that girls named Anna are impudent and like to be mischievous. Grown women are calmer, more educated and well-mannered. The owners of this name, as a rule, are concentrated on their inner world. They are indifferent to the opinions of others, they have excellent memory. Very persistent and strong-willed people, they want to find everything in a short period of time. Few are privy to their plans, relying only on themselves.

According to B. Khigir, Anna is distinguished by her cordiality, knows how to sympathize, she is characterized by mercy. A woman with that name is very kind and charming. She is attentive and clean. Anya is a loyal and devoted friend, you can safely entrust your secrets to her without worrying about the leakage of important information. Seriously and selflessly accepted for the execution of the instructions given to her. Anya is meek and weak-minded, if someone wants to offend her, she is unlikely to be able to fight back. Can carry a grudge for a long time.

Anna is a faithful and devoted friend

How the name Anna affects the character of the child

Anya is a wonderful child, kind and helpful. Parents do not have any special difficulties in raising a girl. Anya will always come to the rescue of a loved one, comrade and even a completely stranger, without expecting any encouragement. She spends most of her time caring for others. The girl has almost no time for herself. Due to the fact that it is very difficult for little Anya to refuse someone help, her good nature can be used for selfish purposes.

Anya is a serious, prudent and obedient girl. She loves everything to be in order and in its place. At school, she stands out among the rest of the students with excellent knowledge. In the class, Anya is an authority, she is respected.

Anya is always true to her convictions. A negative character trait of the bearers of such a name is inconsistency in mood. Sometimes, instead of a sweet and cheerful girl, a wayward and crying girl suddenly appears.

Anechki are diligent students, have authority in the class

Anya teenager

At a transitional age, Anya has problems in communication, moreover, not only in the school team, but also with teachers. The stormy flow of emotions causes a feeling of injustice towards her. She may be indignant about the assessments or criticism of her actions. Anyuta will not miss the moment to express her dissatisfaction and will persistently defend her point of view. This often leads to conflict situations.

Despite Ani's unbridled character, teachers and peers easily forgive the girl for her antics. They know her as a determined and capable girl who always gets things done.

The name Anna is mentioned in the songs of Alla Pugacheva "Anna Karenina", the group Uma2rmaH "Tennis", Zemfira "Anechka" and many others.

In high school, Anna diligently monitors her appearance, chooses beautiful and stylish clothes for herself. Her extraordinary style attracts members of the opposite sex. Anechka is admired, but at the same time, all the girls in the class envy her elegant, fashionable and bright image.

Anya, a teenager, is ready to make any sacrifices to help others. As for the choice of guys, she is poorly versed in people, and often the chosen ones bring the girl only suffering.

The influence of the name on the character and fate of an adult

Positive qualities of the name Anna:

  • a responsibility;
  • benevolence;
  • attentiveness;
  • willingness to come to the rescue;
  • purposefulness;
  • resourcefulness;
  • wonderful memory.

Negative qualities:

  • lust for power;
  • explosive nature;
  • tediousness;
  • cynicism;
  • dissatisfaction with yourself.


Anna has an irrational mindset. She is easily trainable. Such a girl tends to quickly assimilate theory; in practice, Anya also shows excellent results. The owner of this name knows how to competently express her thoughts, supplementing them with facts and important information.

Professions, business and career

Despite the fact that Anna has a fairly high intelligence, she rarely chooses a job related to analytics. The owner of this name finds her boring. Anyutas are more characteristic of professions that allow them to be more often among people:

  • educator;
  • medical worker;
  • teacher.

An inclination to empathize helps Anna become a great doctor.

Anna is very creative. If she develops her talents, she will be able to choose a creative profession:

  • Writer;
  • musician;
  • actress;
  • artist;
  • model.

Whoever Anya becomes, she will always take a responsible approach to her job duties. The owner of such a name can also start a business. This girl is executive, serious, purposeful, attentive, diligent. Anna's goodwill, sociability and honesty will help her achieve success.


Newborn Anna is very restless in the first months of her life. Often naughty, poorly perceived mother's milk. But gradually everything returns to normal, the baby's weight stabilizes. When teeth are cut, she often cries, there may be a rise in temperature. In childhood, Anna's immunity is very weakened.

It is worth monitoring the girl's posture, a curvature of the spine may develop. Possible allergic reaction to chocolate and citrus fruits. During the school period, he often carries viral diseases. Vision problems may develop over time.

Anna should eat healthy food, avoid harmful ones, she can harm her teeth and gastrointestinal tract. At the age of 13–15 years, a tendency to be overweight is manifested. To be healthy, Anya should lead an active lifestyle, be outdoors more often, find more time for rest, and adhere to a sleep schedule.

It is especially important for Anya to monitor her posture from childhood.

Love, sexuality, marriage

Anna monogamous. She can search for her soul mate for quite a long time. But when her search is successfully completed, the owner of this name will be ready for any difficulties in married life. Anyuta is gentle, loyal to her chosen one and expects the same from her spouse.

Anya is absolutely disinterested in a relationship. On the contrary, for the sake of her life partner, she is ready to sacrifice a lot. Such a girl can dearly love a person, despite his difficulties with health, finances or alcohol addiction. She is able to inspire a man and give hope for a wonderful future.

In a relationship, Anna is ready to sacrifice a lot for the happiness of the chosen one.

The bearer of this name refers to sex as a whole rite, which should not be overtaken by constancy and monotony. However, Anna, who was born at different times of the year, perceive intimate relationships in completely different ways:

  • winter prefers passionate and varied sex, in which she is ready to give affection to her partner;
  • for spring sex is an integral part of life, she gets physical and emotional release from sex;
  • the summer one is very shy and never takes the initiative herself;
  • autumn, depending on the mood, can be active or, conversely, passive in sex.

Anna gets married only at the call of her heart, without any selfish goal, she is driven only by the feeling of love. The first marriage may not be very successful. Despite the betrayal of her husband, she will try to save the family, despite her pride.

Anya's happy marriage can take place with a man who has an excellent sense of humor, who looks at the world innocently and easily, without contempt and anger. He can liberate such a girl, teach her to treat everything easier, without unnecessary fuss.

Anna gives herself completely to her family, she is a wonderful hostess and mother. He loves children very much, pampers them in every possible way and encourages their small victories. The owner of this name is benevolent, knows how to sympathize, and is always ready to help.

Anya does not devote anyone to the secrets of her family life. Communicating with friends or relatives, he prefers not to talk about his personal life. In the circle of her relatives, Anyuta is sincere and benevolent. Her positive qualities can be the key to a happy relationship in any family.

Table: compatibility with male names

AlexanderAlexander is a wonderful husband for Anna. She feels his strength and support in everything. Thanks to his endurance and stamina of character, he manages to conquer a power-hungry girl. Sasha Anya is able to afford to be the head of the family.
DmitriyDespite the fact that Anna and Dmitry are completely different in character, this will not prevent them from creating a harmonious relationship. They complement each other wonderfully and bring brightness and variety to family life.
SergeySergey is calm and calm by nature. Anna, on the contrary, is very temperamental. This union can be successful if the man comes to terms with the violent character of the chosen one and allows her to manage the affairs of the family.
AndreyThis couple can have a rather complicated relationship. Both are freedom-loving, preferring to make independent decisions. But if Anna and Andrey learn to live in harmony and understanding, their marriage can become successful.
AlexeyOutsiders may think that Anya is keeping Alexei on a short leash. But this is completely wrong, just such a man is prudent, restrained and has excellent manners. This couple can become very harmonious and happy.
EvgeniyEugene is rather old-fashioned in family relationships. The warmth and comfort of the hearth are extremely important for him. Relationships are built on trust and mutual feelings. Anna is comfortable with him, since she completely shares the views of her husband.
MaksimMaxim early learns all the delights of intimate relationships. His love of freedom can delay the decision to marry. But having met Anna, he understands that he cannot find a better companion in life. Anya will become a wonderful wife, passionate lover and close friend for Maxim.
VladimirThis family values ​​love and understanding. Children are the pride and joy of the spouses. They do not seek to get mountains of gold, they are content with what they have. Their bonds are inviolable, and every year they will become stronger, as both strive to make family life better.
DenisIn the relationship of this couple, one can rarely observe complete calm, since the violent nature of the partners leads to outbursts of jealousy, resentment and scandals. Such an alliance is most often short-lived.
ArtyomThese two are absolute opposites. They are prone to different lifestyles, thinking. But differences attract them to each other. They can have a happy family if Anya becomes more realistic, and Artyom learns to be more restrained.
AntonIn Anton, a girl can often be annoyed by his lack of assembly. Anya does not trust him with important household chores in her absence, as she is sure that he will not cope with them. Such an alliance is most often doomed to parting.
novelIn family relationships, Anna always feels Roman's reliable shoulder. They do not make sky-high plans, do not make hasty decisions. Together they overcome all difficulties on the way to a brighter future.
IgorEach of the spouses strives to be a leader in the family. This often leads to conflict situations, since it is difficult for both Igor and Anya to yield. The marriage can be ruined because of the husband's suspicions of his wife's infidelity.
YuriA trusting relationship reigns in the family. Unreasonable outbursts of emotions are alien to partners. In their pair, everything is quite stable, each is in its place. Anna and Yuri are very easy to communicate with each other, their family happiness is based on understanding and mutual assistance.
VictorA very creative and friendly family. Anna and Victor complement each other wonderfully, inspiring new creative projects. They love to spend time with their mutual friends.

Significant years of Anna's life

The most important and responsible years for Anna:

The name Anya is mentioned in such poems: Agniya Barto "Curls", Anna Akhmatova "After 23 years", Ilona Grosheva "Anya, dear Anna" and others.

Table: characters that match the name

CharacteristicMeaningInfluence on a person
PlanetProserpineSymbolizes dramatic changes, improvements. Instills self-sacrifice, empathy, restraint, justice.
Zodiac signVirgoGenerosity, foresight, attentiveness, responsibility.
ElementFireTemperamental and quick-tempered, often gives vent to feelings, often the beginning ends in failure. Fickle, frivolous, loves to put herself and others at risk.
Number5 Such people like to be on the road, they are constantly trying to add variety to their lives. Friends are chosen to match themselves - those who are ready for spontaneous decisions and love to travel.
ColourBlueSymbolizes dedication, understanding and stability. Gives the desire for self-development and the achievement of new goals.
Totem animalHareThis is a fearful and meek animal, but at the same time it symbolizes immorality.
WoodRowanElegance, reliability, mercy, endurance.
PlantAsterA symbol of attractiveness, good breeding, chastity and despair.
StoneOpalMany consider opal to be a stone of unjustified hopes, losses and difficulties. In Asian countries, the mineral symbolizes well-being, sympathy and hope.
MetalCopperA symbol of family happiness, procreation, wealth, love, mercy and sincerity.

Interpreting the meaning of each letter in a name

A is the beginning of a new path. A symbol of perseverance and perseverance. Striving for spiritual and physical development. People whose names begin with this letter, strong-willed and serious, always bring what they started to the end and do not give empty promises.

N - quite self-critical, responsibly approach any business, prone to introspection.

When was Anna born

Winter Anya is educated and prudent, she does not make hasty conclusions and always evaluates the situation fairly. She will not hide her discontent and will express to the person everything that she thinks about him. Is in a continuous struggle for leadership.

Spring Anechka is wayward, dreamy and narcissistic. She is quite attractive, knows how to use her beauty for personal purposes. Likes to be in the spotlight, to catch glances of admiration.

Anna, born in spring, charming and dreamy

Anna, who was born in the summer, is kindness itself. She is overflowing with mercy and compassion for everyone. People around her often take advantage of her naivety and desire to help. Such a girl is secretive, prefers to go through her difficulties alone.

Autumn Anya is sociable and benevolent, she has many acquaintances. She can find herself in the professional activities of a teacher, designer and artist.

Name horoscope

Aries is temperamental and quick-tempered, rather wayward and frivolous. She often does not stick to the promise she made. Often gives in to an impulse of feelings, because of this, problems appear both in work activity and in personal life.

Taurus is persistent, serious, purposeful. Anna-Taurus has all plans detailed down to the smallest detail, so she always wins. In a relationship, she remains faithful to her partner, and demands the same from her chosen one.

Gemini - she is characterized by inconstancy, irascibility. Prefers an active lifestyle, cannot sit in one place for a long time. Her life is constant travel and communication with influential people.

Cancer is strong-willed and hardy, cheerful and benevolent. Her spirit cannot be broken. Anna Cancer can find a solution even from the most hopeless situation. At work, she is appreciated for her endurance and perseverance.

Anna Cancer is able to find a way out of any situation.

Leo is power-hungry and egocentric, wants to subordinate everyone to his will. For her, her principles and beliefs always come first. Anna the Lioness has to indulge and please in all her requirements.

Virgo is a pretty successful woman. Luck accompanies her literally in everything. She is smart and reasonable, diligently restraining her emotions. Anna-Virgo has great patience, it is difficult to piss her off.

Libra is a prominent woman with excellent manners. She is sociable and friendly, she has many acquaintances and like-minded people. Easily makes new acquaintances. Economic and responsible. Anya-Libra is dreamy, often idealizes people.

Scorpio is a proud and self-centered nature. Likes to take the reins into their own hands. He never acts simply by the will of his heart. For his successes and achievements he likes to receive praise and honors. At the same time, he prefers not to encourage other people's victories.

Sagittarius - has an explosive character, often gives vent to feelings. He can work on his shortcomings, but in society he never admits his mistakes. Anna Sagittarius is capable of sincere and rather strong feelings. The chosen one devotes all of himself.

Anna, who was born under the sign of Sagittarius, devotes herself to the chosen one

Capricorn is closed, uncommunicative. Prudent, will never take up a case without being sure of its success. In the family circle, she is sincere, able to support in difficult times and give practical advice. He does not like noisy companies, he prefers to relax with his family.

Aquarius is a versatile, creative person. Possesses extraordinary thinking. She is rarely interested in the opinions of others. The representatives of the stronger sex are attracted by their charisma.

Pisces are a big fan of flying in the clouds. Absent-minded, which prevents her from quickly and efficiently doing her job. He perfectly shows his positive qualities in creative professions. In relationships with men, she is sweet and courteous.

Famous persons named Anna

There are many famous women in history with this name:

  • Saint Anna is the mother of the Virgin Mary;
  • Anna Byzantine - the wife of the Kiev prince Vladimir the Baptist, the sister of the Byzantine emperor Vasily II;
  • Anna Akhmatova - an outstanding Russian poet;
  • Anna Ioannovna - Russian empress from the Romanov dynasty;
  • Anna Pavlova - Russian ballet dancer;
  • Anna Maria Tussaud - founder of the Wax Museum in London;
  • Anna German - famous Polish singer;
  • Anna Burda - creator of Burda moden magazine;
  • Anna Komnina - Byzantine princess, one of the first women historians;
  • Anne Bonnie is an Irish female pirate.

Photo gallery: famous Anna

Anna Akhmatova - Russian poet Anna Burda - creator of the Burda moden magazine Anna Byzantyskaya - wife of Vladimir, the Baptist of Russia Anna German - Polish singer Anna Ioannovna - Russian empress Anna Komnina - one of the first women historians Anna Maria Tussauds founder of the Wax Museum Anna Pavlova - Russian ballerina

It is not for nothing that Anna is considered faithful friends and responsible employees. They are attentive, good-natured, and take any business seriously. But the owners of such a name should sometimes think about their own interests, in order to help all the people around them not to sacrifice their lives.


Meaning: The name Anna comes from the Hebrew "Hannah" (Channah), which means "disposition, favor, favor", "God favors me" or "God is favorable to me." Occurs in the Old Testament (Hannah) - Anna the Prophetess, mother of the Prophet Samuel, in the New Testament (Anna) - the righteous Anna the Prophetess.

The female name Anna belongs to the category of biblical names. It is in demand not only in Russia, but also abroad. Many people mistakenly refer to the name of the Sumerian God Anu. In fact, it has no connection with him. Came to Orthodoxy through the Latin translation of Holy Scripture - Vulgate ...

Popularity: The name Anna is considered one of the most popular and takes 4-7 positions in the ranking of female names. According to statistics, there are 39-44 girls out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Anya, Annushka, Anusya, Anya Annenka, Anyushka, Annochka, Anyushka, Annitsa, Anyusha, Anyushenka, Nyusha, Nyushenka, Nyushechka, Nyushka, Nyushik, Anyuha, Anita, Annette, Anyutka, Aneta, Anetka, Anetochka, Anyura, Nyurushka Anka, Anika, Anyuta, Nyuta, Nyutka, Annusya, Nusya

Modern English counterparts: Annie, Anna, Anita, Ann, Hanna, Hannah, Anne, Annie, Any, Annette, Nettie, Nanna, Nanny, Anya

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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According to experts, the meaning of the female name Anna has a very strong impact on the fate of the girl named so, which is not surprising. According to astrologers, first of all, this name endows the personality of the girl named so with such traits: responsiveness, gentleness, kindness and benevolence, hard work and slight shyness. But this is not a complete list of dominant qualities, and they usually do not appear all together, but gradually, as they grow older. In addition, nobility is inherent in all girls named by this name ...

According to legend, the girls named by this name grow up to be noble women, but with a difficult fate. But a difficult life path and a rather unpredictable fate will never knock such a woman off her feet. Ani always carry their cross, no matter what the vicissitudes of fate. With a screech, through force, stumbling over obstacles and obstacles, they still overcome all problems and reach the pinnacle of primordiality. These girls are capable of much, including even what not every man can do: clench his will into a fist and achieve the intended goal (and this is usually life harmony and balance) despite any obstacles and obstacles.

Advantages and positive features: loves children, always treats people the way they deserve it, hates greed and lies, tries to adhere to generally accepted moral norms, never be rude for no reason and generally tries to always keep his emotions under control.

Anna is bad about: betrayal and lies, lies and arrogance, criticism and intrigue, secrecy, irresponsibility and injustice, any manifestation of anger and aggression.

The spelling of the name (Anna) in the New Testament corresponds to the Greek and Latin spelling. Today the name Anna is one of the most popular names in the world. Moreover, it occurs 13 times in the book of Samuel.

The nature of the name Anna

As in the case of any other name, the nature of the name Anna is also determined not only by letter analysis, but also by the astrological factor, which in this case reiterates about a rather strange and complex combination of various points. So, the basis is a clear indication that the girl so named should be fair, conscientious, uncompromising, kind and affectionate - this should be her character.

Among other things, there is a factor that indicates the following - the nature of the name form Anna says about self-sufficiency. Not only is this usually an introvert, but also not influenced by anyone. Good memory, poise, self-control, vindictiveness and pride are what his character indicates. True, everything named does not belong to every girl named so - it all depends on upbringing and a bunch of astrological factors.

By the way, this name goes well with many middle names and is capable of promising a bright future, but it is almost impossible to predict the character of the so-called representative of the weaker sex with an accuracy of at least ninety percent.

Early childhood

In the early childhood of the girl Anna, everything can seem very difficult. The meaning of this name can provoke the dominance of such qualities as a cheerful disposition, shyness, shyness, restlessness, friendliness and sociability. Plus, the child is endowed with such outlines, thanks to which it will not be difficult for her to find friends and comrades for herself, even where, it would seem, everything is set against her.

Anna is not a leader, not a cheerleader, not a darling, but she is always in the spotlight and plays an important role, and all because of her behavior and vivid image. Easily makes contact, gets along well with peers, has many friends among children. You won't get bored with this one, but Anna will not let unrestrained fun come to her, because from childhood she is afraid to take risks and get into trouble.

Caution is the very quality due to which even her adult life will be as calm and balanced as possible. As for the relationship with the parents, they usually keep in the category of "acceptable". Mom and Dad have nothing to punish her for, and Anna herself does everything to gain their trust. In other words, things can go pretty well. Well, in the future it will affect her whole life.


The teenage stage of the girl named by this name will bring many problems to both Anna herself and her parents. And the reason for this is not only that it promises the meaning of the name, but also in the influence of the patron planet. Anna easily instills trust, has excellent contact with everyone around, never refuses help or advice, this is her value, and all this helps her to fit into society as well as possible. But this girl also has disadvantages: gullibility, naivety, inability to refuse help to people and a willingness to help everyone around.

Anna is often surrounded by those who only need to take advantage of her weaknesses for the sake of their own self-interest. Anna has few well-wishers, but there are very, very many who want to use her to achieve personal goals.

But everything is in order with her studies, Anna easily studies all subjects for good grades, the teachers respect and love her, and the grades become what thanks to which the mother and father often give her the desired gifts.

Adult woman

Adult life, thanks to the influence of a noble patronizing element, is usually full of good events for Anna's woman. In adult Anna, dominated by: dedication, the desire to develop, the willingness to go ahead with the goal, sociability and erudition, impressionability and eloquence. All these traits make her not only a valuable employee, but also a good boss, and a great friend, and a wonderful mother.

Interaction of the character Anna with the seasons

Winter - this bearer of the name-form Anna, thanks to the meaning of the season, is intelligent, practical, fair, reasonable, straightforward and domineering by nature. She will be a natural leader, her opinion should not be criticized - this prevents her from making friends. Such a person will have problems in his personal life - it's hard to find a soul mate.

Summer - a year old girl will be the embodiment of sacrifice and benevolence. She can withdraw at any time - her secrecy gives rise to a depression, she loves to go through all the troubles alone, not accepting the help of other people. She is inclined to self-sacrifice, sometimes even for no reason - alone she feels safer, such is her character.

Spring - spring in adolescence will radiate romance and moodiness at the same time. Such a thirst for admiration and exaltation - loves publicity and praise. Her chosen one will be the representative of the strong half of humanity who can prove that he is worthy of her.

Autumn - here the "little one" will become a compromise creative personality. She will admire everything, nature, people, loved ones and even the nature of her work. Sociability and desire to create are the main instincts. Friends will be in large numbers, and everyone will be ready to become a support for Ani, and all thanks only to her character.

The fate of the name Anna

The life and fate of the name Anna, or rather the bearer of this name, is a rather complex, but long-unraveled mystery. It says that the fate of the girl named so will be difficult, albeit overflowing with bright events and everyday non-standard problems.

Girls usually named in this way are initially promised a good fate, but along with it, and constant disappointment in herself - she will constantly seek her vocation, but she will not be able to find it, any activity eventually bores her, any hobby ceases to be interesting. This is the main problem, but his fate as such is not limited to this ...

Further, already in the adult stage, in maturity, new problems will begin to arise. The fate of this name implies an endless search for a soul mate - this is the fault of the presence of such a trait as falling in love, although, it is not present in everyone, it all depends on such an important factor as the sign of the zodiac.

Relationships, especially in adult life, such will only build with the man who shows serious intentions - otherwise, not that relations, but even standard friendship will not tolerate.

Also, his fate says about an excellent motherly beginning - this is likely to become a good, exemplary mother. The only drawback in this factor is the endless pursuit of the ideal - whatever the child does, she will always be dissatisfied with the results.

Love and marriage

The name Anna and its energy promise the bearer of this name happiness, both in love and in marriage. These are mostly loyal and devoted wives, excellent mistresses and just noble women. Building a relationship with such a girl is a sheer pleasure, indicated by a lot of pluses. She will never cheat on her chosen one. He will accept him as he will be, and will never regret his choice, no matter what happens in their life together, and no matter what problems overtake the couple during the construction of a full-fledged family.

But Anna will take a very long time to choose her husband. She is not too demanding, but picky. Moreover, all Ani in advance build in the mind the image of the future husband - the chosen one will certainly correspond to him almost one hundred percent. Such a girl will never begin to build a relationship with a man who, at least in some way, does not meet her criteria.

Anna's marriage must be strong, reliable, durable. He will be especially strong if a phlegmatic man becomes her partner. But there is one big "but" - the family can be destroyed by the spouse himself and his behavior. The slightest misstep like betrayal, aimless flirting with another woman, or something like that, and that's it, the marriage can be considered ruined.

Anna as Mother

According to the legend, all women named after Anna become excellent mothers, and often mothers with many children. Such people are usually taken as examples, and by themselves they become role models. These are caring, attentive, gentle, soft mothers devoted to their children. At the same time, such a woman's attention will be riveted not only to her child / children, but also to all children without exception, because all Annas love children, everyone at once.

In raising children, a mother named in this way should not have any problems. But without the support of her father, she herself cannot cope with him. She can teach a child everything good, bring up in him a real man, a gentleman, a courteous gentleman who will respect women. But mom-Anna will never be able to prepare a child for adult life with its problems, everyday obstacles and "traps".

But a mother named Anna will never leave her child after his transition to the stage of adulthood. This is "Mom" with a capital letter, and so she will remain until the very end. Even as an adult, her child will always be able to count on the help, support, advice and care of his mother.

Horoscope named Anna


Anna, born under the influence of the meaning of Aries, will grow up as an impulsive and active girl, but too prone to distraction and irresponsibility. Reckless actions are her strong point, but having gained experience, she will become smart and devoted to her home, will make a bunch of right decisions.


Taurus grows a balanced and reliable person named Anna, a quivering lady who thoroughly thinks over all actions. She makes few mistakes, but she is ready to analyze them endlessly. Loyal and loyal, the ideal spouse with the perfect character.


Gemini will be by nature a windy lady, irresponsible and impetuous, moreover, she can get out of any situation dry and innocent. Irritable, looking for activity, effective and fickle, the spouse will be oh, how not sweet.


Cancer - compatibility with other signs of the zodiac is delightful, because such a girl will get along with almost all symbols, except especially aggressive ones. Respected by friends and girlfriends, a born leader who does not forgive wrongdoing.

a lion

The bearer of the name Anna is born a lioness, self-centered, domineering, ready to become a "big boss." She will prefer to endlessly subjugate everyone without exception. Ambition and self-interest are the only things that are important for such a person.


Virgo is lucky and lucky, surrounded by the attention and respect of people, makes great contact, is romantic and loves to fantasize. Such a person is looking for a 100% perfect soul mate, the one that is ready to rush into the maelstrom of family life without checking feelings and other important everyday factors.


Libra will be a neat, sociable and emotional lady. She is docile and pleasant to talk to, sociable and loyal to friendship. Her spouse can be the very first male that comes across, deciding to risk staying with her forever and ever.


Anna, who was born in this world during the Scorpio period, will be a vain and self-sufficient person, a person capable only of submission to herself. She wants to be a leader, and does not want to reckon with the people around her.


Sagittarius is characterized by such qualities as activity, impulsivity, excitement and tendency to depressive state. She is in love, sensitive and romantic, but all this is hidden under a thick skin of indifference.


Capricorn is a quiet and secretive girl, whose compatibility with other signs will not always be able to generate warm and sincere relationships. Neat and rational, calm and reliable - the best mother to her children.


Aquarius will be an unusual lady, a "vamp woman", under whose outer shell a person is hidden, with whom it is difficult for anyone to compare. She hates dissidents, but love and tenderness give birth to a lot of good qualities in her.


Lady fish - and here, who received the name Anna, is a dreamer and a dreamer, romantic and in the clouds. She dreams of a beautiful and calm life with a devoted prince. Her creative nature attracts men. In personal life, she is lucky - she will quickly find an ideal spouse.

Male name compatibility

At the end of their research, the researchers inclined to the opinion that the name Anna has perfect compatibility only with such names for men as Valery, Vissarion, Miron, Svyatoslav, Fadey, Ustin, Timur, Trofim and Grigory, Dmitry and Gleb. With them, you will be able to build a really long-lasting relationship and marriage.

A slightly worse connection arises when paired with the likes of Ignat, Ippolit, Eldar, Eric, Kim, Klim and Arseny.

But with the named variations such as Ermolai, Kazimir, Nikita, Pankrat and Julius, the relationship will turn out to be only full of negativity and disagreement.

Name Anna in different languages

Anna's name in English: Hannah, Ann, (Hannah, Ann)
Anna's name in Chinese: 安娜 (Anna)
Name Anna in Japanese: ア ン ナ (Anna)
Anna's name in Spanish: Ane
Name Anna in German: Anne, Anna (Anne, Anna)
Name Anna in Polish: Anne, Hanna (Anna, Hanna)
Anna's name in Ukrainian: Hanna

Origin of the name Anna:

Type of... It is enough to look into the eyes of a girl with this name to understand what the look of our foremother Eva was like: in them is the passion of the first morning rays. They are very impudent - real tomboys, they watch out for the victim, like their totem animal lynx. Growing up, gives the impression of people with some kind of secret knowledge, reading the book of life.

Psyche... Introverts, unaffected, have an incredible memory.

Will... Strong. This woman wants to have everything. And immediately! Believes only in himself.

Excitability... Strong, which, fortunately, is balanced by a titanic will.

Speed reactions... The type is hot and hot. These women show resistance to everyone, which often hinders them in life. They are vindictive, proud, conflicted and scandalous. They do not listen to other people's advice, no matter how useful they are.

Field activities... At school, they have many problems, they argue with teachers and especially conflict with teachers. Dreams - to become an artist, painter, singer, sculptor.

Intuition... They are guided by clairvoyance. They anticipate, guess, envelop you with their charm. Men are very quickly convinced of this.

Intelligence... Too analytical. Their lynx eyes miss nothing. Thanks to their cuteness and charm, they can win over not only loved ones to their side.

Susceptibility... Very picky. They love only what belongs to them. This woman is a queen who needs her subjects.

Moral... Not too strict. It seems to them that they have the right to dispose of moral principles and change them at their discretion.

Health... They have fragile bones and a very "impressionable" stomach. We do not advise you to neglect and dine late. Possible motor transport related. As a child, you need to watch your eyes.

Sexuality... Sex for them is all or nothing. All - when they love. Nothing - when they do not love.

Field activities... Medicine, especially paramedicine. They can become experienced engineers. They know how to tell and make them listen to themselves.

Sociability... They receive guests they like, others are kicked out the door. It would be great if they chose a phlegmatic husband. By the way, they love to collect men indiscriminately.

Conclusion... It is almost impossible to draw any definite conclusion. They all start to scratch all the time, neither marriage, nor maturity that has come are not an obstacle for them.

Anna and the pets

The popularity and statistics of the name Anna

The name Anna, which the parents gave their daughter at birth, is quite popular. For 1000 newborn girls, this name was received (on average over periods):
1900-1909: 92 (2nd place)
1924-1932: (not in the top ten)
1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
1978-1981: 76 (4th place)
2008: (4th place)

Name days and patron saints of Anna:

Anna of Adrianople, martyr, November 4 (October 22).
Anna of Bithinskaya, reverend (reverend who asceticised in male form), June 26 (13), November 11 (October 29).
Anna of Gotfskaya, martyr, April 8 (March 26).
Anna (in monasticism Euphrosinia) Kashinskaya, Tverskaya, princess, schema-nun, June 25 (12), October 15 (2).
Anna the Righteous, mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, August 7 (July 25), September 22 (9); December 22 (9) - the conception of the Ev, Anna. On this day, from their aged parents, the righteous Joachim and Anna, through their fervent prayers, the Most Holy Theotokos was conceived.
Anna of Novgorod, princess, reverend, February 23 (10).
Anna the Prophetess, daughter of Fanuilov, February 16 (3), September 10 (August 28).
Anna the Prophetess, mother of the Prophet Samuel, December 22 (9).
Anna of Rome, virgin, martyr, February 3 (January 21), July 18 (5).
Anna of Seleucia (Persian), martyr, December 3 (November 20).
Great and famous Annas

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