What is the best name for a girl born in July? Names of girls born on July 16th of July girl's name day

Girls born under the sign of Cancer tend to be quiet, reasonable and level-headed, modest and shy.

The nature of people born in July

July- an unstable nervous system, impatience, selfishness, irritability - these are the characteristic features of the "July" people. Too proud and independent. Egoists. They are spineless, cannot refuse friends, drink easily (especially men). Women strive for leadership, try to lead a spouse, often complain to loved ones about their fate, openly talk about troubles in the family. It is difficult for them to please, they are always dissatisfied with something. Men are quite good-natured, reckless, and often make mistakes. Trusting, naive towards women. Once deceived in their feelings, they become inveterate bachelors. Silently they endure all the troubles, they do not like to complain about fate. The only one to whom they can pour out their souls is their mother - she is the closest to them in spirit.

Introspection is a good character trait for the July chat. With all this, girls born in July are emotional and vulnerable, they often worry even about trifles. In other words, girls born under the sign of Cancer are people of mood, their emotional state of mind determines all directions in their life.

What are the most popular names for girls born in July in Russia?

July names are suitable for those born: Antonina, Alla, Alexandra, Daria, Lyudmila, Sophia, Kaleria, Elizabeth, Valeria.

On the territory of Russia, the most popular names for July chats are:










Children born under the sign of Cancer are great romantics, but very rarely they show their emotions and experiences. It is sometimes very difficult to find out what is happening in the soul of a girl born in July. In adulthood, these girls are good, loving wives. Most of the July chats are monogamous, for many of them the family hearth is the highest value in life. That is why the July girls completely devote themselves to their family - husband and children. It is extremely rare in the life of July girls to have fleeting and easy relationships, they simply do not accept them.

In addition, stability is very important for girls born in July, and in all spheres of life - at work, at home. July girls rarely change anything in life, do not go on adventures at all. Risk is an incomprehensible word for them, even if a risky business can be of great benefit to them. They also do not understand gambling people, and never make hasty conclusions.

Other positive aspects of girls born in July are their punctuality, intelligence and patience. The July people can be engaged in very routine work for a long time. But very rarely they manage to move up the career ladder, since they are greatly hampered in this by excessive impressionability and hidden emotionality.

When choosing names for girls born in July, remember that with the help of names you need to strengthen the weaknesses of the character of July. In other words, the names of girls born in July should be strong-willed, giving their owners confidence, determination and self-affirmation. A lot will depend on the name that you give your baby.

According to the Holy Calendar, the most suitable names for girls born in July are:

4 - Vasilisa

8 - Fedora

13 - Dinara

14 - Angela

20 - Evdokia

28 - Matron

How do we choose a name for our baby? Often we rely on the popularity of a name, on its exoticism, or through this we express our deep respect for relatives. In all these cases, we rely only on external factors and do not think, and perhaps do not even know that the name directly affects the fate of the baby!

To select the perfect name that will be a powerful energy support in a child's life, it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors. Recommendations and lists of 5-10 names like Alena, Eva, Sofia, Maria, Vera, Daria, Anna, Victoria, Polina, Ekaterina, Alice do not take into account the characteristics of the child and the effectiveness of the name's influence on the life of a particular baby.

1. Analysis of the personality of the child - character and fate

For example, for astrological systems (calculation for 07/16/2015 12-00 Moscow)
you can calculate some of the child's features associated with planetary influence (character, style of thinking, emotionality, etc.) But this will always be only a small, superficial part of the analysis. The generalized approach is, in principle, not very effective.

It is also necessary to take into account the influence of parents, who in many respects unconsciously and consciously change the character of the child. It is from the parents that the child removes most of the patterns of behavior and relationships, at an early age copies unconscious stereotypes and takes the energy of the parents for development.

2. The choice of a name - the purpose of the impact, for which the name

And even if you conduct a thorough analysis, not astrologically, but through direct vision of subtle plans and the individuality of the child to determine the life task of the baby (what needs to be developed, supported and implemented) - it is also necessary to carefully decide the issue of choosing the right name and assessing the effectiveness of the influence of the name.

The choice of a name according to the calendar, a combination with a patronymic, numerology, melody, softness / hardness of the name give very weak results, and in fact are delusions. And choosing a name is a huge responsibility. As a result of selection based on delusions or a non-professional (albeit a loving mother, grandmother, ambitious dad), the girl will not receive proper support. The name will not have a positive energetic effect and influence on the state, character, fate, and in 20% of cases it will constantly generate negative consequences.

If parents want their child to be happy, healthy, successful and they are looking for a name for this purpose, then it is necessary to use assessment methods. Which will give a serious assessment of the effectiveness of the impact of one or another name. And they will not just be dictated by the principle "I like it this way, so I will name my child only that way."

3. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the influence of the name on life

Each parent is worried about their child and wishes with all their hearts that life was pleasant and safe. And if choosing a name for a child can improve his fate, why not take advantage of such a unique opportunity.

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1. Can't pick up a name, although already at 3-4 months or even recently gave birth?
2. Want name and character and sounding good?
3. Think how help with the name in life?

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The name always affects. The name can both help and harm.
Ignorance does not negate the impact of the name.

One of the main events in the life of any family is the expectation and birth of a child. The fuss before birth is common to everyone, because there is so much to do, to prepare before birth. The item that includes the name of the child is very important.

It's not difficult to come up with a beautiful name, the problem may arise in how to choose a name that would suit the child comprehensively, emphasize his strengths and help hide flaws, because everyone knows that the future fate depends on the person's name. And this question is quite subtle, because I want to provide a decent life for the child.

The main thing when choosing is the ratio of the name and the month of birth. After all, knowing the presumably the sign of the zodiac, one can imagine the character of the future person and thereby choose a suitable name. But do not forget that the month is captured by 2 signs of the zodiac, and their characteristics may turn out to be completely opposite to each other, therefore, not only need to pay attention to the month of birth, but also to the date. In the astrological horoscope, the sex of a person also differs.

For girls, born in the first half of July homeliness, submissiveness, the creation of comfort and warmth around them are characteristic. He does not like to take risks, prefers a calm, measured life. Names are ideal for such qualities: Olga, Sophia, Chloe, Lydia, Elizabeth, Olesya, Diana, Elena, Lilia, Magdalene, Milan, Bogdana.

Born in the second half of July on the contrary, they have a stubborn character, are very fond of their own reflection in the mirror, capricious, arrogant and strive to be better and higher than everyone. They love adventure, never give up various adventures, are always in the spotlight and have many friends. The names are suitable for such a characteristic: Alexandra, Varvara, Nadezhda, Alla, Margarita, Natalia, Zhanna, Emma.

Orthodox names of July for girls

If you want to refer to the church calendar, then in July they celebrate the day of the name of Inna, Rimma, Agripina, Angelina, Martha, Ulyana, Elena, Olga, Margarita, Julia, Alevtina. It is believed that by choosing a name according to the calendar, you give the child a guardian for the rest of his life, who will accompany the child on the way.

Celebrities born in July to choose a girl's name

If both methods seem uninteresting when choosing a name, then you should remember the famous people born in July. These include: Anna Akhmatova, Liya Akhedzhakova, Maria Arbatova, Princess Diana, Zhanna Aguzarova, Yana Poplavskaya, Alsu. All these girls have achieved fame in life, and perhaps by naming a child after them, you can count on a similar fame.

If you do not want to name the child after a celebrity, you can just pay attention to the good people who are surrounded, you may want to please your loved one by naming your child after him. It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of a name, but do not forget about the patronymic, because the sound of the name together with the patronymic is important.

It can depend on the time and place where a person was born, on the character and upbringing received, the state of health, and even on the name given at birth or baptism.

There are several interesting theories about this last point. According to one of them, any name is a word of a particular language, which has not only a certain sound, but also a certain meaning. And what should you call a girl born in July?

What is the name of the daughter?

The tradition of Orthodox families to call newborns in accordance with the holy calendar - the church calendar, in this sense, is perhaps the most preferable. After all, naming the girl by the name of the saint on whose day the baby is born or on whose day she was baptized, the parents seem to entrust their child to her care, thus choosing the patroness for life.

It should be borne in mind that in July there may be several of the same, but they belong to different saints, and in the will of the parents to choose the one that is closer to them by some criteria.

You can study all the names that fall on the dates after the day the girl was born, see their meanings and dwell on one, based on this.

However, there are many families who do not fully understand this tradition or are completely unfamiliar with it. In this case, you can turn to the "horoscope" option.

Zodiac sign

From the point of view of astrology, July belongs to the signs of Cancer and. Based on this, you can look for a name suitable for a birth sign for a daughter. So, girls born under the first of the signs, according to the characteristics of astrologers, will grow up soft and romantic, and "lionesses" - strong and strong-willed.

Girls-"yulechki", as mentioned above, differ in character and temperament. Proceeding from this, it is possible with the help of the name to "program" their future life.

Do you want the girl to grow up strong-willed and able to stand up for herself? Then it is better to give her a name that would strengthen these features: Antonina, Bogdana, Valeria, Daria, Margarita. The future keeper of the family hearth, feminine and docile, astrologers advise to “soften” with such names: Alina, Alla, Angelina (Angelica), Elena, Lilia, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Milena, Julia, Yana (option - John).

Church calendar

We offer a list of "July" Orthodox names by day of the month.

When choosing a name for your daughter, you should not be guided by its exoticism and unusualness after watching some Brazilian TV series. The name may be well forgotten and rare, but it should be beautifully "linked" with both the surname and patronymic.

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