What a 1 year old boy should be able to do. What a child should be able to do at the age of twelve months. How to accelerate the psychophysical development of a one-year-old child

The first month after the birth of a son or daughter flies by imperceptibly, but, despite the fact that most of the day is spent for the crumbs to sleep, he is already learning and mastering some skills, which makes his parents immensely happy. During this important period, it is very important for mom and dad to learn to understand and feel their baby, and knowing what a baby should be able to do at 1 month will help.

In the first month after birth, babies are actively developing and are just beginning to get acquainted with the world around them. Parents should not worry that the baby may lose some weight in the first days - this is due to the fact that there is excess fluid in the newborn's body, from which he gets rid of. But, after a couple of weeks, he already reaches weight at birth, and then an increase in indicators follows - by about 30 g per day, so that by a month the baby weighs from 3.4 to 4.5 kg. In length, the body of children at this age can reach 50-54 cm.

Over the course of a month, a number of changes take place in the child's body, which is actively being rebuilt, adapting to other conditions after a long intrauterine stay:

  • blood cells with the type of fetal hemoglobin are gradually destroyed, because of this, the work of the circulatory system also changes;
  • digestion adapts to a different type of food;
  • the respiratory and hormonal systems begin to function independently;
  • the formation of the baby's immunity occurs, due to the penetration of various bacteria into the body.

Since a baby is born with formed vision, hearing organs, and the ability to tactile sensations, information coming from outside forces his brain and nervous system to be intensively improved. Thanks to this, the baby begins to move and control, although not quite consciously, different parts of his body.

An important role in this is played by the reflexes inherent in the newborn:

  • sucking, allowing him to feed on breast milk;
  • support and walking, affecting the flexion of the joints;
  • search, which manifests itself in opening the mouth and tilting the baby's head, when pressing the center of his lower lip while feeding.

There are other reflex actions of the toddler, contributing to the development of the function of the nervous system, and all of them must be present in him, which is quite normal.

In a word, the development of a child at 1 month is in full swing, and parents need to record all the achievements of the baby, as well as their absence, so as not to miss unwanted violations.

What a 1-month-old baby should be able to do

The further full-fledged formation of the organs and vital systems of the baby depends on the correct development of the child in the first and subsequent months after birth.

There are certain criteria by which one can judge the rate of its growth. Of course, these are the first skills of a baby:

  • the baby is slowly learning to keep his head, lying on his tummy, and even if this lasts only a few seconds, he no longer falls face down into the diaper;
  • the child makes involuntary movements with arms and legs, can bend the back, lift the buttocks, but one must understand that while these actions are unconscious;
  • children begin to make their first independent sounds - they resemble gurgling, but no longer look like the "wah" of a newborn, these are the primary rudiments of speech;
  • due to the development of the hearing aid, children can already perceive sounds, listen to the voices of their parents, at this time, it is desirable to protect them from sharp and loud sounds;
  • tactile sensations of the toddler develop, so he is already able to respond positively to the mother's hugs and her gentle touches;
  • in a month, babies begin to get used to a certain daily routine, so they can wake up when it’s time for feeding and fall asleep at the allotted hours;
  • the baby's body becomes relaxed, and the movements are more natural, since the tone in the flexor muscles decreases;
  • the fixation of the gaze of the crumbs also occurs only for a moment, but gradually the child does it more and more confidently and for a long time, and he can follow the moving objects with his eyes;
  • by the age of one month, children are already able to distinguish four colors - yellow, red, black and white, as well as individual lines and cells.

Making eye contact with the mother, the baby clearly enjoys, and you can already see a meaningful smile on his face - this is probably the most pleasant skill that a baby comprehends in the first month of life. Before that, parents had already managed to notice the first smiles of their child - first in a dream, then after bathing, and now, finally, a completely conscious manifestation of feelings associated with simple joy at the sight of the face of the closest person.

This confirms that at the age of one month, babies already know how to recognize their mother by sight, voice, smell, they perfectly understand when the mother's hand touches them.

Some parents ask what a 1-month-old girl needs to be able to do. With constant communication with her mother, the baby is already quite able to "gag", make other sounds, even show her tongue, repeating after the parent.

The same behavior is different for a boy, he can “walk” at 1 month old, but at the same time smack his lips, groan and scream loudly, developing his vocal cords in this way.

Knowing what a baby should be able to do at 1 month old, parents should help the baby improve their senses, and this requires developmental activities.

What a 1 month old baby should be able to do: video

What is needed for the development of a child in one month

For a small child, it is important to create favorable conditions for further development, and this is, first of all, the atmosphere in the house, which should be calm and benevolent. Since the baby perceives the external world with the senses, then he can understand the emotional state of the household. When the family has a warm, sincere relationship, peace and an atmosphere of quiet joy, it helps the baby to feel completely safe.

Of course, there is not much time for developing exercises and games, because the baby sleeps all the time, and the moments of active wakefulness are still very short-lived. But with the right daily routine, you can always find 20-30 minutes in order to communicate with the baby and help him improve his basic skills. Consider what exercises will help your child adapt more quickly to a new environment.

To stimulate visual, auditory function, improve tactile perception, you can:

  1. Take a large bright toy, holding at a distance of 60-70 cm from the face of the crumbs, wait until it attracts his attention and very slowly take it aside, trying to keep the baby's gaze from the object. You can move the thing closer and back, but so that it is in the baby's field of vision for two minutes.
  2. Every day, for 10 minutes, the child can quietly turn on calm, melodic classical music; separate recordings of some musical instruments that sound gentle and in the major scale are also suitable. The choice must be approached very responsibly, because this will be the first music a kid will hear in his life. After mom's voice, he will be pleased to hear the sounds of the harp, flute, piano. Before going to bed, you can listen to works by Chopin or Mozart, in the morning while you are awake - dance melodies.
  3. Toys that will contribute to the development of hearing and touch - musical mobiles (carousels), rattles with a low sound, bed pendants with sound and light accompaniment. Mobiles are considered the most preferable for this age, as they help children to concentrate their eyesight and attention on separate objects, teach to distinguish between sound frequencies. At the same time, the child is having fun and is in a good mood.

Realizing what a month-old baby should be able to do, and keeping in mind that his grasping and sucking reflex is highly developed, it makes sense to buy the child several rattles from materials of different textures, as well as a book for the little ones with music pages. Rubber and latex toys-squeaky animals in the form of animals will not leave him indifferent either. Of course, all these things should be made of natural material, besides, the child will need them a little later, when his teeth begin to be cut.

To gradually strengthen the baby physically, the following exercises are provided:

  1. The baby is placed on its tummy, shown a bright object and, without haste, lifted it higher and higher. The child involuntarily has to train the neck muscles in order to raise the head. For this, the baby is put face down on his stomach and begins to talk to him, referring to him by name.
  2. To develop the baby's legs and arms, the child is taken by the hands, raised, carefully lowered, folded on the chest. With the legs, the baby should make twisting movements that imitate a bicycle ride.
  3. Bathing will not only give the child pleasure, but will have a positive effect on his physical condition. Mom can swim with the baby, placing him on her chest with his back, holding with one hand and showing various toys with the other. You can teach your baby to stay on the water, supporting it in your arms and shaking it.

Also, for normal blood circulation and reduction of hypertonicity, monthly children are given a massage, their arms and legs are flexed and unbend - usually, these procedures are carried out before or after bathing.

Understanding what a baby should be able to do at 1 month old, parents can stimulate the baby to master new skills, captivating him with interesting toys, music or interesting actions, but the most important thing is that during these activities there is direct communication between the baby and the mother, whom he needs more Total.

At the age of 15 months, parents notice changes not only in development, but also in the behavior of the baby - the child not only repeats the actions of the parents or attracts their attention, but is already able to conduct a dialogue and play with them in the simplest story games. But it is quite difficult to estimate the rate of development of children after a year; no one can say for sure what a child should be able to do at 1 year and 3 months. At this age, different children behave in completely different ways: someone already starts talking and walking, while others still continue to crawl and do not say a word. Moreover, the early development of a child is not a guarantee of his high level of intelligence in the future, just the maturation of the nervous system and brain in all children occurs at different times.

Physical development of the child at 1 year and 3 months

At 1 year and 3 months, the child most often already knows how to walk, going up and down stairs holding hand and getting up and sitting down unaided. Even if the baby is still in no hurry to please parents with the ability to walk on his own, at this age he should already be able to get up and walk, holding onto the walls and hands of adults. The child's movements become much more confident and freer - he already knows how to bend, turn back, turn from side to side, while from time to time losing balance and falling.

After a year, most children become much more careful - the kids already understand that if they crawl to the edge of the bed or sofa, they can fall, and if they bump their head against the wall, the head will hurt. Constant attempts to walk, climb and run help develop coordination and balance. The kid tries to squat, stand on tiptoe, run and perform more complex movements, for example, tries to throw and catch a ball and learn to carry toys in two hands at once.

At 15 months, a healthy, well-fed and slept baby is constantly cheerful and energetic - he runs or crawls, plays with toys, moreover, constantly being distracted and changing them - usually at this age the maximum time when a child can concentrate on one lesson is 10-15 minutes. After a year, the baby's teeth continue to grow - not only canines and incisors are cut through, but also the first chewing teeth, at this age the child should already receive not only mashed potatoes and cereals, but also food that needs to be chewed.

Neuropsychic development

After a year, the kid plays all day long, it is in the game that he receives the most important skills, learns to build relationships with others and studies the world around him. It is very important at this age to start learning in a playful way, the child will be happy to complete any tasks and repeat the actions of the parents if they are presented in the form of an exciting game. Starting from 15-18 months, the style of the child's play with the parents changes, only now they begin to play "together", and not in parallel to each other. If before that the parents were simply present at the baby's games or showed him how and what to do, now the child understands that it is possible to play together and actively involves the parents in such games. Moreover, children at this age able to play not only with parents and adults, but also with their peers- toddlers can play together in the sandbox, build a house from blocks or play with cars. Unfortunately, such an idyll is not able to last any long - after a few minutes the children simultaneously grab 1 scoop or a car and begin to pull it apart, fight or cry - depending on the temperament and character of the baby.

Most children at 15 months are owners, they do not understand and do not want to listen to adults urging them to share, play together or give away a toy. Parents should not try to appeal to the child's conscience, it is much more effective to distract the child to something else, for example, by inviting him to play a game with you or go to see something, as well as attempts to find a compromise - to exchange with another child, play in turns or take a similar toy.

At 1 year and 3 months the child already understands that in the evening it is necessary to collect toys, wash and go to bed... At this age, it is already necessary to begin to accustom the child to certain actions, for example, he can help you clean up toys before dinner or go to wash before bed.

Also, starting from 15-18 months, you need to accustom your child to regular, daily reading of books. Now the kid no longer just looks at the pictures, but listens and perceives short fairy tales and poems. The most important thing is to select clear, colorful and easy-to-read children's books - children at this age really like nursery rhymes, poems - quatrains and short fairy tales, such as Turnip, Kolobok, Chicken Ryaba and others. Parents should not only read books, but also comment on them and explain the plot of the fairy tale, trying to interest the child, they should also show him pictures and tell him about what is drawn on them. At the age of 15 months, the child himself can already show familiar animals, fairy-tale characters or familiar objects in books.

In the vocabulary of children at this age there are about 15-20 words, and with the help of sounds and gestures, the child can already explain what he wants and what he needs. Some children already confidently pronounce 5-10 words, while others are just beginning to pronounce the first sound combinations. Do not worry if the baby does not say anything yet, the most important thing is that he understands the speech addressed to him and can fulfill the simplest requests and tasks.

After a year, the kids begin to take an active interest in other children, now on walks they look not only at cars and houses, they are interested in peers and older children. Babies at 15 months still rarely decide to interfere in the games of other children, but they are happy to watch them.

What a child should be able to do at 1 year and 3 months

At 1 year and 3 months baby:

  • tries to walk independently, knows how to get up and sit down;
  • is oriented in space, knows how to bend, squat, turn;
  • fulfills the requests and instructions of adults - brings toys, shows objects, gives hands and so on;
  • knows the names of household items, toys, animals, knows his name, reacts to it;
  • says a few words, gestures shows what he wants - beckons to him, asks for pens, asks for a drink, and so on;
  • shows different emotions when meeting with mom, grandmother, acquaintances and strangers;
  • transfers actions from one object to another - feeds all dolls or animals from a spoon, rolls all cars, collects different cubes, talks on a real and toy phone;
  • holds a spoon, tries to eat porridge, mashed potatoes on his own, drinks from a cup.

Boy and girl - is there a difference?

At the age of 1 year and 3 months, the difference between girls and boys becomes more noticeable. Boys are usually more active and restless, they like outdoor games more, especially in the fresh air, but it is much more difficult for them to concentrate on one game or one subject. Most boys at 15 months already have a collection of cars and toy weapons, but they often do not have dolls and strollers, although many of them also like to roll and rock dolls.

Last updated article: 03/25/2018

It seems like yesterday you just returned from the hospital. Happy, tired. And a little confused. First of all, this concerns the parents of the first-born. What to do with the child now? There is a lot to learn. Get used to life with a demanding little man.

But the first month of a baby's life passes quickly. In everyday chores and worries, in getting used to, in the child's cognition of the world around him. Over the past month, parents have become more proficient in newborn care skills and are feeling more confident.


One month of life for a baby is a milestone. The baby is gaining about 700 grams in weight, growing a few centimeters. The head and chest increase in volume. And as the growth of the child does not stand still, so the development is striding by leaps and bounds. During this time, the baby manages to acquire certain skills and abilities.

Under the influence of information from the senses, emotions, impressions from the surrounding world, the nervous system does not stop developing. And, above all, the brain. This is what ensures the development of the body's motor functions. The child begins to learn to control the movements of parts of his body. First of all, with a glance.

Fixation in a certain position of the body or its parts indicates the development of statics. The very first sign of it in a baby is an attempt to hold the head.

Adequate baby's reactions to irritating factors are reflected in conditioned reflex activity. When the child is hungry, expresses dissatisfaction with the cry. Ate - calmed down. By the end of the first month of life, the response becomes more difficult.

The baby examines the mother's face, touches the breast, begins to smile. At the sight of a loved one, he touches more vividly in the air with his arms and legs. This is how conditioned reflexes are formed.

The posture of the child also changes. In a healthy newborn, the body is in a state of physiological hypertonicity. The arms and legs are bent at the joints. The fists are clenched and pressed to the chest. The thighs are slightly apart.

This posture does not change even during sleep. The movements are shaky, chaotic. Both physiological tremor and physiological hypertonicity begin to fade after the first month of life.

What can a 1-month-old baby do?

For more information on seeing, smelling, see the pediatrician's article.

Since the baby is growing very quickly, it will be useful for parents to know.

  1. A month-old baby should already begin to hold his head. This is best seen when the baby is lying on its stomach. The head does not rest in the diaper, like a newborn's. The kid will hold her in weight for some time.
  2. Begins to recognize mom, make eye contact with her.
  3. Fixes the gaze. At first it is literally a second. Then, every day, the child can focus on a stationary object longer and longer. By the end of the first month of life, children not only fix their gaze, but also follow moving objects with their eyes. This is usually a bright rattle.
  4. New sounds begin to appear in speech. They are guttural or gurgle-like. This is not your usual monotonous infant "waa". These are the first conscious sounds, the beginnings of speech, the beginning of humming.
  5. The baby begins to listen to speech, the sounds of the world around him. Over the past month, the baby was either frightened by sharp sounds, or, on the contrary, calmed down. By the end of the month, he already reacts more consciously, distinguishes intonations. Calms down at the sounds of parents' voices and may be frightened by unfamiliar timbre.
  6. First smile. Parents have seen the smile of a newborn before. During sleep. The corners of his lips twitched, forming a touching expression on his face. But in a month, the baby can smile consciously for the first time, in response to the smile of mom or dad.
  7. Reacts to the touch of a loved one. So, mom is capable of taking him in her arms. Caught in the arms of a stranger, the infant is more likely to react negatively.
  8. Formation of the internal clock. Someone of his own begins to emerge. Some babies wait for feedings at their usual times. At a certain time, they are awake and asleep.
  9. Reflexes. The newborns' reflexes have not faded away. During a medical examination, the child must clearly demonstrate them.
  10. With the disappearance of physiological hypertonia, the child's posture becomes more relaxed.

Creation of ideal developmental conditions

To create optimal conditions for the development of skills and abilities, you need to apply certain efforts:

  • favorable environment.

The kid perceives the world around him, absorbing impressions and emotions like a sponge. And not only their own, but also their parents. Calm atmosphere in the house, measured conversations, smiles of loved ones. Under these conditions, the child develops a basic sense of security and trust in the world around him.

  • tactile contact.

This is vital for the kid. In conditions of attention deficit, anxious tendencies are formed, phobias develop.

The child grows up to be capricious, sleep and appetite suffer. Adequate contact contributes to the development of the senses and, as a result, the nervous system.

  • massage and gymnastics.

Ideally, these treatments are performed daily before an evening swim. They contribute to the normalization of muscle tone, have a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

At one month of age, the choice is limited. The most important of the games is the rattle. Bright color attracts attention, focuses the eye. The sound makes you try to twist your head, which develops the neck muscles.

An attempt to grab a toy with your hand triggers a whole chain of reactions in the baby's nervous system, forcing the brain and muscles of the limbs to work in concert.

A whole developmental complex. All senses are stimulated during feeding. Growth and development factors come with milk, the presence of which has a beneficial effect, first of all, on the maturation of brain structures.

This age is called the most capricious and traumatic in the development of children. At 1 year 4 months, your baby is as changeable as the wind in May, so be patient and watch your baby very closely.

Physiological parameters of a child at 1 year 4 months: weight, height of the baby

  • Height. For boys, it is considered optimal in the region of 78 cm.The average height of girls at this age is slightly more than 80 cm.
  • The weight. Girls of this age weigh an average of 10.6 kg, boys a little more - 11.3 kg.
  • Head circumference - 45.6-48.9 cm, chest 47.3-53.1 cm.
  • Teeth ... According to generally accepted norms, upper canines appear this month.

Fangs are thought to be the hardest to erupt, so stock up on soothing gels, teethers, and strong nerves.

What a baby can do at 1 and 4: baby skills at 1 year 4 months

Children of this age are full of energy and cheerfulness. It is very important for the child, in addition to being able to jump and run, to satisfy emotional curiosity and sensory thirst. Let the baby explore the world around him, using all the senses, and touch, examine objects to taste and touch.

What children can do by this age

  1. The child already gets up on his own, walks, holding on to the support, sits down and turns in different directions.
    Of particular note is the kid's ability to walk up and down stairs, holding on to the hand of adults or the railing. In addition, he demonstrates attempts to climb on chairs, armchairs, sofas.
    At this age, the risk of injury increases significantly, since the baby's movements are not coordinated, and there is no fear of falling.
    Therefore, do not leave your child unattended, even for a few minutes!
  2. Children begin to quite confidently hold a spoon in their fist, try to eat on their own, drink from a mug.
    Have patience and bibs. Give your baby the opportunity to eat thick foods on his own - mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, porridge.
  3. The kid already knows how to perform simple actions - raise his hands up, forward, take them behind the back, to the sides, rotate his hands, wiggle his fingers. He can do these actions both independently and at the request of adults.
    In addition, it is considered mandatory to be able to fulfill the requests of adults “Show me. Bring it. Give."
  4. The child reacts emotionally to different situations: parting with parents, returning from a walk, the arrival of grandmother, etc.
  5. Children of this age can pronounce 4-10 words. , know the names of animals, fruits, vegetables, body parts, household items.
  6. Perform certain actions with toys , play simple story games: they know how to pour sand into a bucket, can pour water, feed toys, rock a doll.

How to feed and how to care for your babyat 1 year 4 months: child care and diet

With regard to hygienic care at this age, it can be noted that there is no need to wash the baby often, as he is less likely to "go to the toilet", and some by this time generally "are friends" with the pot.

Otherwise, everything is as usual:

  • morning washing;
  • teeth cleaning;
  • evening water procedures.
  • daytime sleep - 2-3 hours;
  • daily walks in the fresh air are obligatory.

At this age, babies develop the skill of cleanliness. They begin to wipe their hands when they get dirty, they may ask to wash.

It is very important to observe the daily routine. To overcome the changes taking place with the baby, he needs confidence in the stability of events.

The daily routine gives the child a sense of consistency and is soothing.

You can gradually switch to four meals a day. The fifth feeding in the form of milk or kefir should be kept for children with poor appetite. But it is not advisable to insist in situations where the child himself tends to switch to four meals a day.

Estimated Serving Size for Each Meal

Dishes are still prepared mainly in puree and chopped form. But gradually, denser food and more and more pieces are added to the baby's diet in order to develop chewing skills.
Children of this age already have their own preferences in food - favorite and unloved dishes. Listen to the child's wishes, but do not follow his lead.

Menu for a child aged 1 year and 4 months for a week

The suggested meals can be used as a guideline.

It is important to change the baby's menu so that the dishes are not repeated more than twice a week.

Speech and developmental psychology of children at 1 year and 4 months: communication and emotions of the baby

At this age, children's speech begins to take on a meaningful form. The kid already knows how to pronounce simple, light words that relate to a particular situation. For example, seeing a cat, the baby can say "Kitty" and point to the animal.

  • The vocabulary of a child at 1 year 4 months varies greatly. One may have only 10 words, while another may have more than 50.
  • Stimulate the development of speech in crumbs by reading poetry aloud, since rhymed lines are easier to perceive.
  • Choose bright picture books for reading. They help to assimilate information not only by ear, but also visually.
  • While reading, encourage your child to try to pronounce a word, while pointing to the picture to which the word refers.

At this stage, the range of emotions expands significantly:

  • kids rejoice when they succeed and get upset if they fail;
  • try to express agreement or disagreement with facial expressions and gestures;
  • react differently to familiar and unfamiliar people.

A feature of this age is the ability to "get infected" with emotions and feelings - the baby can cry or laugh "for the company." Children:

  • are surprised at new things and are afraid of unexpected actions;
  • easily switch attention from one subject to another.

Behavioral and emotional differences between boys and girls are becoming more and more noticeable. Boys are more independent and independent, less responsive to the emotions of others. Girls are more receptive, cry more often, like to sit on their arms or hug.

How to keep your baby busy at 1 year and 4 months: educational activities and games for the child

The games of the baby at this age are imitative in nature - they really like to repeat everything that they do after their parents. Therefore, stock up on toy dishes, a broom, an iron and other similar toys that will make your child feel like an adult.

Correctly selected educational games will make your child's leisure time rich and interesting.

  1. With great pleasure, children are now playing games that develop fine motor skills, and therefore speech centers. For example, a variety of mosaics with large and bright elements. Also popular are a variety of lacing and bright constructors with clinging details.
  2. The simplest, most accessible and addicting game - stringing beads or buttons on a fishing line or safety wire.
  3. Pyramids and cups are great toys. of different sizes and colors, inserted into each other.
  4. At this age, you can already draw the baby's attention to more complex educational games: simple labyrinths, figurines with inserts, games associated with shifting or pouring all kinds of objects.

Girls and boys of this age prefer different toys and games.

  • Boys they prefer more active ones, with a ball and cars, but at the same time they spend less time focusing on any activity.
  • Girls they also like to do more with small objects and story games: they clean the house, feed the dolls, heal the animals.

At this stage, you can start playing educational games to study the world around you: colors, shapes, properties of objects: large - small, soft - hard, smooth - rough, etc.

At this age, children do not realize the need to share toys and do not want to wait even a minute. Psychologists advise in such cases to switch the baby's attention to another object or to engage him with a simple game, for example, entertain him with finger games.

Just do not overdo it with educational games, so that the child does not lose cognitive interest.

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