As considered the weeks after IVF before cesarean. Having a baby after IVF: cesarean section or natural childbirth? Is it possible to give birth after IVF

Despite the fact that in our country IVF is no longer a unique procedure, it is still surrounded by a lot of myths. For example, many women are sure that childbirth after IVF will only be artificial, through a cesarean section. Is this so, we will try to figure it out in this article.

During the existence of the IVF procedure, more than 4 million such babies have appeared in the world. This allowed doctors to accumulate a lot of information about the features of the course of pregnancy, labor, the very moment of the birth of a child, its development in the first days of life.

One of the main conclusions is that IVF children are no different from those conceived in the usual way. The same goes for childbirth.

Women who conceived a child through IVF continue to have a regular pregnancy and go through a regular birth. In theory.


In practice, childbirth after IVF most often really takes place with the help of a cesarean section. But the reason lies not in the method of conceiving a child, but in the characteristics of the woman's body.

Healthy, young, without pathologies, chronic diseases and other unpleasant moments in their personal history rarely resort to the IVF procedure. Most often, they themselves can conceive, bear and give birth.

If, already in the first paragraph, medical assistance is required, this means that health leaves much to be desired. Therefore, most often natural childbirth after IVF is associated with a certain risk, which doctors try to minimize by prescribing a cesarean section.

Read also: Home birth: preparation, first aid kit, all pros and cons

Why is caesarean prescribed?

When childbirth after IVF pregnancy is discussed, in most cases, at the slightest indication, doctors recommend a cesarean. And there can be a lot of them:

  • Age after 35 years. The older the woman in labor, the more difficult childbirth can be. Women try not to think about their age, but the body cannot be fooled by a youthful appearance and youthful enthusiasm, and after a certain age it is better not to take risks by going to natural childbirth.
  • Multiple pregnancy. Often with IVF, several infusions are made, in the hope that at least one embryo will take root. But sometimes two and three take root. The doctor may suggest to carry out the reduction procedure, i.e. to remove the "unnecessary" ones, but not everyone is willing to do this, especially since it increases the risk of spontaneous abortion.
  • Medical indicators. Often IVF mothers are not in the best health condition, which did not allow them to conceive themselves. And any deviations (inflammation, neoplasms, preeclampsia) can be a reason to do a cesarean.
  • Fear. The banal fear of parents and doctors of losing a child conceived in spite of everything. After all, any childbirth is an unpredictable process, while caesarean is more predictable.

Considering all these factors, it should not be surprising that natural childbirth after IVF is much less common than cesarean section.

Reasons for natural childbirth

Of course, caesarean after IVF is by no means the rule. If the woman who did it is young and healthy, and the reason was in the man, then nothing prevents her from going into independent childbirth. The same applies to surrogate mothers, one of the requirements for which is good health.

Thus, natural childbirth is quite possible. But provided that the expectant mother does not have any contraindications to them.

Of course, she can try to insist on normal childbirth, contrary to the opinion of doctors, but the rationality of such an act is highly questionable. Is it worth risking the health of a child who got it at the cost of such sacrifices and efforts?

As for the stimulation of labor, here, too, everything depends on the characteristics of the mother's body. In most cases, it comes in due time. If the expected date of birth with IVF has already passed, and there are no prerequisites, the doctor may decide on artificial stimulation.

Due date

By the way, artificial conception is one of the few situations when the estimated date of birth will be very accurate. In other cases, it is impossible to find out the date of fertilization of the implantation of the egg. Even the best methods will give an error of several days.

Many married couples consider the method of artificial insemination as the only opportunity to have a child. This operation is quite common. However, female representatives are worried about what the birth will be like after IVF. Some people believe with confidence that, perhaps, only a cesarean section. Modern medicine proves the success of natural pregnancy resolution. What will be the birth, depends on the woman herself, her individual indicators.

Due date

Despite the absolute accuracy, the calculations are carried out according to the generally accepted scheme. Add 40 weeks to when the last menstrual period began. The most accurate way is to add 38 weeks to the time of embryo transfer.

After artificial conception, the baby's birthday is determined precisely. The rest of the methods give an error.

The day of birth after IVF is calculated based on knowledge of the time of conception, implantation. For simplicity, the transfer day is considered zero.

However, you should not expect that the baby will be born exactly on the specified date. The body of each woman has its own characteristics, and pregnancy also proceeds differently for everyone. Based on this, labor activity can occur a couple of days earlier or later.

How long does it take to give birth after IVF? At 37-38 weeks, a woman needs to go to the clinic for preservation. The doctor will conduct a final examination and set the exact day of delivery. The set date will be influenced by the behavior of the baby in the womb, his state of health, size.

As you can see, childbirth with IVF does not have any special differences. A more respectful attitude towards a woman in labor is dictated by the state of her health, and not by the peculiarity of the process of conception.

Operational method

Why is a cesarean section performed after IVF? You will need surgery or not, due to the reasons that led to artificial insemination:

  1. also this technique is chosen by female representatives with various diseases;
  2. age is considered another reason. This technology is not used at a young age;
  3. an absolutely healthy woman does not need such a procedure. She will be able to conceive, give birth without outside interference. When the cause of infertility is hidden in the husband, you will have to turn to the eco method.

Such circumstances determine natural childbirth or cesarean after IVF. Doctors recommend this operation to women in labor who have reached 35 years of age. They are under close supervision and additional examinations.

Why is a cesarean section done after IVF:

  • infertility lasts more than 5 years;
  • to avoid complications when the woman is 35 years old;
  • there are chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy is often terminated for unknown reasons;
  • complications occur during pregnancy: pressure rises, swelling appears, protein is observed in the urine.

The mother's mood plays an important role. When a woman has been treated for infertility for a long time, has repeatedly tried to get pregnant, as the caesarean chooses a safety net, the doctor will not interfere with her choice.

Natural childbirth

Can you give birth yourself after IVF? Of course, yes. The main condition is the absence of contraindications for such childbirth. Many married couples use the eco technique due to infertility in the male half of the population. When a female representative is completely healthy, she can independently resolve pregnancy. If the pregnancy goes without complications, the doctor will recommend a routine delivery.

There are frequent cases of a married couple visiting the clinic due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes in a woman. If the rest of the organs are in order, the pregnancy is going well, the doctor recommends giving birth on your own.

Natural childbirth after IVF goes through the same periods as during childbirth in the usual way:

  • contractions;
  • the birth of a baby;
  • separation of the placenta.

The postpartum period also has no differences. Observe them, perhaps only at the stage of preparation. After artificial insemination, the expectant mother is ready for childbirth already at 37 weeks. This is especially true for women expecting more than one baby. After the specified period, they need to come to the hospital for examination. After passing the tests, the doctor will decide: how to give birth after IVF, how many weeks they give birth.

Consequences of the natural path

If the attempts have been going on for a long time, the walls of the uterus descend. Here it is recommended to take preventive measures, do exercises that strengthen the pelvis. IVF delivery is the same procedure as the natural resolution of pregnancy.

Having given birth to a baby on her own, a woman can have 5 types of complications:

  1. tears in the tissues in the perineal region. This is due to the degree of their elasticity. The stitches are applied, after a while they dissolve on their own;
  2. birth trauma. They arise as a result of a discrepancy between the size of the fetus and the birth canal, the rapid nature of labor, breech presentation. They are treated, taking into account the nature of the damage;
  3. a young mother is showing weak physical activity. Blood stagnates in the pelvic organs, which subsequently leads to hemorrhoids. Its development can also be caused by an increase in pressure during pushing.

In the first period after childbirth, involuntary urination is possible. The reason for this complication is polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, large sizes of the fetus.

The disadvantages listed above are not common, not in all female representatives. The advantages of a regular childbirth are much greater. If there are no contraindications, a young mother should adjust herself psychologically for a successful outcome of labor.

Preparing for natural childbirth

When a woman is prepared for the process awaiting her, it will be successful, the pain will be perceived more easily.

The first involves getting rid of a woman's fears. It is often false and creates a lot of problems. Eco-women give birth successfully when they do not feel fear and feel confident. She undergoes psychological training throughout pregnancy. The woman attends special courses for women in labor, where she receives answers to all her questions.

The preparatory period has two paths:

  • psychological;
  • physical.

How do they give birth after IVF: by themselves or by cesarean? The doctor who is observing the woman in labor will be able to answer this question. Both methods are valid in this situation. During physical training, she learns to breathe correctly during childbirth. Attention during this period should be paid to the cervix, perineum, and mammary glands. All of these bodies need special training to minimize the consequences.

The muscles in the uterus often rupture. Therefore, the doctor recommends doing squats with your knees wide apart. The perineum is prepared with a series of special massage procedures, the doctor will tell you how to perform them. The mammary glands are prepared for lactation. Young mothers are faced with cracks when starting to feed. A contrast shower, rubbing nipples with a hard towel, procedures designed for hardening helps to avoid them.

All mothers need physical training, regardless of how many times they have already given birth. A woman with an unprepared body will feel the weakness of contractions, strong pain.

Many women who have undergone the manipulation of artificial insemination are interested in the question of whether it is possible to carry out IVF after cesarean. Doctors believe that in the absence of individual contraindications, the process may be repeated. It is recommended that the interval between births be two years.

Many women are not given the opportunity to experience the joy of motherhood. Environmental problems, individual health difficulties and a host of other reasons are becoming serious obstacles to the long-awaited pregnancy and childbirth. Modern medicine has the ability to bypass most of the obstacles and present long-awaited babies to married couples through IVF (or in vitro fertilization).

In vitro fertilization is one of the methods of treating infertility, when one of the stages or completely of the process of conception and initial embryonic development is carried out outside the female body. IVF is a technique perfected over the years, in which several embryos are “implanted” into the uterine cavity with the probability of at least one engraftment. This procedure is no longer something extraordinary and unusual.

Preparation after artificial insemination for childbirth:

The main tool for a positive pregnancy outcome is precisely the scrupulous monitoring of the health of the expectant mother and fetus. The risk of premature birth or miscarriage is much higher with IVF pregnancies. An important aspect in successful delivery after artificial conception is the preparatory period for childbirth. Moreover, it does not matter at all what awaits a pregnant woman - a cesarean or a natural process. From 37-38 weeks of pregnancy, intensive and conscious preparation is shown. Until this time, you need to lead a lifestyle appropriate for a pregnant woman - proper and high-quality nutrition, respect for health in general and directly to the body. After 37-38 weeks of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to register at the maternity hospital for examination and testing. The list of examinations includes an assessment of the general condition of the pregnant woman, a cardiogram is required for the child to evaluate the work of his heart, an ultrasound scan is performed to ensure that the fetus is located correctly in the uterine cavity, and the volumes of amniotic fluid are determined.

Only after examinations and examinations by a doctor a verdict is made as to how the delivery will take place - naturally or quickly. If a decision is made on operative delivery, then on the basis of all the examinations carried out, the date of its carrying out is indicated. If independent childbirth is allowed, the future woman in labor will wait for labor to begin in the course of the natural course of events.

The ideal option would be to give birth in the same medical institution where the IVF was performed (although this is not a prerequisite). In this case, the reproductive physician conducting the embryonic transplant "hands over" the expectant mother to an obstetrician-gynecologist for follow-up. By this time, the obstetrician knows all the details of the fertilization procedure and the health features of the pregnant woman with the nuances of the pregnancy. Also, the future woman in labor will be much more comfortable giving birth in the clinic, to the walls of which she is used to.

Why is caesarean done ?:

Obstetric statistics state that delivery by caesarean after external conception occurs more often than vaginal delivery. However, the basis for this lies far from conception itself. Most often, this is facilitated by the reasons that initially prompted the procedure itself. Also, the problem may be in the individual female psychological unpreparedness for natural childbirth - here no doctor can force a woman to give birth herself, and a decision is made to do a caesarean. But, having turned to a psychologist in time and resorting to psychotherapy, it is possible to set a woman up for a regular childbirth.

Most often, the indications for IVF are problems in the state of the woman's health. In addition, IVF is most often done not in young years, but in rather mature years, when all hopes for a natural pregnancy have dried up. Internal diseases and age are the most common causes of caesarean after artificial insemination. Pregnant women between 34-38 years old always become the object of increased attention from obstetricians, therefore, childbirth through an operation is considered more benign in this case.

In addition to late extracorporeal pregnancy, the following reasons will become indications for cesarean:

-infertility lasting more than five years;
- serious chronic diseases;
- multiple pregnancy;
- long-lasting threats of miscarriage;
- preeclampsia (high blood pressure, the presence of high protein in the urine, swelling);
- recurring miscarriages;
- placental insufficiency, when the child is in the womb in conditions of a lack of oxygen and nutrients

Preparation for surgery, operating technique and postoperative period are no different from those with natural conception.

Chances of natural childbirth .:

It is not at all necessary that childbirth after IVF will be carried out through surgery. This applies to those cases when a man becomes the culprit of infertility, and the woman is healthy, or in the case of surrogacy.

When the cause of infertility lies in the obstruction of the fallopian tubes, and according to other parameters, the woman has no health problems, in this case, independent childbirth is also possible. In each case, the doctor decides on the method of delivery.

The process of natural childbirth after artificial insemination does not differ from that after the usual conception.

Possible benefits of IVF:

The artificial insemination procedure squeezes out the maximum strength from expectant mothers, not only physical, but also moral. Material costs are also substantial. However, with all the difficulties in this procedure, there are a couple of advantages:
- the ability to accurately calculate the expected date of birth (natural), since the dates of fertilization, embryo transfer into the uterine cavity and its implantation are known;
- there is a higher likelihood of having twins or even triplets, which is considered a pleasant "bonus" on the way to a long-awaited pregnancy with prolonged infertility.

By the way, babies born by conception in a test tube, as is often said, do not differ at all from those who were born as a result of natural conception. The health of the unborn baby depends solely on the health of the pregnant woman and the genetic "material" inherited by the baby from two future parents. In the end, it is absolutely not important in what way the baby will be born, the main thing is the long-awaited meeting with a little happiness!


Caesarean section after IVF is not a prerequisite for a favorable end of the pregnancy period. Spontaneous childbirth is also possible, moreover, it is not uncommon. The main thing is to observe one important condition: future women in labor should not fall into the risk group for contraindications to the natural process of delivery.

IVF, pregnancy and childbirth are very difficult challenges for a woman. But what can you not do for the sake of a new life. There is an opinion that childbirth after IVF necessarily takes place only with a cesarean section, and is necessarily accompanied by numerous complications. In this article, we will consider in detail, in order, all aspects and features of childbirth after in vitro fertilization.

We give birth ourselves, if health permits

The opinion of doctors today boils down to the fact that it is possible to give birth after IVF in a natural way. It was previously believed that the work should not be wasted and in order not to risk a cesarean section.

Now IVF pregnancy is almost no different from natural, therefore, it should be treated in the same way as a normal pregnancy. With natural pregnancy, there are also interruptions and miscarriages, including for unknown reasons.

Earlier, at the dawn of reproductive medicine, only one option for delivery with IVF was considered - cesarean section. Now everything depends on the health of the mother, her degree of readiness for independent childbirth. If health does not allow, then a cesarean section is the only way to avoid complications.

You can give birth yourself with IVF if:

  1. Age up to 35 years old.
  2. The cause of infertility is caused by the male factor.
  3. With obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  4. If the pregnancy after the transfer came quickly and proceeds without complications.
  5. The absence of chronic diseases with contraindications to natural childbirth.

Spontaneous childbirth after IVF does not differ at all from the usual ones, the same contractions, expulsion of the afterbirth, the birth of a baby.

There are also no differences in the postpartum period. The only difference is preparation for fertilization and embryo replanting. IVF pregnancy often goes into childbirth by 37-38 weeks. If a woman is expected to have twins as a result of IVF, then childbirth will be caused earlier.

Caesarean or natural childbirth will be decided by the doctor after examining the patient... In any case, the woman should arrive at the hospital at the appointed time to prepare for a caesarean section or to wait for labor.

Complications of natural IVF childbirth

With prolonged childbirth, as a result of long attempts, the walls of the uterus can go down. The doctor will prescribe a course of physical therapy that includes various exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Often during natural childbirth, both IVF and ordinary, a woman may experience various complications.

Check out the table of postpartum complications.

The most common complications after natural childbirth with IVF:

  • at the time of delivery, tissue in the perineum may rupture. The rupture can occur due to its low elasticity. If a rupture occurs, the doctor will put several stitches, which dissolve on their own after a while;
  • if the size of the fetus is larger than the birth canal, birth trauma may occur, especially with the rapid nature of labor or breech presentation. Treatment can include both surgical methods and physiotherapy. Treatment will depend on the consequences of childbirth;
  • the risk of developing hemorrhoids. If the patient leads a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, then the blood stagnates in the pelvic organs, which leads to hemorrhoids. This unpleasant ailment can manifest itself in the process of natural childbirth due to strong attempts and strong pressure;
  • involuntary urination is quite common in the postpartum period. The reasons for this effect are polyhydramnios, too large a fetus and a small birth canal, multiple pregnancies.
  • infectious complications.

Not all women in labor have such complications. It is necessary to be aware of these consequences in order to be prepared for them mentally. If a woman helps her body, provides psychological support, some of the unpleasant consequences of IVF childbirth can be avoided.

How to prepare for natural childbirth

If a woman begins to prepare for childbirth long before them, this will increase the chances of a successful natural childbirth without serious consequences. First you need to stop panicking and being afraid of the approaching day of birth.

In this short video, a psychologist from the hospital tells where to start psychological preparation:

Many "eco women" note that there is nothing to be afraid of during childbirth naturally. Constant thoughts about painful childbirth lead to excitement and panic, in reality, not everything is so scary.

It is very important to prepare yourself psychologically. There are even special courses of psychological assistance to help pregnant women. Such courses will help the woman in labor to understand what to expect during IVF childbirth. It is important to understand how you can prepare yourself physically and mentally for a natural birth. This is discussed in detail in such courses.

The most popular question on such courses: “How do you give birth after IVF? Sami or do you need a cesarvo? ". The answer to this question can only be given by a doctor who leads an IVF pregnancy. Only he knows about the individual readiness of the organism for one or another childbirth.

Physical training

During childbirth naturally, you need to be able to breathe correctly. In addition to proper breathing, you will need to pay sufficient attention to the condition of the cervix, the elasticity of the perineum and the condition of the mammary glands. If you go through full physical training, you can avoid many very unpleasant postpartum consequences.

For childbirth, both natural and for a cesarean section, you need to prepare physically.

During vaginal delivery, the muscles of the uterus can be torn. This can be avoided with squats. During squats, you need to spread your knees wide enough to the sides, but without fanaticism. In addition to squats, you need a complex of perineal massage.

It should be noted that the entire course of physical training should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Self-preparation can cause irreparable harm to both the mother and her child. Be careful!

In this video, the obstetrician gynecologist will teach you how to breathe correctly during childbirth:

The mammary glands also need to be properly prepared for the lactation period long before childbirth. Proper preparation will help prevent cracks in the nipples. A regular contrast shower helps in preparation. In addition to showering, nipples should be rubbed with a hard towel to ensure blood flow. Such simple procedures will increase the elasticity of the nipples, and will prevent the appearance of cracks during breastfeeding.

If you have already given birth

Previously given birth woman undergoing IVF must also prepare and perform physical exercises... It is imperative to be prepared for independent childbirth. With poor physical fitness, contractions may not be strong enough and be accompanied by pain.

Childbirth with cesarean section with IVF

Surgical intervention for IVF is done very often. This is due primarily to the fact that a woman who decides to resort to the help of reproductive technologies often has health problems. That is why a cesarean section is done.

Why do they make a decision about surgical intervention in childbirth with IVF:

  1. The patient's age (from 35 years old) sometimes does not allow for a regular childbirth in order to avoid complications.
  2. With various diseases that do not allow for normal childbirth.
  3. Infertility has been diagnosed for over 5 years.
  4. The presence of chronic diseases.
  5. With previously interrupted pregnancies with unknown reasons.
  6. Caesarean section is often indicated for difficult pregnancies with high or low maternal pressure, the presence of excess protein in urine tests.
  7. The patient herself can insist on this type of delivery, so as not to risk it or for other reasons.

Be sure to watch this video. A wonderful girl talks in detail about her feelings after a cesarean section:

If the woman who underwent IVF is healthy, and a health problem led her to artificial insemination, she can be given birth without interfering with the childbirth process. It is worth paying attention to the fact that a cesarean section is recommended for all patients who have reached the age of 35. IVF, in this case, does not play any role.

One more moment IVF after a cesarean section is possible if there are no restrictions. The decision should still be made only by a doctor. IVF can be started 1.5-2 years after the previous birth.

How to calculate your due date with IVF

In normal pregnancies, labor occurs 40 weeks after the onset of extreme menstruation. In the case of IVF pregnancy, the date of embryo transfer must be taken into account. This is usually minus two weeks. It turns out that after the implantation, as the pregnancy on the 14th day is confirmed, 38 weeks will need to be added to this date. This is how the date of the alleged birth after IVF (PDD) is determined.

This wonderful table will help you calculate the date of the expected birth.

With IVF, it is very easy to determine the child's birthday, because the date of the infusion is known for sure. This is kind of a bonus for moms who have endured all the hardships of protocols, stimulations and numerous analyzes with endless research.

For greater accuracy in the calculations, the day of embryo replanting should be considered zero, and not the first. Moreover, you need to understand that it is simply impossible to determine the date of birth with an accuracy of a specific day. The exact date will depend on the individual characteristics of each patient separately.

Childbirth can occur with an error of 2-3 days, even if the date of replanting is known.


Usually at 38 weeks (rarely at 37), a woman already goes to preservation. It is during this period that they give birth after IVF. At the clinic, before giving birth, the woman will have to undergo a final examination. The doctor will determine the exact day of delivery.

The planned due date may vary according to the situation. The kid may want to see mom early. It is impossible to predict the behavior of a baby in the womb.

Write in the comments how do you prepare for childbirth? What exercises do you do? What kind of birth are you coming up with? Remember to write how old you are. Ask questions. Repost on your social networks. Thanks for visiting. We wish everyone a painless, successful delivery without complications! Take care of yourself!

How often do we hear such an ordinary "yes they did a cesarean for me!" and we take it just like a tooth to go to heal. And behind all this there are professional hands, heads and hearts. The percentage of successful COPs throughout the country is much higher than with complications, and this is an indicator of the professionalism of doctors in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.

But first things first:

Pregnancy: at my 35 years old, we did IVF in a clinic in Samara, due to the female factor, and this was the first step to the CS, then it turned out that the placenta was attached from below, and this finally reduced the chances of natural childbirth to zero. During pregnancy, I gained 18 kg, acquired varicose veins and hemorrhoids.


the day before the planned operation, I was admitted to the local perinatal center. And so I did not understand this walking with packages), first with packages in which everything you need and need, and these are 2 large and weighty packages, were accepted on the first floor, then they were put in the ward on the 3rd floor with the packages, in the morning these bags with things are needed it was to hand over to the closet with a key on the first floor, then go to the 5th floor where they perform the operation and bring the necessary items for the operation and the child according to the list (stockings, diapers, clothes for the baby, a cap and diapers for the child and for the mother, a towel and a bottle of water). Intensive care units with the child are already transported on an armchair to another ward on the third floor, and you go to the first floor for these packages, which are in a locker with a key, in short, a package madhouse. But these are everyday little things)) and since I had a paid operation and a paid ward with the joint stay of a child and one relative, my request to bring a package from that magic cabinet with a lock immediately resonated in the hearts of the nurses.

the day before the operation, the anesthesiologist will consult, answer all questions and ask his own questions about spinal injuries, varicose veins, and the like. You cannot eat or drink after 6 pm. It was difficult, I used to drink 2 liters of water a day. Eerie dry forest and nervousness.

The morning of the day of the operation is very anxious and not calm. Nervous relatives aggravate all this condition. We initially decided that the husband would hold the baby on his chest while they would sew me up.

Before the operating room, I was asked to put on compression stockings, then changed into special clothes, a disposable gown, a cap and shoe covers. And they sent me to the operating room to climb onto the table, everyone has their own story about how to do it and not laugh. The anesthesiologist came and asked me to lie on my side and curl up into a ball, gently injected into the spine, and asked to roll over. The injection is absolutely painless, more internal fear. After the injection, I was still worried that it did not work, I tried to move my legs and feel something, until I noticed that the leg slipped and the nurse threw it back on the table. I thought that I still have a chance in this life to sit on a split, since my leg can do that! Then a team of doctors who operate, came in, all the time the anesthesiologist and the nurse monitored my condition.

At the very beginning of the operation, and I understood this by the sounds of metal instruments, I started to have tachycardia, and my eyelids became heavy, I could not open them in any way and I couldn’t say anything, everything was numb in my mouth and I had no strength for anything. I only heard what was happening but did not see it. The anesthesiologist said that it was necessary to inject, and rushed the nurses, in the end he said "everything is stable, we continue." I did not feel anything except a heavy head and the inability to open my eyes, then I heard the most beautiful voice in the world, it was my boy! One of the doctors said “we have a boy,” and he was taken to the next glass room, and for the first time I could see with my eyes closed. It seemed to me that I saw everything that was being done with my baby, but in fact I was lying on the table with my eyes closed. When they began to work with the insides, I began to vomit, although there was nothing, just the foam came out of me. The doctor who operated on asked to be patient, said that the placenta had grown, it would not be pleasant. The whole operating team talked to me, what do you call it? Where will you go then? Where will you live? Will you send it to the kindergarten? For the second when? I tried to say at least a word, but it didn’t work. Later, after reading enough literature on epidarial anesthesia, I concluded that this is my individual reaction to anesthesia. While they were stitching me up, they dressed my boy, performed all the procedures, and brought me to kiss. Here everything in my life turned upside down. Everyone gets to know their child in different ways, but we have one thing in common - this breathtaking smell and warmth of the baby when brought to you for the first time, it will be remembered forever. Then the child was taken to dad, they were in the next ward, and they were waiting for me to be sent to intensive care. When I was rolled out of the operating room, I could more or less open my eyes, and in the corridor I met my boys. As soon as they threw me from the gurney to the bed in the intensive care unit, they connected the sensors, put a bottle of water nearby, and immediately rolled the baby in their transparent cradle. I lay and admired him, and could not believe that it happened. But the nurse came and ruined the whole moment - she bared my chest, put my baby and pulled my nipple and put it in my son's mouth, he sucked and fell asleep. This is how I got to know breastfeeding. I never thought that my nipple is capable of such stretching and stretching)

after 5 hours of exemplary behavior in intensive care and good dynamics of indicators, they pulled out the urinary catheter, the feeling was not very pleasant but bearable, then they asked me to get up, take off my diaper, and try to pee into the duck, on my own. Here, thanks to fitness, because you have to go to the duck with a nurse, on bent legs, and here you need trained legs! Discarding all prejudices and embarrassment, I quickly peed in the duck, and got the go-ahead to move to a regular ward. They loaded me with the baby in my arms into a wheelchair for the disabled and we took an elevator to another floor to the ward. We lay there for 5 days, and I practically did not get up at night, the child was brought by my husband for feeding. I walked, walked along the corridors and my husband wore a lyalka, so the recovery was quick. I visited physical offices, where they put magnets on the seam. The only thing that was hellish was checking the contraction of the uterus by palpating the abdomen. It's horrible how it hurts that you want to hit the doctor. They check it 2-3 times a day, and it's tough!

today it is exactly 4 months since the knee joint was done, the seam looks quite neat, no complications, problems with the intestines or with female organs. Everything went well and I am grateful to the doctors and nurses.

But in my case it is 5 stars!

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Basic or primary emotions are 10 basic emotions: five positive and five negative. Everything about Positive emotions and Negative emotions and their types, as well as characteristics. Psychologists very often use such a concept as fundamental (bases