Fried beef liver recipe in a pan. Beef liver fried with onions. Fry steaks with a spicy sauce

Our dish today is beef liver with onions in a pan. The recipe that we want to offer you is probably the simplest and most delicious! It's no secret that beef liver is very healthy and tasty, but often young and inexperienced housewives have difficulties in preparing this product. Since often, due to improper cooking, the liver turns out to be tough and rubbery.

Beef liver with onions step by step recipe with photos

Our recipe for cooked beef liver will not disappoint you. The liver will be soft, juicy and incredibly tasty! You simply will not find a simpler and tastier recipe. Great for breakfast or lunch. So here we go!


  • Beef liver - 0.5 kg
  • Onion - 1 large onion
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Ground black pepper
  • Vegetable oil
  • Flour - 3 tablespoons

Since large pieces of liver take much longer to fry, you need to cut the liver into small and not thick pieces. Better if you cut it in layers. To do this, the liver must first be put in the refrigerator for 40 minutes, so that it freezes a little and it is easier to cut it.

When the beef liver is frozen, we cut it into layers with a sharp knife, about 0.5 cm thick. Then we cut each layer into pieces.

Pour some vegetable oil into a frying pan and turn on medium heat. While the oil is heating, pour flour and salt on a plate, mix them and roll each piece of liver in flour on all sides.

We put the pieces in a preheated pan and fry each piece from all sides until golden brown. It takes several minutes to fry.

While the liver is fried, peel the onion. We cut it into half rings. You can fry the onions in a separate frying pan, or you can move the liver aside and fry the onions in the same frying pan, as we did in order to save dishes.

Stir the liver and onion and fry for a couple of minutes. Then, pour some hot water into the pan. The water should cover half of the liver. Close with a lid and simmer over low heat for about 15-20 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the garlic finely. Over time, add garlic and spices to the pan.

Cover again and simmer for another 5 minutes. Try the liver with salt, you may need to add some salt to it. Turn off the gas and let the meat stand for a couple of minutes. The beauty of this dish also lies in the fact that the pieces of liver are obtained with gravy. That's all, our beef liver with onions in a pan is ready! Hot, juicy and super soft, she is in a hurry to delight you with her taste!

A side dish for such a dish is ideally mashed potatoes or buckwheat porridge. But any boiled pasta or other cereals are also suitable. Enjoy your meal!

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    Beef liver is an excellent source of a large amount of substances useful for the human body: vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids. That is why this product must be included in your daily diet.

    This will not be difficult at all, because cooking beef liver will not take you much time, and the result will be a delicious, satisfying and, most importantly, healthy dish.

    Fried beef liver. Ingredients:

    1 kg. beef liver

    Salt to taste


    Vegetable oil

    In order for the liver to turn out not only a tasty, but also a healthy dish, it must be fresh. The color of the liver should be even, with a rich brownish-red hue, the surface should be smooth, elastic, and the smell should be slightly sweetish.

    Before cooking the liver, it should be cleaned of the film, remove the streaks, rinse under water and cut into small portions.

    To make the liver juicy and soft, before frying it should be soaked in cold water or milk, and balanced in hot salted water. You can also coat the pieces of liver with mayonnaise and let it brew for about an hour. Salt them only before frying.

    Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and start frying the liver on both sides for 3-5 minutes.

    Fried beef liver, when cooked correctly, turns out to be very tasty and tender. If you want to diversify your diet with dishes from this product, there are many recipes, how to cook chicken liver, which can be replaced with beef or goose.

    Bon Appetit!

    Cooking beef liver in milk

    Fried beef liver is a fairly simple dish that can be prepared by any, even a beginner, hostess. It would seem, what is so difficult here? Cut the liver, put it in the pan, fry it and you're done. But, not everything is so simple. To make the liver juicier and softer, it must be soaked in milk. Liver soaked in milk becomes juicy and delicious.


    Beef liver 500 gr.

    Milk 100 ml.

    Sunflower oil

    Fried beef liver. Preparation

    We take fresh beef liver. Rinse it thoroughly with cold water. We spread the liver on a cutting board and cut it into small pieces.

    Place the pieces of liver in a bowl. Pour a glass of fresh milk and leave in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

    Pour some flour into a plate. We drain the milk. Roll each piece of liver in flour. We spread the liver in a frying pan and cook it in sunflower oil, fry each side for 5 minutes, if it takes longer to fry the liver becomes tough.

    cooking beef liver

    Thus, it will take us about 10 minutes to cook the liver in milk.

    Serve the finished dish with any side dish. The liver will be very soft, appetizing and juicy. In addition, valuable substances and microelements are stored in it.

    Bon Appetit!

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Beef liver is one of the most popular and inexpensive offal. However, in some families, fried beef liver is an infrequent guest on the table. This is due to the fact that not all housewives know how to cook the liver so that it is soft and tasty.

You should not deprive loved ones of this useful and nutritious product - the liver contains trace elements such as iron, zinc, phosphorus, as well as amino acids necessary for our body.

Choose your favorite recipe from the ones below and go for it! Just do not forget about the little tricks that will help to properly fry the beef liver in a pan:

  • properly prepare the liver before frying - be sure to remove the film and bile ducts;
  • do not overcook the liver (you need to fry quickly, over high heat);
  • We check the readiness by piercing the liver with a fork or knife - if the blood does not ooze, then the offal is already fried;
  • adding salt and pepper at the end of frying, not at the beginning of cooking, will also affect the hardness of the liver.

And one more, perhaps the most important advice - when buying a liver, pay attention to the fact that there is no dripping blood next to it. It is advisable to choose a piece on which there is a film on one side, in this part of the liver there will be the least bile ducts. If the blood has already drained from the liver, then no tricks will be able to make it juicy and soft. The only thing that can be prepared from it is liver pate.

There are quite a few recipes for cooking liver, it goes well with various sauces (mustard, tomato, sour cream, wine, creamy garlic) and vegetables (carrots, onions, bell peppers, fresh herbs). We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most simple and delicious recipes for fried liver.

Liver fried with onions

With this simple recipe, you can deliciously fry beef liver with onions and feed your family a hearty second course. As a side dish, we advise you to cook mashed potatoes or boiled buckwheat.


  • beef liver (0.5 kg);
  • onion (1 pc.);
  • salt, pepper (to taste);
  • flour (half a glass) - we will use it as a breading;


Wash the liver under running water, thoroughly clean it from films and veins. Cut it into small pieces about 1 cm thick. You can slightly beat off the liver. To do this, place it in a plastic bag and tap lightly on both sides with a meat hammer.

Preheat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil. Each block must be dipped in flour, and then sent to the pan. Fry the liver on one side for about 2-3 minutes, then turn over and salt the fried side. When the other side of the liver is browned, place it on a platter and season with salt on that side.

We will cook the onions separately. To do this, take a clean skillet, heat it up and add oil. Fry the onion cut into half rings until golden brown. When the onions are done, turn off the stove and place the liver in the skillet with the onions. Cover and leave for five minutes. Stir the liver and onion before serving.

Your family will surely love the fried liver made according to this classic recipe!

Delicate fried liver soaked in marinade

A good way to make the beef liver softer and juicier is to pre-soak it in milk or, as in this recipe, marinade.


  • beef liver (1 kg);
  • chicken egg (2 pcs.);
  • soda (1 tsp);
  • sugar (2 tsp);
  • salt (2 tsp);
  • garlic (5-7 cloves);
  • flour for breading (half a glass);
  • vegetable oil (3-4 tablespoons).


We are preparing a marinade in which you will need to hold the liver for 1-2 hours. Break 2 eggs into a deep bowl or saucepan, shake with a whisk. Add baking soda, salt, sugar and garlic (if you don't like it, you can skip it) and mix well.
Remove the film from the liver and remove the bile ducts. Cut into steaks 0.5-1 cm thick. Put the liver in the marinade, stir, cover and leave to marinate.

After the allotted time, we take out the pickled pieces of liver, place them in a plastic bag and beat them with a special hammer on both sides.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and lay out the pieces of liver, boned in flour. Fry the liver on both sides until golden brown.

Be sure to try frying the beef liver marinated according to this recipe. It really turns out to be very juicy and tender!

Liver fried with onions in sour cream

Sour cream is often used to prepare various meat dishes. Therefore, if you are going to fry beef liver, and there is sour cream in the refrigerator, be sure to add it, you will get a very appetizing dish.


  • beef liver (500 g);
  • onion (1 pc.);
  • vegetable oil (3-4 tablespoons);
  • fresh sour cream (200 g);
  • salt, spices (to taste).


Cut the previously prepared liver into cubes of about 1.5x1.5 cm.

Chop the peeled onion in any convenient way. Heat a frying pan, add oil and fry the onion until it becomes transparent.
We make the fire bigger and put the liver in the pan. Fry until a thin crust is formed.

Reduce heat and add sour cream to the pan, stir, salt and pepper. Simmer, covered, for 10-15 minutes.

The dish is ready, you can serve it with boiled rice or potatoes.

Liver in tomato-mayonnaise sauce

Another recipe that will require the preparation of a simple dressing from the products that everyone has on the farm - mayonnaise and tomato paste. Liver with gravy will come in handy with such side dishes as boiled rice, buckwheat, barley.


  • beef liver (500 g);
  • milk (0.5 l);
  • carrots (1 pc.);
  • mayonnaise (70 g);
  • onion (1 pc.);
  • tomato paste (70 g);
  • water (2 tablespoons);
  • sunflower oil (3-4 tablespoons);
  • salt, pepper (to taste);
  • fresh herbs.


Prepare the liver: wash, remove the foil and cut the veins. Place the offal in a deep container and cover with cold milk (preferably fresh). It is necessary to keep the liver in milk for at least 1-2 hours. This soaking will relieve the liver from the bitterness and taste of blood, and also make it more tender and juicy.

Peel the onion and cut into large half rings. Rub clean carrots on a coarse grater or cut into thin strips. Preheat a skillet, pour in the sunflower oil and put the prepared vegetables into it. Saute them until the onions are golden brown.

We take out the liver from the milk, cut it into cubes or cubes. Add oil to a hot frying pan and fry the liver on both sides until a crust forms.

We shift the sautéed vegetables into a frying pan with liver, mix and keep on low heat for another 5-10 minutes.
Cooking sauce - mix tomato paste and mayonnaise, add water. Pour the resulting mass into a pan with vegetables with liver, wait until the sauce boils, salt, pepper and remove from heat.

Our dish is ready, put the liver on plates with any side dish and decorate with herbs.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in cooking fried liver. Be sure to include this valuable by-product in your family's weekly diet!


Frying liver with a variety of additives is the easiest way to cook it, and one of the most successful, it is very difficult to cook poorly fried liver, unless you overdo it or overexpose it on fire, it will become tough. Well, companion products for the liver can be very different: garlic, herbs, onions, wine, tomato paste, sour cream, mustard, vegetables, ginger. Before you start cooking, first of all, you must choose the right one.


Compliance with these rules will allow you to cook a truly royal liver, be it beef, pork or any other, it will become incomparably tender and very tasty in taste.

1. First of all, it is imperative to remove the entire film from the liver. If this is not done, the film will shrink during the frying process, and the liver will be rubbery and very tough in taste.

2. After the film is removed, the liver should be soaked to get rid of the bitterness. You can soak the liver not only in simple running water, but also in cold milk, this will give the dish a special piquancy, and the liver will taste very tender. Alternatively, mix milk with water fifty to fifty. Prepared liver should be soaked for at least thirty minutes.

3. It is always recommended to use breading. If the liver is cooked in breading, then it will turn out to be very juicy, since the crust formed from the bread crumbs will retain all the juice and will not let it flow out.

And of course the cooking time is very important. In no case should you overexpose the liver. Indeed, it is thanks to the correct exposure of the frying time that it will make it possible not only to achieve an extraordinary taste, but also to preserve all the useful and taste properties of the liver.


Required Ingredients:

Beef liver 600 grams;

Mustard 40 grams;

Vegetable oil 40 grams;

Butter 40 grams;

Flour 60 grams;

Salt pepper.


The liver is thoroughly washed, dried and cut into one-centimeter pieces. Next, salt, flour, pepper are mixed, in the resulting flour mixture, beef liver is breaded. A mixture of butter and vegetable oil is heated in a frying pan on the stove, and the liver is fried over high heat until browning, then mustard is added and everything is thoroughly mixed until the mustard is evenly distributed between the pieces of liver. Fry for fifteen to seventeen minutes, over medium heat, until cooked through. Also, you can add not only onions to this recipe, but also other ingredients to your taste. There are many fairly quick recipes for cooking liver, the next option for preparing it will not take too much of your time, and therefore it is simply irreplaceable for all occasions.

Recipe 2. Fried liver in tomato sauce

Required products:

Beef liver 700 grams;

Tomato juice 300 mg;

Parsley 40 grams;

Vegetable oil 50 ml;

Dried onions 5 grams;

Lemon juice 30 ml;

Salt pepper.


the liver is thoroughly washed, dried and cut into pieces of five centimeters in length and one in thickness. finely chop the parsley. Heat oil in a frying pan, put chopped liver, chopped parsley into it, pour over everything with lemon juice, mix everything well and fry until golden brown. When the liver becomes ruddy, add onion and pour in tomato juice, stir until smooth and simmer for twenty minutes over low heat until fully cooked, then salt, pepper and stir. The dish is served hot by the tolu. Dried onions can be easily replaced with fresh ones. Then it is immediately necessary at the same time as the liver, put in a pan and fry until browning.

Recipe 3. Stroganoff fried tender liver

Required Ingredients:

Beef liver 600 grams;

Onion 3 onions;

Sour cream 500 grams;

Vegetable oil 50 ml;

Tomato paste 20 grams;

Flour 20 grams;

Sauce 20 grams;

Pepper, salt, herbs.


the liver is thoroughly washed and cleaned from films, cut into cubes one centimeter thick and four long. Spread in a frying pan in hot oil, salt, pepper and fry well. In another dry frying pan, fry the flour until light brown, sprinkle it on the liver, mix thoroughly and add separately fried onions, tomato paste, sour cream, mix until smooth and bring to a boil. Simmer for fifteen minutes over low heat. Served hot.

Recipe 4. Beef caramel liver in tomato

Required products:

Beef liver 500 grams

Water 100 ml;

Ketchup 50 grams;

Flour 50 grams;

Brown sugar 40 grams;

Vegetable oil 30 ml;

Soy sauce 30 ml;

Vinegar 30 ml;

Garlic powder 5 grams;


the liver is cut into thin cubes. The flour is mixed with salt and pepper, the liver is breaded in the resulting mixture. The water is mixed with the rest of the ingredients, the oil is not touched. It is heated in a frying pan, the liver is sent there and fried until browned, then it is poured with the resulting mixture and stewed for twenty minutes over low heat until fully cooked.

Recipe 5. Fried beef liver in white wine sauce

Required products:

Beef liver 600 grams;

White wine 100 ml;

Garlic 4 cloves;

Red onion 2 pieces;

Parsley 1 bunch;

Butter 40 ml;

Cognac 50 ml;

Olive oil 10 ml;

Sea salt 10 grams;

Freshly ground black pepper 5 grams.


finely chop the parsley, cut the onion into thin half rings, fry it over high heat in half the butter until transparent. The garlic is crushed or chopped and sent to the onion, fried for four minutes, salt the pepper and carefully pour in the wine, evaporate it almost completely, add half of the chopped parsley, mix thoroughly and remove the sauce from the stove. The liver is well washed and dried, remove the films, cut it into thin strips. A thick-bottomed frying pan is heated on the stove, add the remnants of butter, pour in olive oil, lay out the liver, salt, pepper, and fry it for three minutes on both sides. Then all the cognac is poured into the liver, everything is mixed well and stewed for one minute. Before serving the liver to the table, it is poured with abundantly prepared sauce and sprinkled with the remnants of chopped parsley.

Recipe 6. Fried beef liver in oriental style

Required products:

Beef liver 700 grams;

Garlic 2 cloves;

Vegetable oil 40 ml;

Starch 7 grams;


Ground ginger 5 grams;


Sauce 40 ml;

Chicken broth 40 ml;

Soy sauce 20 ml;

Tomato paste 20 grams.


The beef liver is thoroughly washed and prepared, cut into thin slices, and then these slices are cut into strips of two and a half centimeters. Ginger is mixed with starch and salt, half vegetable oil and water are poured in and brought to a homogeneous mass. The liver is breaded in the resulting starch mixture and left for twenty minutes. In a frying pan, the remaining vegetable oil is heated and the liver is quickly fried on all sides, greens are added, mixed and fried for another forty seconds. Next, the broth, tomato paste, sugar, soy sauce are mixed, the resulting mixture is poured into the liver, brought to a boil and stewed for two minutes, removed from the heat. Before serving, pour over the prepared liver with sauce.

Roasted beef liver is a great option for lunch and dinner. It would seem that what could be easier, cut and threw into the pan. However, instead of tender and soft pieces of offal, there are hard slices of little food on the plate. Here I always remember the common saying: if you don't love, it means that you can't cook.

Meanwhile, the product is incredibly useful. But because of the somewhat specific taste, many refuse to eat it. This is especially true for children. Follow my advice and recipes, and you will have a delicious dish on your table that even capricious "eaters" will not refuse. Correctly fried liver goes well with any side dish, rice, potatoes, buckwheat, pasta.

How to properly fry beef liver

  • Do not overexpose the food in the pan, the pieces lose moisture and become "rubbery".
  • Fry the finely chopped liver for no longer than 8-15 minutes, depending on the age of the animal. For larger pieces, increase the cooking time, and cook for 5-10 minutes on each side.
  • Dip the slices in well-heated oil, this will make it possible to preserve the juiciness of the product.
  • Salt the dish at the end of frying.
  • A simple fried product is rather boring. Don't limit yourself to one recipe. Diversify the dish with onions, carrots, potatoes. Make tomato or sour cream sauce. The proposed recipes will help you understand all the intricacies of frying and feed your family tasty and healthy.

Beef liver fried with onions - step by step recipe

The classic recipe for frying a product. Delicate juicy pieces of liver, from which the unpleasant aftertaste will disappear, will appeal to all family members.

You will need:

  • Beef liver - 700 gr.
  • Milk is a glass.
  • Refined sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Large onion.
  • Butter - 3 large spoons.
  • Crushed pepper, salt, breading flour, any seasoning.

Mustard is not included in the classic recipe, but I strongly advise you to add a little. Just 2.5 tablespoons of sauce will add spice to the dish.

How to fry:

  1. Rinse the large piece thoroughly, removing excess (films, streaks).
  2. Cut into slices of any shape and size. The approximate thickness is no more than 1.5 cm, then the product will quickly fry.
  3. Dip the sticks in milk for 15-20 minutes, during which time the unpleasant bitterness will go away. I recommend adding some salt to the milk.
  4. The product requires breading, which is flour. Pour it into a bowl, add spices (pepper is required) - the batter is ready.
  5. Heat oil in a skillet. Dip each piece of offal, shift to fry.
  6. Fry the liver for about five minutes, stir.
  7. Chop the onion in half rings, add to the pan. Stir, and then do not be too lazy to stir a couple more times.
  8. Continue cooking for another 5 minutes. If you decide to improve the taste of mustard, it's time to fill it up and stir the contents well.
  9. Fry the slices for a couple more minutes, no more.

Fried soft beef liver with onions and carrots in sour cream

The best recipe is hard to come up with. The pieces are very soft, juicy, with a delicate taste. You will learn how to cook in sour cream on another page of my site.

Would need:

  • Liver - 800 gr.
  • Carrot.
  • Bulb.
  • Sour cream - 180-200 ml.
  • Butter.
  • Milk - about a glass.
  • Salt, other spices - a pinch.

Attention! Optionally, you can add tomatoes to the dish, adding a slight sourness and changing the taste. For a given amount of product, you need to take one large tomato.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the liver for frying by cutting and soaking in milk.
  2. Rub the carrots with shavings, dice the onion and tomato (if you choose).
  3. Fry vegetables in sunflower oil, adding a little butter (put on the eye).
  4. When the vegetables are tender, add the cut offal to them.
  5. Pour in sour cream, stir. Simmer on low heat for about 15 minutes. Do not forget to close the lid and stir the contents at least once during cooking.
  6. Season with salt, season with pepper, cook for a couple of minutes. Remove from the burner without removing the lid, hold for 5-7 minutes. Then arrange on bowls and add the garnish.

How to fry a large piece of beef liver in flour

Liver steaks are easy to fry, but always in flour batter - this is the secret of the juiciness of the dish.


  • Offal - 700 gr.
  • Salt pepper.
  • Flour - 4-5 spoons.
  • Lean oil for frying.

Advice from venerable chefs! To enhance the taste of the product, marinate it in soy sauce, white wine, or a mixture of lemon juice and garlic.


  1. Clean a piece of product from films and other unnecessary things. Rinse, divide into large portions. Size matters because the speed of cooking depends on it. I advise you to make large, but not thick slices. The ideal thickness is up to 1.5 cm. You can not limit yourself with frames in length.
  2. Pour milk or water over the slices, soak for half an hour to remove the bitterness.
  3. Drain the liquid. Be sure to diligently dry the pieces with a paper towel. If the slices are too large, beat them off slightly with a hammer. To avoid splashing, cover them with cling film.
  4. Dip the pieces in flour. Roll so that enough flour adheres. Then all the juices of the offal will be preserved inside, the pieces will become soft.
  5. Fry in well-heated oil for 5-7 minutes. Check the slices; if they are browned, turn over.
  6. Continue cooking the same amount, reducing the power of the fire.
  7. Check the readiness with a knife, chopping the pieces. If you will see the pink juice release - add the cooking time.

Video recipe with the secrets of frying the liver, so that it is soft and tender

Tips from the chef to help you become a true frying pro, be sure to check it out. And may your dishes always delight with excellent taste!

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