Sausage origin story. Sausage history. Video recipe for making homemade sausage

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sausage in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


f. gut stuffed with minced meat with spices, b. h. from pork. I ate my pants on sausages! tease the clerks. If the sausage had wings, then there would be no better bird! Sausage, related to sausage. Sausage m. -Nitsa who makes or sells sausages. Sausage maker, wife of a sausage maker.

Abusive or comic nickname for the Germans. Sausage, make sausages, sell them.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


sausages, pl. sausages, w. (Polish kielbasa).

    Intestine stuffed with meat or other minced meat with bacon. Boiled sausage. Smoked sausage... Sausage with garlic. Krakow sausage. Pea sausage. (from pea puree, serves as a common field canned food, especially in the German troops). Blood sausage. Liverwurst.

    A genus of an oblong balloon on a leash (special). Roll with sausage (new vulg.) - get out.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


S, pl. -as, -as, -asam, w.

    Food product- specially cooked chopped meat in a round and elongated transparent intestine or artificial film. Boiled, smoked k. Livernaya k.

    transfer That which has such a form (colloquial). K. balloon,

    decrease. sausage, -and, well. Sausage sideburns (firm and round). * Roll with the sausage! (simple, joking) - get out of here, roll (in 4 digits).

    adj. sausage, th, th (to 1 value). Sausages.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Food product - specially prepared minced meat in a casings made from intestines or from an artificial film.

    transfer colloquial Smth. In a shape that resembles such a product.



Sausage- food product, a type of sausage, which is minced meat in an oblong casing. It can contain one or more types of meat, contain various fillers, be subjected to heat treatment or fermentation.

Sausage (Novosibirsk region)

Sausage- a village in the Kyshtovsky district of the Novosibirsk region. The administrative center of the Kolbasinsky village council.

The sausage is located 52 kilometers north of Kyshtovka, on the banks of the Cheka River, a tributary of the Tara River.

Sausage (disambiguation)


  • Sausage is a food product.
  • Tram sausage- on old tram cars - a hose (hose) of the air line of the pneumatic brake. Behind the last car, the free end of the sleeve was fixed, which made the sleeve bent in a semicircle look like a sausage ring. Nowadays, a long cylindrical tram hitch is often called sausage. Clinging or hanging on tram sausage, you can ride the tram outside the passenger compartment.
  • Windsock

Examples of the use of the word sausage in the literature.

Longin Antonovich shifted from foot to foot in front of the girl sitting on the edge of the sofa: - The steel door swings open after a click, and a group of mordovorotov appears in front of the prisoners - they took vodka, devoured sausages, in them every muscle is fierce from the forthcoming.

She bit an old Jew for the fact that his nails were rusty, a man swollen with fat - for being too complacent, a purple-haired maiden - for the damp shine in her eyes, a monk - for what he ate sausage, a thin man - because he has a scepter in his hand.

The generals were brought to the army headquarters with delicacies: wines, balyks, sausages etc.

To whom on the occasion of the holiday they bring with respect to the house a pound box of all kinds of food, and who himself goes to Granovsky Street and receives, strictly according to the norm, a pound of balychka, a link of sturgeon, smoked sausages, a jar of caviar - here again according to the rank: some black, and some chum salmon.

They sent to Yegorov to take a note, which is supposed to be for a walk: cheese, sausages with tongue, balychka, caviar, fresh cucumbers, marmalade, lemon.

Students jointly bought bagels, sausage, dry mountain ash marshmallow.

Cutlet, beef stroganoff, chop, stew, stew, fricasse, minced meat, entrecote, soufflé, dumplings, blancmange, sherbet, oatmeal, sausage, roll sausage, beans and beans, sweets, jelly, jam.

And with these very machetes, with the dexterity of professional sugarcane cutters, the guys in three minutes chopped up the swifters, like sausage.

Everyone vied with each other in a hurry to tell the beauty something new, unloaded the sacks and bragged about the palyanitsa, sausages, dumplings, which have already managed to collect enough for their carols.

He was not mistaken, the young dealer politely replied: - You are welcome, noble sir, although we have nothing to regale you with, only peas with sausage.

From the open doors of the meat-packing plant, from the warehouse of finished products along the suspended monorail, the weigher was pushing a batch in front of her to the scales with a stick sausages, weighed, marking in a notebook, and followed the next one.

Sometimes she forgot to mark, and then from a group of waiting people standing in semicircles, as soon as the weigher turned away for the makeweight, a red-faced woman in a tarpaulin jumped out like a bird of prey, grabbed several sticks from the scales sausages or a bundle and hid it behind the hollow.

And before each holiday we will be given a veteran order with smoked sausage and black caviar.

If they were not there, which happened quite often, he ate dry food - bread, cheese, a piece of dried sausages- and again took up the pen.

When you take out from the freezer frosty, frozen to stone dryness, stale, the last piece of boiled sausages, two twenty each, and fry the melting slices to eat before the flight - and the long-awaited flight to Leningrad, from there you will finally bring meat!

Sausage is sold in every grocery store, without exception, and has already entered life so tightly modern man that has become one of the permanent products. Sausage has many advantages and no fewer disadvantages. Without undertaking to judge this product from the point of view of world cuisine, we will try to consider the sausage, as they say, in the context. This is vital to being aware of what we are eating.

Otto von Bismarck said: "Sausage and politics: if you want to enjoy them, don't watch how they are made." Therefore, the first part of our article is for those who love sausage, and the second is for those who want to know.

What is sausage? This is most often minced meat, mixed with spices, salt and fat and compressed in the intestine or artificial substitutes. Such was the sausage at the beginning of its existence. Sausage meant a new taste and speed of serving a hearty lunch or dinner, new opportunities for long-term preservation of meat, ease of sale and storage. Sausage was extremely popular and remains one of the staple foods in the modern man's diet. There are more and more varieties and types of sausages, and people believe in quality less and less, and there are reasons for this. But this is later, but for now let us turn to the time when the sausage just appeared in mankind.

The first written records of sausage can be found in Chinese, Babylonian and Greek sources around 500 BC. Later descriptions of sausage were found in other sources, for example, in Homer's Odyssey, and Epicharmus even wrote the comedy "Sausage", but this does not mean that the Greeks invented sausage. How many culinary discoveries are attributed to the Greeks due to their passion for writing everything down. (Write it down and you will stay for centuries!)

From Greece, the recipe migrated to Rome, where they also loved to eat, and it was also hot, and the heat, as you know, spoils meat very quickly. For its safety, the cleaned intestines were clogged with minced meat, spices and salt, the ends were tied and hung up to wither in the shade. Such a product was much more "tenacious". I wonder who first thought of smoking sausage? Shish kebab and similar dishes have always been with those who dealt with meat. It `s naturally. And the sausages suspended above the smoke dried much faster, saturated with the aroma of deliciously smelling branches of apple and alder. The smoke ensured the absence of flies and their larvae, such a sausage, in addition to its special taste and aroma, was safer in terms of hygiene, which means it was stored longer. The Romans, as people who are immoderate in food, in addition to the usual lamb, beef and pork, even used dolphins for sausage. Later, the tradition of placing different meats in the sausage became the norm, which is confirmed by the modern Russian GOST.

At all times, sausage has been a delicacy with a complex recipe, long cooking and aging times. It's like cognac in meat business. Sausage was always scarce, it was expensive, because it is a concentrate of meat and spices, absolutely ready to eat. The culinary experts of the past did not spare real cognac, Madeira, nuts and the best Indian spices in sausage. It is not surprising that such a product is fanned by legends, and still outwardly resembles former greatness an inexpensive product of a similar shape makes you want to buy it. Stops only a long list of difficult to pronounce ingredients in the composition.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, the development of sausage production went in two ways. In the north, in cool climates, raw sausages were cooked and dried with smoke. Sun-drying was practiced in the southern regions. Such are sudjuk and basturma. The Germans and Austrians are considered recognized masters of sausage. Such a variety of varieties of sausages, wieners and sausages is not found in any other country in the world. Until now, the Austrian city of Vienna and the German city of Frankfurt am Main are arguing over the right to be called the homeland of sausages. The fact is that the "author" of this invention, Johan Georg Laner, was born in Frankfurt, where he studied sausage craft, and after moving to Vienna, he opened a shop where he sold a new product - sausages.

The origin of the word "sausage" is interpreted in different ways. All our neighbors have phrases or separate words that sound like the Russian "sausage". The main versions describe the borrowing from the Turkic languages ​​kjol - "hand" and bass - "to crush" or külbastı - "fried in a pan". In Hebrew, kolbāsār (כלבשר) means "all flesh." The latter is much further from the truth, since, firstly, this combination is used in the Bible to mean “every living creature,” and secondly, the Jews do not eat pork, which is included in most sausages. The third version, no less dubious, is based on the Russian word kolobok, meaning that the sausage is also round. Again, calabash (English), Die Kalebasse (German), calebasse (French) - in the meaning of a pumpkin bottle. The sausage, especially in the gut, is indeed shaped like a pumpkin bottle.

At one time it was believed that the sausage was brought to Russia by the Germans. They also taught her how to do it. But a birch bark letter found in Veliky Novgorod suggests that sausage was already a familiar product in the 12th century. Diploma No. 842 contains the following text: From the clerk and from Ilka. So we [two] sent 16 onions (obviously honey), and three pots of oil. And on Wednesday, two pigs, two ridges (apparently, the backbone of the carcass), and three hares and black grouse and sausage, and two horses, and healthy ones.

The word k'lbasou is quite consistent with modern sausage, and the Novgorodians did not have close contacts with the Turkic peoples, but they actively traded with northern Europe. Probably, the word sausage has a common Slavic origin and it is possible that the first part of the word is Slavic, and the second is borrowed.

After the 12th century, information about sausage disappeared for many centuries from Russian-language written sources. Sausage is mentioned in the famous Domostroy (16th century), but only in passing, among many other products. It is known that in the 17th century, settlers from Germany opened sausage workshops in Russia. Masters from Uglich get to them as students, who, having gained experience, open their own business. Uglich sausages were a serious brand in the late 17th century. In 1709, Peter I invited foreign sausage masters and opened new workshops. Having learned from the Germans all the intricacies of sausage production, Russian masters took matters into their own hands, and by the end of the 18th century they were making their own top quality sausages. By the beginning of the 20th century, there were more than 2,500 sausage factories and workshops in Russia. Of this huge number, only 46 produced sausage in large quantities, in a factory way. In Soviet times, boiled varieties were added to the classic raw smoked sausages. In 1936, an experimental batch of dietetic sausage with a high content of pork, with a tender structure and no smoking, was released. This sausage was intended in medical institutions (hospitals and sanatoriums) for seriously ill patients who underwent surgery or Civil War and tsarist despotism ", which is why it got the name" Doctor ". After World War II, interest in sausage, as a simple, no cooking food, only grew. With the amount of sausage produced, its quality decreased, and by the age of 80 it reached a critical level.

Soviet sausages

Over the past 50-70 years, sausage has turned from an ordinary product into a symbol, a measure and even a tool for manipulating consciousness. The Soviet leaders quickly realized the beauty of sausage for the people. It is both a delicacy and a way to distract attention from pressing problems. By controlling the quantity and maintaining the quality of products, the state narrowed the attention of consumers, distracted a very in a simple way- the sausage was of high quality and really delicious. During perestroika, people were shocked by the news of a huge number of varieties of sausage abroad. Beautiful sausages in bright packaging overshadowed the mind and did not give any doubt about its quality. And now we have no fewer varieties on the counter, but the composition and quality makes us want the old Soviet sausages in unpretentious packaging, but with a quality that is unique for today's time.

Doctor's sausage

The famous sausage variety, developed specifically for people with compromised health, to include meat in the diet of seriously ill patients and those who have suffered serious diseases of the digestive tract. Anastas Mikoyan issued a decree on the release of "Doctor's" sausage in 1936. The sausage really was "doctor's": it included chopped pork and beef of the highest grades, natural eggs and milk.

100 kg of "Doktorskaya" contained:

  • 25 kg of premium beef,
  • 70 kg bold pork,
  • 3 kg of eggs
  • 2 kg of cow's milk.

First-class quality, unusual taste and structure made this variety the most popular among Soviet sausages. The norms of meat and additives content have changed several times over the history of the variety. The first time this happened in 1974, after which the addition of 2% starch was allowed. Recent changes in GOST have lowered the meat content standards, allowed the addition of sodium glutamate, acidity regulators, antioxidants and emulsifiers. It follows from this that, in addition to the GOST inscription on the packaging, it is useful to read full list ingredients.

In addition to Doktorskaya, popular varieties in the USSR include Lyubitelskaya, Cervelat, Krakovskaya, Tea, Livernaya and Hunting sausages. There were smoked and dried sausages, about which there is very little information now, and even at that time such sausage was in short supply due to the peculiarities of the technological process.

Modern Russian sausage varieties are divided into 5 main categories:

According to GOST R 52196-2003, the sausage has several names: Beef, Diabetic, Doctor's, Krasnodar, Amateur, Amateur pork, Veal, Russian, Stolichnaya. For each variety, the standards for the content of meat and additives are determined. Sausages with other names are most likely made according to the TU standards, which each company sets independently.

A sausage is a meat product with or without a shell, consisting of minced meat. Sausages quickly became one of the favorite foods for everyone who eats meat.

Sausage classification:

According to the composition of raw materials: meat, blood, from offal;

According to the minced meat pattern - sausages with a homogeneous structure and with pieces of cloth, tongue or bacon;

By type of meat: horse meat, pork, lamb, rabbit meat or special mixtures of several types of meat;

By the way they are processed: boiled, smoked, fried, semi-smoked, and so on;

By the quality of raw materials: first, second, third grade; there are also products for which the grade is not defined - gradeless;

By the type of casing: in natural and artificial casing; there are sausages without a shell;

By appointment: sausage products of wide application, for diet food, baby food;

Types of sausages:

  • Boiled sausage.
  • Cooked smoked sausage.
  • Semi-smoked sausage.
  • Smoked sausage.
  • Dried sausage.
  1. Boiled sausage This is a type of sausage made from salted minced meat. It is boiled at a temperature not lower than eighty degrees. Usually cooked sausage consists of a lot of soybeans. Sometimes even meat is completely replaced with seitan or soy. Boiled sausage contains a lot of water. That is why it cannot be stored for a long time.
  2. Cooked smoked sausage during production, there are two stages: cooking and smoking. The boiled-smoked sausage contains a large amount of spices and seasonings. What is the difference between boiled-smoked sausage and boiled sausage? The fact is that boiled-smoked sausages can contain starch, bacon, cream, and even milk.
  3. Semi-smoked sausage goes through several stages. First it is fried, then boiled and smoked.
  4. Smoked sausage it is also called hard smoked sausage. According to the production technology, it should not undergo heat treatment at high temperature... Among all sausages, raw smoked sausage contains the greatest amount of spices.
  5. Dried sausage made from marinated meat. It is smoked for three to four days.

The technological process of sausage production can consist of the following stages and operations:

  1. Deboning... All types of sausages go through this stage: the meat is cut and separated from the bones.
  2. Zhilovka Is the sorting of meat.
  3. Stuffing- mix the various components of the minced meat.
  4. Molding- sausage cones are filled with minced meat and fixed on clippers.
  5. Heat treatment- roasting, smoking, cooking sausages.

By the way, in order to choose a quality sausage, you should pay attention to the casing. Currently, manufacturers have learned to produce not only natural, but also artificial casings. In addition, there are also barrier and permeable shells. For example, barrier sausages significantly increase the shelf life of sausages. Thanks to them, the sausage can be stored for ninety days. Permeable casings are used for processed sausages.

Depending on the production technology, additional food additives may be included in the sausages. Most often they are added in order to prevent pathogenic bacteria from forming in the product.

How to store sausage depending on its type:

  • Cooked smoked sausages can be stored at a temperature of twelve to fifteen degrees. They need to be stored for no more than fifteen days. However, if frozen, they can be stored for up to four months.
  • Semi-smoked sausages can be stored for no more than ten days, and at a temperature of -9 - as much as three months!
  • Raw smoked sausages can be stored for four to nine months.
  • Wieners and sausages can only be stored for forty-eight hours.

Today sausages are quite popular and undoubtedly very tasty. But, nevertheless, regardless of their classification, it is also worth remembering that this is a very high-calorie dish that should not be overused.

Russians are very fond of "Doctor's" sausage. However, not everyone knows why this meat product is called that way. tells the story of the origin of "Doctor's sausage".

Sausage "medicine" for workers and peasants

In the 30s of the twentieth century, the young Soviet country, after the abolition of the NEP policy, felt serious food problems, which negatively affected the health of workers. Then the People's Commissariat of Health instructed the specialists of the meat-packing plant. Mikoyan to develop a recipe for "folk" sausage, which would be affordable for both the peasant and the proletarian. It was decided to name the new product "Doktorskaya", as it was intended "for the sick, who undermined their health as a result of the Civil War and tsarist despotism."

The first loaf of "Doctor's" cooked sausage left the assembly line in 1936. In those days, she was absolutely dietary. The composition of 100 kg of sausage included:

  • 25 kg of premium beef;
  • 70 kg of semi-fat pork;
  • 75 pcs. (3 kg) eggs;
  • 2 liters of cow's milk.

In general, what the "doctor ordered." Doctors boldly prescribed such a product to patients with various ailments: liver and stomach diseases, anemia or weakened health after diseases and injuries.

How has the composition of "Doktorskaya" changed since the 1930s?

In 1974, the composition of Doktorskaya changed for the first time - it was allowed to add up to 2 percent of starch or flour to it. And in the future, the recipe of the once dietary sausage deviated so much from the original composition that today nutritionists are unlikely to call it "medicinal".

The modern composition of "Doctoral":

  • trimmed beef;
  • trimmed semi-fat pork;
  • chicken eggs or melange;
  • dry cow's milk, whole or skim;
  • sodium nitrite;
  • edible table salt, granulated sugar or glucose, nutmeg or ground cardamom;
  • starch;
  • flour.

The percentage of ingredients is not regulated. In addition, if the sausage is not made according to GOST, but according to the so-called TU, it may contain the following additives:

  • smoke flavor;
  • antioxidants E300, E301, E304, E306;
  • acidity regulators E262, E325, E326, E330, E331, E392, stabilizers E339, E451, E450, E452;
  • enhancer of taste and aroma E621 (the same monosodium glutamate, which is addictive).

Veined meat - meat musculature, freed from visible connective tissue inclusions, fat and lymph nodes.

Technical conditions (TU) - a document that establishes technical requirements that must be met by a specific product, material or substance. TUs are installed at each enterprise independently, they are not enshrined in legislation and may differ from GOST.

In an oblong shell. May contain one or more types of meat.

Slavic word sausage(originally kalb-) known since the XII century; it was found in the Novgorod birch bark letter No. 842, where the sausage appears in the list of sent products. Perhaps the word came from the Turkic languages: Balkar "kolbasa", "kol" -ruka, "bass" -press, "bass" külbastı means "fried meat in a pan". According to another version, the word kalbasa has a Slavic root and is related to the word bun... According to the third version, the word “sausage” comes from the Hebrew phrase “kol basar” (כל בשר), which means “all meat” or “all flesh”.

Types of sausages

Boiled sausages

Made from salted minced meat. They are boiled at a temperature of about 80 degrees. Cooked sausages can contain a lot of soy, or they can be vegetarian with soy or seitan instead of meat. Due to the content of a large amount of water, they are not stored for a long time.

Cooked sausages contain 10-15% protein, 20-30% fat, energy value - 220-310 kcal per 100 g.

Cooked smoked sausages

First it is boiled and then smoked. Contains more spices than cooked sausages. Unlike boiled sausages (in which the minced meat is a homogeneous mass), boiled-smoked sausages can consist of small pieces of a certain size. Milk, cream, flour, bacon and starch are used as additives.

Cooked smoked sausages contain 10-17% protein, 30-40% fat, their energy value is 350-410 kcal per 100 g, and the shelf life in the refrigerator is no more than 15 days.

Semi-smoked sausages

First it is fried, then boiled and then smoked. Semi-smoked sausages are often almost indistinguishable in appearance and taste from cooked-smoked sausages, but with heat treatment there is less weight loss and smoking is less pronounced.

Raw smoked sausages

Obsolete name - hard smoked... Raw smoked sausages are not subjected to high-temperature heat treatment, cold smoking occurs at 20-25 degrees, the meat is fermented and dehydrated. Ripening of uncooked smoked sausages lasts at least 30-40 days. Raw smoked sausages contain the greatest amount of spices; cognac can also be added. According to the new technology, sausages are produced for 21 days or less. This is achieved by:

  • Glucono-delta-lactone (GDL, food additive E575) is an acid that influences change.
  • Starter cultures - most often yeast microorganisms that feed on the sugar added to the recipe. Fermentation is carried out due to the release of the products of life.

Raw smoked sausages contain 13-28% protein, fat - 28-57%, energy value - 340-570 kcal per 100 g.

Dried sausages

It is made from minced marinated meat. Smoked in cold smoke for 3-4 days. The meat is fermented and dehydrated, after which it is dried at a temperature of 15-18 degrees.


Liver sausage is made from offal - liver, kidneys, etc.


The production of sausages includes the following operations:

  • Deboning - cutting animal carcasses, separating meat from bones.
  • Zhilovka - dividing meat by sorts (pork: fatty, low-fat, semi-fatty; beef: premium, first grade, second grade).
  • Stuffing - production of minced meat by mixing components and grinding them in sausage cutters.
  • Forming - filling sausage casings with minced meat on sausage syringes and sealing the ends of the casings on clippers.
  • Sludge - keeping sausage loaves with minced meat at a low temperature before the start of heat treatment in accordance with the technology for the production of a particular sausage.
  • Heat treatment - processes of pre-drying, roasting, cooking and smoking of sausages in sausage heat chambers, the process of spraying (cooling sausages with water and air).

Sausage casings

They play a significant role in the production of sausages. Sausage casings can be divided into natural (casings, blues) and artificial. They are subdivided into barrier and permeable. Barrier casings allow sausage products to be stored for a long time (up to 90 days), in barrier casings mainly boiled sausages are produced. Many permeable casings allow for subsequent smoking and roasting. Barrier casings include, first of all, polyamide sausage casings. Artificial permeable sausage casings include: cellulose, protein (collagen), fibrous, permeable polyamide, textile.

Nutritional supplements

They are used to protect sausages from the multiplication of pathogens (for example, the causative agent of botulism), as well as to improve color (sodium nitrite), enhance taste (sodium glutamate, sodium inosinate), weight gain (water with salts and gelling agents), etc. ...

see also

  • Shpikachek

Notes (edit)


  • National standard of the Russian Federation - Cooked sausage products. Technical conditions. GOST R 52196-2003

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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    Sausage - get a valid promotional code Republic on Akademik or buy sausage at a discount at a sale in Republic

    SAUSAGE, sausages, many others sausages, wives. (Polish kielbasa). 1. Intestine stuffed with meat or other minced meat with bacon. Boiled sausage. Smoked sausage. Sausage with garlic. Krakow sausage. Pea sausage (made from pea puree, serves as usual ... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    Sausages, pl. sausages, w. [Polish. kielbasa]. 1. Intestine stuffed with meat or other minced meat with bacon. Boiled sausage. Smoked sausage. Sausage with garlic. Krakow sausage. Blood sausage. Liverwurst. 2. A genus of an oblong balloon on ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Noun, f., Uptr. cf. often Morphology: (no) what? sausages, why? sausage, (see) what? sausage than? sausage, about what? about sausage; pl. what? sausages, (no) what? sausages, why? sausages, (see) what? sausages than? sausages, about what? about sausages 1. ... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    SAUSAGE- (homemade) boiled and smoked can be prepared at home. Boiled sausage. Preparation of intestines and their packing: carefully separate the large and small intestines from the mesentery, carefully squeeze the intestines from the contents and rinse many times with cold ... Brief encyclopedia household - sausage, s; pl. sausages, ace ... Russian verbal stress

    G. 1. Food product specially prepared minced meat in a casings from the intestine or from an artificial film. 2.dep. Something that resembles such a product in shape. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Female gut stuffed with minced meat with spices, b.h. from pork. I ate my pants on sausages! tease the clerks. If the sausage had wings, then there would be no better bird! Sausage, related to sausage. Sausage man husband. face of wives. who makes or sells ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Sausage, sausages, sausages, sausages, sausages, sausages, sausages, sausages, sausages, sausages, sausages, sausages, sausages (

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