Name lily name meaning. Name meaning: Lily. When is Lilia's birthday

Each person's name contains many secrets, the solution of which helps to understand him. If you want to give your child a specific name, it can be helpful to know what it means. In this publication you will find out what the name Lily hides in itself. The meaning of the name, origin, fate of the owner - all this will be revealed in the article. Astrological characteristics will allow you to learn a little more about the personality. You will find out the names of those men with whom Lilia can create a strong family.

What does the name Lilia mean?

There is an opinion that Lily, translated from Latin, means the name of a flower - a lily. According to another version, it was formed from Lilith, which translates as "beautiful" or "flower". That was the name of the first biblical woman. Another version of the origin - on behalf of Susanna, which also means "lily" in translation. In Christianity, this flower is associated with purity, immortality, resurrection, righteousness and God's mercy.

for a child

The girl grows up healthy, intelligent and very calm, although she likes to play with the boys. She is always ready to help parents at home with the housework. Her hobbies include reading books, swimming or gymnastics. At school, she understands all subjects and studies well. Higher education becomes her dream. Parents must develop respect for others in the baby, otherwise she can grow up very proud and capricious.

The name is Lily. Meaning for an adult girl

As she grows older, the owner of this name remains calm. She is able to unobtrusively instill her point of view in almost any person. Lilya loves to argue and has her own opinion on everything, thanks to which the girl becomes an interesting interlocutor.

Name Lilia: value for professional activity

The person in question is very hardworking and takes work with full responsibility. She is a neat and active employee who is appreciated by her colleagues. For Lilia, career is of great importance in life. She is power-hungry and ambitious, so she will gladly take a leadership position. She will make a fair boss who behaves in a friendly and correct manner towards others. She really enjoys spending time with her friends. Her childhood hobbies remain with her into the adult period of her life. Lilia loves to play volleyball, tennis or swimming. However, she can happily engage in embroidery, sewing or knitting, she is a great cook. Lilies are often interested in history or ethnography.

The name is Lily. Influence on the family

In her personal life, the owner has no luck for a long time. She does not make special demands on men, but they often use her kindness and shamelessly cheat. If you meet a person who really falls in love with Lilia and marries her, the marriage will be successful. A woman will be happy to take care of children, even without sending them to kindergarten.

What does the name Lily mean in astrology?

The person in question is protected by Mercury.

  1. The amulet stone is jasper.
  2. The color of the name is brown.
  3. The mascot plant is a lily.
  4. The amulet animal is a fly.

Lilia will happily create a family with a man named Boris, Victor, Vladimir, Eugene, Vladislav, Alexander, Peter, Semyon, Stanislav, Vadim or Yuri. It will be more difficult in a marriage with Cyril, Edward, Pavel and Ignatius.

This name is perceived as some kind of curiosity, and its owner - as someone special, as pure and immaculate as this white fragrant flower. But in fact, the meaning of the name Lily for a girl is completely different.

Lilya will proudly carry through life both her nickname and herself. Femininity, charm and banal cunning she does not take - this woman will always take her place under the sun, no matter what happens, and nothing and no one can stand in her way.

Much more often, Lilia is not pampered and noble, like the flower of the same name, but spoiled and capricious love, requiring submission from everyone around.

Speaking about what the name Lilia means, one cannot fail to mention the following: she feels great in a male company, and therefore skillfully uses both her advantages and disadvantages, and may well twist ropes from men, while changing them like gloves. However, she usually has enough prudence in order not to get stuck with all this in an unpleasant story.

Would you name a child by that name?

In different cultures, there are many female names that were formed from the name of flowers. The origin of the name Lilia is exactly the same - it was formed from the Latin word lilium, which in an unwritten translation can be interpreted as "like a lily flower" or "comparable in beauty to a lily."

Giving the baby such a non-Orthodox name, the parents may hope that such qualities as nobility, honesty, sincerity, innocence, and inner purity will appear in the girl's character.

But history shows that spoiled by attention and love, Lilya most often inherits opposite qualities.

Despite the fact that this name is quite popular both in Russia and in other countries (England, Germany, Italy, France, Bulgaria, Sweden, Iceland - sounds like Lilya, Lilias, Lilly, Gilya, Liles), it is still not it is perceived as Russian, rather as foreign, for example, as a nickname from Arabic fairy tales. In Orthodoxy, Lilia does not have a name day; only Catholics celebrate them.

Name forms

Simple: Lily Full: Lily Vintage: LilyAffectionate: Lilyasha

The characteristic of the name Lilia is as follows: persistent and stubborn, from childhood accustomed to achieving her goal by any means. He can cheat or come up with something, or he can pretend to be a goody, depending on what the situation requires. Despite the ability to step over people, in her soul she is still a big coward.

Based on the origin of this name, Lilia is still kind and responsive, but only with those who she really treats well and from whom she might need something.

The honesty of other people is of no small importance to her, although she does not make such demands of herself.

Another important characteristic of Lilia can be considered the ability to bring everything to the end. She will be able to rectify the situation, even if it seems to others that everything is already lost and there is no way out. Lilya will definitely cope and solve the problem, no matter how difficult it may be. Lilia, especially Alekseevna and Evgenievna, knows how to adapt to any circumstances in order to then make them work for herself.

A little secret of the name Lilia: she is a domineering and oppressive tyrant who hides behind the guise of a charming, gentle and modest woman. However, she always wants to have all the best, be it a car, a position or a man.

And she definitely gets her way. At the same time, generally accepted rules of morality may mean nothing to her if they stand in the way of achieving the desired goal.

Lilia has a very light character, she is cheerful, sociable, loves cheerful and noisy companies, where you can have fun from the heart, sometimes behaving at the same time quite relaxed. Which attracts many men to her, to whom such a girl seems to be an easy prey. But it is they who eventually become Lily's next triumphant trophy.

In her work, Lilia will show such qualities as professionalism, exactingness, attention to detail.

It is here that she is in a businesslike manner and is balanced, and in the event of a critical situation she can offer the most correct solution to the problem. The greatest success in her career is achieved by Lilia with her patronymic Dmitrievna and Andreevna.











At first, Lily's family life is not going smoothly. A description of what the name Lilia means, and where difficulties arise in family life, should start with her sometimes windy behavior and a huge number of fans.

It is difficult for her to stop at just one, because she wants to choose the best one. But if she really succeeded, then her chosen one will receive a faithful, albeit a little eccentric woman as his wife.

And yet marriage changes her - even friends are surprised and cannot understand why she suddenly had a desire to be a homebody.

But a light temper often takes its toll: Lilia suddenly wants to break free from her children and her husband, however, now into the women's company. And if Lilya is caught by an understanding husband, who is sometimes ready to take on some of the family affairs and even solve some general issues on her own, then Lilia will be ready for anything for him.

The meaning of the name Lily for a girl

For a girl, the name Lilia will manifest itself in her self-confidence. To be the best and always in the spotlight is what is of paramount importance to her. This is especially true of the opposite sex.

Since childhood, disobedient and whimsical, she grows up very quickly (that is, she begins to consider herself an "adult"). This child will give his parents a lot of trouble and sleepless nights.

Despite the chaste and almost divine origin of the name, its owner is likely to be endowed with opposite qualities. This child will be cunning in order to get his way, often get involved in unpleasant stories. After all, the main thing for Lilia is to satisfy her own needs and interests.

What will Lilia succeed in?

Lilia is more predisposed to the humanities, but everything new and technically complex is also interesting to her. And therefore, for everyone, the sudden choice of the profession of this girl will be unexpected: she can suddenly become an economist or even a psychologist if she decides that she will succeed in this.

They should try to teach the girl to at least listen to other people's opinions, appreciate the help of others and show more attention and interest in those close to her.

What games will Lilia like?

This child is a fidget and a little tyrant. And more often you can notice Lilya in the company of boys, because if it is not always possible to manage with girls, then she easily makes the guys her fans, and then enjoys everyone's attention.

The origin of the name Lily has several equivalent variants. The most common of these is the variant suggesting the origin of this beautiful female name from the name of the flower "lily" ("lilium" in Latin).

There is a version of the origin of the name Lilia on behalf of the first biblical woman Lilith, who, in some early Christian sources that were not included in the Old and New Testaments, was the first wife of Adam.

There is also a variant according to which the name Lily is considered one of the forms of the biblical name Sosanna (Susanna), translated as "white lily". This epithet is often used for the Virgin Mary in biblical texts.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Lily

The lily flower in Christianity personifies purity, immortality, resurrection, rebirth, righteousness, cleansing from sins. Also, this flower is a symbol of God's mercy, providence and divine protection.

The lily flower, as a symbol of the Virgin Mary, personifies a sharp mind (stem), modesty (drooping leaves), divine origin (aroma), purity and purity (snow-white color). This flower, like the woman named Lily, is the embodiment of grace and royalty. Outwardly, she is gentle and romantic.

If we say that the name Lilia comes from the name Lilith, then it will mean "night" or "quiet of the night." Also in Hebrew the word "lilith" means a kind of owls. Therefore, Lilith is usually depicted with an owl. If we assume that the name Lilith comes from the Sumerian word "lil", then it will mean "air", "wind", as well as "spirit" or "ghost".

The name Lily and its forms are widespread in the world. For example, among the Tatars, the name Lilia is a variant of the name Leila or Lilya. In turn, the name Leila is of Arabic origin, it means "darkness" or "night". So Lily, possessing external tenderness, is stubborn and uncontrollable in her soul.

Lily is a form or related name, such names as: Lily (French name), Lillian (English), Lilah and Lily (Hebrew), Lilike (Bulgarian), Lilia (American).

Character traits of the name Lily

Lilia is dreamy, emotional and artistic. The meaning of her life is constant self-improvement. Lily has a sense of harmony. Sometimes Lily is very selfish. In difficult moments of life, Lilia does not lose her composure and holds on with dignity.

Positive character traits of this name: discipline, charm, sociability, intelligence, diplomacy. Lilia has an extraordinary charm when communicating with loved ones. She is a kind and helpful person. She is unusually tactful with people and will never say anything superfluous. Lilia knows how to communicate and always sees the situation several steps ahead. She is able to convey her opinion to the interlocutor, forcing him to listen to her words.

Lily is constantly learning and achieves perfection in the process of cognition. Her mind must be constantly loaded with knowledge, otherwise she will be bored with life. Cognition fascinates her more than family and money. Lilia really appreciates the stability that allows her to engage in self-improvement. Self-realization in life is very important for her.

She has an inherent ability to understand people and help them, but often her actions are due only to an emotional impulse, and sometimes just idle curiosity. Therefore, it is not always worth believing in the sincerity of her actions.

Negative traits of the name Lilia: some slowness and cowardice, sometimes self-doubt. Lilia knows everything about everyone and loves to gossip. She has difficulty adapting to new situations and often withdraws into herself, becoming alienated from others.

Lily is resourceful and resourceful, which allows her to achieve her goals at any cost. Lilia is especially convincing with men who always strive to help her, since she seems to them to be quiet and helpless. And she loves to manipulate them in her own interests.

Lily's family and love relationships

Lily is a cheerful and cheerful girl. She is charming, knows how to communicate with men and conquer them. Lily is amorous and temperamental. She is always in the spotlight, which often offends her friends. Her friends envy her, seeing how Lilia skillfully manipulates men. She needs a man who is wealthy, smart and practical.

Girls named Lilia usually get married early and are happily married. They often marry older men. The husband must endure all the whims of Lilia and be wise, since Lilia's mood is very changeable. But Lilia is kind and unforgiving, so it's easy to build relationships with her. If she loves her husband, then she is ready for a lot for him. And this will help a man to make a good wife out of Lily.

Lilia can become a companion of her husband and will help him in all matters. She is smart and will skillfully give her husband advice that will help him move up the career ladder.

Lilia can hardly be called a good housewife, since she does not know how to manage the family budget and is not always ready to do routine housework. It is better for the husband to take over household issues. Lilia is able to cheat on her husband, but she will never go for a divorce. She doesn't go far in her relationship. The family is dearer to her than new feelings.

Lilia loves children, but she does not always want to raise them. She is able to only occasionally show her love and care. But the kids love her. She loves to help them study.

Lilia's marriage with Alexander, Andrey, Alexei, Alfred, Artem, Boris, Valery, Vadim, Victor, Dementiy, Gleb, Dmitry, Yegor, Evdokim, Leonid, Makar, Nikolai, Semyon, Terentiy will become favorable.

A fragile alliance and complex relationships with Lilia: Anton, Georgy, Denis, Ivan, Oleg, Savely, Stanislav, Stepan, Pavel, Yaroslav.

Choice of profession, business, career of Lilia

Lily is more inclined towards the study of the humanities. The sphere of her interests is extensive and she is constantly developing in the chosen direction. In addition, Lilia has an inexhaustible fantasy. She can realize herself as a talented artist, writer, fashion designer or designer. Lily will make an excellent inventor or librarian. She is very versatile. And if she finds her calling, then a wonderful future awaits her.

Lilia can become a successful teacher or psychologist. She can prove herself as a narrow-profile highly qualified specialist, constantly improving her skills. The job is very important to her. She just needs to realize her abilities in the profession.

Lilia has an extraordinary mind and excellent memory, so she can rise high on the career ladder, especially if she meets a man who can inspire and support her. In business, Lilia will be a reliable and smart partner for the man she loves.

If Lilia becomes a leader, then she will be strict with her subordinates. She does not tolerate sloppiness in business. But she is tactful and intelligent, so she will never criticize her employees in front of strangers.

Lily is always persistent in achieving her goal. She is capable of solving the most serious problems. If someone interferes with her, she will easily eliminate a competitor by showing cunning, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Lily's health

Lilia is in good health. She only suffers from colds and is usually mild. She is always cheerful and full of energy. Even without playing sports, Lilia always looks fit. She likes to seem sick and weak, but that's just her trick.

She has only one weak point - the genitourinary system. She needs to monitor the condition of her kidneys, especially in old age.

Name Lily for baby

Lily grows up as a curious and inquisitive girl. She loves to dream and has a very vivid imagination. The girl loves communication and has many friends since childhood. She is always given a lot of attention, as she looks very tender, unprotected and vulnerable. This can lead to the development of selfishness.

Since childhood, Lilia knows how to manipulate people for her own selfish purposes. Parents should consider this and stop such attempts at every opportunity. These abilities should not be developed. Since childhood, lilies should be instilled with compassion and responsiveness, this is the only way to bring up a benevolent and sincere person from it.

At school, Lilia is distinguished by exemplary behavior and diligence. She is diligent and listens to the comments of the teachers. Lilia is successful in studying all subjects, she tries to study them in depth. Lily grows up to be a obligatory and punctual girl.

Lilia pays a lot of attention to her appearance and wardrobe. She follows fashion trends and tries to follow them. She is extremely tactful and intelligent in communicating with her friends, knows how to listen and help with advice, so she enjoys authority and popularity among her peers.

The girl Lilia is beautiful, gentle and romantic. There are always a lot of fans and girlfriends around. But she is very demanding and selective. She chooses only good, benevolent and reliable people as close friends.

Full name:

Related Names: Liliana, Lilith, Lilah, Lilike, Lilium

Church name: -

Meaning: lily; night, night silence; darkness, night

The meaning of the name Lily - interpretation

The name Lilia is often found among the Turks, Tatars and Slavs. According to one version, it is the Latinized form of the biblical name "Sosanna", meaning "lily flower" or "water lotus". The word "Lilium" is translated from Latin as "flower" or "lily". In France, the girl will be called Lily, in England - Leela, and the Jews - Leelah.

Name Lily in other languages

Astrology named after Lily

Years later

Little Lily's curiosity knows no bounds. This is an inquisitive and cheerful child who is always in a good mood and has an optimistic attitude. She has a wonderful fantasy, and the girl is constantly inventing something, staying in her dreams. He loves to be creative, to create something on his own.

Soft vowels and melodic consonants in a name have a positive effect on character, softening it. Lilya is a gentle and often spoiled creature, a girl accustomed to the great attention of others.

Outwardly, she resembles a little princess, fragile and defenseless. But she knows how to manipulate people, pretending to be obedient and showing ostentatious calm. At heart, this child is a real egoist, sometimes showing the most negative traits of his nature. Can make a scandal or tantrum if something is not pleasant. Stubbornness she does not take, Lilechka achieves her own in various ways, sometimes pretending to be sick or pretending to be offended.

In adulthood, her temperament also does not dry out. Lilia is still the same skillful manipulator, and now young people are falling into her net. She is observant. This trait helps her find weaknesses in people and use them for her own selfish purposes. A lively mind and resourcefulness help a girl find a way out of almost any situation.

The girl is sociable and has many friends of both sexes. Moreover, her friends feel great envy, watching how men run after her. Often they condemn her and whisper behind her back, so such a friendship cannot be called sincere.

Lilia often falls in love, tends to change partners, but her feelings are not deep, and she is not ready to “give everything for love”. A young girl likes to be pitied, she likes to receive gifts and compliments. With her cunning tricks, she will achieve the admiring glance of any man.

Over the years, Lilia becomes more balanced and peaceful, she reconsiders her values ​​and priorities.

She is no longer so demanding of others, she behaves more correctly with relatives. Conflicts, if they happen, are based on outfits or jewelry. Sometimes she can take a pose if she wants another fashionable dress or ring. And then Lilia again becomes a selfish and spoiled child, begging for a new toy. Due to the natural beauty and charm, this does not scare away her boyfriends, the woman still has a lot of them.

She is charming and kind, but at the same time she is insecure. She often succeeds in suppressing this feeling in herself, and those around her see her as a calm and optimistic woman. Lily prefers to bypass conflict situations as a side and she does it skillfully, since she, if necessary, uses her gift - diplomatically and in a timely manner to solve emerging problems.

Lily character

The positive character traits include good discipline, the ability to charm any person. She is diplomatic, skillfully negotiates. There is no envy and licimeria in her, she easily converges with people. others appreciate her for her intelligence, ability to listen and help.

Lilia thinks a lot about higher matters, rethinks her life, dreams, new ideas often come to her mind.

Some Lilies are distinguished by pessimism, phlegmatism and great self-doubt. Such women are afraid to take the wrong step, they are slow to make important decisions. Often disappointment comes to them in family and family relationships.

Lily is a person of mood. Often people have to adapt to it, in turn, it is not going to adapt to anyone. She often breaks the rules, but not those that may affect her interests.

Lily's fate

Lilia has a difficult fate, life will test her self-esteem for strength. But a strong will and the ability to find a way out of any situation will help to cope with problems. We'll have to show ingenuity and resourcefulness. Her weapon is a smile with which she blinds men and makes them do whatever she needs. If this method does not yield results, tears, persuasions, tricks, etc. are used. The goal in any case will be achieved, and the fans will become the main assistants for Lilia in this. They are struck by her charm and cannot refuse anything.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

In her career, she is not ambitious, does not like responsibility and will choose the position in which she does not need to work until she drops. Often he becomes disillusioned with his specialty and changes his profession. But if she sees good prospects for herself, then she will not miss her and will do everything for career growth. In what she loves, she will do everything thoroughly and ideally. Her discipline and meticulousness do not go unnoticed by the management.

Lilies are equally suitable for both professions that require strict calculation and obedience to the rules, and more creative professions in which you can be in "free float".

Marriage and family

Lily's marriage will be happy if the spouse has wisdom and good intellect. Successful alliances are formed with men who are several years older. But the woman's chosen one must love her very much and be patient.

Periodic mood swings are one of Lilia's shortcomings. But she is kind, often showing pity and compassion for others. Therefore, the husband usually admires such a wife, carries her in his arms and spoils her with gifts. He does not notice some of the disorder in the house and the monotonous menu, as he is fascinated by her. But the spouse's mother can express dissatisfaction about this. This does not work on Lily, she only does what she wants.

She loves children, but she periodically engages in raising them. Talking to her friends and taking care of herself takes up a lot of her time. Casual connections on the side are possible, but so that the husband does not suspect anything.

Sex and love

Lilia never has any problems with choosing partners. She skillfully owns the art of coquetry, makes eyes and easily seduces men. Well-groomed appearance, natural attractiveness and temperament do their job - a woman is popular.

To enter into a sexual relationship, she needs feelings, love. Only occasionally does she go on about hormones and starts an intimate relationship with an unfamiliar man.

Her sex technique is not at the highest level, although Lilia loves to dominate and take power over her partner. It is important for her that he is sensual and understands all desires. She just needs caresses, otherwise she will not be able to get an orgasm. A man should intuitively understand this and try very hard. And experience is not important for Lilia, if the partner is attentive to her, this is quite enough.

Short form of Lily's name. Lee, Lilu, Lilike.
Synonyms for the name Lily. Lily, Leela, Liliana, Lilia, Lilith, Leah, Leila, Liana, Lilly.
The origin of Lily's name. Lily's name is Muslim, Catholic.

Lily's name was originally a short form for many female names beginning with "lily" (Lily, Liliana, Liana, Lilith). Over time, in Europe, the name Lily became an independent name. Most often, as an independent name, it began to be used in the UK, Australia, USA and France.

But Lily is also often used as an affectionate reference to the names Alice, Caroline, Eliana, Melissa, Evangeline and others.

Lily's name can also be found among Muslim women, but in this case, Lily's name appeared as the original short form of the name Leila.

In some cases, Lily's name is identical to the names Lilya and Leela, they are considered related and interchangeable names. All of these names have become independent and independent in modern times, but they continue to be used as affectionate addresses. But there is still a preference for which short form is used with which name. The name Leela is more often used when referring to the owners with the names Lilia, Delilah and Leona, and Lilia is used by Liliana, Elizabeth, Lydia, Leah, Rachel and, of course, Lilia and Leila.

The name Leela is also an Indian name, translated from Sanskrit as "divine play", "fun", "beauty".

The owner of the name Lily is a rather sensitive and emotional nature, for whom emotional comfort is very important. Feeling loved, she can give her love as well, as soon as this connection is broken, then Lily loses self-confidence, the beautiful world turns gray, and life becomes joyless. Lily loves communication, large companies, hospitable and welcoming hostess.

She may have to learn to navigate in a changing world, given her indecision and impressionability, learn to filter and pay attention only to those things that can affect her personally. Lily is a perfectionist, with a certain amount of fussiness, not indifferent to beauty, its manifestations in aesthetics and art. Family harmony and sensory comfort are essential for her emotional well-being. Emotional stress can have a significant impact on her balance, make her withdrawn.

Her life motivation is based on feelings and inner harmony. Therefore, care must be taken in expressing love, especially if Lily is still a child, it is necessary to find a balance so as not to overdo it and not to underdo it. It is also extremely important to teach her independence and responsibility in a balanced way, so as not to leave the girl dependent and not provide too much freedom.

You should also not give her the opportunity to feel obligated in all aspects in relation to her parents, because then in the future, the parents themselves will suffer from the overprotection of their own daughter. Indeed, for Lily it will be necessary - to monitor the well-being of her own parents, to take part in all their affairs, to actively intervene and regulate any actions.

Lily is a creative person, she can see art even where most will not notice. But it is difficult to call her creative, coming up with something completely new is not her job. Singing well, playing roles beautifully, clearly drawing details - her strength is in honing her own skills. She is not scattered on many things at once, she chooses one.

The owner of the name Lily is an adherent of the "path of least resistance", she is not a fighter for rights, she prefers to solve problems step by step when they arise, and not to take her swoop and come up with the only correct solution right here and now. Deep down, Lily, far from materialism, tends to live her life in accordance with her spiritual values. Therefore, Lily will definitely have her own way so that she can escape from reality, in which sometimes there can be a lot of pain, worries and problems. Often these can be travels that add positive emotions to her, break the monotony of life and give her fresh breaths of air.

This emotional focus of life can make Lily a very romantic person who believes in a prince on a white horse. Once finding him, she is ready to idealize her lover, which usually leads to disappointment when she discovers that this man is far from the perfection that she expects. On the other hand, starting a family is of the utmost importance to her, so she can hesitate a lot at a life-changing moment. For her, this will be a rather difficult decision, Lily can become patient and understanding if she loves selflessly.

Her family life is likely to be the number one priority, although she may succumb to temptation and pursue a career in a creative environment, in the field of medicine, healthcare, zoology or ecology, as well as professions that require attention to detail.

Lily's birthday

Lily doesn't celebrate her name day.

Famous people named Lily

  • Lila Naidu ((1940-2009) Indian actress, won the Miss India title in 1954)
  • Leela Chitnis ((1909-2003) Indian actress)
  • Leela Downs ((born 1968) Mexican singer, composer, sings in many languages, but more often in Spanish and English. Winner of the 2013 Grammy Award for Best Mexican Album and two Latin Grammy Awards.)
  • Leela James ((born 1983) American soul and R&B singer)
  • Lili Bganba ((born 1937) Abkhaz economist, public figure)
  • Lily Cooper ((born 1985) English singer and actress, also TV presenter, fashion designer)
  • Lily Cahill ((1888-1955) American theater actress, starred in silent films)
  • Lily Mo Shin ((born 1999) English child actress)
  • Lily Monori ((born 1945) Hungarian actress)
  • Lily Owsley ((born 1994) English field hockey athlete, 2016 Olympic gold medalist as part of a team)
  • Lily Darvas ((1906 / 1902-1974) Hungarian and later American actress)
  • Lillian "Lily" Sobieski ((born 1983) American actress)
  • Lily Chukasyan ((1921-2012) American opera singer (contralto), world-famous, performed at the Metropolitan Opera in New York for over 20 years)
  • Lily Rabe ((born 1982) American actress, was nominated for a Tony in 2011)
  • Lili de Alvarez ((1905-1998) Spanish tennis player, three Wimbledon Cup winners, also journalist and writer)
  • Lily Ann Taylor ((born 1967) American actress)
  • Lily Laskin ((1893-1988) French harpist, who played for over 30 years in the "Comedie Francaise", concentrated a lot. She was a teacher. An international harp competition named after her was established.)
  • Lily Mae Loveless ((born 1990) British actress)
  • Lily Boulanger ((1893-1918) French composer)
  • Lily-Rose Melody Depp ((born 1999) American actress and model, her parents are famous world actors)

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