Exercise vacuum. We study all the subtleties and secrets.

My compliments, ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to welcome you again on the pages! This is the first "rested" note, so to speak, after the summer vacations, and we will talk in it about the vacuum exercise. After reading, you will learn how to quickly and easily achieve a wasp waist and remove a bulging belly. In particular, we will get acquainted with the muscle atlas, the advantages, the technique of performing a vacuum, and we will also find out if it is really that good for creating a flat tummy.

So, take your seats, let's start!

Exercise vacuum. What, why and why?

Well, 5 weeks of the project's vacation have flown by, it would seem a short time, however, it also allowed me to miss my readers, that is, you. To be quite frank, I was looking forward to this day as a holiday, for not writing notes about 40 days, it's just a disaster :). In addition, during this period, one of the project's usefulnesses fell out - the preparation of personal training and nutrition programs, which means that someone did not receive prompt help in solving their bodily issues, and this is no longer good :(. In general, with this post we open the full-fledged operating mode of the project and all its activities, so fly , hurry up, buy painting!

Well, okay, enough of the lyrics, let's get down to the essence of today's topic.

If you ask me the question: “what characterized the bodybuilding of the golden era 60-70 years? ”, then I will immediately answer - the aesthetics of the athlete's form. This includes the V-profile of the figure, moderate muscle mass, proportions, relief and, of course, the wasp waist. It was the latter that was the hallmark of that time and it is precisely one of the tools for its construction that we will consider further.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle Atlas

I often hear from readers the following statements: "she is thin, and her tummy sticks out like a pregnant woman's" or "her belly sticks out, looks like a penguin." The main "gag" here is not nutrition or cardio, but the correct work with the internal (deep) abdominal muscles. And, in particular, the latter is carried out thanks to the implementation of a vacuum.

The exercise mainly involves the internal abs - the transverse and multifidus muscles, which lie under the rectus and external obliques and are responsible for the retraction of the abdominal wall. They are responsible for supporting the back / posture and controlling deep breathing during movements. Core muscles, incl. transverse, encircle the waist, creating a natural corset.

In the picture version, the complete muscle atlas looks like this:


Performing a vacuum exercise, you have the right to count on the following benefits:

  • getting rid of a distended abdomen (it falls forward), which occurs due to an underdeveloped transverse abdominal muscle;
  • reducing the visceral layer of fat surrounding the internal organs;
  • significant narrowing of the waist in a short period of time;
  • visual increase in the chest;
  • development of the strength of the transverse abdominal muscles;
  • stronger forced exhalation with closed mouth and nose (Valsalva test);
  • better control over the entire abdominal region of the abdomen;
  • a flat stomach without fear of pumping the press;
  • helps to stabilize the spine and reduce pain in the lower back;
  • prevents sagging of internal organs;
  • can be performed in home / office conditions without special equipment.

Execution technique

The step-by-step technique for performing the vacuum exercise includes the following steps.

Step # 0.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your hips - this is the starting position.

Step # 1.

Breathe in deeply through your nose slowly and in a controlled manner, drawing as much air into your lungs as possible. Make a powerful exhalation as much as possible, bringing the walls of the abdomen to the back, so that the navel, as it were, is glued to the spine. Lock in this position. One isometric contraction must be 15-20 seconds. After the time has elapsed, inhale and return the belly to the PI. Repeat the specified number of times.

In a pictorial version, this disgrace is the following picture:

Subtleties and secrets

To get the most out of your exercise, follow the tips below:

  • use the "standing / lying" version of the exercise as an initial practice;
  • use the bodyflex breathing technique - after a full exhalation, inhale quickly and completely through your nose, then exhale sharply through your mouth;
  • make a powerful forced exhalation through the mouth completely, emptying the volume of the lungs;
  • take short breaths through the nose as needed as the contraction time increases;
  • strive to bring the navel and spine together (gluing one to the other) pulling the stomach under the ribs;
  • pull in your stomach as you exhale;
  • so that the transverse muscle works throughout the entire exercise, when inhaling, do not throw your stomach with a jerk down, but do it slowly and not to the end;
  • hold the shortened position at least 10-15 seconds;
  • do the exercise in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed;
  • numerically, focus on the number of approaches 2-3 , repetitions 10-15 and the value of one isometric contraction from 15 seconds.


In addition to the classic standing version, such more advanced ones are possible:

  • vacuum while sitting on a chair / half-sitting;
  • vacuum on all fours;
  • vacuum lying on your back.

The simplest variations are standing upright and lying on your back, the most difficult are standing on all fours and sitting, so move on to these as you progress.

Actually, we have finished with the theoretical part, now let's touch on the practical points.

Will Exercise Vacuum Really Flatten My Belly? Why?

The transverse abdominis muscle (TVA) is a deep-seated muscle and is the key to a narrow waist and flat stomach. It acts as a natural corset with the function of tightening the abdominal wall, when the TVA muscles are strengthened, the “waist belt” is tightened, as a result of which the abdomen becomes flatter and tighter. However, the vacuum exercise itself will not remove the belly and burn fat from the area around the waist; this requires aerobic exercise (cardio). Moreover, dietary adjustments are an even more important tool than local exercise. Therefore, only a set of measures can achieve the goals of flattening the abdomen and narrowing the waist.

What is the secret of a vacuum in the abdomen and how often should it be done?

Vacuum is a breathing exercise that is aimed at isometric contraction of the transverse abdominal muscles, as a result of its implementation, the muscles burn, however, no movement occurs in the joint. Studies have shown that TVA muscles respond best to isometric contractions with long tension times (from 1-2 minutes) and 2-3 sets in exercise. The internal muscles are slow-twitch fibers that respond well to daily training, so it is optimal to vacuum up to 5 once a week.

So, this was the last gist of writing, it remains to summarize and zagudbaitsya :)


Today we dealt with the issues of narrowing the waist by the strength of the vacuum exercise. I am sure that now the flatness of the abdomen is provided for you for everything 100% , you just need to stock up on endurance and patience! Feeley, stocking up).

That's it, see you soon!

PS. Do you use vacuum in your abs workouts?

PPS. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

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We study all the subtleties and secrets
My compliments, ladies and gentlemen, I am glad to welcome you again on the pages! This is the first "rested" note, so to speak, after the summer vacations, and we will talk in it about the vacuum exercise. After reading you will learn how to quickly and easily achieve a wasp waist