Senior suit in preference. Preference game. Fundamental rules. Preference trading rules

Preference- general rules

Card game preference. undoubtedly, the game is smart and addicting, interesting with a wide variety of techniques and not too tiring. It takes less time to learn it than a screw. Still, in order to be able to play preference well, you need skill and a lot of experience.

But this will come with time. To begin with, you need to learn the rules of the preference game and understand them perfectly.

The preference rules allow for two, three, four and five players to play with different numbers of players.

The best and most faithful four-player game. In this game, the chances for all players are equal and the weakest player risks very little.

1) For preference, a deck of 32 cards is used, the same deck of cards (short) as in the picket. The order of the cards is as follows: ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight, seven. That according to the rules of the game is preference. in relation to other card games is not at all unusual

2) The order of the suits is as follows: spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts.

3) The entire deck of cards is dealt for three, with the fourth pair of cards set aside for the buy-in.

4) The preference rules clearly stipulate that two cards must be dealt.

5) The surrender is done in the usual manner, one by one. Seats are selected by maps.

6) There are no trump cards on the cover, everyone plays in the suit that, in his opinion, is profitable and possible for the correct play.

7) After the cards are dealt, the first one to appoint the game is the one sitting to the left of the dealer, announcing spades, the second one can buy to clubs, the third one to tambourines, or, if he has a suit of clubs, on which he intended to play, he can say: “I’m holding” (that is . "And I buy to the clubs"), After him comes the turn to speak to the first player who announces the tambourines; if the third held clubs, or says: "I am holding tambourines", if the third held clubs, or says: "I hold diamonds", if the third said: "Diamonds". The next one announces hearts, then again a word after the third.

If the latter does not have a game higher than hearts, that is, a trump card or seven, then he says: "Pass," otherwise he raises it higher, that is, assigns no trump cards. Behind him, the first player announces seven spades, and so on. The game rises in the same order until two players fold and give the buy to the third. Trading can go up to ten without trump cards, and the game should be raised in a strict order of suits.

8) Once the passing player is no longer eligible to trade the buy-in in this game.

9) A player who buys for seven is not allowed to play simple games, and a player who buys for eight cannot play seven. In fact, according to the rules of the game, preference is not allowed to play less than you bought.

If the player lost the purchase by seven tambourines, then he cannot play seven spades or clubs, but must already play eight in these suits. In tambourines, hearts and without trump cards, seven has the right to play. The same is done for all purchases, the seniority of the suits is strictly observed.

10) The one who took the buy must show it to the players. The two cards he discards instead of buying, he does not show to anyone, and no one has the right to watch them.

11) Each player must have ten cards in their hands.

12) Until the end of the deal, no player should touch his cards, let alone look at them, so that there are no complaints from the players in the event of a deal.

13) The deck of cards is removed by the neighbor on the right side. The first exit always belongs to the one who sits to the left of the bribe, the next exits to the one who received the bribe.

14) Cards are re-dealt: if during the deal any card is accidentally revealed; if one of the players has more cards on hand, and the other has less; if the deal was made out of turn and this error was noticed in time, that is, no one has looked at their cards yet.

15) In a four-player game, the deliverer should not look at the buy-in in order to avoid any misunderstandings, and also should not look at the neighbor's cards, and even more so advise him, even if he asked him about it. But few people adhere to such a rule in preference, because it is boring to sit the whole game in inaction, but fair remarks can be made to violators of it.

16) No one who has bought it before has the right to watch the buy-in, otherwise the culprit puts a remise in the suit announced by the buyer and loses the right to whistle in this game.

17) In negotiations, the turn is strictly observed, so as not to deceive anyone and not to confuse the game, both your own and your partners.

18) When negotiating, each player is obliged to agree on his suits to the end, if he has already begun to bargain, and not stop halfway, because such an incorrect announcement of his suit misleads a partner, whom he, in the event of a mutual whist, can completely unwittingly let him down under the harness.

- general rules of preference and its varieties

The card game preference is undoubtedly a smart and exciting game, interesting with a wide variety of techniques and not too tiring. To be able to play preference well, you need skill and experience. But this will come with time.

To begin with, you need to learn the rules of the preference game and understand them perfectly.

The rules of the popular card game Thousand

One thousand (1000) has long belonged to the category, the most popular card games, and one cannot argue with that. It makes no sense to understand the reasons for such popularity, but you should simply accept this fact. The most interesting and popular version of the rules of the card game 1000 (one thousand) is a game for three participants.

Gambling? There is no doubt.

Whichever name we would not use, everyone immediately understands what will be discussed.

This game belongs to the category of gambling games like baccarat, macao, etc. The whole difference between those games and black Jack in the score and the value of the pieces.

Preference is played by three or four. In a four-player game, the dealer does not participate in the next round, so every time the cards are dealt, three are involved. The ability to whistle openly allows you to play together, the so-called hussar preference, with a dummy - dummy - instead of the third, but this option by its nature is very different from the normal preference and requires much more stress.


Preference is played with a deck of 32 cards - 8 cards in each of 4 suits (suits are presented in ascending order of seniority when trading):

  • PEAK / VINI - Spades
  • CUBES / CROSSES - Clubs
  • TUBNAS - Diamonds
  • WORM - Hearts

Seniority of cards in the same suit

Two cards of the same suit - suit - are always comparable in terms of seniority - rank. Below the cards are arranged from top to bottom in ascending order of seniority, from the lowest seven to the highest ace:

  • NINE
  • TEN
  • KING

Priority of cards in determining a bribe

Bribe - trick - one move of all three players, as well as three (sometimes two or four) cards laid down. The suit of the trick is determined by the suit of the card given by the player who makes the first move - leads the trick. Players are required to put cards in the suit of the trick, provided that he has a card of that suit. The situation when the next player does not have a card of the required suit is called a revoke - and then he must play a trump. If there is no trump card, then he puts a card in any other suit that will not be taken into account when determining the seniority of the cards, in other words, demolishes - revokes.

Takes the bribe - wins the trick - the player who put high card in bribe suit, or senior in trump - trump - suit, which interrupts - outranks - all other suits. In this regard, long suits are of particular importance in the game - those suits in which the player has more cards than the rest.

Deal of cards

The players deal - deal - cards in turn. The order of hands and moves is from left to right (clockwise, if viewed from above, in the sun - if playing in the northern hemisphere.) After shuffling - shuffle - the dealer gives the player to move - cut - cards to the player sitting to his right. To do this, he puts the shuffled deck face down on the table. The Shifter randomly takes the top of the deck, places it side by side, and places the rest of the bottom on top of it. After that, the cards are dealt without additional mixing.

In preference, two cards are dealt. The fact is that during the game, the cards are added by tricks - trick - of three, and dealing one card at a time with insufficient mixing would be very different from a random one. There are 32 cards in the deck. Deal - deal - for three, 10 cards each. The remaining two cards, the buy-in - widow - are left closed - face down and set aside approximately in the middle of the hand. It will be disposed of by the player who ordered the game, and can replace any two unnecessary cards with them, which can give him additional resources. It is forbidden to postpone the buy on the first and last round of the distribution.

In a three-player and four-player game, deal once, starting to give cards to the player to the left of the dealer. The fourth player, as a rule, does not participate in the game, only in some variants, when passing, he makes the first two moves. In other systems, he can receive compensation from the player in whists, for a bribe (ace, mariage) in the buy-in. At the same time, there is an additional, optional, but generally accepted rule: in case of a demonstrative refusal of the player from the buy-in, that is, demolition in the open, the dealer receives the minimum punishment.

If both partners refuse to whistle against the one who ordered the game with bribes, the distributor of the fourth has the right to take the cards of either of the two, and, if he wants, continue instead of the owner of the cards.

When playing together, they are dealt out two times. The first time - starting to press cards from the dummy, which sits to the left of the dealer, the second time - from the player, and the dummy is to the right of the dealer.

Types of games. Buy trade

At each next deal, three participants are traded - bid - for the right to order the game and dispose of the buyout. Everything possible games ordered by seniority. The right to play is received by the one who has undertaken to order the oldest of the declared games. The player gets the right to determine the trump card, but at the same time undertakes to take at least 6 bribes (out of 10). A special type of game is misere, in which the player undertakes not to take a single bribe. If everyone refuses the order, schedules are assigned, where the goal is not to take bribes.

The older game will be the one with the most bribes announced. In case of equality of bribes, the seniority of the suits is taken into account in the following order:

  1. peak;
  2. clubs;
  3. tambourine;
  4. worm;
  5. a game without a trump card.
A minus is older than the obligation to play 8 without a trump card, but less than the obligation to play 9. The player can play minus or 9 without using a buy, which, in this case, is not revealed. Minor without buyout over 9 without buyout, but under 10 peak.

Trading, like the first move, begins with the first hand - the player sitting to the left of the dealer. In a two-player game, the first move is always from the dummy. If you wish to continue trading, the next trader says either the full name of the game or its number. So "ONE" means six spades, "TWO" - six clubs, ... "FIVE" - six without trump cards "SIX" or "SEVEN FIRST" - seven spades. In most systems, "MIZER" can only be declared on the first betting round. When refusing to fight for a buyout, the player says: "PAS" - "pass".

The next player is obliged to offer a game higher than the previous one, but if there are two traders left, he can repeat the order of the previous one with the word "HERE". At the same time, he is obliged to assign the game above his previous order. In those preference systems where, when ordering six spades, both partners must whistle, the player on the third hand is not allowed to say "HERE" after "ONCE".

The player who wins the trade receives a buy-in - two cards. He demonstrates them to his partners, after which he puts aside two out of twelve cards he does not need, without showing them to his partners, after which he finally assigns a game - declares a contract, which should not be weaker than the one declared by him when trading. At this point, the dealer may, depending on the recording system, receive compensation points from the player. The player should keep in mind that if he takes at least the ordered number of tricks, he wins a certain number of points, depending on the rank of the game and the recording system. If not, then he loses, and the loss depends on the number of uncollected bribes.


After the player has announced how many bribes he is going to take. His partners decide whether they will play against him - whistle - to whist. For each bribe taken, they will receive compensation points from the player. When whist, they partner undertakes to take a certain number of bribes, given in the table, and if he does not do this, he receives penalty points. Moreover, with whist together, the whistler will receive penalty points only if they have not accumulated the required norm in total. The player to the left of the player decides first whether he will fight, and says, respectively, "WIST" or "PAS". With two whists on nine (and ten), he is exempt from responsibility for not taking.

If only one of the two is whistling, he has a choice:

  1. Open cards - yours and the passing partner and play yourself for two. In this case, the only unknown information will be two cards taken down by the player. The most frequently chosen option. Usually, the passer just makes moves at the direction of the defender, but he can also participate in the fight with advice. Often the partner passes not out of fear of not taking the required bribes, but out of a desire to put the player in jail. The meaning of the whist concession is that if the player, thanks to the concession, remains "without", then for the partner who has lost his whist it is more profitable than taking, say, his three bribes and letting the player out.
  2. Continue playing face-to-face, as if both were whistled. At the same time, he is responsible for taking all necessary bribes for both. This is often done when there is a danger that the defender's trump card will be knocked out by a player's non-taking card from a different suit or in unusual hands, in order to force the player to make a mistake (or create the impression that the deal is unusual).
  3. Play alone, placing the passing card. In this case, the whistler is responsible only for the bribes of one player.
  4. Pass in a six or seven game. In this case, it is considered that the player who played the ordered game, and the whistler took the bribes relying on one. It is considered that after the pass of the first player on the left, the pass of the second means exactly "WIST, PAS"

After a pass by the whist in six or seven games (the decision to whist to one), the player who initially refused whist gets the opportunity to choose from the first three (two) options. If he refuses it, or when deciding to whistle to one, and, also, in all other games, the fourth player who has dealt gets such an opportunity. At the same time, he has the right to take the cards of any of those who refused to whistle.

The risk on whist, especially on six and seven, there is a small risk, since to remain on whist without one, instead of 4 to take 3, there is almost no loss.


Standing apart, among other types of games, is minuscule. The player undertakes not to take more than one bribe. The chances of a minuscule are much higher than the chances of a ninefold game, but they are not played more often, because you need to assess the probability of a successful minuscule before getting the buy-in. On the other hand, a good buy often makes nine where the player initially had only a dubious prospect of playing six. And on the third hand, playing minuscule is also good because otherwise, in this situation, one of the partners would have played a major game.


If none of the players dares to offer a game, respasse are assigned. Depending on the enrollment system, the goal is to either take as few bribes as possible or take fewer bribes than others. This is not the same thing, because you can take one bribe, but lose the pass if someone did not take one, but you can take three and share the victory. The form of participation of cards from the purchase also depends on the registration system.

Order of moves. Bribe

Regardless of the winner of the bargaining for the buy-in, the first move is made by the one with whom the surrender began: the player to the left of the dealer, or the dummy. If the one who ordered the game goes, then the whistlers open the cards only after he has put the card. All subsequent moves are made by the one who took the previous trick. In case of rallies, if the buy-in is involved in the game, the first two moves are made from the buy-in, the player on the first hand moves next. At the same time, in a three-player game, the card from the buy-in only shows the suit of the bribe, but is not taken into account when determining the highest card. In a two-player game, neither the buy-in nor the dummy cards are revealed.

Recording order

To record the game, a piece of paper is used, which is divided into parts according to the number of players, and is called a "bullet". The bullet can be lined with three or four players. The upper part is called "mountain", all penalty points are written here. The results of the distribution are also recorded here for some recording systems. The middle part is called a bullet or bullet. In this part, all the player's achievements are recorded, while a specific number is determined before the game, which means a certain limit or limit of the main phase of the game. For example, this is the number 500. Now they either write off from five hundred to zero, or add up to five hundred. The lower part is whists. Depending on the number of players, the whist line is divided into two or three parts, in each of which whists are written for the players who sit respectively to the left, opposite and right of the given player (with four players) or left and right (with three players). The sender with four players writes down whists for a hooking.

End of the game and settlement

The game is considered over if the bullets of all players are covered or the assigned total number of points has been scored or the designated game time has expired. As a result, each player has a certain number of points in the pool and in the mountain.

First, the player who has the maximum number of points in the pool is determined. The bullets of all other players are subtracted from this number, after which the differences are added to the records in the mountain. Further calculation is carried out in two ways.

  1. At the beginning, the player who has the least number of points in the mountain is determined. This number is subtracted from the mountains of all other players. The result, which is obtained, is multiplied by each player by 10 and divided by the number of players. The resulting number is the player's loss from the mountain in whists to each other and is written by them into the whist string. The sum of whists received during the game and the sum of whists from the mountain gives the number of whists of the given player. The whists of partners mutually cancel each other, the one who has more whists writes the difference with the "+" sign, and the one who has less with the "-" sign. The sum of the differences of whists of each of the players is his win or loss, depending on the sign of this sum. Multiplying this number by the cost of whists, we get a win or loss in monetary terms.
  2. The difference between this method and the first method begins after the bullets are covered and the smallest mountain is subtracted from all. Then the mountains are added up and the amount is divided by the number of players. Each player subtracts the mountain remaining after the reduction from the resulting average. The result of the subtraction with a "+" or "-" sign is multiplied by 10. In the end, we get the result of the net gain from the mountain. After calculating the whists of all players, a whist record from the mountain is added to the sum of the whists of the player with "+" or with "-".

In the previous chapters, we got acquainted with the rules of the game. It is already known what parts it consists of, how the recording is made and the results of its individual participants are evaluated.

Now we have the right to pose the question, what should a player be able to do in order to be considered, if not strong (which, of course, is given only in combination with some practice), then at least a competent preference player who is able to take part with dignity in any company of fans of the ancient game?

The answer to this question is pretty simple. He must be able to:

  • turn on in time and skillfully conduct trade, or refuse it altogether;
  • to do the demolition correctly;
  • correctly assign the game;
  • whistle competently;
  • play out various handouts almost flawlessly;
  • competently conduct the rally in the dark;
  • correctly declare and play Mizer both for the player and for the whistler;
  • play the Pass.

During the existence of the game, a certain experience has been accumulated and there are general recommendations on how to behave in certain situations listed above. We will now outline them and illustrate them with examples.

You just need to remember that all recommendations are the most general character, based, as it were, on the average (most common) layout. Therefore, in some exceptional cases, these recommendations may not be entirely correct, and sometimes simply erroneous.

Another, more scientific, probabilistic approach based on the concept of the value of the game introduced above will be presented a little later.

4.1 Which card to start trading with

Before starting a bet, a player, based on the alignment of his hand, must first of all decide in principle what is most profitable for him: try to bargain for the game, play a pass or whistle on someone else's game.

You should start trading when there are already correct 6 bribes on your hand, or you can see the opportunity to buy at least up to this amount. However, you should not expect to buy more than one bribe. Compared to a small win on a six, the risk of being left out of two is too great.

With six bribes on hand, you can bargain up to seven. At seven - up to eight. Continuing to trade until nine with eight tricks in hand is already very risky. It should be understood that if the opponent has been bargaining for so long, then he also has a strong card on his hand, which increases the likelihood of getting into an unfavorable deal.

Any participant in the trade in order to avoid excessive risk must be able to stop in time and say "pass".

Of great importance in determining the possibility of starting a trade is the presence of so-called implicit bribes, depending on the layout of the remaining cards of this suit. For instance: Txxxxx- 5 or 6 bribes; TKxxx- 4 or 5; TKxx- from 2 to 4 (usually three are counted); TDx, TV10, TD- 1 or 2; KVx, Kkhx, Kx, DVx- may turn out to be a bribe.

In addition, the number of bribes in the trump suit can often be increased due to the fact that it is possible to break the opponent's trump card with the help of another suit, on which the whistler will have to put the trump card. For this, the player's given suit must be longer.

For instance:

Playing Whistling
P TDxx Kx
Tr TKx xx

Peak's Trump. The player makes three moves to Trefu. From Ace, King and small. The whistler is obliged to kill the small trump card and thereby lose the bribe to the trump King. In a practical (open) game, in a similar situation, it is always advisable for a player (in order to avoid using the naked king to score) first to leave the trump Ace and only then to knock out the remaining trump with a club.

There is a rule that when trading two implicit (folding) bribes can be considered as one correct. Moreover, with a successful buy-in in the suit of an implicit bribe (draw-in suit), their number can increase significantly.

But is it necessary to start trading at all?

Let's say that there are five tricks on the hand of the faithful and there are certain chances to buy the sixth. While on the first hand, you must immediately say “spades”. However, if you are on the 2nd, 3rd hand and someone has already opened a trade, and your card is also a good whist, then you should not hesitate to pass. In this case, there is a certain hope to leave the player “without”, which is much more profitable. And if the remise does not take place, then you will record a full whist without putting yourself at risk.

With a larger game on hand, you should continue trading to your suit.

Here are some examples:

1. TKDxx, Txx, Kx, -. On such a card, on any hand, it is advisable to start trading and continue it on the 2nd, 3rd hand to "7 spades", and on the first hand to "BC".

2. TD10, KDx, -, TKkhx. Formally, there are only five tricks on the hand (counting three tricks in hearts). But, given the specific situation, you can continue trading up to "7 hearts". There is something to break a possible trump whist in hearts (third club) and a big hope for two tricks in spades. There will also be a buy-in.

3. TK, KV9, x, TKxx. There are almost 6 tricks on the hand. But if the trade is already open, then it is advisable to answer "pass".

4. -, 10 8, TKxxxx, 98. The first and second hands folded. On the third hand, you can play 6 tambourines quite calmly, but it is much more profitable to announce the Passing (artificial). The probability of getting more than one bribe in such a game is very small. Most likely there will be no bribes at all.

In conclusion of the section, we note that the ability to switch on in time and conduct trade competently is, to a certain extent, a creative process that requires taking into account many subtle nuances. Along with the ability to play correctly in the dark, trading technique is the most difficult element of preference to master. Among other things, this requires some practice.

4.2 Determination of drift

Unlike the previous section, this section is much easier to digest. There are certain rules developed and tested by practice.

The following examples give the concept of correct drift:

1. Тхх, Тхххх, КВ, ТК. It is necessary to demolish two tambourines (the probability that there is a bribe here is rather small: after all, for this you need to have blanks on the whistlers' hands either Ace or a Lady of this suit) and leave three spades in the hope of knocking out a trump card with them.

2. xx, tkd, txxxx, xx. In order to avoid a surprise (the case when the whistlers' trump cards play independently, see page 62), it is advisable to demolish one spades and one heart, and not two spades or two hearts. Of course, a surprise can happen with the demolition we indicated, but the likelihood of such an event is much less. A special situation arises if the demolition was preceded by trade. Let's say one of your partners has bargained to 6 Worms. There is no doubt that this hand has 4, 5 or even 6 hearts. In addition, it is necessary to order already "7 tambourines". The problem is that the surprise can take place regardless of the number of hearts you have left. Still, it is preferable to send two peaks for demolition. If there are three tambourines in one hand, this is the only chance to win the game (the heart can break the trump whist).

3. xx, TKD, TKDxx, xx. Here, the surprise is practically not scary. Therefore, in case of someone else's move, it is necessary to send two spades or two hearts to the demolition strictly secretly. This is directed against the rare option where the club can be killed after passing the move to the right hand. With the recommended demolition, the color of the transfer will have to be guessed.

4. DV10, TKDVkhkh, KVkh (DV9). In case of someone else's move, it is interesting to demolish the two senior spades, since such a bribe is almost always killed. And the chance to take a bribe for hearts remains. The traded game "7 clubs" was effectively played with DV9 in the hearts. The player took down two spades and put a trump card in this suit on the second move. According to the scenario, there was a bribe in the hearts. Reconsidered reception in the same company may not work! Next time, demolish the Lady and the Jack of Hearts!

Alternate tactics. Be sly!

5. TDxxxx, TD, KV, Kx. On the third hand, it makes sense to demolish two diamonds in the hope of a move to the heart. But on the 1st, 2nd hand only worms should be demolished. The king and the jack quite often cannot be cut through.

... two tambourines.

True, this does not matter for the further game in the situation under consideration. In any case, the whistlers have only three bribes. But the demolition is done when the alignment is still unknown. Therefore, it is necessary in such situations to demolish one tambourine and one worm.

Thus, when making a demolition, the player needs to:

  • leave a longer suit on your hand for the opportunity to knock out a trump whist;
  • try to avoid surprise;
  • avoid the obvious transfer of the move to the right hand of the whistlers;
  • leave on the hand that of the implicit tricks, the probability of playing which is higher;
  • "Cheat" and maneuver.

4.3 Purpose of the game

It is important for the player to know how much to play and what suit, if there is an alternative, to appoint a trump card. By assigning a game, the player can either limit himself to what was announced during the trade, or increase the game. In the second case, you should assess how appropriate it is.

To assess, you should assume the worst alignment for yourself and, accordingly, assign a game to it. Of course, we are unlikely to count on small games, for example, TKDx less than four bribes. But the game should always be assigned taking into account the announcements of the previous trade. If, for example, one of the participants in the trade has reached a certain suit, and the player has 4 cards in this suit, then it is very likely that the remaining 4 cards are in one hand.

Increasing the game from the correct gear to the dubious seven is unprofitable. The additional gain is small, while the loss is quite substantial. In addition, by playing 6, you can plant whistlers and thus without the risk of getting additional profit.

You can assign a game without trump cards during your move if you manage to immediately take away the announced number of tricks, or there are delays (interceptions) that allow you to play long (long) suits. With someone else's move, for the same purposes, the delays should be double.

Sometimes it is possible to play "6 BC" with someone else's move and the absence of any suit, but there are non-take cards for demolition. It is advisable to order a game without trump cards and in order to avoid a larger loss.

As for the suit, which, if there is an alternative, must be appointed as a trump card, here, mainly, a longer suit is assigned. With the same length of suits, preference, as a rule, is given to the one that is played longer. Here are some examples:

1. TKDV, KDkhkh, KD, -. You only need to order "Simple Club". Playing "7 clubs" is very risky. Three trump cards on one hand of any of the whistlers are enough and a heald is practically provided. But if the clubs lay in half (two on each hand), the whistlers will be left without two.

2. -, ТК, КВх, ТКххх. Any hand can be assigned "7 hearts". Even if there is a trump card in the presence, then KVx with a high degree of probability will either provide a bribe themselves or break it.

3. T, TKDhh, T, TD10. You need to know that during your move you can order "9 clubs" or "9 BK". (See the section Playing in the light).

4. ТКДВхх, КВ10, Т, -. On the 1st, 3rd hand "8 spades". On the second hand, the system of clubs can be killed, therefore “7 spades”.

5. TKDkhkh, KV10, TK, -. Now, not only on the second, but also on the third hand, it is necessary to assign “7 spades”. If one of the whistlers has 3 trump cards, the system may not be played in time. The first hand still has 8 spades.

6. КДВхх, Тх, Тх, ДВ10. On the first hand, the player is traded to "6 hearts". It is risky to play “7 spades”, because having taken the move on the trump Ace, the whistlers have a great chance to “shoot” the small system in the hearts. Therefore, after the demolition of two small ones, we assign "6 BC" with a full guarantee of performance.

7. Txx, TKDx, Txx, xx. On the 2nd, 3rd hand, the player made a commitment to appoint at least "6 hearts". It is necessary to demolish two hearts and assign "6 BC". If even in one hand of the whistler there are 5 hearts and the player is left without one, this is better than being left without one, having assigned "7 clubs".

8. KDV, KDV, TKkh, TKkh. The card is very powerful and it is not difficult to win "8 BC" on the first hand. According to our calculations, “7 BK” should be assigned to the 2nd, 3rd hand, although such an order contains an element of small risk. We will send a small tambourine and a small worm to the demolition.

Regarding this alignment, Pokrovsky in his brochure "Preference in problems and theoretical explanations", published even before the revolution and recently reprinted by "TOZA" / 1990 / (without reference to the author and with all its errors), writes: "In this case, only 7, - 7 spades, 7 clubs or 7 “no trump cards”.

One cannot agree with such a judgment. If it comes about the specific scenario given in the example, then "8 spades", and "8 clubs", and "8 BK" are won here. Here is the evidence:

Trump of the peak. The first hand makes a move from the king of tambourines. The second hand puts down an eight, the third takes it with an Ace and makes a move from the Jack of Diamonds (any other move does not make sense). The first hand accepts the queen, the second folds the nine. The first hand now moves from the King of Hearts. The third hand accepts with the Ace and makes the third move to the tambourine. Since neither the first nor the second hand has a tambourine, they are both obliged to put trump cards and this trick, like all the others, will go to the first hand. And there will be eight in total.

Having assigned "8 BK", the first hand makes three moves in a row in a dive. The second hand clears three spades, and the third hand clears two and ... persisting, clears the seven of clubs. Then two moves to clubs follow from the first hand. The third hand destroys one club and is forced to fold either a tambourine or a heart. The first hand makes the next move in the suit from which the discard has just occurred. What follows is self-explanatory.

If you ask the question of what appointment should be made, having the given alignment of the first hand, then here too the author's opinion needs a significant correction.

The fact is that it is impossible to appoint a seven-fold game in the presence of trump cards. In the case of five trump cards in one hand, the player will only take six tricks.

We have already shown above how, when playing in the open, using the method of forcing (primus), in any (!) Scenario, eight bribes. Of course, when playing blindly, due to the lack of the necessary information about the alignment of the whistlers, a shortage of one bribe is possible. But playing blindly in such a situation belongs to the categories of unlikely, of course, if the whistlers did not receive in advance, in any way, additional information about the player's alignment. So, it is necessary to appoint "8 BC".

The example answers the question which of two suits of equal length should be designated as the trump suit. Having assigned clubs, the first hand has the opportunity to take only 5 tricks (it does not have time to play hearts). At the same time, there are guaranteed 7 bribes in hearts.

There is one more problem to be discussed when assigning a game. This is a supply or deliberate understatement of the game. For example, a player on a clear eight has assigned six.

First of all, it should be noted that the Supply is absolutely legal. Another thing is that it is clearly not commercially viable. But there are nuances here. For less experienced players, the Supply is often depressing. They get lost and begin to fold, and therefore lose whists, even on a good card.

Therefore, the Supply is not so harmless. Experienced players in the company of beginners know how to use it often with great effect and benefit for themselves. They, in football terms, play at a "ragged pace", ordering a lot, then a little. But in a respectable company, this style of play can only bring a smile.

4.4 Whistling game

The main task of any whistler is to record as many whists as possible on their opponents. And since during the game the whistlers have to be much more often than the players, a competent game in this role can give a significant gain. However, this does not mean at all that it is necessary to pronounce "whist" as often as possible. Since there are always two whistlers, the main issues here are of mutual understanding and cooperation between them. As you know, the whistlers can get the greatest payoff only if they manage to leave the player “without”. Therefore, they, acting together, should do just that, and not try to each take as many bribes as possible.

In order to have a chance to realize such an opportunity, it is necessary to play the game correctly, and for this it is often necessary to play in the light. Thus, one of the whistlers, in order to open the game, even in the presence of good whists, must pass and, therefore, risk losing their bribes if the remise does not take place. However, it is precisely this strategy with a sufficiently large number of games, which is characteristic of preference, which gives best results... Of course, when both whistlers, based on the alignment of suits and trade, it is absolutely clear how to play in the dark, it is clearly not necessary to pass with the possibility of losing whists.

Special attention should be paid to the case when difficulties with the first move are visible on the first hand in the presence of good whists. You cannot pass in this position in a big game. The partner can assume that the first defender folds because of a bad card and also fold, but it is impossible to return the game. As a result, the whistlers released the player and ... consoled themselves with mutual reproaches. But in simple or sevenfold games, passing in this position is not only completely safe, but, to some extent, even profitable. There is a high probability that the second whist will announce "one whist" and then the defender with a good whist will return the game and, in any event, will take all the whists.

One more note. If one of the whistlers has a weak card, but he reasonably assumes that his partner has it very strong, he still should not whistle in order to give a strong partner the right to choose a way of playing (dark, light). Only with a strong card can you make the right choice.

Whistlers need to remember that the announcement of "whist" is associated with a certain risk, and in the event of a shortage of bribes, they will be punished. In addition, in most cases, the whistler cannot determine in advance how many bribes he will have. But this does not mean at all that you should not take risks at all. Not at all. The risk here is more than pays off with the remission of the player.

Whoever does not take risks does not eat chocolate and does not drink champagne.

It should also be noted that a trump game, from the point of view of the whistlers, as a rule, must be carried out in the open. Therefore, it is clearly not necessary to whistle here together under any circumstances.

Thus, the answer to the question of the need to whistle or pass can be reduced to a creative analysis of the following factors:

  • the presence of whists;
  • the presence or absence of the first move;
  • the need to open the game;
  • the presence of a renaissance in a non-trump suit;
  • the presence or absence of trade.

Let's look at some examples.

1. Vxxx, Dx, DV, Dx. If the trump cards are clubs, diamonds or hearts, then there are no bribes on the hand. You must pass anyway. If the trump card is the peak, then you can either whistle or pass, but a bright game is desirable.

2. Dxx, Tx, KVx, KD. There are a lot of whists on the hand. Theoretically, you can take one trick in spades and clubs, one or two in hearts and two in tambourines. We must strive to open the game.

3. КД10х, Тхх, Кхх, -. The first hand assigned "6 hearts". The given alignment fell on 2 hands. There are many whists, but there is no trump suit. Therefore, whistling is dangerous. It may turn out that on the 3rd hand there are very strong trump cards and the game, due to the appropriate alignment, must be played in the dark. If you say "whist", then in this case the 3rd hand will be placed in a hopeless position. Say "pass" - the 2nd hand will open the game, say "whist" - the game will be played blindly, but with two whistlers, and not after being invited blindly. Which is not the same thing at all.

According to the laws of legal transmission of information in preference, an invitation to play blindly, as a rule, imposes a ban on the invitee from entering a long suit and its demolition. Invited to the dark - take care of the long suit.

If, after a pass on 2 hand, the third one invites you to play in the dark, then everything becomes clear. If he leaves “for two”, then it is clear that there is no strong trump whist, and the second hand opens the game.

Let us now consider the actions of the whistlers from our example, if the first hand assigned "6 spades".

It is quite clear that the second long suit of the player is the heart. It should not be allowed that only focks of this suit fall into the trump card, therefore "whist". And for any answer from the third hand, play in the dark.

4. xx, TKx, Dxx, Kx. The layout of 1 hand is presented. On the 3rd hand, "6 of spades" is assigned. There are many whists and there is the first move from Ace of clubs. It is correct to say "whist".

5. Dxx, Bxx, Dxx, x. The third hand traded to 6 hearts, but lost to the second. The 7th peak is assigned. What are the reasoning and actions of the first hand?

I have a trump whist and, almost certainly, the second whist in clubs or tambourines, because my partner has a heart. If you say "pass", then the third hand will open the game and take all the whists for itself, the card is not strong and the remise is not guaranteed. If we say "whist", then the partner on both strong and weak cards is obliged to pass, in the first case due to the absence of a trump whist, in the second due to the absence of whists. It is possible, of course, the option when he says "whist", but this will mean that he sees some kind of nuance in which it is impossible to play the windy one. This means that if I say "pass", in this case he will still invite me to play blindly. Then it will begin interesting game, in which I will need to guess the correct first move: from clubs or diamonds. Therefore, boldly "whist"!

4.5 Draw in the open

When playing the game, two camps enter into confrontation, setting themselves diametrically opposite tasks. Playing on one side and whistlers on the other.

Light skating is the initial and most important element of preference technique, roughly the same as figure skating school. It is necessary to firmly learn and be able to apply in practice all the known tactical and technical methods of the game.

Immediately, we note that the rally in the light for the player and the whistlers has one fundamental difference. If the whistlers, for one reason or another, not guessing the demolition, can still, by virtue of this, make a mistake, then the player, knowing the location of all 32 cards of the deck, must play here absolutely exactly.

To master the technique of playing in the open means not to rush when choosing a specific decision, and after making it, play the game reasonably, taking into account all the features of the alignment. Let's move on to considering the individual elements of the technique of playing in the light.

4.5.1 Suit Play

Before starting to consider examples for drawing suits, let's give the following definition:

A delay in this suit is the possibility of receiving a bribe and a move when it is played.

The delay can be single, double and triple. For instance:


The player is on the first hand. On the second hand, there are two delays in spades and one each in clubs and diamonds. The third hand has no delays.

Obviously, in order to play any suit, it is necessary to eliminate all the delays in it. With a sufficient number of trump cards on the player's hand, this problem can be easily solved.


The first hand is assigned “6 tambourines”.

In order to fulfill the contract, you need to get one bribe in your hearts. That's quite possible. The player makes the first three moves using the tambourines (selects the trump cards), and then makes a move to the heart from the seven (or king). The third hand accepts a seven for a fossa and responds with a lance. The player beats his trump card and moves with the king of hearts. The whistlers put Ace and Queen and repeat the move in spades. The player hits the spade with the last trump card and takes another trick for the Jack of Hearts. There are six bribes in total.

It would be a gross mistake to immediately play the worm without taking the trump cards. After the move from seven, the third hand would take the bribe and repeat the move to the heart. The second hand would have put an Ace on this second move and called back to the heart. The third heart would have been killed by a trump card from the third hand.


The first hand is assigned "6 hearts".

On his turn, the player has six tricks. He trumps twice and then manages to play the tambourine three times. During the course of any of the whistlers, going out to a spades or clubs reduces the number of the player's trump cards and does not allow him to have time to play the tambourine. With someone else's move, only 5 tricks.


The first hand is assigned "6 clubs".

The player was lucky: the trump suit on the whistlers' hand was decomposed equally (trump cards in half). This gives him the opportunity to trump twice and then play the spades. But the trump card in the appointment of the game was chosen incorrectly. Let's imagine that on one of the whistlers' hands there would be three trump cards. Then the player would take only four tricks. In such a situation, it is necessary to assign only a simple lance. In this case, the player is not interested in the layout of the club suit at all (except for the 4: 0 layout). And with three trump cards on one hand, he either wins the game, or (case TDx) remains “without one”.


The first hand had the impression that it could take a lot of bribes. However, after the opening of the game, it turned out that they would have to limit themselves to just one trick in clubs. An example that the whistler's card is often very deceiving.

In all the above examples (2, 3, 4, 5), the strategy of the parties is reduced to a simple scheme. The player selects the trump cards and then tries to play another suit to get the missing bribes. The whistlers prevent this by making a move to the suit, which the player is obliged to trump (move to the trump). Depending on the circumstances, the game ends with the fulfillment (overfulfillment) of the contract, or the player's locksmith.

Let's go back to Example 1 of this section.

If here the player tries to use the technique described above, then this will lead to a disastrous result for him, for example:

Having assigned "6 clubs", the player trumps from Ace and King, and then moves two times in spades (from Ace and small). In response, the second hand, having accepted the second spades on Jack, itself trumps clubs from the Queen. This is followed by a move from the Queen of Hearts, and the third hand puts a small heart. The player beats the worm with his last trump card and ... at this moment it turns out that he has no more tricks, and only four have been taken.

The main mistake of the player was that he trumped twice instead of one and allowed the whistlers to make a move from the trump Lady (take the trump card). The easiest way was to immediately make moves in spades or even a tambourine. In this case, the player received bribes for four trump cards, Ace of spades and a tambourine margin, but only six.

If you designate a spade as a trump card, then you need to go to clubs with Ace and a small one. Now whistlers have to be careful to take their four bribes.

When a player does not have enough trump cards to play a suit, he has to resort to special techniques that can help in trouble.

6. "carry game"

In order for the player to have difficulties with playing clubs, it is necessary to go to the heart. The third hand trumps and goes with the king of clubs. The defender accepts with an ace and again - into the heart. The player beats the worm with a trump card and trumps two times from the Ace and the King. The next move he makes from the Queen of clubs. The first hand beats the last trump card and makes a move to the last heart. The player discards the small tambourine and takes all other tricks. The game is played.

7. "Passing the move to the right hand"

The third hand is assigned “7 spades”.

The first turn of the whistlers in the worm. The player's plan is to pass the move to the first hand at the moment when there are no hearts left. He makes a move from the King of Clubs. The whistlers take on Ace and repeat the move to the heart. The decisive moment has come. The player beats the worm with a trump card and, without trumping (!), Makes two moves to the club. On the second move, the whistlers put a trump card, but the trump card of the first hand is older and the move gets there. You have to go to the tambourine and knock out the second trump card from the second hand. The player also "suffers", because he has to give the king of the tambourine, but all the other tricks are his and the game is played.

8. "Suit Parade"

After the betting on the third hand, “7 spades” is assigned.

Trying to knock out the trump cards, the whistlers go only to the worm. In response, the player goes only to clubs. The game is played.

9. "Mitigation"

The third hand is assigned “7 of clubs”.

It might seem that the bizarre drift from this example doesn't make much sense. After all, the very heart that will go to the selection of "softening" (the left red fossa), with the inevitable ending without trump cards, could be thrown off the diamonds fossa left with the Ace in the same way as in example 6 (play for “carry”). However, this is far from the case here.

The whistlers walk on the hearts twice, while putting the Ace and the King from the second hand, and two small ones from the first. The player beats the second worm with a trump card and trumps the King. The king beats with an Ace, and the whistlers make the third move to the heart. The player beats the worm again, trumps from the last trump and walks twice in spades. The second hand kills the second spade, after which the further game goes without trump cards. However, there are no more hearts on the second hand and the player takes all the remaining tricks, fulfilling the contract.

A completely different result would have been with the demolition of a small heart and a small tambourine. At the moment of the beginning of the trump game, one more heart remained on the second hand, and on the first - as many as two. Thus, the whistlers got the opportunity to take two more bribes of hearts and put the player in jail.

Such a demolition of the player, especially when it turns out, as in our example, very effective, makes a great impression and is considered a sign of a high-class game.

10. "Knocking out the trump cards"

This technique is illustrated by three examples.

The player manages to win the assigned game because after three moves to the club, the trump whist is broken. It should be noted that with the card of the first hand it is necessary to assign "8 spades". The fact is that a whistler who has a trump whist is obliged to invite a partner to play in the dark at a nine-game. In this case, the player loses the game not only when the second hand has three clubs in addition to the trump whist, but also the clubs of the blank. In the second case, the King of Clubs will be killed and the whistlers will take two bribes. The only excuse for the player who called "9 spades" is the fact that he interrupted Mizer announced with the third hand.

The player's task is to knock out one trump card from each of the whistlers' hands, and thereby secure himself four trump cards. This is achieved only on the first move to clubs with small or Ace and small. Having accepted the second club, the whistlers, trying to get a bribe in trump cards, make a move to this suit. The first hand intercepts with the trump Ace and makes the third move to the club. The second hand trumps the club and gets the right to move. In order to leave the player without one whistler, you need to pass the move to the third hand and open the door. However, this, both now and in the future, fails. This is due to the fact that the Ace of Diamonds is on the second hand. Having received the move, the player will go first from the King of the tambourine, then from the small one, knock out the trump card from the third hand and wins the game.

During the betting, the first hand, fearing a bad pass, announced a “spades”. The second answered "clubs" and won the trade.

Having received two hearts from the buy-in and sent them to demolition, the player was forced to appoint “7 spades”.

The player has the opportunity to fulfill the contract, but on the way to this he needs to overcome certain difficulties.

The whistlers, of course, make the first move in a trump card. The player puts the Ace of spades, the third hand is small and the trump King becomes senior. In this situation, the player's task is to prevent the whistlers from revealing that in this moment possible both from the third and from the first hand. To this end, he makes three moves in a row with clubs and knocks out a small trump card from the first hand. It becomes obvious that now the move cannot get to the third hand and the player takes 7 tricks.

Quite often, the problem of playing the trump suit arises. Consider the following example:


-, KV1087, TKDV, T. With your move, you can safely assign "8 clubs" and go with the trump King or Jack. When the opponent moves, you need to assign only "7 clubs".

An attempt to play eight with three trump cards on one of the whistlers' hands can be refuted, but only if there are at least three spades in the same place.

They say there was such a case ...

Once, during the game, the player who bought the first hand developed the following alignment: TKDV10987, 10987, -, -.

Having sent nine and ten clubs into demolition "for force", he appointed "8 clubs! ??", thinking, of course, that he was assigning "8 spades". On the second hand they answered "whist", on the third - "pass". “I invite you lightly. Make a move, ”said the whistler.

The player put on the Ace of spades table, thinking that he was trumping. In response, not yet opening his cards, the invitee put a club on Ace Jack and remarked with malice: “At least one is ours!”. The player looked at him in surprise and ... understood everything. However, ... the matter did not come to a scandal. The clubs on the whistlers' hands lay in half, and the trump seven and eight ensured the win of the eight game.

An amazing and horrible story with a happy ending. The fable requires a legal basis. We know that at the request of a player who has incorrectly assigned a suit, the game can be canceled if he had no more than two cards of that suit in his hand. But, the player had four clubs and therefore, in the case of any other alignment, he could be left without bribes at all and without the right to appeal to the rules. It is easy to calculate that his loss would have amounted to 564 whists.

4.5.2 Whistlers' countermeasures

We have just looked at a number of techniques that a player can use in a difficult situation.

Now let's consider the main arsenal of whistlers' counter-techniques aimed at achieving their main goal: to take away as many bribes from the player as possible.


A hammering is a combination by which the whistlers receive additional bribes, using their non-playing trump cards against those who take cards of the non-trump suit of the player. Examples of clogging are quite varied:


The second hand is assigned “7 of clubs”.

Simple hammering. It is carried out after two moves in spade with Ace and small. In total, the whistlers have three bribes. If the Ace of Hearts were on the first hand, then by transferring the move in this suit to the first hand, it would be possible to kill the spades again. (Double hammering with transmission).


The second hand is assigned "7 tambourines".

The first hammering is carried out after two moves to the clubs, the second - in the same way in the spade (this is already a "mill"). One could have killed one more club, but there are no more trump cards on the third hand. The player was left "without one" for which he should blame not only himself, but also a rare alignment. However, if during the trade the buy-in was already given to the "club", then it was necessary to assign only "6 tambourines".


The second hand is assigned "8 hearts".

Complex scoring is carried out as a result of a sequence of tactical operations: exposing the suit, intercepting the move with the trump Ace, transferring the move to the right hand and actually scoring. The first move to the spade. Playing "without one." For him, of course, this is an "accident": after all, the appointment, in principle, was correct.


Stripping a suit, passing a move, scoring. The first move is from Ace of clubs, then to hearts and again to clubs. The appointment is correct. They dispersed peacefully.


Simple clubs are assigned to the second hand.

At the beginning, cutting and picking the peak, then transferring the move in hearts to the first hand and again the move to the peak. There will also be a bribe for the king of tambourines, but only five. Alas, you can't appoint less than six.


The second hand is assigned "8 tambourines".

First move with a small peak! Straightforward - a move from Ace and a small one does not lead to the goal: after accepting the move to the trump Ace, there is no transfer to someone else's hand for the pocketed one. Now, after accepting the move, there will be a move from a small spade to Ace and a third move to a spade. There will be three bribes in total. The move is called "preparing to score" or "short move." As for the purpose, even on the first hand it is advisable to say only "7 of tambourines". Explicit reordering.


The second hand is assigned "9 hearts".

Stripping a suit, intercepting a move, scoring. Only eight in any suit need to be nominated. On the first hand - "9 tambourines".


The second hand is assigned “7 spades”.

First move from clubs. If you put Ace, then after intercepting the move in the trump cards, there are two more moves in the club. Therefore, the player puts the Queen or Jack. However, this does not help here either. They took it by the King and again in the club. After taking with the first hand to Ace, there is a transfer through the King of Hearts to the third hand, followed by scoring of clubs. The whistlers have everything "as it should".


Simple tambourines assigned.

After hammering in hearts, you need to go with the remaining trump card and take bribes to Ace and Queen, otherwise the Queen will be knocked out with a small lance.


The second hand is assigned "6 hearts".

After the selection of trump cards in spades, the player will have two tricks (Jack plays). Therefore, the whistlers need to hurry. The first move to a spades, then a reception for the trump Ace, the selection of the second spades, transferring the move to the third hand in clubs and, finally, hammering the third spades. My own game.

Consider a case where a player can prevent a goal. The following example echoes Example 8.


After the first move from the clubs, you must put a Queen or Jack. The second move to the club is no longer dangerous. The player accepts the high card and trumps. The first hand beats with an Ace and ... is unable to transfer the move to the third hand to score. If you put Ace on the first move on clubs, then the player loses the game. In this situation, a move transfer is not required to score clubs.


A surkup is a combination as a result of which the trump cards of at least one of the whistlers win in strength and ensure the receipt of at least one extra bribe. Here are some examples.


After the third move to the club (from Ace, King and small), the player must put a large trump (Ace or King), otherwise the Jack will take the bribe from the third hand. But now the Queen and the small trump on the first hand are becoming a bribe. Thus, the whistlers managed to take the four bribes they needed with the help of a surprise. It should be noted that this happened only due to the erroneous demolition of the player. It was necessary to demolish one peak and one club instead of two peaks (see demolition recommendations on page 40).

Of course, even in this case, when the clubs are dealt with the whistlers 5: 1, a surprise is obtained already on the second move to this suit. However, the likelihood of such a situation is much less.


Simple spades are assigned to the second hand.

After the first move to the club, it is possible to cut through the King with the Jack and thereby provide a surprise on the third move. This example is similar to the previous one, but the player can no longer be blamed for the demolition. A cut of the King and Jack followed by a surprise on a blank trump is no more likely than a 5: 1 alignment in clubs in the hands of the whistlers.


The player has a strong card, but weak trump cards. With the help of a surprise, it is possible to achieve that the large trump cards in the hands of the whistlers play, as it were, separately. There are two spade moves. The player accepts the second trick and trumps. The first hand hits and goes to the dive again. The third hand receives a bribe for the trump Queen, and the Ace on the first hand is played separately. In total, three trump cards have played. Along the way, we note that if the trump cards on the whistlers' hands are reversed, then to ensure a surprise, the first move should only be in a small spade.


The player has a sixth trick in the hearts. Therefore, it is necessary to hurry. First, we select two clubs, then one heart (transfer to Ace), finally, the third move to clubs. Only five bribes. It is not hard to see that after the first spade move (gross error) the player would take the required six tricks.


The second hand is assigned “7 spades”.

In this interesting example, the whistlers first hammer the margin, and then organize a surprise. The first two moves to the heart, then the transfer to the third hand in diamonds and the third move to the heart. The player is left "without one."


There is no surprise here. After the moves to the worm, then with the small one to the club and again to the worm, the player puts the trump Ace and trumps. He has six bribes.

In conclusion, consider an example where a player who plays with correct moves prevents a surprise.


The player can only lose the game if there is a surprise in hearts. Therefore, on the move from the King of Hearts (on the second hand they dropped the small one), he also threw off the fossa. After the second move to the heart, the player took on Ace, moved the tambourine with Ace and made three moves to the club. Now, after receiving a move to the trump card, he gives a small one and secures himself a bribe for the trump King. If the whistlers went to the tambourine with the first move, then the player must answer (he received a bribe for Ace) with a small heart!


"Leading" is a combination, as a result of which the player does not have time to play his suits. Here are some examples:


A simple club is assigned to the second hand.

In the position of the alignment, it would be a gross mistake to score the spades. After that, the player will have six tricks. It is correct to first cut and play the tambourine, and then go to the trump card with any suit. Now the player does not have time to play the pike ("outstripping") and can take only four tricks.

When assigning "6 spades" there would be 5 bribes.

Assign a weaker suit as your trump card!


The second hand is assigned "7 tambourines".

And here the transfer of the move to the third hand in clubs and the double picking of spades, although it leaves the player “without one”, is a gross mistake. A simple trump card leaves him with only four tricks. It is not clear why seven have been appointed. If for hammering, then there is a double fixed gear. They will score a second time! Therefore, either six or eight in any suit.


The third hand is assigned “6 spades”. The first hand didn’t bargain, trying to assign an “artificial” Passing.

After two ordinary moves (the whistlers play the trump card with their hearts, the player tries to play clubs), the rally comes to the following position:

Second hand move.

Now you need to play “nicely” with the trump card Ace and the Queen. After that, the player has only two more tricks in tambourines. Continuation of moves through the hearts allows the player to take an extra bribe and escape from defeat.


The player took a chance (was not afraid of 4 trump cards) and won the game. But if you swap the cards of the first and second hand, he would take only four tricks! Scary, already horror!

Selection of "trump cards"

One of the most effective tactics of the player is "knocking out the trump whists" (see p. 55). In contrast to this, the whistlers use a counter-technique called “trump cards”.


The second hand is assigned "6 clubs".

It is urgent to take away the trump cards, otherwise the player will knock out the Queen after three moves to the tambourine. The first move from the trump card, Only three tricks.


Simple tambourines are assigned to the second hand.

The player threatens to break the trump whist on the third hand with the third spade, so the whistlers must immediately trump. The player beats with an ace and makes two spades. The second spade is taken by the third hand and saluted by the King. There will be three more bribes, but only five.


The second hand is assigned "6 hearts".

Whistlers can remain in the trump cards without both whists. Therefore, at least one must be saved. The first move is from the Trump King. The player beats with an Ace and moves twice to the club. The first hand hits the second club and trumps the Queen. Only five bribes. If we swap the places of the Trump Lady and the Jack, then save the trump whists (KVx) fails, and the player takes six tricks.

4.5.3 Coercion to play along

During the rally, especially in its final stage, situations often arise when it is unprofitable to own the right to move. Consider the following alignment:

The player on the first hand takes three more tricks, regardless of whose turn it is now.

This is because the player owns the waste in the clubs. After the first move in this suit (from any hand), he puts an Ace and repeats with an eight. The whistlers will have to play along with the Queen of Spades.

If now we swap the cards on the whistlers' hands, then the player will be able to take only two tricks. To do this, on the first move in clubs (the peak whist is now on the second hand), you need to put the King from the second hand, and the seven from the third. Thus, the reception (on the Queen of clubs) will be on the third hand and the spades will be cut. Of course, on the first move, the player can put an eight of clubs, but then he will receive a bribe on the second move on Ace and will have to give the Queen of spades to the King.

Let's give some definitions:

The player's withdrawal is called the transfer of the turn to the whistler from the non-taking card.

The defender's withdrawal is called the transfer of the move to the player without playing a bribe.

The ability to master a move is called a trick.

Receptions, as well as delays, are single, double and triple.

An example of a single take is discussed above. With a double take, the player in the process of playing the suit can pass the move to the whistlers twice, etc.

We will also distinguish between single moves, a move from which does not lead to playing a bribe in a given suit, for example: Dvx if the player has TKx.

The combination of techniques and waste at the hands of those participating in the game largely determines the possibility or absence of playing along.

A) Two single moves in one hand


We are trumping six times. After that, the second hand should have two second kings in clubs and diamonds. After moves from Ace and Queen of any of the remaining suits, a bribe in another suit is played along.


The first hand is assigned “8 spades”.

The game proceeds in the same way as in the previous example. Five moves to the trump card, and then three moves to clubs or two moves to a tambourine. There are nine bribes in total.

In the examples considered, both receptions of the whistlers do not contain Aces. If present, the result may change.

"Skip ..."


If the whistlers play accurately, they take three tricks.

The player trumps four times. The second hand destroys a trump card, a small tambourine and two hearts. The third hand carries anything but worms. The next move of the player from the King of Clubs. And here you have to ... skip, putting a small from Ace and Jack. Now the player has no good moves. He may trump one last time, but then the Jack of Clubs is demolished. The last trick left for the Ace of tambourine.


The first hand is assigned “7 spades”.

And here the whistlers avoid playing along, exposing the Ace of clubs during the course of the player playing from the last trump card and threatening to transfer the move to the third hand in the hearts.

If the player has a delay in the pass suit, the result will change again.


The first hand is assigned “7 spades”.

The player takes 8 tricks. The technique of exposing the Ace of clubs, discussed above, does not work here.

Let us now consider a number of cases when the role of a single move is played by a delay, a move in which does not come to play along with a bribe in this suit.


The first hand is assigned “9 spades”.

The order is executed by playing up a bribe in clubs. Here, after all, there are also two single moves on one hand, the player makes five trump moves, and then gives the King of Diamonds to Ace. After that, there are four tricks in clubs.


The first hand is assigned “7 spades”.

On the third hand, two single moves are concentrated. This allows the player to take an extra bribe. He plays four times with a trump and then with a small spades. The best thing for the whistlers is to repeat the move in spade. The player hits with an ace and trumps the last trump. After that, there are three King (Jack) of spades and two diamonds on the second hand. After the final move of the spade player, both tambourines will get to him.

If now we change the hands of the whistlers in places, then the playing will not take place. After the fifth move from a small peak, the whistlers take her as a Queen (now on the third hand) and cut the tambourine.

We have considered cases of playing with trump cards. However, playing along is possible in the absence of trump cards, if there are delays in all the suits of the player.


In counting on the play on the bright side, “8 BC” is assigned to the first hand.

After the first move from the Jack of clubs, the player takes 8 tricks. The second hand will have to play along with the spade.

B) Double and single techniques on one hand

In the case when the double reception does not contain an Ace, the whistlers play along with the bribe.


The first hand is assigned “6 spades”.

The player takes 7 tricks. The first four moves are trump cards. Next move from a dozen clubs. On previous moves, it was necessary to remove a small tambourine and three hearts from the second hand, so the sixth move can only be made from the last hearts. The player beats the worm with his last trump card and makes two moves to the club. There will be another bribe for the King of the tambourine.

If the double move contains an Ace, it all depends on the disposition of the player's renounce suit.

"Reception and waste"


The first hand is assigned “6 spades”.

The player cannot take the seventh trick. If he trumps four times, then two trumps, one heart and the fourth trump of clubs are brought from the second hand. All three hearts must be left on the third hand. If the player tries to play clubs, he will not have time to do it. The whistlers will take bribes for Ace and Queen of clubs and for two hearts lying on the third hand. If at the initial moment there were only two hearts on the third hand (the second trump card and two hearts, and on the second hand one trump card and four hearts), then the player would take an extra bribe.

In the same way, the player takes an extra trick if, instead of the renounce suit (see the previous example), he has an Ace of hearts and four trump cards instead of five.


The first hand is assigned “6 spades”. The player takes 7 tricks.

See for yourself.

C) Complicated cases

Above, we have considered examples in which the only task of the player was to force him to play along. Now let us complicate his task by the lack of trump cards or the presence of a trump card from opponents. In other words, the player has to solve additional problems along the way.


The second hand is assigned "6 tambourines".

Formally, the player has only four tricks. But whists and tricks have accumulated on the first hand. In addition, the Trump Lady can be knocked out with the second worm. This is enough to play your game.

The whistlers' moves to spades, clubs or hearts immediately give the player six tricks. Therefore, they trump twice. The player beats the Queen with the King and plays the worm twice. The third hand accepts and answers again to the worm. The player takes the trump card and still trumps. To avoid the worst, two spades and two clubs should be left on the first hand. After that, two moves of the club player provide him with a bribe in spades.

"Forced to open up"


Simple spades are assigned to the third hand.

The player threatens not only to take his bribes, but also to leave the whistlers “without”. Therefore, the most competent move is to the heart, threatening to score the Ace with the next move. The player must trump twice. My own game.

"Original ideas"


The first hand is assigned “6 spades”.

The player moves with the trump Ace, Ace of tambourine and three clubs. The small club is killed by the trump King and the tambourine's move to the trump follows. Taking a bribe, the player trumps. Having accepted the move to the trump Queen, the third hand plays along with the king of hearts. There are seven bribes in total.


The second hand is assigned “6 spades”.

During his move, the player would have had time to play the club, so the first move is a trump card of hearts. After killing the worm, the player trumps two more times, and then makes two moves on clubs with Ace and ten. Having accepted the ten by the King, the third hand goes to the worm and knocks out the last trump card from the player. The player does not remain in debt and knocks out the last trump card from the third hand with the Queen of clubs. Now the whistlers have the opportunity to take one worm and, besides (having thought about it in advance), pass the move to any hand. But that doesn't help either. The player playing the worm knocks the ten (Jack) of the tambourine and provides the last trick in this suit. The game is played.


The second hand is assigned “7 spades”.

After the first move from a small club, the whistlers have no difficulty. They take four tricks and leave the player without one.

The game will turn out quite differently if the right of the first move is transferred to the player.


Then he plays trump cards with moves from Ace, King and small and then uses the techniques described above. So on the move from the third hand with a small club, he misses the bribe, and the second move in this suit puts the Ace. Having received a move, the player trumps twice and forces the third hand to take down the worm. This is followed by the return to the last club with the inevitable play of the tambourine.

If, in the last example, we swap the cards of the whistlers:


then the result of the draw will change again. The fact is that after accepting the move with the second hand to the trump Queen and the move from the small club (the third hand puts Jack), the player is forced to take a bribe with the Ace, otherwise the diamond suit will be cut. But now on the second hand you can hold the worm to pass the move. The order is not being fulfilled.

D) Double or triple reception

Consider at the beginning an example where the player in weak suits has no delays.

"Demolition of an extraneous suit"


The first hand is assigned “7 spades”.

At first glance, it seems that playing a bribe in clubs is inevitable and the player will fulfill his contract. However, whistlers can use one subtle trick here to prevent this. For three moves on the trump card, three diamonds (or three hearts) are demolished from the third hand

Now, on the move from Jack of tambourine, we demolish the seven of clubs and we get the trump card to the player. The bottom line is obvious: the player no longer has time to play clubs. On the third move, it was still impossible to take down the club on the trump card. But when the tempo is lost on a move from Jack, it's the very time. The question may arise, why is it impossible to take two diamonds and one heart from the third hand (for the first three moves on the trump card), and after leaving the Jack, repeat the move from the tambourine and fold the seven of clubs, while simultaneously getting into the trump card to the player? The fact is that the whistlers do not know the demolition of the player. He could demolish two tambourines and win the game. With full exposure of the tambourine or red suit, this can no longer happen. The player will have only six tricks.

The same technique can be applied for the following case:


The first hand is assigned “8 spades”.

The player is left "without one", as the whistlers manage to avoid playing along.

If the player makes four moves on the trump card, then three tambourines and one heart are demolished from the third hand. Now, on the move from the Ace of tambourine, the seven of clubs are demolished and, having saved two retreats in the hearts on the third hand, the whistlers win the game.

Let us now consider a number of cases when one of the whistlers has a triple or double reception, but the player has delays in all suits.


The first hand is assigned “8 spades”.

The whistler has four clubs in one hand, but nevertheless the player takes his tricks. The first three moves are trump cards. It is very important that at this moment the club cannot be taken down from the second hand, because then the player, using the remaining trump card and his Aces, will have time to play this suit. So, we demolish the trump card and two hearts. The move follows from the Ace of Hearts and again the club cannot be taken down. A tambourine is demolished from the second hand. Now the player beats off another tambourine with the Ace and moves from the seven of clubs. The second hand beats with a nine and moves from the last tambourine. The player beats the tambourine with the last trump card and moves from the eight of clubs. He will receive two more bribes for Ace and Dama of clubs.


The rest of the cards are in the hands of the whistlers in any case.

Appointed "8 BC".

The drawing plan is similar to the previous example. The player always goes to the shortest suit of the 2nd hand and thus does not allow the spade to be removed from this hand. After all, he has double tricks everywhere and he will have time to play the suit in this case. As a result, after six moves on the second hand, however, just like the player, there will be only spades. There follows a move from seven and two tricks (for Ace and Queen) are secured.


The first hand is assigned "9 BC".

The first hand repulsed Mizer. Therefore, "9 BC" was appointed. But with the demolished seven of spades, this is quite normal. The game is won in any position of the whistlers' hands. The plan is the same.

6. TKD, TK, TK, KV9. Eight without a trump card in any position of the whistlers' hands.

See for yourself.

E) Triple trick in the trump cards

The basic principle of the whistlers' strategy is formulated in the following subheading:

"Take care of waste"


The second hand is assigned “8 spades”.

In order to take three bribes, it is necessary to keep the waste in the hearts on the first hand. The first move is to a club or a tambourine, after which the game ends quickly: The first move with hearts would be a gross mistake. The player would have killed with a trump card, took two diamonds and made three moves to the club. The first hand beats the trump card and makes the last move to the heart. The player accepts the trump card and returns the move to the first hand with the club, which is forced to give both remaining tricks to the player. This would lead to the fulfillment of the contract.


The third hand is assigned “6 spades”.

The player's business is bad. But even here, in order to take an extra bribe, the whistlers need to take care of the waste, the first move to the club with a reception for Ace. Then the King and Jack of the tambourine are cut and selected. And finally, the return of the move to the player in clubs follows. Having saved two waste in the hearts, the whistlers take four more bribes, and only seven!

They say there was such a case ...

Once at the card table, a more experienced player in the company of beginners shared his knowledge of the possibility of playing nine on a hand: TKDkhkh, TD10, T, T.

During its course, the game is won both in spades and without trump cards in any case, - he said and immediately showed how it is done.

The game has begun. And literally after a few surrenders it sounded:

Surprisingly, I have in my hands exactly the card I just mentioned! And my move! I assign nine spades.

On the second hand they said "whist" on the third - "pass". And then the thunder struck:

I invite you blindly! - said the whistler.

The player did not guess the alignment and was left without one.

Beginners proved to be very capable ...

4.5.4. Demolition unknown

In the examples of the light draw discussed above, it was assumed that the demolition is obvious and therefore known to the whistlers. However, such a simple situation does not always happen. The player often has several possible options demolition. Then, making a secret demolition in accordance with the rules of the game, he has the ability to mislead the whistlers and, thereby, receive some benefits, pose problems for them, and make it difficult to choose the right game plan.

In section 4.2, we introduced the basic principles of demolition from a player’s perspective and looked at a number of examples. Now we will get acquainted with some techniques that allow whistlers to navigate in cases where a particular demolition affects the final outcome of the game and it must (preferably) be guessed.


The second hand is assigned “6 spades”.

In order to play the game, the player needs to take one trick in clubs or diamonds. Its possible demolition: two clubs, two diamonds or one club and one tambourine. The whistlers see that when demolishing two identical ones in any suit, the player takes six tricks (he manages to play the King). Therefore, their only hope is the incorrect (in this scenario) demolition "one by one". The game is being played against such a demolition.

First move to the worm. The player answers with the highest trump card.

The first hand accepts for Ace and again for hearts. The player takes the worm and takes away the trump cards. If after that he goes with any of the Jacks, then you can safely repeat in the same suit, because the third King still plays. But we agreed that the demolition "one by one", so the player trumps two more times. On the first move, a small club is demolished from the third hand, and a small tambourine from the first. On the second move, the first hand carries a small club (exposes the Ace), and the third (attention!) - to the heart. Now the player has the only sensible move from the Jack of Clubs. The first hand takes on Ace and moves with hearts. If now the player demolishes the King of clubs, then the third hand exposes the Ace to the tambourine and receives two tricks for the Ace and the club, if the player demolishes the tambourine, then the third hand removes the club with the same result.


The second hand is assigned “7 spades”.

The player has a strong enough card, but he was unlucky with the layout. He does not have time to play both of his suits. However, if the whistlers do not guess the demolition and hit the trump card on the first move, then he has a hope to play the game by playing the trump whist.

The task of the whistlers is to select a blank card in tambourines or hearts and go to the trump card. And when the whistler finishes playing the clubs, having received a move to the Queen of this suit, go to the trump card again. Then they get four bribes. The first move can be made either from a tambourine or from a heart. Let's consider both possibilities.

The first move is to the heart, but ... the tambourine is left and the player beats his trump card. Now he makes a move from the Ace of clubs (takes away from the first hand in the form of ten clubs) and leaves the King of tambourines. The first hand takes on Ace and answers the trump card (there is simply no other move). The player puts the second trump card and makes two moves to the club. It became obvious that he won the game, because all the trump cards will play for him.

Consider the first move to the tambourine and again to the trump card, because the heart is left. However, the situation has changed, the player cannot take away the withdrawal in clubs, because the tambourine is on the same (third) hand. There remains a move from the Lady of Hearts. The third hand accepts and moves from small clubs to ten. It is easy to calculate that now, by the end of the rally, there is an extra withdrawal on the third hand and the Trump Queen does not play along. The player takes only four tricks in his trump cards and is left without one.

Thus, the whistlers, before starting the rally, must calculate both of these options, make the correct move with a tambourine and win!


On the third hand, "9 of clubs" is assigned.

Here, the whistlers have no information about the demolition. It is absolutely equiprobable. In order to leave the player without one, it is necessary to guess which of the margins was left and which one was sent for demolition. In short, make a volitional decision or cast lots.

4. TKDkhkh, TKkh, Tkh, Tkh.

The first hand is assigned “9 spades”. One of the players said "whist".

Quite a frequent case in practice. In the hands of the whistlers, after the first nine moves of the player, one card remains, of course, of different suits. But the player may have a third suit. However, the probability of a favorable outcome is 66%.

In conclusion, it should be noted that sometimes, in an unclear situation, it is possible to obtain the necessary information by analyzing the behavior of the player.

4.6 Draw blindly

If the rally in the light we defined as "school", then correct play blindly is already a kind of "aerobatics".

Beginners, in the first stage of training, should strive to reveal their cards more often when playing and only then, having acquired certain skills, try, of course, if necessary, their strengths when playing in the dark.

The rally will be held in the dark or in the light, it entirely depends on the will of the whistlers. Moreover, when playing blindly, two fundamentally different cases are distinguished:

  • two said "whist";
  • the one who said “pass” is invited to play.

In any of these cases, the problems of playing in the dark mainly boil down to the following:

  • how to correctly make the first and subsequent moves;
  • how to show your partner your strong and weak suits;
  • how to keep the right suit on your hand;
  • as if you want to hit the trump card.

Let's try to consistently answer all these questions.

4.6.1 Two said "whist"

This situation in the game happens quite often and is determined by a different combination of the following approximate factors:

  • the presence of good whists in the hands of both whistlers;
  • the presence of trade that explained the alignment of the suits;
  • the confidence of the whistlers (whistler) that the player will take the appointed bribes;
  • the presence of a trump whist or three small trump cards, etc.

An important role is also played by the assessment of the buy-in that the player got.

Prikup speaks volumes.

Be aware that there may be other incentives to close the game. For example, a desire under no circumstances to give extra whists to a partner or sympathy for a player who is in a difficult situation. Of course, all these, to a greater or lesser extent, are dishonest methods, but it is almost impossible to prove the existence of malicious intent (even if it really took place). Therefore, as V. Soloukhin wrote, however, on a slightly different occasion: “It is very important that at the table ... good people... ". In short, players must have mutual respect and trust in each other.

In general, the one who announced "whist" as the second bears a certain moral responsibility for this and should be especially careful when playing blindly.

Consider the following situation. On the hand of the whistler, who should be the first to express his attitude to the game, the suit is renounced in the presence of trump cards, which, as you know, is a good precondition for leaving the player “without”. Naturally, he says "whist", trying to hide the indicated circumstance from the latter. If now the second defender says "pass", then there will be no problems in the future. He will be invited in the dark and thereby warned about the presence of some nuances in the layout. If he announces "whist", then these nuances may not even be suspected. Therefore, with a greater or lesser degree of probability, he can make a mistake (make a wrong move, demolition).

It is quite another matter if the second whistler, as a result of the analysis of trade, buy-in, the behavior of participants, etc., has already guessed about the presence of nuances of the alignment that are undesirable for the player to learn. Here he is simply obliged to re-whistle. The fact is that he will still be invited blindly, but such an invitation inherently alarms not only the invitee, but also the player. Now the first whistler needs to show character and, trusting his partner, play the game in such a way (of course applying to a specific situation), as if he would act by inviting a partner in the dark.

To what has been said, it should be added that in practice, completely sincere, but different interpretations the same situation, and therefore mistakes when playing blindly are almost inevitable. We have to put up with this, especially since all our recommendations are given only for the most common layouts. The rest is creativity!

So, two said "whist." From this point on, quite definite, unspoken rules of the drawing that have been worked out in practice begin to operate, answering the questions posed in section 4.6.

The defender's first move is easy to identify when there is a trade, assuming that the partner was bargaining to his strong suit. Wanting to hit the trump card player, the exit should be done in this suit or with your own strong suit. In this case, it is advisable for the player (when he is on the second hand) to walk in a strong suit of the third hand from the fossa, and under the whistler (playing on the third hand) from a large card of his own suit.

However, in the second case, too, a move to the suit of the partner with strong card, if available, is quite good. It is also necessary to know that with a long trump (longer than that of a partner), it is recommended to walk with your long suit, with a short trump - with a short one. Of course, a move with a long suit, even with an Ace, but without a King, is associated with a certain risk of playing along, but with an increase in the size of the game, the risk decreases.

In the presence of strong whists and weak (no more than two) trump cards for the player, in principle, it is advisable to trump, trying to provide the third hand with a retreat in this suit. Having the third trump King in your hands, sometimes you can go with a small trump card under the player. In most cases, he will put the Ace, and if the Ace is on the third hand, it is very good.

Naturally, in the process of the rally, the whistlers must constantly adjust their plans, because with each move the real picture of the alignment becomes clearer and clearer. Very often by the end of a hand, and sometimes even after just a few moves, a strong player knows the location of all the cards remaining in the game.

In practice, all this, of course, is much more complicated, but the above general principles should be followed. Here are some examples:

1. TKx, Dxx, Kkhx, x. The player on the second hand assigned "6 hearts". The third hand was trading up to 6 diamonds. There were two small peaks in the stock. There are two whistling. How to walk?

If there was no trade, then the defender from the first hand would have a large selection of moves. You can go with Ace of spades, small clubs and tambourines, or with a trump card, all of which would satisfy the above rules. However, there was trade and this significantly changes the matter, since allows you to accurately determine the layouts on the second and third hands. The owner of the move should reason like this: “My partner bargained to a tambourine, so he has at least four of them, and given that I have a King, then, apparently, five, otherwise what did he bargain on. Further, he was the first to say "whist" therefore he almost certainly has a trump whist, either the second King or the third Queen (possibly the third Jack). Thus, there are no more than four tricks on the third hand so far. Where else are they? I have all the pick and in the buy-in, which means that there is an Ace of clubs. Well, where are the bribes from the player? Except for worms, only in clubs. It turns out that only two layouts are most likely. "



Further, he should reason like this: “Now it is clear why the partner whistled - he is afraid of playing in the open. He does not know that I have such a strong spade, and the naked Ace of clubs is not a decoration. How to walk? In option a), any move, except for the tambourine, releases the player. But the correct move leaves no two. True, in option b) there is a more accurate trump move, so that by taking the Ace of clubs to open the King. When I move with a tambourine here, I can already be left without a bribe. But these are trifles in comparison with the first option. In addition, in order to put me in option b), the player needs to play blindly too accurately. " We make a move from the King (small) tambourine.

2. Kxx, Dxx, Tx, Dx. The third hand is assigned "6 tambourines". There was no trade. The King and the small club are in the middle. There are two whistling. How to walk?

Reasoning of the owner of the move: “I only know that you cannot go from clubs - I can play along with the King. With hearts too, against the rules. I don’t want to trump Ace and give up a small one. There remains a turn to the spade. He's quite normal. " Makes a low lance move!

After the move has been made, we can state that a competent preference player is sitting on the first hand. Now his partner (on the second hand) must play his highest card of spades. ... During the further game, the whistlers strive to carry out the tactical techniques already studied by us in the section "Play in the light" (4.5), namely:

  • being ahead in the trump cards;
  • clogging;
  • surprise;
  • transferring the move to the right hand,
  • return of the move to the player in order to avoid playing along, etc.

But there are also possible additional techniques associated with the specifics of the game in the dark. They can be carried out, bluffing, only by the whistler, making a move to the player:

  • move with a small one from the third King (Ace) in order to deceive and avoid playing along with a bribe;
  • a small move from a trump whist in order to lure out Ace;
  • a move from a blank card (no higher than Jack) in order to tempt the player to put, say, Queen, and then kill Ace, etc.

In addition, when playing in the dark, various psychological techniques can be used. For example, a whistler thinks about his own move, but he is the only one (misleading), etc.

A blindfold game can also be assigned during the course of the player. In this case, he, as a rule, tries to take away the trump cards from the whistlers, and then play the suits. When selecting trump cards, there comes a moment when one of the whistlers can make a demolition. This is a very important point.

It is necessary to take down a card from your strongest suit (show the suit), of course, if this does not lead to the loss of whist. At the next opportunity, a weak suit or any suit is demolished. The main thing is the first demolition. Now the partner will know which suit to fold, which to hold and where to go.

Both whistlers do not demolish the same suit, each wears the suit shown by the partner.

Having shown, take care of your suit. You are responsible for her.

You should not, of course, fold the suit that, according to the assumption, the player should have. It must last until the end.

3.-, TKDxxx, xxx, x. On the first hand assigned "6 clubs", Whist two.

For the player, everything is simple. He will trump four times in a row and then try to play the tambourine. The fact that the rally is held in the dark is unprofitable for whistlers. They have a lot of whists (without a trump card) and therefore it will not be easy to keep the tambourine. They say about such a situation: "The whistlers have closed themselves off from whists."


The first hand is assigned “7 spades”.

The player trumps once, and then makes two moves from the clubs, from the Ace and the small. On the second move, the second hand puts the King of clubs (shows that there is also a Queen), the third hand beats with a trump card. Third-hand reasoning: “The player has four trump cards and four clubs. How well the partner played by placing the King, because I might have thought that the player guessed the move with a small one. The card is now being calculated. There are six tricks in spades and clubs. Where is the seventh? There are no marriages, all the kings are with me, which means an Ace of hearts or a tambourine. What if the Ace of tambourine with the Queen and on the move with a tambourine he will cut through and deprive me of a bribe. Well, I do not! There may, of course, be two Aces, because without this the appointment is a little risky. Then the second bribe on the second hand is in clubs. I will not risk my bribe ”. The third hand goes from the Trump Lady. The second hand folds to the heart, revealing a strong suit. Everything is clear to everyone. The whistlers take two more bribes for the lady of clubs and the King of tambourines.

4.6.2 Blind invitation

It is necessary to invite to the drawing blindly when the inviter wants to hide something from the player. Usually, a renounce or blank in any suit, the presence or absence of a trump whist, etc. A bluff is also possible.

Here, the game is played in a slightly different way. As before, a good move is considered to be the first move in the suit to which the inviter bargained, or a move from the trump card for the player. But a move with your own strong suit is practically contraindicated. After all, according to the logic of things, it is from the move to this suit that they warn, inviting blindly. Similarly, it is not customary for the invitee to show his strong (long) suit at the first demolition, but on the contrary, try to keep it to the end.

Invited blindly - take care of the long suit.

Let's look at some examples.


There was no trade. The second hand was assigned "7 peak".

On the third hand it says "whist", on the first - "pass." An invitation to play in the dark followed. The player on the first hand, before making a move, thinks (to himself): “The whistler probably has a trump whist, maybe even four trump cards and a weak suit in clubs or diamonds from which he closed. If I go with one of these suits and don't guess, I can do a lot of harm. It is necessary to walk with hearts. Once the King is the second, then with a big one. "

Makes a move from the King of Hearts. The player beats with a trump card, the whistler puts a small worm. Having received a move, the player trumps from Ace, and the defender discards a small spades.

Before making a move, the invitee argues: “I have to keep one of the long suits, but I don’t know which one. Maybe the next move will clear up. I got into the trump card and the move to me, apparently, will not come again, at least in the near future, you can demolish the worm for now. "

Demolishes the last worm.

Now the player thinks: “Trumps on one hand. This means that in order to play your game, you need to get an additional bribe in tambourines, or break the trump whist with a small club. In the first case, you need to trump two times, then take the last trump card, go three times to clubs and ... trust in the Lord God. In the second, you need to get out. I will get out. The invitee does not have a peak and he was obliged to walk with a short suit. He went with the big one; under the Third King it would have been necessary to go with the small one. So the whistler has four hearts, three spades and three cards in clubs and diamonds. The worst thing is if there is a renouncement of clubs. Then I lost the game. Do not go to me (or put) the first move with a small one in this suit. If there are two or three clubs, I will knock out the trump card of a tambourine, and if there are two diamonds, I will knock out a trump card. With this strategy, I lose only if there is a tambourine on the third hand of the Ace and the Queen - there will be a lead in the trump cards. But such an alignment is unlikely, because then on the first hand there would be a fourth ten in this suit and from there there would be a demolition or a move. We must go with the Jack of tambourine. "

Makes a move with Jack. The invitee beats with the Lady, the whistler discards the small one. The first hand moves from the small club.

The player reasons: “There are no more hearts on the first hand, so I calculated correctly. If they don't kill my Ace now, I'll play the game. "

Places the Ace of clubs. The defender discards the small club. The player who plays in accordance with his plan moves from the King of the tambourine. The move falls on the third hand and the answer follows in the worm. The player beats his trump card, trumps the King and confidently makes a move from a small club! The game is played. The opponents are somewhat upset.

The defender closed the game and thus did everything possible to leave the player “without”, but he analyzed the situation well and emerged victorious in a difficult struggle.


assigned "7 clubs" (there were two small hearts in the buy-in).

The player on the third hand thinks to himself: "The purchase is clearly out of place, but I have no whists", aloud - "pass." The first hand thinks: “There are strong hearts on the third hand for trading, which means that the buy-in is bad. I have powerful peaks, therefore, the player has bribes only in clubs and diamonds. Seven are assigned, therefore, the alignment of the takers is most likely 5-4 or 4-4. In the first case, I take one extraneous bribe and one in tambourines, but in the second: In the second, trumps in half and on the third hand is the second Queen (if the second King, then on the third hand they would say whist, if two are small, then the player would appoint tambourines as a trump card ). However, the player does not know that the trump cards are in half and at my invitation he will blindly think that I have a trump whist. Then, not having the right to trump twice (with the first or second move in spade, I will knock out one trump from him), he will have to guess the second move with a small one when playing a tambourine. This is unlikely". Announces: "I invite you to play in the dark" and makes a move with Ace of spades. The player beats with a small trump card and trumps from Ace. Both whistlers fold small ones. The next move from the Ace of diamonds, the whistlers again fold the small ones.

Player (to himself): “What should I do now? There should be two more trump cards on the first hand, but I don't know how the tambourine lies. If I go with a small one, and a tambourine in half, then I will be left without two, if with a large one, and on the first hand there was only one or three (he believes that there are two trump cards), then without one. The lesser is chosen of two evils. "

Walks from the King of Diamonds. The first hand puts the small one, the third one hits with the trump Lady and responds with a spade. The player beats with a small trump card and it becomes clear to him that he is left without two.

3. The same alignment as in the previous example, but here, after the announcement of "spades" on the second hand, the third was answered "pass".

“7 of clubs” was assigned and the third hand said “pass”. Having no information about a strong worm on the third hand (there were two hearts in the draw, as before) and not having a trump whist, the player on the first hand said "whist" and opened the game. Naturally, the player easily took his seven tricks.

Two recent examples clearly show how important additional information about the layout of hands can have.

It should be noted that in the situation of example 2, we recommend that the player first (on the second and third moves) trump twice and then move with the Ace and King of diamonds. The strategy is based on the hope that at least one of the suits of interest will be in half. In case of failure, the player is left without two here, but the theory of probability indicates just such a path.

The game preference appeared in the fourth decade of the 19th century, and from that time they learned to play cards from the earliest years. After some time, this activity has become very popular among fans of gambling and commercial entertainment. In preference, the ability to play is valued, luck is not particularly important here, although you play for money. Only through your own skill can you achieve good results in this aristocratic game. The name preference comes from the French word preference. It translates as "preference, advantage, superiority." Previously, this word was called the cards of the highest suit. This term was present in other card games... In whist, this was the name of the trump card, for example.

In our time, preference has not lost its popularity. In 1996, the Code was adopted.

It was agreed in it general provisions, the principles and rules of the game are described. Nowadays, tournaments are very often organized in which different players can take part. In the era of the development of computer technology, there are many simulators, playing on which you can hone your skills. When playing virtual preference cards, the computer distributes the cards as in the usual one. Therefore, they train on simulators in order to become a professional player in the future and learn the rules by heart. In our time, the game has not lost the positions that it occupied in the era of the dawn of its popularity. Now, just like before, companies gather in the evening to paint the bullet, to try their luck in this very logical and gambling game. Many people play preference for money.

Preference Code

The Preference Federation wrote the Code in order to correctly define the procedure for the game at all stages. Among its main tasks is to protect the rights of each individual player, to maintain equal chances of winning and losing for all participants. Here he signs how to play, what is the compensation even in case of an accidental violation of the rules of the game, and it is always adequate. The Code teaches to fully support the adopted rules and not to deviate from their observance in the least. If a player, through negligence or inattention, has violated the law, then he must be ready to accept with dignity the prescribed punishment for this violation. As you can see, playing preference is a very serious business. The rules should be followed strictly. The Code, written and adopted into the game, is intended to punish forced violations of the rules and conditions of the game.

As a result of different rules adopted in different territories, it was necessary to create a single Law that would regulate the game among participants from different countries... In order to develop uniform fair rules and a single terminology that would exclude ambiguity in the explanation of concepts, the Code was written. Also, this document is intended to reduce disputes that arise constantly during the game, when there is no single agreement. In the future, it is planned to organize a Preference League. The provisions of the Code are a kind of supreme justice, which is based on Roman law. Participants need to know exactly how to play preference. It is imperative to learn the rules. Only in this case will you get a fair and productive game. Every year the number of people who want to learn how to play preference is increasing. We tried to make the rules of the game for beginners as clear as possible in the Code.

Deck to play

Card Games: Rules and concepts start with the deck. The preference deck has 32 cards - 8 of each suit. By seniority, the suits are arranged as follows: hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades. This seniority is important when trading and ordering a contract (game). Each suit consists of: ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight, seven. When playing preference, cards are dealt two at a time. At the beginning of the game, any of the suits can be declared trump. A trump card is always considered older than any other suit. When recording, each of the suits has its own designation. Hearts - @, Ё - diamonds, & - clubs and Є - spades. The names of the cards also have abbreviations: queen, for example, D, jack - J, and so on. The digital value is recorded digitally. When ordering a game, in the first place they write the value, and in the second place - the trump suit. For instance, [email protected]


The principle of fun involves playing with bribes. This fun is known as sports preference. With the help of the rules, they designate who is to take the bribe and write down a certain number of points. Start the game on the move. The move is the first card placed on the table. After entering the worms, for example, other players place cards of the heart suit on the table.

Only in the absence of a card of this suit can a trump card be played. Of course, if there is no suit or trump card, then you can put any card. Usually, if the game is ascending, then a card of small value is given. The players take turns putting cards on the table, and the oldest one in seniority and trump card takes the whole bribe. In preference, in contrast to a thousand, the game is played both in order to take a bribe, and, conversely, not to take a bribe. It's like a ladies' preference - I don't want to.

Types of games

Games are divided into three types. This division exists in different types preference. Russian preference is no exception. In the first game of bribes, you need to guess the amount that you have to take, while ordering a trump card yourself or playing without a trump card. With a minuscule amount, you must try not to take a single bribe. And during the third game, the pass, everyone should try not to take bribes. There are games in which you have to take 6, 7, 8 or 9-10 tricks per game. Each one needs to play the ordered game, having correctly estimated the chances, in his own game. When distributing, it is important to be able to choose such a rally, which in a given scenario will bring more points. All games that a participant needs to play are called a bullet.

Player locations

The bullet preference begins with a drawing of places. It happens like this: everyone draws a card from the deck, and the one who drew the lowest one chooses a place first. The rest are seated in ascending order in a clockwise direction. If two draw cards of the same value, then they are distinguished by the seniority of the suit. Ace is considered the lowest of all.

If three are playing, and the fourth comes, then the average points between the bullet and the mountain are recorded for him. The newcomer takes a place to the left of the dealer and begins to take.

Deal of cards

The card game preference has its own characteristics when dealing with cards. The first to deal the cards will be the one who wins, in the same way as the places were played. The cards are dealt clockwise. The player who is the first to start the shuffle, when finished, puts the cards in front of the player on the right and invites him to remove and transfer the cards. Any of the players can ask to shuffle the cards. Having done this, he returns the cards to the dealer. After the player on the right has removed the cards, the dealer continues the deal. If the cards are turned over during the deal, they must be reshuffled. The deck must be removed not in the hand, but on the table, so that when you remove the cards, there are at least four left on the table. In case of violation of the rules of removal and distribution, it is necessary to repeat the procedure again. If the player who is supposed to shoot is absent, then the player sitting to his right can make the shoot. When the distribution is carried out with errors, the cards are redrawn in a new way until everything goes without violations. Everyone is responsible for how many cards are in their hands, and at the end of the game, if necessary, everyone reaps the benefits of the penalty himself. Therefore, as soon as you notice a discrepancy, you should talk about it even before the start of the game. If a discrepancy in the number of cards is revealed before the start, then the cards can be re-dealt, or you can add the missing card to the player. The main thing is that the rights of the third player who does not take part in the distribution are not infringed. In any case, if there is a loss in interest, the dealer will compensate for it. And if the player started the game with fewer cards than necessary, then he will be punished with a fine in the form of the maximum possible plus. Surrender claims are considered prior to the start of the game. When a player sees a buy-in before the start of the game, he has no right to take part in trading. And if a pass is played, then he must take the first two tricks, which begin with a move from a card of a known buy-in. In a situation where someone mistakenly took a buy-in, the culprit shuffles his cards and allows the dealer to draw any two. It is forbidden to look into the buy-in before the start of the game, even for the dealer. Penalty for violation - 5 points uphill. You cannot show your cards to opponents, as well as look into others. Before starting trading, everyone is obliged to check the number of their cards and agree that there are no complaints about the deal. After the start of trading, the discrepancy in the number of cards is recorded as a penalty, not to the dealer, but to the one who is in disorder.


Immediately after the distribution, there is a game process such as trading (or auction). The one who makes the highest bet takes the buy-in and starts the game. The first to start trading is the one sitting to the left of the dealer. This is called the first hand.

Then (clockwise) - the second hand and the third. If it is convenient, then you can call the players to the cardinal points - north, west, south, east. Participants bargain following the rule: each one says how many bribes he can take if he takes the buyback, appoints a trump card and starts the game. The competition for the right to play first begins with a promise to take six tricks. First, they say that they will take six spades, six clubs, six tambourines and, finally, six hearts, and the first stage ends with six without trump cards. Then the same thing begins, but for seven bribes. When all but one have passed in the trade, then the player who won the auction takes the buy-in and can play the price that he said, or any other price that is more expensive than the one with which he won the auction. Only a minuscule cannot be assigned after the end of the bargaining, it must be traded immediately. There is a rule: you must bargain strictly following the price ladder, you cannot jump over the steps. This is so that the player has an idea of ​​who has which strong suit. The minuscule can only be ordered on the first move. If the player has already started trading and has not named the minuscule, then he loses the right to order the minuscule in the game. Anyone who does not want to continue trading or cannot - pass. If the application is called, and the others fold, then the winner must start the game, the bet must play, there is no going back. When everyone folded during the trade, they play a pass - everyone tries to take as few bribes as possible. A buy-in can be opened only to the one who won the trade. He takes the buy-in, announces the final price, which may not be lower than the one declared during the trade, and starts the game. If first the first and then the second hand folded, then the third hand has the right to take the buy-in without trading and undertakes to take any price in the game, except for a minuscule one. When a player looks at the buy-in before the end of the auction, he has no right to take part in the trade further. And if, at the same time, damage is caused to others, then compensation is due (at the expense of the offender) to all players. If the buy-in is open to the public, and someone hasn't made a bet yet, then the buy-in goes to the one who hasn't made a bet yet. If the buy-in was opened, and two more of the players did not make bets, then everyone opens their cards and suggests how many prices who could play, and then they write it down to the penalty box with a whist. For example, someone could play nine hearts, and someone - six tambourines: the penalty box gets 52 whists for a nine and 7 whists for the difference from their benefit. In situations where a player has taken a buy-in before the end of the trade, and a player remains who has not yet bargained, the latter can shuffle the cards of the person who took the buy-in and draw any two into the buy-in. The blind can only be played by prior arrangement. When playing blindfold, if no one interrupted by a sevenfold game, bribes are considered at double the price. If, after the sevenfold game, a blindfold pass is ordered again, then they interrupt with an eight, and the points are counted four times. Trade is possible - once in the dark. They interrupt with the most common order and then trade at the price. You can open cards and further bargain up the stairs. If the player wins while playing blindfold, then he does not show the buy to anyone. If a six-game game is ordered, then everyone is obliged to whist blindly, but in other games, whist is normal. When playing blindly, the price of any game is doubled. Before the player takes the buy-in, when playing blindly, you can change the price and declare a minuscule amount. Of course, then the buy-in opens and the double bet disappears. There is also such a game as blindly minuscule. They interrupt such a game with only a nine-fold bet blindly or a ten-fold bet light. With such a game, they take the buyback without showing it, they catch such a minuscule blindly, in other words, those who whistle do not open their cards.

Order price

After the trade is over, the winner takes the buy, puts aside, without showing, two unnecessary cards and starts the game. He is called a playmaker and can raise the price he expects to play. If the player does not want to play or the number of cards is not equal to ten, then he is punished with a remise (penalty) without two in the declared game. When the price is ordered, it is not allowed to change the cards in the demolition. After the first move, it is forbidden to watch the demolition. If this rule is violated, the penalty is one bribe. And even if you play as you ordered, then a penalty is considered - without one.

When more than necessary is taken, then write down one less. If you refuse to buy, you can impose a penalty in the form of an agreed number of points up the hill. In serious tournaments, the rule does not apply - no one should suffer from the inability to put aces in the buy-in. If a bribe is given to the player in the buy-in, then the bonus is written to him as for a bribe in his game. For an ace, for example, one trick is written in the buy-in, and two tricks are written for an ace and a king of the same suit. Two aces in a buy-in will cost a bonus of three tricks, and marriages will only cost one trick. But this rule again does not apply in serious ranked games. You can not prompt outsiders and you can not use the tips of outsiders to the players.


After the betting, the winning player starts the game. He announces, if he wants, a higher game ordered and begins to take bribes with or without a trump card. If the game is ordered minuscule, it means that the player who ordered has given an obligation not to take a single bribe. After that, when someone won in the trade for a minuscule, he reveals the buy cards. After that, any two cards are demolished (the demolition is not shown to anyone). In a situation where the move belongs to the player, he makes it before the opponents "lie down" (open their cards), and if the whistlers have to make the move, they also open their cards before the first move. There are no trump cards in the minuscule, the seniority of the cards is respected, the move goes to the player who took the last trick. When playing minuscule, you can record the alignment, when in other games it is prohibited. All these rules help you figure out how to play preference.


Played with three passes. We must try to take the least amount of bribes. Before the game, the participants agree on where the pass will be recorded - uphill or whist. With different types of preference, each bribe is worth the required number of points up the hill. If the player did not take a single trick, then one trick will be recorded. The one who took the least number of tricks writes the specified number of whists to other players.

If not a single trick is taken, then only one point is written. After the end of the game, the same number of bribes for all are debited, as in the case of an amnesty. When passing, there are no trump cards; if you do not have a suit, you can carry any card. If four players are playing, then when the pass is played, the game begins with the opening of the first buy-in card, moreover, the older one in the suit takes the bribe. The second move is also made from the buy-in. And only the third move is made by the player to the left of the dealer. In classic game are played in order for all players to earn a certain number of bombs.

Game cost

With different types of preference, there are different prices for games. The ordered prices and those taken during the game are recorded in the bullet. Some scoring rules must be followed when recording. If, in any game, they scored more than can be recorded for that game, then the rest of the points are written into other games or are debited from other whists. The final score in the game is determined in the played whists. The largest amount of whists collected is an objective assessment of the victory. These are the basic rules for playing preference. It should also be said that you can use to determine the winner and the number of winning passes or the number of tricks on all passes. But in the end, the difference is in whists. The final of the game is always followed by the conversion of points into monetary terms. After all, preference for money is played without a twinge of conscience. This game was created for this very purpose. How to play preference if you cannot risk it?

According to the rules of the game, the game is played by two, three or four. In a four-player game, the dealer does not participate in the game. On our portal, 3 players can participate in the game.

Deck for the game, seniority
cards and suits

The deck for consists of 32 cards - eight cards in four suits. In order of seniority, these are the following suits:

- hearts (the highest suit),

- tambourines,

- spades (the lowest suit).

The seniority of suits matters when trading and ordering a game (contract).

Each of these suits includes the following cards in descending order: ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight, seven.

One of the suits can be, according to the rules of the game, a trump card. In this case, any card of a trump suit becomes higher than any other card of a non-trump suit. The traditional hierarchy (seniority) is preserved between the cards of the trump suit.

The order (seniority) of cards never changes, regardless of the size of the assigned game (contract) and the ordered trump card. Scored cards are not scored.

When recording, lower cards are traditionally denoted by a suit sign and a symbol of dignity, for example, ten of spades - 10, and senior cards - by a suit sign and a capital letter of its name (Russian or English), for example, the queen of hearts - D or the jack of diamonds - J. When denoting of the ordered game (contract) in the first place is the size of the contract, and in the second is the suit sign - 7 (seven clubs).

Bribe. Layout rules

The game is based on the principle of bribery. Bribe - cards laid out on the table by each of the players in one round of the game.

In all types of preference games, the participants' task is to take bribes or, conversely, not to take bribes.

The rules of the game of preference determine who owns the bribe and how the collected bribes are recorded. The first card placed on the table in order to form a trick is called a move. The move is distinguished by the suit of the first card, for example, a spade move or a club move.

The first move belongs to the player sitting to the left of the deliverer, later - to the player who took the last trick.

On a move in a suit, each player must put a card of the same suit. If there are no cards of this suit, the player must trump. And if only he has neither the suit of the move, nor the trump cards, he can put any card.

A card that beats other cards or is not beaten by other cards takes a trick. The player who owned this card takes the bribe for himself.

Each trick consists of three cards, one from each player.

Types and cost of games

Games are divided into three types: games for bribes - the player assigns the minimum number of bribes, which he undertakes to take with the trump card ordered by him or without the trump card; minuscule - the player undertakes not to take a single bribe; pass-through - all players strive to take as few bribes as possible.

All possible orders (contracts) of the player are ranked from junior to senior as follows:

Order The player undertakes
take bribes
Game price
6 ♠ (♣ - ♦ - - b / c) 6 2
7 ♠ (♣ - ♦ - - b / c) 7 4
8 ♠ (♣ - ♦ - - b / c) 8 6
MIZER not a single bribe 10
9 ♠ (♣ - ♦ - - b / c) 9 8
10 ♠ (♣ - ♦ - - b / c) 10 10

The point of the game is to evaluate your cards in each deal, order the best contract and win the greatest possible number of points.

Rules for recording game results
(bullet, bullet)

The whole set of contracts that form an independent game is called a “bullet”. The same name is given: a protocol that records the results of each contract; part of this protocol that records only the results of won contracts (other parts of this protocol are called "mountain" and "whists").

Trading rules

After all the cards are dealt, the trade takes place: the players compete for the right to take the buy and appoint the contract. The one who makes the highest assignment in competitive trade takes the buy-in and assigns the contract.

The contract is appointed on the basis of the number of bribes that the player can take if he takes a buyback and assigns a trump card or a game without a trump card at his discretion.

You can start trading with the appointment of at least 6. The next player can take part in the buy trade and say "six clubs", or "clubs", or just "two".

Trading in preference goes sequentially, in ascending order, each next order is older than the previous one - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 without a trump card, - 7, etc. up to 10 without a trump card. After the player has won the bidding, he can play the game on which the bidding stopped or any older one. The exception is the "minuscule" contract, which can be ordered only immediately.

The game "minuscule" cannot be ordered by a player who participated in the trade of any order. Anyone wishing to play a minuscule must announce this with their first application. If the player managed to make any other request, he loses the right to order a minuscule one.

A player who does not want to start or continue trading says “pass” and does not take part in further trading.

If all the players said “pass,” then a pass is played - a game in which everyone tries to take as few tricks as possible.

The player who made the highest assignment in the course of the trade becomes the "playing" player. He takes a ransom and orders a contract. He is obliged to order the game in any case, even if he does not see any options to take the ordered number of bribes.

The player who wins the auction and takes the buy orders his game, in which he undertakes to take a certain number of bribes with the trump ordered by him or without the trump cards. All games in which the player seeks to take bribes (as opposed to minuscule and raspas) are called bribe games. All bribe games are played in case of envy. The player who took the buy-in cannot “surrender without a fight”, except by admitting that he was left “without everyone,” and must play the envious game to the end.

Rules for drawing a minuscule

A game in which the winner of the auction undertakes not to take a single bribe is called a minuscule.

There are no trump cards in the minuscule. The seniority of the cards is preserved, as are all the basic rules of preference: for a move in a suit, it is necessary to give in a suit, the move belongs to the player who took the last trick, etc. If the move belongs to declarer, he must make it before the opponents "lie down" - they open their cards. If the first move belongs to the whistlers, they reveal their cards until the first move.

The rules for the drawing of the passes

If all three players have not entered the trade (declared "pass"), then a pass is played - a game in which all players try to take as few bribes as possible.

In different varieties, the results of the pass are recorded in different ways: uphill or in a whist recording. You can read additional agreements on holding the check-ins on the Mail.Ru Mini-Games portal below.

There are no trump cards in the pass. It is obligatory to give in the suit. In the absence of a suit, any card can be carried.

Whistler rules, whist counting

After the game is ordered, the player following the declarer must say whether he undertakes to take the number of tricks, which is mandatory for this game, as a rule, equal to the difference from subtracting the value of the ordered game from the number 10. If he does, he says "whist", and if does not undertake, says "pass". The player who made the whist call is called the whistler. Whistlers are required to take a certain number of tricks in the distribution.

Required number of bribes for whistlers:

If both opponents of the declarer were jealous, then together they must take the number of tricks that are obligatory for this game.

There is a set of contractual conditions on the rules of whist, characterized as hard, called redneck whist or soft, called gentlemen's whist. It is subject to prior agreement between the players.

Additional Preference Agreements at Mail.Ru Mini-Games

  • Whist is a responsible, redneck Mizer interrupts with a nine-man with a buy.
  • Nine with a buyout is interrupted by a minuscule one without a buyout. A minuscule without a buyout is interrupted by a nine (or ten) without a buyout.
  • Ten-fold game - checked
  • Declarer's first move is dark
  • Whistling at eight, nine is responsible for both whistlers
  • 6 spades ("Stalingrad") - two whists are required
  • Whist-pass-half-whist - not allowed
  • Without three without whists - not allowed
  • Exit from the rallies - toughened (6,7,8,8 ...)
  • The progression of the cost of bribes at rallies is limited arithmetic (x1, x2, x3, x3 ...)
  • Buy on pass - opens
  • Exit from the passes by prying - not allowed
  • Passing change in pass - change does not pass

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