Settings for the game world of tanks. Correct World of Tanks settings are the key to efficiency! Choosing the type of graphics

Millions are playing, and their number is growing every year. Not everyone has a powerful computer for a comfortable game at maximum graphics settings. What to do? How to raise FPS in World of Tanks? There is a solution.

If low FPS on a weak PC or laptop forces you to play with wild lags, then this article is for you. Our detailed instructions will help remove lags and raise the FPS in tanks to optimal values. But first, the materiel.

What is FPS

FPS- English abbreviation, which stands for Frames Per Second... It stands for number of frames per second... The larger, the smoother and more realistic the picture looks on the screen. Modern computers are capable of producing hundreds and thousands of FPS even at maximum settings. But the owners of old PC models are doomed to constant struggle with lags.

What does FPS WOT depend on?

The performance of games, including World of Tanks, directly depends on the power of the computer. Each detail is responsible for performing its own range of tasks. To understand how to increase FPS in World of Tanks, it is worth finding out what resources the system lacks for normal operation.

RAM (random access memory)

RAM stores the data of all running programs including the operating system itself. Its volume indicates how much information the device can work with at the same time. For example, a weak laptop usually has 2 GB of RAM. Part of it is reserved for system needs, so only 1.7 GB is actually available. In this case, about 1 GB more are taken away by Windows 10 processes. 700 MB remain. To play World of Tanks with a normal frame rate at minimum settings, you need at least 2 GB free random access memory. This is due to the fact that the game has huge maps and many 3D objects, the data about which must be stored somewhere.

CPU (processor)

The processor is responsible for processing information right now, in real time. It transports data between RAM and the motherboard - the main part of a computer. How quickly he does it is called processor frequency and is measured in Gigahertz (GHz or GHz). For example, the Inter Core i5 processor has 4 cores, each with a frequency of 3.2 GHz. This is enough for a comfortable game in WOT with 30-60 FPS.

The problem of a weak processor is most relevant when dynamics begins on the screen: shots, explosions, destruction of objects, fast movement, and the like. At such moments, you can notice a serious drop in FPS due to the inability of a weak CPU to cope with a huge amount of data overnight. The minimum processor parameters with which World of Tanks can be launched are 2 cores 2 GHz each .

GPU (video card)

The video card is responsible for everything related to graphics: 3D rendering of a scene (maps), detailing game models, a particle system (effects of explosions and shots), drawing water and shadows, lighting, drawing vegetation (in particular trees, bushes and their foliage), transparency of objects, etc. The video card has its own graphics processor , cooler (fan for cooling) and video memory ... This works in the same way as a CPU with RAM: the processor transfers data between the video memory and the motherboard, and the cooler monitors the temperature so that the GPU does not burn out from overheating.

The greatest load on the video card is created by:

  • Shadows, especially dynamic (moving),
  • Mirror surfaces,
  • Glare and lighting effects,
  • High resolution textures,
  • Shaders (grass movement, water physics, footprints in the sand, etc.),
  • Vsync and triple buffering (stabilizes but reduces frame rate).

Having already disabled all this in the settings, you can force the PC to produce 30-50 FPS more, if, of course, the problem is in the video card. The minimum amount of video memory for playing WOT is 512 MB.

Important! When choosing a video card for WOT, you should give preference to Nvidia models. For the most part, they are more productive than AMD products, as well as more flexible in customization and more affordable in financial terms.

What FPS should be in WOT

Normal FPS in WOT is 30 or more. With this number of frames per second, you can play quite normally. With a high FPS (60-120 and more), tank battles become especially enjoyable, but not everyone can enjoy such fun. If the FPS falls below 30, you should prepare for periodic freezes, freezes, twitching pictures and other annoying consequences. Sound familiar?

Why is FPS slowing down in World of Tanks

First of all, FPS depends on the power of the device where the game is running. We have already found out what affects it:

  • The number of processor cores and their frequency,
  • The amount of RAM and the speed of working with it,
  • The amount of video memory and the speed of the video card,
  • Hard disk speed and amount of occupied space,
  • Component temperature,
  • General state of the system,
  • Much more.

Based on this, the first step is to check if your PC meets the system requirements of World of Tanks.

Minimum (~ 30 FPS)

  • Processor: 2 cores at 2 GHz or better
  • RAM: 1.5 GB
  • Video card: 256 MB
  • Free disk space: ~ 25 GB
  • Processor: 4 cores at 3 GHz
  • RAM: from 4 GB
  • Video card: 2 GB or higher
  • Free disk space: ~ 36 GB

If a computer or laptop is so weak that it does not even reach the minimum, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to squeeze more than 10-20 FPS out of it. Better not force your calculator and pay attention to others, including. Minimum requirements met and FPS bottom? Go ahead.

Configuring World of Tanks to increase FPS

First of all, with a low FPS, you need to turn down the graphics settings in the game itself. The lion's share of system resources is taken by unnecessary special effects, shadows, ultra-realistic textures, and more. If you are here, then all this is clearly not for your bucket. Feel free to turn it off!

Open the World of Tanks settings window.

  • Turn on full screen mode... In windowed mode, FPS often jumps in WOT.
  • Reduce your screen resolution... The smaller it is, the easier it will be for the computer to display information. The 1366x768 resolution is quite enough for a comfortable game, but this is not the limit.
  • Disable shadows... Shadows load the graphics card a lot. If you have a weak PC, you will get almost 2x the performance boost just by turning them off.
  • Disable vertical sync... Vertical sync makes the picture smooth, eliminating freezes and twitching, but reduces FPS. Disable it and get + 5-10 frames per second.
  • Disable triple buffering... This parameter is only meaningful when vertical sync is enabled. Make sure it is disabled in the game settings.
  • Disable anti-aliasing... Anti-aliasing improves the visual component of the World of Tanks, but sits great FPS on weak devices.
  • Disable all special effects... Get rid of all particle effects (steam, smoke, fire, etc.) that can affect the FPS.
  • Reduce the quality of terrain and vegetation... All this is an extra waste of system resources, which is acceptable only on powerful PCs.
  • Disable grass in sniper mode... It affects not only the FPS, but also the gameplay, from time to time interfering with the shooting.
  • Lower your graphics settings to the minimum... Set the minimum texture resolution. This will reduce the load on the graphics card.
  • Lower the resolution of the 3D render... This parameter affects the depth of the 3D scene and changes the resolution of its objects. The smaller it is, the more performance gain you will get.
  • Reduce draw distance... The smaller the field of view, the faster the computer will process the data, which means that the FPS will be significantly higher.

Disable everything you can and check the frame rate. Of course, after completing all these actions, the picture on the screen will still be ... But, what to do? This is the price for performance. Go ahead.

How to raise FPS in World of Tanks: setting up and cleaning your computer

A small increase in performance in World of Tanks can be obtained by optimizing the computer. Let's see what we can do to raise or stabilize FPS a little.

Clean up junk files from your PC

This is a basic measure that you need to do regularly, whether you are playing games or not. A special utility CCleaner will help you with this, which can be downloaded for free on the official website at the link.

  1. Start CCleaner
  2. Go to the "Cleaning" section
  3. Click the Analyze button and wait for the scan to complete
  4. Click "Clean" to remove junk files

Registry fix

The registry stores data that allows the system to work properly with applications. Errors in the registry almost always lead to a loss of performance. The same CCleaner program will help to eliminate them.

  1. Start CCleaner
  2. Go to the "Registry" section
  3. Click "Search for problems" and wait for the scan to complete
  4. Click "Fix Selected ..."
  5. In the window that appears, indicate whether you need a backup
  6. In the next window, click "Fix Selected"

Transferring the game from the C: /

If your World of Tanks is installed on the local drive C: / (on the same virtual disk with the PC operating system), transfer it to a file virtual disk (for example, D: / or E: /). Try not to install anything extra and bulky on the C: / drive, as this will make your computer run slower than usual.

  1. Remove World of Tanks
  2. Reinstall World of Tanks on a different local drive

Just moving the game folder will not work. This will introduce registry errors and performance will get worse.

Defragment your hard drive

If you do not take care of the hard disk drive for a long time and install many different games and programs, the files of one application may be scattered across different sectors of the hard drive, which makes it more difficult for the computer to process them. Defragmentation moves these data closer together. Hence the performance gain.

  1. Open "My Computer"
  2. Right click on the local game disk
  3. Go to the "Service" tab
  4. In the subsection "Optimization and defragmentation" select "Optimize"
  5. Select the required local disk in the list and click "Analyze"
  6. Wait for the analysis to complete and click "Optimize", if necessary

The instructions are relevant for Windows 10. For other operating systems, the procedure may differ.

Update your graphics card drivers

You can find and download the latest drivers on the official website of your video card manufacturer - AMD or Nvidia. Newer driver versions optimize the video accelerator. The FPS will be slightly higher and the graphics are slightly better.

Disable all unnecessary background programs

Close all unnecessary programs: Skype, Telegram, web browsers, Steam, etc. If you have Windows 10, in the task manager, go to the "Autostart" tab and disable there all unnecessary applications that start with the OS.

Increase the priority of the process

In the list of processes in the task manager, find World of Tanks, right-click and set the priority to "High". From this point on, the system will give the game as much of the available resources as possible, sacrificing the performance of other running programs (for example, Explorer).

Disable Windows visual effects

If things are really bad, do the following.

  1. Right-click on the "My Computer" icon and select "Properties".
  2. In the window that opens, click "Advanced system settings"
  3. In the window that appears, go to the "Advanced" tab
  4. In the subsection "Performance" click the "Options" button
  5. Next, select "Provide Best Performance" and save your changes.

Now your Windows will run a little faster, but it will look a little worse, and the window animations will disappear altogether.

What else can you do

  1. Remove all unnecessary programs and files... The less data on the disk, the faster it works.
  2. Install WOT on SSD... When you launch the game from an external hard drive, it will run much faster, which will entail an increase in FPS.
  3. Hardware overclocking of components... CPU, RAM and the video card can be "overclocked". Indicators of "iron" will improve, but the amount of heat generated will also increase. This should be done by a person who clearly understands all the risks and has practical experience.

Programs and mods

FPS in WOT can also be raised using special programs and game modifications. Below is the most popular software on this topic.

  1. CCleaner. We have already met with this utility above. The program can clean PC from garbage, fix registry errors and remove unnecessary applications.
  2. Razer Cortex (updated Razer Game Booster). The program was created specifically for gamers. When launching games, Razer Cortex will free up the maximum amount of system resources for them. Performance increase on weak PCs - from +10 to +30 FPS. Also, the program can take screenshots, record videos, stream, perform defragmentation and much more. More details on the developer's website.
  3. WOT Tweaker. This small program is specially designed for the World of Tanks. With its help, you can change the game beyond recognition by disabling all unnecessary special effects - clouds, explosions, smoke, fire, and more. The increase in FPS on weak PCs will be noticeable. Read more on the developer forum.

In addition to programs, there are compressed texture mods World of Tanks. This reduces the load on the graphics card and improves performance.

What to do if all else fails

I was once in your shoes trying to play WOT on a dual-core laptop. I didn't succeed, but I was not particularly upset - there are still a lot of different tank games on the network. So, if you were not able to increase the FPS in the World of Tanks, I suggest the following options.

  1. Try to play... At the minimum settings, the lags are much less here. In addition, the game offers atypical mechanics and a variety of military vehicles, including planes and ships. Read more in our review.
  2. Rating: 4.8 / 5 - 12 votes

Today we will talk about the most graphics settings for World of Tanks.

We noticed that many people with patch 0.9.0 dropped FPS... This article aims to provide you with the most comfortable game in the World of Tanks. Go!

What can we say about graphs in wot? Our Belarusian developers, of course, are great in trying to make our game more beautiful. But there is also a downside to this beauty - low FPS. For those not in the know, FPS is the number of frames per second in a particular game. It turns out that the more beautiful the game, the lower the FPS.

Now we will talk about how you can increase FPS World of Tanks.

1. This is the 3D render resolution. This is the overall picture quality that you see on your screen. I have a powerful computer and I have this scale at 100%. If you have a weak or average computer, then experiment with this scale. It will certainly affect the smoothness of the picture.

2. This is the screen resolution. Here everything is the same if you have a weak car, then put the quality lower. Yes, the picture will not be so beautiful, but it will become much more comfortable to play. If average, then the quality is about 1280 * 720. Well, if you are the lucky owner of a powerful car, put everything on the maximum settings.

3. There is a myth that if you play in a window, then the FPS is higher. Nothing like this! If you play in a window, then the computer also has to process the desktop. And when playing in full screen mode, we raise FPS world of tanks by 5-10 units.

4. You've probably noticed in the game that some barrels, for example, two round tanks on the KV-1. And these tanks or other roundness have such ladders, they seem to be square. So, FXAA anti-aliasing smooths out such ladders. If you have a medium to weak computer, I recommend disabling this setting.

5. Viewing angle (FoV). The higher this setting, the more things get into the frame. If less, then the camera is closer to the tank and fewer things are included in the frame. Do not worry with this setting, it does not decrease FPS. Play with whatever setting is convenient for you.

6. Setting up WoT graphics used to be completely different. Previously, the game was loaded, mainly the processor. The developers named this type of load “ Standard". And they made the second type, which is called " Improved". The point of this setting is that the game is evenly distributed to the processor and to the video card. So, decide for yourself. If you have a powerful processor, but a weak video card, then put “ Standard". If the video card and processor are the same in characteristics, put “ Improved". If you don't know, then experiment with the settings, see how the picture moves at different settings.

7. Texture quality and lighting quality. These settings put stress on your graphics card. If yours is weak, then put it lower. Do you have a good, expensive video card ?! Then set these settings higher.

8. Shadow quality. One of the worst enemies of your graphics card. She is responsible for the beauty of your shadows in the game. Everything, in general, is the same as always. Weak, average computer - set it down or turn it off. Powerful - bet your maximum.

9. The quality of the decals. This setting is responsible for the traces left by the projectiles. It has almost no effect on increase in FPS in World of Tanks... But for an experienced player, it is important to know where the projectile hit, or where the artillery is firing. So, we advise you to leave at least on medium.

10. Detailing of objects. She is responsible for drawing some small details at a distance. Strongly affects FPS. With a weak computer, I recommend setting it lower.

11. Quality add. effects. To put it simply, if this setting is raised to Maximum, then smoke will go out at the site of the explosion of the projectile. If you lower it, then there will be just sparks. I advise you to set it lower, with a weak computer.

12. Setting up graphics for World of Tanks Is a difficult thing. Add. effects in sniper mode. And I recommend turning this setting off on a weak, medium, and powerful computer. You will ask why? To explain, if you turn it on, then after a shot for about a second the picture will become blurry. Plus, if your ally is shooting next to you, then your picture will "blur" again for a couple of seconds.

13. The amount of vegetation. These are, my dear tankers - bushes, foliage, poppy fields. Work with this setting. Everything will depend on the performance of your computer.

14. Post-processing. This is add. effects like smoke, dew, sun glare. With a weak computer, safely turn it off, you will not lose anything.

15. Track effects and track marks. The meaning of the first effect is that while driving, we see dust coma from under our tracks. The meaning of the second effect, of course, is in the tracks from the caterpillars. It is also recommended to turn it off when the computer is weak.

16. Detailing of trees. The more to the right the slider, the prettier the trees. But it does not affect the gameplay in any way, so on weak machines we reduce to the left.

17. Render distance. This effect in no case IT IS FORBIDDEN underestimate! He is responsible for how far you can see. For example, markers and the tanks themselves will be visible as far as possible (an approximate distance of 400-500 m.).

18. Motion blur quality. This effect is taken by developers from many shooters. Easier to explain this way. If you turn the tower sharply, the picture is blurred for a split second. Handsomely? Handsomely! But it interferes with playing, he himself always put it to a minimum.

Well what then? We told you about all world of tanks graphics settings that they knew about themselves. I hope our article will help you. Good luck to all! Bye!

  • Version 1.0 release date: March 19, 2018
  • Genre: online arcade tank simulator
  • Publisher: Disk
  • Developer:

World of Tanks (WoT) is a massive multiplayer action game in the genre of arcade tank simulator developed by the Belarusian company The game is based on team tank battles with a general free-to-play business model, when you do not need to pay for downloading the client and entering the game, although it also has the so-called premium technology, as well as some other advantages for those players. who will pay the money.

The very idea of ​​the game came from the developers at at the end of 2008, and the official announcement was made in April 2009. In early 2010, a closed beta test of the game was launched, and in June, an open beta test, in which the USSR and German tanks on seven different maps were available to players. The final game World of Tanks appeared on the public on August 12, 2010 in the form of a Russian-language version, and the European and American versions became available on April 12, 2011.

The gameplay in WoT is based on the battle of two teams of 15 players each on tanks of different nations and years of release, which includes both real-life tanks and prototypes. To win, teams need to completely destroy enemy tanks or capture his base, being on it for a certain time. Communication and coordination of actions of players in battle is carried out using text or voice chat. In further updates, other game modes have appeared: "Assault" (one team must repel the attack of another), "Encounter battle" (teams capture the only base on the map), "Team battle" (teams of seven players participate, selected based on the personal rating of the players ). The game has a rating system that displays the statistics and achievements of each player.

In World of Tanks, players get into multiplayer battles right away, without training in single player mode, although there are still training missions in it. Initially, the player receives tanks of the first level, and then, participating in battles, he earns in-game resources, trains the crew and accumulates experience points, gradually gaining access to new tanks and upgrades.

Each tank has several separate units (gun, turret, chassis, engine, radio station) that can be upgraded, which is done in the "hangar" between battles. Resources are spent on repairing tanks, purchasing ammunition and consumables, as well as additional equipment. The player of the destroyed tank can watch the battle or return to the hangar and start another battle on another tank, since the damaged tank is not available until the end of the battle.

They try to keep the historical accuracy at a fairly high level, the tanks have a recognizable appearance, close to the real booking, equipment and crew location. A complex damage model has also been implemented, taking into account the type and thickness of the armor, the projectile speed and angle of impact, the type of ammunition and other factors. The general behavior of a tank is affected by the condition of the engine, chassis, guns, crew members, etc. Thus, damage to the engine immobilizes the tank, a punctured tank will cause a fire, and the wounded commander detects enemy tanks with less efficiency.

The game has several camera modes: with a third-person view and through the sight, which helps when aiming at long distances, and the howitzer camera mode is activated when using an SPG with attached fire. The location of the enemy armored vehicles is initially unknown, the tanks become visible only if the commander is able to see the enemy vehicles. After that, it becomes visible to other team members who are in the range of the radio.

The game is constantly updated, adding and improving both the graphics engine and the physics. So, update 0.8.0 added realistic physics of movement, vehicles began to climb slopes, descend and fall from hills, receiving damage, etc. Update 0.9.14 added new physics of movement, interaction with other tanks and objects on the maps, and also the possibility of a coup. However, with all the attention to the elaboration of the appearance with a close-to-reality damage model and ballistics, the control of the tank is simplified, the movement of tanks and the reloading of guns are accelerated, and the overview is improved. That is, it is, rather, not a tough tank simulator, but a kind of hybrid with an arcade.

After all the updates, the game features more than five hundred types of tanks and self-propelled guns developed in different countries: the USSR, Czechoslovakia, Germany, USA, France, Great Britain, China, Sweden, Japan, Poland and other countries. All armored vehicles in WoT are divided into five classes: light, medium and heavy tanks, as well as anti-tank and howitzer self-propelled guns. The game has both real tanks and experimental models that existed only on paper or in the form of prototypes. Also, modifications of technology that did not exist in reality are possible.

For a long time, World of Tanks uses the BigWorld engine developed by the Australian company Micro Forte, also known for the creation of the tactical role-playing game Fallout Tactics. Back in 1994, the company received a grant from the Australian government to research MMO technologies, and as a result, they created BigWorld technology - the first platform of its kind to be used in a large number of MMO games. At the time of the development of the first versions of WoT, this engine was the best for games of this kind, capturing a large part of the market, and its choice was not surprising.

BigWorld technologies provided with everything necessary to create the first versions of WoT, including the graphical part. In addition, plugins from other companies were available for BigWorld, including Umbra (occlusion culling), Scaleform (user interface creation), Speedtree (vegetation manipulation), and others. The client side of the engine was available in versions for Windows, iOS, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Given the success of WoT, it is not surprising that on August 7, 2012 announced the purchase of the company and the engine for further use in its projects. constantly improved the graphical part of WoT (as much as possible within BigWorld), adding new algorithms, techniques and effects. But the last really big engine update happened sometime in 2014, and since then too much time has passed, and with all the improvements and improvements, WoT lagged more and more behind the modern level of graphics in games. That is why it was decided to develop a completely new graphics engine, which received the simple name Core.

The Core graphics engine has seriously improved the appearance of the gameplay in World of Tanks, because all the contents of the maps (lighting, shadows, terrain, objects, vegetation, clouds, water surface: lakes, rivers, seas) have been replaced with a developed one from scratch. At first glance, you can see both improved lighting with a global illumination system (GI - Global Illumination), as well as completely redrawn landscape, details and buildings on the maps, as well as a new dynamic sky.

All objects on the updated maps use high-resolution textures, the effects of wetting, pollution and dusting of equipment have been added, and the advanced DirectX 11 capabilities for tessellation are also used - the landscape is divided into small polygons and vertices are displaced according to displacement maps (with "Maximum" and "Ultra" settings), as well as tessellation is used to deform water - creating geometric waves on the surface, which looks very impressive.

In the new version of the game, the tracks from the caterpillars, the pressing of the soil, etc. were altered, the procedural generation of grass and bushes was added, all vegetation also interacts with the tank: the grass is crushed, the bushes are folded back. Water is rendered with high-quality reflections (Screen Space Reflection), interacts with tanks and shots (waves, circles, ripples, etc.)

Various effects based on particle systems (explosions, smoke, etc.) have been improved, to which the effect of hot air has been added, tanks now cast shadows, and hit marks with imitation of volume have been changed. What is even more important from the point of view of realism, the destruction system has been reworked once again, for which the well-known Havok Destruction technology is used (with graphic settings "High" and higher). The new "Color Correction" setting has become very useful for players, which allows you to adjust the color saturation, brightness and contrast of the image.

The difference in graphics between World of Tanks 1.0 and previous versions does not need to be looked for for a long time, it is immediately evident. realized a few years ago that BigWorld's technologies were outdated in order to take the required step forward in improving graphics. Therefore, the company's specialists had to create a new graphics engine, adding graphics technologies and capabilities that were previously unavailable in the game. But in order to get an improved game world, it is not enough just to add a couple of effects, the developers also had to re-create the bulk of the content from scratch using all the new technologies supported by the new graphics engine.

Back in the 9.15 update, DirectX 11 support was added to improve performance, and even then it was planned to improve graphics using the same tessellation. And in order to ensure that the new engine does not drop the performance of average systems below the floor, it has been heavily optimized and, as a result, provides sufficient frame rate and high stability on most common configurations.

If we consider individual improvements, then in the new version of the game, the rendering of the sky has been seriously changed. If earlier in the game the sky looked static, now the clouds are moving and the sky is changing its color. For version 1.0, the sky of each of the maps was worked over separately, and in World of Tanks it became almost indistinguishable from the real one. Also, all post-processing is now done in HDR, post-effects have been significantly improved: bloom, lens flare, god rays, depth of field, chromatic aberration and others.

Lighting is an essential element of graphics, as it largely determines the color of all pixels. Especially important in version 1.0 seems to be the appearance of Global Illumination, which adds realism, calculating lighting in much the same way as it happens in reality. This technique takes into account the interaction of rays of light and objects in the scene. Light passing through a semitransparent surface creates colored shadows on other surfaces, and light reflected from colored objects also affects adjacent surfaces, as can be clearly seen in the following example:

Physically correct shadows are another important detail in realistic rendering. They are not always striking, but they significantly affect the atmosphere and overall realism, and if the shadows are implemented well, then the game looks more impressive. WoT 1.0 uses Adaptive Shadow Maps technology, which calculates shadows from stationary objects on maps, storing them in a shadow map so as not to redraw shadows over time, which would increase the load on both the CPU and GPU. And for moving objects (tanks and vegetation), fully dynamic shadows are calculated. The hybrid approach strikes a good balance between quality and performance.

Also, the new graphics engine Core differs in that effects using particle systems (steam, dust, smoke, etc.) cast translucent shadows on surrounding objects. This is also needed in order to add realism, because dust and smoke will no longer be unnaturally illuminated, as it was in previous versions of the game.

Due to the transition to a new graphics engine, it was possible to significantly increase the geometric detail of locations and improve the resolution of textures. Thanks to this, even the smallest details become visible, because the level of detail of maps in version 1.0 is much higher than in previous ones. To increase the level of detail, modern virtual texturing technology is used, which provides a greater variety of terrain textures and objects than usual.

For improved image quality, up to 16 textures are used per pixel: several basic textures with mixing, several textures of detail and additional maps, such as wet. When creating the materials, several techniques were used: the recently popular photogrammetry, procedural texturing and the traditional approach. The use of photogrammetry made it possible, in particular, to further increase the realism of the final picture.

And an even higher level of geometric detail of the earth's surface and other objects on maps is achieved in WoT 1.0 using tessellation, which became available in DirectX 11. The complexity of various objects is increased by adding more triangles to the earth's surface, which increases the overall level of detail and adds realistic landscape:

Specifically for a tank simulator, it is also especially important that the space outside the map is now drawn right up to the horizon. And on some maps, the space outside the playable area is many square kilometers, but this almost does not negatively affect the overall performance during the game, but it gives the happening a sense of reality.

One of the most spectacular features of World of Tanks 1.0 is a completely new technology for rendering water surfaces. There are several states of water in the game: calm, intended for lakes, in motion - for rivers, and with waves - for the sea surface. To make the water look more realistic, Screen Space Reflections are used. With the help of this technology, everything is reflected in the water: landscape, objects, explosions, shots, smoke, shadows, etc. For the realism of the water, particle systems and textures are also added that simulate effects such as foam and splashes.

But the most important change is noticeable only in dynamics. Whereas in previous versions the water surface was flat and unrealistic, with the new graphics engine, ripples form on the water surface, and waves crash against the coast. And when driving a tank on water or when shooting near it, waves are formed, which looks very impressive! When creating dynamic waves, adaptive tessellation is used to increase the detail exactly in those areas where it is needed, and the vertices are displaced based on the information in the displacement maps.

In the WoT 1.0 update, the vegetation has also been seriously changed. To improve the appearance of plants, the new version of the game introduced SpeedTree 6 technologies - even with some changes so that the plants better interact with tanks and other objects in the game. As a result, the trees have become well-detailed, there are now more than 100 species of them, and nature looks much more realistic. This vegetation creates a special atmosphere at the most different maps: both in sunny suburbs and in snowy forests.

The maximum detail for trees in the game is 3-4 thousand triangles per tree, so it is important for them to use a rather aggressive dynamic level of detail. And since Speedtree 6 does not support physically correct rendering, had to use special hacks to add it to their engine.

Speedtree 6 is also used to draw grass, similar to trees. It now looks more natural due to realistic shadows, which greatly improved maps such as Karelia and Mines. Most importantly, all vegetation reacts to what is happening in battle, bending back when moving and shooting, although these effects are displayed only on the player's computer so as not to give out his position to the enemy. By the way, the physics of interaction with vegetation is planned to be improved in the future, since so far the trees are not falling very realistically.

Architecture plays an important part in World of Tanks: buildings, bridges, fences and other objects create an atmosphere in the game, influencing the gameplay as well. The new graphics engine has significantly increased texture detail, and the artists have significantly improved all locations. In order to avoid performance problems, we use streaming loading (streaming) of textures, which gradually loads textures as needed.

The armored vehicles themselves have not been forgotten either. The tanks already looked very realistic, but now the effects of wetting, dusting and snowing the car while driving have been added to them, and all materials have been improved. All these changes can be seen in the screenshots and in the video released by the developers specifically for the release of perhaps the biggest update of the game in its entire history.

It is expected that the developers of the engine and content will not slow down the pace of their work and will continue to work on improving the graphics in WoT, including through the introduction of new technologies in 2018 and beyond. In future versions of the game, it is planned to optimize performance and further increase the number of objects using tessellation, which will increase the realism of the landscape and the military equipment itself. It is also planned to pay even more attention to the interaction of the landscape with tanks and shots.

System requirements

Minimum system requirements:

  • central processing unit: dual-core with SSE support Intel Pentium G or AMD FX-4xxx;
  • random access memory 2 GB;
  • graphics card Nvidia GeForce 6800 GT or AMD Radeon HD 2400 XT;
  • 25 GB;
  • operating system Microsoft Windows XP / 7/8/10;
  • CPU Intel Core i5 or AMD FX-6xxx;
  • random access memory 4 GB;
  • graphics card Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7850;
  • video memory volume 2 GB;
  • free space on the drive 36 GB;
  • 64-bit operating system Microsoft Windows 7/8/10;
  • broadband internet connection.

Any modern version of Microsoft's operating system, starting from the old Windows XP, is suitable for the game World of Tanks 1.0, since the game uses the graphics API DirectX of not the latest version, for which the installation of Windows 10 is required. There is also no need to use 64-bit versions of the operating system, although it is recommended, since it helps to get away from the limitation of 2 GB of used RAM per process.

Curiously, after the release of the global graphics improvement in version 1.0 of the game, the minimum system requirements have not changed at all, because in it you can choose a reduced quality renderer, in which acceptable performance will be provided even on outdated systems and weak laptops. Such hardware requirements are not at all typical for modern games. The old models of video cards GeForce 6800 GT and Radeon HD 2400 XT, which are very weak by modern standards, are indicated as the minimum video cards suitable for the game. The game only requires 2GB of RAM to run, but 4GB of RAM is recommended.

From the point of view of the system CPU, the minimum requirements are also very low, any CPU with two cores and SSE support is needed. It is also below the usual level of minimum requirements. Even the recommended more powerful Core i5 and AMD FX-6xxx processors can hardly be called typical for current games, but rather the level of minimum requirements for most current projects. But World of Tanks has always traditionally been more democratic to the power of the PC, and this is a justified decision given its massiveness.

The recommended graphics card requirements are also not very impressive, the GeForce GTX 660 and Radeon HD 7850 can hardly be called particularly powerful GPUs. And these requirements are justified, for a comfortable game even at high quality settings in Full HD resolution, users will have enough video cards of similar power with only 2 GB of video memory. Accordingly, almost any modern model, starting from the GeForce GTX 1060, will provide playability even at 4K resolution, even if not at ultra-quality settings.

Test configuration and testing methodology

The game is not included in AMD or Nvidia technical and marketing support programs and does not use any specific algorithms that are preferred for execution on solutions of these companies. Since we are conducting our tests some time after the release of the game, we simply used the latest available driver, which includes optimization for all fresh releases, including the project under consideration today. We used the driver version 391.35 WHQL from 03/27/2018, which includes optimizations for the game that appeared in version 391.01.

The game itself does not have a built-in performance test, but there is a demo of the Core graphics engine called World of Tanks enCore, released separately a few weeks before the update of the game. It allows you to get an idea of ​​how comfortable it will be to play the version of the World of Tanks 1.0 game based on the Core engine on a specific system.

The program offers three quality profiles: "Minimal", "Medium" and "Ultra". The graphical settings of World of Tanks 1.0 differ from those familiar from the previous version of the World of Tanks client and differ from each other in the quality of textures, lighting, shadows, terrain, water, particles and other effects.

Resolution can be changed separately from the settings profiles, and in the "Medium" and "Ultra" profiles, you can additionally select the quality of anti-aliasing. Alas, in the enCore benchmark, you cannot change the rest of the graphic settings separately, although the World of Tanks game itself offers the widest choice of graphics settings, which we will consider a little later in a separate section of our material.

Another disadvantage for testing is that World of Tanks enCore does not show the frame rate, but only evaluates the performance of the PC in some points, which make it possible to understand the sufficiency of performance and make it possible to compare the results. By the way, in our opinion, the rating system is too soft, and even with a "good" rating, the FPS in the game may not be high enough. For us, the average and minimum frame rate per second is much more familiar to us, which we decided to measure during testing using the convenient MSI Afterburner utility.

The resulting frame rate in the test only roughly corresponds to what will be observed in a typical game, but a separate benchmark is good because it can get very high repeatability of results, and the selected scenes in any case include large open spaces with the presence of enemy tanks and the presence of many various special effects, which loads the work of both the CPU and GPU.

We ran a test fragment displaying statistics on the use of CPU and GPU resources using the MSI Afterburner utility. The CPU load during testing at medium and maximum settings averaged about 15% -25%, and only sometimes exceeded these values. Alas, the test loads the CPU cores unevenly with the work of the CPU core, and the performance when using powerful video cards will almost always rest on the speed of a single CPU core, although the game itself uses the capabilities of multi-threaded CPUs somewhat better, as it seemed to us. However, the frame rate in any case remains high enough for comfort, and even fast dual-core processors should be enough for normal operation of the game, and quad-core processors will certainly suffice.

Accordingly, the graphics processor of the top-level GeForce GTX 1080 Ti in the benchmark was loaded with work only 75% -90% at ultra-settings, which also indicates a clear emphasis on the capabilities of the CPU. But the frame rate was very high - 150-250 FPS, so this will not be a problem in real use. Most likely, a processor with fewer cores but a high clock speed will cope with the game just as well, and will definitely be fast enough for comfort.

In our tests, we measure not only the average, but also the minimum frame rate, since both the stability of the video sequence and the general comfort for the player depend on it. Based on the average and minimum frame rates from our test, it is quite possible to draw conclusions about the overall smoothness and comfort. Usually, you can play such online games at a minimum frame rate of 30 FPS and an average of 40-45 FPS, but be warned that this is only the very minimum. Due to the multiplayer genre and the focus on very fast and accurate shooting, maximum rendering performance is desirable in this game. Ideal as long as the frame rate does not drop below 60fps under any circumstances.

If we talk about the use of video memory by the game World of Tanks 1.0, then we can say for sure that it is not at all demanding on the amount of local GPU memory, although it depends on the graphics settings and screen resolution. If you set the ultra-settings in Full HD, then the game will have enough 2.5-3 GB of memory (that is, the GeForce GTX 1060 3 GB will not suffer at all and it will be quite enough), and if you set a higher rendering resolution, the video memory volume is 4 GB that's enough for sure. The RAM consumption of the entire system at high settings is less than 8 GB, but the recommended 4 GB may still not be enough.

Graphic settings in the game

Graphic settings in World of Tanks 1.0 are changed in the in-game menu, which can be called up even during the game. Changing all graphics settings (except for changing the graphics type: "Standard" or "Improved") is effective immediately and does not require restarting the game, which is very convenient when setting the rendering quality and allows you to immediately evaluate all the changes made on the fly.

The game has a function to automatically detect graphics settings, which is applied when you first start or when you click the "Recommended" button in the graphics settings. The function evaluates the performance of the game on a PC using special tests and determines one of the existing profiles: "Minimum", "Low", "Medium", "High", "Maximum" or "Ultra". The function does not always work perfectly, and can either underestimate the settings or overestimate them. If you are not satisfied with the FPS or the picture, you can always manually adjust the graphics settings. The only thing that we strongly advise against is switching from the improved rendering to the standard one, because the loss in quality will be too great. It is better to try changing other graphic parameters.

For this, the game menu has a large number of graphical settings. By adjusting them, you can easily get the required picture quality with the appropriate performance. It is convenient that here you can separately adjust all important parameters, there are quite a lot of graphic settings in this game and you can adjust it to your requirements, controlling the resulting picture quality and rendering performance.

In the main graphics settings menu, there are general options, such as the choice of display mode and resolution and the refresh rate, as well as the ability to enable vertical sync and triple buffering. There is also a setting for the angle of view (FOV - Field of View), as well as the ability to set a rendering resolution that differs from the display resolution, which can be useful if there is a lack of performance. We also note the setting for dynamic changes in the rendering resolution, which will allow players to get not too low performance in all cases with the highest possible graphics quality for a particular PC.

What is very convenient for inexperienced users with a considerable number of graphical settings, World of Tanks 1.0 has several preset quality profiles, so they will not have to manually select the required settings. There are several quality profiles in the game, starting with "Minimum" and ending with "Ultra". The difference between the profiles is very clearly visible to the eye, although even "High" looks very good in practice, and there is no need to strive for "Ultra" - this is not a game where graphics are more important than gameplay.

Most often, we advise using the maximum quality whenever possible, but in World of Tanks this is not necessary, with a lack of speed, you can easily go down to just high settings - in dynamics, the difference will still be small. In further work during testing, we used the profiles of medium and ultra-settings built into the benchmark, which are in the benchmark, but in the game they are similar:

In the benchmark, the settings are slightly different, but in general they are very similar to the game ones:

As always, it's best to tweak the rendering quality and final performance to your personal requirements based on your own feelings. The influence of some parameters on the resulting picture quality in the game is not always noticeable, especially in the screenshots. It is somewhat easier to note the different rendering quality from the videos, corresponding to the different levels of graphic settings, but also not always easy. Switching to high settings adds geometric and texture detail to the scene, and improves numerous effects.

Medium settings:

Ultra (Ultra) settings:

When setting manually, the main thing is to select the type of graphics: " Standard" or " Improved”, The second one supports a full set of new algorithms and effects. In the advanced settings, you can manually select whatever your heart desires. And here it is not easy to advise for various reasons. First, different graphics settings affect performance differently on different systems. Secondly, for WoT players it is often greater importance has not the quality of graphics, but the convenience of aiming, etc. That is, the realism may well be deliberately reduced for the sake of efficiency. And that's okay, as it's just a matter of an approach that's unique to each player.

From a performance point of view, we can recommend first of all to reduce the quality of anti-aliasing, textures and objects, effects, lighting and post-processing. These resource-intensive settings can help improve the smoothness and comfort of your game. But such things as drawing distance directly affect the gameplay and you need to reduce them with great care.

Setting " Smoothing"Helps to get rid of sharp geometric or pixelated edges and uses different anti-aliasing algorithms for" Standard "and" Enhanced "graphics. When you select "Enhanced" graphics, anti-aliasing is tied to graphic profiles and is necessary for the game: "High" - FXAA, "Maximum" - TSSAA of low quality and "Ultra" - TSSAA of high quality. Anti-aliasing algorithms use post-processing techniques and don't degrade the performance of modern GPUs too much, so it's best to leave anti-aliasing enabled. TSSAA uses the temporal component and may seem to someone to blur the picture unnecessarily, but this is purely a matter of taste.

« Texture quality»Affects the resolution of textures and the quality of used texture filtering. The higher the level of texture detail, the better the picture, but the effect of the setting on the performance depends very much on the amount of video memory required by the game. If there is a lack of it on weak systems, FPS will sag heavily, which will result in jerks and lack of smoothness. And on modern gaming systems of sufficient power, you can freely set the setting to the maximum value, which will not affect the rendering speed in any way.

Parameter " Detailing objects»Changes the level of detail (LOD) of objects on the map. For each object, there are several options with different levels of detail, and the closer the player is to the object, the better the object will be rendered. And distant objects are drawn in a simplified form, which saves resources. The higher the setting, the greater the distance the object details will be switched. The parameter is demanding on both the CPU and the GPU, and it is also important for the gameplay - it is better to see objects in good quality at the maximum possible distance.

Menu item " Render distance»Changes the distance at which objects are drawn. It is important that the setting only affects those objects that are not critical during the game. But all the same, this is an extremely important parameter, which we do not recommend reducing under any circumstances - on some maps, with a short drawing distance, you may not see some objects, which is unacceptable for a game like World of Tanks.

Parameter " Lighting quality"Is very important for the general perception of the picture and greatly affects its realism. Lighting is one of the most important parameters of the game and affects all other graphic elements. Depending on the selected quality, the complexity of the calculations is very different, because this includes numerous technologies: reflections in screen space, global illumination (GI) and shading (HBAO), volumetric light rays, optical glare, etc. Select a value for one of the most important parameters for specific system independently, it is difficult to advise here.

The value of the item " Shadow quality"Affects the quality of the shadows in the game, but due to the optimization of algorithms in the Core engine, it does not affect the overall rendering performance as much as it happens in other games. Try different values ​​yourself, but on powerful systems you can safely set the value to "Ultra".

« Motion blur quality" and " Post-processing- Two options for adjusting post-processing cinematic effects like motion blur, vignetting, chromatic aberration, distortion and grain. They are not too resource-intensive, but they seriously improve the overall impression of the picture, adding to it cinematic realism.

Influence of the parameter " Water quality»Performance is highly dependent on the type of map, on terrain with large spaces sea ​​water("Fjords", "Fishing Bay", "Calm") rendering will consume more resources than on land. The gameplay is still slightly affected, so change according to your personal requests.

« Landscape quality"And its tessellation settings greatly affect the rendering of improved maps in World of Tanks 1.0. The setting is pretty important, try to keep it high. Well, tessellation, which works on almost all modern graphics cards with DirectX 11 support, remains optional for "Enhanced" graphics (with "Standard" the landscape is simplified to improve performance). On modern GPUs, enable tessellation, it adds realism. With it, small details like stones, tracks from caterpillars, funnels from shots will not be just textures, but get a geometric shape with additional detail. And to increase the comfort when aiming, you can separately disable tessellation in sniper mode.

« Detail of vegetation"Affects the complexity of calculations when the wind affects trees, and the higher the value of the parameter" Amount of grass”, The more it will be on the map. To increase the smoothness and improve visibility, it is quite possible to lower this setting, although the realism will suffer, but in WoT this is not the main thing. However, the influence is more psychological, because the camouflage mechanic in the game always works the same way and regardless of the selected graphic settings.

« Quality add. effects»Allows you to customize the quality of explosions, fire, smoke and other similar effects using particle systems. A properly configured parameter will be useful when playing, as the effects will help you see the tanks that have just been fired, as well as the tanks that are on fire. So it's best to keep the quality of the side effects not too low if possible.

Another important setting in the game is “ Improved physics of destruction"- this parameter enables the Havok Destruction technology and when it is activated, objects will be destroyed into pieces. If you disable the enhanced physics functionality, detailed destruction will not be rendered at all. The setting works only if "Enhanced" graphics is selected, when separate CPU threads are used for physical calculations. So if the processor of your system is not powerful enough (a small number of physical or virtual cores), then you can disable this technology.

Performance testing

We tested the performance of six Zotac graphics cards based on Nvidia GPUs from various price ranges and GPU generations from the company. In testing, we used the three most common screen resolutions: 1920 × 1080, 2560 × 1440 and 3840 × 2160, as well as two built-in profile settings: Medium and Ultra.

There are settings below the average level in a separate test, but we do not consider them, since in practice even the weakest video card in comparison, the GeForce GTX 960, can very easily cope with the average. Traditionally, for the materials on our site, we check the maximum quality mode, as the most demanded option for settings among gaming enthusiasts. But let's take a look at the most popular Full HD resolution at medium quality settings first.

Resolution 1920 × 1080 (Full HD)

It is immediately evident that at least a separate World of Tanks benchmark on the new engine in the medium settings mode rests on the power of the CPU and is not too picky about the video card in this case. Five of the six GPUs reviewed showed almost identical results, which indicates an emphasis on the processor. And even the younger model of the previous generation in the form of the GeForce GTX 960 at medium graphics settings and Full HD resolution showed not only an acceptable rendering speed, but much more than the ideal 60 FPS without dropping the frame rate below this mark.

Even the weakest GPU tested has a minimum FPS of over 100 frames per second, ensuring maximum gaming comfort even with a gaming monitor with an increased refresh rate. So you can safely set higher quality settings on all solutions, they should easily pull them too. But let's see what happens when installing an ultra quality profile:

At maximum settings, the difference in speed between video cards of different power is already visible, although in the case of top-end video cards, the emphasis on the CPU remains - the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti should be even faster. The weakest video card in our comparison was no longer able to reach the level of 60 FPS at least, but still 64 FPS on average at 45 FPS minimum can be considered a very good level of performance, quite acceptable for many players. For those looking for a stable 60+ FPS in intense battles, we recommend lowering some of the settings to high.

The other five video cards coped with the conditions of ultra-high quality settings perfectly, even the minimum frame rate did not fall below the 60 FPS mark. And the top-end GeForce GTX 1080 Ti even showed an average result above 120 FPS, which will give maximum comfort on monitors with a refresh rate of 100-120 Hz. And the GeForce GTX 1070 is not that far behind.

Note that the GeForce GTX 1060 3 GB is close to the level of the older model with more memory - that is, the game World of Tanks 1.0 with an improved engine is definitely 3 GB and with ultra-high-quality graphics. Interestingly, the outdated GeForce GTX 970 does not lag behind this pair of more recent models, as is sometimes the case in modern games. But will this situation persist when the resolution is increased?

2560 × 1440 resolution (WQHD)

When setting a higher rendering resolution of 2560 × 1440, the load on the GPU increased, but the emphasis on the CPU at medium settings remains quite strong - the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti is almost on par with the GTX 1070, which should not be. But the use of video memory still does not limit the speed, and 3 GB of VRAM is enough for a game. The frame rate has dropped, since high fill rates are needed at high resolutions, but the FPS values ​​remain high.

The outdated GeForce GTX 960 was again able to cope with the task of providing not the minimum comfort, but the maximum, showing 110 FPS on average and 66 FPS at least. The rest of Zotac's latest two GPU generations provide the best possible comfort under these conditions. And the GeForce GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 Ti are even capable of perfectly smooth frame rates on monitors with a refresh rate of 144 Hz.

When setting the maximum quality settings "Ultra" in WQHD-resolution, the GeForce GTX 960 did not cope with the task of ensuring minimum comfort, although it was close to that. 40 FPS on average is not enough for such a dynamic multiplayer game like World of Tanks, it will be problematic to play successfully at such a speed, the lag between pressing the control keys and the actual action on the screen will be large, and it would be better to lower the rendering quality settings to just high.

This time, even a pair of GeForce GTX 1060s with different video memory capacities, together with the GTX 970 adjoining them, show a slightly lower speed than needed for perfect smoothness when playing. Although 65-69 FPS on average and 48-50 FPS minimum are close to providing maximum comfort, sometimes the frame rate drops below the generally recognized limit of 60 FPS, so it would be better to adjust one or two settings downward.

But the most powerful comparison models, the GeForce GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 Ti, performed well in such conditions. The first of them guarantees more than sufficient comfort for the average player with 98 FPS on average at drops of at least 72 FPS, and the fastest Nvidia GPU in our comparison showed an average frame rate of almost 150 FPS with a minimum value above 100 FPS. That is, even when playing on a monitor with a resolution of 2560 × 1440 and a refresh rate of 100 Hz, frame changes will be as smooth as possible.

Resolution 3840 × 2160 (UHD)

The drop in speed when switching to 4K resolution turned out to be very large, although the absolute numbers themselves are not so frightening. Surprisingly, but the performance of the GeForce GTX 960 in such conditions is enough to ensure the minimum comfort, because the frame rate was 52 FPS on average with a minimum of 31 FPS - the game will be a little twitchy in places, but some players can live with it, as practice shows ... The rest will have to reduce many of the settings to achieve at least 60 FPS.

Two GeForce GTX 1060 6GB and one GTX 970 showed average frame rates above 80 FPS with occasional drops below 60 FPS, which is very close to the ideal comfort level. Perhaps, on the GTX 1060 version with 3 GB, you will have to reduce a couple of settings, and with 6 GB - one or two in order to reach the minimum 60 FPS. But so far, the difference between these solutions is solely due to differences in GPU speed, and not in the amount of video memory.

The GeForce GTX 1070 graphics card at medium settings in 4K resolution provides the ideal level of performance, while the top-end Zotac solution provides even faster rendering. These fast GPUs are powerful enough to keep your frame rates as comfortable as possible. The older model from this pair showed 190 FPS on average at 116 FPS minimum, which will give perfect smoothness on gaming monitors with a refresh rate of 75-100 Hz, while the younger one is suitable for displays with 60-75 Hz. Most likely, at maximum settings, it will not work out so beautifully.

Finally, the toughest conditions are ultra settings at 4K resolution. The frame rate here is minimal for our entire test, and in fact, this is almost the first really difficult conditions for the top GPUs presented in the material. Well, the younger model GeForce GTX 960 shows, albeit not a slideshow, but rather sad 13-19 FPS - it is simply impossible to play with such a frame rate.

The middling trio (a pair of GTX 1060 models and an old GTX 970) also cannot provide even minimal comfort in such conditions. 31-34 FPS on average with a minimum of 23-25 ​​FPS - this is not at all suitable conditions for dynamic multiplayer games, where the accuracy of movement and shots is of paramount importance. To achieve at least 45 FPS, you will have to greatly reduce many of the settings - at least to the level of simply high.

GeForce GTX 1070 at maximum settings (Ultra) at its highest resolution provides only the minimum comfortable level of performance. 50 FPS on average with 35 FPS minimum - that's enough for undemanding players only. The rest can be advised by the top-end solution from Zotac - the power of the fastest GPU, the GTX 1080 Ti, was enough to maintain the frame rate at almost the most comfortable level. The older model showed 75 FPS on average at 54 FPS minimum - that is, even on the most powerful video card, the frame rate sometimes drops below the level of 60 FPS, so for perfect smoothness in 4K resolution, you may need to reduce one or two graphic settings to a lower level.


Version 1.0 has become one of the biggest updates for the World of Tanks project, the game finally has really modern and realistic graphics. Although at the minimum settings the game still looks like a project from the distant years, but at the ultra-settings it is a completely different matter - the picture looks much better than the one we saw earlier. Well, for those who lack performance at ultra-settings, a good compromise between a high-quality picture and performance is the average graphics quality settings - the game looks quite decent with them and works great on a PC of medium power and even lower.

A lot depends on the quality and manufacturability of graphics in modern games. Players should get the maximum experience during the game, for which the battles of tanks should be as realistic as possible, and the battlefields should be similar to the surrounding reality and ideas about it. At the same time, there should be a wide selection of locations, both colorful and bright, and gloomy and oppressive. And for a realistic recreation of all this, modern graphics technology is needed.

Without realistic lighting, any, even the most detailed objects will not look believable, but you also need to pay maximum attention to geometry with textures - materials should be physically correct, and geometric models should be sufficiently detailed. It is important to make sure that all of this continues to look great and in motion. However, the battle of purely mechanical machines is easier to make cinematic, because facial and skeletal animation, human movements and emotions are excluded from the equation. managed to implement all this very well.

From a visual point of view, World of Tanks 1.0 looks very impressive, almost like a movie. This has been achieved with both a completely redesigned content and a modern graphics engine. Models and textures of tanks, landscape, nature, buildings, etc. - all this is done in the new version very high quality. The game also has good lighting and a well-optimized shadow rendering system, and in addition, there are many different effects, including advanced post-filtering and dynamic water with realistic reflections.

With all this, we note especially that the game is very well optimized, especially from the point of view of the GPU. If the use of multi-threaded central processors is still not quite optimal in WoT 1.0 (ideally, you need to use DirectX 12, but this will immediately cut off a large number of players with old hardware), in our opinion, the optimization of the graphics processors is done by five. Provided realistic graphics and the use of new graphics algorithms and techniques (including tessellation), the game does not require too much local video memory, and the requirements for the processing power of the GPU are very democratic.

The new Core engine scales well in speed and quality, offering a wide range of graphics settings to ensure a comfortable game on graphics cards of different levels. And World of Tanks 1.0 does not require expensive video cards in order to get a very high-quality picture while maintaining a sufficiently high rendering speed. The resulting frame rate will be quite sufficient even on a mid-range model from the previous generation such as the GeForce GTX 960, which showed perfect smoothness at medium settings even at 2560x1440.

If we talk about the maximum settings, then all comparison models coped with Full HD resolution, although the same GTX 960 sometimes slipped below 60 FPS. But solutions such as GTX 1060 and GTX 970, even at higher resolutions at maximum settings, were close to perfect smoothness. Although ultra-quality in the highest resolutions remains the prerogative of top-end solutions - without the GeForce GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 Ti, stable 60 FPS in such conditions cannot be obtained even in such democratic popular "tanks".

From the point of view of the use of the resources of the central processing units, one can note some lack of optimization when distributing work among the CPU cores, but this is partly due to the use of old version graphics API DirectX 11, and the frame rate in any case is sufficiently high. In practice, the rendering speed is more likely to be limited by the GPU than the CPU, if you aim at 60 FPS and set the graphics settings to match the GPU.

In general, for a comfortable game in World of Tanks 1.0, you need at least a dual-core processor, and better - a fast CPU with four cores, bigger game from the system and will not require. Well, we have already written about the requirements for the amount of RAM and VRAM - the game makes very soft requirements for both. Even for maximum settings, 3-4 GB of video memory and 8 GB of RAM will be enough, and for medium settings, even this will be a lot.

We thank the companies that provided the software and hardware for testing:
and personally Robert wislowski
and personally Ivana Mazneva

World of Tanks introduces new graphical effects designed to make tank battles even more spectacular. However, it is important to understand that these innovations will also affect performance. For this reason, when starting the game for the first time after installing Update 9.0, the player will be prompted to leave the current graphics settings or start auto-detection.

If, after installing the update, you encounter a drop in performance, we recommend that you take a few minutes to fine-tune the manual client configuration.

Updated: from 04/15/2014 - the article was updated, the game version is 0.9.0

1. Select the graphics quality from those offered in the drop-down menu or use the "Recommended" button - the system will automatically select the graphics quality most acceptable for the game, based on the parameters of your computer. Graphics Quality settings affect the settings in the Advanced tab. Select a value in the Graphics Quality box if you don't want to customize every setting on the Advanced tab.

2. Resolution of 3D rendering. Decreasing the value of the parameter can improve the performance of the game on computers with a weak video card.

3. Selecting the size of the game window. If "Full screen mode" is enabled, the field name is changed to "Screen resolution". Mismatch of the set resolution in full screen mode with the current monitor resolution may distort the image. Increasing the parameter increases the load on the video card and may decrease the performance of the game. You can reduce the load on the video card by adjusting the 3D rendering resolution.

4. Turning on full screen mode expands the game to the entire monitor of your computer.

5. Limiting the frame rate to 60 frames per second. It is used when the picture is jittering or lagging at the bottom of the screen relative to the top.

6. When this setting is enabled, the edges and faces of objects become smoother.

7. Angle of view. The familiar viewing angle for humans is about 95 °. The smaller the angle, the closer objects become, but the peripheral view is reduced. Does not affect the performance of the game.

8. The mechanism for adapting the color palette for people with color perception disabilities.

9. Monitor refresh rate. You can see the refresh rate of the monitor in the settings of the monitor or its driver. Please note that the displayed values ​​depend on the current monitor resolution. Install monitor drivers to display supported values.

10. Mismatch of the set aspect ratio with the current aspect ratio of the monitor may cause the image to be stretched or shrunk horizontally. The setting allows you to equalize the aspect ratio on monitors with non-square pixels.

11. Here you can select a monitor to play if you have more than one connected to your computer.

12. Change the brightness of the image. Works only in full screen mode. In windowed mode, the current settings of the operating system are used.

13. The color filter allows you to choose the visual design of the game from the proposed options.

14. Moving the slider changes the visibility of the selected color filter in the interface. The picture above shows the changes.

If you need more detailed graphics settings, go to the "Advanced" tab. Please note: most of the following settings are available only for the "Enhanced Graphics" render.

Some settings and their values ​​are not available for standard graphics.

Attention: Settings that significantly affect the performance / performance of the game are moved to a separate block "Significantly affecting performance". In the image they are indicated by numbers 3-7 and 12-16.

Lowering or disabling these settings can significantly improve game performance.

It is important to pay attention to some points here:

3. By choosing from the two proposed options for the quality of graphics, you predetermine the choice in the remaining categories in this tab.

4. The quality of textures does not depend on the performance of the card, but it is demanding on the video memory.

5. The performance of the game with this setting depends on the power of the graphics card.

6. The quality of shadows is highly dependent on the overall performance of the system, affecting both the video card and the central processor.

12. Here you can adjust the display of smoke, dust, sparks, flames, explosions, etc. All these objects depend not so much on the video card as on the central processor.

15. Various additional graphic effects: air refraction, bloom effect, etc. Strongly depends on the performance of the video card and moderately on the amount of video memory.

Attention: Items 8-19, 21 insignificantly affect the performance of the game, which means that when setting values, you should be guided by your own wishes for the quality of each element (water, trees, landscape, etc.).

Many users will find it useful to point 20 "Dynamically changing the quality of effects" - automatic simplification of effects when system performance drops. Enabling this option will allow the game to adjust to the speed of your computer.

The most popular game, "Belarusian miracle", a game of all times and peoples. As soon as the online game was not called World of Tanks. And there were reasons for that. How could it happen that a game from a little-known studio Wargaming, located in a little-known country, gained wild popularity in a year? No one has the answer to this question.

By the way, "Tanks" still hold the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful game, which gained popularity in the shortest period of time. The success of "Tanks" has not yet been repeated by any game, even from the most famous studios.

However, with each update, it becomes more difficult to "roll into tanks", as the system requirements of the game grow. Now, without the correct graphics settings, it is not possible to play normally and "bend over". Therefore, we will try to figure out which graphics settings in World of Tanks are optimal for successful battles.

What you need to know about system requirements

System requirements in "Tanks" are not distinguished by moderation. In order for the game to function at maximum settings, a very powerful computer is required. And the more powerful, the better. For a comfortable game requires an impressive number of frames per second. Without this, effective battles will not work.

The requirements for the video card are even higher. Ideally, the user should have an NVidia 1080. Then it will be possible to talk about high-quality and productive graphics. Setting up graphics in World of Tanks can load even a very powerful machine in full.

The same requirements are imposed on the processor and RAM. To play comfortably, you need at least the latest generation Intel Core i3 and 8 gigabytes of RAM. Without this, the game will be terribly slow. And in "Tanks", a split second decides everything. But the optimal graphics settings in World of Tanks can somewhat reduce the load on the processor and RAM. Therefore, it is important to be able to properly configure the graphics.

General settings

Let's move on to the "Tanks" graphics settings. And the first section is called "General Settings". They also affect the graphics of the game. Therefore, you need to be able to configure them correctly.

So, setting up graphics in World of Tanks begins. First of all, turn on the dynamic camera and horizontal stabilization in sniper mode. This is absolutely essential for a comfortable game. But it is better to turn off the effect of optics, because there is zero sense from it, and it loads the iron.

Screen settings

They depend on the type of monitor used. These include screen resolution, refresh rate, aspect ratio and other parameters. For a comfortable game, you need to turn on dynamic change, set the 3D rendering resolution to 100 percent and turn off Anti-aliasing, too. This is how we improve the performance of World of Tanks. Maximum graphics settings are not always good for certain hardware.

The screen settings need to be considered carefully, as incorrect ones can affect vision. Especially if you still use an ancient CRT monitor.

Remember that the optimal frequency for such monitors is 75-85 hertz. If you have a modern LCD screen, then we leave the standard 60 hertz and do not bother. Setting up the screen correctly will help you enjoy the game and not crush your eyesight.

Graphics settings

So we come to the very essence. It is these settings that determine the image quality and overall performance of the game. Immediately go to the "Advanced" tab and turn on the standard graphics mode. Set the texture quality to "High". This is quite enough.

Disable unnecessary effects: grass in sniper mode, effects from under caterpillars, transparency of foliage, dynamic change in the quality of effects and tracks of caterpillars. You can play normally without these "beauties". Setting up graphics in World of Tanks is a delicate matter that does not tolerate excesses.

All other sliders are set to the "High" position. In addition to water quality, landscape, details and additional effects. You can turn them off altogether. This will help improve the performance of the game several times over. This is the basic graphics setting for a World Tanks laptop. All kinds of "prettiness" and effects for laptops are destructive.

Why not use improved graphics?

The fact is that such improvements are only possible for computers with top-end hardware configurations. Most of the users can only dream of such quality settings. Not to mention laptop owners. If you don't have a top-end PC, it's best not to even look at the advanced graphics settings.

The same goes for the type of client being downloaded. There are SD versions - with regular texture resolution and HD - with high resolution textures. Which type of client to choose for a more comfortable game is probably not worth explaining. And so it is understandable. Graphics settings in World of Tanks will work much better in the absence of high-resolution textures.

What else do you need to know?

In any case, medium settings are enough for a comfortable game. And some effects and "prettiness" can be turned off altogether. Don't be fooled by graphics improvements like "Track marks". They only load the computer. Do not install all sorts of mods to improve the graphics. It has been proven that game performance only drops with them. Do not use all kinds of "boosters" of video cards. This is a direct route to getting a burned-out video card.

It would also be nice to check the capabilities of your video card on the manufacturer's official website. Knowing its characteristics, you can experiment with the settings and customize the game "for yourself." But the main thing here is not to overdo it.

In any case, it is worth knowing the characteristics of your computer as a whole. For without this knowledge, it will be impossible to tune the game for maximum performance. And that's exactly what we are trying to achieve. "Tanks" is a very capricious game. It requires an appropriate level of iron and fine tuning.


All of the above settings will help you achieve the maximum frame rate during gameplay. The performance will also increase immediately as the response increases. This or that action will take less time.

As a result, you will be able to "bend" more efficiently. Especially if you have a highly responsive gaming mouse. Without this, you will not be able to successfully ride in "Tanks".

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