20 senior lasso tarot meaning. Tarot card Sud in combination with the Major Arcana. Daniela Chris. “The magic book of the Tarot. Fortune telling. "

Basically, it is believed that the Court card is the adoption of some kind of decision that is not subject to discussion. During the choice, a person will be under tremendous external and internal pressure. Often this card falls out to strong and cheerful people who must pass tests in order to keep themselves in good shape.

The person on whom the alignment is being made understands the importance of the obstacles that stand in his way. He also understands that, having overcome all this, he will receive valuable experience that will help in the future. Such a person is distinguished by his responsibility, as well as the fact that he is ready to answer for his words. He really lacks calmness, but at the same time, he will always maintain his independence and not too adapt to people.

The meaning of the Tarot card Sud in direct occurrence

The direct card has the following interpretation - in this moment You have been given a great opportunity to end most of the problems that always remind of themselves. You must make a decision that will lead to a change in your life. Do not hesitate with this, because you can miss such a good chance.

Do not neglect the gifts of Destiny, otherwise in the future you will no longer be presented with such an opportunity and you will have to make great efforts to achieve something. This card will say that you need to answer a question, the answer to which is very unpleasant for you. The best solution is to tell the truth, which will lead to a resolution of the situation. It is worth, as soon as possible, to start solving problems, and then it will turn out to avoid the effect of a snowball.

A straight or inverted card The court practically does not change its meaning in combination with other cards, however, it can indicate some additional details.

The meaning of the Tarot card Sud in an inverted position

The inverted court card is definitely a negative card. It is difficult to predict in what area trouble will await you. It could be in a relationship, or it could be in trouble at work. Also, if your current place of residence does not bring you pleasure, then you should change your place of stay. Most of all, creative people are unlucky - they will face failures in their goals, or they will get very bad fame.

Another meaning of this card is that stagnation forms in your life. The movement forward on the social ladder will stop, depression will set in. It is possible that the person himself does not want to change, considering that this is a waste of time, and that everything suits him. The card says that it's time to change something in your life, and you should start at least from the smallest.

The meaning of the Tarot card Judgment in relationships and in love

This card is positive for relationships. Its meaning is favorable both for those who already have a couple and for those who are still looking for a partner. This card will help open your eyes to understand if the person in front of you you want to spend time with. The map will also tell you how important and valuable a person is to you, listen. If you love a person, then this will greatly help the one you love - he will begin to transform before your eyes and become much better thanks to you.

If you are already in a relationship, then you can not worry, heaven has already done everything it could to make everything good for you. The love that arises will be inexplicable, you will not be able to tell what attracts you so much in a partner, some unknown force attracts you. The marriage, which will be concluded under the influence of this card, will become very prosperous, and the feelings will be durable.

The direct position of the Court card in the layout of the relationship means a meeting for those who are single, and renewal, improving relationships for existing couples. Situations will clear up, problems will be safely resolved, and feelings will only grow stronger.

An inverted card Court means that one of the partners is experiencing pangs of conscience, repents, which creates problems for him in communicating with a loved one. Another interpretation of the inverted card Judgment in love is the temporary separation of partners from each other.

The meaning of the tarot card at work

Those who already have a job will be offered the opportunity to move to another, more prestigious one, which will help change a person's financial situation. The card says that you should start doing something yourself, and it will definitely work out. You should not be distracted for a minute from self-improvement, which will lead you to incredible heights. The luckiest creative people who will come up with unique ideas.

The value of the card Judgment in the layout of health

The upside down card The judgment indicates chronic or hereditary diseases, asthma, hearing problems, and also means cosmetic surgery. In general, a straight card speaks of better health.

Tarot card Sud in combination with the Major Arcana

With "Jester" - inspiration, desire to change the environment;

With the "Magician" - honing skills;

With the "High Priestess" - clearly see the situation;

With the "Empress" - the birth of a child;

With the "Emperor" - to expand the scope of activities;

With "Pope" - a broad view of things;

With “Lovers” - in love - tell everyone about your decision;

With the "Chariot" - to gain a foothold in a victorious position;

With "Power" - the growth of opportunities;

With the "Hermit" - harmony with your Self;

With the "Wheel of Fortune" - favorable changes;

With "Justice" - to make the right decision; good outcome of a legal case;

With "The Hanged Man" - an abrupt change in life;

With "Death" - a well-deserved punishment;

With "Moderation" - healing of mental wounds, good health;

With the "Devil" - to slow down your own development, resist changes;

With "Tower" - life will arrange "exam";

With the "Star" - to achieve clarity;

With "Luna" - doubts, hesitation in decision-making;

With the "Sun" - to discover talents in oneself;

With "Peace" - enjoy freedom and comprehend the world.

Tarot card Sud in combination with some minor arcana

With the "Ace of Wands" - a good period to start from scratch;

With the "Three of Wands" - gaining experience;

With the "Five of Wands" - to change your views;

With the "Six of Wands" - to make commitments;

With the "Eight of Wands" - actions will have a result;

With the "Page of Wands" - this combination means revealing talents;

With the "Knight of Wands" - to be in the thick of what is happening;

With the "Queen of Wands" - development in the business or creative field;

With the "King of Wands" - to call someone to active action.

With the "Ace of Cups" - relations will improve, feelings will intensify;

With the Troika of Cups - joy, wonderful mood, optimism;

With the Six of Cups - don't let go of the past;

With the "Seven of Cups" - immerse yourself in dreams;

With the "Eight of Cups" - choose the "untouched" path;

With the Nine of Cups - in a relationship - this combination promises well-deserved happiness;

With the "Knight of Cups" - find a compromise;

With the “Queen of Cups” - the beginning of a new life for a woman;

With the "King of Cups" - life from scratch for a man.

With the "Ace of Swords" - the desire for decisive action;

With "Two of Swords" - the interpretation of this combination is a dead end;

With the "Four of Swords" - in the alignment of health - restoration of physical and psychological balance;

With the "Six of Swords" - go out into the world;

With the Eight of Swords - feel guilty;

With the Nine of Swords - longing, a feeling of loneliness;

With the "Knight of Swords" - suppression of the personality;

With the "Queen of Swords" - a woman who had to go through a lot;

With the "King of Swords" - the arbiter of destinies.

With "Ace of Pentacles" - a good start;

With the "Three of Pentacles" - great chances of success;

With the Four of Pentacles - a solid foundation;

With the "Eight of Pentacles" - a slow but sure way out of difficult situation;

With the "Nine of Pentacles" - luck in the field of finance;

With the Ten of Pentacles - an influx of money;

With the "Knight of Pentacles" - the stagnation will gradually go away;

With the "Queen of Pentacles" - to receive financial assistance;

With the "King of Pentacles" - a reward;

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The highest court awaits us when we have to answer before the Almighty for everything that happened to us in life. This court is a kind of summing up - a discussion of the outcome. It is difficult to live with an eye on the High Court. Sometimes our actions do not withstand human judgment, and what can we say about the judgment that will still be. The alignment with the title "High Court" is not done with the aim of condemning a person, but to tell what happened in his life earlier, what else will happen.

"High Court" - your chance to look into the future

The layout on the Waite Tarot cards will allow you to make the most detailed analysis of events. This is the best and most accurate alignment for a detailed prediction of the future in all areas of life. Most often it is produced when:

1) it is difficult to clearly describe the situation that interests you;

2) I want to know what awaits you in the future.

So, choose the significator and start the alignment. To make the description of fortune-telling more accurate, it is advisable to let the tarot cards feel you. Therefore, feel free to touch the Tarot Waite deck, hold it in your hands. And the cards, warmed by your warmth, will begin to speak to you:

  • The first three cards of the layout are mentioned about the personality of the person who is being guessed about, about his financial situation and environment.
  • The next three cards will tell us about the fortuneteller's parents and family, consider what entertainment there are in his life, what he finds pleasure in. Health problems will be investigated from all angles or confirmed to be absent.
  • Later, you will learn about possible enemies and rivals.
  • Next, we will consider issues related to significant changes in your life, possible travel. The secret of your future professionally will be revealed. You will learn more about your friends and co-workers, about the obstacles and difficulties that will prevent you from moving forward. It will be considered in detail how the events of your past affect the future, what it is like today.
  • The last map of the alignment will show the final result of the development of the situation.

The "High Court" layout once again confirms its characteristics of the most detailed layout. It doesn't matter which deck the layout is made with. And remember, tarot cards cannot fail to indicate what is inevitable. This situation must be taken for granted and learn to live with it.

The Court of the Tarot card, the meaning of which will be the topic of this article, is perceived by many as an extremely positive Arcana. Most likely, this was facilitated by the popular Tarot books by Hayo Banzhafa. In fact, despite the seeming positivism, sometimes the interpretation of the card will not be so cloudless and joyful. Indeed, even in the very concept of "judgment" there is already the word "judge". The closest thing to the interpretation of the card is such a phenomenon as karma. But let's get down to the details.

General description of the Court card, plot and meaning in the layout

In the traditional illustration, we see the classic picture of the Last Judgment. The angel blows his golden trumpet, announcing the dead that the time has come to rise from the graves, to be reborn, to enter new life... In the foreground, we see a resurrected family - father, mother and child. In the background is a picture of the miraculous resurrection of other people. What does the card symbolize? The beginning of a new phase, change, getting rid of restrictions, or a reward? Let's see.
It is worth noting that the Court card does not look the same in all decks as Waite's. So, for example, in Aleister Crowley - the meaning and interpretation of the card is not the Last Judgment at all, but the Eon, symbolizing the change of the era. In the Tarot of the Witches, the plot of the card depicts three witches conducting a magical rite over the nest of the black raven - a symbol of the wisdom of the Universe, and in the Tarot of White and Black Magic - this is a girl who is at the reception of a hypnotherapist, who sees her past lives under hypnosis. The last example emphasizes the very idea of ​​karma rather than resurrection.

Key words and ideas of the map in the layout

To begin with, let's try to present the meaning of the 20th Arcana of the Tarot in the form of key expressions that have already become familiar. Here's what we get when we look at this map:

  • Changing the situation for the better
  • Getting rid of suffering, sorrow, anxiety
  • Liberation
  • Return to a happy life
  • Final decision, verdict
  • Karma

The meaning of the Last Judgment in a direct position

So, in most cases, the Arcanum of the Last Judgment will report that life is changing dramatically. The angelic trumpet loudly announces the arrival of these changes. The dead, who rose from the graves, symbolize the liberation from that which fettered, hindered, prevented from living a full life. Therefore, first of all, the meaning of the Supreme Court of the Tarot will be as follows - a radical change for the better. How exactly it manifests itself depends on the theme of the layout and adjacent cards.
There are also other semantic shades. Since the dead were once alive, the card can describe the return of a person to the way of life that took place in the distant past. Often, the Arkan is also interpreted as retribution for sins committed in the past, while the past can also be considered the previous incarnation - thus the law of karma is reflected.

The value of the card in an inverted position

The meaning of the inverted Tarot Court is extremely unfavorable. The card can talk about losses and failures in any sphere of life, missed opportunities, about a return to the way of life that breaks a person, makes him unhappy. Often it also means bad karma, mass unrest, conflicts in which whole groups of people are involved.

The meaning of the Last Judgment in fortune-telling about relationships and love

Let's look at the possible meanings of the Tarot Court in a relationship, since the card is very ambiguous.

Direct position

The Last Judgment of the Tarot can have different meanings in relationships. Most often, this is a renewal of feelings, the disclosure of new opportunities, a feeling of incredible freedom that gives a person wings. Under this card, a person begins to perceive himself, a partner and the relationship itself in a completely different way, as if some kind of revelation comes to him, under the influence of which a radical reassessment of values ​​occurs (usually for the better). However, in some cases, 20 Arkan can also report on some important decision, after which a person's personal life will never return to its former course. This decision can be either marriage or leaving a partner with whom the questioner does not see a joint future. Often the card also shows karmic relationships in the good sense of the word.

Inverted position

A missed chance for personal happiness - this is how you can characterize the opposite meaning of the Tarot Court in love. Perhaps the person hesitated with the decision and now everything has changed in the worst side, and the second chance may never be presented. The often inverted Court shows behavior in which the person abandons the existing life and headlong returns to the old situation that needed to be changed. This is, for example, an inveterate bachelor who, finally, found personal happiness, and at the last moment, almost right in front of the altar, changed his mind to accept a new life and simply ran away, leaving his beloved in bewilderment and strong grievances. Also, under the Arcanum, there are karmic relationships, but not good ones, as with a direct map, but those that make people suffer, experience painful experiences for working off debts from past lives.

The meaning of the Last Judgment card - video

Card interpretation in health matters

What information about the state of human health can this Arkan give us? Let's figure it out together.

Direct position

The direct tarot card Judgment has the following meaning: in most cases it is an improvement in health, an influx of energy, recovery from a serious injury or illness, when a person feels like “raised from the dead”. But sometimes, especially if we are wondering to a person who is on the border between life and death (for example, lying in intensive care), Arkan portends a fatal outcome. Other, not too common manifestations of the card are seasickness, migraine, paranoia, an asthma attack, a strong allergy to anything, in a word - an extremely unpleasant state of health.

Inverted position

The reverse card, no matter how sad it sounds, indicates incurable diseases. When this Arcanum comes, the position of a person is practically hopeless, and all that remains for him is to come to terms with his fate.

The value of the card in divination for personality analysis and psychological state

What will a person be like if his signifier is the Sud card? How will he feel? Let's see.

Direct position

A talented person who has found inner freedom. He has many interests, he is happy, he has no addictions. Even if in his past there were some dubious or difficult situations - he successfully coped with them and now it is as if he has become a “different person”. The psychological state is the renewal of the soul.

Inverted position

The Reverse Judgment speaks of internal contradictions, unpreparedness for any changes in your life, although it literally drives a person into the grave. This is the person who misses all the chances for happy life because of their own indecision, conservatism or for other reasons. Psychological condition - unwillingness to accept changes.

Interpretation of the card Judgment in matters of career and work

Now let's figure out the meaning and interpretation of the 20 Arcana of the Tarot in the field of professional activity.

Direct position

A way out of the crisis, an invitation to new job, important responsible matters, development in the professional field, career growth, the implementation of creative plans, a radical change in the financial situation, sometimes - a return to old projects after a state of stagnation. The professions of the 20 Arcana are associated with show business, court cases, rhetoric, teaching, as well as with work involving public speaking.

Inverted position

Under the reverse judgment, nothing that we have listed when describing the meaning of the direct card does not happen and everything returns to normal, which has a very unfavorable effect on a person and makes him regret missed opportunities.

The meaning of the Last Judgment card in combination with the Major Arcana

When the Major Arcana are encountered during fortune-telling, this is an indication of very important events in a person's life. That is why you should definitely consider the meaning of the Court in combination with other Tarot cards. And remember that two Major Arcana at once is a sign that you definitely need to pay special attention to.

  • Jester: Creative impulse, love of travel
  • Magician: Increasing the level of professionalism
  • High Priestess: Giving Signs to Someone
  • Empress: The Birth of Something New
  • Emperor: Addition in the family or work collective
  • The Hierophant: Absolution
  • Lovers: Declare the decision
  • Chariot: Securing Your Winner Position
  • Strength: Growth Potential
  • The Hermit: The Revaluation Period
  • Wheel of Fortune: Inspirational Change
  • Justice: Rethinking past mistakes, sentencing
  • Hanged Man: Repent of anything
  • Death: Tarot Combination Judgment-Death - Oblivion
  • Moderation: Healing old wounds
  • Devil: Unwillingness to Change
  • Tower: Tough Challenge
  • Star: Experience enlightenment
  • Moon: A state of confusion
  • Sun: Revealing Talent
  • Peace: Take stock, become free

The meaning of the Last Judgment when combined with the Minor Arcana

Now let's consider the meaning of the Last Judgment of the Tarot, if any numerical or court card turned out to be in the vicinity of the 20th Arcanum.

With the suit of Staves

  • Ace: A chance to start all over again
  • Two: Choice of direction
  • Three: Gaining valuable experience
  • Four: Tarot combination Last Judgment-Four of Wands - Helping around the house
  • Five: Change your opinion on some issue
  • Six: Take responsibility
  • Seven: Reliable rear
  • Eight: Getting Started
  • Nine: Gather strength, make up your mind
  • Ten: Keeping Promise
  • Page: Show your talent
  • Knight: Be in the thick of things
  • Queen: Moving up the career ladder
  • King: Good motivation

With suit of Cups

  • Ace: A breath of fresh air in a relationship
  • Deuce: The Last Judgment Combination-2 Tarot Cups - Find a compromise
  • Three: Emotional uplift
  • Four: Feel guilty
  • Five: Regret something
  • Six: Combining the Six of Tarot Cups with Judgment - Living in the past
  • Seven: To fantasize, to live in a world of illusions
  • Eight: Give up the usual path
  • Nine: Happiness earned
  • Ten: Building relationships between family members
  • Page: Realizing creativity
  • Knight: Get agreement, get your way
  • Queen: A New Beginning for a Woman
  • King: A new beginning for a man

With the suit of Swords

  • Ace: Call to Action
  • Deuce: Hopelessness
  • Three: Get sick
  • Four: Get well
  • Five: Team Bullying
  • Six: Get out of the "twilight"
  • Seven: Seek Roundabouts
  • Eight: Feeling Guilty
  • Nine: Feelings of abandonment, suffering from their plight
  • Ten: Fall to the bottom
  • Page: Misunderstandings
  • Knight: Draft, apply pressure
  • The Queen: A Woman Who Survived Suffering
  • King: Judge

With the suit of Pentacles

  • Ace: Good start
  • Deuce: Get lost
  • Troika: Favorable prospects for the project
  • Four: Laying a solid foundation
  • Five: Deterioration
  • Six: Forgiveness
  • Seven: Decision postponed
  • Eight: Patiently look for a way out
  • Nine: An economically advantageous situation
  • Ten: Get an Inheritance
  • Page: New Opportunities at Work
  • Knight: The situation is slowly moving from a dead center
  • Queen: Tarot Card Meaning The Last Judgment with Queen Denarii - Material aid
  • King: Promotion

Be open to the changes taking place in your life, use the chance that the Higher Forces give you to change the situation for the better.

Doomsday warning

There is no need to be afraid of change. If you miss your chance now, then it may never introduce itself again.

Questions to which the card helps to find the answer

  • Are you ready to change your life for the better?
  • Are you afraid of change?
  • Do you have enough determination?
  • Are you ready to make an important decision, after which there will be no turning back?

So, we examined in detail the manifestation of the 20 Arcana Tarot in all spheres of life: personal development, love, work and health. We hope that you have mastered the interpretation of the card and will not get lost when it appears during fortune-telling.

The card depicts the symbol of an angel who summons human souls to the Last Judgment. The woman, man and child, who rose from the graves, depicted on the map, symbolize the transition from the physical body to the mental.

This symbol can be associated with the holy holiday Trinity - the veneration of the dead spirits of the clan, customs and traditions.

The general meaning of the lasso the Last Judgment

In astrology, the XX lasso symbolizes creativity and good intentions. She is the personification of the hypothetical planet Vulcan (Hephaestus) - named after the divine son of Jupiter and Juno.

Card in an upright position

XX lasso - the card is very ambiguous. As a rule, it denotes circumstances that can radically change a person's life. The Last Judgment card carries a deep transformation and the transition of a person to new level... It indicates that higher powers bestow knowledge on a person that can radically change his thinking. A person with old habits dies and is born in his place new person with an open mind, not tainted by previous experience.

Judgment is always a change for the better. Solving stagnant issues, getting rid of problems and old beliefs. This is an opportunity to change your life for the better. A new world of possibilities opens up before a person. He feels the strength in himself for something more and new thoughts and ideas arise in his head.

This card throws a call to the person - “Wake up! Open up to something new and start taking risks! " Very often, this card carries with it dramatic changes in a person's life that can bring great success both in work and in personal life.

Card upside down

The meaning of an inverted card is not the most favorable sign. As a rule, in the scenario, it symbolizes a serious illness, a break in relations or bankruptcy.

If we consider the meaning of the card at a deeper level, then it can mean the absolute reluctance of a person to act.

He is used to living in a comfort zone and does not want to bring at least some changes into his life. In this case, higher forces can immerse a person in not the most pleasant circumstances in order to bring him out of his usual zone of calm in order to make him wake up and look at the world with different eyes.

In the monetary sphere, such a card can symbolize a major financial loss, deception or betrayal of colleagues at work, financial stagnation and the collapse of all hopes.

At a deeper level

On a deeper level, this card can mean karmic lessons that a person must learn in this earthly incarnation. A person can remember long-forgotten feelings, emotions and experiences that he experienced in past lives. And through the prism of these memories, having made an analysis, he will look at the essence of ordinary things in a completely different way. The Last Judgment gives a person a sign that one should move from material attachments. the real world to the spiritual world.

This lasso gives a person the opportunity to look deep into himself, to reveal his hidden talents of which he did not even suspect. It gives a person a chance to throw off the burden of the past and to be resurrected as a child, renewed and open to the world.

The last judgment of the tarot can indicate the completion of karmic tasks and the healing of the soul through the assimilation of karmic lessons. Cleansing from sins and getting on the right path.

The meaning of the lasso the Last Judgment in different areas

The lasso changes its meaning depending on what area of ​​life you are interested in.

Personal relationships

In a relationship, such a card may indicate the restoration of faded feelings and their transition to a more lasting level. She revives relationships and heals them. Former passion awakens between partners as before, and feelings flare up with new fire.

In a love relationship, this lasso indicates a person who is sent by higher powers. If the question is asked by a person in a relationship, then you should not worry. These man and woman are blessed by heaven.

For people who do not have second halves, this card promises a fateful acquaintance. A person who breaks into their life will bring new lessons and impressions. And for people who already have family relationships this can mean adding to the family and the birth of a new family member.

Karmic relationships are also traced along this lasso. As a rule, in such a relationship, higher forces have already pushed people together once. In such a pair, there is always a feeling that the partners knew each other long before the meeting and feel a special closeness. These people must again go through this earthly path together in order to solve unfinished questions in past incarnations and learn karmic lessons.

Reversed value

If the Last Judgment is in a combination of negative cards or in an inverted position, this can mean a difficult relationship that will bring a lot of pain to both. If such a lasso falls out in the case of a woman, this may indicate that she is a very vulnerable and touchy person and she should reconsider her habits.


If this lasso falls in the alignment for work, then its meaning will be quite positive. This card makes it possible to do work to your liking and get the most out of it. The Last Judgment is especially supportive of people of creative professions. (Actors, singers, poets, etc.)
For those who have already decided on the choice of profession, this lasso may indicate new ideas and tasks. She often points to great success and receiving an award. Great creative burst of energy and inspiration.

XX lasso testifies to the implementation of long-conceived plans: opening a store, gallery, releasing a new book or recording a song.

In an inverted position

The Last Judgment in combination with other cards or in an inverted position can mean trouble and difficulties at work. A protracted period of lack of money and long stagnation in business.


XX lasso in the hands of health has a dual meaning. Surrounded by positive cards, it can indicate a quick recovery from surgery or a protracted illness. Getting out of depression and visiting a sanatorium.

The Last Judgment, in combination with negative cards, carries a negative meaning. It means the transition of the physical body to mental level... In other words, death. In some cases, with less negative cards, it means a serious illness, anesthesia, coma or allergies.

Card of the day

The XX Arcanum itself symbolizes the stage of memory. Dreams or memories that arise during this day will bring you awareness and acceptance of yourself new. Looking back, you will understand who you are now and what you have achieved.

Try to spend this day in a calm and balanced state. Meditation will be your best helper in this.

Today you will have the opportunity to solve a problem that has tormented you for a long period of time. You need to keep your eyes open, and do not miss the signs given to you from above. If you can wait for the right moment, the solution to the issue will end in your favor.

Divination by tarot: basic rules

There are several important rules in tarot divination that will help you get a more accurate prediction of your problem.

  1. It is better to start your acquaintance with tarot cards with the Ryder White deck. However, everything is purely individual and if you liked a different deck of cards - choose it. In this matter, it is important to listen to your inner voice.
  2. Stay alone in the room and sit down in a place convenient for you. Turn off your thoughts and sit for a few minutes to tune.
  3. Lay a tablecloth or handkerchief on the fortune-telling surface that you need to make especially for the fortune-telling sessions. Optionally, you can light a white candle and play relaxing music.
  4. After you feel that you are in tune - start shuffling the deck. Shuffle should be done slowly and carefully. In parallel, keeping in mind the question you want to get an answer to.
  5. Then lift the deck away from you and fan out from left to right. Start interpreting the cards.

How to ask a tarot question?

At first glance, it may seem that you can ask a tarot question in any form. However, this is not quite true. The question must be posed specifically, clearly and clearly, otherwise the cards will be able to show several answer options, and the alignment will be blurry.

Very often people ask similar questions "Tell me what awaits me?" A very simple question. However, making the alignment, we get answers concerning all areas in the life of this person. These cards can concern not only the questioner himself, but also his relatives and close friends. Such an alignment will certainly not bring any clarity into your life, but will only confuse you even more.

Therefore, if you want to get the most accurate answer, ask the question informatively and specifically. For example "How to treat me ... .." (a certain person) ... "Are we suitable for each other in a relationship with ...." etc

All questions should be asked with an open mind. Calmly, without worries and not in a hurry, then the result will be the most reliable.

XX lasso in combination with other cards:

  • Court - Fool

Success in creative endeavors. A period filled with inspiration. At this time, a person is most productive. He is able to make all his old dreams come true.

  • Judgment - Magician

Expanding boundaries. Success in career development, acquisition of new knowledge and skills. In such a combination, cards may indicate an increase.

  • Court - High Priestess

This card reveals the secret thoughts of the people around you. All the secret once becomes apparent and this moment has come. Soon you will be able to find out which of your loved ones intrigues you.

  • Court - Empress

Replenishment in the family, the long-awaited appearance of the child in the family.

  • Court - Emperor

Great successes in the professional field. Perhaps the unexpected appearance of relatives you did not know about. Success in financial matters.

  • Judgment - Lovers

Strong lasting union. It is possible to meet a new partner who can bring new emotions into your life and radically change your life.

  • Judgment - Chariot

Getting rid of fears and phobias. Once you take the risk, you can overcome self-doubt and achieve great success.

  • Judgment - Strength

Spiritual development and self-acceptance. Solving issues with intuition. Refusal of brute force.

  • Court - Hermit

Negative health situation. Loss of a loved one.

  • Judgment - Wheel of Fortune

A lucky coincidence. Changes for the better.

  • Court - Justice

You should be careful about your words. Perhaps you are too critical. Your criticism can deeply hurt someone close to you.

  • Judgment - Moderation

You are able to free yourself from past grievances and disappointments. It's time to open up to everything new and throw off the burden of the past.

  • Judgment - Devil

Negative consequences from addictions. You should pay attention to your health.

  • Court - Tower

There are people around you who wish you harm.

  • The Court is a Star

Higher powers give you signs. You should take a closer look and listen to the inner voice.

  • Judgment - Sun

In such a period, the writing of a masterpiece is likely. Ideas conceived during this period of time will be able to bring positive results in the future.

Does tarot fortune telling always come true?

As a rule, tarot divination comes true in 80 - 90% of cases. However, it all depends on the tarot reader himself. If you do the alignment for yourself, the accuracy of the prediction will decrease. This is due to the fact that when a person wonders for himself, he scrolls the answer options in his head and subconsciously tunes himself to a certain answer, the deck adjusts and, voila, the cards say what the person wants to hear.

If fortune-telling is carried out by an experienced person, then the quality of fortune-telling increases and the chances that the predicted events will come into your life increase.

Much also depends on the correct interpretation of the alignment. As a rule, the cards always show correct and reliable information, and the tarot reader, due to his inexperience, simply cannot interpret the alignment correctly.

Court - X X Major Arcana

In the astrological field, Arcanum Court corresponds to Jupiter and Uranus in a harmonious aspect to the Sun. This combination of planets symbolizes liberation.

Other names for the Arcana are Rebirth, Last Judgment, Eternity, Judgment Day, High Court, Resurrection.

Description of the Arcana

Perhaps, it is most difficult to compose a description of this Arcana, since in different schools a completely different image of one of the important symbols - people - is accepted. Some schools prefer to focus on resurrection (one of the motivations of the Arcana). To enhance the effect, people are depicted rising from their coffins. Such an image is found, for example, in the classic Tarot of Ryder Waite. There are 3 people depicted here - a man, a woman and a child. They symbolize, respectively, the active, passive principle and the physical world.

In some tarot decks, there is no such strict division into the constituents of a person, in this case a large number of people are depicted on the card rising from the coffin.

In the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, people are depicted standing on the ground and reaching out to the heavenly Angel, invitingly blowing his horn. In this Arcana, there are two central plots describing the main essence - people and an Angel. If people are a passive element, a led one, then an Angel is an active one: he is destined for the role of a herald of God. The angel is on the clouds, in his hands is a horn, with the help of which he announces the verdict of the Law of Causation.

The passivity of a person in this Arcana is imaginary, for, despite the fact that he follows the verdict, he always has the opportunity to change the decision of the Supreme Court, having received through repentance and forgiveness the opportunity to be reborn again and again on his path. Having done this, a person has every chance to get into the XXI Arcanum - Peace, Peace.

The sacred meaning of the Court

In its sacred sense, the Arkan Court is a direct evidence of reincarnation, both human and cosmic. To understand the issues of reincarnation, you need to understand the concept of death itself. So, death manifests itself in three forms - oblivion, sleep and physical death. These are three stages of the destruction of a living being. Consequently, there are three stages of the revival of a living being. They are exactly the opposite of the stages of death. These are remembrance, wakefulness and birth.

The XX Arcanum itself symbolizes the stage of memory. To understand this meaning of the Arcana, one must turn to the very understanding of memory. Human memory can be divided into three types: automatic, logical and moral. Automatic is the spontaneous appearance of images in memory. The person himself does not participate in such an occurrence. These memories come from outside and sometimes become very intrusive.

Logical memory is images that arise in the mind of a person through his logical thinking. These images are caused by the person himself, his logic and thought process. Moral memory arises at the moment when a person has any sensory perceptions - strong emotions - associated with the object of memory. Moreover, it can be both positive and negative emotions.

Similar to human memory, microcosm, there is also cosmic memory, macrocosm. In fact, this is what in some esoteric schools it is customary to call the Akashic Chronicles. According to hermeticists and occultists, the Akashic Chronicle contains three great books of memory. The first Book of Archives or the Book of Wisdom, corresponding to the automatic memory of a person. It contains all the facts and knowledge of all human lives. The second book is the Book of Truth. It corresponds to the logical memory of a person. It contains all the events significant for each person, colored by his assessment. The third book is the Book of Life, corresponding to the moral human memory. It contains a compilation of the first two books.

In fact, the Book of Life describes each stage of the Law of Causation directly for each person. All moments of forgiveness and atonement for sins necessarily change the content of the Book of Life: atoned for sins and forgiven offenses simply disappear from its wanderers.

Before the stage of remembrance, each Spirit has the opportunity to look into one of his books from the Akasha Chronicles. The ideal memory will be the memory that the Book of Life gives. It is this memory that will help a person to be reborn at a higher level. In this case, Arkan assumes a new stage of life associated with changes, which, in fact, revive a person in his physical world. The more a person changes internally, the brighter his insights and realizations, the more positive the changes will be for him.

It is no coincidence that three people are depicted in the picture of the XX Arcanum: they symbolize three components of the personality - Spirit (a man, with his active principle), Soul (a Woman with her passive principle) and consciousness, body (a child, as a derivative of two principles). In the deck of the school of the Age of Aquarius, not one child is depicted, but two - a boy and a girl, as a symbol of the lack of importance of any one principle in consciousness. These components of the personality must undergo changes at the stage of recollection, i.e. reading the books of Akasha in order to go through the process of resurrection.

The quality of recollections and confessions, their sincerity and truthfulness are assessed by God. Its messenger is the Heavenly Angel of the Last Judgment, who is depicted on the Arcanum with a loud trumpet. In this case, the trumpet is the voice of God, which proclaims the verdict of the Last Judgment.

Each of the schools expresses this meaning in its own way. In some decks, people are depicted rising from coffins, and sometimes you can find an image of a large number of people. In the Tarot of the Age of Aquarius, there is no depiction of coffins.

It should be noted that the Angel is holding a flag. As a rule, the flag is always hoisted by the winner, therefore, it is a symbol of a person's victory over oblivion and successful resurrection, which in its essence is the main meaning of the XX Arcanum. Consequently, Arkan Court says that after going all the way of memories and evaluating the events of his life, a person inevitably gets the right to rebirth.

In fact, a person must pass the test with dignity, realize the cause and effect, be imbued with repentance and atonement in order to start his life path from scratch".

It is important to understand that no matter how threatening the name of the card sounds, and the presence of the Herald of the Last Judgment in its image, the card itself should not scare, because the Last Judgment, although it carries an element of punishment, is only the quintessence of the Law of Causation, which not only punishes, but also provides an opportunity to atone for your sin, opening up new horizons.

At its core, this Arcanum is a way out of oblivion, awakening and judgment, but only judgment over oneself. He indicates a subjective departure from the physical world into his inner world. Detachment from everything material and appeal to the spiritual.

Mythological correspondence of the Court

An illustrative myth for this Arcana is the story of Janson, who, in order to obtain his legal right of the reign of Iolke had to fulfill the condition: go to Eyu, inhabited by the Colchians and bring the golden fleece - the skin of the sacred white ram. For this, the hero built a ship, calling it Argo. The task was impossible, but Janson, having passed all the tests, was able to complete it.

Some researchers of myths tend to view the story of the Argonauts as a transformation of the story of the hero's journey to the underworld.

The value of the direct Court in the alignment

No matter what situation the prediction is made, no matter in what scenario the Court appears, it will always portend some very serious changes. The nature of the changes can be determined with the help of the cards surrounding this Arcanum. It is important to note that in whatever area of ​​human life these changes occur, they always speak of moral, moral and mental change in the person himself.

No changes in life during the Judgment are possible without the fact that the person does not change internally. Moreover, it is these internal changes that lead to external changes. They, in fact, open up further prospects for a person. These changes can be called a way out of oblivion, because they inevitably take place under their own inner judgment.

For example, if the Court is surrounded by the Minor Arcana of the suit of Cups, this suggests that quite recently changes have occurred in a person, provoked by a deep emotional experience. The changes themselves are due to the fact that the emotionality of a person in relationships with the people around him and the world is undergoing transformation.

The Wands surrounding the Court will tell you that changes are taking place with a person in the field of business and social relations, and these changes, for sure, were preceded by a reassessment of personal, business qualities, opportunities and principles of building relationships. An example of such changes can be either an increase in a person's social status, or a promotion.

With the proximity of the XX Arcanum with the Swords, one can speak of profound changes taking place in the world outlook of a person. Usually these changes are preceded by very difficult events, accompanied by pain - acute emotional experiences. They could well be associated with some kind of separation, dissolution of any union or someone's death.

When the Court is surrounded by the Minor Arcana of the suit of Money, we can talk about changes in the financial sphere, as a rule, these changes are preceded by a person's awareness of the erroneousness of his thinking in relation to material values ​​in the physical world. These changes in thinking are so important for a person that as a bonus he can receive a sudden arrival of large amounts of money, for example, winning the lottery, which will be indicated by the proximity of the Court to the Ace of Pentacles.

In the vicinity of the senior Arcana, the card of the Court will rather show the result of the events indicated by a particular Arcana. For example, with the Chariot (VII Arcanum) or the Wheel of Fortune (X Arcanum), the Court can say that going on a trip, a person will eventually receive very significant changes in his life. Such a trip will be actually fateful for a person.

With the "heavy" Major Arcana, the Court will demonstrate a person's way out of a difficult situation. With such a ratio, we can say that a person accepted a negative situation for himself, realized it, understood the root cause of what was happening and received the opportunity to go further through the atonement.

The meaning of the inverted Court in the layout

Inverted Court in the scenario speaks of stagnation and possible delays in resolving the situation. Moreover, it should be understood that the reason for this stagnation lies exclusively in the person himself, while the Hanged Man (XII Arcanum), who also speaks of stagnation, points more to external circumstances. As a rule, all stagnant situations at the Court arise solely due to a person's unwillingness to change anything in his life and to act actively. There is no question of fear of change, here in question exclusively about inertia.

In this case, the Minor Arcana, which fell out in the layout, will show both the area of ​​stagnation and the degree of stagnation. For example, the cards Nine and Ten of Swords will say that a person is so inert that his physical body already reacts painfully to lack of activity. This often leads to illness.

Particular attention should be paid to the neighborhood of the "heavy cards" of the Major Arcana, since the inactivity and inertia of a person, his lack of initiative can lead to severe destructive changes in his life. For example, with the Devil card (XV Arcanum), an inverted Court will tell about a very serious degree of dependence and a person's unwillingness to get rid of it. It can be both alcoholic and drug or gambling addiction.

The Inverted Court may say that a person is delaying making a decision, and if he does not listen to the advice of Arkan and does not take the initiative, then he may well miss his opportunity.

Self-development direction

When the Court falls out in the hands of self-development, it is very important to understand that the Arcanum indicates that human memory makes it return to the past, holds it tightly and does not allow it to move forward. Such a return to the past is not accidental, for Arkan proposes to analyze all his memories, forgive himself for his mistakes, try to forgive the people around him, realize sinfulness in order to open up to new stages of his life.

In this case, one of the important sacred parts of the Arcana - memory - begins to help a person reach a qualitatively new level of his life. All this can only go through internal transformation and awareness. Strictly speaking, through rebirth.

The Inverted Judgment on self-development indicates that the events taking place in a person's life "do not fit in his head." He does not see the reasons for what is happening to him, he tries to look for the culprits outside himself, which further confuses and draws him into the situation. He cannot be critical of his actions and tries to get others to take responsibility for their own events.

In this position of the Arkan, there can be no talk of any self-development. In order to move on, a person must go inside himself and try to assess his behavior, thoughts, attitude to the world around him, and then realize that no one else but himself is the culprit of what is happening in his life. Such a direction inwardly will mean an overturning of the Arcana, and a direct Judgment will mean ample opportunities for human self-development.


In the layouts for the work of XX Arkan also indicates a change. The nature of the changes will be shown by the maps adjacent to the Court. "Heavy" cards of the Major Arcana will show the unfavorable direction of change. It can be fired from work, business destruction, company closure, or a broken deal. It should be noted that with the Court's chart, even such unfavorable changes are perceived by a person not with a negative connotation, but as liberation from something painful.

This is because both the events themselves and the changes in a person's worldview have long led him to the changes that have arisen. These are not unexpected changes, but expected changes, for which a person is always internally ready.

If positive cards of the Major Arcana fall next to the card of the Court, then this indicates favorable changes in a person's life. He himself prepared the ground for these changes. In fact, this card will warn about the successful completion of a certain stage in a person's life, to which he has been going for some time. This can be a promotion, winning a tender, concluding a profitable deal, merging some companies for further successful activities, moving a business to a higher level or entering an international level. This combination will definitely speak of a stable financial position that will last for some time.

The minor Arcana, which fell in the alignment, will show the circumstances accompanying these changes.

An Inverted Court in a job or business scenario will show that there is no prospect for change. It's better not to start with such a map. new business, do not start serious financial transactions, do not change the team, do not try to enter some other level of business.

The circumstances that developed during the inverted Business Court are caused solely by the inner state of a person, his unwillingness to change.

Sometimes, next to the cards of changes, for example, the Chariot (VII Arcanum) or the Wheel of Fortune (X Arcanum), the Court will say that the person is pushed to change by the surrounding circumstances, but since the person is internally not ready for such changes, no matter how the surrounding circumstances, even if they look positive outwardly, a person will suffer losses in any case.

If there are "heavy" cards of the Major Arcana next to it, then the inverted Court will say that the situation has reached a critical state, and if a person does not change his attitude to the situation, then he will have to part with his job, position or business.

Personal relationships

Direct Arkan Court is very favorable for any personal relationship. If this card falls on a union, then we can talk about a deep mutual understanding, trust and that some time ago these people, under the influence of certain situations, changed their worldview. Each of the partners went through the stage of re-evaluating the relationship and now practically found a "treasure" in their partner. The cards of the Minor Arcana will help you understand what kind of situation led to a rethinking of the relationship.

If the Court falls on one of the partners, then this indicates that the person is currently going through a period of transformation of relations. This period can be painful, but one way or another, these changes are favorable for him.

If the card falls on a lonely person, then it always promises changes in his personal life. She can talk about a new acquaintance, about the return of some old love in a new quality, and all these changes will be favorable for a person.

If we talk about some kind of collective, then the map of the direct Court will indicate that the collective is a single whole, complete mutual understanding and mutual support reign between all members of this collective. As such, the team can survive any change.

The Inverted Court of Personal Relationship for the Union suggests that the relationship has turned into a swamp. At the same time, there may be no showdowns or scandals between partners, but their mutual coexistence does not bring either joy or pleasure. This state is the threshold of disintegration and can last an infinitely long time.

If this card falls on one of the partners, then we can say that the person simply does not see the point in further preserving the union. If this union still exists, it is only because a person does not have an alternative to other relationships or a new union, and he himself is not looking for it.

For a lonely person, an inverted Court speaks of the impossibility of finding a partner for life together. The reason lies in the fact that a person chooses a certain way of life for himself and does not seek the strength to change it, even if it does not suit him. The reason for a person's loneliness lies solely in himself. Should he show a little activity and he will have every chance to change this situation, i.e. he must turn over the Arcanum.

Personality characteristic

X Arkan characterizes a person who strives for change and, in fact, lives by it. This person cannot tolerate a state of stagnation for a long time. He is ready to change himself and change everything around him. He does this with ease, if it is impossible to make global changes, then a person can be satisfied with even small rearrangements in the apartment. For him, in this case, the design is not important, it is important for him to change the location.

Such people, as a rule, are both creative and proactive, which is necessarily manifested in any kind of their activity. They gush with energy and ideas. We can safely say that the people of the Court have a very high intellect, which allows them to correctly accept not only external changes, but also easily carry out changes in their inner world.

Due to the level of intelligence, these people never engage in self-examination, but only in the correct deep introspection, leading them to inner transformation and continuous movement forward.

The inverted Arcanum on the characteristic of personality says that people very easily enter the comfort zone and do not want to leave it, even if it looks like a swamp outwardly. They indulge in self-digging that does not bring them positive results, but only further drives them into the swamp. They tend to withdraw into themselves, but by no means in order to look in themselves for the reasons for what is happening in their life. And their withdrawal into themselves is accompanied by a sense of guilt and self-pity.

Such people do not like to change anything, do not accept the current of fashion. Once accustomed to any thing, such a person can wear it for a long time even in spite of its shabby appearance... Such people perceive changes in life very painfully and always as injustice towards them.


Tarot cards can be very revealing when viewing a person's health. Depending on the question itself, on the depth of viewing, you can use three layouts. The first layout is performed using one card of the Major Arcana. In this case, the deck must be shuffled so that both straight and inverted cards are present in it. This alignment will show general state health of the body, its energy content.

You can see a certain organ, as well as the processes taking place in it, with two cards of the Major Arcana. The first position will indicate the organ itself, and the second will indicate the processes in it. It also uses both straight and inverted Arcana.

The most complete diagnosis of the body can be done using the alignment of the chakra system. For this, one card is drawn from the deck, shuffled in such a way that it contains straight and inverted cards, one card for each chakra. You need to start the alignment with the lower chakra - Muladhara. In this scenario, the Arcana are read both as independent ones, and in combination with those lying on neighboring chakras in case a more detailed decoding is required. I must say that the Arkan on the Sahasrara does not play a role in determining the physical state. Here, any card will only show the mental state.

General state

The Court card in viewing the general state of health will say that some kind of shake has occurred with the body. It can be both stress and very strong positive emotions that affect the overall physical condition. In general, Arkan Sud shows the nervous system.

The inverted Arcanum will show only a negative stressful condition, which led to a sharp deterioration in health in general and to failures in the nervous system.

Processes in progress

In the first position in the layout with two cards, both a straight and an inverted Court will talk about the nervous system as such.

In the second position, the straight Arkan will show that the organ described by the card in the first position is undergoing a process of rehabilitation after recovery. The inverted Arcanum here shows the stagnation of the disease, its chronic state and the inability to get out of it for some time.

Chakra diagnostics

Muladhara. Direct Judgment will show the effect of some kind of stress on the general state of the body, on its energy component. It can be a burst of energy.

When the Court is turned upside down, this is a state of “de-energizing” the body. A person feels very strong general fatigue, which affects his physical condition. He becomes inert, quickly fatigued, heavy on the rise.

Svadhisthana. Direct Judgment on this chakra can speak of a strong hormonal surge, which could occur as a result of overexcitability of the nervous system.

The Inverted Court will talk about a lack of hormones, stagnation, insufficient functioning or cessation of functioning of the organs of the genitourinary sphere. For example, an inverted Court may indicate an early menopause in both a woman and a man.

Manipura. Direct Judgment talks about physical stress - overeating, excessive consumption alcoholic beverages, load on the body, severe physical fatigue. In this case, one should not exclude nervous overload as well.

The Inverted Court speaks of the stagnation of the processes in the bodies related to Manipur. For example, stagnation of bile, stopping of the stomach.

Anahata. On this chakra, the nervous system, which is characterized by the Court, is reflected, perhaps, most of all. Here one can see the state of the organism either after great joy or after deep grief. With a direct map, we can say that the body departs after the most severe emotional stress. It manifests itself both with a direct and with an inverted card with heart pain, shortness of breath, tachycardia, heart rhythm disturbances.

Vishuddha. Since Vishuddha is responsible for the nervous system, the direct map will talk about failures in the nervous system, about sharp emotional changes that have consequences in the form of various neuroses, neuritis and nervous shocks.

An inverted card indicates suppressed thyroid function and metabolic problems.

Ajna. On this chakra, a direct Judgment can talk about headaches of an unpredictable nature, when there are no apparent reasons for them, for example, migraines.

An inverted Arcanum will show a blood pressure disorder. It can be both hypertension and hypotension.

Sahasrara. On the Sahasrara, this Arkan speaks exclusively about the internal psychological state of a person. In its direct form, it indicates that a person is undergoing processes of self-awareness and self-identification, a reassessment of his behavior. In an inverted form, he speaks of slowness in thought processes, internal emotional stagnation.

Alignment for the situation

In the layout of the situation, first of all, the card says that in speed some information will come to the person, which can become very useful for the further development of the situation. In any case, with such a map, the situation will be subject to change. How it will change and what awaits as a result can be understood from the neighboring cards of the Major and Minor Arcana.

The Minor Arcana will show how the situation will change, and the Elders will tell directly about the result. For example, if the Minor Arcana of the suit of Cups falls next to the Court, then in order to resolve the situation, it will be necessary to make changes in personal relationships.

When the Court is adjacent to the suit of Money, changes will be caused by the material side of life. At the household level, this may look like a need to pay a bribe or make an unplanned payment.

With the cards of Swords in combination with the Judgment, a person can understand what specific problem needs to be solved. This will show the meaning of the card itself. For example, if it is the Eight of Swords, then a person will need to get rid of some restrictions.

If cards of the suit of Wands prevail in the immediate environment, then the situation will be resolved with the help of the person's business connections.

At the household level, more often than not, a direct Court shows a change in circumstances in a person's life. They can relate to any area, and can occur at all levels at the same time.

The Inverted Court shows a stop in the development of the situation, and the Major Arcana, nearby near the Court, will describe whether changes in this situation are possible at all, or whether it will be in such a frozen state for a long time.

The minor Arcana in this case will show the obstacles that stand in the way of resolving the situation. It must be understood that, as a rule, obstacles do not come from outside, but are inside the person himself. Based on this, it is necessary to read the Minor Arcana.

If there are picture cards (Kings and Ladies) next to the Court, this will indicate that other people are involved in this situation, who, on an equal basis with a person, are responsible for the course of this situation.

Card of the day

As a card of the day, the Court foreshadows the solution of any problem, and it does not matter at all when it began to arise: whether it is a problem of this day, or an old, long-standing one. Moreover, if a person has some insoluble problem, that this day is the most auspicious.

In order for everything to go smoothly, it is important for a person to look very carefully at the surrounding circumstances, for they themselves will carry good luck in their hands. The main thing is not to miss this important moment.

I must say that on this day in no case should you be in a passive state, be given laziness and be inert, you can lose a lot of opportunities. If such moments arise, you should give yourself an inner kick.

The Inverted Arcanum says that on this day it is worth abandoning grandiose plans, because even if the surrounding circumstances accompany, then at the most inopportune moment may arise internal problems... This can send all plans to Tartarus.

Map of the Year

On the map of the year XX, the Arcanum promises a very busy time, coupled with a lot of changes in all spheres of life. This year, a person can find a treasure, and it can be both a financial acquisition and a meeting with the partner of his dreams.

This year promises to bring peace of mind to those who have suffered from intractable problems. It is imperative to wait for a change in the situation, and in a good direction, but in order for them to happen, it is necessary to get a positive inner attitude and be prepared for such changes.

Business people will enjoy a pleasant promotion or social status, as well as an increase in their financial condition. In business, you will have to face the need to change something, but these changes will bring the desired success.

This year, everything important may be resurrected than before it was necessary to part for some reason. Good old friends may show up and even old love will return.

Any changes that a person has planned in his life, it is better to start exactly in the year accompanied by the XX Arcanum, since in this case help will come from everywhere.

The Inverted Arcana on the card of the year speaks of protracted conflicts, including internal ones. This year, insoluble problems will turn into a real swamp, from which there will be no way out. With such a card, it is better to refrain from making any changes in your life. They are inherently impossible, and if you go ahead, you can only get a lot of problems and disappointments.

Arcana Council

Arkan Court advises to find the time and energy for the implementation of the inner judgment in order to fully realize their true role in what is happening in life. It should be remembered that awareness alone is not enough. You need to learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes and others, to atone for your sins. You need to plunge into memories and find the reasons for all events.

Such actions will help open up to changes in life, and all changes will be extremely positive. The main thing is to learn to accept them, not to demand more and not to condemn.

In fact, Arkan advises the old self to die and be reborn in a new quality. This will provide an opportunity to gain wisdom, learn to deeply understand all processes, turn to your own Spirit. If, during the internal inspection of your Self, the dark sides are revealed, then you should not be afraid of them and drive them into the depths, you just need to accept yourself as you are and not reproach for your own imperfection. This will be forgiving yourself, and having already learned to forgive yourself, you can easily forgive others.

XX Arkan says that a milestone has come to an end in a person's life, and he will have a new interesting stage in his life. If this Arkan has fallen out, it means that a person is internally ready for change, you just need to take a small step. The court says that the "finest hour" is coming when you can change everything in your life, including your state of health. The map does not consider a person as a separate person, but as a part of the Universe, and this Universe is ready to fully come to the rescue at a crucial moment of change.

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